The group that arrived from Castle Campbell a few weeks later was certainly different from the one we had expected. At the front of a train that included wagons and a carriage was Laird Campbell himself, Jeremiah’s father, riding a horse of fine quality.
“Da, welcome. Is Ma with you?” Jeremiah and his father pounded each other on the back as they hugged. Then Jeremiah looked anxiously past the laird at the carriage.
“Certainly not. I am sure neither Gloriana nor you would welcome her. Magdalena went too far this time and I told her so. I heard she sent an assassin after your woman.” Angus Campbell stepped back. He looked very much like his son. He’d been turned vampire in his late thirties so he had a few strands of silver in his dark hair. But he was a handsome man who seemed in the prime of life. Of course, he would always be that way.
“She did. He almost succeeded, Da. I cannot imagine how I will ever forgive Ma.” Jeremiah looked grim. “You swear you had nothing to do with it?”
“Of course not. I liked Gloriana from the moment I met her and tried to welcome her into the family. I never wished her harm.” The laird smiled at me. “Isn’t that true, my dear?”
I couldn’t deny he’d always been kind to me. “Yes, it is. Welcome, Laird Campbell.” I gave him a proper curtsy.
“Gloriana, you are certainly in looks.” The laird took my hand. “I am glad to see you.”
I appreciated his approval of me but was still slightly uneasy around him. I wondered if he couldn’t have done more to control his wife. She had tried to have me killed!
Jeremiah gave me a look that meant I should let the subject drop. I didn’t like it, but this man was his father and he was obviously here eager to see his son.
“Well, Da.” Jeremiah glanced at me then back at his father. “What brings you here?”
“Why to see how my son has prospered of course. Guardian of the Coast and a baron in your own right! The reward the king bestowed on you was the talk of Edinburgh.” The laird was beaming as he looked around.
“You know Robert MacDonald was involved in that business.” Jeremiah leaned close to his father. “I’ll not soon forget how he made a fool of me. Not that I wanted a bride selected by the king.”
“We’ll not discuss the MacDonalds and ruin this fine night.” The laird lost his smile. “I told your mother I was coming to see you and that I was sure she wouldna be welcome here. Castle Campbell was not big enough for both of us.” He cleared his throat. “I hope you will not be cross with me, son. I did not come alone but brought along a lady I esteem highly.”
“Lady?” Jeremiah frowned. “Da, did you bring along your mistress?” He shook his head. “Yes, I am angry with Ma, but to ask me to entertain your mistress seems unwise. You know Ma will hear of it.”
“I’m sure she already has. I made no secret of my special companion while I was in Edinburgh. Your mother lost my respect when she treated Gloriana so shabbily.” The laird stared at his son. “Jeremiah, you are a man of the world. Treat my lady kindly or I will go right back to Edinburgh this very night.”
“What do I care for Ma’s good opinion? Bring her on.” Jeremiah reached for me and pulled me closer. “Da, Gloriana is not my wife, but I expect you to treat her with great respect as well.”
I could only gape at both of them. What kind of family flaunted their mistresses? I’d already seen it when Jeremiah had insisted I go with him to Castle Campbell. Now his father was making a show of taking his own mistress everywhere. At least Jeremiah didn’t have a wife at home, embarrassed by his actions. What did Mag think of this? I really couldn’t care after what she’d done to me.
“Dear Gloriana.” The laird bowed and kissed my hand. “I should have said it immediately. I apologize for my wife’s behavior. I have never shared her opinion of you. I am glad my son has found a woman he loves.” He cleared his throat and dropped my hand.
“Now I certainly mean no disrespect to you or my son by bringing my mistress here. I hope you will like her and treat her as a friend. I should think you both would agree my wife never bothered to be kind to you, Gloriana, and has done far worse than merely disrespect you.” He paused while he let that sink in.
“You are right. Laird Campbell. I am pleased you decided to visit us.” I smiled. I knew the laird to be a kind man who had accepted me at first glance. Now I knew why. He’d found happiness with his own mistress. I could not blame him. Mag was a cold woman. Angus Campbell deserved someone who would be kind to him. I hoped he had chosen well.
“My sweetheart is a fine woman, a widow such as yourself, Gloriana. She has stolen my heart. Give her a chance and I believe she will steal yours.” He glanced back. “Here she comes now.” He gave his son a warning look.
