Chapter 1

On New Year’s Day, 2008, the killer watched a young woman with shoulder-length blond hair as he waited for a chance to strike. It was a cold day on Blood Mountain in Georgia’s Vogel State Park; the temperature was just above freezing, in the crisp afternoon light. The woman was accompanied by a mixed-breed black dog, which seemed to be part Labrador retriever. His own dog was a red Irish setter named Dandy, and the canine had not had a bath or brushing in a long time.

The killer had come to Blood Mountain two or three days before—he had lost track of time—because it was a good place to hunt women. He considered himself to be a professional soldier who was always on combat maneuvers; he used his training and keen powers of observation to scrutinize his surroundings in detail. He was always on high alert. The woman’s unleashed dog was of no concern to him, because he had been attacked by canines many times in the past. Usually, it was the other way around: He attacked dogs when he disapproved of their behavior. The dogs didn’t have a chance against him. Sometimes pepper spray would be enough to chase a dog off; but if one was determined, he always had his butcher knife, bayonet, and a collapsible police-style baton, which snapped into a yard-long club that could crush bone.

“It’s easy to kill a dog,” he would say, even to strangers. He boasted that for a man with his fighting skills, it was also easy to kill a human being.

Blood Mountain, about ninety miles northwest of Atlanta, was an ideal setting for the killer. It rises 4,458 feet into the air and is thick with trees and hiking trails so narrow that in some parts two hikers can’t walk side by side. There were still smudges of gold, brown, and red on the poplar, birch, oak, and maple trees—although the height of the color season had passed and most of the deciduous leaves were on the ground. During the peak of autumn, Blood Mountain trails were thick with hikers who wanted to walk among this splendid beauty.

With the colorful foliage almost gone, there were fewer hikers than usual, but that suited the killer’s purpose. The less populated the trails, the better his chances were of not being seen by someone who could identify him later. He wasn’t famous yet, except in his own mind, but it seemed to him that he attracted attention like the Lone Ranger, who wore a skintight outfit, a fancy two-gun holster rig, and rode a palomino. That was all staging and show business designed to draw attention so that when people asked, “Who was that masked man?” everyone knew that it was the Lone Ranger. None of that shit for him. Once he drew attention to himself, and his picture was published in a newspaper, he was done for; and he had already been “screwed, blued, and tattooed” by society in every way imaginable.

People invariably remembered him because of his brightly colored, expensive hiking clothes, a weird demeanor, scary appearance, and general attitude of menace.

“I’m the fucking Lone Ranger,” he sometimes told people to describe the attention he generated.

The killer was Gary Michael Hilton, a former paratrooper and career criminal, who had been hiking and running for years along the Appalachian Trail and in remote mountain forests of the Northwest region of the United States. Except for a two-year enlistment as a U.S. Army paratrooper, Hilton had been a drifter most of his life. He had chosen to become homeless about fourteen years earlier. At five feet ten inches tall and 160 pounds, Hilton was lean and strong, with whipcord muscles connecting tendons like steel cable beneath his weathered brown skin.

Although only a fringe of gray hair formed a horseshoe on his head, he was tougher than a pine knot and could run through the mountains for hours and walk all day and all night toting a seventy-pound backpack. No one had better mess with him, and people seldom did because he looked mean. A former roommate had described Hilton as being “a sociopath with a mean streak.” He was insulted at first, but then he realized it was true—and he liked it. He was mean and he knew it. The unkempt gray goatee on Hilton’s face and lack of all but one jagged, brown front tooth accented his menacing appearance: when he smiled, there was only a black hole with the jagged tooth between his lips. Hilton had pulled most of his teeth out with a pair of pliers rather than get dental care. It was something else he bragged about. Hilton was also a sociopath—and he knew that, too. This self-awareness made him superior to other people who were also mean and sociopathic, but were unable to recognize it in themselves.

He had told an acquaintance that he had no conscience and felt sorry for people who did, because having one made life too complicated.

The woman he had decided to hunt today was Meredith Emerson, a twenty-four-year-old graduate of the University of Georgia, who was employed in an executive-training position by an Atlanta company that sold shipping boxes in bulk. An avid hiker and outdoorswoman, Emerson started to walk up a “feeder” trail with her dog frolicking around her, but she almost immediately met another couple coming from the other direction with their dog on a leash. They stopped and Hilton watched as they took turns petting the dogs and chatting. People with dogs were the easiest targets, he believed, because they were more likely to be approachable. All you had to do was start talking about what a good-looking dog they had—blah, blah, blah—and they became instant buddies. This was something he had learned during the forty years that he had been on perpetual combat control.

