Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

ABC list, 494

Abenakis, 57

abolitionists, 205, 252

    constitutional convention damned by, 241

    evolution and, 284

    founders judged by, 201

    Texas annexation opposed by, 238, 241–42

    women as, 207, 228


    anti-abortion terrorism, 702

    and anti-feminist women’s movement, 652–53

    Betty Ford on, 654, 655

    and evangelical churches, 664

    history of, 649–50

    and National Women’s Conference, 661, 662

    and 1960s political consensus, 647, 649

    and Nixon, 653–54, 658

    and political polarization, 647, 658, 667–68, 676

    and right to privacy, 650, 678, 685–86, 688

    and Schlafly, 656

    Supreme Court on, 647, 653–54, 655, 656, 678

abstinence, 197

Abu Ghraib, 748

Abzug, Bella, 652


    hate speech codes, 703–4, 763

    and identity politics, 703

    and 1960s activism, 634–35

    postmodernism, 636

    and Vietnam War, 635–36

    see also universities

academic freedom, 545, 553, 554–55, 557

Account of the Antiquities of the Indians, An (Pané), 5–7, 24

Acheson, Dean, 578–79

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), 415–16, 744

    and right to privacy, 686

    and women’s rights, 652

Act for the Better Ordering and Governing Negroes, An (South Carolina colony), 59

Act Prohibiting the Teaching of the Evolution Theory, 418

ACT UP, 686, 687

Adams, Abigail, 650

    on women’s equality, 96–97

Adams, James Truslow, 441

Adams, John, 82, 84–85, 87, 88, 92, 93, 94, 96–97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 111–12, 113, 114, 129, 180, 185

    Alien and Sedition Acts and, 158

    death of, 185–86, 190, 199

    in debate with Jefferson on Constitution, 153–54

    on Declaration of Independence, 98

    in election of 1796, 158

    in election of 1800, 154, 160–62, 164

    Haiti revolution and, 159

    on lack of established religion, 200–201

    majority rule feared by, 155

    Marshall appointed chief justice by, 165, 167

    vanity of, 98, 155, 158, 160

Adams, John Quincy, 164, 176, 185, 217, 288

    acquisition of Texas opposed by, 223, 236

    death of, 251

    desire to negotiate Mexican border, 222

    election of, 184

    in election of 1824, 180–81

    in election of 1828, 186

    in election of 1836, 224

    Monroe Doctrine crafted by, 234–35

Adams, Samuel, 81, 92, 165

Addams, Jane, 368, 377, 380, 387

Adding Machine, The (Rice), 404

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 587

advertising, 448, 534, 560, 572–73

Advisory Committee on Post-War Foreign Policy, 492

AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children), 618–19, 671, 700

Affluent Society, The (Galbraith), 591, 611

Afghanistan, 738–40, 742, 746

Affordable Health Care Act (2010), 754–55

Africa, 456, 462

    Portuguese exploration of, 11

    slave trade in, 11–12, 17–18, 38, 46

African Americans, 530–32, 541, 542, 575–88, 767

    Black Power movement, 625–26, 627, 628, 651, 673, 701

    black studies, 634–35

    and criminal justice policy, 623, 700

    and presidential election (1968), 633

    and presidential elections, 599

    race riots, 623–24, 627–28

    and southern strategy, 632

    voting rights of, 163

    see also civil rights movement; specific people

African Free School, 210

African Labor Supply Association, 281

African Methodist Episcopal Church, 202, 203

Agassiz, Louis, 256, 284

Age of Machinery, 198

Age of Reason, The (Paine), 142

Agnew, Spiro, 638, 639, 644

Agreement of the People, An (1647), 49

Agriculture Adjustment Act, 437, 438

agriculture companies, 336

Agriculture Department, U.S., 473–74

Aguinaldo, Emilio, 367–68

AIDS, 685, 687

Aid to Dependent Children, 439

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), 618–19, 671, 700

Aiken, Howard, 523

Ailes, Roger, 704–5, 706, 707, 710–11, 716, 742

Alabama, 531

    gun laws in, 445

    income tax in, 301

    Indians in, 213

    movement to, 221

    secession of, 290

    slaves sold to, 202

    as slave state, 179

Albany Congress (1754), 66, 70–71, 77, 91

Albany Journal, 269

Alcatraz occupation (1969–71), 634

Alexander, James, 61–62

Algonquians, 55–56

Ali, Muhammad, 629

Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), 158–59, 164, 165, 395, 745

