“You have many fine fighting men here.” Florence pulled me toward a noisy gathering in a corner of the courtyard.

Colin was in charge of the men there. Most of them had come with Jeremiah from Castle Campbell. He was really enjoying his new leadership role and had organized a small tournament. The men who weren’t on guard duty were taking turns fighting with swords. They were the blunt type Valdez had used to train me and Lady Anne.

We stood and watched for a while. Hard hits tossed men onto the sidelines so others could take their places. There was much jeering, then cheering as a big man who came from Dollar bested most of the fighters in turn.

“Brian, you have one more challenger. If you win, you will be champion of the night.” Colin was clearly excited. “Come on up, Dennis.”

“What do I win if I finish off this blockhead?” The burly man who strode up to take his place in front of Brian spoke English like he came from London. I wondered how he’d landed among the Scots.

“Do you need a prize?” Florence stepped closer. “I have a gold coin for the winner.” She pulled one out of the purse at her waist. “I like to see two strong men in combattimento. But put away those silly swords. Can you fight how you call it, hand to hand?” She grinned when each man threw off his shirt. Brian pounded his chest and stalked around like a rooster, bragging he’d take down this one like he had the others.

“Not likely.” Dennis got in his face and they exchanged insults. Oh, yes, the gold coin had worked to make the fight more interesting.

“Florence, what are you doing?” I whispered to her.

“Are you not happy to see two forte men showing off their bodies? I am.” She stepped back when Colin got busy drawing a big circle and making up rules. “You will see. They will have a fine time and so will we, watching them.”

Colin was ready. At his signal, the men threw themselves at each other. I had to admit I didn’t mind seeing their slick muscular shoulders heaving as they strained and shoved against each other. The crowd was clearly in favor of Brian, cheering when he managed to throw off Dennis. But the other man quickly regained his feet. They seemed evenly matched. Soon they were rolling in the dirt, their grunts drowned out by calls from the crowd as bets were laid.

When Dennis landed a punch that made Brian’s nose bleed, Flo and I grabbed each other. It was all I could do not to moan with thirst.

“So robusto.” Flo leaned closer and pointed to Brian, who stood catching his breath and wiping away the blood before diving at Dennis again. “Just smell, Gloriana. His blood would be deliziosa, I think. Have you tried it?”

“I haven’t but now I’m wishing I had.” I was very aware of Valdez at my elbow. I had my pick of healthy men here but had thought to select a woman to quench my thirst. Loyalty to Jeremiah? Did I think he was careful to drink only from other men? Hah! I couldn’t imagine him putting his fangs in one of these hearty souls. He preferred to drink from women. I realized I gripped my skirt as I thought about some of the maids who I’d caught eyeing my man while they worked. I bit back a snarl and fought to keep my fangs out of sight.

“We have a winner! Well done, Brian MacTavish!” Colin held up Brian’s hand while Dennis lay dazed in the center of the ring.

I’d been so busy imagining problems where none existed, I’d missed the final takedown. Now Florence marched up to Brian and handed him the gold coin before she kissed his damp cheek. He flushed a deep red. Oh, temptation. I knew Florence was fighting her own fangs just then. Luckily the moon had gone behind a cloud and the torches weren’t bright enough to make it obvious that she had lost the battle. She put a handkerchief to her mouth as she laughed and hooked her arm through Brian’s in a victory parade around the circle.

“You and your new friend need to stick to needlework.” Valdez grabbed my elbow as if to pull me away from the fighting arena. “You are making fools of yourselves.”

I jerked my arm loose. “You forget your place. Again. Do I have to complain to Jeremiah?” I walked up to Florence and Brian. “Come, I am in the mood to take a walk outside the castle walls.”

I turned to Brian. “Shall we ask our champion to come with us?” I smiled at him. “What do you say, Brian? Will you and Patrick,” I pointed to another man I recognized from Dollar who would understand about vampires, “come with us for a stroll in the moonlight? We will need extra guards and who better than tonight’s winner?”

“Aye, we’d be honored, Mistress Gloriana. Right, Patrick?” Brian picked up his shirt and pulled it over his head. He grabbed the man Patrick and whispered to him.

“Mistress, we will guard you, of course. Please be assured that Patrick and I wouldna mind offering any other service you might need. If I am not being too bold to say so.”

I looked around at the crowd to make sure no one was listening. I didn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. Thank the gods, coins were changing hands and the men were too busy settling bets to care what we discussed.

