Chapter 2

I want to know who put my name on this!” Nicholas’s low growl pulled me from the dark.

It was obviously the same person who has done everything else trying to fuck up your life,” Patrick said softly.

They were just outside the bedroom door. They were trying to be quiet. I was sure it was for my sake.

I don’t give a fuck about my life! They are trying to ruin her. What if she didn’t come to me and give me a chance to deny it? What if she just believed it was from me on top of finding out Edward was involved in her parent’s deaths? This could have broken her. I am not entirely sure it didn’t.” Nicholas was furious. I could hear him pacing back and forth in front of the door.

Did you contact your father?” Patrick sounded somber like he was deep in thought.

Nicholas made a disgusted noise. “Of course! I cussed that asshole out for lying to her. If he fucked up, he should’ve admitted it and then offered help, not hidden it to come back and tear her apart like this.”

Patrick sighed. “I will see what I can find out. The bastard doing this is pretty smart; you know that. I am not sure if we will find anything.”

I know, just try,” Nicholas said gruffly. He walked back into the room, closing the door gently behind him. He climbed back into the bed, and put his arm around me. He pulled me tightly against his body.

You were right,” I said after a few minutes of silence.

He stiffened. “About what, baby?”

I sighed. “You said he didn’t do things without a reason.” I laughed harshly. “I guess killing someone’s parents is a good reason to give a fuck.”

He nuzzled his nose in my hair. “I was upset when I said that. I believe my father loves you.”

I scoffed. “You mean he feels he owes me in some sick way. Unfortunately, money doesn’t bring people back.”

He sighed. “No, but it helps; especially when you have no one left and you are young. I believe he did what he knew how to.”

Why are you defending him?” I asked angrily. It didn’t make sense. Nicholas didn’t defend his father.

He squeezed me tighter. “I’m not really defending him. I am trying to help you understand.”

I will never understand. They are dead, and he lied all these years. I thought he was some kind of hero. I thought he was just kind. I didn’t realize …” I trailed off and squeezed my eyes shut.

He held me tightly, kissing my shoulder. “I am here, no matter what.”

I can’t go back there, not now.” My voice was a defeated whisper. I didn’t know if I would ever be able to look at Edward the same.

He sighed. “You can stay here. I don’t have an extra room right now. I have guests, but you can stay in here with me.”

I hesitated. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

He cleared his throat in the awkward silence. “We can be friends and stay in the same room. We don’t have to complicate things.”

My body sagged in relief. “Really? Because I can’t make any decisions right now … I’m just …”

He squeezed me again. “Really. I want what is best for you, no matter what.”

I closed my eyes, relieved. I didn’t know what to do about Nicholas right now. I didn’t even want to think about it. Everything else was suddenly so complicated.

His lips brushed my shoulder again. “I sent Jack to collect your things from Edward’s house. That way you have your clothes.”

Thank you,” I murmured. I was trying to ignore the surge of excitement that went right to my core when his lips touched my skin. I wanted to kiss him and run my fingers through his hair. I fought the urge. I knew it would lead to nothing but more problems. I needed a place to stay and in order to stay in the same room as him; I had to ignore my urges.

I slowly sat up, deciding I needed some space. “I should get out of bed. What time is it?”

He reached for his phone. “It’s a little after nine in the morning.”

I looked over at him and smiled. “No meetings today?”

He laughed. “I cancelled them all when this beautiful woman came to my door last night. I knew I wouldn’t want to leave her side so early.”

I sighed and looked away. I ran my fingers through my hair. “I’m sorry I accused you without asking you about it first. It was just such a shock …”

I understand, my name was on the envelope. Although, I wouldn’t have been so brazen,” he said dryly.

I looked over at him. “Did you know?”

He shook his head and looked away. “Even if I did, I never would’ve told you.”

I scowled as I stood. “You would help him lie?” I was suddenly starting to get annoyed.

He scoffed. “I wouldn’t help him do anything, but I would do everything I could to keep from hurting you, even if that meant letting him continue to play your hero.”

His words startled me. I looked away. “Oh.” I sat back down on the edge of the bed. I didn’t understand why he acted like he cared about me so much. He didn’t even fight to keep me. He just walked away. He didn’t return my feelings and he left that day in the hospital. I stood again. “I think I am going to take a shower and go to the gallery. I can’t sit around and do nothing. I only have another few weeks before school starts. I need to get settled by then.”

He nodded. “I will go make sure coffee is brewing.”

We went our separate ways. I did notice the awkward tension. I wanted him in the shower with me, and I was pretty sure he wanted that too, but that meant complicating things. We agreed not to do that.