Jeremiah’s poor ship looked battered and in sore need of repairs. When my man and his father climbed out of a rowboat and waded ashore, I could tell Jeremiah was not in the best of moods.
He took me in his arms and gave me a hungry kiss, then looked into my eyes. “If I ever take ship again, remind me that I am a much better warrior on land.”
“I wouldn’t dare.” I fought a smile. Next to us, the laird and Flo were having a noisy reunion. Flo was letting Angus know that she’d been worried. That seemed to require loud Italian and hand gestures.
“What’s she doing there?” Jeremiah nodded toward the witch’s hut where Helen stood in front of her door, staring at us.
“Who understands witches?” I was tempted to walk up to her and ask her about the potion. “Perhaps she is watching to see if we need something from her.”
“You’ve not had truck with her, have you?” Jeremiah kept his arm around me and stared at me again. “Gloriana! You know how that kind works. Before you know it, you are under a spell and quacking like a duck.”
“Relax, my love. I am staying well away from her now. We only went to see her because she claimed to foretell the future. I was so desperately worried when you didn’t return right away.” I hugged him, reveling in the smell and feel of him.
“She said you would return to us safely and here you are!” I waved a hand down his body. His clothes were ruined but he seemed unharmed. I wondered if he’d helped himself to blood from mortal crew members. Wondered? Of course, he had, to stay strong.
“A lucky guess. I hope you won’t go to her again, Gloriana.” He glanced at her.
“I see no reason to, my love. No harm done.” Though I had a pain in my head, behind my eyes. That potion and my visions. Were they gone? Or would they return?
“I am back but our attack on the pirates was not a success.” Jeremiah let me go and walked to the water’s edge. “The ship is in shambles. Intrepid became impossible to control in the rough seas during the storm and it rolled over supplies and even injured men.” He took off his hat and ran his hand through his hair. “The cannon was too heavy to carry on a ship of that size. I made a terrible mistake.”
“I’m sorry. Valdez said you had to throw it overboard.” I put my arm around his waist.
“Valdez?” He turned to look for him. Of course, my bodyguard was nearby, keeping a distance to be discreet, but close enough to guard me. “What does he know about it?”
“I insisted he shift and look for you. He found you stranded and aground. I was so relieved when he reported that you were all right.” I didn’t like the way Jeremiah’s body had stiffened. I knew the signs. He was furious.
“Don’t be angry with him, Jeremiah. He was only doing my bidding. I was well guarded while he was gone.” Of course, I really wasn’t. The poor guard at my door had been killed trying to keep me safe. I certainly didn’t share that with Jeremiah. Not yet, anyway.
“Valdez! Come here.” Jeremiah pushed me away from him and not too gently. “You left Gloriana alone to go flying over the sea? You knew I wouldn’t approve. You hid from me, spied on me!” He stalked right up to Valdez. I knew that look. He was fighting his fangs, aware we were not alone on the beach. Mortals watched us, probably hoping for a fight.
“Yes. I told her you wouldn’t like it.” Valdez kept his hand on his sword. Surely, he didn’t think Jeremiah would attack him.
“What provisions did you make for her safety while you were gone?” Jeremiah’s voice was hard, his own hand on his sword.
“Stop this. I told you, I ordered him to go. I know you pay him to guard me, but I must have some say in what he can and cannot do, Jeremiah. I was distraught. I needed to know if you were safe. You’d been gone for nights. And days!” I clutched his sword arm and lowered my voice to a whisper. “Can you understand how that made me feel? My terror that you might be caught in the sun?”
“I am old enough to know how to protect myself when the sun rises, Gloriana. Give me credit for that.” Jeremiah turned that hard look toward me.
“Excuse me, but when you love someone and they are missing, you do not always think clearly.” I would not accept criticism from him on this. I knew what was coming. He didn’t know yet that I’d fought the pirate queen while he and Valdez were gone. Then he’d really be wild.
His eyes widened as he saw my thoughts. “You what? You fought the pirate queen?” He actually drew his sword. “Where were your fucking guards?” He shouted this so loud that the sailors rowing in from the ship stopped what they were doing to stare at him.
I took a step back. Then another. “MacDougal died guarding me, Jeremiah. As soon as Valdez flew away, she slit his throat and was there, at the tower door.” Oh, gods, a tear slipped down my cheek. I couldn’t allow it. I was not going to rely on the feminine trick of crying to get his sympathy. Not a trick though when all I’d been through made my legs shake until I almost fell on the sand.
“Don’t you yell at her.” Flo was there, holding onto my arm to keep me upright. “She had a horrible time. That pirate cagna took her at gunpoint from one tower to the top of another and tried to kill her.”
“Gloriana!” Jeremiah put away his sword. “My love. What did you do?” His voice had softened. He was still simmering with rage behind his effort to speak kindly, but at least he was trying to put his fury where it belonged—at the pirate woman.
