The Worlds of Magick
We live in many worlds. Many realities co-exist with ours. We simply don’t see them. Science will admit that the entire world is permeated by energy, the electromagnetic energy of the known spectrums. We can see light, but hundreds of different waves and particles move through our world without our visible notice. We are surrounded by the magnetic energy of the Earth’s field. We have a variety of radio and television waves conducting communication. Invisible particles bombard us from the Sun. We are surrounded by many energetic worlds, but never really notice them. We lacked the technology to explore them fully until fairly recently.
Magick is a technology, a technology that allows us to explore the unseen worlds of a different nature. Many of these worlds are the energetic blueprint, the foundation, for our physical, known reality. They are all complimentary to each other. Just as worlds of light and sound do not fight for dominance, neither do the subtle magickal energies. Some worlds are more responsive to our thoughts. What we think and will becomes a reality on that plane of existence. If you create the proper pattern and fully energize it, you can manifest your will in the physical universe. Magick is the technology to not only tune into these foundational realities, but also the tool to create change in those worlds, and eventually our own.
Each magical tradition has its own view, it own paradigm that allows the user to connect with these other worlds, this subtle energy and create change. The paradigm is like the aforementioned operating system to our human hardware. If you run a particular view, you will be able to perceive and work with the energies of magick in a particular way. The various techniques of each paradigm are like the programs on our system. Each software has its own advantages and drawbacks, and we each have one view that we tend to favor over others, just like computer users prefer a particular operating system or program.
Each tradition has a slightly different paradigm, often with their own religious beliefs, ethics and dogma, but they have many common aspects to them. Each divides magickal energy into a variety of groups. These subdivisions, like the energies themselves, are usually complimentary. Simple subdivisions lead to more and more complex subdivisions, though they are all from the same source. Like a tree, with one great trunk, the branches reach out and become increasingly more complicated, yet are still part of the same tree.
It is usually only in the comparison of some parts of Eastern and Western traditions that you will find greater differences, at least at first. With further study, you realize each is talking about a similar concept, but has different names and cultural connotations to them.
The following are four multi-tradition paradigms that can be used by anyone. They are used extensively by a variety of traditions. You don’t have to choose one and exclude the others, but the more you practice Instant Magick, the more you will find the paradigms that apply best to you. Each paradigm gives different energetic correspondences for magick. I believe in having a multi-paradigm approach. When you truly realize what a paradigm is - a model, a map, a way of looking at things - you will never confuse your map for the terrain again. You will never believe that your paradigm is the one and only truth. It is simply one way of looking at things. Some magicians and witches get so caught up in their tradition or paradigm, they don’t see the possibilities in other viewpoints. A good practitioner can work with many magical “operating systems” and “programs.”
The Elemental Worlds
The universe is composed of five elements. Everything is composed of these basic components—earth, air, fire, water and spirit. This is a popular paradigm found in many traditions, including alchemy, ceremonial magick and witchcraft. Western ritual magick is often based on the elemental paradigm, honoring the four directions and the center, symbolic of the four outward elements and spirit in the center.
The paradigm itself has been greatly misunderstood by most, particularly with the rise of modern chemistry. The elements are not obvious in everything. Each element is not meant to be taken literally, as our interpretation of the elements of the modern periodic chart. As a literal scientist looks at any object, from a rock to a growing flower, he sees no actual fire in it. The blowing wind has no visible earth. The great truth is that each element is symbolic. Each represents an energy, an archetype, a force of consciousness, more in the domain of the psychologist than the chemist. The literal element best describes this energy, but they are truly symbolic of larger metaphysical forces.
Figure 1: Elements on the Pentagram
The earth element is the physical world. All matter is an expression of the earth element. Anything that can be measured by the physical senses is composed of earth energy. The physical shell of all things is the earth element. Cells, molecules and atoms are expressions of the earth element. The material world, in fact the entire material component of the universe, is the expression of the earth element. Earth is the densest of the elements. It is the sacred expression of all the other elements in the densest form. Symbolically, the earth in our bodies is the bones and minerals, but technically our entire physical body is an expression of the earth element. The metaphysical concept associated with earth is Law, as the earth element is dominated by the physical laws and structures of the known universe.
Water is the element of shape and form. Our magickal forms are more fluid than our physical. Just like water will take the shape of its container, our water element is shaped by our physical container. It is also shaped by our thoughts and feelings. Water relates to our emotional self, our dream body or astral self. Here we find our self image. The astral self is a template for our physical self. When we create changes in the realm of the astral, the world of form, we create potential patterns to make changes on the physical plane. Though the fluid in our bodies is symbolic of the water element, truly our emotions and emotional body is the water elemental energy. The highest expression of water is Love, the highest of emotions and the purest energy to create change through magick.
