TOMMEN BARATHEON, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, a boy of eight years,

    • his wife, QUEEN MARGAERY of House Tyrell, thrice wed, twice widowed, accused of high treason, held captive in the Great Sept of Baelor,

        • her lady companions and cousins, MEGGA, ALLA, and ELINOR TYRELL, accused of fornications,

            • Elinor’s betrothed, ALYN AMBROSE, squire,

    • his mother, CERSEI of House Lannister, Queen Dowager, Lady of Casterly Rock, accused of high treason, captive in the Great Sept of Baelor,

    • his siblings:

        • his elder brother, {KING JOFFREY I BARATHEON}, poisoned during his wedding feast,

        • his elder sister, PRINCESS MYRCELLA BARATHEON, a girl of nine, a ward of Prince Doran Martell at Sunspear, betrothed to his son Trystane,

    • his kittens, SER POUNCE, LADY WHISKERS, BOOTS,

    • his uncles:

        • SER JAIME LANNISTER, called THE KINGSLAYER, twin to Queen Cersei, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard,

        • TYRION LANNISTER, called THE IMP, a dwarf, accused and condemned for regicide and kinslaying,

    • his other kin:

        • his grandfather, {TYWIN LANNISTER}, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, and Hand of the King, murdered in the privy by his son Tyrion,

    • his great-uncle, SER KEVAN LANNISTER, Lord Regent and Protector of the Realm, m. Dorna Swyft,

        • their children:

        • SER LANCEL LANNISTER, a knight of the Holy Order of the Warrior’s Sons,

        • {WILLEM}, twin to Martyn, murdered at Riverrun,

        • MARTYN, twin to Willem, a squire,

        • JANEI, a girl of three,

    • his great-aunt, GENNA LANNISTER, m. Ser Emmon Frey,

        • their children:

        • {SER CLEOS FREY}, killed by outlaws,

        • his son, SER TYWIN FREY, called TY,

        • his son, WILLEM FREY, a squire,

        • SER LYONEL FREY, Lady Genna’s second son,

        • {TION FREY}, a squire, murdered at Riverrun,

        • WALDER FREY, called RED WALDER, a page at Casterly Rock,

    • his great-uncle, {SER TYGETT LANNISTER}, m. Darlessa Marbrand

        • their children:

        • TYREK LANNISTER, a squire, vanished during the food riots in King’s Landing,

    • LADY ERMESANDE HAYFORD, Tyrek’s child wife,

    • his great uncle, GERION LANNISTER, lost at sea,

        • JOY HILL, his bastard daughter,

    • King Tommen’s small council:

        • SER KEVAN LANNISTER, Lord Regent,

        • LORD MACE TYRELL, Hand of the King,

        • GRAND MAESTER PYCELLE, counselor and healer,

        • SER JAIME LANNISTER, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard,

        • LORD PAXTER REDWYNE, grand admiral and master of ships,

        • QYBURN, a disgraced maester and reputed necromancer, master of whisperers,

    • Queen Cersei’s former small council,

        • {LORD GYLES ROSBY}, lord treasurer and master of coin, dead of a cough,

        • LORD ORTON MERRYWEATHER, justiciar and master of laws, fled to Longtable upon Queen Cersei’s arrest,

        • AURANE WATERS, the Bastard of Driftmark, grand admiral and master of ships, fled to sea with the royal fleet upon Queen Cersei’s arrest,

    • King Tommen’s Kingsguard:

        • SER JAIME LANNISTER, Lord Commander,

        • SER MERYN TRANT,

        • SER BOROS BLOUNT, removed and thence restored,

        • SER BALON SWANN, in Dorne with Princess Myrcella,


        • SER LORAS TYRELL, the Knight of Flowers,

        • {SER ARYS OAKHEART}, dead in Dorne,

    • Tommen’s court at King’s Landing:

        • MOON BOY, the royal jester and fool,

        • PATE, a lad of eight, King Tommen’s whipping boy,

        • ORMOND OF OLDTOWN, the royal harper and bard,

        • SER OSFRYD KETTLEBLACK, brother to Ser Osmund and Ser Osney, a captain in the City Watch,

        • NOHO DIMITTIS, envoy from the Iron Bank of Braavos,

        • {SER GREGOR CLEGANE}, called THE MOUNTAIN THAT RIDES, dead of a poisoned wound,

        • RENNIFER LONGWATERS, chief undergaoler of the Red Keep’s dungeons,

    • Queen Margaery’s alleged lovers:

        • WAT, a singer styling himself THE BLUE BARD, a captive driven mad by torment,

        • {HAMISH THE HARPER}, an aged singer, died a captive,

        • SER MARK MULLENDORE, who lost a monkey and half an arm in the Battle of the Blackwater,


        • JALABHAR XHO, Prince of the Red Flower Vale, an exile from the Summer Isles,

        • SER HORAS REDWYNE, found innocent and freed,

        • SER HOBBER REDWYNE, found innocent and freed,

    • Queen Cersei’s chief accuser,

        • SER OSNEY KETTLEBLACK, brother to Ser Osmund and Ser Osfryd, held captive by the Faith,

    • the people of the Faith:

        • THE HIGH SEPTON, Father of the Faithful, Voice of the Seven on Earth, an old man and frail,

            • SEPTA UNELLA, SEPTA MOELLE, SEPTA SCOLERA, the queen’s gaolers,


            • SEPTA AGLANTINE, SEPTA HELICENT, serving the Seven at the Great Sept of Baelor,

            • SER THEODAN WELLS, called THEODAN THE TRUE, pious commander of the Warrior’s Sons,

            • the “sparrows,” the humblest of men, fierce in their piety,

    • people of King’s Landing:

        • CHATAYA, proprietor of an expensive brothel,

            • ALAYAYA, her daughter,

            • DANCY, MAREI, two of Chataya’s girls,

        • TOBHO MOTT, a master armorer,

    • lords of the crownlands, sworn to the Iron Throne:

        • RENFRED RYKKER, Lord of Duskendale,

            • SER RUFUS LEEK, a one-legged knight in his service, castellan of the Dun Fort at Duskendale,

        • {TANDA STOKEWORTH}, Lady of Stokeworth, died of a broken hip,

            • her eldest daughter, {FALYSE}, died screaming in the black cells,

                • {SER BALMAN BYRCH}, Lady Falyse’s husband, killed in a joust,

            • her younger daughter, LOLLYS, weak of wit, Lady of Stokeworth,

                • her newborn son, TYRION TANNER, of the hundred fathers,

                • her husband, SER BRONN OF THE BLACKWATER, sellsword turned knight,

            • MAESTER FRENKEN, in service at Stokeworth,

King Tommen’s banner shows the crowned stag of Baratheon, black on gold, and the lion of Lannister, gold on crimson, combatant.