chapter five
Spell Crafting
Now that you have a primer of instant magick spells to inspire you, let’s talk about how you can create your own spells to suit whatever your needs are at the time. Once you understand the process, you don’t have to really have anything prepared in advance, you can create something in the moment to fulfill your needs.
Basic Instant Magick
Instant magick doesn’t have to complicated. It doesn’t have to use correspondences, colors, entities or planets. Those tools are given to help you, particular for people who feel they are not talented at basic visualization skills. Such correspondences are to show that simple magick can be worked in many ways.
The basic concept and application of instant magick can be found in my previous book, The Inner Temple of Witchcraft: Magick, Meditation and Psychic Development. The basic technique I initially learned from my teachers was to focus on what you want to create, hold your instant magick trigger and in your mind’s eye, with eyes open or closed, visualize the outcome of your intention. Again focus on the goal, not how it will manifest. Create and image of the outcome occurring and how you feel when it happens. Hold it for a few moments, or simply repeat it two or three times, and then let it go. Assume the magick will occur and go about your business.
The only drawback to this simple technique is if you have difficulty visualizing—creating and holding images in your mind - you might have difficulty being confident in your work. In fact, the more detailed versions of instant magick spells evolved out of my students’ difficulties with visualization. By incorporating numerous correspondences, students could work with the symbols and systems that the yare most suited to use, and discard the others.
Instant Magick by Correspondence
In traditional spellcraft, I learned and teach that although visualization is very helpful and powerful, intent is the most important thing. The rituals of folk magick work even when the practitioner does not have strong visuals. A candle spell can be done with poetry and verse. A petition spell can be done in plain words, calling upon the Goddess and God. Sympathetic magick involves ritual actions. The “image” is in the actions. Nothing needs to be visualized.
Since traditional spells can be worked with many different systems of correspondence, some students wanted to apply those correspondences to acts of instant magick, rather than use long and complicated rituals. They would come to me and tell me how they got instant magick to work just by visualizing a color and thinking about their intention. Another was successful by repeating an affirmation, and had instant success, beyond the power of suggestion. One would “talk” to the spirits of the objects, places and people involved, receiving good results. Magical energy was raised and projected. A few others simply “said” their intention to their spirit guide or deity. I was amazed at the variety of expressions instant magick can take. They don’t require crisp visualization, just feeling and intent.
Creating your own spells, instant magick or otherwise, has three basic components.
1. Creativity
2. Knowledge
3. Divine Inspiration
Part of the process simply is creativity. Necessity is truly the mother of invention, and when you need to create something, it can spur your creative mind and imagination to solve the problem. Like magick itself, you need desire to make it work. If you don’t want to create a new result, then it will be more difficult.
The second part of spell crafting is knowledge or research. For instant magick, it is essential to understand the symbol systems that work best for you, even if they don’t match traditional systems. What aspect of the correspondence calls to you? Do you like working with color? Elements? Planets? Notice from the previous meditations how color corresponds with both elements and planets. Do you feel a direct connection to particular spirits, or deities? Perhaps they can aid your magick. Do you like working with words, visualization, the energy centers of the body? Pick the tools and mediums that work best for you, but don’t be afraid to stretch your wings. The more you understand symbols and symbol systems, and experience what works for you, the better you can craft new magick. Study mythology, rituals and traditional spell casting to expand your toolbox. Though we call it instant magick, there is actually quite a bit of study and research to do. If you desire to call upon an entity listed in one of Chapter Four’s spells, it is probably prudent to research that entity if you know nothing about it. Without this knowledge, you might be surprised to know who or what you are inviting into your life. Some could consider my inclusion of the entities as irresponsible, but like older magical texts, I think the mysteries shouldn’t be explained completely in any one book. Each should leave room for your own experience and research.
The last component of spell crafting is truly divine inspiration. All spells already exist. Some would say they exist in the memory of the world, in the akashic records, the spirit imprints of everything that is, was and will be. Regular meditation, ritual and awareness of the world can help you tap into this divine information more easily. Ask the divine creative force—however you see it—for help when crafting your spells.
Spell Design
Any given instant magick effect can be designed and implemented in a number of ways. Any of them are correct, as long as it works for you. It can take a lot of experimentation with the different styles to find the way that works best.
For example, you are outdoors doing a ritual that includes a candle being lit. The wind begins to blow and you fear you will not get it lit and have it stay lit. First know that as powerful and wonderful as candle magick can be, the lighting of the flame is not always crucial. You can do the ritual outdoors and light the candle inside.
