The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.
Page numbers in italics refer to the map.
Abizaid, John, 414, 416
Abrams, Creighton, 5, 316, 319–20, 330, 342, 343, 447, 520n
and rebuilding of post-Vietnam Army, 335–37
Abrams tank, 339
Abu Ghraib scandal, 414–15, 418, 427
Acheson, Dean, 189, 486n, 496n, 497n
on MacArthur, 192
Afghan war, 11, 12, 18, 117, 272, 335, 337, 343, 349, 361, 421, 430, 444, 445
civil-military divide in, 399–401, 404
as Iraq war side show, 438–39
NATO in, 439
Obama Administration and, 439
Operation Anaconda in, 399–400
Pakistan’s opposition to, 439
relief policy in, 439–40
risk aversion in, 449
Tora Bora battle in, 398–99, 403
turning point in, 439
turnover in U.S. commanders in, 440–41
Agnew, James, 504n, 506n
Air Force, U.S., 12, 35, 209, 215, 222, 338
command traditions in, 13
post–Korean War expansion of, 206–7, 208
Alexander, Clifford, 350
Alexander, Harold, 56, 66, 78, 85, 90, 91
Allen, Charles, 531n
Allen, Fred, 163
Allen, John, 440
Allen, Leven, 133
Allen, Robert, 480n
Allen, Terry, Jr., 251
Allen, Terry de la Mesa, 3, 7, 8, 10, 37, 73–80, 101, 151, 241, 247, 455, 479n, 506n
as combat leader, 75
DePuy’s correspondence with, 250–51
drinking of, 74–75
Marshall and, 74, 79
military career of, 73–74
nature of generalship and, 73
Patton and, 75, 78
relieved of division command, 77–79
in Sicily campaign, 76–77
teamwork attempted by, 75–76
on Time cover, 77
Almond, Edward, 125, 132, 150, 157, 171, 182, 185, 188, 489n, 490n, 491n, 496n
Chosin campaign and, 136, 139, 141–42, 143, 149, 155–56, 163
Smith’s distrust of, 184–85
al-Qaeda, 399, 415, 437
Alsop, Joseph, 104, 259, 484n, 507n
Ambrose, Stephen, 479n
Americal Division, see 23rd Infantry “Americal” Division, U.S.
American Institute of Philanthropy, 418
American Revolution, 22, 238
Anaconda, Operation, 399–400
Ancell, R. Manning, 485n, 507n, 532n
Anderson, David, 507n, 513n, 514n, 515n
Angers, Trent, 514n
Anzio landings, 68–71, 132, 381
Apache attack helicopter, 339
appeasement policy, 29
Appleman, Roy, 146, 156, 170, 488n, 489n, 490n, 493n, 494n, 496n
Appy, Christian, 507n, 508n, 513n, 514n, 517n
Ardennes, Battle of the, 93
Armed Forces & Society, 174
Armitage, Richard, 411
Army, U.S.:
accountability tradition of, 462
all-volunteer, 362
careerism in, 359
and careers of innovators, 460–61
Chaplain Corps of, 341
civilian leadership and, 447–50
Command and General Staff College of, 209, 211, 235, 266, 277, 341, 346, 354–55, 356, 358–59, 390–91
command traditions of, 12–13
corporate culture of, 203–5, 235–36, 359–60
Delta Force of, 340
drug problem in, 326, 327–29, 332
dysfunctional effect of Vietnam War on, 330–32
inability to admit mistakes in, 283–84
Information Age and, 385, 389, 451, 455
institutionalized mediocrity in, 449–50
lack of leadership education in, 419–21
lack of professionalism in, 280–81
McCarthy’s attack on, 206
micromanagement and, 210, 211–12, 359–61
mutinous insubordination in, 326–27, 329
My Lai and failure of leadership in, 309–10
nuclear weapons and role of, 206–7, 209
officer corps report of, 311–14
peacetime draft and, 210
Pentomic Army reorganization of, 208–9, 219
personnel policy of, 454–56
in post–Gulf War era, see Army, U.S., post–Gulf War era
in post–Korean War era, 206–14
post-9/11 study of, 455–56
in post–Spanish-American War era, 19
in post-Vietnam era, see Army, U.S., post-Vietnam
promotions in, 9
race problem in, 327, 332
Ranger School of, 356
relief policy and, see relief, relief policy
and retirement of talented officers, 453–54
rotation policy of, see rotation policy
SAMS of, see School of Advanced Military Studies
selection of officers in, 458–59
Special Warfare School of, 209
Spector on breakdown of, 294
“360–degree” evaluations in, 454–55
Viet Cong’s exploitation of, 280–84
Vietnam War and decline of, 317–19
Vietnam War failure of, 260–66
World War II growth of, 15, 35–36
Yingling’s critique of, 441–44
Army, U.S., post–Gulf War era, 388–96
all-volunteer, 393
critiques of, 388–89
deprofessionalization of, 390–92
drawdown in, 390
Information Age and, 385, 389
micromanagement in, 390–92
outsourcing to private sector in, 390
peace dividend and, 389
relief policy of, 392–93
risk aversion in, 391–92
Army, U.S., post-Vietnam, 13–14, 335–53
Abrams and, 335–37
Cold War’s influence on, 346–47, 348
Cushing-DePuy feud and, 342–49
DePuy and, 337–38, 340
discharge program of, 336
field manual updated by, 344–48
flawed generals produced by, 350–52, 353
Joint Readiness Training Center of, 353
modernization of, 336–38
National Training Center of, 338–39, 349–50
new weapons development in, 339–40
symposia on officer responsibility of, 311–14, 348
synchronization concept and, 346
TRADOC and, 337–38
Army of the Cumberland, U.S., 115
Army of the Potomac, U.S., 22
Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), 225, 342
Army Research Institute, 450
Army War College, 46, 143, 174, 258, 311, 313, 314, 337, 341, 343, 349, 360, 385, 390–93, 400, 403, 422, 444
Arnold, Benedict, 307
Arnold, Mark, 449–50, 532n
Associated Press, 86
Astor, Gerald, 475n, 478n, 479n, 480n
At Ease (Eisenhower), 63
Atkinson, Rick, 379, 474n, 477n, 478n, 479n, 491n, 524n, 525n
Australia, 46
Austria, 119
Aziz, Tariq, 373
Bacevich, Andrew, 386, 417, 500n, 525n, 526n, 529n
Bair, Chester, 142, 146, 149
Baker, James, 373
Baker, Thomas, 523n
Baldwin, James, 330–31
Balmer, Jesmond, 295
Barber, William, 161, 174
Barker, Frank, 298, 299–300, 301, 306
Barno, David, 340, 371, 439–40, 520n, 531n
Barr, David, 143, 170, 186–87, 490n
Barron, Paul, 470n
Barth, George, 3
Battle of Britain, 36, 83
Battle of the Bulge, 4, 136, 178, 202, 218, 288–89, 316, 335, 381
Eisenhower on, 106
Montgomery and, 88–89, 92–93
Bay Lop, 511n
Bay of Pigs debacle, 219–20
Beall, Olin, 147–48
Beckel, Robert, 234
Beidler, Philip, 513n
Beirut barracks bombing of 1983, 361
Belgium, 24, 29, 42
Belleau Wood, Battle of, 151
Ben-Gurion, David, 448
Bennett, Paul, 60–61
Benson, Kevin, 522n
Bergen, Peter, 527n
Berger, F. M., 486n, 493n, 494n
Berlin, Robert, 97, 468n, 473n, 482n, 485n
Berlin Airlift, 162
Bernhardt, Michael, 296
Berquist, Paul, 138, 143–44, 489n, 490n
Berry, Sidney, 245
Better War, A (Sorley), 319
Betts, Richard, 503n
Bigger, Erwin, 141
Billingsley, Dodge, 528n
bin Laden, Osama, 398–99
Birdseye, Elmer, 245
Birtle, Andrew, 517n
Black Hawk transport helicopter, 339
Black Hearts incident, 427–29
Blaik, Red, 232
Blair, Clay, 122, 169, 276, 486n, 487n, 488n, 489n, 493n, 495n, 496n, 497n, 510n
Blair, John, 494n, 495n
Blair, Melvin, 125
Bland, Joellen, 469n, 485n
Bland, Larry I., 469n, 471n, 472n, 473n, 476n, 480n, 483n
Bletz, Donald, 347, 521n
Blitz, 83
Blum, John Morton, 471n
Blumenson, Martin, 71, 110, 118, 467n, 468n, 473n, 475n, 476n, 477n, 478n, 479n, 480n, 481n, 485n, 486n
Bolger, Daniel, 117–18, 485n, 486n
Bolte, Charles, 37, 472n
Bond, Brian, 478n
Bonus Marchers, 61, 126, 370
Boring, Frank, 129, 487n
Bosnia, 389
Bowers, William, 486n
Bowser, Alpha, 162, 173
Boxer, USS, 222
Bradley, Omar, 3, 5–6, 73, 84, 88, 97, 109, 110–11, 129, 151, 158–59, 193, 197–98, 243, 350–51, 382, 389, 468n, 479n, 480n, 482n, 484n, 505n
Allen relieved of command by, 77–79
Patton on, 117–18
in World War II, 116–17
Bradley Fighting Vehicle, 339, 379
Brady, Morris, 341–42, 520n
Brancato, Kevin, 530n
Brandon, Henry, 290, 512n
Brazil, 31–32, 178
Bremer, L. Paul, III, 411–12, 529n
Brennan, Mike, 525n
Brewster, Owen, 140
Brighton, Terry, 481n
Bright Shining Lie, A (Sheehan), 266
Brodie, Bernard, 221, 501n
Brooke, Alan, 94
Brooks, Edward, 185–86
Brown, Albert, 37
Brown, Frederic, 246
Brown, Harold, 404
Brownlee, Romie, 467n
Brush, Peter, 516n
Buck, Beaumont Bonaparte, 22
Buckingham, Clay, 361, 523n
Buckner, Simon Bolivar, Jr., 37–38
Buell, Thomas, 472n
Bullard, Robert, 21, 470n
Bundel, Charles, 33
Bundy, McGeorge, 229, 468n, 474n, 503n
Burg, Maclyn, 472n, 473n, 484n
Burke, Arleigh, 452
Burns, John, 436
Burns, Julian, Jr., 488n
Burnside, Ambrose, 22
Burrough, Bryan, 473n
Bush, George H. W., 115, 386
Bush, George W., 31, 394, 400, 412, 431, 432, 437
Iraq War decision of, 412
Bush Administration, George H. W., 373, 383
Bush Administration, George W., 395–96, 404, 410, 430, 441
Iraq war and, 411–12, 416–18
Butcher, Harry, 52–53, 200, 475n, 480n, 481n, 484n, 498n
Caffey, Benjamin, 23, 470n
Calley, William, 240, 297–98, 303, 513n
conviction of, 306
Cambodia, 261
Camden, Battle of, 22
Cameron, Duane, 475n
Campbell, David, 351–52, 521n
Campbell, James, 147
Cannon, Charles, 357
Cantero, George, 328
Canzona, Nicholas, 488n
Cao Van Vien, 225, 502n, 512n
Capra, Frank, 113
Carlucci, Frank, 369, 372
Carmen, James, 329
Carpenter, Ronald, 501n
Carrick, Daniel, 428–29
Carter, Herbert, 297–98, 513n
Carthage, 57
Casey, George, 9, 426–31, 432, 434, 462
Castillo, Francisco del, 489n
Castro, Fidel, 219–20
Cates, Clifton, 493n
Caulfield, Matthew, 493n, 495n, 496n
Cavanaugh, Charles, Jr., 532n
CBS News, 234
Central Command, U.S., 31, 372, 374, 400, 408, 414, 416, 430, 433, 435, 436, 445
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 129, 219, 261, 445–46
Curveball and, 395–96
Tora Bora battle and, 399
Chamberlain, John, 484n, 488n, 497n, 498n
Chamberlain, Neville, 27, 29
Chandler, Alfred, Jr., 472n, 474n
Chaney, James, 36–37, 56
Chanoff, David, 511n, 517n
Chaplain Corps, U.S., 341
Cheney, Dick, 362, 371–74, 376, 386, 394, 430–31, 524n, 530n
Chiang Kai-shek, 201
Chiarelli, Peter, 444
Chicago Tribune, 140
Chieu Hoi (Open Arms) amnesty program, 270
China, Nationalist, 127–28, 180, 191, 196–97, 201
China, People’s Republic of, 128, 131, 132, 136, 206, 228, 256
Cultural Revolution in, 166
MacArthur’s proposed attack on, 190–91, 194–98
Chinn, Clarence, 446
Chosin campaign, 135, 370
airstrips in, 152, 156
Almond’s account of, 155–56
Almond’s orders in, 141–42
Army career policy and, 171–72
Army’s pullout in, 144–48
bridge project in, 165
Chinese casualties in, 166
Chinese entrapment ploy in, 157–58
as Chinese strategic victory, 160
Fox Company’s stand in, 159, 161, 168, 174
Hagaru-ri position in, 148, 152
initial Chinese attacks in, 141–44
leadership in, 159, 168–72
MacArthur and, 136, 142, 149, 166–67, 174–75
march to Hagaru-ri in, 160–63
Marine career policy and, 172–73
Marines’ march to coast in, 163–64
Medals of Honor awarded for, 170, 174
onset of, 136
signs of enemy activity in, 139–40, 157
Smith in, see Smith, O. P.