“Da, I know better than to judge you on this matter.” Jeremiah squeezed my hand. “As she said, Gloriana and I are happy to see you and whomever you bring with you.”
I was dying of curiosity. The laird with a mistress. Oh, yes, I would be kind to her, whoever she was, and make her my friend, if only to spite Jeremiah’s mother.
The woman who emerged from the carriage threw back her black velvet hood and smiled. She was short and curvy, barely reaching the laird’s shoulder. She had masses of dark hair. Her bright green eyes glimmered with excitement.
“Florence, my love, may I make you known to my son, Lord Jeremiah Campbell, and his lady, Madame Gloriana St. Clair?” The laird took her hand and pulled her forward. “This is Madame Florence daVinci. We met in Italy some years ago and she was kind enough to fly to Edinburgh to meet me last week.”
The woman made a deep curtsy, as if we were royalty. I couldn’t resist, I matched it, then laughed. “Please, treat us as family. Welcome.” I held out my hand and the woman took it.
She had flown. My vampire senses had already told me what Florence was. Leave it to the laird to find a vampire mistress who could shape-shift and fly a long distance, I was sure, just to meet him. I was impressed already.
“Oh, you are too kind.” She smiled and looked up at the laird with stars in her eyes. “Angus, your son is as bello as his father, am I right?”
“If you say so, my love.” Angus put his arm around her tiny waist. “Shall we go in?” He was looking around, assessing the holding his son had acquired. Thank the gods the drawbridge had been fixed and the courtyard was tidy. Men were practicing their sword craft in one corner of the yard while the delicious smells of cooking filled the air. The moat was still fresh and the evening meal had just ended. The workers who were in sight were dressed neatly and doffed their caps before going about their business.
“The king was generous, I see. You did well, son.” Angus stopped to admire the stables while making sure his horse was put away properly and to his liking.
Jeremiah walked beside his father, describing the number of men sent with him and the problems he had faced so far. I continued on to the castle steps.
“Madame daVinci, I am sure you are tired from your journey. Come inside and I will see about rooms for you and the laird.” I had no idea where we could put them. I could only hope Lady Anne was still in the great hall after the evening meal. It had been too easy to leave the running of the castle to her while I played at shooting my arrows and learning to wield a sword.
“I told Angus he should have sent word we were coming. But, no, he wanted a surprise.” The woman touched my sleeve. “I hope you are not unhappy we are here. Angus told me what that Magdalena did to you. Pah! You must hate the Campbells!” Her eyes were bright and I caught just a glimpse of fang.
“Just the one Campbell. Angus is most welcome. I am glad for company, if you must know.” I was relieved when I spotted Lady Anne in front of the fire directing one of the maids. “Jeremiah is proud to show his father what he is doing.” I was proud as well. Maggie and Fergus hadn’t arrived yet but Lady Anne had been busy. The great hall was impressive, clean and orderly with a roaring fire in the hearth.
Jeremiah came in behind us and led his father to introduce him to Captain Burnett who lingered at the table. Soon the men were deep in conversation.
“Lady Anne, may I present Madame Florence daVinci, a guest of Laird Campbell, Lord Campbell’s father. They will be staying with us for a while.” I had never been lady of the manor and it was showing. I had found better quarters for Mercy, near mine, but hadn’t explored the castle like I should. It was a large place with four towers, not just the bathing one Jeremiah and I loved so much. Housekeeping had never interested me, but Lady Anne clearly was enjoying putting the place to rights.
She had been a different woman since we’d sent the pirates running. She was even wearing colors now, dresses that were a bit out of date, but pretty enough. They were obviously what she’d worn before her husband had been killed. Now she ripped off her apron, no doubt thinking about which room would be considered proper for the laird. Should we put him with his mistress? Or give her a room of her own? Thank the gods Lady Anne knew exactly how to manage things.
“Guests!” Lady Anne smiled. “It has been so long since we entertained.”
“Um, yes. Madame daVinci, this is Lady Anne McGee, widow of the former Guardian of the Coast. She has kindly stayed on to help run this castle.” I wondered what Lady Anne would think when our guests didn’t attend a banquet or even eat while they were here. They would also be happy to sleep the day away as we did.
Madame daVinci’s court curtsy came out again. “An honor to meet you, my lady. Please go to no trouble for me, capisci? Whatever schedule you have for Lord Jeremiah and his Gloriana will be the same for the laird and me.” She pulled out a silk fan that made Anne and me gasp at its beauty.
