Works by bpNichol
Nichol, bp. ABC: The Aleph Beth Book. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1971.
___. Ad Sanctos: The Martyrology, Book 9. Musical score by Howard Gerhard. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1993.
___. Aleph Unit. Toronto: Seripress, 1973.
___. The Alphabet Game: A bpNichol Reader. Ed. Darren Wershler-Henry and Lori Emerson. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2007.
___. Alphabet/Ilphabet. Toronto: Seripress, 1978.
___. Art Facts: A Book of Contexts. Tucson: Chax Press, 1990.
___. As Elected. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1981.
___. Beach Head. Sacramento: Runcible Spoon, 1971.
___. bp. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1967.
___. bpNichol Comics. Ed. Carl Peters. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2002.
___. The Captain Poetry Poems. Vancouver: blew ointment, 1971.
___. Continental Trance. Lantzville, B.C.: Oolichan Books, 1982.
___. Dada Lama. London: Tlaloc, 1968.
___. A Draft of Book IV of The Martyrology. Edmonton: bpNichol, 1976.
___. Familiar. Toronto: Eleanor and bpNichol, 1980.
___. First Screening. Toronto: Underwhich Editions, 1984.
___. Ganglia Press Index. Toronto: Ganglia, 1972.
___. Gifts: The Martyrology Book(s) 7&. Ed. Irene Niechoda. Toronto: Coach House, 1990.
___. An H in the Heart: A Reader. Ed. George Bowering and Michael Ondaatje. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1994.
___. “Interview (en anglais) Raôul Duguay/bpNichol.” Open Letter. Second Series, No. 6 (Fall 1973): 65-73.
___. Journal. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1978.
___. Konfessions of an Elizabethan Fan Dancer. London: Writer’s Forum, 1967.
___. Lament. Toronto: Ganglia Press, 1969.
___. “The Lily.” Writing 5 (Spring 1982): 12.
___. Love: A Book of Remembrances. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1974.
___. The Martyrology, Book I. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1972.
___. The Martyrology, Book II. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1972.
___. The Martyrology, Books 1 & 2. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1977.
___. The Martyrology, Books 3 & 4. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1976.
___. The Martyrology, Book 5. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1982.
___. The Martyrology, Book 6 Books. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1986.
___. Monotones. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1971.
___. Nights on Prose Mountain. Toronto: Ganglia Press, 1969.
___. Notebooks. There are at least 31 Nichol notebooks at Simon Fraser University’s Special Collections, datable by the dates of their entries. Ten of these are from the 1963–71 period and part of SFU’s first acquisition of Nichol papers. Barrie began numbering his notebooks in 1969, numbering the fourth one number “III” and the seventh one number IV, while naming the fifth “Tegnikal Notes.” In 1972 he began naming his principal notebooks while numbering smaller concurrent ones, of which he accumulated five, including two marked “fourth short notebook.” There are 15 clearly named notebooks at Simon Fraser. In July 1981 in his “Title Notebook,” he attempted to draw up a list of his 1972–80 notebooks, with dates, “for handy ref.” He noted that he had lost his “Blue Jean Yes” notebook of April–November 1979. Most of the listed notebooks are identifiable in the SFU collection. Because of the ambiguities of their naming and numbering I have usually referenced these only by the date of the entry I have cited.
___. The Other Side of the Room. Toronto: Weed/Flower Press, 1971.
___. Portrait of David. Toronto: Ganglia Press, 1966,
___. “Prelude.” Axis. Vol 1. December 24, 1969.
___. Selected Organs: Parts of an Autobiography. Windsor: Black Moss Press, 1988.
___. “some words on the martyrology march 12 1979.” In Michael Ondaatje, ed., The Long Poem Anthology. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1979. 335-37.