U.S. deployments in, 135–38, 137
U.S. leadership failure in, 142–43, 146–47, 149
weather in, 160–62
Church, John, 186–87
Churchill, Winston, 29, 85, 90, 91, 94, 237, 448, 482n
“Cincinnatus” (pseudonym for Cecil Currey), 510n
Cirillo, Roger, 188, 496n
Civilian Provisional Authority, Iraq, 414
Civil War, U.S., 20, 22, 95, 115
Shenandoah Valley campaign in, 33
Clancy, Tom, 402, 525n
Clark, Lloyd, 70, 478n
Clark, Mark, 65–72, 101, 171–72, 188, 200, 477n, 480n, 494n, 496n, 498n
in Anzio landings, 68–71
as combat commander, 67–68
critiques of ability of, 68–69
Dawley incident and, 66–67, 68
Lucas relieved by, 68–71, 133
poor reputation of, 71–72
in Salerno landings, 65–66
Clark, Wesley, 115, 462
Clarke, Bruce, 93, 202, 499n
Clausewitz, Carl von, 42, 84, 357, 375,378
Clemenceau, Georges, 448
Clifford, Clark, 319
Clifton, Chester, 501n
Clinton, Bill, 389, 526n
Coburn, Judith, 326
Cocke, Eugene, 505n
Cody, Michael, 391–92, 526n
Cody, Richard, 443
Coffman, Edward, 470n, 509n
Cohen, Eliot, 432, 448, 470n, 493n, 532n
Colburn, Larry, 299
Colby, John, 467n
Colby, William, 261
Cold War, 167, 352, 449
post-Vietnam Army and, 346–47, 348
Collins, J. Lawton, 1, 2, 50, 79, 89, 127, 171–72, 183–84, 186–87, 222, 467n, 480n, 481n, 487n, 494n
Collins, John, 207, 499n
Collins, Joseph, 531n
Combined Action Platoons (CAPs), 268–69, 272–73
Combined Chiefs of Staff, 91
Command and General Staff College, 209, 211, 235, 266, 277, 341, 346, 354–55, 356, 358–59, 390–91
Congress, U.S., 32, 34, 99, 112, 122, 140, 187, 196, 339, 436, 442
base closings issue in, 368
MacArthur hearings of, 197–98
military veterans in, 461
Considine, Bob, 201
containment policy, 131
Conti, Dennis, 298, 513n
Converse, Elliott, 491n
Cooke, James, 470n
Cooper, Charles, 257, 325–26, 507n
Cooper, Christopher, 528n
Corlett, Charles “Cowboy Pete,” 200, 498n
Corregidor, 99
Cosmas, Graham, 503n, 508n
COSVN Resolution 9, 324
Coulter, John, 185, 187
Counterinsurgency (COIN) Academy, 427
Cragg, Dan, 505n, 516n
Crane, Conrad, 20, 422, 469n
Crerar, Harry, 475n
Crete, 83
Crocker, John, 54, 475n
Crocker, Ryan, 434
Crosswell, D. K. R., 41, 472n, 473n, 475n
Crow, Kevin, 519n
Cruise, Tom, 338
Cuba, 219–20
Cullen, Roy, 198
Currey, Cecil (pseudonym: “Cincinnatus”), 510n
Curveball (Iraqi defector), 395–96
Cushman, John, 208, 219, 226, 267, 340–41, 355, 415–16, 433, 500n, 501n, 502n, 508n, 520n, 521n, 529n, 530n
Black Hearts essay of, 429
DePuy’s feud with, 342–49
on Franks, 398
Officer Responsibility symposia of, 341–44
Cushman, Robert, 271
Custer, George, 138, 419
Dabrowski, John, 503n
Daddis, Gregory, 249, 506n, 517n
Dang Xuan Teo, 283
Darby, William, 69
Darlan, François, 51
Davidson, Phillip, 232, 235, 264, 270, 281, 503n, 504n, 508n, 510n, 519n
Davis, Darlene, 518n
Davis, Franklin, 311
Davis, Ray, 158, 160–61, 164–65, 173, 492n, 493n, 494n
Davis, William, 164
Davy Crockett recoilless rifle, 208–9
Dawkins, Peter, 213, 501n
Dawley, Ernest “Mike,” 66–67, 68, 476n
Daxe, Arnold, Jr., 277
Dean, William, 122–24, 125, 417–18, 486n
Deaner, C. M. Dick, 522n
Decker, George, 228
Defense Department, U.S., 185, 188, 218, 262–63, 275, 280–81, 403, 404, 418, 443, 461
Defense Intelligence Agency, 396, 413
de Guingand, Francis, 49–50, 91–92, 474n, 482n
Delaney, Douglas, 475n
Delta Force, 340
Democratic Party, U.S., 418–19
Dempsey, Martin, 433, 445–46
DePuy, William, 2, 4, 8, 9, 206, 217, 219, 241–52, 254, 271, 273–74, 295, 320, 325, 330, 354, 355, 356, 358, 361, 372, 375, 385, 398, 426, 429, 447, 467n, 505n
combat skills of, 245–46
Cushman’s feud with, 342–49
death of, 363
as division commander, 241–42
field manual update and, 344–48, 356
firepower approach of, 242, 247–50
Johnson’s conflict, 242–47
legacy of, 362–63
Marine counterinsurgency program opposed by, 269–70
and rebuilding of post-Vietnam Army, 337–38, 340
relief policy of, 242–47
on rotation system, 278–79
on Tet Offensive, 290
Vietnam War approach of, 238–39
World War II experience of, 2, 5–6, 244
Dereliction of Duty (McMaster), 258, 431, 443
Desert One (hostage rescue operation), 361
Desert Storm, Operation, 386
D’Este, Carlo, 474n, 475n, 478n, 480n, 481n, 498n
deterrence strategy, 205
Devers, Jacob, 71, 108, 170, 484n
Dewey, Thomas, 103, 104
DeWitt, John, 46
DeYoung, Karen, 527n
Dien Bien Phu, Battle of, 5, 222, 223, 224, 288
Dill, James, 128
Dixon, Thomas, 479n
Doehle, D. A., 501n
Dole, Bob, 394
Dong Van Khuyen, 273, 509n
Donnelly, William, 494n, 500n
Donovan, James, 508n
Doughty, Robert, 499n, 505n, 510n
Douglas, Henry Kyd, 472n
Dowdy, Joe D., 405–7, 409
Doyle, Peter, 328
draft (conscription), 113, 210, 333
Drechler, Donald, 531n
Drogin, Bob, 527n
drone aircraft, 13
Drucker, Peter, 251, 506n
Drum, Hugh, 19, 41, 102–3
Dubik, James, 390, 433, 487n, 508n
Dugan, Michael, 374, 462
Dundon, James, 245
Dunkirk evacuation, 83
Dunlap, Charles, Jr., 403
Dunn, John, 229
Durbrow, Elbridge, 224
East of Chosin (Appleman), 170
Echevarria, Antulio, 385, 475n, 525n
Eckhardt, William, 306, 513n, 515n
Edwards, Clarence, 21
Edwin, Ed, 477n
Effective Executive, The (Drucker), 251
Eichelberger, Robert, 100, 103, 197
Eighth Army, U.S., 4, 129, 133, 176, 182–84, 189–90
8th Infantry Division, U.S., 185
8th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 424
80th Division, Chinese, 141
82nd Airborne Division, U.S., 178, 413
Eikenberry, Karl, 440
Eikmeier, Dale, 445
Eisenhower, David, 474n
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 4, 8, 10, 18, 24, 34–35, 36–37, 40–58, 59, 67, 69, 80, 83, 104, 109, 110–11, 114, 115, 116, 126, 153, 186, 198, 207, 223, 243, 290, 369, 378, 382, 389, 394, 460, 472n, 473n, 474n, 475n, 476n, 477n, 478n, 479n, 480n, 481n, 482n, 483n, 484n, 487n, 498n
ambition of, 42
on Battle of the Bulge, 106
Bonus Marchers and, 61, 370
de Guingand’s assessment of, 49–52
drinking of, 73–74, 85
Fredendall’s relief and, 51–52, 54–55
injured knee episode and, 84–85
in interwar period, 42–43
on MacArthur, 101–2
MacArthur’s criticism of, 199–200
Marshall’s testing of, 40–46
Medal of Honor declined by, 100
military career of, 41–42
mistakes of, 50–51
Montgomery’s first meeting with, 81–82
Montgomery’s relationship with, 85–86, 88–89, 91, 93–95
Operation Torch and, 49, 51–54, 57
Patton praised by, 63–64
Patton’s slapping incidents and, 61–62
persona of, 42–43
political career of, 44–45
relief policy of, 53–56, 57
Simpson praised by, 108–9
war aims memo of, 48–49
World War II strategy of, 45–47
Eisenhower, John S. D., 207, 478n
Eisenhower, Mamie Doud, 186, 473n
Eisenhower, Milton, 44
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, U.S., 236, 318
11th Light Infantry Brigade, U.S., 294
Eliot, George Fielding, 35, 45, 210, 212, 500n
Elliott, David, 507n
Ellis, John, 87–88, 481n, 485n
Ellsberg, Daniel, 270
El Salvador, 426
Elsenborn Ridge, Battle of, 4
Elsey, George, 498n
Elton, Robert, 493n, 495n, 496n
Emerson, Henry, 124, 486n
English, John, 109, 475n, 485n
Enter the Dragon (Spurr), 166
Ewell, Julian, 316, 516n
“Experience in Command and Battle Deaths,” 279
Ezell, Robert, 159–60
Faith, Don, Jr., 136–39, 141–44, 145, 146, 148, 159, 370
leadership failure of, 169–70
Faith, John, 391, 526n
Falaise pocket, 362–63
Falk, Sayce, 532n
Falklands War, 70
Fallon, William, 430
fascism, 28
of Willoughby, 140–41
Fautua, David, 494n
Fay, George, 529n
Fehrenbach, T. R., 176, 492n, 494n
Ferguson, Ernest, 499n
Ferrari, John, 390
Ferrell, Robert, 482n, 483n, 484n, 498n, 502n
Fick, Nathaniel, 405, 528n
V Corps, U.S., 56
5th Infantry Division, U.S., 22
5th Marine Regiment, U.S., 136, 151–52, 160–61, 163, 164, 173
5th Mechanized Division, Iraqi, 377
15th Evacuation Hospital, U.S., 60
15th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 74, 177, 340
Fighter Weapons School (Top Gun), 338
Fiji, 46
Filkins, Dexter, 423, 530n
Finkel, Meir, 91, 482n
Fire Support Base Mary Ann massacre, 329–30
