Abbreviations used in the footnotes are followed with full bibliographical references.
I |
The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, D. Miller, trans. Boston, Massachusetts 1984. |
Mystic Treaties |
Mystic Treaties by Isaac of Nineveh, translated from Bedjan’s Syriac text with an introduction and registers by A. J. Wensinck. Amsterdam 1923. |
II |
Isaac of Nineveh [Isaac the Syrian], ‘The Second Part’, Chapters IV-XLI, Sebastian Brock, trans. Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 555, Scriptores syri 225. Louvain 1995. |
Gnost.Chapt. |
Gnostic Chapters. Unpublished. |
PR |
Mar Isaacus Ninevita, De perfectione religiosa, quam edidit Paulus Bedjan. Leipzig 1909. |
Isaac, Part II |
Isaac of Nineveh [Isaac the Syrian], ‘The Second Part’, Chapters IV-XLI, edited by Sebastian Brock, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 554, Scriptores syri 224. Louvain 1995. |
Abba Isaias, Homilies |
R. Draguet. Les cinq recensions de l’Asceticon syriaque d’Abba Isaie, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 289–290, 293–294, Scriptores syri 120–123. Louvain 1968. |
Ammonius, Letters |
M. Kmosko. Ammonii eremitae epistulae, Patrologia Orientalis 10, 6. Paris 1914. Pp. 407–419. |
Aphrahat, Demonstrations |
I. Parisot. Aphraatis Sapientis Persae Demonstrationes, Patrologia Syriaca 1–2. Paris 1894–1907. |
Apophthegmata |
Apophthegmata patrum, collectio alphabetica: Patrologia Graeca 65:71–440. |
Asketika |
Isaak tou Syrou eurethenta asketika. Leipzig 1792. |
Athanasius of Alexandria, |
Athanase d’Alexandrie. La vie de saint Antoine, ed. G. J. M. Barterlink, Sources Chrétiennes 400. Paris 1994. |
Basil the Great, Letter 2 |
British Library, manuscript No. 17192. |
Cyril of Alexandria, Letters to Nestorius |
P. E. Pusey. Sancti Cyrilli epistolae tres oecumenicae . . . Oxford 1875. Pp. 2–11. |
Dionysios the Areopagite. |
Corpus Dionysiacum II: Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita, De coelesti hierarchia, De ecclesiastica hierarchia, De mystica theologia, Epistulae, ed. G. Heil and A. M. Ritter, Patristische Texte und Studien 36. Berlin 1991. |
——. On the Divine Names |
Corpus Dionysiacum I: Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita, De Divinis nominibus, ed. B. R. Suchla, Patristische Texte und Studien 33. Berlin 1990. |
Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Faith |
Der heiligen Ephraem der Syrers Hymnen de fide, ed. E. Beck. Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 154, Scriptores syri 73–74. Louvain 1955. |
Der heiligen Ephraem der Syrers Hymnen de nativitate, ed. E. Beck, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 186, Scriptores syri 82. Louvain 1959. |
——. Letter to Publius |
Le Muséon 89 (1976) 261–305. |
Evagrius, Kephalaia gnostika |
A. Guillaumont. Les six centuries des ‘Kephalia gnostica’ d’Évagre le Pontique’, Patrologia Orientalis 28 (1958). |
——. On Prayer |
De oratione capitula, Patrologia Graeca 79:1165–1200. |
——. Pseudo-Supplementa |
Pseudo-Supplement zu den Kephalaia Gnostika, in W. Frankenberg, Euagrios Ponticus. Leipzig 1912. |
——. Skemmata |
J. Muyldermans. Evagriana et Nouveaux fragments inédits. Paris 1931. Pp.38–44. |
——. The Gnostic |
Évagre le Pontique, Le gnostique, ed. A. and C. Guillaumont, Sources Chrétiennes 356. Paris 1989. |
Gregory Nazianzen, Oration 3 |
Grégoire de Nazianze, Discours 1–3, ed. by Jean Bernardi, Sources Chrétiennes 247. Paris 1978. |
