Dear Reader,
When I wrote The Accidental Princess I had no idea I was writing the first book in a series about THE FOXES—Sorority sisters grown up and long out of college—but I loved the characters so much that they stayed in my mind awaiting their turn on center stage. The Mona Lucy continues the story of these funny, passionate, tender characters in a book that is Southern from cover to cover.
The Mona Lucy brings back the hopeful romantic Sandi Wentworth, as well as the irrepressible O’Banyon and Coltrane women whose scheming sets the stage where love blossoms amongst merry mayhem.
I grew up and still live in rural Mississippi, and I have a deep, abiding love for small-town characters with all their eccentricities. A host of O’Banyons and Coltranes are still waiting in the wings to tell their stories. I hope you will laugh and cry with these characters, that you will root for them, love them and stay with them as I spin out their wonderful tales of romance.
Happy reading!