
58-  Squee


“On behalf of the Planetary Union of the Galaxy, allow me to extend our sincerest thanks to you, Fifth Caleek Squee, and you, Ninth Spear Quish, and by extension to the entire Rokma people for your assistance in stopping this new AI threat.”

The Slu admiral brought a hand up to her eyestalk in a salute. Beside him, Quish returned the gesture. His arm in a sling, Squee couldn’t have done it even if he had wanted to. Inside, he fought to keep his blood fury from flaring.

The room erupted in the sound of applause. The small handful of Rokma drowned out the other species present. After the admiral’s speech, she engaged in a few minutes of small talk with Elder Mus, who had just arrived from Omek. When finally the admiral left the room, she took all of the other PUG officials with her.

As if she could sense Squee’s state of mind, Quish followed behind them. Soon Squee was alone in the conference room with Elder Mus. He glared intently at the elder, trying to decide if he wanted to control himself.

“I can tell you are upset. You are struggling to contain your blood fury and your anger. But I am proud of you, Squee. You did not act rashly.” Elder Mus said with a condescending pat on Squee’s shoulder.

“Rash action will not see the freedom of my friends. Why do I stand here congratulated, while they sit in cells?”

Mus gave a casual shrug, “I can not speak for the PUG. I would not worry about them. The admiral acknowledged First Shield Cru’s sacrifice that enabled Captain Harkin to deliver our commando teams that destroyed the central AI. They clearly recognize your friends had a role in this victory.  They will not be imprisoned long. And if they are, what concern is it to you? They are not Rokma.”

“What concern is it? They are honorable people who fulfilled the will of the Gods. They deserve our help. Not your scorn.”

“They are the ones who made this mess in the first place!” Mus bellowed. “Or have your forgotten Javi Wester’s role in bringing back the AI in the first place? He does not deserve praise for cleaning up a mess he made.”

“Maybe not. But Captain Harkin does.”

“Then that is up to her fellow humans to deliver,” Mus said stubbornly. “Now, enough about the humans. We have more important matters to discuss. Such as your elevation to Caleek of the Third rank.”

Caught off guard by the sudden change of topic, Squee didn’t know what to say. There had never been a Caleek of the thirdrank at his age in the history of the Rokma. And only rarely had Caleeks advanced two levels at once. When he finally recovered himself, he only managed to say, “I am?”

“Of course!  It will be a time of great celebration for our people. And a great way to begin the next great quest.” Mus beamed.

“I am honored the Holy Order decided to confer this honor on me. And before we even knew if my quest would be successful.”

“Oh, they haven’t decided yet. But they will when they learn about our victory. And your vision of the Gods next holy quest.”

Squee blinked, “My what?”

“Your quest from the Gods. To rid the galaxy of the AI scourge once and for all. We will sweep through, eradicating every last surviving AI. We will be the saviors to all.”

Squee recoiled in sudden horror, “The Gods have no such wish. You are not Caleek. It is blasphemy for you to speak for the Gods.”

“Do not be naïve, Squee. The decrees of the Holy Order have always been approved by the Elder Council. This is not new. The only difference is now, we have you. The Rokma have not had a Caleek such as yourself in generations.”

“I will not state lies for the Council!” Squee shouted.

Mus held up his hands in appeasement, “I can understand your hesitation. If you prefer, we can wait a few months. Until Second Caleek Ocksli dies. He is over two hundred and won’t be with us much longer. When he dies, you can be elevated again to take his place on the Council. Then you will be part of the council and will better understand. Things will look much different then.”

Conflicting emotions raged in Squee. A place on the Elder Council? At over a hundred already, he would not be the youngest member ever appointed. But he would be the youngest current member by a significant stretch. He could serve his people for almost a century, working to bring them out of the dark ages.

But he knew what the price for that would be. He would have to abandon Ariana and the others. He would have to sanction Mus’ wild plans for a crusade against all AI. Someday, he might be a dominant figure on the council due to the time he could potentially serve. Until then, he would be merely a visible stooge.

“No, I will not do this. I have seen no such sign from the Gods. And I will tell every Rokma I meet that this plan does not come from them, but from you.”

Mus lifted himself to his full height. Towering over Squee, he cast an intimidating shadow. Nevertheless, Squee remained firm. He locked eyes with Mus in defiance.

After a minute, their battle of wills ended. Mus looked away, and Squee felt elation at his victory. Then Mus said, “That is unfortunate.  I am afraid your banishment is still in effect, and it might be sometime before the Council comes to an agreement about lifting it.”

The world spun around Squee. Instead of a lifetime leading his people, he would now be facing a life living in isolation. The weight of that started to crush down upon him.

But then the door behind Mus seemed to glow. It was the door that led out the way the PUG admiral had gone. It led away from Mus. Away from his corruption. Perhaps the Gods were giving him a new quest. It just wasn’t the one Mus wanted.

Standing up as straight as he could manage with his injuries, Squee inclined his head to Mus, “Elder, may the Gods light your way.”

Mus appeared taken aback by the ritual farewell. He didn’t say anything until Squee had already reached the door, “If you go through that door, you’ll never be welcome among your people again. You will be cast as one without honor.”

Squee stopped in the doorway and turned back at Mus. The elder looked noticeably less intimidating from this distance. He glanced back out the door and saw Quish standing in the hallway. She had a startled expression on her face. Squee smiled.

“I leave that decision to my fellow Rokma. They will decide if I act with honor to the Gods. As it should be.”

Squee stepped through the door and headed to find his crew.