Isacco, Discorsi |
Isacco di Ninive, Discorsi spirituali, trans. P. Bettiolo. Bose 1985. |
John Chrysostom, Homilies on Matthew |
Sancti Ioannis Chrysostomi, archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani, Homiliae in Matthaeum, I-III. Ed. F. Field. Canterbury 1839. |
John Climacus, Ladder |
Scala paradisi, Patrologia Graeca 88: 631–1210. |
John of Apamea (John the Solitary), Epistles |
L. G. Rignell, Briefe von Johannes dem Einsiedler. Lund 1941. |
Liber Graduum |
M. Kmosko, Liber Graduum, Patrologia Syriaca 3. 1926. |
Mark the Ascetic, On Those Who Think They Are Made Righteous by Deeds |
De his qui putant se ex operibus iustificari, Patrologia Graeca 65:929–965. |
Homilies of Mar Narsai. San Francisco 1970. |
Origen, On Prayer |
P. Koetschau, Origenes Werke I, Griechische Christliche Sriftsteller 3. 1899. Pp.297–403. |
Palladius, Lausiac History |
Palladlos, La storia lausaica, ed. G. J. M. Bartelink. Florence 1974. |
Rufinus, Historia monachorum |
Rufinus, Historia monachorum, ed. Ε. Schulz-Flügel, Patristische Texte und Studien 34. Berlin-New York 1990. English trans. by Norman Russell, The Lives of the Desert Fathers. Kalamazoo 1981. |
Symeon the New Theologian, Catechetical Discourses |
Syméon le Nouveau Théologien, Catéchèses, ed. Β. Krivochéine and J. Paramelle. I (Catéchèses 1–5), II (Catéchèses 6–22), III (Catéchèses 23–34), Sources Chrétiennes 96, 104, 113. Paris 1963–1965. |
The Life of Saint Mary of Egypt |
Vita Mariae Egyptiae, Patrologia Graeca 87/3:3697–3726. English trans, by Benedicta Ward, The Harlots of the Desert. Kalamazoo 1987. Pp. 35–56. |
Theodore of Mopsuestia, Catechetical Homilies |
R. Tonneau-R. Devresse, Les Homélies catéchètiques de Théodore de Mopsueste. Studi e Testi 145. Vatican City 1949. |
——. Fragments on Genesis |
Fragmenta in Genesis, Patrologia Graeca 66:633–646. |
AbouZayd, Ihidayutha |
S. AbouZayd. Ihidayutha. A Study of the Life of Singleness in the Syrian Orient from Ignatius to Chalcedon 451 AD. Oxford 1993. |
Assemani, Bibliotheca |
J. B. Assemani. Bibliotheca Orientalis I-III. Rome 1719. |
Bettiolo, ‘Charité’ |
P. Bettiolo. ‘Avec la charité comme but: Dieu et création dans la méditation d’Isaac de Ninive’, Irénikon 63 (Chevetogne 1990) 323–345. |
Sebastian Brock. ‘The Syriac Background’, in M. Lapidge, ed., Archbishop Theodore. Commemorative Studies on His Life and Influence. Cambridge 1995. Pp. 30–53. |
Brock, ‘Iconoclasm’ |
S. Brock. ‘Iconoclasm and the Monophysites’, in Iconoclasm: Papers given at the Ninth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Birmingham. Birmingham 1977. Pp. 53–58. |
Brock, Luminous Eye |
S. Brock. The Luminous Eye: The Spiritual World Vision of St Ephrem, Cistercian Studies 124. Kalamazoo 1992. |
Brock, ‘Maggnanuta’ |
S. Brock. ‘Maggnanuta: A Technical Term in East Syrian Spirituality’, in Mélanges Antoine Guillaumont, Cahiers d’Orientalisme 20. Geneva 1988. Pp. 121–129. |
Brock, ‘Metaphors’ |
S. Brock. ‘Clothing Metaphors as a Means of Theological Expression in Syriac Tradition’, in M. Schmidt, ed., Typus, Symbol, Allegorie bei den Östlichen Vätern und ihren Parallelen im Mittelalter, Eichstätter Beiträge 4. Regensburg 1982. Pp. 11–38. |
Brock, ‘Misnomer’ |
S. Brock. ‘The “Nestorian” Church: A Lamentable Misnomer’, in J. F. Coakley and K. Parry, edd., The Church of the East: Life and Thought, Bulletin of the John Ryland’s Library, vol.78/3. Manchester, 1997. |