___. Still Water. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1970.
___. The True Eventual Story of Billy the Kid. Toronto: Weed/Flower Press, 1970.
___. Truth: A Book of Fictions. Ed. Irene Niechoda. Toronto: Mercury Press, 1993.
___. Two Novels. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1969.
___. Unit of Four. Toronto: Seripress, 1973.
___. Zygal: A Book of Mysteries and Translations. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1985.
___, ed. The Cosmic Chef: An Evening of Concrete. Ottawa: Oberon, 1970.
___, and Brian Dedora. A B.C. Childhood. Toronto: grOnk, 1982.
___, and Adam Crabtree. “Communication and Armouring.” Axis, Vol 3, May 15, 1980: 323–29.
___, and Lea Hindley-Smith. “Notes on Milieu Therapy.” Axis, Vol 1.1 December 24, 1969.
___, and Lea Hindley-Smith. “The Paranoiac and the Paranee.” Axis, Vol 1:88 July 9, 1970.
___, Lea Hindley-Smith, Stan Kutz, and Philip McKenna. “Therafields.” The Canadian Forum, January 1973: 12-17.
Works by other authors
Andrews, Bruce, and Charles Bernstein. The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 1984.
Andrews, Jim, Geoff Huth, Lionel Kearns, Marko Niemi, and Dan Waber. “Introduction to bpNichol’s First Screening.” Open Letter, Thirteenth Series, Number 5 (Spring 2008): 40-43.
Bayard, Caroline, and Jack David. Out-Posts/Avant-Postes. Erin, ON: Press Porcepic, 1978.
Bök, Christian. “Nickel Linoleum.” Open Letter, Tenth Series, No. 4 (Fall 1998): 62.
Davey, Frank. Earle Birney. Toronto: Copp Clark, 1971.
___. Interview with Deanna Robb, February 5, 2011. The MP3 recording is in my private possession.
___. Interview with Don (“D.J.”) Nichol, October 26, 2010. The MP3 recording is in my private possession.
___. “This Gentleman, bpNichol.” In Jean Baird and George Bowering, ed., The Heart Does Break: Canadian Writers on Grief and Mourning. Toronto: Random House Canada, 2009. 99-112.
Doyle, Brenda. “Thoughts on Therafields.” 2010/10/in-fall-of-1997-i-began-series-of.html. Accessed February 9, 2011, March 7, 2011, and September 19, 2011. Web.
Dudek, Louis. Atlantis. Montreal: Delta Canada, 1967.
Duncan, Robert. “Ideas of the Meaning of Form.” Kulchur I:4 (1961), 60-74.
Dutton, Paul. “bp Anecdotingly.” Open Letter, Thirteenth Series, No. 8 (Spring 2009): 77-91.
Eagleton, Terry. Sweet Violence. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.
Four Horsemen. Horse d’Oeuvres. Don Mills, ON: PaperJacks, 1975.
Freud, Sigmund. “Analysis terminable and interminable.” The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Ed. James Strachey. Vol. 23. New York: Vintage, 1999. 209–53.
Frye, Northrop. The Great Code: The Bible and Literature. New York: Harcourt Brace & Jovanovitch, 1981.
Godard, Barbara. Canadian Literature at the Crossroads of Language and Culture. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 2008.
Goodbrand. Grant. Therafields: The Rise and Fall of Lea Hindley-Smith’s Psychoanalytic Commune. Toronto: ECW Press, 2010.
Hancock, Geoff. “The Form of the Thing: An Interview with bpNichol on Ganglia and grOnk.” Rampike 12:1 (Fall 2001). Also excerpted in Miki, Meanwhile, 396–409.
Hindley-Smith, Lea. Ronald and Susan. Toronto: Therafields, 1975.
___. Secret Places. Toronto: Therafields, 1978.
___. The Way It Might Have Been. Toronto: Therafields, 1977.
Huth, Geoff. “First Meaning: The Digital Poetry Incunabula of bpNichol.” Open Letter Thirteenth Series, No. 5 (Spring 2005): 49–58.
Jaeger, Peter. “An Interview with Steve McCaffery on the TRG.” Open Letter, Tenth Series, No. 4 (Fall 1998): 77–96.
Jarry, Alfred. Gestes et opinions du docteur Faustroll, pataphysicien. Paris: Gallimard, 1972 [1911].
Kroetsch, Robert. Creation. Toronto: new press, 1970.
Lacan, Jacques. Encore: Le Seminaire livre XX. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1974.