“I, I fought her, Jeremiah. I used the knife tricks that you and Valdez taught me. But I didn’t kill her.” I took a shuddering breath and held onto Flo. She was a silent support and I treasured her for it.
“Then how—” Jeremiah started to reach for me but I shook my head. I wasn’t ready for his touch.
“She killed herself, Jeremiah. She jumped off the battlements rather than face hanging for her crimes.” I sobbed once and found a handkerchief in my hand, thanks to Flo. “I cannot forget it. Every time I close my eyes, I see her broken body lying on the ground.”
“I’m sorry, Gloriana. You aren’t used to seeing something like that.” Jeremiah stepped closer. “Please let me hold you.” This time he sounded like he meant it. “Let me show you that I am sorry I didn’t keep you safe.”
“You cannot always keep me safe, Jeremiah. It’s, it’s all right.” I slipped my arm from Flo’s and reached for him. “I love you. I worry about you. But I know I can’t keep you safe either. Understand?”
“You’re a woman. It’s not your job. I hired Valdez to do a task and he failed to do his duty.” Jeremiah put his arms around me and started to draw me closer. “He will have to go.”
I jerked back. “No, he will not. I want him to stay. If you dismiss him, I will leave and go back to Edinburgh, from there to London. I mean it, Jeremiah.” I dragged his hands from my waist. What was I saying? Yet somehow I knew I couldn’t let him have his way in this.
“You’re serious? You would leave me over a hired guard?” Jeremiah glanced at Valdez who stood quietly. “Is there more to this than I know?” Now he scowled. “What exactly is between the two of you?”
“Friendship. Valdez is my friend. You demand I have a bodyguard. Well, it makes it easier to have someone with me every waking moment if we can be friends. Can you understand that?” I would not back down, even though my stomach rolled and it took everything in me to stand firm. Suddenly I sensed another presence close by.
“Son, you need to give way on this.” The laird stood next to Jeremiah. “Look into her heart. The lass hasn’t taken him for a lover. It’s just that she needs this bit of control in her life.” He stared at Flo and smiled. “There’s something about strong women that makes them verra attractive. But you have to learn how to deal with them or you will lose them.”
Flo grinned at him. “Angus, you always were un uomo molto intelligente. That’s why I come when you call, eh?”
“Da, she was left unguarded. What do you think of that?” Jeremiah faced his father. “I’m all for giving Gloriana the freedom, if you want to call it that, to choose her bodyguard. But this is negligence.” He stalked over to where Valdez had moved away again and stood alone. “How do you explain her lack of protection, man?”
“I have no answer for you. Colin and Fergus assured me they would have two men on her at all times. Then the pirates attacked and I can only assume one of the guards ran to aid those at the front gate.” Valdez glanced at me. “I am sorry. I should have ignored Gloriana’s entreaties and stayed at my post. It won’t happen again.”
“Hah! I doubt you can keep that promise.” Jeremiah wheeled to face me. “Even I cannot deny this woman what she wants when she stares at me with those eyes.” He shook his head. “You are not lovers, you swear it.” He was back to glaring at Valdez. “I cannot read your mind, damn you.”
“I have too much respect for you, Lord Campbell, to touch Gloriana.”
“Stop this! Have I no say in the matter? Am I just a weak female who surely cannot resist her handsome bodyguard?” I stomped across the sand to hit Jeremiah in the back. “Are Valdez and I lovers? Ask me that question. Boor! Ass!” I pounded him. “If I were in the mood to take another lover, I would tell you, not sneak around with the likes of this shifter.”
Flo clapped and yelled “Bravo!”
I ignored her. Jeremiah caught me in his arms and smiled down at me. Clearly, he thought my show of temper amusing. Oh, if I didn’t love him and wasn’t relieved that he had returned unharmed, I would hate him. I started to slap the smile off his face but he caught my wrist.
“Gloriana, my love. Can we go to the castle now? I am in sore need of a good long soak in the bathing tub. If you cannot forgive me, then so be it. I will order the carriage for tomorrow night to take you to Edinburgh. I’m sure there are men in the king’s court who would be happy to offer you their protection. I know you don’t like that word, but that is what we call it when we provide a home and care for you, my beautiful lady.” Jeremiah let go of me, then ducked when I swung a fist at him.
“Yes, you do need a bath. You stink of dirt and seawater.” I started toward the castle. “Come, Valdez. You are not dismissed. We are not going to Edinburgh. I believe I will give Lord Campbell another chance to please me.” I glanced at Flo. “Jewels? What do you think, Florence? Should I demand a new ring? Or a necklace? Your pearl is certainly a pretty bauble. Perhaps the laird can give Jeremiah the direction of his jeweler.”