“I mean no disrespect, of course, mistress.” Brian stared down at his dusty boots.

This time I was the one who flushed. Brian and Patrick had grown up in the town below Castle Campbell. The mortals there knew about vampires and their needs. They willingly gave their blood in exchange for good jobs with high wages or coin. The casual way the mortals accepted us there was still hard for me to understand though I was grateful for it.

“Thank you, Brian. You understand me very well. Madame daVinci and I appreciate your willingness to serve us.” I ignored Valdez, a looming presence at my back.

“What is this? He knows what you are, what we are?” Florence clearly had read his mind.

“Quiet, Florence.” I hurried her toward the open drawbridge. We were expecting supplies this night and it was open. As soon as we were yards away from the men still noisily discussing the fight, I leaned close to her.

“Yes, he is from the town below Jeremiah’s home castle.” I explained the arrangements between mortals and vampires there. “Surprising, isn’t it?” I kept walking across the drawbridge, our footsteps noisy on the wooden structure. “I hope you have more coins in your purse.”

“Yes, of course.” Florence almost danced down the path beside me. “Angus should have told me about this. Our own willing donatori di sangue.”

I hushed her, though I was sure not even the guards we passed could overhear us—or understand her words. Soon we were on the path that led through the forest and toward the beach. A turn, and the castle was out of sight. I was glad of our two extra guards in the gloom.

Signore, Madame Gloriana tells me you might be willing to give blood to your mistress or to me. Is this true?” Florence looked up at Brian, her eyes gleaming, and showed him her fangs. Unlike the rest of her, they were not tiny, but long and lethal.

“Aye. Gladly.” He didn’t shrink when he saw the size of them. “I am healthy and have plenty of blood to spare.” He pounded his chest as he had done before the fight. “I have done it many times for others of your kind. It doesna hurt and I like…” He flushed again. “the feeling it gives me. After.”

“Ah.” Florence took his hand. “I hope you do not mind, Gloriana, if Brian is my special friend tonight?”

“Not at all. I hope Patrick will be able to serve me.” I was surprised and, yes, a little shocked at her eagerness. It seemed to be for more than just the blood. Oh, I was imagining that. She was surely loyal to the laird. But then I didn’t know her, did I?

“Come with me, my champion. If you please me, I will please you.” Florence smiled before she walked with him off the path to a stand of trees.

My mouth fell open as I watched them leave. I didn’t dare wonder how Florence was going to please Brian. I turned to the mortal Brian had picked out of the crowd. He was a fine-looking man and I could smell his blood, fresh and free of disease. My own fangs were down, eager to get on with this.

“Patrick, are you willing as well? If you don’t wish to…” I didn’t like the way my voice quavered. I should be used to taking blood by now. It was for my own survival after all. But the Campbell way was still new to me. I’d done it once when we’d stayed at the castle, Jeremiah by my side to ease the awkwardness. In London I’d had to stalk mortals, put them in a kind of daze, then take their blood. Afterwards, I’d erased their memory of it. That had made me uneasy, as if I had stolen something from them, though I always left coin or food for them in exchange. In Edinburgh, the Campbells’ longtime servants had cut their own veins and served us goblets of fresh blood. Truly, it had been a luxury that only the very wealthy could afford.

“Mistress Gloriana, it will be an honor to serve you.” Patrick smiled. “Your guard, however, is looking at me like he might slit my gizzard with that knife of his. Will you call him off?”

I whirled to face Valdez. Yes, he had pulled out a knife. “What are you doing?”

“I am only trying to help you. You need to cut his wrist, do you not? Unless you are in a mood to rip it open like a savage?” He glanced at Patrick, who had paled when Valdez said that.

“You know very well I would never do such a thing. Hand me the knife.” I had my own, but Valdez seemed determined to act hostile about this. He flipped the knife in the air and handed it to me by the handle.

“Since Patrick is willing, I will stand guard while you go about your business.” Valdez pointed to a spot off the path. “There’s a fallen tree where you may sit. I will make sure no one disturbs you. Patrick, Mistress Gloriana wants your blood and nothing more from you. Do you understand?” He gave the man a hard look. I didn’t doubt he’d heard Florence and drawn his own conclusions. Was he making rules for me now?

