About the Author

Catherine Marshall

With Christy , Catherine Marshall LeSourd (1914–1983) created one of the world’s most widely read and best-loved classics. Published in 1967, the book spent 39 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. With an estimated 30 million Americans having read it, Christy is now approaching its 90th printing and has sold over eight million copies. Although a novel, Christy is in fact a thinly-veiled biography of Catherine’s mother, Leonora Wood.

Catherine Marshall LeSourd also authored A Man Called Peter , which has sold over four mil lion copies. It is an American bestseller, portraying the love between a dynamic man and his God, and the tender, romantic love between a man and the girl he married. Julie is a powerful, sweeping novel of love and adventure, courage and commitment, tragedy and tri umph, in a Pennsylvania town during the Great Depression. Catherine also authored many other devotional books of encouragement.