Portia entered Nathaniel’s office. It was 8:00 p.m. and the office was deserted. He looked up and motioned for her to take a seat. Since their show down in the parking lot, Nathaniel had been solicitous but hadn’t made any more advances toward her. Most days, he barely noticed her and it hurt.

She missed him.

“What are you still doing here?” he said.

“I was working on an assignment for my class. I’m not worried about it.” She had a 3.98 grade point average.

He smiled. “I would have given you some assistance if you needed.”

Portia gritted her teeth. She hated the professional tone he now used when he spoke to her. He raised an eyebrow. She knew he wanted to know why she was in his office.

“So…?” He drummed his fingers on the desk.

She straightened. “Nathaniel, I hate how things are between us. Everything’s all proper and polite.”

“Do you want me to be improper and rude?” he asked in a deferential tone.

Portia cupped her forehead. “No, of course not. What I mean is; you used to joke with me and seek me out and now…”

“You miss me,” he supplied.

She gave a jerky nod. “I do. I don’t even get why. I’m independent and I’m usually good at moving on, except this time…” she trailed off, then grinned self-consciously. “I’m sorry. I’m never at a loss for words.” She lowered her head.

He stood. “I’ve missed you, too.”

His admission made her head pop up. “You have?”

He nodded. “I didn’t lie to you when I said you shot an arrow in my heart. It’s a permanent hole meant to be filled by you.”

Portia chuckled. “I didn’t take you for the poetic type.”

“I didn’t either.” Nathaniel moved from around his desk and came to stand before her. He held out his hand.

She put her hands in his and stood.

Nathaniel took her in his arms and kissed her. He kissed her like he had all night. Portia didn’t mind. She grabbed his head and deepened the kiss. Who knows how much time passed before they broke apart.

“That was… amazing,” she said, touching her lips.

“I knew it would be,” he whispered. He drew her back into his arms once more.

Portia welcomed the embrace, taking in the scent of his cologne. He smelled like the ocean. She moaned. Nathaniel put his lips against hers. “Portia, how do you feel about God?”

She hadn’t expected that question. “He’s all right, I guess,” she said. Her lips brushed Nathaniel’s. She wasn’t trying to think about God right now. She wanted to taste more of Nathaniel’s kisses.

He had other ideas. “He’s more than all right. He’s everything to me.” Nathaniel’s bass voice caused her body to tremble. How could he be so erotic while talking about God?

Portia took the initiative and pressed her body closer to his. Nathaniel stepped back, putting some distance between them.

“Give me a chance to introduce Him to you,” he said. “I guarantee you’ll fall in love with Him the way I did.”

Portia stared him down. “I didn’t say I don’t love God. I’m not a bad person. God knows it. I’m better than most Christians out there.”

“It’s not enough. Plenty of good people are going to hell.”

She placed a hand on her hip. The love vibes cooled. “You saying I’m going to hell?”

“If you don’t accept Him. It’s all or nothing. I want to be with you. Do you want to be with me?”

Portia nodded. “I want to see where things go between us. I feel we’re unfinished business and I don’t want to look back with any regrets.”

“Well, I’m come with baggage,” Nathaniel said. “It’s God and me.”

Portia didn’t like being forced to do anything. This felt like an ultimatum. She folded her arms. “I suppose.” She wanted to say much more but reigned in her tongue.

He shook his head. “You’re one stubborn woman.”

Portia lifted her chin. “And proud. Don’t forget that.”

Nathaniel agreed. “Give God a chance. Let me help you get to know Him.”

“I do know Him.” She cut her eyes at him.

“You know about Him,” he said. “God is so much more.”

Portia looked into Nathaniel’s earnest eyes. He seemed so sure. She felt a pang of jealousy at the relationship he must have with God. She touched her heart. She wanted to feel that assurance. She needed to know what it felt like to be so sure about someone.

Portia uttered two heartfelt words. “I’m interested.”

They were enough. Nathaniel embraced her.

“We’ll remain celibate,” he said, rocking her gently.

She groaned. Nathaniel was pushing it. But she pushed another two words out of her mouth. “I’ll try.”