How it works...

This recipe showed you how to quickly provision a persistent storage provider using OpenEBS.

In the Using ephemeral storage to create persistent volumes recipe, in Step 6, when we deployed a workload using the openebs-jiva-default storage class, OpenEBS launched OpenEBS volumes with three replicas.

To set one replica, as is the case with a single-node Kubernetes cluster, you can create a new storage class (similar to the one we created in the Creating OpenEBS storage class recipe) and set the ReplicaCount variable value to 1:

kind: StoragePool
name: my-pool
type: hostdir
path: "/my/openebs/folder"

When ephemeral storage is used, the OpenEBS Jiva storage engine uses the /var/openebs directory on every available node to create replica sparse files. If you would like to change the default or create a new StoragePool resource, you can create a new storage pool and set a custom path.