I was being carried. Even the slightest move hurt and I wanted to push away the arm holding me.

“Put me down!” I tried to hit him but I couldn’t move my arm. Oh, Gods. This was the same place I’d hit the pirate bitch. On the shoulder. Anyone who wanted revenge would aim there or at my heart. “Jeremiah!”

“Gloriana, lie still. We’re almost there.” He was trying to soothe me.

I banged my head against his shoulder. “Please, I hurt.” Oh, no, I was crying. I wanted to be strong. His warrior woman.

“I know, my love, my sweetheart.” He kissed the top of my head. “Here we are. Colin is holding the door open for me. Let me put you on the bed. Easy now.”

I screamed when he moved his arm out from under me. I tried to hold on to him but still couldn’t move my arms. I wanted to say “Don’t let me go. I need you.” I gasped instead, the agony taking away my words and turning them into moans.

Something soft was under me as I rolled. The bed. It was no comfort. All I knew was pain. I realized I’d been keeping my eyes closed and forced them open. Our room. A fire was blazing as hot as the agony in my shoulder. I finally managed to reach out for Jeremiah with the one hand that would obey me. He looked so desperately worried.

“Help me.” I needed his blood. It would heal me. I’d seen him hurt before and taking blood from an ancient vampire had worked miracles.

“I will.” He turned to Colin who I could see behind him. “Send someone for my father. And fetch Florence. Yes, she’s the one I want. Keep everyone else out of here.” He sat on the bed beside me. “There’s something amiss here, darling. You should have started to heal on your own. At least a little. I wonder if the arrow…” He didn’t finish.

I shuddered, pain arcing through me. It moved down my body, from my shoulder to my arm and down to my fingertips. I tried again to lift my arm and couldn’t. Tears filled my eyes.

“Jeremiah! I can’t—” I used my other arm to pick up the wounded one. It was lifeless and dropped to the bed like a stone. “I can’t use my arm. Something is wrong.”

“Where is she? Amica!” Flo rushed into the room. Anne was behind her. “Colin said you were shot. An arrow.” She pushed Jeremiah aside and looked down at my bleeding shoulder. She ripped away my dress.

I tried to see what she was staring at but even lifting my head was too much effort. “Flo? It hurts!”

“I know, amica. Leave this to me. Something is not right.” She turned to Anne. “Please go down to the kitchen. Tell the cook to make a poultice of…”

I closed my eyes as Flo rattled off a long list of things. I sensed movement around me but could only focus on what was going on inside me. Agony! It had moved to my chest and was like a fire consuming my lungs. I didn’t need to breathe, I knew that, but was desperate to try. I was paralyzed. It was as if a rope had wound around my breasts, squeezing, squeezing until I cried out.

“What is it, Glory?” Flo touched my face and I opened my eyes. “I sent Anne away. Now tell me what is happening. I think the arrow must have been poisoned.” She carefully touched the open wound. “Look, Jeremiah, she is still bleeding.”

“It may not be wise for you to be touching it, Florence. My father won’t soon forgive me if something happens to you.” Jeremiah had moved to the other side of the bed and sat on it so he could stroke my face. “Gloriana, tell us how you feel.”

I tried to speak. I licked my lips and wanted to reach out to him. Or to Flo. But I suddenly started shaking, tremors running through me until I screamed and rolled from side to side. What was happening to me? It was as if I could see my body but couldn’t control it.

“This is no time for me to worry about myself. Glory needs blood. This is the poison trying to take her. I am the oldest vampire here, yes?” Flo grabbed my face. “Listen to me, amica. You must drink from me.”

“Careful, Florence. She can’t seem to hear you.” Jeremiah leaned over me, his brow wrinkled with concern. “Here’s my knife. Cut your wrist and see if she can drink.”

I heard this. I did. But could only shake and look wildly about me. At him. At Flo as she slashed her wrist and held it over my lips. I was trapped in my body. Terrified. Helpless. Unable to speak.

I tasted blood when she pressed her wrist to my mouth. “Drink, Glory. It will help you heal.”

I wanted that blood. I needed it. It would surely make this horrible paralysis go away. I used my tongue to lap at the blood welling at my lips. A taste but not enough.

“She can’t drink!” Flo grabbed my mouth and forced it open. “Come now, mia povera ragazza, you know you want to take this from me.” She tilted my head back so that the liquid ran down my throat. “Swallow, amica.”

I tried, I truly did. Jeremiah gently stroked my neck, as if that would make me swallow. I stared at him, silently thanking him as a tear rolled down my cheek. I was dying, I knew it. My body trembled and I stiffened, then shuddered, back bowed. Death throes, I was sure of it.

“Keep doing that, Jeremiah. It will work, I know it.” Flo kept forcing the blood into my mouth.

I coughed, choked, but somehow finally managed to get it down. That ancient blood warmed me inside and began to break the chains that held me. Slowly I felt the poison dissolving and the blood winning the battle for my body. I blinked, trying to tell them to keep going. That this was working. It was!

“She swallowed again.” Jeremiah had tears in his eyes. My tough warrior! “I will never forget this, Florence. Your blood is magic.”