1st Armored Division, U.S., 56, 76, 111, 379, 414–15
First Army, U.S., 6, 92, 111
1st Cavalry Division, U.S., 187, 316
I Corps, U.S., 184
1st Infantry Division (Big Red One), U.S., 3, 23, 60, 75, 77–79, 110, 111, 241–42, 245, 246, 247, 250, 251, 270, 273, 318
1st Marine Division, U.S., 132, 139, 148, 155–59, 162, 164, 167–68, 170
1st Marine Motor Transport Battalion, U.S., 147
Fisher, Eddie, 4
502nd Infantry Regiment, U.S., 428
flexible response, 209
FM 22–100 (field manual), 211–12
FM 100–5 (field manual), 344–48, 356
Foreign Affairs, 383
Fort Benning, 45, 208, 331, 344
Airborne School of, 235
Infantry School of, 124, 177
Fort Bragg, 209
Fort Dix, 207
Fort Donelson, 38
Fort Douglas, 19
Fort Leavenworth, 331–32, 348, 356, 388
Cushman’s symposia at, 341–44
Fort Ord, 352
Fort Sam Houston, 40
Fort Sill, 56
Fort Ticonderoga, 22
Fortune, 212–13
Foster, Chad, 388
Fourth Army, U.S., 187
4th Infantry Division, U.S., 304, 413, 422, 443
42nd Infantry (Rainbow) Division, U.S., 96
45th Infantry Division, U.S., 4, 66, 114, 520n
409th Sapper Battalion, Viet Cong, 329–30
Fox Company, 7th Marine Regiment, U.S., 159, 161, 168, 174
France, 23, 24, 29, 36, 42, 83, 130
France, Donald, 139
Franco, Francisco, 140
Frank, Benis, 492n, 509n
Frank, Richard, 472n
Frankfurter, Felix, 34
Franks, Frederick M. Jr., 380–82, 525n
Franks, Tommy R., 9, 31, 343, 359, 396, 397–404, 411, 414, 440, 447, 527n, 528n
civi-military discourse and, 403–4
Cushman on, 398
failure of, 398–401
leadership of, 402–3
memoir of, 402–3, 404
Operation Anaconda and, 399–401
political career of, 418–19
political nature of war and, 397–98
Tora Bora battle and, 398–99, 403
Fredendall, Lloyd, 18, 57, 58, 75, 182
relief of, 51–52, 54–55
Frederick, Jim, 428, 530n
Frizzell, Donaldson, 510n, 517n
Fulton, William, 249
Funderburk, Raymond, 475n
Gabriel, Richard, 517n
Gallipoli, Battle of, 69
Ganderson, Martin, 514n
Garfield, James, 115
Garland, Albert, 479n, 510n, 511n
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 370, 523n
Gates, Horatio, 22
Gates, John, 239, 284, 504n, 508n, 511n
Gates, Robert, 430, 436, 440, 443, 445
Gavin, James, 50, 63, 67, 118, 203, 485n
Marshall system criticized by, 109–10
Gay, Hobart “Hap,” 186–87
Gelb, Leslie, 503n
Gelb, Norman, 83, 480n, 481n
Gembara, Vivian, 422, 424, 530n
General Electric, 449
General Motors Corporation, 203
accountability and, 213, 445
brigadier level of, 9
chain of command and, 152–53
civil-military relations and, 252–59
corporate mode of, 117–18, 204–5
education and, 420–21
“feel of battle” and, 67–68
of MacArthur, 125–26, 127, 130–31
Marshall’s approach to, 38–39
Marshall system and, 10–11
personality and, 7–9
prebattle decisions and, 151–52
presidency and, 114–16
SAMS training and, 357–59
Simpson and ideal of, 108
successful, 43
team playing and, 26–27, 37–38
traits required for, 9–10, 24–27, 57–58
Yingling’s critique of, 441–44
see also strategy
General’s Life, A (Bradley), 479n
George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, 444
Germany, Federal Republic of (West Germany), 347
Germany, Nazi, 18
Kristallnacht in, 27
Germany, occupied, 119
Gerow, Leonard, 43–44, 53–54
Giap, Vo Nguyen, 260
Gibbons, William Conrad, 512n
Gillem, Alvan, 107
Gillon, Steven, 471n
Ginder, P. D., 2–3, 5
Gittinger, Ted, 503n, 505n
Gladstone, William, 448
Glass, Carter, 112
Glover, Rupert, 497n
Godsil, Russell, 414–15
Góis Monteiro, Pedro Aurélio de, 32
Goldich, Robert, 383
Goldman, Russell, 479n
Gole, Henry, 6, 213, 337–38, 346, 467n, 468n, 474n, 499n, 500n, 501n, 505n, 519n, 521n
Gonzalez, Ernest, 159
Gooch, John, 493n
Goodpaster, Andrew, 207, 499n, 502n
Goodwin, Donald, 518n
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 252, 258, 291, 506n, 507n, 512n
Goodwood, Operation, 82
Goolrick, Robert E. M., 112
Gordon, Andrew, 489n
Gordon, Michael, 376, 380–81, 524n, 525n
Gore, Al, 526n
Gorman, Paul, 246, 276, 317–18, 338, 447, 467n, 505n, 510n, 516n, 519n
Goulden, Joseph, 487n, 488n
Graff, Henry, 230, 503n
Graham, Donald, 248
Graham, Miles, 481n
Grant, Ulysses S., 26, 38, 114
Grau, Lester, 528n
Gray, Colin, 393, 527n
Great Britain, 24, 49, 83, 238
Great Depression, 46
Greenfield, Kent Roberts, 478n
Griffith, Thomas, Jr., 469n
Griswold, Oscar, 100
Guadalcanal, Battle of, 173
Guam, 150
Guderian, Heinz, 29
Gugeler, Russell A., 476n, 490n
Gulf of Tonkin incident, 256
Gulf War of 1991, 335, 339, 346, 349, 398, 462, 526n
air campaign in, 373–75, 377
as the anti–Vietnam War, 372, 384–86
assessment of, 384–85
Cheney’s intervention in, 376
civil-military divide and, 382–83
containment phase in aftermath of, 386–87
failure of U.S. generalship in, 377
ground offensive in, 377–78, 379
Israel and, 375–76
Khafji battle in, 376–77
Medina Ridge battle in, 379
no-fly zones and, 387
Powell-Schwarzkopf exchanges in, 377–78
proposed rotation system in, 373
relief issue in, 362–63, 365, 379–82
SAMS-trained officers in, 358–59
Saudi Arabia in, 376–77
Schwarzkopf as commander in, 371–74
Schwarzkopf-Franks clash in, 380–82
Scud missiles in, 375–76
Shiite uprising in, 383
termination of, 382–83, 386
Weinberger Doctrine and, 372–73
Haditha massacre, 427
Hagood, Johnson, 19
Haig, Alexander, Jr., 115, 122, 246, 266, 303, 335–36, 486n, 505n, 519n
Haislip, Wade Hampton “Ham,” 79, 186, 480n, 496n
Haiti, 389
Haldeman, H. R., 335, 519n
Hamilton, David, 477n, 478n
Hamilton, Nigel, 475n
Hammer, Richard, 513n
Hammond, Jeffery, 443
Hammond, William, 486n
Hannibal, 57
Hansen, Laurence, 481n
Harding, Edwin, 17
Harkins, Paul, 221, 229–30, 231, 291, 462
Harmon, Ernest, 50, 56–57, 59, 107, 111, 476n, 484n, 485n
Harrell, Margaret, 530n
Harriman, Averell, 125
Harrington, Myron, 292
Harrison, Benjamin, 115
Harrison, Gordon, 467n
Harrison, William, 114
Hart, B. H. Liddell, 481n
Hart, Jessica, 532n
Harvard Business School, 235, 248
Hauser, William, 517n, 518n
Hawaii, 46
Hayes, Rutherford B., 114
Hayne, Frank, 485n
Hazen, David, 513n, 515n
Hearst Newspapers, 201
Hébert, Edward, 308
Heinl, Robert D., 498n
Henderson, Oran, 298, 300–302, 305, 306, 514n
My Lai report of, 301–2
Hennessy, Michael, 269, 508n
Henry, William, 204, 499n
Herbert, Paul, 342, 344, 346–47, 348, 520n, 521n
Hermes, Walter G., 509n
Herring, George, 509n
Herrington, Alan, 135
Herrington, Stuart, 249, 506n
Hersh, Seymour, 513n
Hess, Jerry, 482n
Hickey, Doyle, 184
Hitler, Adolf, 27
Hix, Bill, 426
Hixson, Walter, 516n
Hobbs, Joseph, 474n, 475n, 476n, 477n
Ho Chi Minh Trail, 271, 274
Hodes, “Hammerin’ Hank,” 138, 143, 149
Hodges, Courtney, 50, 79, 111
Hodson, Kenneth, 308
Holbrooke, Richard, 290
Holcomb, Bankson, 492n
Holgrun, Peter, 158
Holland, Matthew, 474n
Hollingsworth, James, 243–44, 520n
Holloway, Charles, Jr., 162, 164, 488n, 492n, 493n
Holmes, David, 280, 510n
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 151
Hooker, Joseph, 22
Hoover, Herbert, 61, 103, 126
Hopkins, Harry, 483n
Hopkins, William, 158, 488n, 492n, 497n
Horan, Becca, 504n
Horne, Alistair, 481n
House of Representatives, U.S., 461
Armed Services Committee of, 362
Hovell, Bergen, 502n
Howard, Michael, 285, 450, 532n
Hue, Battle of, 283
Huebner, Clarence, 50, 77–78, 474n, 485n
Hue massacre, 292
Hunt, H. L., 198
Hunt, John, 245
Hunt, Richard, 272, 509n
Huong Van Ba, 282, 323
Hürtgen Forest, Battle of, 4
Hussein, Qusay, 435
Hussein, Saddam, 362, 372–73, 383–84, 386–87, 402, 410, 526n
Hussein, Uday, 435
Imparato, Edward, 497n
Indian wars, 19
Infantry, 213
Infantry Journal, 43
Information Age, 385, 389, 451, 455
Instant Thunder campaign, Operation, 373
Iran, 48, 367
hostage rescue debacle in, 361
Iraq conflict and, 526n
Iran-Contra scandal, 370
Iraq war, 7, 8, 11, 12, 18, 31, 118, 248, 271, 272, 319, 335, 337, 343, 349, 361, 372, 387, 401, 462
Afghan war as sideshow to, 438–39
Black Hearts incident in, 427–29
civil-military divide and, 403–4, 411–13, 432, 434–35, 487n
