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AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 36

Acceptance, desire for, 61

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), 39

Accidental creative hubs (ACHs), 138

Adams, Douglas, 207

Adler, Jonathan, 19

Aggression, 75, 132, 158, 173

Air conditioning, desire for, 27, 28

Air traffic control (ACT), 57–58, 115, 172

Ali, Muhammad, 16

Altruism, anger and, 74

Altruistic appeal, 169

American Academy of Pediatrics, 210

American Psychological Association, 37

Ancient Greece, 12

Anger, ix, x, 12, 29, 53, 63–79, 94, 132, 201, 214, 218

benefits of, 68–72, 93, 112–114

expression of authentic, 74–79

faking, 72

prejudice against, 74

Anger Disorders (Kassinove), 76

Anterior cingulate cortex, 218

Anterior prefrontal cortex, 124

Antibacterial soap, 11

Anxiety, xi, 3, 12, 94, 198

amount of, 87–88

disorders, 40

effectively harnessing and using, 92–94

novelty and, 211

reframing as excitement, 199

rise in, 11–13, 36

value of, 87–93, 114

Aquaman, 188–191

Aquinas, Thomas, 135

Ariely, Dan, 107

Aristotle, 202

Asian cultures, 45–49, 52, 98–99, 193

Asthma, 29

Astronomy, 1

Automatic processing, 127

Automobile driving, 36, 165–166, 168

Autopilot thinking, 128–139

Avoidance, 40

of discomfort, 11

experiential, 36, 216

of negative emotions, 61–66

of pleasure, 12


Baaren, Rick van, 129

Baby names, 165

Barnett, Rachel, 176

Batman, 189, 191

Baumeister, Roy, 54, 55, 85, 161, 198, 204

Baumgartner, Melanie, 17

Bedlow, Ronald, 9

Berridge, Kent, 119

Better-than-average effect, 164

Bixler, Robert, 33

Body language, 192

Bonaparte, Napoléon, 183

Bonnefron, Jean-François, 142

Booing, 173–174

Boredom, 36, 62, 209–212

Brahe, Tycho, 1, 6, 7


capacity principle, 143

naps and, 137–138

scans, 124

Brooks, Alison Wood, 198–199

Buddhism, 209

Bundy, Anita, 42


Caldicott, Helen, 74

California Gold Rush of 1859, 16

Campbell, Keith, 16, 165

Cantril, Hadley, 96

Car sales techniques, 168–169

Carnegie, Andrew, 183

Carroll, Brigid, 209

Carryover effect, 100

Chang, Edward, 193–195


comfort addiction and, 41–44, 51–52

honesty and, 164

Cialdini, Robert, 101

Civil rights movement, 33

Clinton, Bill, 34

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), 38

Cohen, Sheldon, 98

Collectivists, 45, 46

Comfort addiction, 24–25, 27–29, 51, 191

children and, 41–44, 51–52

emphasis on, 10–11

origins of, 29–37

Comfort food, 34

Comfort zone, 35

Comfortable sensations, 32

Comic book heroes, 188–190

Conscious thinking, 125–127

Contrast effect, 99–100

Cortisol, 97

Cosmides, Leda, 89

Creativity, 9, 183

anger and, 68, 70–71