“No, but it is very old. Watch. I think her fingers moved. Brava, cara!” Flo leaned down and kissed my cheek. Then she laughed. “Her fangs are down now. Oh, but you are biting me now, Glory. Naughty girl.”

I tried to be gentle but I was starving, desperate for what her blood offered. I had to rid myself of that poison. A poisoned arrow. I drank until I could finally lift my arm. I used it to touch Flo’s cheek. Then I slipped my fangs from her wrist.

“Gloriana. Do you need more?” Jeremiah brushed my hair back from my face. “Can you speak?” There was a pounding on the door. “Leave us alone!”


I recognized the voice. “Valdez. Let him in.” My voice sounded rough, unsteady. The bed moved as Jeremiah got up to answer the door. “Flo, thank you.” I saw how pale she was. “You need to seek out a handsome man again. Are you all right? Perhaps we should just send for one now.”

“I can find my own, thank you. My Angus will be glad to serve me.” Flo grinned. “We saved you!” She pulled up my bodice to cover my left breast. “I am so relieved. I swear, Glory, you were near death.” She grabbed my hand.

“I know. I felt it, death trying to take me away.” I sighed and saw my bodyguard next to the bed. He looked grim, worried. I realized he studied me anxiously.

“Hey, Valdez, you missed all the fun. I beat Jeremiah at archery. But then someone else was a good shot. I think I’m going to live after all. You will still have a job.”

“That’s good news.” He actually smiled. “Even better is that we caught the man who shot you. He is in the dungeon even now. Waiting for Jeremiah to question him. I don’t envy him.”

“Well done!” Jeremiah clapped him on the back. “How did you manage that?”

“Since you gave me the evening off, I had shifted and was up on the battlements watching the archery contest. I saw the man there, along with the usual guards. If I’d known what he planned, I would have stopped him before he shot you, Glory.” Valdez picked up the broken arrow that someone had brought to our bedchamber. “I’m sorry I was too slow to act.”

I thought back to that bird cawing when Jeremiah had shot his arrow. Well! It had been Valdez who had made Jeremiah miss his shot. I didn’t mention that. Instead, I was glad he had been in the right place to capture the shooter.

“It was a pirate, wasn’t it? Not someone else who wants me dead?” I sat up, feeling better every minute.

“I can’t imagine who else would want you harmed.” Jeremiah examined the arrow. “Well, except for my mother. Surely she gave up her quest after her last failure.”

“He’s Irish. That makes it likely he came from the pirate stronghold, though he’s not saying much.” Valdez walked to the door. “You should question him, Jeremiah.”

“Oh, I will. A poison arrow? That makes me think he was in league with a witch. What do you think, Glory?” Jeremiah showed me the arrow but I shook my head. I didn’t want to see it or touch it.

Just then Lady Anne arrived with a bowl and a steaming poultice. I lay back down and moaned. Why not? Flo stood next to me to keep Anne from seeing that my wound was almost completely healed.

“You are just in time. My friend has been in such pain!” Flo took the poultice. “Now you followed all the directions, didn’t you?”

“Yes, yes, of course. Just as you said. It was very complicated. I’m sorry it took so long.” Anne tried to look around Flo to see how I was holding up.

“Thank you, Anne.” I said it in a weak voice. “Oh, can someone blow out the candles? The light hurts my eyes.” I pulled the covers up over my shoulders. “What is that smell?”

“It is a special healing poultice.” Flo pulled down the cover. “Lie still and this will make your wound heal. It will be like a miracle. You will see.” She slapped the hot thing on my shoulder.

“Ow! That is too hot.” I tried to jerk it off.

“No, no, no. You must keep it on. The heat is pulling out the poison. Trust me. I got the recipe from my own nonna, may she rest in peace.” Flo crossed herself. “Some said she was a witch, some said she danced with the fairies. I don’t know or care.” She shrugged. “All I know is that this works like magic.” She accompanied that with some Italian and hand gestures.

I sighed and lay back, closing my eyes. “I would like to rest in peace. Could we clear the room? The prisoner can wait in the dungeon until tomorrow night, can’t he, Jeremiah? Put extra guards on him. Guards we can trust.”

“She is right. Glory needs to rest. Everyone out except Jeremiah.” Flo must have pushed Anne and Valdez right out the door. I kept my eyes closed.

“You can open your eyes now. You want me to toss that smelly thing on your shoulder out the window?” Jeremiah stood next to the bed.

I peeled it off. “Please.” I sniffed. “I don’t want to know what’s in it but it has the stink of cat urine.”

“Out it goes.” Jeremiah heaved it through the window then pulled off his shirt. “You scared me. I thought I was going to lose you.” He tossed back the covers. “You need help getting out of that dress?”

“Yes, please. It is ruined. Maggie will have a time getting the stains out. And Flo ripped the bodice.” I stared up at him. “That means another new dress from Madame Clotilde.”

“You can have as many as you want.” He leaned down to kiss me. “God, I’m glad you are still here.”