“I know this is not a place for balls and such. It will be fine to enjoy the country. We will not stand on ceremony, will we?” She waved the fan toward each of us. “You should both call me Florence. I hope we will be friends, eh?”
“It will be no trouble, I assure you. Welcome.” Lady Anne curtsied. She was obviously noticing Florence’s very expensive clothing and jewels. Our visitor had thrown back her velvet cloak and we could see she wore a dress that would have been perfectly acceptable in King James’ court. It was so pretty, I wished I could have ripped it from her and tried it on. Hah! I would have burst it at the seams.
Envy tugged at me. She was vampire, so this friendly Florence would be forever small, a size that made men want to keep her wrapped in furs and showered with jewels. Foolish of me to be jealous. I had beautiful clothing and Jeremiah gave me whatever I wanted. I should be happy with what I had. Too bad I felt like one of the laird’s lumbering oxen compared to dainty Florence as we tripped up the stairs. A shame that I wore a plain ordinary dress today for my sword practice. Yes, I was a drab lumbering ox.
Lady Anne led Florence up the stairs, actually speaking Italian with her. I was left out of the conversation. Fine. Now I was ignorant too. My steps slowed.
“Oh, we are being unkind. Gloriana, do you speak the language?” Lady Anne stopped on the stairs.
“No, I am afraid not. But I’m sure Florence is happy that you do. Go ahead and enjoy yourselves.”
“Florence is being kind but my Italian is poor. She is letting me practice but I only remember a few words from a trip to Italy when I was a young girl.” Lady Anne flushed. “I had a wonderful time in Rome. There was even a young man…”
“Ah, a first love I am thinking.” Florence patted Anne’s arm. “Your Italian was fine, my lady, but I need to practice my English, so we must speak only that. If I don’t, I will forget. Angus is not so good with his Italian.” She laughed. “I love him anyway. He is so very vigoroso.” She kissed her fingertips and threw out her hand in what I imagined was a typical gesture for her.
I had no trouble translating that Italian as I followed them up to another tower where there were two vacant bedchambers side by side. Lady Anne threw open the door to one and announced she hoped it would suit Florence. The bedchamber next door would be for the Laird. We had just looked at both of them when two lads appeared at the top of the stairs carrying a large trunk. They were huffing and puffing under the weight.
“Those are my clothes. Careful now.” Florence smiled as they set the trunk at the foot of the bed. “Grazie mille.” She slipped them each a coin.
I decided I liked her. So many ladies took such service for granted.
“This room will be fine. Oh, look, a view of the sea!” Florence walked over to the arrow slit and peered out. “It is magico.”
“Yes, the tower rooms are not as large as some, but they have fine views.” Lady Anne directed the boys to the other room when they returned with another smaller trunk. “That must be the laird’s baggage. I will see that fires are lit in both rooms at once.”
“You are very kind.” Florence watched the lady go. “Now we are alone, Madame Gloriana. I can see that she doesn’t know what we are.”
“No, she doesn’t. Jeremiah and I are careful to keep our secrets here.” I sat when she gestured to a chair in front of the empty fireplace. It was cool but not uncomfortable in the room. Spring had arrived.
“I understand.” Florence threw her cloak on the bed. “The Campbell men are very, how you say, irresistibile, are they not?”
I laughed. I couldn’t help it. “You are exactly right. How did you meet the laird?”
“We met in Italy. There was a costume party in Venice. Things get a little wild sometimes when the mortals drink too much wine. One mortal followed me outside and took liberties. I was about to push the idiota into the canal but I let Angus ‘save’ me, capisci?” She grinned.
“It sounds very romantic.” Much more romantic than Jeremiah finding me starving in a noisome alley. Of course, Jeremiah had “saved” me too. Florence and I had that in common.
“Oh, it was. I was lucky Angus gets restless at times and must leave that woman he married too many years ago to count.” She looked around to make sure no one could hear us.
“Vampires! They should never marry. I call myself a widow which is true. I married young, before I was made vampire, then my marito died. Now? I would never marry again. We live forever. For most of us, marriage is a chain that cannot be broken. Too sad for my Angus. His Magdalena will never give him complete freedom. What would she be without her castle and his name?”
Florence shrugged. “I understand. It means Angus takes his time away from her. I am not his first mistress, nor will I be his last. I’m sure Mag has her own lovers as well. Though from what I’ve heard about her, I cannot imagine who would want that cold fish.” She shivered.
