Critical Thinking Strategies

Now that you are more knowledgeable about the components of a multiple-choice test question, let’s talk about specific strategies that you can use to problem-solve your way to correct answers on the NCLEX-PN® exam.

Remember, the NCLEX-PN® exam tests your ability to think critically. Critical thinking for the practical/vocational nurse involves:

Are you feeling overwhelmed as you read these words? Don’t be! We are going teach you a step-by-step method to choose the appropriate path.

There are some strategies that you must follow on every NCLEX-PN® exam test question. You must always figure out what the question is asking, and you must always eliminate answer choices.

Choosing the right answer often involves choosing the best of several answers that have correct information. This may entail your correct analysis and interpretation of what the question is really asking. So let’s talk about how to figure out what the question is asking.