Chapter Fifty-One

You blew me away today in court. I thought after Helen gave you my note that you’d feel glad to be off the hook, I know I would have if I was you. But even if you did feel that way you still got up there and did it. I just can’t get my head round you speaking up for me like that, me, someone who’s brought nothing but grief to your life.

I want to say thank you—I am saying thank you—but it doesn’t seem big enough. Nowhere near. I’ve got to think of something else, something that tells you properly just how filled with respect and gratitude I am. And impressed by the courage it must have taken for you to get up there like that in front of everyone.

I think the jury was pretty blown away by all you said too. Definitely not what they were expecting. Makes me wonder what they’re thinking about tonight, but I’m afraid of going too far with that. Obvs I’m still going down, we know that, but what you did today could make all the difference between a fifteen stretch and the five years Helen reckons is the best-case scenario for the other charge.

Mr. Lock says there could be a verdict as early as tomorrow. Honest to God I didn’t expect to be this keyed up when it came time to finding out how much longer I have to be in here, but I’m going to get whacked if I don’t stop pacing soon. I just hope they don’t end up transferring me to a prison that’ll be too hard for my ma to get to.

Anyways, whatever the outcome tomorrow I’ll never forget what you did. Getting to know you has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m just sorry it came about the way it did.

Thank you, Marcy (hope you don’t mind me using your name, first time). ☺
