Installing the Jenkins X CLI

The Jenkins X CLI jx is used along with your preferred cloud provider CLI to orchestrate the Deployment of the Kubernetes cluster. Jenkins X supports Azure, AWS, GCP (short for Google Cloud Platform), IBM Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Minikube, Minishift, and OpenShift as the provider for the Deployment. For this recipe, we will use GKE. See the Jenkins X documentation for other vendor instructions.

Let's perform the following steps to install Jenkins X CLI tool:

  1. Visit the JX release site ( and note the latest release version. At the time of writing, the latest release was v2.0.905.
  2. Update the release version in the following command. Download and install the latest version of the Jenkins X CLI:
$ curl -L | tar xzv 
$ sudo mv jx /usr/local/bin

Now you have the Jenkins X CLI installed, you can move on to the next recipe.