civil war in, 429–30
counterinsurgency in, 420–21, 436–37
Curveball (defector) and, 395–96
democracy mission in, 412–13
in Franks’s memoir, 402–3, 404
Haditha massacre in, 427
insurgency in, 393–94, 398, 415, 417, 429–30, 437
Joint Chiefs and, 412, 417
leadership failure in, 419–22, 429
Petraeus’s revamped policy in, 433–34, 436
Powell’s UN speech and, 394–96
relief of Dowdy in, 405–7
relief policy in, 421–25, 432
rotation policy in, 456
Sunni-Shiite conflict in, 436–38
“surge” in, 424, 436
U.S. generalship in, 410–12
WMDs and, 416
Irish, Kerry, 483n–84n
Irving, Frederick, 37
Isby, David, 531n
isolationism, 28, 99, 167
Israel, 374
Gulf War and, 375
Italy, 37, 153
Anzio landings in, 68–71, 132, 381
Salerno landings in, 65–66, 69
Iwo Jima, Battle of, 173–74
Jackson, Andrew, 114
Jackson, Jonathan, 486n
Jackson, Thomas J. “Stonewall,” 19, 22, 26, 33
Jaffe, Greg, 531n
James, D. Clayton, 476n, 483n, 484n, 488n, 489n, 491n, 498n
Japan, 46, 104, 119, 190, 384
U.S. occupation of, 126
Jensen, Richard, 497n
Jeter, John, 184–85
Joffre, Joseph, 23, 470n
John Birch Society, 115
Johnson, Harold K., 123, 185, 189, 231–32, 248, 250, 258, 263, 276, 295, 332, 505n, 506n
DePuy’s conflict with, 242–47
Johnson, Louis, 30, 128
Johnson, Lyndon B., 13, 99–100, 105, 202, 220–21, 229, 235, 254, 268, 289, 319, 321, 332
civil-military relations and, 252–53
escalation strategy and, 205
Joint Chiefs excoriated by, 256–58, 325–26
Reserves decision of, 317
running in 1968 campaign declined by, 291
Westmoreland’s relationship with, 237, 290–91
Johnson, Richard, 78, 479n
Johnson, Shoshana, 406
Johnson Administration, 416
Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 12, 13, 31, 91, 116, 129, 131–32, 142, 158, 159, 174–75, 208, 234, 237, 247, 262, 290, 372, 374, 394, 433, 435, 436, 445, 447–48, 457
failure of, to confront LBJ, 256–58, 367–68, 371
Iraq war and, 412, 417
Kennedy’s distrust of, 220–22
Korean War debate in, 190–91, 193, 197–98
Powell as chairman of, 367–68, 371
Taylor and dissent memo of, 256–57, 258
Taylor as chairman of, 220–22
Vietnam conflict and, 222, 227–29
Joint Readiness Training Center ( JRTC), 353
Jones, Charles W., 507n
Jones, Seth, 530n, 531n
Jones, Steven, 211, 392, 422, 451, 500n, 527n, 530n, 532n
Jordan, Amos, 232
Jordan, Earle, 146
Jordan, Jonathan, 480n
Junction City operation, 270
Jungle Warfare School, British, 260–61
Kaplan, Fred, 531n
Karnow, Stanley, 235, 504n
Karp, Walter, 498n
Karpinski, Janis, 415
Kasserine Pass, Battle of, 53, 56, 233
Kean, William, 186–87
Keane, Jack, 388, 430, 434–35
Keegan, George, 281, 510n
Keegan, John, 470n
Keiser, Laurence, 133, 185, 187
Kellen, Konrad, 512n
Kelly, John, 406–7
Kelly, Justin, 525n
Kelly, Robert, 160
Kennedy, David, 471n
Kennedy, John F., 115, 215, 228–29, 231, 252, 332
Bay of Pigs debacle and, 219–20
Joint Chiefs distrusted by, 220–22
Taylor’s relationship with, 219–20, 227
Kennedy, Robert F., 219
Kenney, George, 17
Kerwin, Walter “Dutch,” 217–18, 320
Kesselring, Albert, 71
Khafji, Battle of, 376–77
Khe Sanh, siege of, 288
Killebrew, Robert, 357, 420
Kimmel, Husband, 17
Kinnard, Douglas, 220, 235, 239, 254, 499n, 501n, 502n, 504n, 506n, 511n
Kinnard, Harry, 269
Kirkland, Faris, 168–71, 174, 493n, 494n
Kissinger, Henry, 258, 291–92, 303, 335, 507n, 512n
Kitfield, James, 339–40, 350, 519n, 520n, 521n, 523n
Kittrell, William, 44, 473n
Klein, Gary, 521n
Knights, Michael, 526n, 529n, 531n
Knowlton, William, 295, 307
Knox, Donald, 490n, 492n, 493n
Kocour, Max, 2
Koenig, James, 245
Komer, Robert, 227, 264, 289, 320–21, 460, 503n, 508n, 517n, 532n
Koontz, Christopher, 531n
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of (North Korea), 122, 132, 191
Korea, Republic of (South Korea), 119, 122
Korean War, 4, 5, 11, 102, 110, 118, 119–75, 214, 237, 270, 296, 389, 390, 417, 449
Chosin campaign in, see Chosin campaign
Dean’s failed generalship in, 122–24
Inchon landings in, 125–26, 132
Joint Chiefs debate on, 190–91, 193, 197–98
MacArthur’s generalship in, 125–26, 127, 130–31, 133
onset of, 121
relief policy in, 122, 133–34, 183–89, 462
Ridgway’s handling of MacArthur in, 193–94
Ridgway’s taking command in, 176–77, 179–83, 192
rotation policy in, 275–76
Truman-MacArthur conflict in, 127–30, 180, 191, 192–93
U.S. command structure in, 127
U.S. unpreparedness in, 121–22
Wake Island meeting and, 128–30
Korean War, The (Ridgway), 178
Kosovo, 389, 462
Koster, Samuel, 295–96, 307, 425, 514n
My Lai cover-up and, 293–94, 300–301
My Lai investigation and, 304–5
Kozak, Jeffrey, 470n
Kraus, Theresa, 524n
Krepinevich, Andrew, Jr., 260, 263, 265, 269, 502n, 503n, 507n, 508n, 509n
Kristallnacht, 27
Kroesen, Frederick, 204, 330–31, 518n, 519n
Krohn, Charles, 260, 505n, 507n
Krueger, Walter, 34, 50, 100
Krulak, Victor, 268, 509n
Kuhl, Charles, 60
Kunk, Tom, 428–29
Kurds, 387, 435
Kuwait, 6, 248, 362, 372, 381, 382, 386, 387
La Bree, Clifton, 491n, 492n
Laird, Melvin, 319, 336
Landon, Alf, 102
Landrum, Eugene, 2–4
Lanning, Michael Lee, 505n, 516n
Laos, 271, 274
Larrabee, Eric, 98–99, 201, 472n, 473n, 481n, 483n, 484n, 485n, 487n, 499n
Latimer, George, 513n
Lear, Ben, 50
Leckie, Robert, 194, 497n
Lederman, Josh, 529n
Lee, Clark, 498n
Lejeune, John, 38, 490n
LeMay, Curtis, 115
Lemnitzer, Lyman, 220, 228
Lempke, Duane, 523n
Lemson, Roy, 477n, 478n
Lepre, George, 518n
Leu, Bernard, 108
Lewis, Adrian, 207, 276, 499n, 510n
Lewis, Bernard, 89–90, 481n
Lewis, Robert H., 472n
Lewis-Stempel, John, 474n
Lewy, Guenter, 281, 510n, 517n
Liebling, A. J., 478n, 479n
Lifton, Robert Jay, 297
Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy (Osgood), 206
Lincoln, Abraham, 22, 95, 448
Lindbergh, Charles, 196
Linn, Brian, 349–50, 473n, 500n, 519n, 521n, 523n, 526n
Literary Digest, 102
Little, Roger, 211, 500n
Little Bighorn, Battle of the, 138
Litzenberg, Homer, 160, 173
Lloyd, William, 297
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 229
Lombardi, Vince, 232
Long, Huey, 100–101
Long, Perrin, 60
Long March, 166
Loory, Stuart, 515n
Lucas, John, 68–71, 77, 110, 133, 381, 478n
Luter, John, 498n
Luvaas, Jay, 483n, 484n
Luxembourg, 29, 42
Lynch, Jessica, 406
Lynch, Rick, 510n
M1 Garand rifle, 15
MacArthur, Douglas, 8, 11, 17, 18, 41, 44, 47, 61, 85, 96–105, 106, 122, 125, 141, 150, 153, 176, 177, 179, 184, 188, 214, 236, 270, 291, 384, 394–95, 445, 462, 473n, 476n, 483n, 487n, 489n, 497n
Acheson on, 192
Bonus Marchers and, 61, 126, 370
Chief-of-staff position and, 97–98, 102–3
Chosin campaign and, 136, 142, 149, 166–67
congressional hearings on firing of, 197–98
cronyism of, 127
“die for a tie” proclamation of, 194
Eisenhower on, 101–2
FDR’s Hawaii meeting with, 104
FDR’s political strategy and, 98–101, 105
generalship of, 125–26, 127, 130–31
insubordination of, 192–93, 195–96
Joint Chiefs of Staff and, 190–91, 193, 197–98
Korean War generalship of, 127–30, 180, 191, 192–93
leadership style of, 96–97
legacy of, 201–2
Martin letter of, 195
Medal of Honor accepted by, 99–100, 124, 201–2
military career of, 96–98
modern obscurity of, 202
at 1952 Republican convention, 199
as political problem, 131–32
presidential ambition of, 101–4, 130, 193, 198–200
promoted to field marshal, 102
in return to U.S., 196–97
Ridgway’s relationship with, 179–80, 193–94
Ridgway’s success in Korea and, 190–91
self-importance of, 126–27
subordinates and, 100, 197
Truman’s conflict with, 127–30, 180, 191, 192–93
Truman’s firing of, 105, 196–97
Truman’s Wake Island meeting with, 128–30, 193, 198
ultraconservative backers of, 43–44, 198
Vietnam War influence of, 202, 214, 237
war with China advocated by, 194–98
in World War II, 126–27
MacArthur, Douglas, II, 223
MacArthur the Magnificent (Considine), 201
McCaffrey, Barry, 332, 336
McCarthy, Frank, 43–44
McCarthy, Joseph, 140–41, 199, 200–201, 206
McChrystal, Herbert, Jr., 337
