The editors wish to acknowledge the generous support of the Marilyn and Mike Grossman Conference Fund, housed at the Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies at Boston University, for making possible the international conference held at Boston University in 2011 that inspired the production of this book. The editors also gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance and additional resources given to the production of this book by the Humanities Research Centre and the Department of French Studies, both at the University of Warwick. We wish to thank Dr. Claire Trévien for her translation of one chapter, and Dr. Amanda Hopkins and Holly Langstaff for their editorial assistance with all the chapters. We also thank David Lees for help with indexing. Sincere thanks, in addition, are due to Pagiel Czoka, the former Administrative Assistant at the Elie Wiesel Center, who worked tirelessly to see that everything needed for a successful conference was in place. Thanks also go to Rabbi Joseph Polak, who made the Hillel House available to us for use during the conference and provided our meals. We wish also to acknowledge the expertise, support, and friendship of Jennifer Hammer at NYU Press, and to thank the JDC Archives for permission to reproduce the cover image.