Two weeks after Mac’s dinner party…
Rachel stared at the business card in her hand, wondering, for the tenth time, if she was doing the right thing.
“Just pick up the phone and call him,” she said aloud to herself. “The worst that can happen is he turns you down and you find someone else. He’s not the only one in the world you can ask.”
She walked the length of the living room in her spacious modern condo, the setting sun filling the room with golden warmth. Back and forth she paced until Jewel, her rescue cat, batted a paw in annoyance.
“Okay, I get the hint.”
She stopped and tapped out the number on her phone and pressed call. It was ringing.
“Ethan Blackwell speaking.”
Rachel’s mouth moved, but nothing came out. Snap out of it.
“Hello? Can I help you?”
Rachel cleared her throat. “Yes, hi, Ethan. My name is Rachel Desoumas. I’m Wes Stewart’s sister-in-law. I hope you don’t mind me calling you at this hour.” She winced as soon as the words were out of her mouth.
“I’m older but not that old. It’s only seven in the evening.” Ethan chuckled. “How can I help you, Rachel?” His deep, measured voice soothed her nerves.
“Wes gave me your business card. He mentioned that you’re interested in investigating cold cases. Is that correct?”
“It’s something that I have expertise in, yes. As it happens, I released a new book a few months ago, and I’m taking a bit of a break.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to have interrupted your vacation time…”
“No, that’s not what I meant. I have a few months of free time. Where are you based?”
“I teach linguistics at Stanford, so I’m about a half hour from you.”
“And what’s this cold case about?”
“My father disappeared thirty-four years ago. All I have is a note he wrote to my mother saying he needed to leave and we were safer that way, and we never heard or saw him again. No divorce request, no child support, no contact ever again. I was only five, but my memories of him were loving. My mother just couldn’t understand why it happened and where he was. We… I need answers.”
There was a pause. “Why don’t we do this. Let’s meet up in San Francisco. Bring all the relevant information you have—I assume you’ve done some research on your own, correct?”
“Yes, I submitted my DNA to a genealogy site and found one of my father’s cousins, but I’m not sure the information she gave me provides any further insight to what happened.”
“Let’s meet for lunch at Gold’s Harbor on the twenty-fifth. Does that work for you?”
“Yes, that would be great. And if you could let me know what your services cost.”
“Let’s leave the money issue aside for the moment. I don’t want you to be disappointed if I can’t assist you. If I can’t, I’ll be happy to refer you to a reputable investigator. No matter what, you need to prepare yourself for hard truths if we go ahead.”
“I’d rather have the truth than live the rest of my life with unanswered questions. It’s been eating away at me for a long time and I’m ready.”
“Okay then, you have my contact info so feel free to e-mail me your details and any information you’ve already gathered.”
“Thank you, I appreciate you taking time out of your schedule to assist me.”
“No promises yet. I look forward to meeting you in person, Rachel.”
“You as well, Ethan, thank you again and goodbye.”
Rachel opened her laptop and clicked in the file labeled Missing34. A file with several photos appeared, and Rachel clicked on it. Her father’s handsome face stared back at her. The same blue eyes, the same smile and dimples. He had his arm wrapped around her mother’s shoulders while she held baby Ryker in her arms. Rachel was standing in the middle, a beaming five-year-old. A happy, loving family, torn apart only months after this photo was taken.
What happened to you, Dad?
This was a question that had echoed in Rachel’s mind for decades.
Soon, she vowed. Soon, she would have answers about the past. Then she would be able to focus on her future.
The End
Author Note
Thank you for reading the third and final book in my NY Nights Series! I’m sad to say goodbye to this sextet but we haven’t heard the last of these guys. They’ll make a few guest appearances in upcoming books.