Allen, Paul, 695

Allport, Gordon W., 460

All Slave-Keepers That keep the Innocent in Bondage, Apostates (Lay), 74

Almonté, Juan, 233, 238

Alpine race, 392

al Qaeda, 722, 738–39, 746–47

Alta California, 243

Amazon, 735

America, first use of term, 3, 14

America Firsters, 481, 482

American Academies of Arts and Sciences, 155

American Anti-Slavery Society:

    founding of, 206

    Texas annexation opposed by, 223

American Association for Labor Legislation, 37

American Association for Public Opinion Research, 542

American Bankers’ League, 405, 504

American Bar Association, 359

American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, 213

American Civil Liberties Union, see ACLU American colonies, British:

    British troops in, 84, 87

    credit crisis in, 81–82

    Elizabeth I’s desire for, 25, 26, 28

    English king’s claim to dominion over, 34

    ethos of, 44–45

    European migration to, 44, 45

    expansion of, 43–44

    extent of, 33–34

    growth of literacy in, 59

    Indian attacks in, 55–57

    individual liberties in, 33, 34

    James I’s charter for, 32–33, 34–35

    mortality rates in, 67

    newspapers in, 59

    popular sovereignty in, 50

    racial dimension of slavery in, 69–70

    religious and political freedom in, 49–53

    religious revival in, 67–69, 68

    in Seven Years’ war, see French and Indian War slavery in, 45–46, 48

    Spanish conquest vs., 33

    taxation of, 78, 81, 88–89, 91–92

    see also specific colonies

American Colonization Society, 176, 177, 178–79, 204, 240

American Dilemma, An (Myrdal), 501

American Dream, 441

American Equal Rights Association, 328

American Eugenics Society, 410

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 537

American Freedmen’s Inquiry Commission, 317

American Geographical Society, 396, 400

American Historical Association, 353

American history, 1960s challenges, 634–35

American Indian Movement (AIM), 634

American Institute of Public Opinion, 455

American Liberty League, 447

American Magazine, 77

American Medical Association (AMA), 438, 546–48, 560

American National Election Survey, 544

American National Exhibition (1959), 590–91

American Party, 263

American Philosophical Society, 67, 155

American Political Science Association, 545–46

American Revolution:

    Caribbean and, 101–2, 103

    Continental currency printed in, 334

    expectation of British victory in, 100, 101

    first fighting in, 92–93

    France and, 101–2

    global dimensions of, 100–101

    institution of slavery challenged by, 105–6

    Loyalists in, see Loyalists

    Native Americans and, 102

    peace negotiations in, 103, 103, 107

    seeds of, 75, 92

    slavery and, 93–95, 100, 108

    southern theater in, 102–3

American Taxpayers’ Association, 504–5

American Taxpayers’ League, 405

American Voter, The, 593

American Women (Commission on the Status of Women), 647


    European extraction of wealth from, 17

    European migration to, 16–17

    European voyages to, 11

    introduction of European animal and plants into, 18–19

    native population of, 8–9

    slavery in, 17

    Spanish conquest of, see Spanish conquest

America’s Town Meeting of the Air, 459–60, 571

America We Deserve, The (Trump), 714

Ames, Fisher, 112

Analytical Engine (Babbage), 193–94

“Ancient & Modern Confederacies” (Madison), 117

Anderson, John, 221, 665, 705

Angelou, Maya, 660

Angola, 38

Annapolis Convention (1786), in call for constitutional convention, 117–18

Anschluss, 466

Anthony, Susan B., 358

    citizenship of women desired by, 321

    National Woman Suffrage Association founded by, 328

    Thirteenth Amendment pushed by, 303

    women’s suffrage desired by, 340

anthropology, 348

anticolonialism, 583

Anti-Drug Abuse Act (1986), 699

Anti-Federalists, 129–30, 129, 131, 137, 143, 145

anti-feminist women’s movement, 646, 652–53, 661–62

Antigua, 34

    slave rebellion in, 57–58, 63

Anti-Imperialist League, 368

Anti-Mason Party, 218–19

antislavery movement:

    in Britain, 107–8

    in New England, 87, 88

antitrust act, 388

antiwar movement, see peace movement Apaches, 222

“Apology for Printers” (Franklin), 61

Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, but in Particular, and Very Expressly, to those of the United States of America (Walker), 203, 204–5, 218, 256

Apple Computer, 695, 733

Apprentice, The, 762

Arabs, 399

Arbenz Guzmán, Jacobo, 574

“Are Computers Newsworthy?” (Mauchly), 559

Arguing the Point (Tate), 152

Aristotle, 21, 47, 112, 155

Arizona, 260–61, 394, 494

    creation of, 332

    irrigated land in, 409

    women’s voting rights in, 386

Arkansas, 281, 584–87

    black voting in, 344

    free blacks banned from, 280

    movement to, 221

    sharecroppers in, 439

Arkansas National Guard, 585

Armed Services Committee, 538

Armenians, 390, 399

arms control, 680, 681

arms race, 570, 586

Army-McCarthy hearings (1954), 567, 567

Arnold, Thurman, 462


Arthur, John, 769

Articles of Confederation, 97–98, 114, 121, 128, 290

    attempted revisions of, 115, 117

artifacts, 8

Art of the Deal, The (Trump), 713

Ashcroft, John, 744, 745, 747

Ashley, John, 113

Asia, 407

Associated Press, 490

Atlanta, Ga., 302, 581, 582

Atlanta Daily World, 581

Atlantic Charter, 482–83

Atlantic Monthly, 448

Atlas Shrugged (Rand), 553

Atomic Age Conferences, 526

atomic bomb, 514, 515–16, 517, 521–23, 531, 532, 538–39, 571, 587

Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), U.S., 545

atomic power, 526

atomization, 527

Augusta, 483

Aurora, 161–62

Auschwitz, 513

Australia, 342, 344, 456

Austria, 466–67, 471, 473

Austrian Empire, 426

Autobiography (Franklin), 211

automatic weapons, 445

automation, 558–59, 574–75

Axis, 466, 479

Aztecs, 8, 21

    Cortés’s defeat of, 22–23

Babbage, Charles, 193–94, 523

Bacevich, Andrew J., 741–42

Bacon, Nathaniel, rebellion of, 56

Bagram Air Base, 748

Baker, Ella, 596–97

Baker, Ray Stannard, 349, 371

Baldwin, James, xix–xx, 497, 622, 623, 756

Ball, Charles, 202–3

“Ballot or the Bullet, The” (Malcolm X), 613

Baltimore, Md., 287, 303, 582

Baltimore Sun, 417

Bancroft, George, 10, 185, 198–99, 353–54

Bank Act, 239

bankers, 343

Bankhead-Jones Act, 442

banking, 334

Bank of the United States (first), 138–39, 141

bankruptcy laws, 141

bankruptcy protection, 226

banks, 231, 363, 364

    closing in the Depression of, 436

    failure in the Depression of, 425–26

    regulation of, 388

Baptists, 50, 201, 568

Barbados, 34, 46, 47

    slavery in, 73

    slave rebellion in, 56, 63

Barber, Francis, 92

Barbour, James, 179

Barlow, John Perry, 731, 732, 733

Barlowe, Arthur, 30

Barnum’s Museum, 274

Baruch, Bernard, 538, 551

“Basic Problem of Democracy, The” (Lippmann), 309

Bates, Fred, 467

Baus and Ross, 572

Baxter, Leone, 448, 449, 450, 451–52, 456, 478, 532–34, 533, 546–48, 553–54, 560, 561, 572, 704

    see also Campaigns, Inc.