“Aye. I would never treat Mistress Gloriana with anything but respect.” Patrick pulled off his cap and shuffled his feet. “You have nothing to worry about, mistress.” He glanced at the trees where Brian and Florence had disappeared. “I owe my loyalty to Lord Jeremiah, to all the Campbells. I would never do anything to betray his trust or to cause you worry, mistress.”

“Thank you, Patrick. I never doubted it.” I gripped the knife then stalked over to the quiet place where we would be sheltered from prying eyes. I sat on the fallen tree and gestured for Patrick to sit beside me. He glanced at Valdez who still watched us closely. Once again, my bodyguard was going too far.

By the gods, if I wanted to reward Patrick with a kiss for giving his blood or even something more, wasn’t that my business? Not that I was tempted, there was only one man I wanted to kiss. But now I wondered. Had Jeremiah told Valdez to spy on me? That thought stopped me cold. No, surely not. My lover trusted me. Of course, he did.

“Valdez, turn your back and watch for intruders. That is what you are here for, is it not?” I was angry with him. He worked for me, didn’t he? Yes, Jeremiah paid him, but not to treat me like a helpless child. I was sick of it. I waited until the shifter turned on his heel and presented his back to us.

“Now, Patrick, I promise this will not hurt.” I pulled his wrist to my mouth and licked it to dull the pain. Patrick gasped before I ran the sharp knife across it. Had I hurt him? No, I felt sure his gasp was caused by the intimacy of my mouth against his wrist. He’d closed his eyes and leaned forward.

He tasted of salty sweat but his skin was so very warm. Hot blood welled and I caught the drops with my tongue before any could escape. Oh, delicious. Fangs in, I drank until instinct told me it was time to release him. I used to count to be sure not to take too much but now I just knew the limit a mortal could stand.

Patrick’s other arm crept around my shoulders and I leaned against him to hold his wrist firm. Was he steadying me or himself? I licked the wound to seal it then sat up to look into his face. He was pale, his eyes still closed. I would make sure he had a good meal after this, even though it was late. I glanced at his britches. I had aroused him with my drinking. Poor man. I hoped he had a sweetheart here in the castle he could go to later to relieve what was surely an ache.

“Are you all right?” I touched his cheek.

“Oh!” His eyes flew open. “More than all right.” He jumped to his feet. “I see now what Brian meant. About the excitement.” He dropped his hands to cover his bulge. “Hasn’t happened before. When the laird or some other vampire took my blood.” His flush made his face rosy. “Well, beggin’ your pardon, mistress. I’ll be going now.” He swayed as he took a step toward the castle.

“Wait.” I pulled a coin, no, two coins, from my purse. “Thank you for serving me, Patrick. Here.” I pressed the coins into his hand. “Now be sure to stop in the kitchen. Tell Holly to fix you a plate of that chicken she served for last meal, on my orders. It is important that you eat now.”

“Yes, must eat right away. Oh, I feel a little light-headed.” Patrick tucked the coins away and doffed his cap. “That was a treat. I mean, thank you, Mistress Gloriana. I will be glad to serve you again. Any time.” He staggered away, finally almost running toward the castle.

“Fool.” Valdez picked up his knife from where I’d laid it on the log then wiped it clean with a handful of leaves.

“Why? Because giving me blood made him happy?” I shook out my skirt. Had I done it wrong? Spent too long using my tongue to seal the wound? I shook my head. I refused to feel guilty for Patrick’s reaction to a simple bloodletting. Men will be men. I could not get that phrase out of my head.

I looked around. No sign of Florence and Brian yet. Perhaps women would be women as well, not above feeling lusty. That made me smile even while I wondered if we should wait for her on this dark path.

Valdez straightened and steered me toward the castle. “Happy? Is that your word for it? He liked your mouth on him. A beautiful woman pressed against him that close? It’s a high treat for a working man. For any man, come to that.” Valdez kept his eyes on the trees that surrounded us. “It’s too dark out here. We need to get back inside the courtyard.”

“What about Florence and Brian?” I felt uneasy. Valdez was right, the sky was overcast, clouds covering the moon. Trees rustled as if someone hid behind each one. Pirates? Or my imagination?

“Brian can handle anyone who tries to bother that woman. I read her mind. Unlike you, she is not afraid to shape-shift. That will get her out of any trouble that comes her way.” Valdez urged me toward the drawbridge, his hand on my back. “My job would be easier if you would do the same.”