The element of air is the realm of the mind. Air energy is the idea behind all things. In the magical laws called the Hermetic Principles, the first principle says that we are all thoughts in the Divine Mind. All things have a basic idea, a divine thought that eventually creates its form (water) and manifests its form in the world (earth). In living creatures, this element expresses symbolically as our breath, but truly it is the mind, the mental body. In seemingly un-living objects, it is the structure which creates its shape, from the geometry of a molecular structure to the blueprint of a building. The sacred principle of air is Life, as air is associated with the breath of life. Air is associated with life force, such as the Hindu term prana. Without this divine thought, nothing could be created or alive.
The sacred spark is the element of fire, the most difficult of the first four elements to know. Unlike the previous three elements, the symbol of this energy is not physical. You can hold earth. You can drink water. You can inhale air. But you can’t hold fire. You can hold something that is burning, but not the actual flame. Fire is energy, pure potential energy to be put to use. In the physical body, fire is manifested as the metabolism, and inner fire that is obviously present, yet cannot be touched. But truly, the fire element energy is the spark of divine life within us, the soul. Fire manifests as our passion, drive and will. Fire is the metaphysical power of Light, the divine illumination that stimulates vision, awareness and change. Without the fire element, thoughts (air) are not illuminated to take shape (water) and manifest (earth).
Spirit is the fifth element, the sum of all four elements, yet more than the sum of its parts. Often called quintessence or akasha, spirit is the binding force in which the other four manifest. Spirit is the power from which the four elements manifest and to which the four will return. Its job is to keep them all together, yet separate enough to be distinct. I associate spirit with the concept of Liberty, the freedom to pursue your true will.
Each of the elements is linked to a ritual tool found in a variety of magickal traditions. You can find them in traditions of witchcraft, Celtic legends and ceremonial magick. Most common images of the four appear in the four suites of the Tarot cards. Though Instant Magick is not concerned with traditional altar building or tool gathering, we understand these tools are found within us.
The magickal symbol of the pentacle, a five-pointed star in a circle, is often used for both the element of earth and the element of spirit. The five points are symbolic of all five elements. The point on top symbolizes the rulership of spirit over the more terrestrial elements. Other times, the pentacle is described as a coin or shield for the element of earth.
The chalice is the tool of water. The cup is receptive and nourishing. The cup holds the waters of love and healing. The mythic image of the Holy Grail, the healing cup of divine love, is the ultimate symbol of water element.
The blade is the ritual tool of air. The blade, either as a ceremonial sword or double-edged blade is known as an athame in the Wiccan traditions. The blade is symbolic of cutting to the truth, and cutting mental attachments to things that no longer serve. The mythic image of the sword of truth, known as the Sword of Nuada, or the more well known Excalibur, is an embodiment of the air tool.
The magick wand is the symbol of fire. Wands direct your magickal will, directing energy to be used in ceremony or healing. The wand is sometimes substituted with a staff, torch or spear, depending on the tradition. The Spear of Lugh in Celtic myth is associated with fire, as well as the magick wands of traditional magician images such as Merlin.
Elemental Connection and Balance
Perform Exercise 1 to get into a meditative altered state. On the screen of your mind, imagine a five pointed star, a pentagram, and know that each point is symbolic of the five elements. Through this meditation, you will experience and balance all these energies within you.
As you continue to focus on the inner pentagram, bring your awareness to the bottom right hand point, and feel the pentagram turn red, like a blazing fire. Feel yourself become engulfed in the flames of the pentagram, engulfed in soul fire and burning away all that hinders your true will. Feel yourself energized and focused. The flames return to the screen of your mind, forming a pentagram again, but you still contain the new vitality and energy they granted.
You awareness moves up to the upper left hand point, for the element of air. The pentagram turns yellow and from it issues forth a strong wind, blowing your hair back, but also passing through your body, down to the bone, clearing your mind and body of all unwanted thoughts and unhealthy patterns. You have a fresh new outlook and a greater sense of creative expression. The wind dies down and you bring your focus back to the pentagram.
Bring your awareness to the upper right point, the point of water. Feel the pentagram turn blue, and crashing through the pentagram comes a wave of salt water. The water is cold but refreshing. It cleanses your heart and soothes away any harmful emotions or past pains from family, friends or lovers. You feel filled with pure unconditional love and a fresh sense of self, like being reborn. The water receded into the pentagram.
