“I wish you’d let me drive,” I said, not liking the idea of Dolly walking so much with her thigh sliced the way it was.
“It was just around the corner, and you only have your bike here, and my battery is dead from not being driven. I probably need a new one anyway.”
“Tink, it wasn’t just around the corner. It’s almost a mile there and back. Besides, was your experience on the back of Tex’s ride that bad that you don’t want to try it again?”
She flashed those almond-shaped amber eyes at me, then turned her attention straight ahead again. “Last I heard, you don’t let bitches on the back of your bike. I was unaware it was an option.”
I slapped her ass with a firm pop, causing her to jump and squeal, then level me with a glare.
“I’d had a bad day, Tink. Don’t go throwing stupid shit in my face that I might have said when my temper was up. You’re not a bitch, and you’re an exception to my rule.”
The way the corners of her mouth twitched, I could tell she wanted to smile.
“You never told me I’d graduated from bitch to exception.” She paused then and pointed across the street. “We gotta go back that way.”
It added at least eight hundred more feet. I was worried the bandage she had on wasn’t enough, and I didn’t want her leg bleeding anymore.
“Give me a good reason before I toss you over my shoulder and take you back the shorter way.”
She pointed, then waved with a bright smile on her face before looking back at me and holding up the bag with an extra burger and fries she had ordered. “That’s where Harold is tonight. I gotta take him his supper.”
When she had asked for one to go, I’d assumed she was going to take it home for tomorrow. I should have figured out this was her feeding the homeless again. Nodding, I waved a hand for her to lead the way, and I fell into step just far enough behind her to have a good view of her ass.
Being with Dolly was unique experience for me. For starters, I fucking enjoyed it. She made things seem…brighter. Watching the animated way she talked when she told me a story and listening to her laugh when I cracked a joke…I was starting to need it. I’d thought I only liked women for one thing. Once that need was met, I didn’t require them. But with Dolly, it was more than what her tight little cunt did for me. I just simply wanted to be near her. It was intriguing as hell.
When I’d been seventeen, I had been in love. The only time. But I always figured it was because I’d been young and stupid. That I hadn’t known the drama attached to a woman yet. Calista and I had been friends for years before it became more. I mean, I was a guy, and she was gorgeous. Our friendship became an issue. At least for me. I wanted her. Maybe it was more teenage lust than anything, but the connection we’d had growing up made it more. When she had left, I’d been fucking pathetic.
Dolly wasn’t the first female since Calista that I enjoyed being around. There had been Fawn. She’d been older than me and drama free. At least until she caught me cheating on her and left me. Now, she was married to the fucking Mafia boss. Or former boss. His son was the official boss now.
“What do you have for me there?” the older man asked, standing up from the crate he had been sitting on with a rolled-up newspaper in his hand, smiling at Dolly.
“Cheeseburger and fries. Still nice and warm,” she informed him, handing him the bag. “I’m sorry I haven’t been out to check on you. Did your things survive the storm?”
The man opened the paper bag and inhaled deeply. “Sure did. I ain’t got much, and what I did have, I stored away ’fore I went on to the shelter. They fed me up right. Didn’t go without. I rationed it up like I do and made it work up till I finished the rest of this mornin’. You came just in time.”
I could see the relief shining in Dolly’s eyes as he spoke.
“Harold, this is my friend Micah,” Dolly began, and my eyes met Harold’s.
“I know ’im already. He’s the one that took me to the shelter. Nice one it was. I ain’t ever stayed somewhere that took such good care of folks like us.” He nodded his head at me. “Thank ye for that.”
“You’re welcome,” I replied, feeling Dolly’s eyes now locked on me.
“Well, uh…I’m, uh, glad they were so good to you,” Dolly said slowly. I could tell her mind was working a mile a minute with the way she was struggling with what to say. “Enjoy that burger then. All of it. I’ll have something for you out here tomorrow.”
“I’ll do it, Miss Dolly,” he replied.
I finally met Dolly’s expressive eyes, and I could see the gratitude in them. I hadn’t done it for her to be grateful to me. I did it because she cared about the man. I hadn’t really thought about why I was helping him when I gone to find him. Looking at her face now, I was really fucking glad I had.
“Ready?” I asked.
She nodded her head, then looked back at Harold and said her goodbyes before we headed toward the apartment.
“I don’t know what to say,” she said softly.
“You could thank me,” I teased lightly.
“Thank you. I mean, of course I am thankful. I just feel like that isn’t enough.”
“It is, Tink,” I assured her.