Perhaps it is a wedding or handfasting ceremony, and the couple really would like a candle to be a part of the ritual. Those not understanding magical principle might think that the wedding is doomed if the candle does not light, a sign from the gods. So it would be easier for all concerned if the wind died down a bit for the ritual, and the candle stayed lit. With a little bit of instant magick, this is possible.
Though there are a few ways to approach it, the easiest would be to gently stop the wind from blowing in the ritual area for the duration of the ceremony. You are not preventing the wind from blowing at all, nor are you altering major weather patterns. You are simply looking for a lull in the winds that coincides with your ritual.
Here are some suggestions to execute that intent. Realize that although they come in separate categories, they are not mutually exclusive. You can enhance your magick by incorporating more than one technique into it. You are not stuck in any one specific paradigm or expression of magick. All work harmoniously together.
Basic Visualization
In the most basic form of instant magick, activate your trigger and imagine the duration of the ceremony without wind. Feel your elation at the end, knowing the candle flame stayed lit.
Activate your trigger and feel your connection to the element of air. Feel your will merge with the atmosphere, and gently slow and nudge the air into not blowing during the ceremony. You can also visualize the Earth energy rising up, forming a barrier, blocking the wind and safely redirecting it.
To create a place of tranquility, the energy of the fixed, or sustaining aspect of the triplicy is needed. In your mind’s eye, imagine weaving a web of sold, strong energy around the area, creating a zone of tranquility and stability, without movement or change. You can also use the image of a ring of light, bubble or pillar, formed from stable, fixed energy.
Start by deciding what planet is most appropriate for quieting the winds. On first glance, Jupiter is a good choice. Known for its peace and inner quiet, good fortune and named after the sky and storm king who can create or banish the clouds, this energy would be appropriate to the task at hand. With your trigger held, visualize the symbol of Jupiter in blue or purple, its colors, and feel it expand to fill the space with blue or purple, creating a zone of Jupiterian peace. With different reasoning, one might pick Mercury, for clear air and because the planet has no atmosphere, or perhaps Saturn, to slow and bind the winds. It all depends on your creative imagination.
Many of the potential colors have been covered in the air symbolism and Jupiter symbolism. You could visualize a bubble of blue, or purple creating a zone of stillness with the use of your trigger. Yellow, for the clarity of mind, is also another air color found in ritual magick. Orange for Mercury is another possible choice. When in doubt, a crystal white light can be used for almost any intention. Perhaps working on the opposite element, not air, but earth, can create the zone of stillness. Deep greens, browns and other earthen tones can stem the frenzied wind and create a grounded zone where the candle will remain lit. You can create balls of energy, as you did in Exercise 2, and you’re your will imprint them with specific colors and intentions.
Much like the colors spell craft, if blue is the appropriate color, radiating peace from the throat chakra can create a zone of tranquility. Imagine drawing energy from the Earth and Sky, through your chakra column and radiating it out from your throat.
Call upon spirits who govern the air currents. The elemental king of Air, Paralda, is a good choice. You can make your silent inner petition as such, “I call upon the King of Elemental Air, Pralda. I ask that your mighty winds subside to tranquility for the duration of this ritual. I honor you and thank you for your kindness, for the good of all, harming none. So mote it be.” Other beings include the sky deities Uranus, Zeus, Jupiter, Hera, Juno, Thor, Tarranis and Nuit. You could also call upon Raphael, the angel of elemental air.
Affirmations can not only affect your own consciousness, but have great impact on the environment around you. There is power in a few well chosen words said with clear and direct intent. Something as simple as, “The air is still and quiet. So mote it be” repeated three, nine or twenty seven times in a row, can create change. Affirmations in multiples of three are very powerful, used to connect the three selves, the conscious, psychic and higher minds that are synchronized when entering an altered state. Doing this, and any affirmation, with your trigger makes it much more powerful.
Through this simple rundown, you have a variety of ways to implement your will and create tangible, magical change. Combine them in ways that suit you. I personally might combine the planetary evocation of Jupiter’s energy with a spiritual petition to the god Jupiter/Zeus and visualize the flame staying lit the entire ceremony.
Another example of instant magick spell crafting could be healing a wilted plant in your window garden. Healing plants is very similar to healing people, animals, land or anything else. Again going through our paradigm models, we could find many ways to accomplish this goal. Again all of these are done in conjunction with your instant magick trigger, unless you choose to get into a deeper state of meditation and work on a deeper level with the techniques.
Basic Visualization
In your mind’s eye, simply imagine the wilting plant reversing its deterioration, becoming healthy, vital and alive.