Your eyes flow down to the bottom left corner, the point of earth. The pentagram turns green with your gaze, and as you focus on it, you feel your body begin to crystallize, becoming a like a rock. You feel solid, stable, even like soil, fertile—fertile for the will, mind and emotions to grow in and with you. The sense of crystallization and soil recede down into the ground below you, but you still retain the feeling of strength and preparation within you.
Finally you bring your eyes to the top point of spirit, and feel yourself immersed in a multicolored white light, like gazing at a shiny opal, or through a prism. All colors are present in the energy of spirit, also called akasha. Feel yourself protected and balanced by the fifth element.
When done, erase the image of the pentagram from the screen of your mind and return yourself to normal consciousness.
The Crossroads at the Tree
In the shamanic paradigm, the universe is a great tree known as the world tree. The branches reach into the heavens and hold up the stars. The roots dig deep into the underworld. The trunk lies in the middle world, the realm of space and time. This is the vertical reality of expanded consciousness.
From a psychological perspective, the three worlds represent levels of consciousness. The middle world is the ego, the personal self. The lower world is the unconscious hidden self. The upper world is the realm of super-consciousness, beyond ego and the unconscious. To the mystic, these are not only symbolic of the levels of consciousness within us, but in the divine mind of the universe.
Through ritual the shaman can consciously go to the tree, which is everywhere, and access the three worlds. The shaman can always stand in the crossroads, the place where the worlds overlap at the base of the tree. The shamanic traditions of native people and those in the realm of witchcraft overlap. The images of the crossroads, heavens and underworlds are found in the mythologies of all traditions, even if they are not considered to be classically shamanic.
The key to forms of shamanic magick is through building relationships with spiritual beings from these three worlds. By working with these spirits, the practitioner can create change. Ideally, one is connecting to all aspects of the self, the middle ego self is aligned with the lower, usually unconscious self and with the higher divine self. With this alignment, all things are possible. Allies from these realms help the practitioner create such an alignment and manifest change.
Practitioners of spirit magick work with their allies from the various worlds to get information, divine the future and make change. Shamans have their animal and plant allies that will bring through spirit medicine to heal and bring balance. The use of spirit in such a magical manner is not limited to shamanism. You find it in Christian magick as well. Many will call upon a specific angel or saint who has dominion over a particular area of life. Healing petitions are said to one being, while a “prayer” for finding lost objects is sent to another. Candles are often lit, or offerings given. You find the same traditions in Voodoo, with the beings known as the loa, acting as spiritual intermediaries. Altars are built, and offerings made. Each has its own symbols and correspondence to create an effective petition.
Certain traditions of ceremonial magick will not petition the spirits, but summon and bind them. Angels, elementals, spirits and even demons are summoned to do the magician’s bidding. Medieval tomes are filled with spirit correspondences, names, sigils, and rituals to summon and bind spirits.
Some modern traditions create magical constructs, intricate thoughtforms or “artificial” spirits, programmed to perform specific tasks. They function much the same way as the spirits of old, making some wonder if the spirits of the ancient world are simply intricate, long lasting thoughtform constructs created by centuries of belief. To others, such thoughts would be tantamount to blasphemy, believing each archetype is a pure expression of the divine.
All such spirit patron practices can be traced back the polytheistic pagan religions where a deity has reign over a sphere of life. Each god is a manifested aspect of the creative spirit. The divine creator is too vast to know, so it manifests in more human, more knowable forms. These godforms are often referred to as archetypes from a psychological model, because they appear in so many cross-cultural forms. Each pagan culture manifested a god of the sky, a god of love, a god of the Moon, a god of the Sun, a god of truth and a god of the nature. They manifest in a variety of forms and genders, but similarities occur between cultures. Even in our modern myths, we still have a manifestation of Mother Nature and Father Time. Their roots can be found in the stories of Gaia and Chronos.
Working with patron spirits, angels and deities is about building a relationship with the spirit worlds and the divine. In cultures past, practitioners would know, from their cultural mythos, which spirits to petition. In the Greek world, one would call upon Aphrodite for help in love or perhaps Hermes for help in gambling. Modern practitioners do not have this cultural foundation easily available, since magick is not a part of most people’s daily reality, but we now have a rich cross-cultural mythos we can draw upon. Modern practitioner will often choose to pick one culture and remain loyal to it, perhaps based on ancestry or personal interest. Others, myself included, are more cross cultural, thinking of the entire world as our ancestors, and having a right to all the myths and manifestations of the divine.
Spirit Guides Meditation
Perform Exercise 1 and get into a meditative altered state. Imagine a pentagram of light before you, a symbol of protection as well as the elements. Imagine a pentagram in each of the four directions around you, charged to protect you for any unwanted energies or influences.