mindfulness and, 134

mindlessness and, 134–139

Teddy Effect and, 184, 185

Cultural differences, 45–49, 52, 98–99, 193


Dahl, Jeff, 178–180

Dallas Mavericks, 173

Dark Triad, 162–163, 187

Davidson, Richard, 124

Death with dignity laws, 35

Decision making, mindless, 127, 143–147

Defense mechanisms, 46

Defensive pessimism, 194–196

Depression, xi, 3, 9, 36, 40, 46–47, 50, 63, 64, 104, 132

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), 37, 40

Diener, Ed, 2, 99

Dijksterhuis, Ap, 23, 128, 144, 146

Disappointment, 55

Discomfort, 24–26, 29, 49, 51, 156

avoidance of, 11

Discomfort caveat, 74–75, 79

Disgust sensitivity, 32–33

Disqualifying positives, 12

Distinction bias, 117–118

Distress tolerance, viii

Diversity, 140–141, 150

Dominance, 158

Doodling, 136–137

Doubt, 14, 16, 29, 36

Dreams, 139

Drucker, Peter, 122

Du Bois, W. E. B., 73


Edison, Thomas, 183

Egoistic appeal, 169

Ellis, Albert, 37–38, 40

Embarrassment, ix, 60, 61, 132

Emotion labeling, 216–217

Emotional agility, 18–20, 115, 201

Emotional expressions, 59

Emotional regulation, mindless, 132–133

Emotional safeguarding, 43

Emotional time travel, 5–6

Energy consumption, 31

Entitlement, 154, 160, 161, 165

Essentialism, concept of, 219

Eudaimonia, 202

Evans, Angela, 164

Everest Disaster (1996), 15

Excitement, 60, 61

Experiential avoidance, 36, 216

Exposure therapy, 215–216

Eye contact, 125

Eysenck, Hans, 184


Facial expressions, 57, 59, 125, 192

False memories, 104–105

Fantasy, 17

Fear, 60, 65, 132, 215–216

Fearlessness, 156–157

Feiler, Daniel, 169

First impressions, 128–129

Fitness for duty, 198

Flash, 191

Flattery, 177

Flourishing Scale, 3–4

Floyd, Myron, 33

fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), 124

Follette, Victoria, 39

Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de, 106

Food allergies, 29

Ford, Henry, 183

Forgas, Joseph, 103

Fotel, Trine, 41

Fredrickson, Barbara, 3

Freud, Sigmund, xi, 30–31, 37, 50

Frustration, 16, 32, 55, 59, 65, 112

Full engagement, 198


Gandhi, Mahatma, 157, 183, 213

Gandhi, Tushar, 213

Garcea, Nicky, 140

Gender gap, 195–196

Gifford, Elizabeth, 39

Gilbert, Daniel, 5

Giving up, 29

Goals, 16–17

Godkin, Edwin Lawrence, 156

Goncalo, Jack, 182

Google, 24, 34

Grandiosity, 157, 160, 161, 167, 182, 185

Green Lantern, 191

Greenberg, David, 136

Guilt, ix, x, 16, 40, 94, 161, 215

autonomy in dealing with, 86–87

benefits of, 79–82, 85, 93

confused with shame, 82

crime and, 82

defined, 83

soft influence and, 175–176

suggestions for inspiring without shame, 86–87


Hamlet (Shakespeare), 30

Happiness. (see also Positive emotions; Wholeness)