“Nor can I. Mag is hateful and certainly has no love for me. She wanted a woman from a neighboring clan for Jeremiah. She decided I was a slut and not good enough for her son.” I didn’t tell her that I wished sometimes for the respectability that marriage would bring me. “Jeremiah seems to share your feelings about the chain of marriage. I imagine seeing the misery of his parents’ connection has done that for him.”
“I am sure of it. Now I will be with Angus until we tire of each other. Once that happens, we can part with no regrets.” She grinned and fingered a sparkling diamond brooch at her neck. “He will give me a lovely gift. I will give him a night to remember.” She sighed. “I must confess that I am in no hurry to say addio to him. I found I missed him after we parted the last time. Angus is very generous and a wonderful lover. I am sure you and your Jeremiah will decide on a similar arrangement when the time comes for you to part.”
I couldn’t imagine it. Leave Jeremiah? I might have doubts about forever, but I didn’t want to let him go either. Just the thought of seeing him with another woman made my fangs drop, ready to rip into some harpy. I took a breath and calmed down.
“Florence, you have no idea how I have longed for a woman to talk to like this. Another vampire. What a relief to speak honestly at last.” I reached out.
“Yes!” Florence clasped my hand. “We will be friends. Do things together that only another vampire can do. We can shift and go out some night to fly over the countryside.” She got up and looked out the window again. “Soaring over the sea would be fun, sí?”
“I don’t shift.” I hated to admit that as I got up and shook out my skirt.
“What? Why not?” She stared at me, trying to read my mind. Looking for a secret.
“I don’t know. I just can’t. It makes Jeremiah wild to think that I cannot do it. He says it’s my best protection.” I walked toward the door and looked out to make sure no one lurked in the hallway.
“He’s right, amica. You must try. Have you? Tried to do it?” She came toward me, very serious, hands clasped. “I can see this worries you. When there is danger, you sometimes have no choice but to change and fly away. I know, I have done it.” She looked down at her hands. “I have lived a long time. My name is not my own. I took it from a town and an old friend.” She sighed.
I understood about names. When Michael, the man who’d eventually pretended to marry me, had found me that day on the stones, all I’d had was the echo of a first name. I took it but wondered if it was really mine.
“Listen to me.” Florence looked up, tears in her beautiful green eyes. “It is not easy being a woman among men. Many are ruthless. They wished to use me, hurt me.” She angrily brushed a tear away. “I would not let them! Mi senti?” She grabbed my hands. “I mean it. If I had not had the courage to change? I would be staked and gone long before now. I am very serious with you, Gloriana. May I call you that?”
“Of course. And I will call you Florence. I am listening to you. And thinking hard about what you have said. It’s not that I don’t want to shift, it’s that I can’t. Something inside me freezes when I try.” Now I blinked back my own tears. “Stupid of me but there it is.”
“Pah! Not stupid. We will say no more, amica. It upsets you and makes you unhappy.” She threw up her hands then gave me a quick hug. “We must stick together. Those Campbell men, they are forte and will try to rule us. We cannot let them. We are vampire women. When Angus begins to think he owns me? That is when I leave.”
“I understand. I love Jeremiah, I love that he is strong and that he wants to keep me safe. But sometimes it makes me feel…” I stared up at the ceiling. Should I share such a thing with this stranger? For some reason I wanted to. “Well, it makes me feel like he’s controlling me, taking away my freedom. Foolish, isn’t it?”
“Not at all. Love is wonderful but is a kind of, how you say, la trappola.” Florence paced the floor. “You want to leave but cannot. Even when he is telling you what to do, you still love him. Madness! Foolishness! We must not let them rule us!” She threw up her hands. “Pah, why do we need men at all?”
I smiled, feeling warmed by her friendship. Oh, how I’d needed this. Without Maggie, I’d been so alone. Yes, Anne had become a friend but I knew there were too many secrets between us. With Florence I didn’t have to hold back.
“You are right. Love can be a trap. But when he looks like a Campbell?” I kissed my fingertips and threw out my hand as Florence had done. That got her to laugh and we both flushed. “I know why I need a man, a vigoroso man. I’m sure you do too.”