“I think, Glory, that you are learning.” Flo grabbed the laird’s arm. “We were so worried, Angus. Grazie Dio, that Valdez could bring us word that you were safe.” She walked toward the castle. “My new friend is right. It will take a pretty ring to calm my nerves after what I had to endure while you were gone.”
The laird exchanged looks with his son. “My dear, you are worth more than a simple ring. I will send for a dressmaker. You did say you needed to add to your wardrobe, didn’t you?”
“Ah, Angus, you know me so well.” Flo pulled him toward the trees. “Let me show you how well I know you.” They disappeared into the forest.
“Da is truly foolish around that woman.” Jeremiah managed to catch me, his arm wrapping around my waist. “Am I acting the jealous fool, Gloriana?”
“Yes. I don’t like it.” But I let him hold me. Then I felt eyes on me. It was the witch, staring at us. What did she want? Was she wondering if I’d used her potion? I tried to clear my mind. It wouldn’t do for Jeremiah to learn about that.
“I am true to you, Jeremiah. Accusing Valdez of disloyalty also accuses me. Keep that in mind.” I was not going to make this easy for him. I had been through too much lately and my nerves were raw.
“The problem is that you are important to me. Maybe too important.” He stopped on the path. “When I think of you forced to fight for your life, it maddens me.” He pulled me in and kissed me with a desperation I’d rarely felt from him. “Please don’t leave me. For a moment, I thought about life here without you. It gutted me.” He looked into my eyes and let me see the truth in his. “Throwing out that threat is no way to fight with me. Don’t say it if you don’t mean it, Gloriana.”
I couldn’t believe I was really that important to him. This man who had lived more than a century? I knew he’d had a bad voyage, perhaps that was making him feel vulnerable. Whatever the cause, I was listening to his words and seeing his heart. He truly loved me. I might not like the way he wanted to keep me from harm, but it was out of love.
“I won’t do that again. You know I was only teasing, don’t you?” I ran my fingers over his lean cheek. “It maddens me to think you were on a ship and I might have lost you to the sea. Can you understand how desperate that made me feel?”
“Yes.” He held me tight and sighed into my hair. “I guess we are at a stand.”
“I guess. Though I still wouldn’t mind a new jewel.” I grinned up at him.
“You will have it.” He looked behind us. “Valdez, see if you can find out why only one guard was left outside her door that night. The pirates will be out for revenge for the death of their leader. We must be ready for them. I want to know more about this attack while I was gone as well. Someone let the pirate queen get to Gloriana. That kind of negligence can’t stand. Tell Fergus I will be expecting to meet him in the great hall as soon as I wash off my dirt. Go do that now.”
Valdez saluted and left us. He had a stern look, as if what had happened with Jeremiah had changed him and his attitude. I hoped I hadn’t lost his friendship.
We went straight to the bathing tower after letting Mercy know we’d be needing water sent up for Jeremiah. I was reluctant to even enter the room. I had come to hate the place. I saw the spot where Zarah had pushed me with her gun and the arrow slit where I’d stood for so many hours waiting for Jeremiah. But the bustle of filling the large tub and gathering clothes for my man to wear made it easier for me to ignore the memories that kept haunting me.
“Gloriana, what’s wrong?” Jeremiah was leaning back in the tub, enjoying the warm water, one foot propped on the edge. He was obviously surprised I hadn’t made a game of bathing him or suggested that I join him.
I just shook my head. I didn’t want to go through that story again. The fight. The worry about Zarah’s body.
“Would you like one of your cigars?” I knew he enjoyed relaxing with one and had brought the box up from our bedchamber. “Let me light one for you.”
“Thank you. If I can’t have you in here with me, naked, I’ll take a cigar.” He smiled. “You are in a strange mood.” He inhaled as I held the taper to light it. “Still angry with me?”
“I tried to shape-shift while you were gone. I wanted to search for you myself. I would have gone with Valdez then.” I pulled up the stool and sat watching him. He was a beautiful man in my eyes, lying there in the tub drawing on that cigar. The smell was exotic and not entirely to my liking. The smoke blended with that from the fire in the fireplace. There was a slight wind coming through the arrow slit that made it swirl around his head and mine.
I sighed, strange mood indeed. I should be taking off my dress and climbing into the bath with him. Instead, I wanted to talk.
“You tried, but failed, or you wouldn’t have been left alone.” Jeremiah reached for my hand. “I’m sorry. I wish you could get past your fears.”
I squeezed his hand. “So do I! I tried so hard. I did what you said, exactly. But felt not even a tingle of a change starting. Am I not a true vampire? Is that the problem?”
“Don’t be silly. How could you be more of one?” He got up with a splash and threw the cigar into the fire. “I’d like to say it’s not important that you conquer this but we both know it is.” He grabbed a drying cloth and wrapped it around his waist. “Up on the battlements and fighting with a mortal woman who could have easily killed you? Shifting would have saved you.”
