Present Day


Davide lay on his bed staring at the ceiling. He was twenty-five years old and going nowhere fast. Sure, he'd had a great education and now held a master's degree in philosophy. Sure, he was getting offers from the best universities for teaching positions. But did he want to accept any of the offers? No. He'd chosen to major in philosophy only because he'd hoped it would help unravel the mysteries of life—mysteries surrounding him. He'd poured over ancient texts trying to gain glimpses into a race of beings that humans were unaware of—shapelings. He'd devoured the writings of ancient and modern philosophers and come up empty handed. When he'd approached his parents about the crazy prophesy surrounding his life, they'd listened to his misgivings, but had none of their own. They'd assured him that the shapeling prophesy would be fulfilled. He released a long sigh and turned onto his side.

For years he'd felt like a failure. He couldn't shift and he had no leadership skills. How could he be the Prince of the Prophesy? Adding to his dismal attitude was the fact that his best friend, Zoe, had abandoned him. The last time he'd seen her was at the birthday party she'd caught him fooling around with Mandy. Although she had appeared embarrassed, she'd seemed okay with it. She'd even joked with him and Mandy later that day. Besides, he'd called off his relationship with the self-centered beauty over a year ago. The woman was hot, no doubt about it, but she was also shallow and disagreeable.

He rose and walked to the open French doors of his balcony and listened to a breeze blowing through the trees. He could hear music in the wind.

Breathing deeply, he thought about Zoe again. Surely she had to realize he was a man with desires. He had never aspired to become a monk. Had she been offended when she found him with Mandy and pretended otherwise? He wished he had her ability to see auras. Often, she "read" people just by observing the colors surrounding them. She had told him many times that his only color was various shades of gold. She had also revealed that auras of shapelings were entirely different from those of humans and animals. She had said his mother's aura appeared to be a hybrid of shapeling and human up until the time she'd developed the ability to shift into the eagle. After that, she'd revealed his mother's aura had turned almost, but not entirely, shapeling.

Davide's train of thought moved in a different direction. He thought about the relationship between his mother and father and his mood lightened. In every way, they appeared to be opposites. His father was intimidating and incredibly handsome, and Davide had seen more than one woman practically swoon in his presence. His mother, on the other hand, appeared matronly with her round figure and sleek hairstyle. His parents were crazy in love and neither looked to be much over forty, although according to human time, his mother would be in her fifties while his father was over four thousand years old. There had been some speculation that his mother, after acquiring the ability to shift, had also acquired shapeling longevity. It certainly appeared to be the case. Since she was a scientist, she had done DNA testing on herself, but a procedure for longevity determination had yet to be perfected. As for his sister Lilly, it was hoped that the testing would be ready by the time she turned twenty-one—the magical age when shapeling longevity kicked in. For himself, he was also an unknown, although he felt in his heart that his lifespan would match his human genes.

Davide sighed and lifted his gaze toward the moon and shifting clouds. He closed his eyes and breathed the sweet night air, thinking of his sweet Zoe. God, he missed her. Running his hands through hair as black as his father's, he whispered a prayer to Source. "What am I supposed to do with my life? I need answers."

He opened his eyes and gazed once more into the beautiful night, listening to the song of the wind. Later, he dreamed.

* * *

Roth and Rainey landed gracefully on the ledge outside the Cave of Thirteen. Revelations from Fawn had compelled them to present new information to the twelve co-Princes, Roth being the thirteenth. After completing successful Missions of Mastery that had started after Davide's birth, Roth had recently received the honor of joining the co-Princes when Prince Five stepped down due to her advancing age of nearly eight thousand years. She had said she wanted to spend her remaining days with the husband of her youth and their many offspring, unfettered by the cares of being a co-Prince and making decisions that would, hopefully, lead creation toward its ultimate achievement—enlightenment. The remaining co-Princes below Prince Five had shifted up one rank and Roth had been asked to join as Prince Thirteen. Since his father's untimely death had broken the chain of co-Princes in the Beowolf family, he had been overjoyed to continue the family tradition.

On the ledge, he shifted into his shapeling form and Rainey shifted into a hybrid of human and shapeling. He gazed lovingly at his wife and bent to kiss her forehead. "Are you ready, Soiuer?"