Americans and, 26–27, 98–99, 193

benefits of, 3, 98

biases, 117–120


defined, 96, 101

downside of, 99–116, 191

health and, 98

interference with success and, 100–106

of Jesus, 25–26

mild unhappiness and, 120–121

overvaluing, 100, 106–111

pursuit of, 2, 4–7

research on, 26, 60–61

Harburg, Ernest, 75

Hard influence, 172–174

Harkness, Kate, 57

Harvard Business Review, 182–183

Hayes, Steven, 39

Health, happiness and, 98

Health and Human Services, US Department of, 29

Hedonia, 12, 202–204

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich von, 31

Helicopter parenting, 43

Helmholtz, Hermann von, 50

Hensch, Doug, 79–81

Hershfield, Hal, 19

Heuristic thinking, 128

Hierarchy of needs, 1, 27–28

Hinduism, 209

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The (Adams), 207

Home ownership, 27

Honesty, children and, 164

Hopelessness, 47

Hsee, Christopher, 117

Human potential movement, 38

Humanists, 50

Hygiene hypothesis, 29


I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sallew (Seuss), 48

Icarus complex, 119–120

Identity formation, 198

Immune system, 98, 124

Impact bias, 117

Imposter syndrome, 14

Improvisation, 180

Impulsive action, 127, 139–143

Industrialization, 31

Infidelity, 132

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Cialdini), 101

Inhibition, lack of, 142

Insula, 218

Intellectual challenge, 43, 44


Jackson, Phil, 123

Jacobs, Matthew, 66–67

James, William, 50

Jesus study, 25–26, 34

Joiner, Thomas, 64

Jung, C. G., 188, 198, 220

Justice, US Bureau of, 81


Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 124

Kaplan, Seth, 115

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, 53

Kassinove, Howard, 76

Kaufman, Scott Barry, 134–135

Keltner, Dacher, 20

Kepler, Johannes, 1

Keyes, Corey, 3

Kim, Esther, 21

Kim, Jinhyung, 204

King, Laura, 26

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 73

Kraut, Richard, 202

Kropp, Göran, 15


Latham, Gary, 148

Lau, Hi Po Bobo, 60

Laziness, of happy people, 104–105

Leadership styles, 115, 121, 156–158

Leander, Pontus, 131

Learned optimism, 38

Lee, Kang, 164

Levine, Robert, 31, 168

Lilienfeld, Scott, 156, 157

Lin Hao, 181

Lincoln, Abraham, 155

Lindberg, Peter, 181

Loewenstein, George, 107

Loneliness, 109, 120

Los Angeles Lakers, 53

Love, 60–61, 109

Lying, 179–180

Lyubomirsky, Sonja, 97


Maccoby, Michael, 182–183

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 159–160, 163

Machiavellianism, 159–160, 162, 186, 187, 191

Mahmut, Mehmet, 167

Mandela, Nelson, 157

Manipulation, 168–181, 186, 187, 201

Mao Zedong, 157

Maslow, Abraham, 2, 27–28, 50

Maturity, 198

Mauss, Iris, 6–7, 108, 109

McKinley, William, 155

Meaning/pleasure, 200–207, 211

Medvedev, Andrei, 137–138

Mellers, Barbara, 5

Memory foam, 35

Mental agility, 22–23, 201

Merk, Robert, 168

Mesotelencephalic dopamine systems, 118–119

Meurs, Teun, 128

Micro-aggression, 75

Middle class, 25, 29

Mimicry, 130–131, 171

Mind wandering, 134–136, 152, 210–211

Mindfulness, 22–23, 123, 127, 131, 150, 153, 191

benefits of, 124–125

creativity and, 134

defined, 123

meditation, 123

Mindlessness, 29, 125, 126, 153, 191

autopilot thinking, 128–139

creativity and, 134–139

decision making and, 127, 143–147

defined, 127

emotional regulation and, 132–133

harnessing, 150–152

mindless interventions, 148–150

Mistakes, value of, 89–80

Moral disgust, 32

Morengo, Adam, 170–172

Mount Everest, 15

Mueller, Jennifer, 184–185

Muir, John, 154

Murder, 63–64

Musk, Elon, 134


NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), 73

Name-dropping, 177

Naps, 137–138

Narcissism, 157, 159–167, 182–183, 185–187, 191

Narcissus, 160–161

National Institute of Mental Health, 11

National Recidivism Study of Released Prisoners, 81

Natural selection, 88

Naturalist (Wilson), 210

Needs, hierarchy of, 1, 27–28

Negative emotions, 8, 9, 12–13, 36, (see also Anger; Anxiety; Guilt; Shame)

avoidance of, 61–66

power of, 54–59

understanding and distinguishing, 217–219

Negotiations, anger and, 72

Neisser, Ulric, 123

Neuroscience, 2, 118

Niagara Movement, 73

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 219

Nonverbal accent, 192

Norem, Julie, 194, 195

Novelty/stability, 200–201, 207–213

Nucleus accumbens, 118

Obama, Barack, 72–73, 154

Obsessive thinking, 218–219

Oishi, Shigehiro, 2, 25, 34, 101, 207

Olympic Games (1972), xiii

Opportunity mindset, 199

Optimal performance, 198

Optimism, 155, 193–195

anger and, 68, 69

optimistic bias, 111

Overspent American, The (Schor), 27


Pace of life, 31

Panic, 40, 63, 94, 212

Parental attitudes, 41–44

Performance-enhancement tool, anger as, 68, 71

Perseverance and quitting, 15

Persuasion, 156

happy people and, 101–102

Pessimism, defensive and retroactive, 194–197

Pessimistic bias, 193

Petto, Greg, 58

Piccolo, Ronald, 148

Plato, 157

Playground safety, 42–43

Pleasure, avoidance of, 12

Pleasure/meaning, 200–207, 211

Police work, manipulation and influence and, 169–172

Pomerantz, Eva, 16

Porter, Caleb, 176

Portland Timbers, 176

Positive emotions. (see also Happiness; Wholeness)

