The Hardiness Zone ratings that appear through the Directory of Grasses and Grass-like Plants refer to the minimum temperatures at which a given plant is likely to be able to thrive. If you know the minimum temperature of your area, the chart below will give the corresponding Zone.

Local climatic conditions can and do vary enormously, even within a small area, and cultural conditions exert a strong influence on a plant’s tolerance of a temperature range. Zone information can therefore only serve as a very general guideline as to whether a plant is likely to do well in your garden.


This list represents only a tiny fraction of the many gardens and designed spaces that have used grasses successfully. As grasses increase in popularity, more and more public spaces, parks, shopping centres and commercial operations will also have successful schemes from which to gain inspiration.



The Battery Promenade and the Gardens of Remembrance, New York, New York. www.thebattery.org

Chanticleer Garden, 786 Church Road, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087. www.chanticleergarden.org

Chicago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake Cook Road, Glencoe, Illinois 60022. www.chicago-botanic.org

The High Line, New York, New York. www.thehighline.org

Huntington Botanical Gardens, 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, California 91108. www.huntington.org

Leaning Pine Arboretum, Calpoly State University, San Luis Obispo, California 93407. www.leaningpinearboretum.calpoly.edu

Longwood Gardens, US Route 1, PO Box 501, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 19348. www.longwoodgardens.org

Lurie Garden, Millennium Park, The Welcome Centre, 201 E. Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois. www.millenniumpark.org

Mt. Cuba Center Inc, 3120 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, Deleware 19707. www.mtcubacenter.org

Native Sons, Inc. 379 W. El Campo Road, Arroyo Grande, California 93420. www.nativeson.com

Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, 1500 North College Avenue, Claremont, California 91711. www.rsabg.org

Regional Parks Botanic Garden, Wildcat Canyon Road, c/o Tilden Regional Park, Berkeley, California 94708-2396. www.nativeplants.org www.ebparks.org

San Diego Zoo’s Wild Animal Park, 15500 San Pasqual Valley Road, Escondido, California 92027-7017. www.sandiegozoo.org

San Francisco Botanical Garden at Strybing Arboretum, Ninth Avenue at Lincoln Way, San Francisco, California 94122. www.sfbotanicalgarden.org

The Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, 1212 Mission Canyon Road, Santa Barbara, California 93105. www.sbbg.org

The Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College, 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081. www.scottarboretum.org

Springs Preserve, 333 S. Valley View Blvd, between US 95 and Alta Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada. www.springspreserve.org


Beth Chatto Gardens, Elmstead Market, Colchester, CO7 7DB. www.bethchatto.co.uk

Blooms of Bressingham, Bressingham, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 2AB. www.bloomsofbressingham.co.uk

Cambo House, Kingsbarn, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 8QD. www.camboestate.com

Knoll Gardens, Hampreston, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 7ND. www.knollgardens.co.uk

Lady Farm Gardens, Lady Farm, Chelwood, Somerset, BS39 4NN. www.ladyfarm.com

Pensthorpe, Fakenham Road, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 0LN. www.pensthorpe.com

The Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AE. www.kew.org

The RHS Garden Harlow Carr, Crag Lane, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 1QB. www.rhs.org.uk

The RHS Garden Hyde Hall, Buckhatch Lane, Rettendon, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8ET. www.rhs.org.uk

The RHS Garden Rosemoor, Great Torrington, Devon, EX38 8PH. www.rhs.org.uk

The RHS Garden Wisley, Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB. www.rhs.org.uk

Scampston Hall, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 8NG. www.scampston.co.uk

Sir Harold Hillier Gardens, Jermyns Lane, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 0QA. www.hilliergardens.org.uk

The Trentham Estate, Stone Road, Trentham, Stoke on Trent, ST4 8JG. www.trenthamleisure.co.uk


Berggarten Hannover, Herrenhäuser Str.4, 30419 Hannover, Germany. www.berggarten-hannover.de

Karl-Foerster-Garten, Am Raubfang 6, 14469 Potsdam-Bornim, Germany

Hermannshof, Babostrasse 5, D-69469 Weinheim/Bergstrasse, Germany. www.sichtungsgarten-hermannshof.de

Le Jardin Plume, 76116 Auzouville sur Ry, France. www.lejardinplume.com

Lehrgaerten Weihenstephan, Am Staudengarten 9, 85350 Freising, Munich, Germany. www.hswt.de

Oudolf Nursery, Broekstraat 17, 6999 DE Hummelo, Netherlands. www.oudolf.com

Overdam Nursery, Agiltevej 11, DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark. www.overdam.dk

Priona Gardens, Schuineslootweg 13, 7777 RE Schuinesloot, Netherlands. www.prionatuinen.com

Westpark, West Street, 80539 Munich, Germany


This list represents only a tiny percentage of the nurseries and other outlets that sell grasses; there are, of course, many more wonderful outlets that are not listed here.