I smiled at him. “I am. But weak. Though Flo’s blood was rich and very healing.” I rolled over so he could open my buttons. Then I lifted my hips and he pulled down the dress and my petticoats. I couldn’t believe it, but I still wore my shoes. He made quick work of them.

“You are very good at that, Jeremiah.” I watched him walk over to the washstand and pour water into the bowl, then brought the bowl and a cloth to the bed. “What are you doing now?”

“Washing you, my love. I will never forget how you looked lying in the dirt. You stared up into the sky like you were about to ascend into Heaven.” He dipped the cloth into the water and began carefully washing me, starting at my toes. “It was as if you’d given up, Gloriana.”

“I will never give up, Jeremiah.” I stared down at his dark head bent over me. He moved the cloth carefully up my legs. “I seem to have a desperate will to live. Thanks to you, I intend for it to be forever.”

“That suits me very well.” He rolled me over and cleaned the back of my legs and my back with special attention to my bum.

“Mmm. You are certain I was lying in the dirt and my petticoats did not protect me there?” I was resting my face on my arms.

“Hush, Gloriana. I am enjoying this.”

“Yes, I think you are.” I gasped when he dipped that damp cloth where he had never gone before. “Sir! Remember I am still recovering my strength.”

“How could I forget?” He touched the wound on the back of my shoulder. It was still tender and I jerked away before I could stop myself. “I’m sorry, you are still not whole. The arrow went through you. The wound is still red. Perhaps we should have kept the poultice if it could have made the healing go faster.” He kissed the spot then turned me over and dipped the cloth in the water again.

“More ancient blood will work just as well.” I sighed when he carefully washed my breasts then moved down to my stomach. “Oh, a little lower, if you please.” I slid my legs apart. “I would like to be fresh for you.”

“Surely you don’t think you have the energy for loveplay.” He grinned as he washed me most thoroughly between my legs.

“I always have the energy for loveplay. Just like you do.” I ran my hands through his hair. “Especially if you do most of the work.” I laughed.

“Work, is it?” He lifted my legs onto his shoulders and showed me just how he liked to love me. “I can be gentle if that’s what you’re needing.” He nipped at that special vein on my inner thigh. “I can give you more ancient blood while we’re at it.”

“While we’re at it.” I touched his face. “I do want to live, Jeremiah. Love me. Help me forget the hell I just faced.”

“Gladly. And tomorrow night we will find out who this assassin is and if there will be more.” Jeremiah was prepared to spend the rest of our night making sure I had no doubt about his love.

Who was this assassin? What if he refused to talk? I couldn’t stand the thought of torture, but I needed answers. Where had the poison come from? It was obviously supposed to kill me. I had been standing alone so there could be no doubt I was the intended victim either.

“Gloriana, I can tell your mind is elsewhere.” Jeremiah had his hand on my breast. “Shall we forget this for tonight? You need rest after what you’ve been through.”

I ran my hand through his hair. “I love you. I love what you do to me. But I can’t stop thinking about what happened. The arrow going through me. The pain.” I sighed when he moved to lie beside me and take me in his arms. “I’m sorry. I also can’t stop wondering who the man is who shot me.” I sat up. “It was a man, wasn’t it?”

“I’d think Valdez would have made certain of that.” Jeremiah got up and went to the door. “Valdez!” The door was locked but we heard Valdez answer through it. Jeremiah unlocked it and opened it.

“You need me?” My bodyguard wore his sword and a knife on his belt. “I have another guard at the top of the stairs. Two on the prisoner in case someone thinks to rescue him. He had to have come by boat. It’s possible to come alone in a small skiff, but unlikely. At least that’s what I think. I’ll do some investigating tomorrow during the day. Colin is sleeping now and will take over guard duty on this door for me then.”

I don’t think I’d ever heard so much explanation from Valdez before. He seemed determined to protect me at all costs. When was he going to sleep?

“Valdez, are you sure the prisoner is a man and not a woman?” I held the covers up to hide my nakedness. Jeremiah didn’t bother to hide his. Men.

“I didn’t check.” Now Valdez was frowning. “But I think I would know if it was a woman in man’s clothing.” He and Jeremiah looked at each other. “I know you could tell immediately that the pirate wench was female.”

“I’ve known women who could fool the eye.” Jeremiah shook his head. “What does it matter? Man or woman, she tried to kill Gloriana and will hang for it.”

I shuddered. “I want to know why. And if more will follow her or him. When will this end?” No tears. I refused to cry. “When we wake tomorrow night, I want to meet this person and ask them questions myself.”

“Then that’s what you’ll do.” Valdez nodded. “Did you need me for anything else? I think sunrise is mere minutes away.” He backed toward the door. “Good evening.”

“Good evening.” I fell back and burrowed under the covers. I was exhausted.

Jeremiah locked the door again and crawled in beside me. “I would rather not have you get close to that assassin.”

“Well, I would rather not get close either.” I lay my head on his chest. “Unfortunately, I think it is necessary. He or she needs to look me in the eyes and tell me why he shot me, who sent him and where he got the poison.” I closed my eyes. “I don’t think I’ll ever feel safe again until I know those answers and we have finished my enemies once and for all.”