McChrystal, Stanley, 440, 462
McClellan, George, 22, 95
McCloskey, Paul, Jr., 492n
McClure, Robert, 133–34, 185–86, 496n
McCormick, Robert, 140
MacDonald, Charles, 233, 480n, 484n, 496n, 505n
McDonald, David, 257–58
McDowell, Irvin, 22
MacFarland, Sean, 421, 529n
McGarr, Lionel, 211, 226
MacGarrigle, George, 486n, 505n, 506n, 507n, 513n
McGee, General, 159
McKellar, Charles, 160–61, 165–66
MacKelvie, Jay, 1–4
McKiernan, David, 439–40, 462
Macksey, Kenneth, 475n
McLain, Raymond, 5, 7
MacLean, Allan, 138, 141–42
McMahon, John, 22
McManus, John, 467n
McMaster, H. R., 100, 228, 256, 258, 431, 438, 441, 443, 483, 499n, 503n, 506n, 507n
McNair, Lesley, 33
McNamara, Robert, 228, 229–30, 236–37, 248, 253–55, 256, 262–63, 290, 319, 397, 416, 499n
McNarney, Joseph, 483n
McNeill, Dan, 440
McPherson, Renny, 532n
Mahaffey, Jane, 475n
Mahnken, Thomas, 500n
Malaysia, 261
Mallory, John, 471n
Malone, Dandridge M., 311, 341, 515n, 516n, 518n, 520n, 521n
Malson, Bruce, 523n
Manchester, William, 497n
Manchuria, 191, 195
Manning, Jennifer, 532n
Mansoor, Peter, 436, 475n, 481n, 531n
Mao Zedong, 166
Maraniss, David, 506n
Marine Corps, U.S., 12, 151, 172, 209, 223, 234, 255–56, 259, 320, 372
Haditha massacre and, 427
relief policy of, 405
rotation policy of, 456–57
23rd Division and, 295–96
Vietnam counterinsurgency approach of, 267–69, 271, 273
Markel, Wade, 38, 280, 468n, 472n, 473n, 510n
Market Garden, Operation, 87–88
Marsh, John, 353, 522n
Marshall, George C., 12, 15, 17–39, 56, 59, 62–63, 67, 69, 73, 83, 87, 90, 91, 96, 104, 106, 108, 109, 110–11, 116, 126, 150–51, 165, 177, 199, 206, 218, 219, 228, 251, 256, 290, 309, 330, 331, 332, 340, 351–52, 378, 382, 389, 419, 440, 445, 447, 449–50, 454, 470n, 471n, 483n, 489n, 490n–91n, 510n, 520n
Allen and, 74, 79–80
background of, 19
as chief of staff, 102–3, 178
common soldier and, 112–14
death of, 189
as defense secretary, 188–89
Eisenhower tested by, 40–46
FDR’s confrontation with, 27–30, 258
FDR’s relationship with, 31
generalship traits sought by, 10–11, 24–26, 57–58
“little black book” of, 24
MacArthur and, 97–98, 99, 101
McCarthy’s denunciation of, 200–201
management style of, 47, 49
military achievements of, 18
mistakes of, 50–51
Pershing and leadership of, 23–24
Pershing’s confrontations with, 20–21, 23, 27, 30
racial issues misperceived by, 153
relief policy of, see Marshall system
Ridgway’s recollection of, 177
in South America mission, 31–32, 178
teamwork valued by, 37–38, 117
Torch command decision of, 51–52
in World War I, 19–20, 23
Marshall, S. L. A., 133–34, 155, 167, 276, 488n, 504n
Marshall Plan, 43
Marshall system, 8, 11, 17–18, 32–37, 101, 185, 450–52, 453, 454
critics of, 109–10
effectiveness of, 109–12
in Korean War, 185, 187
legacy of, 116–18
politics of, 112–16
in post-Korean War Army, 213–14
Starry’s acceptance of, 361
teamwork and, 37–38, 117
Martin, Frederick, 17
Martin, Joe, 195
Martin, Paul, 164
Martin, Robert, 123
Maslowski, Peter, 469n, 499n
Mason, John T., Jr., 501n
massive retaliation, doctrine of, 209
Matloff, Maurice, 469n, 495n
Matthews, Lloyd, 352, 521n, 526n, 530n
Matthews, Sidney T., 477n, 478n, 481n
Mattis, James, 405–9, 433, 440, 445, 528n
Mauldin, Bill, 114
Maurer, Harry, 506n, 516n
May, Hugh, 493n
Meade, George, 22
Meadlo, Paul, 302–3
Medal of Honor, 99–100, 197, 477n, 483n
in Chosin campaign, 170, 174
of MacArthur, 99–100, 124, 201–2
Medina, Ernest, 296, 297–98, 299, 300, 306
Medina Ridge, Battle of, 379
Meet the Press, 233
Meigs, Montgomery, 332, 392–93, 519n, 527n
Mellenthin, Friedrich von, 90, 481n
Mexico, 107
Meyer, Edward, 350, 485n
Meyer, Harold, 467n, 468n, 502n
Michaelis, John, 183
Michaud, Doug, 161
Michener, James, 187, 496n
relief policy and, 13, 58
trust and, 360
in U.S. Army, 210, 211–12, 359–61, 390–92
in Vietnam War, 278
Westmoreland and, 204
Middle East, 48, 387, 412, 430
Middleton, Troy, 50, 66, 114, 520n
Mikolashek, Paul, 440
Milburn, Frank “Shrimp,” 187–88
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV), 235
Military Review, 209, 212, 345, 391, 392
Miller, Albert, 103–4
Miller, Merle, 497n, 498n
Millett, Allan, 72, 189–90, 469n, 478n, 486n, 487n, 496n, 497n, 499n
Missouri, USS, 384
Mitchell, Sergeant, 298
Mock, Herb, 325
Mockler-Ferryman, Eric, 54
Moellering, John, 508n
Montgomery, Bernard Law, 11, 49, 54, 81–95, 106, 108, 480n, 481n, 482n
Anglo-American relations and, 82–83, 89–91, 95
in Battle of the Bulge, 88–89, 92–93
egotism of, 85, 94
Eisenhower’s first meeting with, 81–82
Eisenhower’s relationship with, 85–88, 95
oddness of, 81, 88
Operation Market Garden and, 87–88
promoted to field marshal, 83
relief policy of, 94–95
U.S. military as viewed by, 82
war strategy of, 83
Montgomery, David, 481n
Montross, Lynn, 488n
Morelock, J. D., 107, 468n, 472n, 484n
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 29–30
Mormons, 19
Morse, Wayne, 256
Mortrude, James, 144
Moskos, Charles C., 518n
MPRI, 390
Muir, James, 224
Mullen, William, 467n
Munich agreement, 27
Murchison, Clint, 198
Murphy, Charles J. V., 500n
Murray, Raymond, 136, 160, 173
Murray, Williamson, 72, 478n, 486n
Myers, Richard, 12
My Lai massacre, 240, 279, 293–314, 341, 370, 425
Barker’s Combat Action Report and, 301
chain of command and, 293, 300, 305
Charlie Company in, 294–96
cover-up of, 293–94, 300–306
failure of leadership in, 309–10
Henderson’s report on, 301–2
killings in, 298–300
loss of documents and evidence in, 304–6
Meadlo’s confession in, 302–3
officer corps’s reputation and, 311–14
onset of, 296–97
Peers’s investigation of, 304–5, 309
Peers’s memo to Westmoreland on, 309–11
political pressure and, 306–8
politicization of, 303
prosecutions in, 306–8
rapes and looting in, 298–99
revelation of, 294
Thompson’s intervention in, 294–95, 300–302
Thompson’s testimony and, 308
Westmoreland and, 303, 307, 309–10
Wilson’s investigation of, 302–3
Nagl, John, 442
Napoleon I, emperor of France, ix, 410
Nashville, USS, 32
National Liberation Front, 259
National Training Center (NTC), 338–39
Nautilus, USS, 207
Naval Academy, 409
Navy, U.S., 12, 38, 98, 215, 222, 372
command traditions in, 12–13
Fighter Weapons School (Top Gun) of, 338
post–Korean War expansion of, 207, 208
Rainbow 5 war plan of, 47
relief policy of, 452
War Plan Orange of, 46
Nelsen, John, 471n
Nenninger, Timothy, 470n
Netherlands, 29, 42, 88
New Deal, 28, 104
Newell, John, III, 524n
Newman, Aubrey, 212, 500n
Newsweek, 247
New York Times, 198, 199, 423
New Zealand, 46
Ngo Dinh Diem, 224–25, 265
Ngo Minh Khoi, 286
Ngo Quang Truong, 225, 226, 272–73, 502n, 509n, 510n
Nguyen Cong Minh, 292
Nguyen Ngoc Bich, 512n
Nguyen Ngoc Loan, 287
Nguyen Thi Dinh, 281–82, 324
Nguyen Thi Hoa, 283
Nguyen Van Nghi, 282
Nicaragua, 370
Nielsen, Suzanne, 361, 523n
Nimitz, Chester, 98, 151
Ninth Army, U.S., 94, 107–8
9th Division, Viet Cong, 250
9th Infantry Division, U.S., 53, 316
9th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 4
90th Infantry Division, U.S., 1–8, 241, 244, 467n
92nd Infantry Division, U.S., 153–54
Nitze, Paul, 113, 485n
Nixon, Richard, 291, 303, 306, 319, 321, 335–36
Nolan, Keith, 278, 328, 509n, 510n, 518n
Noriega, Manuel, 362
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 117, 200
Afghan war and, 439
North Vietnamese Army (NVA), 294, 315–16
Norway, 83
Obama, Barack, 419, 440
Obama Administration, 439–40
Oberdorfer, Don, 511n, 512n
Odierno, Raymond, 422, 424, 433–36
Offenhauer, Priscilla, 526n
Okinawa, 38
Olsen, John Andreas, 475n
Olson, James, 513n, 514n
O’Meara, Andrew, Jr., 236, 504n
101st Airborne Division, U.S., 219, 302, 318, 335, 340–41, 413, 420, 428–29, 433, 435
101st Regiment, Viet Cong, 286
104th Infantry Division, U.S., 79
On War (Clausewitz), 42
Open Arms (Chieu Hoi) amnesty program, 270
Operation Anaconda, 399–400
Operation Goodwood, 82
Operation Instant Thunder, 373