Hilton’s money supply had dwindled to forty dollars. He figured he had to spend at least thirty dollars to put gasoline in his filthy, dilapidated 1996 Chevrolet Astro van. The vehicle, which he called home, had been running on fumes. He was hungry, and he needed more money; that was why he had driven to Blood Mountain. Although it was against park rules to camp in the parking lot, Hilton had managed to get away with it for the past two or three nights by unloading his equipment after sundown and long before sunrise. At these times it was too late or too early for anyone to be at the park. It was another carefully thought-out tactical maneuver, and he enjoyed his clever deceit.

The van was dented and rusty, muddy, filled with empty food cans, rotten fruit peelings and cores, and cargo bags filled with camping gear. The back door was held on with bungee cords, because the hinges were broken. It attracted as much attention as Hilton did. The camper was careful to move the van to a new spot every day and park in the space that was in an out-of-the-way spot, to lessen the chances of the van being noticed by others walking to the Blood Mountain hiking area.

Although Hilton had been homeless for the past decade, he still needed money to eat and buy incidentals. Any kind of work, of course, was beneath his status as a perpetual soldier and professional criminal, and he wouldn’t be caught dead in some of the cheap, inadequate hiking gear that others wore. He wore the best microfiber clothing that was available, and that was one of the reasons people noticed him. Anyone seeing him today, he knew, would remember the bright yellow jacket, with the black stripes and patches on the elbows, and the black backpack that he carried, and they would wonder how such a dirty, strange, unkempt man could afford such expensive clothing. It was seldom that anyone asked about the clothing; but if they did, Hilton told them that he had a marketing arrangement with the manufacturers. Or he would freak them out with a glare and say, “Because I’m Microfiber Man.” He never revealed how he really got the clothing. The hiking clothes and gear were the best money could buy, and the clothing drew attention to him, but that was the risk he had to take for being a professional.

Hilton also had an edge over others because of his intelligence and awareness that life was filled with nothing but meaningless activity. Among all men, he knew that life was a shifting, meaningless charade to keep people so busy that they wouldn’t have to think about the inevitability of their impending deaths. Hilton was terrified of his own death, and his earliest memory was of looking at his hand when he was a four-year-old boy and realizing that one day it would be nothing but a skeleton.

The two hikers who chatted with Emerson started to go their separate way from her. She sat on the ground at the intersection of the Byron Herbert Reece Trail and the Appalachian Trail in order to rest and eat some trail mix. She gave her dog a drink of water and some treats. Hilton saw the departing couple glance at him as he went to the same path the girl had chosen. Ordinarily, he would have abandoned the mission because, when he went out to kill, he didn’t want anyone to remember having seen him in the area. He would be screwed. However, he was desperate, so he ignored the warnings that told him to abandon the mission and just go for a hike with his dog and have fun. Hilton told himself he should be patient and wait for more suitable prey, but he needed food and money. He had to kill someone.

Hilton believed he had found prey the day before yesterday on Blood Mountain when he spotted a young woman hiking toward the summit. He passed a group of hikers about thirty yards behind her. Hilton closed the gap between them and started up a conversation with her about the dog trotting beside her. They rounded a bend, and the people behind them were out of sight. This could be his chance.

“Are you hiking alone?” he had asked.

“No. That group behind me is my family.”

Hilton had grunted in anger, got off the trail, and walked into the woods and stayed there until it was dark enough to sneak back to his van in the parking lot and make camp. He had come up empty. So here he was again today, still hunting.

Blood Mountain was one of the best places Hilton knew to hunt because it was one of the most popular daytime hikes in Georgia. There were a lot of potential targets. People came to the roughly 24,000-acre Dawson Forest Wildlife Management Area to hike, watch birds, hunt, fish, camp, ride horses, or canoe on the scenic Amicalola and Etowah Rivers. It was only about sixty miles from the Atlanta urban area. Conversely, Blood Mountain’s popularity was also bad news for Hilton because it increased the danger of being seen. Even the most efficient professional couldn’t anticipate every Tom, Dick, and Harry who might pop out of the woods onto the trail.