Berkeley Horticultural Nursery, 1310 McGee Avenue, Berkeley, California 94703. www.berkeleyhort.com

Daryll’s Nursery, 15770 Ellendale Road, Dallas, Oregon 97338. www.daryllsnursery.com

Digging Dog Nursery, P.O. Box 471, Albion, California 95410. www.diggingdog.com

Earthly Pursuits Inc, 2901 Kuntz Rd, Windsor Mill, Maryland 21244. www.earthlypursuits.net

Granite Seed, 1697 W. 2100 North Lehi, Utah 84043. www.graniteseed.com

Greenlee Nursery Inc, 6075, C Kimball Avenue, Chino, California 91780. www.greenleenursery.com

High Country Gardens, 2902 Rufina Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507. www.highcountrygardens.com

Hoffman Nursery, 5520 Bahama Road, Rougemont, North Carolina 27572. www.hoffmannursery.com

Jelitto Perennial Seeds (NA Office), 125 Chenoweth Lane, Suite 301, Louisville, Kentucky 40207. www.jelitto.com

Kurt Bluemel Inc, 2740 Greene Lane, Baldwin, Maryland 21013. www.kurtbluemel.com

Larner Seeds, P.O. Box 407, Bolinas, California 94924. www.larnerseeds.com

Mostly Native Nursery, P.O. Box 258, 27235 Highway One, Tomales, California 94971. www.mostlynatives.com

Mountain States Wholesale Nursery, P.O. Box 2500, Litchfield Park, Arizona 85340. www.mswn.com

The Native Plant Nursery, P.O. Box 7841, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107. www.nativeplant.com

Native Sons Wholesale, 379 W. El Campo Road, Arroyo Grande, California 93420. www.nativeson.com

North Creek Nurseries Wholesale, R.R. 2, Box 33, Landenberg, Pennsylvania 19350. www.northcreeknurseries.com

Northwind Perennial Farm, 7047 Hospital Road, Burlington, Wisconsin 53105. www.northwindperennialfarm.com

Pinelands Nursery, 323 Island Road, Columbus, New Jersey 09022. www.pinelandsnursery.com

Plant Delights Nursery, 9241 Sauls Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603. www.plantdelights.com

Plants of the Southwest, Agua Fria, Route 6, Box 11A, Sante Fe, New Mexico 87501. www.plantsofthesouthwest.com

Steve Schmidt Nursery, P.O. Box 53, 29977 SE Weitz Lane, Eagle Creek, Oregon 97022. www.steveschmidtnursery.com

Stock Seed Farms, 28008 Mill Road, Murdock, Nebraska 68407. www.stockseed.com

Triple Oaks Nursery, P.O. Box 385, 2359 S. Delsea Drive, Franklinville, New Jersey 08322. www.tripleoaks.com

Walla Walla Nursery Co, 4176 Stateline Road, Walla Walla, Washington 99362 www.wallawallanursery.com.

Western Native Seed, P.O. Box 188, Coaldale, Colorado 81222. www.westernnativeseed.com

Wildtype Design, Native Plants and Seeds, 900 N. Every Road, Mason, Michigan 28854. www.wildtypeplants.com

Wind Poppy Farm and Nursery, 3171 Unick Road, Ferndale, Washington 98238. www.windpoppy.com

Wind River Seed, 3075 Lane 51½, Manderson, Wyoming 82432. www.windriverseed.com


Bluestem Nursery, 16 Kingsley Road, Christina Lake, British Columbia, V0H 1E3. www.bluestem.ca


The Alpine and Grass Nursery, Northgate, Pinchbeck, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 3TB. www.alpineandgrasses.co.uk

Beth Chatto Gardens, Elmstead Market, Colchester, CO7 7DB. www.bethchatto.co.uk

The Big Grass Company, Hookhill Plantation, Woolfardisworthy East, Devon, EX17 4RX. www.big-grass.com

Blooms of Bressingham, Bressingham, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 2AB. www.bloomsofbressingham.co.uk

Eversley Nursey, 10 Granville Avenue, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6AH. www.eversleynursery.co.uk

Hoecroft Plants, Severals Grange, Holt Road, Wood Norton, Dereham, Norfolk, NR20 5BL. www.hoecroft.co.uk

Knoll Gardens, Hampreston, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 7ND. www.knollgardens.co.uk

Marchants Hardy Plants, 2 Marchants Cottages, Mill Lane, Laughton, East Sussex, BN8 6AJ. www.marchantshardyplants.co.uk

Oak Tree Nursery, Mill Lane, Barlow, Selby, North Yorkshire, YO8 8EY. www.oaktreenursery.com

The Plantsman’s Preference, Hopton Road, Garboldisham, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 2QN. www.plantpref.co.uk

The RHS Garden Harlow Carr, Crag Lane, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 1QB. www.rhs.org.uk