On the screen of your mind, imagine a great tree—the largest tree you have every seen. It could be an oak, ash, yew, willow, pine or anything that speaks to you, but its proportions are gigantic. It reaches up to the heavens and holds the stars in its branches. Its trunk is impossibly wide, like a building. Its roots pass through the planet and deep into the underworlds below.
Imagine the screen of your mind is like a window or door. It is a portal to the spirit realms. Imagine stepping through the gateway and standing before the tree. Feel the earth beneath your feet. Smell the moist soil. Hear the wind rustle the branches. Reach out and touch the bark. Feel your connection to the world tree.
Walk clockwise around the base of the trunk, realize the roots contain all manner of openings, crevices, caves and tunnels. Look for the opening that calls to you, that intuitively catches your attention. You will know the right one when you find it.
Once you do, enter the dark tunnel. Feel it spiral into the other worlds. You may feel it move downward or upward, depending on what is right for you. Both are acceptable. Feel your pentagrams about you, protection you. See a light at the end of the tunnel. Enter the light and find yourself in a sacred space, out in nature, a place that feels completely comfortable to you. Perhaps it is a place you have visited in your dreams. There, waiting for you, is a guide who is correct and good for you at this time. It might be humanoid—perhaps a spirit, angel or ancestor. It might be an animal spirit. Take this time to meet with the spirit and to get to know its role in your life. Ask the spirit how it can help you in your magick. This spirit can give your magical and spiritual advice.
When done, thank the spirit guide, knowing you can always return here and meet with your guide. Return the way you came. Thank the great tree, and step back through the screen of your mind. Erase the image of the world tree, and return yourself to normal consciousness.
The Web of Life
Instead of a World Tree, many look to the image of the spider’s web as the symbol of the universe. We are each strands connected to the web of life. Many look to the divine creator as the Weaver Goddess, continually weaving the universe outwardly.
Mythic traditions give us the story of three sisters, three goddesses of fate who weave our lives as they spin the threads of past, present and future. To the Greeks they are known collectively as the Moirae, and individually as Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. The first spun the thread of your life. The second measures it, allotting the time you would have, and the third will cut the thread of life. Ariadne is also looked to as a weaving goddess and her name was translated into the weaver goddess imagery of the Merlin texts of European lore. To the Norse, the three are collectively known as the Norns, or Wyrd sisters, singly known as Urd, Verdandi and Skuld, she who was, she who is and she who will be. The triple weaver image can be found in the popular Wiccan image of the triple goddess. Though modern scholars debate the antiquity of the triple goddess image, we do find the triple goddess themes in ancient lore from many cultures.
The three sisters can be seen as embodying the three universal forces of creation. They are the powers to create, to sustain and to destroy, as embodied by the maiden, mother and crone. In Hindu mythology, the same fundamental forces are embodied by male deities. Brahman is the father and creator. Vishnu is the preserver. Shiva is the dissolver or destroyer. Some dissect the sacred tone OM, or more appropriately spelled AUM, and give each of the letters to one of these three primal forces. Even the symbol for OM is reminiscent of an Arabic numeral for three.
Ritual magicians embody similar concepts in the figures of Isis, Apophis and Osiris. Isis is the creating force of nature. Apophis is the destructive force, while Osiris is the power of regeneration and resurrection. The chant IAO is used to align with these powerful forces. Mystical Christians often look at the word God as creator as an acronym. The G stands for generating, the O for organizing and the D for dissolving. In astrology, the three principles are described as cardinal, fixed and mutable. When the Sun is in a cardinal astrological sign, a season begins. At these points you have an equinox or solstice. The middle of the season is marked by the sun being in a fixed sign. The season transitions when the sun is in a mutable sign. Cardinal, fixed and mutable is known as the triplicy.
Mystics also tap into the universal image of webs and weaving for creating magick. Personally, I have worked in my own practice with spider spirits and the weaver goddess, so I thought such practices were particular to me and people like me. It is not something found extensively in traditional Wicca, shamanism or ceremonial magick. Yes, the image of the web of life is used in a metaphoric sense in many native traditions, but I had not come across much lore encouraging using the image to make magick. I then corresponded with a few magickal practitioners who imagine the world in terms of a web and perform their instant magick through an inner ritual of pulling and weaving “strings” of energy in their inner vision. One felt it was natural with his patron goddess, a many armed Hindu deity. Later, I even found the image in a magical role-playing game called Mage: The Ascension (White Wolf). In this unusual game, the world is imagined as a tapestry, and mages are the ones who see and can reweave the patterns of reality. The concept, from ancient mysticism to modern games, is a constant theme. Magick is about patterns and gently changing those patterns in accordance with will. A weaving metaphor is an apt way to manifest these changes.
