[Part I] Roots of the Crisis
1 Wall Street: Crime Never Sleeps
David O. Freidrichs
2 The Logics of Finance: Abuse of Power and Systemic Crisis
Saskia Sassen
3 America’s Ponzi Culture
Susan Will
4 Bernie Madoff, Finance Capital, and the Anomic Society
Jock Young
[Part II] Enablers of Fraud
5 Unaccountable External Auditors and Their Role in the Economic Meltdown
Gilbert Geis
6 And Some with a Fountain Pen: Mortgage Fraud, Securitization, and the Subprime Bubble
Harold C. Barnett
7 Generating the Alpha Return: How Ponzi Schemes Lure the Unwary in an Unregulated Market
David Shapiro
[Part III] Perverted Justice
8 The Technological Advantages of Stock Market Traders
Laureen Snider
9 Why CEOs Are Able to Loot with Impunity—and Why It Matters
William K. Black
10 The Façade of Enforcement: Goldman Sachs, Negotiated Prosecution, and the Politics of Blame
Justin O’Brien
[Part IV] Perspectives from Afar
11 Reappraising Regulation: The Politics of “Regulatory Retreat” in the United Kingdom
Steve Tombs and David Whyte
12 How They Still Try to Get Away with It: Crime in the Dutch Real Estate Sector Before and After the Crisis
Hans Nelen and Luuk Ritzen
13 Economic and Financial Criminality in Portugal
Rita Faria, José Cruz, André Lamas Leite, and Pedro Sousa
14 Greece “For Sale”: Casino Economy and State-Corporate Crime
Sophie Vidali
15 Financial Fraud in China: A Structural Examination of Law and Law Enforcement
Hongming Cheng
Can They Still Get Away with It?
A Short (Global) History of Financial Meltdowns
Compiled by Alex Holden