He took the same trail that Emerson did and noticed with satisfaction that her dog was a female. It was unleashed, as was his male dog. As he followed the woman, they encountered a few hikers coming back down the mountain. Hilton realized that he should have hidden in a blind off the trail and waited for someone to come along. It was too late for that now, so he lagged several feet behind the woman and began to talk about her dog. The dog’s name was Ella, the girl said, but didn’t offer her own name. That was a mistake in his opinion, because he believed that if she feared abduction, she should do everything she could to make herself seem more human. She ought to try and make him like her, personalize her, to be more than an object, so she might elicit feelings of sympathy from her abductor.

But she was not a professional like him. After a while the girl told him she wanted to hike alone and he dropped back, but he kept talking to her. He asked her what kind of music she liked as he tagged along, going deeper into the woods. She took a branch off the main trail and walked onto a path wide enough for only one person at a time. The killer continued tailing her and continued to talk; he was garrulous or stone-cold silent by nature, and it didn’t matter to him if she answered or not.

He dropped back farther and she was soon out of sight as she headed toward the summit. There were no other trails she could take to get back. He knew he would meet her once more when she came back down. She would be tired from the hike and he would be relatively fresh. Not that he needed to be. He could whip almost anybody’s ass because he was one hell of a stud, but he was glad he had found a petite woman. A man would be more likely to put up a fight, and then you never knew what might happen. He wanted it to be nice and easy.

Hilton got off the narrow trail and hid in the deep woods, where he could still see her, but he would be out of her line of vision when she returned. About an hour later, Emerson and her dog came into view. Now that she was on the way back to the parking lot, the woman seemed to feel more at ease. Emerson walked happily along, half jogging, and talking to her dog. Hilton burst out of the woods with his bayonet drawn and blocked her way.

“Give me your credit cards and PIN number,” he snarled, “and I won’t hurt you.”

Hilton approached her, threatening with the bayonet, hurrying, because he thought that Emerson would try to run. Instead, she faced him in a defensive stance and started to fight. She wrested the bayonet from his hand and it tumbled down a ravine into a pile of leaves.

The bayonet had sliced her palm and the webbing between her thumb and forefinger and blood flowed. In spite of this, Emerson continued to face Hilton in a defensive position. He was afraid he had picked the wrong target. This woman was not weak. Having lost the bayonet, Hilton pulled out his favorite weapon, the collapsible baton, and snapped it out to full length. He was an expert with the baton and was proud of how well he could use it. He had beaten men much larger than himself senseless. He swung at her, but the woman dodged and the baton missed. Her hand slammed into his face and the baton flew out of his grasp and fell down the ravine with the bayonet. Hilton could not believe how fast she was and how well she could fight.

She’s kicking my ass! he thought in disbelief. This woman is kicking my ass.

“I’ve got a gun!” he yelled. “Stop fighting or I’ll shoot.”

The woman screamed and continued to fight, kicking and flailing. He slammed a fist to the side of her head and she hit him back. They were grappling when they slipped and went tumbling down a steep ravine on the opposite side of the trail, where the bayonet and baton had tumbled. Hilton hoped she wouldn’t break away and run, because he knew most women could run faster than he. The woman fought so hard and long that Hilton almost gave up. He had another large knife in a sheath strapped to his leg, but he couldn’t get to it. The woman feinted, and then hit him from the other side. When he grabbed her around the body and pinned her arms, she became limp and he thought he was in control. And then he found himself being thrown into the air and landing hard on the ground.

After he got to his feet, he managed to hit her in the face several times with his right fist. It felt like he had broken several of his fingers. But the woman kept fighting, until he found a heavy limb on the ground and smashed it against her face. The woman went limp and the killer felt a thrill of triumph because he finally had subdued her.

Emerson groaned and ceased to struggle. Hilton held her down for a few minutes and continued talking. He assured her that he had no intention of hurting her. All he wanted was her identification, ATM bank card, and PIN code. And then he heard hikers on the main trail and squatted down, partly behind a tree, to hide from them. They passed without saying anything, and Hilton hoped they had not seen him. If they had, perhaps they thought he was having a bowel movement.

When he believed Emerson could resist no more, he tied a rope in a slipknot around her neck and told her to walk ahead of him onto a contour trail, where they would be less likely to meet anyone. It was a trail that couldn’t be seen by anyone from the Byron Herbert Reece Trail. The woman didn’t scream or yell, but suddenly she turned again and attacked. The force of her body hitting him sent both tumbling out of control down another ravine. He managed to hold on to the limb after they stopped rolling, but Emerson avoided his first swing at her and kicked him. The fight lasted for several minutes. The killer wished that he had not chosen this woman because she was strong, fast, brave, and seemed to have training in martial arts. He repeatedly clubbed her head until she could fight no more and then dragged her down the mountain, where he used black plastic zip ties to fasten her to a tree. Emerson was not unconscious, but there was a lump on her forehead, her nose looked broken, and both of her eyes were black and swollen almost shut.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” Hilton said. “Stop fighting and be quiet or you will get hurt. Listen, honey, I ain’t going to spend my life in prison, so you better be quiet. I’ve got a gun and I’ll shoot your ass.”