"Yes, Roth. It's imperative that we advise the council of this latest development."

Together they entered the cave and went to stand before the elders. Roth knelt and said, "May the embers of truth always glow." Rainey did likewise, repeating the prayer, and they both stood.

"Welcome Roth and Rainey Beowolf," said the Prominent Prince. "Roth, please take your place with the Twelve."

Roth stepped forward and assumed his position among the council.

The Prominent Prince smiled at Rainey. "How are you, my granddaughter?"

"I am excellent, Prominent Prince. It is good to see you again." Although Rainey always addressed her grandfather by his title when in the presence of the council, her eyes twinkled with love for him.

"And how are your mother and father?"

"They are very happy and enjoying my father's retirement years. My mother sends her love."

The Prominent Prince directed his attention toward Roth who now sat with the elders. "You have a look of urgency, Prince Thirteen. What is on your mind?"

Roth focused his attention on the co-Princes. "An interesting insight regarding the Great Prince has come to light." Roth stared at his wife and the co-Princes glanced between them.

"Please continue," said Prince Two.

Roth nodded. "As you are aware, Zoe, the daughter of Wade Spencer and the stepdaughter of Fawn Woods Spencer, is an Indigo child with special abilities. And as you are also aware, years ago she began hearing voices originating from the sipapu of Anasazi ruins speaking of a coming prince; however, she was unable to decipher all their words."

The council said as one, "Yes, continue."

"When Zoe was a child, she made Fawn promise not to reveal what I am about to share with you. However, Fawn and Wade recently came to Rainey and me with this information, because they thought it to be in the best interest of all. After listening to them, we agreed with their assessment. When Zoe was seven, she confided to Fawn that she had come to understand more of what the angelic voice emanating from the ruins was saying." Roth paused and watched interest light the faces of the co-Princes while they waited for his revelation. He continued, "The voice Zoe always refers to as the 'pretty voice' told her, 'You are the Great Love of the Great Prince. You are his Princess'."

Except for the Prominent Prince, Roth saw shock register on the faces of the co-Princes. The Prominent Prince spoke. "What is your belief regarding this revelation, Prince Thirteen?"

Roth replied, "I will reiterate what the council already knows. Zoe has always been dear to our family. From the first moment she saw Davide she knew he was special. Because of her ability to see auras, she confided early on that his is unlike any she had ever seen. It is golden. Throughout the years she has often visited our family and spent much time with Davide, and it is with retrospect that Rainey and I believe she may have romantic feelings for him; however, he does not appear to reciprocate those feelings. He loves her as his dear friend." Roth waited for the council to speak.

Prince Eleven said to the council, "It appears we may have the same situation here as we did with Roth."

"I agree," said the Prominent Prince.

Roth glanced at Rainey, confused. The smile lighting her face made it apparent that she was not confused.

"Perhaps, we should use the same tactic that we did with Roth," suggested Prince Seven.

The Prominent Prince replied, "Yes. Do you agree council?"

The co-Princes spoke in unison. "Yes, we agree."

The Prominent Prince said to Roth. "You are the deciding vote, Prince Thirteen, and since you appear confused, I will explain."

Roth waited.

"When you and Rainey were constantly at odds with each other, we determined that you needed to spend uninterrupted time together…"

Roth chuckled. Now he understood. He looked at Rainey and grinned.

"So, you understand?" said the Prominent Prince.

"Yes. How do you propose that we bring Davide and Zoe together to see if anything develops between them?"

The Prominent Prince tapped his fingertips together and then smiled. "As you have often informed us, Davide has requested that he be allowed to visit the Cave of Thirteen, and since he has never acquired the ability to shift, even after years of training, that request has been denied. However, I believe it is now time for us to grant his request."

Roth again watched shock register on the faces of the council as he also wondered at the words. He waited for the Prominent Prince to explain.

"Although shapelings reach the Cave of Thirteen by shifting into birds, it would not be impossible for Davide to reach us by paragliding once he is on the island. I believe he is proficient in the sport. Is that correct?"

Roth nodded but said, "With respect, Prominent One, how does that bring him and Zoe together?"

The Prominent Prince glanced at each co-Prince in turn. "Since we agree that Davide and Zoe should spend time together, I will now present the entirety and logic of what I am proposing, and ask for a final vote."