Operation Junction City, 270
Operation Market Garden, 87–88
Operation Torch, 49, 51–52
Organizational Effectiveness Training Center, 352–53
Organization Man, The (Whyte), 203
Osgood, Robert, 205–6, 499n, 501n
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 115
Owen, Joseph, 164, 492n
Pace, Eric, 485n
Pace, Peter, 12, 31, 436
Pakistan, 399, 439
Palkki, David, 524n, 525n, 526n
Palmer, Bruce, Jr., 218, 254, 296, 513n
Palmer, Dave Richard, 219, 281, 288, 501n, 510n, 512n
Panama, 42, 349, 362, 462
Panetta, Leon, 445
Parameters, 174, 392–93
Parker, Jay, 227, 502n, 503n
Parliament, British, 50
Partridge, John, 164–65, 173–74
Pasco, Merrill, 74
Patch, Alexander, 100
Patriot antiaircraft system, 339
Patton, George S., 9, 10, 18, 42, 52, 54–55, 59–64, 65, 71, 72, 84, 89, 92, 101, 105, 106–7, 114, 229, 270, 460, 520n
Allen and, 75, 78
on Bradley, 117–18
Eisenhower’s praise of, 63–64
Harmon and, 56–57
relieved of 3rd Army command, 111–12
in slapping incidents, 60–62
Patton (film), 43
Payne, Robert, 469n
Pearl, Ray, 165
Pearl Harbor attack, 17, 40, 43, 126, 199, 397
Peers, William “Ray,” 9, 279, 304, 306–7, 341, 510n, 514n, 515n
My Lai memo to Westmoreland from, 309–11
Peleliu, Battle of, 151, 172
Peloponnesian War (Thucydides), 50
Peng Dehuai, 130, 157, 166, 488n
Pentagon, see Defense Department, U.S.
Pentomic Army, 208–9, 219
People’s Army, North Korean, 119
People’s Liberation Army, Chinese, 355
Perlman, Michael, 501n, 506n
Perret, Geoffrey, 473n, 476n
Pershing, John “Blackjack,” 24, 45, 133
Marshall’s confrontations with, 20–21, 23
relief policy of, 21–23, 185
Persico, Joseph, 523n
Persons, Benjamin, 497n
Peters, Gerhard, 516n
Petillo, Carol, 484n
Petraeus, David, 9, 272, 408, 413, 420, 432–38, 440, 447, 460, 531n
civil-military relations and, 432, 434–35
military and political opponents of, 435–36
military approach of, 433–34, 436
promoted to Central Command, 438
retirement of, 445–46
Sunni insurgency and, 436–38
Philippines, 42, 45–47, 99, 100, 102, 104, 107, 126, 473n–74n
Philippine Sea, USS, 222
Phoenix Program, 248, 324–25
Phony War, 29
Pierce, Dorothy, 508n
Pogue, Forrest, 93, 130, 469n, 470n, 471n, 472n, 475n, 476n, 480n, 481n, 482n, 483n, 484n, 487n, 491n, 494n, 497n, 498n
Poirier, David, 424–25
Poland, 18, 28
Polaris A-1 SLBM, 207
Polk, James, 55, 475n
Pope, John, 22
Powell, Colin, 4–6, 9, 337, 523n, 524n, 525n
background of, 367–68
Battle of Khafji and, 377
as chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, 367–68, 371, 378
Gulf War termination and, 384–85
military career of, 369–71
relief issue and, 379
Schwarzkopf’s exchanges with, 377–78
UN speech of, 394–96
Weinberger Doctrine and, 372–73
as White House Fellow, 368–69
Powell, Enoch, 50
Prange, Gordon, 469n
Price, Carrol, 136
Price, Frank James, 477n, 485n
Prickett, Fay, 381
Prohibition, 74
PROVN report, 264
Pryer, Douglas, 418, 529n
Puller, Lewis “Chesty,” 158, 173
Puryear, Edgar, 485n
Pyle, Ernie, 116
Queen Mary, 48
Radford, Arthur, 222
Rainbow 5 (war plan), 47
Ramsey, David, Jr., 212, 500n
RAND Corporation, 404, 421, 458
Ransone, James, Jr., 143, 145
Rayner, Richard, 479n
Reader’s Digest, 234
“Readiness for the Little War—Optimum Integrated Strategy,” 209
Reagan, Ronald, 202, 370, 372, 486n
Reagan Administration, 370
Record, Jeffrey, 325, 517n
Red Army, Soviet, 172, 336, 347
Red Guards, 166
Reed, George, 421–22, 530n
Reid, Brian, 477n
Reid, Tilden, 352, 521n
relief, relief policy:
in Afghan war, 439–40
of Allen, 77–79, 110
by civilian overseers, 214, 362, 439–40
of Dawley, 66–67, 69
of DePuy, 242–47
of Dowdy, 405–7
Drucker’s model of, 251
of Fredendall, 51–52, 54–55
French practice of, 22–23
in Gulf War, 362–63, 365, 379–82
in Iraq war, 421–25, 432
in Korean War, 122, 133–34, 183–89, 462
of Lucas, 68–71, 133
of MacArthur, 105
of Marine Corps, 405
micromanagement and, 13, 58
Montgomery’s view of, 94–95
morale and, 110
of Navy, 452
in 90th Infantry Division, 1–6
of Patton, 111–12
of Pershing, 21–23, 185
politics of, 11
in post–Gulf War Army, 392–93
in pre–World War II era, 32–34
probation proposal and, 453
public disclosure of, 452
rapid advancement and, 35
retirement of talented officers and, 453–54
of Ridgway, 183–88
Sassaman example of, 422–25
Schwarzkopf and, 379–80
second chances and, 37
Starry’s acceptance of, 361
today, 7–8, 12
in U.S. Civil War, 448
in Vietnam War, 266–67, 278
in World War I, 21–23, 185
in World War II, 11–12, 17–19, 38–39, 69–71, 110, 112, 185, 187, 188, 251, 381
see also Marshall system
Republican Guard, Iraqi, 380–82, 384
Republican National Convention of 1944, 104
Republican National Convention of 1952, 199, 394
Republican National Convention of 1996, 394
Republican Party, U.S., 394, 432
Revolutionary Guards, Iranian, 526n
Rhee, Syngman, 181
Richardson, James, 17
Richardson, Robert “Nelly,” 171
Richardson, Sid, 44–45, 198
Richardson, William, 326, 330, 354–55, 357
Ricks, Thomas E., 528n, 529n, 530n, 531n
Ridenhour, Ron, 298–99, 302, 304
Ridgway, Matthew, 8, 32, 67, 93, 97, 121, 133, 138, 154, 156, 167, 169, 175, 196, 203, 218, 222, 243, 340, 432, 435, 471n, 489n, 491n, 493n, 494n, 495n, 496n, 497n, 502n
Collins’s correspondence with, 183–84, 187–89
Korean War effort salvaged by, 176–77, 179–83, 192
on leadership, 178–79
MacArthur’s relations with, 179–80, 193–94
Marshall recollected by, 177
relief policy of, 183–88
Rhee’s visit with, 181
Smith praised by, 167
in South American mission, 31–32, 178
Truman-Marshall conflict and, 180, 191
Vietnam involvement opposed by, 222–23
Riggs, Gary, 321
Rindberg, William, 284
Robbins, Hugh, 144–45
Robbins, James, 511n
Roberts, Elvy, 316
Roberts, Randy, 513n, 514n
Robins, Lee, 518n
Roe, Patrick, 161–62, 167, 487n, 492n, 493n, 494n
Rogers, Bernard, 353
Rogers, Paul, 474n
Rogers, R. J., 479n
Rogers, Sasha, 532n
Rolling Stone, 440
Rolling Thunder campaign, 373
Rommel, Erwin, 29, 90
Ronan, Charles, 468n
Roosevelt, Elliott, 483n
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 17, 18, 96, 112, 126–27, 153, 178, 237, 448, 483n
MacArthur and political strategy of, 98–101, 105
MacArthur’s Hawaii meeting with, 104
Marshall’s confrontations with, 27–30, 258
Marshall’s relationship with, 31
1940 election and, 28–29
Roosevelt, Theodore, 115
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 3, 78
Rose, Gideon, 383, 525n
Rose, Maurice, 50, 110
Rosenbaum, Justin, 443
rotation policy, 313–14, 318
DePuy on, 278–79
in Korean War, 275–76
My Lai massacre and, 279
risk aversion and, 277–78, 280
Schwarzkopf’s proposal for, 373
South Vietnamese military and, 279
“ticket punching” and, 278, 280
and units vs. individuals, 456–57
in Vietnam War, 275–79, 318, 456
Rowen, Henry, 374
Rudesheim, Frederick, 423
Ruffner, Clark, 157, 171
Rumsfeld, Donald, 396, 397, 403–4, 416, 435, 445, 528n
military failings of, 399–401
Rundstedt, Gerd von, 27, 288–89
Rusk, Dean, 255, 262–63, 290
Russ, Martin, 146, 488n, 489n, 490n, 491n, 492n, 493n
Ryan, Cornelius, 480n, 482n
St. Onge, Robert, Jr., 357–58
St. Vith, Battle of, 93
Saipan, Battle of, 38, 171, 173, 174
Salerno landings, 65–66, 69
Salmoni, Barak, 532n
Sanchez, Ricardo, 9, 115–16, 343, 402, 410–19, 426, 435, 460, 528n, 529n
Abu Ghraib scandal and, 415, 418, 427
Bacevich’s criticism of, 417
Bremer’s conflict with, 411–12
Cushman’s criticism of, 414–16
forced retirement of, 417–18
incompetence of, 411–14, 416–18
inflexibility of, 413–14
micromanaging by, 412
Santoli, Al, 316, 517n, 518n
Sarantakes, Nicholas Evan, 473n
Sassaman, Nathan, 422–25, 530n
Saudi Arabia, 376–77
Savage, Paul, 517n
Saville, Jack, 424
Scales, Robert, Jr., 518n, 519n, 525n
Schaller, Michael, 484n
Schanze, A. E., 498n
Schelling, Thomas, 204–5, 499n
Schifferle, Peter, 471n
Schirmer, Peter, 530n
Schlesinger, James, 404
Schnabel, James, 486n, 487n, 488n, 497n
School of Advanced International Studies, 7