Weaving Meditation
Perform Exercise 1 and get into a meditative altered state. Imagine your four pentagrams protecting you on all sides. Imagine yourself sitting in the center of a giant web. You are not trapped in the web, but you are safely in the center, as if it were your home.
Notice the thickness or thinness of the strands. Notice how you feel when you bring your attention to a particular strand. As you look across the astral strands of webbing, notice how each of the major strands is linked to a major person, place and event in your life. Look down each strand to see what you are connected to, to what important factors that create your reality. Notice how the strands are not only anchored in the present, but the past and the future. The web is not just in this moment, but all the past and all the present. There are too many strands, too many webs connecting with this one, to make a full survey of them all, but you are in the center of your web and can create your reality.
Notice how certain strands connected to the past have specific qualities—a certain look, feel or touch. Others connected to the present are all similar. Lastly strands reaching into the future have certain qualities and characteristics. Strands of the past, present and future are not often separate, as you find them entwined together, and branching out from each other.
You might find the web is oriented somewhat like a compass, with major strands in the four or eight directions. Certain areas currently behind you can have more past strands, while those in front of you lead to the future. Various strands could have other associations, such as elemental or astrological. Feel the strands that are reaching to the dynamic cardinal energies. Feel those with the static fixed energies. Finally reach out to those with the changing mutable energies.
Reach out and touch a strand in the web. It gives you information about that strand. You know that if you worked with that strand, you could alter its future path, or change how you relate to the past. Now is just a time to be aware of the web, but you know you can come back to the center of the web at any time, and use it to shape your reality.
When done orienting yourself in the web, thank the web. You may feel the presence of a weaver goddess or god. Thank the weaver. Then return yourself to normal consciousness.
The Universal Body
As above, so below. As below, so above. This Principle of Correspondence is found at the heart of many magical traditions. The human body is a map of the universal body. One is patterned after the other. By understanding the worlds within you, and the consciousness they contain, you can alter the reality of the worlds around you.
Many traditions focus on an intimate understanding of the body and its physical systems. Mystics will also seek to explore the subtle bodies and subtle anatomy, along with the muscles, bones and organs. A system from India that has become ingrained in western magick, known as the chakras, is a great model for understanding the cosmic and the subtle bodies.
Viewed as existing along the spine, seven major centers of power are located, corresponding to various glands and organs within the body, but also corresponding to a level of consciousness that humanity uses. Each level of consciousness is marked by a color, and imbalances in each are characterized by certain illnesses and issues. Those centers lower on the spine are more simple and considered by some to be crude, while those higher are more complex and considered more spiritual. All are necessary. Without the lower ones, the higher ones would have no foundation, but in general our life focus starts out lower, and generally ascends as we accumulate wisdom and experience.
Red—The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is the root, or foundation of consciousness. Here are our survival instincts, and our desires for pleasure and procreation—survival of the species. Dealing with the material world, and often the force of struggle that goes with it, is associated with the root consciousness.
Orange—The belly chakra, also known as the sacral or naval chakra, is the center of first emotional consciousness, where we reach out and build relationships with others. Intimacy, trust and sexual relationship, and how we communicate basic feelings is this center’s province. It is also the center of creativity.
Solar Plexus
Yellow—The solar plexus is the center of power, ruling a basic fight or flight response. Here are the issues of self-image, self-esteem, and the loss of power, creating fear and anger. Here are the issues of control—how we control ourselves, how we might control others, or let ourselves be controlled.
Green—The heart is the realm of love, and connecting to others on an emotional level, without need or control being the motivating factor. Here we have empathy and relationship—from family and friends, to romance, to the stirring of spiritual, unconditional love. The heart is the bridge between the lower and higher chakras.
Blue—Here is the chakra of communication and expressing your ideas. Often forgotten, it is also the realm of listening to others, because communication takes speaking and listening to be effective, from both sides. Here we express the will of our lower chakras, giving word and form to things that are often seen as intangible. That is the power of the magick word.
Third Eye
Indigo/Purple—The brow, or third eye chakra, is the realm of psychic sight, both seeing images of the past, present and future, and projecting out magickal concepts of what you wish to create. It is our image of ourselves in action and as a spiritual center, represents transcending the dualities of the world and finding oneness.
Violet/White—The realm of the crown is of divinity, spirituality and connection to the source, described as blinding light brighter than a million suns, or a thousand petalled lotus, in many ways the totality of the crown is beyond most human understanding. Located at the top of the head, slight above and outside the body, it is the idea unconditional spiritual love and connection we aspire to. It is the soul, the higher self and our divine consciousness.
