
Discussion Questions

1. Read the verse in Leviticus 20:21. Catherine married Henry’s older brother, but the brother died soon after the wedding. Catherine said the marriage was never consummated; therefore, she was free to marry Henry. Was Henry right or wrong in seeking a divorce from Catherine based on this verse of Leviticus?

2. Every character did what they believed was right and what they believed honored God. When you think of your favorite character, what actions stand out to you? Were they right or wrong?

3. Are there any true villains in this story? Sir Thomas burned Christians alive, but believed he was saving the world from heresy. Henry cast Catherine aside and beheaded Anne, but he was trying to give England an heir to the throne and prevent a civil war. Good people can do bad things in the name of God. How are we to judge between good and evil?

4. Why did everyone have such radically different ideas about serving God? How do you see this dilemma played out in the evening news? What about in your very own family or church?

5. What were you taught in school about the Reformation? Did you have a low opinion of Anne Boleyn and a high opinion of Thomas More? Who controls history, and how does this affect our judgment?

6. Can you know God if you’ve never read the entire Bible? People died gruesome deaths for the right to read the Bible. Were their deaths in vain?

7. Read Revelation 20:12. How do you feel about these books being opened on the Day of Judgment?

8. Not everyone is pleased to think there may be supernatural creatures walking with us. How does it make you feel?

9. Angels are eternal beings. They have seen the women of your family line for thousands of years. If the Scribe appeared to you tonight and gave you one chance to see a woman from your past, what woman—or what time period—would you most like to see?

10. The Bible says angels are sent to minister to believers. Have you ever had an “angelic encounter”? Are you comfortable sharing it?