“Will you stop it? I’m not shifting and that’s that. Jeremiah has been at me already about it. I won’t accept it from you too.” I kept moving, though. It was frightening out here and I sensed a menacing presence. Would the pirate leader send a spy to try to kill me in secret? It was a horrifying thought. I would have to be alert to danger at all times. No wonder Valdez wanted me back inside where we had soldiers guarding us.

We were safely inside the courtyard when Valdez stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. “It’s my job to protect you, Gloriana. It would be easier if you could shift, but I do need to remember my place. Complain to Jeremiah and he will replace me. Is that what you want?”

Replace him. Did I? Who would I get instead? Some burly shape-shifter who might be even more impossible to deal with? There were several here from Castle Campbell. Most had hard eyes and rough hands. Fergus had Turnbull cousins who would love to work for Jeremiah. They were crude and rude and arrogant. Valdez was arrogant but at least he was handsome. Though what that had to do with keeping me safe, I had no idea.

“Stay. I cannot imagine anyone who would be any easier to deal with.” I brushed past him to go inside. To my relief, I heard Florence laughing as she walked back across the drawbridge, Brian trailed her with a dazed look on his face. Her cheeks were flushed as I was sure mine were. We’d both enjoyed drinking our fill of mortal blood. It left me feeling strong and vital.

“Where is Lady Anne? I want to see her needlework. I am not so good at it, but she is an artista if the pillows in my room are anything to go by.” Florence linked her arm with mine then leaned in to whisper. “Thank you for showing me how the Campbells take their blood. It is fantastico!”

“Yes, it is.” I led her up the stairs. “Lady Anne is clever with her needle. I cannot sew without poking myself and drawing blood.”

“Neither can I but I enjoy drawing and painting.” Florence giggled. “I have other talents as well. Ask your fellow Brian. He will never forget me, I am sure.”

I shook my head. Did I want to know what this woman had done to the man? Or for him? Whatever it was, she had made him happy. I was too loyal to Jeremiah to even think of sharing my favors with another man. Was Jeremiah as loyal? I didn’t dare ask him.

Fergus and Maggie had arrived. With their new baby. Their darling little girl brought tears to my eyes as I held her. I would never have this for myself. Yes, I’d made that decision for love, but it was becoming real to me, the finality of it. Little Anna snuggled against my breast and stole my heart.

“We named her after you, Gloriana. As best we could. You have no idea how Fergus’s family is. They would have named her after one of their ancestors. I couldn’t even pronounce that name!”

Maggie told me this while she wasted no time unpacking and taking over the running of the castle. The maids scurried to do her bidding, recognizing a firm hand. After she and Holly shared a cup of tea and a cake or two, even the feisty cook was happy to accept that Maggie was now taking on the duties that “poor Lady Anne” should no longer have to do.

“You have a Lady Anne here and now my Anna. My precious lamb is no great lady.” Maggie grinned after we retired to her room when the baby got fussy. “Though there’s no saying my Anna couldn’t marry a lord someday, is there?”

“No indeed.” I sat with Maggie in her room in front of the fire. Fergus was out with Jeremiah, meeting the captain and assessing the troops.

“I am so glad you are here.” I watched Maggie feed the hungry baby. “She hasn’t admitted it, but Lady Anne is grateful you will become our housekeeper. The maids were taking advantage of her sweet nature.” I laughed when Maggie raised her eyebrows.

“Not that you aren’t sweet, dear friend, but you know how to get work out of a lazy staff member, now don’t you?”

“Indeed, I do. One look and I saw how things were here. Dirt in the corners. Cobwebs hanging from the ceilings. I swear the tapestries haven’t had the dirt beat out of them since they were hung years ago.” She sniffed. “The chits from the village here will soon step lively or they’ll be gone.”

I hadn’t really noticed such things, but then I’d never seen the castle in the light of day either. “Good. Now I will be glad to pay you good wages and you can save the money for your future. Someday you and Fergus might want to live somewhere besides Dollar and in the midst of the Turnbulls.”

“Anywhere but in the midst of the Turnbulls.” Maggie sighed and ran a fingertip over her daughter’s head which was covered with a dark fuzz. “I love Fergus with all my heart, but his mother! I cannot even stitch on a button to her liking. You know that I am skilled with a needle, Gloriana!”

“Of course!” Maggie had taken care of the wardrobe at the Globe Theater for Master Shakespeare when I had been there. Her so-called husband had ignored her until he’d disappeared to follow another theatrical troop. Maggie had never loved him and he’d left her with unpaid rent and penniless. Only her clever needle had saved her.