These chakras correspond to layers of the aura, known as subtle bodies, and the corresponding universal planes, or dimensions of existence where these bodies reside. Various names for these seven planes exist, but I will be using some simpler, non-traditional terms that I have found the easiest to understand, remember and teach.
The root corresponds to the gross plane of matter, the physical realm, because its needs are of the physical world, caring for the physical body by getting the food, sleep, shelter and sensation that is needed.
The etheric realm is the primal pattern upon which material reality is built; it is like the energetic structure, skeleton or grid. The elemental planes and nature spirits are said to reside in this realm, close to the material realm, helping build it, but not a true part of the physical. Our etheric body is the first layer of the aura, often viewed as a white light around the body. Breaks and injuries can be sensed in the etheric body as weaknesses, and escaping energy, even if the physical body has healed.
The astral realm is a more fluid and symbolic pattern of the physical. Everything physical has an astral double, but not everything astral, such as many spirits and entities, has a physical body. The astral is more malleable to our will, so our self image is often the appearance of our astral self, not our literal image. Dreams and visions often occur on the astral level.
The emotional plane is sometimes referred to as the Upper Astral, containing the highest and purest of the astral plane. Here are the astral connection we build through relationship, empathy and love. Here are the powers of higher creation, where magick requires emotion, and ideally, love, to manifest.
The mental plane is the realm of idea, concept and design. Here is where creation is first expressed as a concept, word or form. It is said that the clearer, more detached spirit teachers exist on the mental plane, above the more distracting realms.
The psychic plane has many alternate names, including the Higher Mental Plane. Here is the realm of psychic energy, where divine power becomes light, the inner psychic light that connects us all. This light radiates through the planes below, and becomes the light of our visions and creations.
The divine plane encompasses and permeates all things. In Hermetic magick, an axiom known as the Principle of Mentalism says, “We are all thoughts in the divine mind.” We are all divine creations, made of divine energy. On this plane of existence, we are all connected, all one. Our divine bodies are all connected and understand each other greatly, seeing the pattern of all the planes below.
You might have noticed this model takes the simpler concept of the five elements and extends it into seven specific planes. Both are different, but similar, views on reality and can compliment each other.
Rising Through the Chakras
Perform Exercise 1 and get into a meditative altered state. Take deep cleansing breaths and really feel your body. Fill your lungs totally on each inhale, from the bottom of the lungs up to the top. Exhale from the top to the bottom, completely. Feel the blood pumping in your heart and through your body. Feel the currents of bio-electrical energy in your nervous system. Come into total awareness of your body.
Slowly bring your awareness down to the base of your spine. Feel the ball of red light, spinning like a vortex at the base of your spine, at the perineum point. Feel your body and feel your needs. Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Are you tired? Excited? Are you wanting or needing anything, or are you satisfied? What do you feel on the physical level? Truly feel the physical level, and let the red energy of the root bathe you, bringing you into physical awareness and balance.
With your next inhalation, draw the energy of the root up to the belly chakra. Feel the ball of orange light slightly below the navel. Feel the etheric plane, the energetic pattern of reality. Feel the energy that supports and sustains your body. Feel your sense of trust, intimacy and security. Let the orange energy of the belly bathe you, bringing your etheric body balance.
Inhale, and bring the energy up to your solar plexus chakra. Feel the golden yellow vortex of power. Feel your power on the astral plane, your ability to drive forward, to bring your will into shape and form. Feel your sense of self, your astral self image. Feel the golden light of the solar plexus fill your body with power and health, transforming your astral body into your ideal self-image. Create the person you want to be.
Drawing in your breath, draw the energy up to the sternum, to the heart chakra. Feel the heart pulse with a green glow and fill your being with a sense of empathy, love and compassion. Feel the flow of love into every fiber of your being. Reflect on your relationships, your loves, friends and family, and most importantly, your relationship with yourself. Feel how the emotional body is the bridge between the higher and lower worlds.
With the breath, allow the sphere of light to rise from the chest to the throat, transforming into a ball of brilliant blue light. Feel your light and energy infuse your mind, the mental body that permeates and encompasses all the others. Feel your mind become clearer, sharper and more creative. Feel your power to express your every thought and feeling.
As you breathe, allow the energy to rise to the brow, to the purple indigo light of the third eye. Feel your intuitive awareness grow with the light. Feel your ability to see into the past, present and future with clarity and insight expand. Feel your power to project out your desires, and be understood by the universe. Feel the psychic body absorbing and relating non-ordinary information for you to use.
With one final act, draw the light and breathe up to your crown. Feel your connection to the higher self. Feel your awareness grow. Know that you are a part of everything, and everything is a part of you. Become one with your higher self, even if only for an instant. Feel the dazzling, blinding light of the crown infuse every fiber of all your bodies with divine light. Feel the light pour out of your crown like a divine fountain, bathing you completely.