Florence picked up her beautiful fan and put it to work. “We will just have to be careful, amica. They are strong but so are we. Right?” She grinned and aimed her fan at my warm cheeks
“Right. If I am not careful, Jeremiah would keep me in a golden cage. I am learning to fight, Florence. Mayhap I will have to pull my sword when he tries to tell me what to do. Won’t he be surprised?”
I grinned as I headed downstairs with a promise to send Mercy up to help Florence with her unpacking. I wanted to see how Jeremiah really felt about his father’s visit.
I couldn’t find him. Finally, Colin said Jeremiah and Captain Burnett had taken the laird down to the beach to show him how they planned to greet the pirates when they next attacked. We’d had a few weeks without another sighting of them. Valdez appeared by my side before I could decide what I should do next.
“One of the shifters from Dollar just came back from the pirate stronghold. I had asked him to come to me after he reported to Jeremiah.”
Valdez was chafing at his role of bodyguard. We had soldiers at the drawbridge and our dozen men inside the courtyard. I was well protected. Valdez really didn’t have much to do these nights.
I was chafing as well. Jeremiah and I had been sharing blood during lovemaking but I knew I would have to go hunting on my own soon. It wasn’t healthy for us to only take blood from each other. I didn’t like drinking from unsuspecting mortals, but it was what I had to do to survive. I’d seek out a healthy person this very night. Valdez would follow me of course. Then he’d at least have something to do.
“What did he find out?”
“Your arrow caused permanent damage to the pirate female. She will never have use of her right arm again. It’s caused her great pain and, of course, rage. It was her sword arm.”
I sat on one of the benches in front of the fire, my legs suddenly weak. “She must hate me.” I knew she was a murderous villain, but to harm her so grievously… I felt sick.
“Hate is too mild a word, Gloriana.” Valdez sat beside me. “She has sworn to kill you. She does not accept that her right hand will not work for her again. She tries to bring it back to life with punishing demands on it.” Valdez shook his head. “Her men urge her to give it up. The Irish have worked themselves into quite a fury and have sworn to act as her right hand. They are ready to attack again as soon as she gives the word and can lead them into battle.”
“You are not making me feel better.” I stared into the fire. “What should we do?”
“Wait. Or you and I can run back to Edinburgh. I like that idea. I’m sure that is what Jeremiah will press you to do. Laird Campbell and his woman would surely be glad to escort you there.”
“I am not going to run. We are well protected here.” I stood. “She may be hurt, but that does not make up for the fact that she killed Lord Ralph nor does it bring back the girls her men stole from the village here.”
“You’re right about that.” Valdez stayed beside me. “But you are no warrior, Gloriana. Playing with a sword does not make you one. Do you understand me?”
“Thank you for the encouragement.” I glared at him.
“I speak the truth. If we are attacked, you must let the trained men handle the fighting. It was pure luck that you got off your shot before. The pirate queen will not wait for you to shoot again. Her archers will have you in their sights if you stand anywhere they can see you.”
“So you say.” I stalked over to the wall where weapons were displayed. There was a suit of armor and I grabbed a chest protector made of gleaming metal. “What if I wear something like this?”
“It will not fit. Or, if you find one in your size, the bulk will make it impossible for you to aim your bow.” Valdez snatched it from my hand. “The fact is, you need to be locked up, like Lady Anne was before. It is the only safe option. Are you listening to me?”
“Who is this man trying to tell you what to do?” Florence stood with her hands on her hips. She gave Valdez a cold assessing look.
“My bodyguard. Madame Florence daVinci, Señor Diego Valdez.” I waited for them to exchange a bow and a curtsy. “Madame daVinci is here with Laird Campbell.”
“Yes, I heard. Don’t be surprised, Madame, if you are sent back to Edinburgh in short order.” Valdez was not smiling as he did his own assessment of the lady.
“I will not be ‘sent’ anywhere, sir.” Florence linked her arm with mine. “Shall we stroll the courtyard, Gloriana? I wish to hear the story of how you shot the pirate queen. Your maid Mercy was full of the tale, but I would like to hear it from your own lips, my dear.” She flicked a glance at Valdez. “Are we safe in the courtyard or must you follow us, Valdez?”
“Oh, I will follow you. Gloriana can get into trouble even within the castle.” Valdez waved a hand toward the door to the courtyard as if giving us permission to precede him.
I longed to deny his claim. Unfortunately, I knew he was right. Trouble would never be far away these nights, especially if the pirate queen had vowed to kill me.