What can you do?
If you have bats in your area, or own or ride horses, here are some steps you can take to protect yourself and your animals from bat-borne viruses:
- • Enquire at your local veterinary practice about the Hendra virus vaccine for your horse.
- • Avoid contamination by ensuring feed and water dishes are away from trees where bats visit.
- • Remain vigilant for any signs of sickness that suddenly appear in a previously healthy horse.
If you do find a sick or injured horse or bat or, like Charli, a dead bat, it’s important that you know what to do. Here are some steps that you can follow:
Sick or injured horses and bats
- • If you’re alone or with friends call an adult or teacher to assist you.
- • Do not attempt to touch or handle the sick or injured animal. Remember, injured or frightened animals are more likely to bite and scratch, so it is safer to keep clear.
- • Keep your other animals away.
- • Ask an adult to contact an expert trained to deal with these situations.
- * For horses: seek a qualified vet who will examine the horse with suitable protective clothing and equipment.
- * For bats: seek a vaccinated bat handler from your nearest wildlife organisation such as the RSPCA or Bat Conservation and Rescue Queensland.
If you are bitten or scratched, wash the wound thoroughly with soap and running water for at least five minutes, and seek medical help immediately.
Dead bats
- • You should always avoid direct handling of a dead bat.
- • It is important to remember that even if a bat is dead, it can still pass on diseases through saliva or skin pricks.
- • If you see a dead bat in your backyard or in a public area (for example in a gutter, road, school or local park), you can contact your local council or wildlife rescuers and ask that they dispose of it.
- • Carers will use a shovel or wear thick gloves to pick up dead bats and put them into strong plastic bags or containers to dispose of properly. This is not something you should attempt yourself.