Allow the energy to flow down around you. Be aware of your other chakras and bodies, from the brow to the throat, down to the heart, solar plexus, belly and root. Bring your awareness back to the breath and the physical body. Stretch as needed. Ground yourself. Return yourself to normal consciousness.
Once you are familiar with the spheres of influence in the chakras, you can use their colors and images in your instant magick.
The Music of the Spheres
The music of the spheres refers to the wheels of planetary orbit “rubbing” together, making the sublime harmony of the heavens. Enlightened sages and mystics are said to hear the music of the spheres.
Planetary correspondence is one way of organizing magickal ideas. In astrology, each planet is associated with an aspect of life. Each is named after a godform that is also linked to that function of life. Venus is the goddess of love and the planet of love. The planets are synchronously named after the godform that is most appropriate. Some believe the “new” planets, recently discovered, only receive their final name when the archetypally appropriate name is chosen. Uranus was originally called the Star of George, but the name was not universally accepted until Uranus was proposed.
Each planet is associated with the zodiac signs, colors, numbers, symbols, herbs, oils, incense and stones. These correspondences are used to create magical rituals and spells that will resonate with the energy, the vibration of the planet. By mixing several different planetary energies, you can create your own magical symphony.
More importantly, each planet is the physical representation of a level of consciousness. They are like the organs, or the chakras of the solar being, the entity of our solar system. As the ancients knew, “As above, so below” the patterns of the planets are reflected in our own consciousness. The level of consciousness that each planet embodies is found within our own consciousness. Planetary rituals help us tap into those levels of consciousness and bring out their gifts.
Figure 8: Ten Pointed Star with Planetary Symbols
The Sun rules primal energy and life force. It is the “heart” of our solar system and the engine of our magick. Solar spells are for health, vitality, energy, success, creativity and prosperity.
The Moon embodies our emotional consciousness, intuition and psychic ability. Spells involving the tides of the moons, feminine mysteries, divination and emotional healing are ruled by the Moon.
Mercury relates to our mind and memory. Magick involving the mental faculties, including communication, logic and travel are ruled by Mercury. The archetypes of Mercury are messengers and magicians, so the travel of ideas, people and energy is also ruled by this planet.
Venus is the power of attraction and personal love. Our ability to attract the people and resources we need, as well as develop personal, affectionate relationships are the realm of Venus.
Mars energy directs the will, the power of force and initiation to move forward. Mars can be perceived as anger, passion or drive, depending on the expression. All magick involving direct action, power, protection, destruction and warrior energy involves the red planet’s energy.
Jupiter is the power of the higher self, expressed as wisdom and expansion. Some experience it as grace, prosperity or “good luck.” Jupiter energy expands, and is used both in money magick and in finding spiritual purpose and knowledge.
Saturn is Jupiter’s compliment in energy, involving contraction instead of expansion. Saturn limits, binds and protects. Saturn is the force of karma, the consequences of our past actions. Magick involving protection, slowing down and time is ruled by Saturn.
Uranus breaks limits. It is the power of the innovative, inspired mind, thinking outside of the box. Uranus is the higher, divine mind, personal expression and higher ideals. Uranus’ energy is like a bolt of lightening or Promethean awareness, granting new insight.
Neptune is the power of unconditional love, romance and creativity. As Uranus is the higher mind, Neptune plays the role of the higher heart. Neptune rules the dream worlds and creativity, from the realm of the artists, musicians and dancers to the shaman and mystic.
Pluto is the power of transformation. This energy often destroys to rebuild, being named after the god of death and the underworld. All death is a rebirth, a transformation, though the process can be difficult. Pluto energy hopefully destroys that which doesn’t serve to bring you to a great awareness and understanding.
Rising through the Planetary Spheres
Perform Exercise 1 and get into a meditative altered state. Imagine your four pentagrams around you, for protection. Feel your energy and awareness expand to the area around you. Be aware of the room you are in, the building or landscape that surrounds you. Feel the gravity of the world keep your body in place as its moves in it rotation and orbit.
Gently feel yourself rise from this place and time, ascending upward. Below you, your body glows like a star, a star that only you can see, that will always guide you back, without fail. As you rise up through the sky, through the clouds, enter the orbit of the Moon around the Earth. Find the Moon and go towards it. Feel as though the orb of light is a gateway for you to enter its consciousness. Enter lunar consciousness. Feel yourself surrounded by purple and silver light. Feel your intuition and emotions come to life in this sphere. Feel the moon and its vibration. Feel the night and the energy of the Goddess all around you. These are the qualities of Luna.