“I know!” I stood and threw myself into his arms. He was moist and cool and everything I wanted. I was so glad he was back. “I’ll try again. The witch…” I felt his muscles go taut.
“What about the witch?” He stared into my eyes.
“She offered me a potion. To help with the shifting.” I lowered my gaze.
“How in the hell could she help you?” He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. “Look at me, damn it. Did you take a witch’s potion, Gloriana? Tell me you didn’t risk such a thing.”
“She said it was a calming potion. After that horrible fight with Zarah, I felt…” I leaned against his damp chest. “I’m sorry, Jeremiah. I was weak, I took it. I wasn’t even trying to shift. I just wanted to be at ease. I’d had such an ordeal. I was shaking, upset.” I held onto him, waiting.
“What did it do to you?” He ran his hands up and down my back, comforting me. “Did it give you ease? Or do something else? Those bloody witches cannot be trusted. You know that.”
“I also know they can help, if they wish.” I’d had dealings with good witches and had learned you couldn’t judge them all by one bad example. It was the same with vampires. Zarah had called me a monster just because I had fangs. Was it true?
“You haven’t answered me. What did that potion do to you? You seem quiet, not yourself. Are you still feeling the effects of it? Did it poison you?” Jeremiah’s hands tightened on my waist. “Do we need to see the witch and threaten her until we get an antidote?”
“You know better than to threaten a witch, Jeremiah. They can be powerful enemies.” I pulled away from him and rubbed my forehead where I still ached. “The potion gave me visions. Nothing more.”
“What kind of visions?” Jeremiah grabbed another drying cloth and ran it over his hair. “That’s strange. It doesn’t sound calming to me.”
“First it did calm me, in a way. I felt boneless. I began to see pictures on the ceiling. They made no sense until I asked a question. I wanted to know where I came from. I’ve always wanted to know that. Right?”
“Yes, that’s true. What did you see?” He dropped the cloths and pulled on his britches.
“A palace of sorts. White, magnificent.” I handed him his shirt, sad to see his chest covered when he pulled it over his head. I knew he wanted to meet with Fergus and the soldiers in the castle. He had to assert his authority. We had little time together before duty called him. “There were two people on a throne. They wore golden crowns.”
“That’s wonderful, Gloriana!” He hugged me. “You must come from some kind of royalty. It doesn’t surprise me a bit.” He sat on the stool to pull on his boots. “Do you think it was true or just a dream? Though you have always been well-spoken, as if from a wealthy family or royalty.”
I didn’t tell him I had merely aped the speech of the actors in Shakespeare’s plays to learn to speak so well. “I have no idea what is true and what is not. I also saw colorful birds and warriors. The man and woman on the throne did seem to look like me. The woman had golden hair the color of mine.”
“She could have been your mother!” Jeremiah seemed determined to make the best of this. “Why not? I’ve heard of brews helping people remember things. Or to find lost items. I don’t know why we didn’t think of this before.” He pulled me into his arms.
“Wait. Are you suggesting I try this again?” I could read his mind for once when he looked down at me. “See the witch and ask for another potion?”
“When I met you, you said you landed on stones with no idea who you were or where you came from.” Jeremiah brushed my hair back from my face. “It has always worried you. I don’t care about any of that, but you do. Don’t you?”
“Yes, of course. All I had when I woke was my name. Just one name at that. I took Michael’s last name because he found me but I had nothing of my own. Not a clue on me to help us figure out my past or where I came from.” I flushed. “We soon found out I was no virgin so we assumed I was a widow. I have no idea if I left a husband or family behind. That haunts me.”
“But you tried to find out. No one was searching for you. So you said.” Jeremiah put on his belt and added a knife. “I wish I had time to talk to you about this. Just know if you remember some long-lost husband, I’ll fight him for you.”
“Oh, Jeremiah. I’m sure that won’t happen.” I kissed him then shook my head. “You don’t trust witches. You never have. How can you suggest…”
“You are right. Forget I said anything.” He kissed me hard then put me away from him. “I have to see to the men now. I have to find out if Valdez learned anything about why you were left unguarded. We may have more traitors in our midst than we knew. Stay away from the witch if you are satisfied with what you’ve learned. As you say, it may have been just a dream.”
He strapped on his sword, gave me another quick kiss then went out the door. He stopped and looked over the two men on guard in the hall. He had questions for each of them before, satisfied, he strode on down the stairs.
I just stood there, confused, worried, and considering. Did I really want to know more about my past? Or was it better left there? The water was still warm when I dipped in my finger but I decided it was too grimy for my own bath. Jeremiah had been covered in the dirt he’d slept in during the day and the salt water he’d bathed in at night. I told the guards to tell the servants they could dump out the water, then left the room.
At least Jeremiah had helped me forget that confrontation with Zarah for a while. I could explore my past. If I dared.