Hilton was the professional soldier again, in control, showing what he called his command presence. “You wait here and I’ll be back. I have to get something.”

He wanted to clean up the crime scene where he had first attacked the girl. He needed to retrieve the knife, bayonet, water bottle, scraps of clothing, the girl’s dog leash, and anything else that could tie him to the crime scene. The baton was the killer’s favorite weapon, and he knew where it had fallen. However, there was nothing at the crime scene when he arrived. He assumed that one of the hikers he had seen had found everything and would report suspicious behavior to the authorities. That was a stroke of really bad luck.

Now he had to hurry to get out of the park because the woman had fought so long that he was afraid a park ranger would find his van, which was supposed to be out of the park by nightfall. He needed to load the woman into the van and get away from Vogel Park fast.

“Hon, we got to get out of here,” he told Emerson. “This place is gonna be crawling with cops. Give me the keys to your car.”

She told him the keys were in her fanny pack. He got them. “What kind of car is it?”

“A white Chevrolet Caprice.”

“Where’s your purse?”

“Under the driver’s seat.”

It was dusk when he approached his van, which was half filled with sleeping bags, shoes, socks, toiletries, a small cooking stove, pornographic magazines, and a cooking kit. A heavy metal chain, about eight feet long, lay across a pile of cargo bags. One end was locked to a steel seat support, secured with a padlock. There was also a padlock on the other end. Another chain, four feet long, was padlocked to a different seat support; and a nylon rope, about five feet long, was tied with a series of square knots to a metal eyelet welded on the floorboard. Hilton drove the van and parked it so that the sliding side door was next to Emerson’s car; then he returned to where she was secured to a tree.

The young woman saw him approaching and said, “No. No.”

He leaned close.

“Honey, don’t worry,” he said. “I’m not going to hurt you. I just want your credit cards and PIN numbers. But if you try to run away, I’ll shoot your ass down. If I was going to hurt you, I’d have already hurt you. Understand, hon?”

The girl didn’t answer but offered no resistance as he grabbed one end of the rope with a slipknot noose around her neck and cut the straps that held her to the tree. He marched her like a dog down a steep ravine, following behind her. She stumbled and fell once and moaned, but she did not yell. Ella, Emerson’s dog, was frightened and confused as she trotted next to her owner. The sun had dropped below the horizon and it was getting cold, so Hilton put one of his extra jackets around the girl’s shoulders and led her up a steep ravine. They waded across a creek, climbed down a boulder field, and walked several yards through thick brush in the direction of where he had parked his van next to her car.

He asked about her purse with the credit cards and she told him again that it was beneath the driver’s seat. Hilton kept a tight grip on the leash around Emerson’s neck and continually warned her to keep quiet or he would kill her. Emerson had made a lot of noise during their struggle; he feared an army of cops would be arriving any minute.

Just a few yards inside the woods, but near the parking lot, Hilton strapped Emerson to another tree outside of view. He took Emerson’s car keys from her fanny pack and slid the side door of his van open. The purse was beneath the passenger seat. He thought the woman was brain-dead for trying such a stupid trick by trying to fool him by saying it was under the driver’s seat. Did she think he wouldn’t look there? Dumb. Going back to the tree, he cut the straps free and led her to the vehicles and told her to get into his van. Ella followed along uneasily, obviously afraid of Hilton.

“Get in,” Hilton ordered.

“No,” Emerson said, resisting. “They told me never to get into a vehicle.”

“Get in, bitch!” He shoved her inside and pointed to several cargo bags. “Lie down on those.”

The young woman did as she was told. Hilton looped the longer chain around her neck so that she could not slip her head out of it. He secured it with two padlocks. He tied a rope from an eyelet on the floorboard around her ankle and secured it with seven square knots, one on top of the other. She could untie the square knots, he knew, but it would take a long time to undo so many. He would hear her before she got loose. Even if she untied her ankle, she wasn’t going anywhere with the chain around her neck. Emerson lay on her side, trussed in heavy chains like a piece of equipment.