School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), 356–59, 362, 389, 392, 420, 441
first generals from, 357–58
in Gulf War, 358–59
in Iraq invasion, 359
Schubert, Frank, 524n
Schuyler, Philip, 22
Schwartz, Norton, 13
Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, 9, 207–8, 238, 327, 358, 397, 500n, 504n, 518n, 523n, 524n, 525n
assessment of, 384–85
background of, 367–68
Battle of Khafji and, 377
Frederick Franks’s clash with, 380–82
Gulf War command and, 371–72, 373
Powell’s exchanges with, 377–78
relief issue and, 379–80
rotation system proposal of, 373
Scud missiles issue and, 375–76
shortcomings of, 373–74, 381–82, 384–85, 398
war termination and, 382–83
Scowcroft, Brent, 374
Scud missiles, 375–76, 398
Seaman, Jonathan, 307–8, 505n
2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, U.S., 379
2nd Armored Division, U.S., 56, 107, 111
2nd Infantry Division, U.S., 4, 132–33, 185, 187
Selective Service Act of 1940, 113
Senate, U.S., 461
Sepp, Kalev, 426
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 397, 398
7th Cavalry Regiment, U.S., 74
VII Corps, U.S., 380
7th Infantry Division, U.S., 132, 138, 146, 170, 186
7th Marine Regiment, U.S., 139, 152, 158, 160, 164–65, 173
Fox Company of, 159, 161, 168, 174
73 Easting, Battle of, 379
75th Infantry Division, U.S., 108, 381
Sheehan, Neil, 266, 268, 505n, 508n, 509n
Sheehy, John, 3
Shelton, James, 506n
Shepherd, Lemuel, 156–57
Sherman, William T., 26
Sherwood, Carlton, 248
Sherwood, Robert, 469n, 483n
Shiites, 436–38, 526n
Shinseki, Eric, 403, 416
Shirer, William, 471n
Shisler, Gail, 491n, 493n
Shkurti, William, 518n
Shoemaker, Raymond, 500n
Short, Walter, 17
Shortal, John, 483n, 498n
Shu Guang Zhang, 491n
Shumlinson, Jack, 509n
Sibert, William, 20–21
Sibley, Frank Palmer, 470n
Sicily campaign, 7–8, 60, 61–62, 81, 178
Allen in, 76–77
Sieg, Kent, 512n
Siegfried Line, 116
Simmons, Charles, 233
Simmons, Edwin H., 234, 489n, 490n, 493n, 494n
Simpson, Varnado, 298, 514n
Simpson, William, 93–94, 106–9, 484n
in Battle of the Bulge, 107–8
Eisenhower’s praise of, 108–9
leadership style of, 107–9
Simpson, William J., 245
Sinnreich, Richard, 332, 356, 362
VI Corps, U.S., 66, 68, 70, 110
6th Infantry Division, U.S., 218
65th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 276
Smith, Bedell, 40–41, 151
Smith, Edward, 506n
Smith, Gayle, 327–28
Smith, Holland M. “Howlin’ Mad,” 38, 167, 171
Smith, Jean Edward, 479n
Smith, Neil, 444
Smith, O. P., 121, 146, 148, 150–58, 182, 195, 490n, 492n, 493n
Almond distrusted by, 154–55
chain of command and, 156–57
defensive plan of, 157–58
Hagaru-ri march and, 162–64, 166
military background of, 150–51, 172–73
modern obscurity of, 167–68
prebattle decisions of, 151–52
Ridgway’s praise of, 167
see also Chosin campaign
Smith, Ralph, 38, 171
Smithsonian Institution, 384
Smyth, Howard, 477n, 478n, 479n, 481n
Smythe, Donald, 469n
Snider, Don, 526n
Somalia, 389
Sorley, Lewis, 232, 233–34, 319, 468n, 486n, 499n, 503n, 504n, 505n, 506n, 507n, 509n, 512n, 516n, 517n, 519n, 520n, 521n, 523n
Soviet Union, 48, 131, 172, 205, 215, 275, 346, 389, 449
Spain, 140
Spanish-American War, 19
Special Forces, U.S., 215, 261
Special Operations Command, U.S., 400
Spector, Ronald, 294, 502n, 508n, 513n, 516n
Sperow, Charles, 480n, 487n
Spiller, Roger, 475n, 491n, 499n, 519n, 521n
Springfield rifle of 1903, 15
Spruill, Matthias, 468n, 503n, 505n, 506n, 509n, 516n
Spurr, Russell, 166, 492n, 493n
Staab, Lee, 392, 527n
Stamford, Ed, 139, 141
Stanton, Shelby, 132, 170, 332, 488n, 490n, 491n, 492n, 493n, 518n, 519n
Stark, Harold, 17–18
Starry, Donn, 6, 230, 242, 250, 275, 318–19, 336, 338, 344–45, 348, 447, 453, 516n
Marshall system favored by, 361
on poor quality of U.S. troops, 318–19
State Department, U.S., 189, 223, 262–63, 410, 448
Steele, Anneliese, 392, 527n
Stemberger, Victor, 277
Stennis, John, 326
Stevens, Sharon Ritenour, 469n, 471n
Stewart, Richard, 469n, 486n
Stewart, W. A., 507n
Stilwell, Joseph, 151
Stimson, Henry, 7, 45, 98, 178, 468n, 473n–74n
Stoler, Mark, 201, 470n, 498n
Stone, Thomas, 107–8, 484n
Stout, David, 515n
Stout, Mark, 524n, 525n, 526n
Strachan, Hew, 345–46, 521n
strategy, 47–48
corporate culture and, 205
of gradual escalation, 205–6
limited war and, 205–6
see also generalship
Stroh, Donald, 185
Strong, Kenneth, 50, 474n, 475n
Strong, LeRoy, 311
Struggle for Europe, The (Montgomery), 82
Stryker armored vehicles, 390
Stuart, J. E. B., 26
Study on Military Professionalism, 390
Sullivan, Gordon, 227
Sulzberger, C. L., 199, 498n
Summersby, Kay, 82, 480n, 481n
Sunnis, 402, 430, 436–38
Sun Tzu, 357
Supreme Command (Cohen), 448
Sutherland, Richard, 47
Swain, Richard, 346, 381, 519n, 525n
Syria, 413
Taaffe, Stephen, 100, 468n, 483n
Taft, Robert, 198–99
Taiwan, see China, Nationalist
Taliban, 439
Tan, Michelle, 532n
Tarawa, Battle of, 173
Taylor, Maxwell, 8, 191, 202–3, 211, 215, 217–22, 231, 236, 240, 253, 261, 262, 266, 267, 332, 435, 500n, 503n
Bay of Pigs fiasco and, 219–20
as chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, 220–22
civil-military relations and, 254–55
JFK’s relationship with, 219–20, 227
named ambassador to South Vietnam, 220
Pentomic Army and, 208–9, 219
U.S. role in Vietnam and, 228–29
Taylor, William, 398, 527n
Taylor, Zachary, 114
Teasley, Mack, 502n
Tenet, George, 395
Tet Offensive, 260, 265, 285–92, 429
aftermath of, 315–16, 320, 323
DePuy on, 290
Khe Sanh siege in, 288
onset of, 285
planning of, 286
purpose of, 285–86
as strategic victory, 289
as tactical failure, 289
targets in, 286–87
U.S. public and political reaction to, 289–90
Viet Cong in aftermath of, 315–16, 320, 323
Westmoreland and, 285, 288–89
Weyand’s defense of Saigon in, 288
Thayer, Thomas, 261, 265, 270–71, 279, 496n, 507n, 508n, 509n, 510n, 518n
Theiss, Ronald, 245
Theobald, Robert “Fuzzy,” 38
Thie, Harry, 530n
3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, U.S., 413, 441
3rd Armored Division, U.S., 110–11
Third Army, U.S., 86, 107
Patton removed as commander of, 111–12
III Corps, U.S., 187
3rd Infantry Division, U.S., 22, 132
III Marine Amphibious Force, U.S., 269
3rd Marine Division, U.S., 271
31st Infantry Regiment, U.S., 138–39, 148
31st Regimental Combat Team, U.S., 148, 169
32nd Infantry Division, U.S., 17
32nd Infantry Regiment, U.S., 136, 138, 370
34th Infantry Division, U.S., 54
34th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 123
35th Engineer Group, U.S., 326–27
36th Infantry Division, U.S., 67
Thomas, Gerald, 168
Thompson, Hugh, 294–95, 299, 301
Thompson, James, 528n
Thompson, Julian, 70, 478n
Thompson, W. Scott, 510n, 517n
Thucydides, 50
Thurman, Maxwell, 362, 447
Time, 77, 202, 247
Tinian, Battle of, 174
Toai, Doan Van, 511n, 517n
Tomahawk cruise missile, 375
Tompkins, Rathvon, 271
Toolan, John, 408
Top Gun (Navy’s Fighter Weapons School), 338
Tora Bora, Battle of, 398–99, 403
Torch, Operation, 49, 51–52
Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 337–38, 344, 348–49, 357
Trainor, Bernard, 376, 380–81, 524n, 525n
Tran Dinh Tho, 226, 503n
Tran Van Don, 265
Treuenfels, Rudolph, 475n
Trieste, Italy, 119
Trinh Duc, 323
True Glory, The (film), 117
Truman, Harry S., 105, 115, 125–26, 153, 223, 498n
attempted assassination of, 487n
MacArthur fired by, 105, 196–97
MacArthur’s conflict with, 127–30, 180, 191, 192–93
Truman Administration, 122, 128, 175, 195, 196, 201, 236
Truong Nhu Tang, 262, 265, 280, 324, 507n, 508n, 517n
Truscott, Lucian, 67, 69–70, 71, 110, 477n, 478n, 501n
Tugwell, Rexford, 483n
Tunisia, 18, 51, 57, 75
Tunner, William, 162
Turkey, 387
Tuttle, William, 505n
20th Armored Division, U.S., 56
20th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 294
23rd Infantry “Americal” Division, U.S., 293, 296, 300, 325, 329, 331, 367, 370
deactivation of, 330
24th Infantry Division, U.S., 115, 122, 186
