August sat at the small desk in the bedroom where he’d made love to Gigi only hours before. Christ, he hated seeing her so broken, blaming herself for this mess. She hadn’t said as much, but her tears had spoken volumes. Anger infused his cells as he brought up the program Toth had sent him.

Thankfully, their grocery order had arrived and Gigi had been distracted by all the food. Light had filled her eyes at the prospect of using a kitchen for the first time in months. He hadn’t known what the hell to order, so he’d gotten just about everything she might want to cook. If he’d known a grocery delivery would’ve brought such a big smile to her face, he’d have ordered the whole damn store.

With her occupied, he could work on his bait: Todd. The cock-sucking little weasel couldn’t be far, and when August got his hands on him, he’d rip out the coward’s trachea for all the grief he’d caused Gigi.

August’s phone vibrated on the desk. Picking up the device, he swiped to answer Toth’s call. “Got it, thanks.”

“You know how to use it?”

August stared at the screen full of labels and features. “Not a fucking clue.”

Toth snorted. “Figured. It took Dare like a month to teach me the ropes. You sure you don’t want me to do it?”

A muscle at August’s temple jumped. Having Toth complete this task would certainly make the process easier, but August had a sick motive. “I’d like honors of finding this fuck.”

“All right. Considering the circumstances, I don’t blame you. I emailed you Todd’s driver’s license photo. You’ll need to set the match percentage. This’ll help filter through the options.” Toth gave him a few more instructions while August uploaded Todd’s photo into the program.

“How long’s it going to take?” August asked.

“That depends. If you have any idea where he could be, this will move a lot faster. Otherwise, there’s nothing to go by. It’s not like he just fled yesterday and we can hack into street cameras. He’s been hiding for months, and if he’s any good at it . . . well, this won’t be an easy job.”

August tapped his middle finger on the desk in time with his racing thoughts. “What about bank records? Phone calls to friends and family?”

“All a good start. It’s just not going to be quick.”

Shit. If they wanted Todd soon, they’d need more hands on deck. “Can we get more people on this?” They didn’t have weeks or months to find this guy. Without Todd, they had no leverage over the cartel—except Gigi, of course, but he sure wasn’t looking down that fucking road.

“Backcountry’s slammed, but Dare can probably lend a hand. And maybe the new guy will have some know-how on finding someone under the radar.”

“You mean Ghost or Brick?”

The two men had started working for the company not long after Gigi went into witness protection, but they were both out of the country on government contracts Toth had acquired, so August had yet to meet them.

“Brick’s still in Germany, but Ghost just got back from Canada, I think.”

“All right. I’ll take all the help I can get, but I can’t make it to the office.” No way in hell he was leaving Gigi, even with someone from Backcountry.

Toth tsked. “I’ll get a group over there to discuss. How about lunchtime?”

August flicked his gaze to the clock. It was over an hour until noon, which was time he didn’t want to waste. “That’s fine,” he said grudgingly.

They disconnected, and August stared at Todd’s goofy face on his computer screen. Wire-rimmed glasses surrounded small brown eyes set in a thin bone structure. What the hell had Gigi seen in him?

All right, so Todd wasn’t an ogre. A lot of women would find his clean-cut, businesslike appearance attractive. But the dude was so different from him. The fact that Todd had been inside August’s woman, touched her naked body, kissed her mouth that was made for him, woke up to her pretty face every morning for almost two years—fuck.

Jealousy pulsed behind his eyelids, the pressure so great he had to squeeze them shut. He balled his hand into a fist and fought the urge to chuck the computer out the twenty-third-story window. Instead, he’d find the bastard and make him suffer for his actions.

Running his fingertips over the keyboard, he entered Seattle as a location. The search was probably a wasted effort since the guys were coming over to brainstorm and they’d likely have a better starting point, but in the meantime it wouldn’t hurt to try something. Doubtful the asshole was still in the city, but Todd did seem to lack common sense.

“Breakfast is ready,” Gigi said cheerily from the kitchen.