___. L’envers de la psychanalyse. Le Séminaire livre XXVII. Texte établi par Jacques-Alain Miller. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1991.
Lind, Loren. Carbon typescript of an interview with Nichol, December 11, 1968. Filed at Simon Fraser University Special Collections among Nichol’s correspondence.
Lindquist, Sven. Exterminate All the Brutes. London: Granta, 1992.
McCaffery, Steve. “The Martyrology as Paragram.” Open Letter, Sixth Series, Nos. 5–6 (Summer-Fall 1986): 191-206.
___. “The Silent Punster: Nichol’s Semiology of the Saints.” Open Letter, Thirteenth Series, No. 5 (Spring 2008): 97-109.
___, ed. Rational Geomancy: The Kids of the Book Machine: The Collected Research Reports of the Toronto Research Group 1973–1982 by Steve McCaffery and bpNichol. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1992.
___, and bpNichol. In England Now that Spring. Toronto: Aya Press, 1979.
McElroy, Gil. St. Art: The Visual Poetry of bpNichol. Charlottetown: Confederation Centre Art Gallery & Museum, 2000.
McGeachy, Matt. “Therafields: Toronto’s (Nearly) Forgotten Therapeutic Community.” Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History II:1 (Spring 2009). 02/matt-mcgeachy-therafields-torontos.html. Web. Accessed October 23, 2011.
Miki, Roy. “Turn this Page: Journaling bpNichol’s The Martyrology and the Returns.” Open Letter, Tenth Series, No. 4 (Fall 1998): 116–33.
Miki, Roy, ed. Meanwhile: The Critical Writings of bpNichol. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2002.
___, ed. Tracing the Paths: Reading . . . Writing The Martyrology. Vancouver: Talonbooks / West Coast Line, 1988.
___, and Fred Wah, ed. Beyond the Orchard: Essays on the Martyrology. Vancouver: West Coast Line, 1997.
Multineddu, Flavio. “An Interview with bpNichol in Torino, May 6 & 8, 1987.” Open Letter, Eighth Series, No. 7 (Summer 1993): 5–35.
Nichol, Eleanor. “An Ordinary Man.” West Coast Line, 16 (29:1), (Spring-Summer 1995): 113–18.
Niechoda, Irene. “Additor’s Note.” In Nichol. Truth: a Book of Fictions. 1993. 172–75.
___. “Gift / Gifts / Giving: An Afterward.” In Nichol. Gifts. 1990. N.p.
___. A Sourcery for Books 1 and 2 of bpNichol’s The Martyrology. Toronto: ECW Press, 1992.
Perreault, Donna. “What Makes Autobiography Interrogative?” Biography, 13, No. 2 (Spring 1990): 130–42.
Poirier, Richard. The Performing Self. New York: Oxford UP, 1971.
Rosenberg, David. “Body by Nichol.” Open Letter, Fourteenth Series, No. 1 (Fall 2009): 7–40.
Rothenberg, Jerome. “Je est un autre.” je-est-un-autre-ethnopoetics-poet-as.html. Web.
Scobie, Stephen. bpNichol: What History Teaches. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1984.
Shives, Arnold. Unpublished statement written to accompany letters he had received from Nichol in 1964–66. Simon Fraser University, Bennett Library, Special Collections.
Spenst, Kevin. “Ken Norris” (interview). May 11, 2011. Web.
___. “Kevin Spenst Talks to Ken Norris.” Prism International June 13, 2011. Web.
Starnino, Carmine. “Does bpNichol’s once-revolutionary wordplay have staying power?” Maisonneuve. July 5, 2011. Web.
Swail, Christopher. “Reading to the Limits: Space-Time and The Martyrology. In Miki, Beyond the Orchard, 1997. 171–83.
Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s Travels and Other Writings. Boston: Riverside Press, 1960. This is the edition Barrie would have been asked to read in his English 200 course at the University of British Columbia.
Turner, Michael. Three Readings. Vancouver: Western Front Media Arts, 2011.
Wershler-Henry, Darren. “Argument for a Secular Martyrology.” Open Letter, Tenth Series, No. 4 (Fall 1998): 37–47.