24th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 125
25th Infantry Division, U.S., 5, 187, 239, 246, 253, 261, 316, 325
26th Infantry “Yankee” Division, U.S., 21, 133
27th Infantry Division, U.S., 38
29th Infantry Division, U.S., 53
Twining, Nathan, 221–22, 501n
Ulmer, Walter, 234, 277, 311, 360, 392–93, 523n, 527n
Ultra intercepts, 54
Uncertain Trumpet, The (Taylor), 219
Underwood, Richard, 84–85
United Nations, 190
Powell’s speech at, 394–96
United States, 17, 83, 196
corporate culture of, 203–4
outcome of Chosin campaign and, 167
reaction to Tet Offensive in, 289–90
space program of, 218
in World War I, 19–20
U.S. News & World Report, 174
Vance, Cyrus, 232
Van Creveld, Martin, 475n
Vandenberg, Arthur, 103
Vandenberg, Hoyt, 175
Vandergriff, Donald, 510n
Van Fleet, James, 23, 188, 470n
Vann, John Paul, 262, 288
Varljen, Peter, 353, 392, 522n, 527n
Venzon, Anne Cipriano, 470n
Vernon, Edwin, 468n, 503n, 505n, 506n, 509n, 516n
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 128
Viet Cong, 225, 239, 249, 259–62, 263, 268, 270, 271, 294, 296
infiltration program of, 281–82
Phoenix Program and, 248, 324–25
in Tet aftermath, 315–16, 320, 323
in Tet Offensive, 286–87, 289
U.S. Army weaknesses exploited by, 280–84
Viet Minh, 224–25
Vietnam, Democratic Republic of (North Vietnam), 202, 205, 223–24, 225, 227–28, 237, 256, 258, 274
Vietnam, Republic of (South Vietnam), 223–24, 225, 229, 256, 259, 272, 273
Taylor named ambassador to, 220
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 45
Vietnam War, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 58, 95, 96, 105, 110, 118, 121, 185, 209, 212, 237, 372, 384, 401, 416, 434, 438, 442, 449, 459, 461
Abrams in, 319–20
amnesty project in, 270
attrition strategy in, 233, 254–55, 264–65, 268, 272–74, 320, 385–86
blame for U.S. failure in, 265–66
bombing of North Vietnam in, 227–29, 253
CAPS program in, 268–69, 272–73
civilian population and, 249, 261–64, 268
civil-military relations in, 252–55, 487n
combat refusals in, 328–29, 517n
counterinsurgency operations in, 225–27, 260–61, 263, 265, 267–69, 271, 273
decline of U.S. Army in, 317–19
decorations awarded in, 327
DePuy’s approach to, 238–39
and distrust of military, 330–31
drug problem in, 326–29, 330, 332, 518n
dysfunctional U.S. Army after, 330–32
escalation strategy in, 205–6
firepower in, 242, 247–50, 263, 265, 271–72
Fire Support Base Mary Ann massacre in, 329–30
“fragging” in, 328
Gulf of Tonkin incident and, 256
JFK-Taylor relationship and, 221–22
Joint Chiefs of Staff and, 222, 227–29
Junction City operation in, 270
LBJ’s Reserves decision in, 317
LBJ-Westmoreland Hawaii meeting in, 238
MacArthur’s influences on, 202, 214, 237
micromanagement in, 278
mutinous insubordination in, 326, 327–29
North Vietnam’s official history of pacification program in, 321–23
pacification program in, 265, 272, 319–25
personnel program in, 274–79
Phoenix Program in, 248, 324–25
racial tension in, 327, 332
relief policy in, 266–67, 278
Ridgway’s opposition to, 222–23
risk aversion in, 277–78, 280
Rolling Thunder campaign in, 373
rotation program in, 275–79, 318, 456
“sandbagging” of patrols in, 328
search-and-destroy strategy in, 253–54, 264, 271, 273, 324
seasonal pattern of fighting in, 279
South Vietnamese military in, 272, 316–17
Taylor and U.S. role in, 228–29, 240
after Tet, 315–16, 320, 323
Tet Offensive in, see Tet Offensive
threat perception and, 223–24
“ticket punching” in, 278, 280
U.S. Army’s failure in, 260–66
U.S. combat ineffectiveness in, 280–81
U.S. public opinion and, 321, 325
Viet Cong infiltration program in, 281–82
Vietnamization of, 321, 325
World War II commanders in, 217–18
Villa, Pancho, 107
Villahermosa, Gilberto N., 510n
Villard, Erik, 507n, 511n
Vines, John, 440
Virginia Military Institute (VMI), 19, 38, 153, 157, 490n
Vo Nguyen Giap, 260
Wade, Gary, 468n
Wainwright, Jonathan, 100, 483n
Wake Island, 128–30, 193, 198
Walker, Edwin, 115
Walker, Fred, 67, 477n
Walker, Walton, 4, 125, 133, 176, 179, 431, 432
Wallace, George, 115
Wangenheim, Freiherr von, 63
Ward, Orlando, 37, 55–56, 57, 76
War Department, U.S., 29, 40
War Managers, The (Kinnard), 240
War Plan Orange, 46
Warren Commission, 115
Warsaw Pact, 346–47
Washington, George, 114
Washington Post, 97, 374
Washington Post Company, 248
Wass de Czege, Huba, 354–58, 388–89, 420, 522n, 526n, 529n
Watke, Frederic, 299–300
Watson, Leroy, 37, 110
Watson, Mark Skinner, 472n
Wayne, John, 224
Wedemeyer, Albert, 18, 63, 95, 469n
Weigley, Russell, 36, 85, 116, 118, 235, 469n, 472n, 481n, 482n, 485n, 486n, 500n, 504n, 509n, 516n
Weinberger, Caspar, 202, 369
Weinberger Doctrine, 372–73
Weiner, Tim, 505n
Wells, Anne Sharp, 491n
Wermuth, Anthony, 266, 508n
West, Francis J. “Bing,” 262, 427, 507n, 508n
Westermeyer, Paul, 524n
Westmoreland, William, 8–9, 53, 55, 77, 105, 115, 202, 248, 252, 262, 264–65, 267, 283, 295, 319, 320, 321, 326, 331, 332, 335, 342, 350, 400, 403, 499n, 502n, 504n, 505n, 506n, 508n, 509n, 519n
careerism of, 204
CBS News lawsuit of, 234
as chief of staff, 234–35, 319
civilian overseers and, 236–38
corporate approach of, 232–33, 235–36
counterinsurgency operations opposed by, 269–71
LBJ’s relationship with, 237, 290–91
memoirs of, 233, 236
mendacity of, 233–34
micromanaging of, 204
military career of, 231–32, 233
military education lacking in, 235
in modern memory, 239–40
My Lai massacre and, 303, 307, 309–10
officer corps’s reputation and, 311–14
Peers’s My Lai memo to, 309–11
search-and-destroy approach of, 253, 255
shortcomings of, 232
Tet Offensive and, 285, 288–89
West Point, 96, 177, 202, 213, 231–32, 304, 307, 349, 391, 422, 429, 442
West Wall, 116
Weyand, Frederick, 239, 246–47, 253–54, 261, 348, 505n, 506n, 512n
defense of Saigon and, 287–88
Wheeler, Earle, 220, 228, 256–57, 258, 262, 289–90, 332
White, Jeffrey, 413, 529n
White, M. G., 480n
Whitney, Courtney, 484n
Whyte, William, 203–4, 499n
Why We Fight (film), 113
Wichman, John, 473n
Wickham, John, 353, 520n, 522n
Wilbur, William, 477n, 483n
Wilhelmina, queen of the Netherlands, 29
Willbanks, James, 264, 287, 508n, 511n, 519n
Willenson, Kim, 507n, 508n, 512n
Williams, Gregon, 135
Williams, Sam, 1, 3–4, 224–25, 502n
Williams, T. Harry, 483n
Willkie, Wendell, 103
Willoughby, Charles, 139, 149, 196, 198–99, 270, 484n, 488n, 497n, 498n
fascism of, 140–41
Wilmot, Chester, 82, 480n, 481n
Wilson, Charles, 203
Wilson, Erik, 454
Wilson, Hack, 147
Wilson, William, 302–3, 514n
Winn, Aidan Kirby, 532n
Winton, Harold R., 356, 495n
Winton, Walter, 182, 495n, 496n
Woerner, Frederick, 362, 462
Wolfowitz, Paul, 375–76
Wong, Leonard, 468n
Woodring, Harry, 30
Woods, Kevin, 524n, 525n, 526n
Woodward, Bob, 531n
Woolley, John, 516n
Worden, William, 486n
World War I, 32, 58, 73, 96, 107, 114, 151, 410, 444, 454
commanders in, 26–27
Gallipoli battle in, 69
Marshall in, 19–20, 23
Meuse-Argonne offensive in, 23
relief policy in, 21–23, 185
Saint-Mihiel offensive in, 23
World War II, 7, 11, 12, 107, 114, 119, 126, 151, 153, 171, 178, 197, 217, 237, 309, 420, 444
Bradley in, 116–17
DePuy’s experience in, 2, 5–6, 244
draft in, 113
Eisenhower’s proposed strategy for, 45–47
Eisenhower’s war aims in, 48–49
end of, 111–12
Falaise pocket in, 362–63
firepower in, 245
growth of U.S. armed forces in, 15, 35–36
high-command mistakes in, 50–51
Japanese surrender in, 384
military drawdown after, 389–90
Phony War in, 29
promotion from the ranks in, 113
relief policy in, 11–12, 17–19, 38–39, 69–71, 110, 112, 185, 187, 188, 251, 381
World War I commanders and, 26–27
see also Sicily campaign
Wunderlin, Clarence E., Jr., 469
X Corps, U.S., 132, 154–56, 170
XVIII Airborne Corps, U.S., 357
Yeosock, John, 381
Yingling, Paul, 8, 349, 441–44, 460, 468n, 531n, 532n
Yom Kippur War, 337–38
Young, Brigham, 19
Young, Stephen, 509n
Zelikow, Philip, 410, 418, 437, 448