Ella was nervous and ran in circles outside the van, barking and whining, but not threatening him. Hilton didn’t want the dog to be found running loose, because someone might know to whom it belonged. Worse, the dog might have an identification microchip embedded beneath its skin. Just one more problem for him. He forced the dog into Emerson’s car and closed the doors.

“No!” the woman said. “You can’t leave her like that. She’ll die.”

Disregarding the woman’s protests, the killer drove away and headed north on Highway 129, moving toward Blairsville, about fifty miles away. Emerson continued to worry about the dog and begged Hilton not to leave Ella in the car to freeze to death. A few miles down the road, he began to be concerned that the woman’s aggravation might cause her to start making more trouble for him. He wanted her to be nice and compliant. He was amazed at how quickly they always became compliant: unaware that in his observations he had used the plural “they” instead of the singular “she.”

“You want me to turn around and go back to get your damn dog?” he asked.

“Yes. Please.”

He turned the van around, drove back to the park, took Ella from the car, and put her inside the van. The dog immediately lay down beside the girl and started to lick her face. Hilton thought he had once more demonstrated his professionalism. The dog’s presence helped keep his prisoner quiet, and his decision to go back and get it would make the woman think he was kind. It was important for her to think of him as just a harmless guy with a couple of screws loose who wouldn’t really hurt her. He wanted her to see him as quirky, intelligent, intuitive, well-read, and essentially a decent human being who cared about her. Hilton talked nonstop as he drove toward Blairsville and asked about her job and hobbies. He complimented her combat skills. He learned that she studied judo and karate and held a green belt in judo and a brown belt in karate. That meant she was fairly advanced in karate. No wonder she almost kicked his ass.

He had determined that her name was Meredith Hope Emerson, but he never used it. He called her “hon,” “honey,” “bitch,” or “cunt.” It was unprofessional to form an attachment to her; he had to think of her as just a faceless person whom he was going to kill. That was easy because he hated people. At the very gut level, he was filled with rage against society, especially women, because they tried to turn a man into a domestic faggot. A man was meant to be wild and free, not sit at home in a house with frilly curtains and cute little whatnots. A man might protest against this by having a few manly tools in the garage to fool him into thinking he was still a man, but he was really a neutered faggot.

Women controlled men because they had the pussy and knew how much men valued it. Women could threaten to withhold it, which increased the pussy’s value. They could threaten to give it to someone else, and that increased its value, too. The only time the pussy lost value was when women threatened to give it away and actually did. Males were safe when they were kids; but when puberty kicked in, they were trapped and led around the rest of their lives by the pussy.

Hilton pulled the van to a stop opposite a convenience store and warned Emerson to be quiet. He pumped thirty dollars of gasoline into his van. He was down to ten bucks now. Then he drove to the Appalachian Community Bank in Blairsville and checked the surroundings. Inside Emerson’s purse he had found not just one ATM card, but three: Frontier Visa, Capital One Visa, and MasterCard. He had struck the mother lode. There were just enough people on the street, for him not to arouse suspicion at the ATM. This was the tricky part. You couldn’t try to get money when there were too few people or too many people because, either way, you stood out. You couldn’t go when it was too dark or some dickhead cop would drive by the ATM and become suspicious. The fuckers were born suspicious.

Holding a towel in front of his face, he walked over, inserted a card in the ATM, and punched the PIN code that Emerson had given to him. The ATM rejected the PIN and spit out the card, but no money. Growing increasingly frustrated, Hilton tried two more cards; they were rejected, too.

He walked angrily to the van. “Them’s the wrong numbers. You better give me the right ones.”

Emerson insisted that the PINs were correct. He tried again but received no money. Emerson suggested that he try another bank, so he drove to Gainesville, twenty-three miles away, and then another forty-two miles to Canton. He tried the cards at different banks. Still, no money. Emerson gave him different numbers and convinced him each time that she was telling the truth. The killer was nervous because of the television security cameras that recorded activities at ATMs. He concealed his face with a towel and a mask made of duct tape and goggles, but that was even more suspicious.

It became too late to try the ATMs without attracting a cop, if one should drive by on patrol. It had also turned bitterly cold. He returned to the van. Hilton was also feeling weak, like he was going to crash, physically, as if he couldn’t keep going. His damn multiple sclerosis. He would crash and then the demons would come; and hours later he would find himself with shredded tires, wondering what the hell he had been doing all that time. The demons. Death chasing him since he was four.