August pushed away from the desk and opened the door. The scent of hashbrowns and bacon met his nostrils, and his salivary glands tingled. He rounded the corner to find Gigi sashaying around the small kitchen. Her hair was tied up in a knot on the top of her head, and tendrils streaked down in a sexy mess.

She still wore his shirt, the material swallowing her frame. She paused midturn when she caught him staring. “Hi. Hungry?”

“Always.” The growl rolled from his tongue as he stalked to the kitchen.

“Ah, stop right there.” She held out a spatula as if she expected the flimsy rubber to serve as a shield.

He stopped, only because she looked too damn cute trying to keep him away. Folding his arms across his chest so he wouldn’t touch her, he squinted. “You’re teasing me.”

“Am not. I just want us both to eat.”

“I could eat you right now instead.” He took a step closer. Christ. As the offer slipped past his lips, he remembered Toth. The guys would be here soon, and he still needed to have a shower and get dressed. Last thing he wanted was to start something with Gigi he couldn’t finish.

She blinked rapidly. “You don’t slow down much, do you?”

He locked a hand on her hip bone. “Not where you’re concerned.”

A coy smile played at her lips as she tilted the spatula toward the stove. “Bacon’s getting crispy.”

“I like it crispy.” He ducked his head and caught her lips in his. The taste of oranges hit his mouth, and he went for more.

She sank against him, her body like the butter melting in the hot skillets on the stove. As if on cue, grease snapped in one of the pans.

“Oh, crap.” She stiffened then wriggled from his hold and ran for the stove. Lifting one of the pans, she mumbled a curse. “I think it’s okay. Especially if you like crispy.”

She placed the pans on cooling mats on the island and grabbed two plates from the cabinet. “Here.” She handed him one.

“Thanks. Smells delicious.” He sat at the island and scooped eggs onto his plate then took five strips of bacon and some of the diced fruit.

“I was craving pancakes, but they would’ve taken too long.” She took a seat next to him and served herself a much smaller helping. “I’m glad you got so much produce. Joe’s idea of fruit was bananas. I had to twist his arm to get oranges or grapes, and berries were out of the question.”

August tossed a slice of orange into his mouth. “I love fruit.”

She grinned. “Me, too. Raspberries are my favorite.”

He took a bite of egg. Salt and butter hit his tongue. And when he took a bite of the bacon he groaned—how the hell could someone cook bacon so perfect? “This is awesome.” He went for a bite of what looked like artisan bread. He couldn’t remember what the hell he’d ordered.

“It’s not exactly a fancy meal,” she said with a shrug. “But it’s breakfast.”

He was suddenly flooded with memories of their two weeks together in his apartment so long ago. She’d been there nearly every day, and an ease had formed between them. Warm smells had come from the kitchen as she made recipe after recipe. It hadn’t just been a fling.

No, there hadn’t been a promise.

No, they hadn’t discussed anything.

But goddammit, something had been there. Something that was comfortable, relaxed . . . She hadn’t just been a two-week fuck.

She’d been a friend.

“What are you thinking about?” Her narrowed gaze made his insides knot.

“Just one of the meals you made a long time ago. Can’t remember what it was but fuck was it delicious. I’ve looked for it on menus since, but . . .” He shrugged.

She brought a knuckle of the hand holding her fork near her pursed lips. “Hmm. I was making a ton of recipes back then. What kind of dish was it?”

“Rice and chicken. In some kind of red sauce. You even made naan bread—”

“Oh, tikka masala.”

He nodded. “I think that’s what it was.”

She beamed. “I’ll make it tonight if you’ve got any spices.”

“Shit. That I didn’t think of.” He pulled out his phone. “Tell me what you need and I’ll have Toth grab it. He’ll be here in an hour.”

She gave him a short list and he texted it to his friend.

Toth pinged back almost immediately.

Seriously? Why the fuck am I picking up curry?

August turned the phone to Gigi and she burst laughing. “Tell him he can stay for dinner and find out.”

