Grabbing the bare ass bent over the bar as I slammed into the newest dancer we had hired at River Styx, I ignored my ringing phone. I was close to coming, and if she kept squeezing her cunt walls on my dick while she moaned like that, I was gonna get off even quicker.
“That’s it, sugar,” I praised her as Dylan walked into the room and stopped to glare at me.
I smirked and pumped harder. This was a good reminder for her. She needed those often. She liked to think I belonged to her when I had been telling her for years that I didn’t belong to anyone.
Reaching for her neck, I grabbed it and pulled her back toward my chest as I jerked my hips with my release. “Fuuuck,” I groaned through the pleasure.
Once I was done, I let her go and pulled free from her, then disposed of my condom.
“That didn’t take long,” Dylan said with a snarky bite in her tone.
I tugged up my jeans and fastened them before sparing her another glance, then slapped the new girl’s ass. “Never does when a woman knows how to work her pussy just right.”
I wasn’t positive about the girl’s name, but I thought she had said it was Rachel. Or was it Rama? It had an R—that much I knew. Her stage name was Rainbow. She had a theme going there. Anyway, she was young, but she had some teeth to her. I had no doubt she could handle Dylan.
“Thanks, sugar,” I told her before heading past Dylan and toward the door while pulling my phone from my pocket.
“That’s it. You just came for a fuck?” Dylan asked.
I paused and looked back at her. “What I do and when has never been your business.”
I had to stop letting her suck my dick. She was fantastic at it, but the shit that came along with it wasn’t worth it. It had gotten fucking old.
Glancing down at my phone, I saw the call I had missed was from Pepper. Dammit. I glanced at the time, and it was still an hour before Dolly got off work. This couldn’t be about her. If it was, then Ringer, the prospect I had watching the library today, would have called me.
I hit Pepper’s number and held the phone to my ear while making my way out back to where I had parked my bike.
“Canyon waltzed his ass into my bar twenty minutes ago,” Pepper said angrily into the phone.
“What did he say? Did he touch you? Why the fuck was the door unlocked?!” I threw my leg over my cruiser.
“He wanted to talk to me about Dolly! And, no, he didn’t touch me. I had my Glock pointed at his head the entire time. Do I look stupid to you? And it was unlocked because I was waiting on a delivery.”
“Were you alone?”
“No. Anson was here, working on the flooring for the stage,” she said in a huff.
“Did he pull a gun on the fucker?” I asked, knowing that no matter how much I liked the prospect, if he hadn’t handled shit for my sister, he was out. There would be no Judgment patch for him.
“YES! He threatened him and everyone he knows. That is not the point. He said…things. He sounded sincere, too, and that is what worries me. I believe him, but it doesn’t make it okay. It actually makes this worse.”
“What did he fucking say, Pep?”
She sighed heavily into the phone. “That he is working on getting you the money for the guns he took. He…he apologized to me. And, well, he…I think he has feelings for Dolly. I don’t think he wanted to, but he was around her, and Dolly has that effect on people. She’s hard not to love. I think she got to him, Micah. And he seemed real upset about how things went down with her at the bar yesterday. He had dark circles under his eyes, like he hadn’t slept. I just—”
“Bullshit. Don’t be naive. He’s trying to save his ass. The family being in our corner has him running scared. Lock your damn door. Keep Anson there with you until you leave. I’m heading to pick up Dolly.”
There was a pause.
“Okay,” she finally replied.
I ended the call and shoved the phone into my back pocket. I wasn’t sure what I was more pissed about. The fact that the motherfucker had had the audacity to walk into my sister’s bar or that he had claimed he had feelings and shit for Dolly. He was a criminal. A fucking liar. I had no doubt that Dolly could draw his attention. She had that thing about her that grabbed a man’s attention and made him want to own her. But that wasn’t what Canyon was after.
I headed to the library to let Ringer know I needed him to take Dolly home and to stay outside her door until I could get there. I needed to handle something first.