“You’re running me around like a fucking idiot,” he said. “Keep this up and I’ll shoot your ass. Make one sound and it’s curtains.”

Hilton laughed bitterly at himself. The woman had him running back and forth like a trained monkey. He knew she was lying about the PINs, but the eternal optimist, he just kept going. Finally he was exhausted, and it had become too risky that he would be spotted with a towel in front of his face. He needed to find a campsite somewhere in a remote area. He thought of some higher elevations in Dawson Forest. The problem with that was the ground had frozen and snow was coming in; it would be heavier at higher altitudes and accumulating rapidly on the ground. He didn’t want to have a wreck or get stuck in a snowbank.

Two inches of ice and snow were already on the road, and Hilton’s tires had little, if any, treads. He almost lost control several times. The snow slashed parallel through the twin beams of the headlights, and the wipers labored to keep two half-moons of the windshield clear of slush. It was nerve-wracking in the dark, and then there was a heart-stopping incident.

Hilton’s van was sliding out of control as he drove around a curve. In the stabbing beams of the headlights, he saw that another car was stalled on the shoulder. Worse, there was a sheriff’s patrol car beside it, with the blue lights flashing. Hilton’s van continued to struggle up the hill as he fought panic and weighed the situation. The cop was only a few feet away and his attention was riveted on the car that had slid off the road. Emerson was quiet and didn’t seem to know what was happening. If she started to make a ruckus, though, the cop might hear her and make Hilton stop the van. The van’s windows were black and opaque from the outside, but you could still see in from the outside of the windshield.

Hilton struggled to maintain control of his emotions—and the vehicle—and he knew conditions would only be worse at higher elevations. The deputy would more than likely stop him, put up a roadblock, and tell him not to go up any higher. If he didn’t turn around and start back down, Hilton believed, the cop would stop him and tell him he was nuts. And he might see or hear Emerson in the van. He had no choice except to turn around and go down the hill and hope the cop didn’t interfere with him.

I don’t know what I’m doing, Hilton thought. What the hell do I have in mind? How do I find a campsite? How do I keep the cop from coming over?

In a panicked daze Hilton managed to turn the van around and start back down. He discovered that he had slid off the road into someone’s yard, but his tires found traction and he was soon back on the road. Hilton passed within a few feet of the deputy sheriff on the way up and then again on the way back down. Hilton did not understand why Emerson had made no noise, unless she was afraid of the threat he had made to shoot her ass.

Hilton drove through the vast darkness toward a remote area of Dawson Forest, where he didn’t think anyone would ever think to look. He had to move a ROAD CLOSED barrier before he could drive to where he would make camp, and then put it back in place after brushing away tire marks and footprints. Hilton was exhausted from his long day and all the hell that the woman had put him through. He felt himself coming down, ready to crash, and he needed to take an upper, downer, or anything he could find. Hilton made Emerson help him unload the camping gear, even though she complained of a severe headache and her eyes didn’t seem to focus. Although he was angry, Hilton gave Emerson what he considered to be his best cold-weather sleeping bag. It was a high-quality bag, but it was filthy.

Hilton was infuriated by all of the hard work and nothing to show for it.

“Honey, I told you I was gonna let you go,” he told her. “You’ve run me around. You’ve run me all over northern Georgia, made me put one hundred fifty miles on my van. You lied to me. You’ve run me around. Now you owe me some pussy.”

He unzipped his pants and raped her while she was chained and on the lumpy cargo bags, surrounded by two dogs, empty food cans, banana peelings, and other trash. Emerson was unresponsive, but Hilton believed that she was enjoying herself and saw the kidnapping, beating, and rape as part of an unexpected and exciting adventure on what would otherwise have been a dull, routine day for her.

After all of this had transpired, Emerson lay on those same cargo bags inside the van with Ella. Her abductor and his dog, Dandy, slept in the front seats. It was bitterly cold and Hilton sometimes ran the engine for short periods to get heat inside the vehicle. Emerson had a heavy five-foot-long steel chain padlocked around her neck, which was also padlocked to a metal seat brace inside the vehicle. Her right ankle was tied with a short rope, which was also secured to a fixture inside the van.

“This is just in case you decide to wander away, cunt,” the abductor had said before getting into his sleeping bag.

Emerson lay in the cold van, chained up, in the vast and lonely expanse of Dawson Forest.

Held captive by a homicidal maniac, she waited for whatever would happen.