He grimaced. “Toth definitely isn’t sticking around. I want you all to myself tonight.”

Gigi’s laugh ebbed away and happiness swelled in her eyes. A pink blush touched her cheeks, a delicious contrast to her rich dark hair and vibrant hazel orbs. “Keep talking like that and maybe I’ll make dessert.”

August’s pulse thrummed. “Baby, you are dessert.”

She snorted and swatted his shoulder. “That was cheesy. I’m getting in the shower—you said Toth’s coming?”

“Toth and some of the guys. They’re gonna help me with something.”

Gigi shrugged and picked up her plate. He placed a hand on her thigh before she could stand. “I’ll clean up. Take a nice hot shower and relax. Call Ivy if you want.”

She gave him a slow smile. “Sure. Is everything okay? I’m getting the sense you don’t want me around when they’re here.”

“Nah. Just business. I’ll get the dishes and then get ready in my bathroom.”

“’Kay.” She sauntered from the room with the hem of his shirt barely covering her pert little ass. It took all his willpower not to say “Fuck the dishes, fuck Toth and the guys” and just enjoy every minute with the woman who still held his heart in her hands.

Not yet. First, he had to make sure no one tried to hurt her again.

*     *     *

After a nice long shower, Gigi made her bed—the one she hadn’t slept in the previous night—and got dressed. She slipped into a pair of comfortable jeans and a pretty short-sleeved mauve V-neck sweater.

The news of the fire at her old house had shaken her. Had all her clothing and possessions burned? Sure, they weren’t items she’d really thought of or expected to get back. But the idea of everything she’d once worn or touched going up in flames made her feel extremely uneasy.

Vicious. That’s what the attack had been, and if the cartel knew how much their little bonfire had upset her, they’d probably do something worse.

Why the head games? Surely they knew she wasn’t going to call them up and say, “Okay, you scared me. Come ’n get me.” She supposed they were making a point: They could do what they wanted on her turf. They didn’t need to abduct her and drag her to Mexico to cause her pain. Setting fire to her old home was only a small taste of the torment they could inflict.

Swallowing the wad of tension that’d collected at the back of her tongue, she yanked open the makeup bag Ivy had lent her.

After brushing on a little pressed powder, she reached for the eyeshadow and eyeliner—items she wouldn’t necessarily wear when she wasn’t leaving the house. But for August . . . A shiver danced down her spine. Yeah, she’d get dolled up for him any day.

She added a bit of mascara then reached for her toothbrush. Voices sounded from outside her door but she didn’t go out to greet the guys. Instead, she flopped onto the bed.

August hadn’t said it in so many words, but Gigi knew there was something he didn’t want her involved with. Which was maybe for the best. Nevertheless, part of her itched to put herself out there—to be included in the decisions that would undoubtedly impact August and his friends.

Gratitude was the only thing that kept her in place. She wouldn’t stay locked in the bedroom, but she’d give them some time to speak privately. Scooping up the encrypted phone, she dialed Ivy to stop herself from listening at the door.

Her sister answered on the first ring. “I was just about to call you!”

The declaration made Gigi chuckle. “It’s been so long since we’ve done that.” There’d been hundreds, if not thousands of times over the years they’d picked up the phone at the same time the other was dialing.

Twin telepathy.

“Is everything okay? Rami is on his way there.”

“Yeah, they’re here now. I think they want a private meeting so I’m trying to stay out of the way.”

“Ah. Well, then. I’ll try to keep you anchored. So . . .” The last word came out on a long, suggestive singsong note. “How was last night?”

Gigi let out a loose laugh. “I hope you’ve got a few minutes.”

“Are you kidding?” Ivy squeaked. “Lemme grab a snack. I’ve got all day.”

Gigi roared and pulled her knees up to her chest as she leaned against the headboard. She wasn’t one to kiss and tell, but that sentiment didn’t really apply to one’s twin sister.

She’d share some details with Ivy, but others she’d keep close to her heart.

Until she was ready to examine them further.