Brock, Spirituality |
S. Brock. Spirituality in Syriac Tradition. Kottayam 1989. |
Brock, Studies |
S. Brock. Studies in Syriac Spirituality, Syrian Churches Series, 13. Poona, India 1988. |
Brock, ‘Theoria’ |
S. Brock. ‘Some Uses of the Term theoria in the Writings of Isaac of Nineveh’, Parole de l’Orient 20 (Paris 1995) 407–419. |
Chabot, De sancti Isaaci |
J. B. Chabot. De sancti Isaaci Ninevitae. Paris 1892. |
G. Chediath. The Christology of Mar Babai the Great. Kottayam 1982. |
Clavis |
Clavis Patrum Graecorum, ed. M. Geerard, 4 volumes. Corpus Christianorum. Louvain 1974–1983. |
Dauvillier, ‘Images’ |
J. Dauvillier. ‘Quelques témoignages littéraires et archéologiques sur la présence et sur le culte des Images dans l’ancienne Eglise chaldéenne,’ L’Orient Chrétien 3 (1956) 297–304. |
Delly, ‘Images’ |
E. Delly. ‘Le culte de saintes Images dans l’Eglise syrienne-orientale’, L’Orient Chrétien 1 (1956) 291–296. |
Florovsky, Vyz. Otcy |
Georges Florovsky. Vyzantiyskiye Otcy V-VIII vekov [The Byzantine Fathers of the Fifth to Eighth Centuries]. Paris 1933. |
Griffith, ‘Asceticism’ |
Sidney H. Griffith. ‘Asceticism in the Church of Syria: The Hermeneutics of Early Syrian Monasticism’, in Asceticism, Vincent Wimbush and Richard Valantasis, edd. Oxford-New York 1995. |
Griffith, ‘Monks’ |
Sidney H. Griffith. ‘Monks, “Singles”, and the “Sons of the Covenant”: Reflections on Syriac Ascetic Terminology’, in Eulogema: Studies in Honor of Robert Taft, SJ, Studia Anselmiana 110. Rome 1993. Pp. 141–160. |
Guillaumont, ‘Dépaysement’ |
A. Guillaumont. ‘Le dépaysement comme forme d’ascèse dans le monachisme ancien’, Annuaire de l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Section des sciences religieuses 76 (Paris 1968–1969) pp. 31–58. |
Isho’denah, Livre |
Isho’denah, Le Livre de la Chasteté, ed. J.-B. Chabot, Mélanges d’archéologie et d’histoire écclesiastiques 16. Paris 1896. Pp. 63–64. |
Khalifé-Hachem, ‘Prière’ |
E. Khalifé-Hachem. ‘La prière pure et la prière spirituelle selon Isaac de Ninive’, Mémorial Mgr Gabriel Khouri-Sarkis. Louvain 1969. Pp. 157–173. |
H. Lewy. Sobria ebrietas. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der antiken Mystik. Glessen 1929. |
Licher, ‘Tears’ |
D. A. Licher. ‘Tears and Contemplation in Isaac of Nineveh’, Diakonia 11 (Bronx, New York 1976) 239–258. |
Mascia, ‘Tears’ |
P. T. Mascia. ‘The Gift of Tears in Isaac of Nineveh’, Diakonia 14 (Bronx, New York 1979). |
Meyendorff, Christ |
John Meyendorff. Christ in Eastern Christian Thought. Washington 1969. |
Meyendorff, Imperial Unity |
John Meyendorff. Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions. The Church 450–680. New York 1989. |
Miller, ‘Epilogue’ |
[D. Miller]. ‘Translator’s Epilogue’, in The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian. Boston 1984. Pp. 481–515. |
Miller, ‘Introduction’ |
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Mingana, Woodbroke Studies VII |
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Mundell, ‘Decoration’ |
Marlia Mundell. ‘Monophysite Church Decoration’, in Iconoclasm: Papers given at the Ninth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Birmingham. Birmingham 1977. Pp. 59–74. |
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Popovits, ‘Gnoseologia’ |
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