I would have abandoned Glory St.Clair long ago if not for the loyal fans who keep asking for “one more book.” My Real Vampires Fan Group on Facebook and all the friends on my other sites there keep me encouraged. Thanks to them, I keep getting story ideas. I’m working on another prequel now, not set in the 1600s, but in the early 2000s. Yes, I read every email you send me.
I don’t have an assistant, it’s just me. And that critique group of two who I dedicated this book to. Nina and Donna have been with me for over twenty years as we worked on numerous projects. The most successful for me has been this Real Vampires series. I love to write suspense though so I hope some of my vamp fans have discovered my Texas Heat and Lone Star Suspense series. I’m a native Texan and can’t resist writing about my home state.