My own clumsy sewing had convinced Shakespeare to let me sleep behind the stage after Michael was killed, but he’d finally demanded I leave. That had brought about my chance encounter with Jeremiah. I’d never forgotten Maggie’s kindness when I’d been at my most desperate. I had gone back to visit her, to let her know I was safe, then had introduced her to Fergus. It made me so happy that Maggie had found love with a good man who adored her.

“Lady Anne may want to leave now that you have replaced her. If she does go back to her home, she is afraid her family may force her into a marriage she doesn’t want.” I stood and stared into the fire. “There is a chance Captain Burnett has grown fond of the lady. If we can push them together, mayhap he will offer for her.”

“You are playing matchmaker! Just as you did with me and my Fergus.” Maggie laughed and pulled Anna up to her shoulder to pat her back. “Have at it, dear Glory. Any ideas on how to bring him up to scratch?”

“He has been visiting her almost nightly. He makes excuses to come to the castle and takes his meals in the great hall. Lady Anne used to eat in her solar but I insisted she keep the captain company in the hall since Jeremiah and I cannot. They have been getting to know each other.” I gently lifted the baby when I saw she was asleep on Maggie’s shoulder. “Let me put her in her cradle.”

Maggie got up to gaze at the baby. “What do the captain and the lady think of the fact that you and Jeremiah never join them for dinner?”

“That we are strange, of course.” I sighed. “You know how difficult it is to keep our secret when we live with mortals. And how impossible it is for any mortal to understand.”

“Yes, vampires and shape-shifters. It is a strange new world that I may never get used to.” She gazed at her daughter. “Anna may become one of them. Fergus tells me when she starts becoming a woman, the change can start for her. If it comes at all.” She sighed. “I don’t know what to wish for her. The Turnbulls are desperate for her to become a shifter.”

“Of course. What do you want?” I put my arm around my friend.

“For her to be happy. I may see these shifters as, well, as freaks of nature.” She flushed. “But it is a wonderful thing for my Fergus. He is proud of what he can do. She will want to please her father and will be terribly disappointed if she is indeed a ‘mere mortal’.” Maggie frowned. “That’s what the Turnbulls call me. Oh, Gloriana, you should see the way her eyes follow her father when he is near her. She already adores him.”

I had no idea who my father was. No memory… I let Maggie go and crossed the room. “I think most little girls must love their fathers. Lady Anne talks of hers so fondly. He let her marry for love.”

“She was lucky. Mine drank then used his fists on anyone he could reach.” Maggie shuddered. “I picked a much better man to marry.” She looked up at me. “I admit the first time Fergus changed in front of me, I, well, I screamed.” Maggie’s face turned red. “It scared me silly.”

“Oh, Maggie, I pulled you into this world. Do you regret it?” I moved closer.

“How could I when I found real love for the first time in my life? I now have the family I always wanted. I will take strange and be glad of it.” She walked around the cradle to hug me. “You will have my love and loyalty as long as I live, Gloriana St. Clair. I am just sorry you will never have one of these precious babes of your own.”

“Yes, well, I made the choice.” I turned away. I couldn’t be bitter. There was no point. “Mercy says you have asked her to look after little Anna while you work. I think that is a fine idea, with her expecting her own babe.”

“You don’t mind? She is your maid, after all.” Maggie began to tidy the room, folding blankets and changing cloths. “I thought it might be good practice for her. Once her babe comes, the two little ones can be kept together while I work.”

“It is a good plan. There is little for Mercy to do here. It is not as if we have fancy balls where I need my hair done up. Still, Florence, Laird Campbell’s mistress, makes me want to look my best. She certainly takes her time each night to dazzle us. The men can’t look away.”

Maggie laughed. “I like her. You needed a vampire female friend. There’s no reason to let yourself do such things as fighting then forget that Lord Jeremiah likes you to look pretty.” She walked me to the door. “I took a look at your wardrobe. Mercy hasn’t been taking care of it like she should. The girl has too much on her mind these days, I think, to be a proper servant.”

“She’s doing enough. And no one is better with my wardrobe than you, Maggie. You know that.” I hugged her again. “Oh, how I’ve missed you. Yes, it’s fun having Florence here, but she is not an old friend, now is she?”

I opened the door. “I would love for us to have a wedding here. I need to seek out Lady Anne to see what she thinks of the good captain.”

But when I found the lady, she was packing.