positive psychology, xi–xii, 38, 51

recognizing positivity bias, 192–200

Post-traumatic stress disorder, 40

Prefontaine, Steve, xiii

Presidential Doodles (Greenberg), 136

Presidential leadership, 156–157

Prince, The (Machiavelli), 159

Progesterone, 7, 109

Projection bias, 117

Protectionism, 41

Psychology, 49–51

Psychopathy, 156, 159, 161–163, 167, 180, 186, 187, 191

Public speaking, fear of, 199

Pynchon, Thomas, 135–136


Randles, Daniel, 84

Rath, Tom, 158

Reagan, Ronald, 33, 172

Reciprocity, 177

Regret, 60, 61, 65, 161

Retirement, 207–208

Retroactive pessimism, 196–197

Riley, Pat, 53

Risk assessments, 69

Riskind, John, 77, 78

Road-rage incidents, 36, 165–166, 168

Rockefeller, John D., 183

Rogers, Carl, 37

Roles, 180–181

Roommates, moods of, 64

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 155, 183

Roosevelt, Theodore, 154–155, 157–158, 160

Ruby Receptionists, xii

Rumination, 218–219

Russell, Bertrand, 73


Sadness, 16, 59, 60, 104, 113–115, 132, 214

Schooler, Jonathan, 107

Schor, Juliet, 27

Scollon, Christie Napa, 26

Sehnsucht, 17

Self-doubt, 14

Self-esteem, 43

Seligman, Martin, 38

September 11, 2001, 214

Seuss, Dr., 48

Sexuality, xi

Shakespeare, William, 30, 32, 177

Shame, 94, 215

body language and, 84

confused with guilt, 82

defined, 83

drinking behavior and, 83–84

suggestions for inspiring guilt without, 86–87

using as punishment, 85

Shorter, Frank, xiii–xiv

Skin allergies, 29

Sleep comfort, 35

“Sleep on it” phenomenon, 23, 143

Smiling, 192–193

Smith, Sarah, 157

Social agility, 20–22, 201

Social anxiety, xi, 40

Social situations, mindless detection of, 129–132

Soft influence, 172, 175–177

Soros, George, 183

Spider-Man, 189

Spiders, fear of, 215–216

Stability/novelty, 200–201, 207–213

Stagecraft, 178–180

Stanford Prison Experiment, 181

Stereotypes, 104, 105, 149, 196

Stoics, 12

Strack, Fritz, 12

Stress, 217

as epidemic, 11

Stretch goals, xii

Striving for supremacy, 166

Strosahl, Kirk, 39

Stumbling on Happiness (Mellers, Wilson, and Gilbert), 5

Subconscious mind, 23


happiness interference with, 100–106

three mindless paths to, 128–139

Sudhaus, Norbert, xiii

Suicidal thoughts, 47, 120

Superficial processing style, 102, 103

Superheroes, 188–190

Superman, 189, 191

Suppression, 46

Supremacy, striving for, 166

Survival, 89

Sustainable happiness, 9


Tamir, Maya, 108, 109, 113

Tangney, June, 82, 85

Teddy Effect, 156–158, 167, 171, 174

creativity and, 184, 185

three parts of, 159–163

Television, 36–37

Telomeres, 88

Test anxiety, 198

Thomsen, Thyra, 41

Tooby, John, 89

Toohey, Peter, 62

Tracy, Jessica, 84

Tranquility, 60, 61

Trust, 129

happy people and, 102–104

Tsai, Jeanne, 47

Twenge, Jean, 164–166

20 percent edge, 9–10


Uchida, Yukiko, 98–99

Uncertainty, 29, 36, 61, 185

Unconscious thinking, 144–147, 150

Uses-for-a-brick task, 70


Value-based living, 212–213

Ventral palladium, 118

Vietnam War, 33

Visser, Victoria, 114


Walking Dead, The (television series), 126–127

Wanting/liking bias, 118–119

Warner, Catharine, 43, 44

Washington, George, 155

Welch, Jack, xii, 183

Wheatley, Karl, 14

Wholeness, ix–x, xv, 8, 188–189, 197–198, (see also Happiness; Positive emotions)

emotional agility and, 18–20

illustrations of, 13–18

mental agility and, 22–23

novelty/stability, 200–201, 207–213

pleasure/meaning and, 200–207, 211

social agility and, 20–22

Wilson, Edward O., 210

Wilson, Kelly, 39

Wilson, Tim, 5

Wolfe, W. Béran, 95

Wolverine, 189

Wonder Woman, 189, 191

Worker involvement, 9

World War II, 50

Wyer, Robert, 45


Yao Ming, 181

Yeun, Steven, 126–127


Zimbardo, Phil, 181