Praise for To Dance with Destiny

“From Iron Age Ireland to modern-day Vancouver, Hawkin takes readers on a wild ride fueled by love, revenge, and ecstasy . . . a tall, sexy drink of satisfaction.”

JP McLean, Dark Dreams Series

“Great characters that are incredibly well-built. A depth of emotional description that will surprise you. Drama, lots of drama. A connection with Nature that will have you looking around with new eyes. Great erotic scenes of intimacy, many of which aren’t even ‘sexual’ per se.”

—Julio Carlos, Scribbles worth

“This story reads like a journey, and one with exactly the kinds of people you’d want to be on an epic adventure with—complex, intriguing, and with enough nuance and contradiction to, like the plot itself, add a frisson of unpredictability at interesting moments.”

—Juniper Greer-Ashe

“Hawkin weaves her magic and creates a dangerous world where engaging characters could easily lose their lives to vampires, while losing their hearts to love.” —Roxy Boroughs, author of Wolfen Time

“Beautifully written . . . suspenseful and steamy.”

—Sionnach Wintergreen, Men of the Shadows series