Bay of Pigs, 604

BBC, 467

Beacon Hill, 202

Beals, Jesse Tarbox, 385

Beard, Charles, 427, 438, 441, 449

Beaton, Ark., 439–40

Beaufort, S.C., 298

Beck, Glenn, 755, 762

Beck, James Montgomery, 403, 404

Beecher, Catherine, 197, 207, 215, 252

Beecher, Lyman, 195, 197, 201, 204

    anti-Catholic views of, 208

Beekman, Jane, 2

Belgium, 473

Bell, Daniel, 592, 593, 614

Bell, Derrick, 703

Benezet, Anthony, 76

Bennett, James Gordon, 211, 229

Benthan, Jeremy, 98

Berkeley, William, 56

Berlin Airlift (1948–49), 539

Bermuda, 34

Bernays, Edward, 413–14, 424, 456, 457

Berners-Lee, Tim, 731

Bethlehem, Pa., 366

Bethlehem Steel, 382, 412

Bett (Elizabeth Freeman), 113–14

Beveridge, Albert J., 368

Biddle, Nicholas, 220

Biden, Joe, 699

Bigelow, Jacob, 198, 203

Big Oil, 363

Bikini Atoll hydrogen bomb test (1946), 571

bill of rights, xii, 127, 129, 130

Bill of Rights, U.S., 48, 134

    established religion forbidden by, 200

    150th anniversary of, 490–91

    ratification of, 135, 137–38

Biloxi, Miss., 578

bin Laden, Osama, 722, 725, 738–39, 765

birth control, 386, 394

    see also contraception

birther movement, 727, 762–63

Bishop, Abraham, 143

Black, Hugo, 339, 552, 579

black churches, 202

black codes, 318, 320, 578

black colleges and schools, 576, 581

Black Lives Matter, 726, 767–68

Blackmun, Harry, 685, 687

Black Panthers, 627, 768

Black Power movement, 625–26, 627, 628, 651, 673, 701, 767

blacks, 409, 411

    citizenship of, 314, 317, 321–22

    and colonization issue, 204, 205

    in Colored Farmers’ Alliance, 336

    as cowboys, 334

    in the Depression, 440

    excluded from common schools, 210

    excluded from New Deal, 440, 457–58

    Grant supported by, 324

    and populist movement, 343–44

    Republicans supported by, 323, 386–87

    voting rights of, 320, 326, 330, 353, 501

    women, 190

    in World War II, 496–503, 500, 508

    see also Jim Crow

Bleecker, Leonard, 140

Bleeding Kansas, 266

Bletchley Park, 523–24

Blick, Roy, 550

Bloom, Allan, 703

Blue Cross and Blue Shield, 547

“blue discharge,” 530

Blumer, Herbert, 542–43, 544, 546

Board of Trade, Chicago, 275

Bob Jones College, 461

Bob Jones University, 663

Body of Liberties, 48

Bogart, Leo, 667

Bolshevists, 363

Bond, Julian, 597

Booth, John Wilkes, 285, 305

Border Patrol, U.S., 410

border states, 303, 304, 318

Bork, Robert, 644, 687–90, 692, 734

bosses, 195

Boston, Mass.:

    British troops in, 87

    free black community in, 202

    Irish in, 209

    newspapers in, 59–60

    segregation in, 259

    siege of, 92

    top 1 percent in, 207

Boston Gazette, 82–83, 92

Boston Globe, 433

Boston Harbor, closing of, 89, 89

Boston News-Letter, 59

Boston Tea Party, 89

Botkin, Benjamin, 441

Boukman (Haitian slave), 143

Bowers v. Hardwick, 685, 686–87, 768

Bracero Program, 674

Braddock, Edward, 77–78

Bradford, William, 38–39, 90, 93

Brady, James, 672, 676

Brady, Mathew, 285, 286, 294

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, 676

brainwashing, 565

Brand, Stewart, 694–95, 731

Brandeis, Louis, 381, 382, 384, 388–89, 578

Brazil, 281

Breckinridge, John, 288

Brennan, William J., 644, 650, 679

Bretton Woods, 483, 506

Brevísima Relación de la Destrucción de las Indias (Las Casas), 24

Brides, 528

Bright, Bill, 664

British Empire:

    American Revolution and, 100–101, 107

    credit crisis in, 82, 88

    slavery abolished in, 235

broadcasting, 422

Brokaw, Tom, 737

Bromfield, Louis, 551–52

Brooke, Heather, 770

Brooks, Preston, 266–67

Brown, H. Rap, 627

Brown, John, 279–80, 280, 281, 282–85, 288

Brown, Linda, 577

Brown, Michael, 767

Brown, Oliver L., 577

Brown, Pat, 626

Brown v. Board of Education, 382, 577–82, 586, 588, 614, 663, 677, 678

Bryan, William Jennings, 345–46, 430, 563, 570, 693

    desire to stay out of World War I, 393

    in election of 1896, 350–52, 351, 366, 374–75

    fundamentalism and, 354, 391, 418

    imperialism protested by, 366, 368

    income tax supported by, 347–48, 376

    made secretary of state, 387–88

    Rockefeller boycotted by, 373

    in Scopes trial, 414–19

    in Spanish-American War, 367

Bryant, Anita, 661

Buchanan, James, 290

    and election of 1848, 253

    in election of 1856, 267–68

Buchanan, Pat, 654, 685, 691, 740

Buchanan v. Warley, 369

Buchenwald, 511, 512, 513

Buckley, William F., 554–55, 670

buffalo, 333–34

“Building of the Ship, The” (Longfellow), 259–60, 271, 480

Bulgaria, 426

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 539, 587

Bunyan, John, 192

Burdick, Eugene, 598–99, 603

Bureau of Efficiency, 363

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 317, 319–20

Bureaus of Intelligence, 402

Burger, Warren, 679

Burgoyne, John, 101

Burke, Edmund, 110, 555, 735

Burnham, James, 504

Burr, Aaron, 163

    in election of 1800, 164

Bush, George H. W., 740

    and abortion, 665–66

    and contraception, 650

    and judiciary, 678

    and presidential election (1988), 706

    and presidential election (1992), 691, 706

    and talk radio, 704

Bush, George W., 739, 741, 743

    and judiciary, 678

    9/11 attacks and, 721, 722

    and presidential election (2000), 716–17

    war on terror and, 738–40, 744–45

Bush, Jeb, 716, 772

Bush, Vannevar, 524, 525

business machines, 558–59

busing, 663

Butler, Andrew, 266

Butler, William, 254

Byrne, Ethel, 394

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 194

cable television, 666, 679, 705, 707–8, 710–11

    and presidential election (2000), 716

Cabot, John, 25

Caesar (slave), 3, 64, 83, 131

Cahokia, 8

Calhoun, John C., 224, 238

    annexation of Cuba desired by, 242

    annexation of Texas desired by, 236

    in election of 1824, 182

    and Indian removal policies, 214, 217

    as John Quincy Adams’s pallbearer, 251

    on necessity of slavery, 218, 255

    nullification pushed by, 217–18, 239

    opposed to granting citizenship to Mexico, 244, 245

Calhoun, Patrick, 233

California, 243, 250, 260, 450–51, 494, 532–34, 533, 535, 546, 549, 561

    Chinese immigrants in, 324, 325

    irrigated land in, 409

    universal health care in, 379–80

    women’s voting rights in, 386

California Medical Association, 533–37, 546

California State of the State Address (1945), 533

California Street (San Francisco), 406

Callender, James, 162, 174–75

Cambridge Analytica, 728, 780

campaign biographies, Jackson’s introduction of, 181–82

campaign financing, 562

Campaigns, Inc., 448, 449–50, 532–34, 533, 546–48, 560, 572, 625, 633–34, 636, 648

