About This Book
Great Expectations: The Toddler Years: Everything You Need to Know About Your 1- to 3-Year-Old is designed to serve as an informative parents’ handbook. It offers research-based insights into toddler temperament and learning styles as well as practical advice about getting through the hard parts. Plus, it offers hundreds of developmentally based activities for sharing enjoyable moments together.
Here you’ll find tips to help optimize your child’s mental, physical, and emotional growth, and options for dealing with the important issues you’re likely to encounter over the next two years, including discipline, toddler nutrition, toilet training, and sleep problems. There’s also a chapter on ways to encourage independence in your toddler. For ease of reading, we have elected to alternate chapters between “he” and “she” pronouns.
We often refer to “young toddlers” and “older toddlers.” The book classifies young toddlers as 12- to 18-month-olds whose bodies are still developing along with their communication and eating skills. “Older toddlers” are 19- to 36-month-olds who are more skilled, are able to move around, and have better communication skills.
We welcome your feedback on this book. You can write to us in care of Sterling, the publisher of the Great Expectations series, or connect with us online at www.GreatExpectationsPregnancy.com.
Warmest regards,
Sandy Jones