Rise through the Moon’s power and reach to the Sun. Feel the golden yellow light of the Sun. Fill with power, illumination and vitality. Surround yourself with the solar gold. You align with the solar fires, the center of the system, with power and gravity. You feel like the Sun ruler. You are healthy, vital, successful, inspired. These are the powers of the solar sphere.
Rise up through the moon and feel yourself penetrating a level of orange energy. Enter the plane of Mercury. Mercury is the sphere of the mind, intellect, logic and memory. Everything is sharp, fast and active here in Mercury. Everything races. Everything is made from language. Feel your mental abilities sharpen. These are the gifts of Mercury.
Rise up through this sphere and enter a green world, the world of Venus. Venus can feel like a primordial ocean, or lush forest or jungle. Venus is the power of life, and the attraction of energies that create life. Venus feels magnetic and heavy at times, but also very vibrant and vital. The vibration of Venus at its highest level is attraction and love. Working with these powers is the role of Venus.
Rise up through the energy of Venus and meet its compliment, the red sphere of Mars. Mars is the sphere of dynamic action, energy and will. Mars is stimulating, calling you to action. Mars can be militaristic or sexual. The red energy surrounding you is vital life force, primal passion and vital energy. Feel these qualities of Mars.
Rise up through this red sphere and enter the blue and purple tranquility of Jupiter. Jupiter is the power of peace, expansion and spirituality. Feel the shift into a stable sense of power, of knowing. Feel your connection to the divine world. Jupiter is associated with sky kings. Feel the power of the tranquil sky. Jupiter is the sphere of teachers and divine wisdom. Feel your connection to this wisdom. Feel the gifts of Jupiter.
Gently rise up from the sphere of Jupiter into the inky blackness of Saturn. You might feel a stronger sense of gravity here than anywhere else. Saturn can feel repressive, restrictive or binding. You are like a lump of coal in the pressure of the mountain, waiting to be fused into the diamond. Feel the darkness, but move through your fears, into a quiet surrender of the divine creative process. Trust. Feel protected by the process. These are the lessons of Saturn.
Emerge from the darkness into the electric neon blue light of Uranus. Uranus is bright, flashing and innovative, decorated with lightning bolts of inspiration and an awareness of freedom. Thing seem doubly bright after the darkness of Saturn. Here in Uranus, all ideas and expression are possible. You are free to be yourself and to perform your higher will. These are the qualities of Uranus.
Transcend the dazzle and rise into the sea green sphere of Neptune, the foggy mist. Neptune is the fog of illusion, delusion and, if you pass them, ultimately unconditional love. It is like the collective consciousness, containing both the best and worst we have to offer. Feel the source of creative inspiration well within you, looking for an avenue to be released and expressed.
Rise into the realm of Pluto, though it may suddenly feel like a descent into the underworld. The color dominating this sphere is a dark scarlet. There is a heaviness in the air not unlike Saturn, but tinged with the air of Mars as well. There is power here, but also death and transformation. Pluto’s realm can feel as if someone were dancing on your grave. Pluto is the ability to surrender to divine will, and when you do, to be reborn like the phoenix. Feel yourself alight with transforming flame.
Like the phoenix, the fiery bird of spirit, rise above the sphere of Pluto. Feel your power, and follow your trail back to the glowing star of your body. Descend quickly through the spheres, through scarlet, sea green, electric blue, black, blue/purple, red, green, orange, golden yellow and silver/purple and back through the sky of the Earth, back to your body. Feel yourself become integrated with the body. Return yourself to normal consciousness.
These are only a few of the magical paradigms. Though they seem very different, you can relate them together. The elements can be seen in the chakras, and the chakras in the planets. Astrology brings them all together in its own way, using gender, archetype, element and triplicy with the planets and colors.
One of the most complex, yet most rewarding is the Tree of Life. Found in its original Hebrew forms of mysticism, or adopted in the traditions of Hermetic magicians, the Tree creates a model of reality that incorporates many of these paradigms within it, from the elements to the obvious tree symbols. Each of the tree glyph’s ten spheres is associated with a planet or heavenly body, and the connection paths have their own correspondences as well, including tarot cards and letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Knowledge of these correspondences is used to create magick, meditation and ritual.
By looking at many models, an aspiring magician or witch can realize that all are right and all are wrong simultaneously. Reality cannot be summed up by any one symbol, but each one is an accurate way to describe reality for that tradition. No one computer program can fulfill of your needs and functions. Building a relationship with your paradigm, and in fact, many paradigms, is the first step in harnessing the energies of magick to create change.