About the Author:

First, thank you so much for reading my work! If you are so inclined, please leave a review at the retailer of your choice, or Goodreads, or both!


I live in Colorado with my family and my critters, and I welcome comments, questions and conversation about my books. You can contact me via email at kathyminerwriter@gmail.com, visit my website at www.authorkathyminer.com, or you can frequently find me on Facebook at Kathy Miner Books, where I share information on my latest projects, relevant information and/or articles, as well as images I think folks will enjoy. Finally, you can sign up for my spam-free-never-sold-opt-out-whenever-you-want monthly newsletter to receive inside information on my latest writing projects, articles of interest, and vignettes featuring the characters I just can’t stop writing about.


The long-winded but heart-felt dedication and acknowledgement sections of all three books can be found on my website.


This collection is a work of fiction. All characters, locales and events are fictitious or are used fictitiously, and are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, business establishments or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.


As with all works of the imagination, any exaggerations, inaccuracies, inconsistencies or outright errors are the fault of the author.