Ellisland, Saturday Morning
First printed in Barke, 1959.
Dear Sir, our Lucky humbly begs
Ye’ll prie her caller, new-laid eggs: taste, fresh
Lord grant the Cock may keep his legs,
Aboon the Chuckies; above
5 And wi’ his kittle, forket clegs, roused, spindly legs
Claw weel their dockies! well, backsides
Had Fate that curst me in her ledger,
A Poet poor, and poorer Gager, exciseman
Created me that feather’d Sodger,
10 A generous Cock, cockerel
How I wad craw and strut and roger crow, copulate
My kecklin Flock! cackling
Buskit wi’ mony a bien, braw feather, dressed, snug, fine
I wad defied the warst a’ weather: would, worst
15 When corn or bear I could na gather barley, not
To gie my burdies; hens
I’d treated them wi’ caller heather, fresh
And weel-knooz’d hurdies. well-rounded backsides
20 On honest Nature’s laws and ties;
Free as the vernal breeze that flies
At early day,
We’d tasted Nature’s richest joys,
But stint or stay.—
25 But as this subject ’s something kittle, ticklish/difficult
Our wisest way ’s to say but little;
And while my Muse is at her mettle, work
I am, most fervent,
Or may I die upon a whittle! knife
30 Your Friend and Servant—
Robt. Burns.
Alexander Findlater (1754–1839) was the Excise Supervisor at Dumfries in 1787 and held the post until 1797, when he was promoted to Collector of Excise in Glasgow then Haddington. A friend of the poet, he was born in Burntisland, Fife, the son of an Excise Officer. This brief letter-epistle was sent with a present of eggs to Findlater from Ellisland. It is assumed that it was written early in 1790, as it is not dated.