Is there a particular element at loss here? If so, physically correct the imbalance before calling upon elemental energy. Common sense is as important as magick, even more so in most cases. Don’t overlook the obvious. Does the plant need more water? Is the soil healthy? Is there enough air and light? Once the practical concerns are remedied, feel the elemental energies you feel are most appropriate. Earth is for physical healing, and would be primary in this case, but you can repeat this process with each element. Remember the feeling and qualities of each element when you call upon it. Feel your will evoke the energy of each element, and use that energy to nourish, heal and grow the plant back to a balanced, healthy state. Use your intention to direct the elemental energy into the plant.
Figure: Caduceus
Figure 11: Astrological Glyph of Mercury and Venus
For aiding an ailing plant, I might choose mutable energy, because of its adaptable vibration. The third aspect of the triplicy is about renewal and transformation, so it feels appropriate. Keeping with our weaver imagery for the triplicy, I would imagine the tired and loose “strings” of energy connected to the lifeless plant. With that image, I would “pull” the string up like a puppet, animating the plant and returning it to an upright state.
Planets associated with healing include Mercury, as the caduceus of Mercury is the modern medical symbol. Venus has a strong association with plants. Either could be used for this work. Imagine the glyph you have chosen, in its associated color. Project that glyph into the plant, with your intention for healing. Let its vital force animate the plant.
The obvious color for plant healing would be green. If the plant flowers and the flower is a particular color, that color too, will match its vibration and be beneficial in healing. PerformExercise 2 and create your ball of energy. Change it to the appropriate color for healing and gently “feed” it to the plant, letting the plant slowly soak up its energy.
Imagine drawing energy up from the earth through your feet and body. Feel the energy flow out of the heart chakra, the center of green growth and vitality. Radiate your loving heart energy out to the plant to revitalize it.
Any beings associated with nature could help in plant healing. Aphrodite, besides being a goddess of love, is a goddess of nature. Flowers spring up in her passing. Demeter is the goddess of all growing things. She and her daughter Persephone control the seasons, according to Greek myth. The Norse pair of deities, Freya and Frey have strong associations with nature and the green land. The Celtic Green Man is of course an obvious choice. Uriel is the archangel associated with the element of earth, and appropriate for the work.
“This plant is completely healthy, for the highest good, harming none. So mote it be!” is an appropriate affirmation for plant healing. Try holding the plant while repeating the statement.
In the case of such healings, you can repeat the process several times, as often as you intuitively feel is necessary. Gauge your actions based on the plant’s response to your magick.
One of first and foremost concerns when it comes to healing should be addressed before any of these techniques are attempted. You must seek permission of the recipient. This is so vital for the ethics of healing, and is stressed more in human healing spells than anything else, but all beings capable of being healed should be asked first. Sometimes a person, plant or area of land is undergoing great transformation through illness, and on the highest soul level, does not actually want the process to be stopped or healed through conventional means. If that’s the case, you really can’t do much to heal the situation anyway, at least in the long term, until the being decides on that higher level it’s time to heal.
If you attempt a healing that goes against the recipient’s higher will, there is a process of energetic struggle. Magick is real energy, and the recipient must expend a certain amount of energy to return itself to the state that is most correct for it, even if that state is a state of illness. The struggle can distract it from fully participating in the lessons and experiences at hand. That is why, as ethical magical practitioners, we ask permission first. When someone is consciously engaged in the healing process it is much more effective, and they have the opportunity to explore their personal will and divine will in a fully conscious way, be able to participate in all the experiences available.
The process of receiving “permission” from a plant might seem silly. I know I thought it was when I was first told about it, but it can be quite moving. You can use this to ask healing permission of beings, though with humans, its best to attempt conscious permission first. The Animal Communication and Plant Communication spells from the previous chapter can also be used in those situations.
Higher Self Connection
Perform Exercise 1, and simply get into your meditative state. Connect with the intended recipient of your healing energies. For a person, you would say silently or out loud, “I ask to connect to the higher self of _______________ . So mote it be.” Repeat it three times. For the plant, you can sit by the plant when you do it, or visualize it if you don’t have a name for it. Intuitively feel connected, and again ask the higher spiritual self if you have permission to do this healing. Follow your intuitive instinct. Is it a yes, no, or ambiguous? If you have a yes, proceed. If ambiguous, try again, but usually proceed. Most situations do want to be healed and balanced. If you get a definite no, then cancel or postpone the healing session. Try again later, from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the severity of the situation.
When done and you have your answer, simply say, “I thank and release the higher self of __________________. So mote it be.” Return yourself to normal consciousness.
Use this same process in designing your own spells. When you become well versed in all the components, it will become quite easy and intuitive. A list of correspondences with all the various systems discusses is included at the end of this book to help you out.
Pick a situation where magick could come in handy, and design a pattern, a spell, that could transform and aid that situation. The more you do it, the easier it will be. Use the spells from the last chapter as inspiration.