The RHS Garden Hyde Hall, Buckhatch Lane, Rettendon, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8ET. www.rhs.org.uk

The RHS Garden Rosemoor, Great Torrington, Devon, EX38 8PH. www.rhs.org.uk

The RHS Garden Wisley, Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB. www.rhs.org.uk

Scampston Hall, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 8NG. www.scampston.co.uk


Bambous de Planbuisson, Rue Montaigne, 24480 Le Buisson de Cadouin, France. www.planbuisson.com

Le Jardin Plume, 76116 Auzouville sur Ry, France. www.lejardinplume.com

Oudolf Nursery, Broekstraat 17, 6999 DE Hummelo, Netherlands. www.oudolf.com

Overdam Nursery, Agiltevej 11, DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark. www.overdam.dk

Staudengärtner Klose, Rosenstrasse 10, D-34253 Lohfelden, Germany. www.staudengaertner-klose.de


The following chart gives suggestions for the number of plants that should be used per square metre or yard of planting area, for a wide range of grasses discussed in this book.

Thinking in terms of the number of plants per square metre or yard can be very useful in calculating (and re-calculating) the plants needed for the whole area. Simply multiple the number of plants needed per square metre or yard by the total number of metres or yards available to plant.

Numbers of plants needed have been given in a suggested range, which really depends on the size of plants used and the purpose for which they are being planted. For example, if a dense cover is required for ground cover, then the higher number is likely to be the best option. Contrastingly, if more space can be left between the plants, as in gravel plantings, then a lower number may be more appropriate. If smaller plants such as plugs are being used, perhaps for the relatively even surface of a lawn replacement, then you may need a higher density of the smaller plants is than is suggested here. Local climatic conditions also make a difference; in warmer areas of fast growth, the lower planting density may be sufficient, while in colder areas a higher plant density may be needed to provide the same cover.

To keep the area from looking patchy, try to use no more than one type of grass per square metre or yard. For instance, in a planting area of thirty square metres or yards, no more than thirty different grasses should be used. And ideally, allowing for repeated groups of the same plant, this number should be closer to around ten different plants covering three squares each, or even five plants covering six squares each.

Suggested number of plants per square metre or yard

Achnatherum, 1–3

Acorus, 7–9

Agrostis, 5–11

Alopecurus, 3–7

Ammophila, 3–9

Anemanthele, 1–3

Andropogon, 3–5

Ampeledesmos, 1–3

Aristida, 3–5

Arrhenatherum, 3–7

Arundo, 1–3

Austrostipa, 1–3

Baumea, 5–7

Bothriochloa, 3–5

Bouteloua, 3–5

Briza, 5–9

Bromus, 3–5

Calamagrostis, 1–3

Carex, smaller forms such as C. flacca, 7–11

Carex, medium forms such as C. oshimensis ‘Evergold’, 3–7

Carex, larger forms such as C. pendula, 1–3

Chasmanthium, 3–5

Chionochloa, 1–3

Cortaderia, 1–3

Cyperus, 1–3

Deschampsia, 5–7

Desmoschoenus, 3–5

Elymus, 3–5

Eragrostis, 3–5

Eriophorum, 5–7

Festuca, smaller forms such as F. rubra and F. amethystina, 5–9

Festuca, medium forms such as F. californica, 3–5

Festuca, larger forms such as F. mairei, 1–3

Glyceria, 1–3

Hakonechloa, 5–7

Helictotrichon, 3–5

Holcus, 3–7

Hordeum, 7–9

Imperata, 7–11

Jarava, 3–5

Juncus, 3–5

Koeleria, 5–7

Leymus, 1–5

Luzula, 5–7

Melica, 3–7

Melinis, 5–7

Milium, 5–7

Miscanthus, most full-sized forms, 1–3

Miscanthus, smaller forms such as M. sinensis ‘Gold Bar’, ‘Little Kitten’ and ‘Little Zebra’, 3–5

Molinia caerulea and its cultivars, 3–5

Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea and its cultivars, 1–3

Nassella, 3–5

Ophiopogon, most forms, 5–9

Ophiopogon, small-leaved forms such as O. japonicus ‘Minor’, 9–11

Oryzopsis, 3–5

Panicum, 1–5

Paspalum, 1–3

Pennisetum, 3–5

Phalaris, 3–5

Phragmites, 1–3

Poa, 1–5

Rhynchopsora, 5–9

Saccharum, 1–3

Schizachyrium, 3–7

Schoenoplectus, 1–5

Sesleria, 5–9

Setaria, 1–11

Sorghastrum, 3–7

Spartina, 1–3

Sporobolus, 3–5

Spodiopogon, 3–5

Stipa, smaller forms such as S. barbata and S. pennata, 3–5

Stipa, larger forms such as S. gigantea, 1–3

Tridens, 3–5

Typha, 1–5

Uncinia, 5–7