Despite their initial appearance of complexity, shadows and reflections obey the same immutable rules of perspective illustrated in the preceding sections of this book.


Shadows are determined by the source of light, the shape of the object, and the surface on which they are cast.


Reflections are simply an extension of the object image onto another plane or set of planes within the perspective view.


The position of the light source is the critical factor in determining the final shape of the shadow cast in perspective, as summarized below and explained further in the following material.

Light source parallel to the picture plane
Light source in front of the viewer
Light source behind the viewer
Light from a central radiating source
Light from multiple sources

Light Source Parallel to the Picture Plane

When the light source is parallel to the picture plane, parallel rays will remain parallel and define the cast shadows according to how they are blocked by the object.

The length and shape of cast shadows are determined by the intersection of the ground plane, with light rays crossing the corners and edges of the object.

Here, the ground plane lines are parallel to the picture plane.


Light Source in Front of the Viewer


To find the measuring point (MP) with which to measure the angle of the light source, swing the line (vanishing point for shadows–to station point) up to the horizon as show on the left.

Here the sun is 32 degrees off the ground plane. Therefore, all the shadows must be 32 degrees off the ground plane.

Light Source Behind the Viewer and Perpendicular to the Picture Plane

This light source is 11 degrees above the ground plane. Since the source is behind the viewer, the vanishing point for the light rays will appear 11 degrees below the horizon, on the vertical vanishing line.


The light is directly behind the viewer, so the center of vision will be the vanishing point for shadows cast on the ground plane.

If the light source were higher in the sky, the vertical vanishing point for the light rays would be further down the vertical vanishing line, and the shadows would also be cut shorter.

Light Source Behind the Viewer But Not Perpendicular to the Picture Plane


Radiating Light Sources

In the previous examples, the light source was usually assumed to be the sun. Thus, the vanishing point for shadows had fallen at a point on the horizon directly below the sun.


When the cone of a directional light strikes a flat plane at an angle, the beams spread out in an eccentric oval. Shadows within this cone of light will diminish toward a point on the ground plane beneath the light source.

Similarly, for most smaller light sources, the vanishing point for shadows will be at a point on the ground directly under the center of the light source. Since the light radiates in all directions from above this vanishing point, shadows will diminish toward this vanishing point from all sides.

Multiple Shadows

When there is more than one light source, there will be a corresponding number of shadows.

Where the shadows overlap, the density of the shadows will increase correspondingly.


Shadows Cast on Various Surfaces


They also project the form of the object that casts them.

Sketching Shadows



A reflection is simply the mirror image, or equal and opposite extension of, the original object and its perspective system. Drawing parallel reflections requires only a simple extension of the object through the reflecting surface, while angular reflections require more complicated calculations.


Parallel Reflections

When the object is contiguous with the reflecting surface, the image is simply doubled. The reflection uses the same vanishing point as the original.


The lines of the reflection are a continuation of the lines of the original, even when only part of the original object is reflected.


If the object does not touch the reflecting surface, lines must be extended to join the object and reflecting surface in order to determine the position of the reflection.


If an object is angled on one axis but is parallel to the picture plane on the other, the reflecting surface will still be the opposite of the original.


If both the reflecting plane and the object are perpendicular and parallel to the picture plane, the reflections will follow the same rules as those described previously in “Parallel Reflections.”


When the object and the reflecting plane are parallel to each other but not parallel to the picture plane, there are two ways to find the position of the reflection:

If both the reflecting plane and the object are perpendicular and parallel to the picture plane, the reflections will follow the same rules as those described previously.


Angular Reflections

It is a relatively simple matter to find the reflection when the object and reflective surface are parallel to each other, as shown in A and B. However, when the object and reflecting surface are at anything other than 90 degrees or 45 degrees to each other, the vanishing point of the reflection will be different from that of the object or its diagonals, as in C.


To find the vanishing points of an angular reflection, follow steps 1–6.

Find the vanishing point for the mirror via the station point. Here, the mirror is 50 degrees off the picture plane.
Find the two vanishing points of the object. The object is angled to the picture plane at 30 degrees and 60 degrees.
Find the angle of the object to the mirror by subtracting the 30-degree angle of the object from the 50-degree angle of the mirror; this new angle is 20 degrees.
Find the vanishing point of the reflection by doubling the 20-degree angle of the object to the mirror.
Since the angle at which light strikes a mirror (angle of incidence) is equal to the angle of its reflection, this 40-degree line, which is 70 degrees off the picture plane when extended to the horizon, will establish the left vanishing point for the reflection.
To find the right vanishing point for the reflection, draw a 90-degree angle at the intersection of the station point and the line leading to the left reflection vanishing point. (In this example, the right vanishing point for the reflection falls beyond the page.) You can also find the vanishing points for lines perpendicular to the mirror using this method.
To mark the width of the reflection, connect lines from the corners of the object to the mirror's right vanishing point. The point at which these lines cross the reflection's perspective lines marks the corners of the reflection.

Reflections Taken from a Plan

The object is parallel to the picture plane, so its single vanishing point will be the same as the center of vision.

1. Draw the plan above the picture plane. Here, the picture plane doubles as the horizon line. In laying out the plan, make sure the angle of the object and the angle of the reflection are equal and opposite.
2. Establish the distance from object to observer by setting the station point.
3. Establish the height of the observer from the ground line.
4. To find the mirror's vanishing point, set the 65-degree angle for the mirror at the station point.
5. Connect the lines between the station point and the key corners of the plan. Mark the points where these lines of sight cross the picture plane, then drop lines down into the view to mark off the proportions of receding planes.

Reflections of Sloping Planes


Because the object in this example is parallel to the picture plane, the 20-degree slope (A) can be measured directly off the image.

The slope in the reflection can be found by measuring a 20-degree angle from the measuring point (B). The height of the slope in the reflection (C) will be marked by the height of the object extended to the mirror and then to the reflection's vanishing point.


In many setups, the slope can be determined by slicing off a rectangle. (See Chapter 6.)


The details of complex sloped planes can be transferred to the reflection by connecting the sloped plane axes to the mirror plane at the appropriate points.

Reflection on a Tilted Mirror

To find the vanishing points of a reflection on a tilted mirror, follow these steps:

1. Set up the vanishing points for the mirror by establishing its right and left vanishing points on the horizon.
2. Using the measuring point, find the vertical vanishing point for the tilt of the mirror. Here, the angle is 70 degrees.
3. Draw the object. Note that it is 90 degrees off the ground plane, angling it 20 degrees off the tilted mirror.
4. To find the angles of the reflection's vertical lines, add another 20-degree angle to the angle of the mirror at the measuring point. This establishes the vanishing point for reflections on the vertical vanishing line.
5. Adding a 90-degree angle to this reflection angle will give you the vertical vanishing point below the horizon for the perpendicular angles of the reflection.

Note that the reflection is in three-point perspective.


Sketching Reflections