Campus Crusade for Christ, 664

Canada, 69

    Loyalists in, 104, 107

canals, 195, 221

Cantril, Hadley, 460

Cape Cod, Mass., 39

capital gains tax, 405

capitalism, 230, 315, 331, 332, 335–36, 343, 427, 535, 555

    idea of progress and, 156

Capitalism and Freedom (Friedman), 670

Capitol News Bureau, 449

Caribbean, 108

    American Revolution and, 101–2, 103

    black mortality rate in, 102

    British colonies in, 34

    British troops in, 84, 87–88

    colonists’ boycott of goods from, 85

    Continental Congress’s ban on trade with, 91

    mortality rates in, 67

    slave rebellions in, 56, 57–58, 63, 84, 99

    slavery in, 46, 64, 142

    Stamp Act in, 84

    sugar plantations in, 45, 46, 47, 82, 102, 142

Carlyle, Thomas, 198, 203

Carmichael, Stokely, 621, 625–27, 629, 630, 651

Carnegie, Andrew, 336, 368

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 540

Carolina colony, Locke as secretary of, 52

Carolina Gazette, 160–61

Carson, Rachel, 680

Carter, Harlon Bronson, 675–76

Carter, Jimmy:

    and arms control, 680

    and Iranian hostage crisis, 680

    and 1970s economic malaise, 656–57

    and presidential election (1976), 659, 705

    and presidential election (1980), 668, 696

    and tax policy, 669

Carter, Rosalynn, 660

Cass, Lewis, 250, 253, 253

Castille, Philando, 767–68

Castro, Fidel, 604

Catholic Church, and abortion, 650, 653–54, 664

Catholicism, 26

Catholics, 50, 263, 410

    immigrants, 208–9

    Muslim wars with, 36

    in riots, 209

    rumors of plots by, 208–9

Cato’s Letters (Trenchard and Gordon), 60, 61, 63

Catt, Carrie Chapman, 431

caucuses, opposition to, 182

“Causes and Proposed Remedies of Poverty, The,” 366

Cayton, Horace, 502

CBS, 422, 467, 469–71, 491, 511, 557–59, 563–65, 564, 566

censure, 568

census, 125, 168

    of 1790, 157

Census Bureau, U.S., 355, 558

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 538, 574

    and Cold War, 639

Challenge to Liberty, The (Hoover), 506

Chamberlain, Neville, 467, 468

Chambers, Julius, 349

Chambers, Whittaker, 509, 540–41, 548–49, 555, 572

Changing Sources of Power (Dutton), 696

Chardon High School, 763

charitable aid societies, 207

Charles I, king of England, 44, 48

    divine right of kings claimed by, 43

    execution of, 49

Charles II, king of England, 50–51, 51

Charleston, S.C., 86, 102, 104, 105, 203, 204, 287

    AME church in, 202, 203 Charleston Courier, 240

Charter of Liberties, English, 40–41

Chase, Salmon, 256–57

    Emancipation Proclamation amended by, 298

Chase, Samuel, 115

Chavez, Cesar, 675

Cheever, John, 441

Cheney, Dick, 745

Chennault, Anna, 632

Cherokee Nation, 213–16, 218

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, 215

Cherokees, 212–13, 213, 214–16, 337

Chicago, Ill., 287, 333, 334, 371

    transcontinental railroad through, 262

Chicago, University of, 354, 763

Chicago Gospel Tabernacle, 460

Chicago Record-Herald, 453

Chicago Tribune, 349, 488, 542, 563

Chicago World’s Fair, 353–57

Chicano movement, 634, 634, 635, 660, 675

Chickasaw Bayou, 297

Chickasaws, 181, 212–13

child labor, 388

Children in Bondage (Creel), 395

Chile, 260

China, 260, 482, 539, 560

    and creation of United Nations, 492

    in United Nations, 503

    U.S. food sent to, 486

China, ancient, 11, 12

Chinese, 399

Chinese Americans, 326–27

Chinese Exclusion Act, 325, 336, 359, 407, 409

Chinese immigrants, 281, 324–25, 325, 326–27, 342, 409

    Knights of Labor’s opposition to, 336

Chisholm, Shirley, 652

Chocktaws, 181, 212–13

Chomsky, Noam, 635

Christensen, Clayton M., 736

Christian Coalition, 685, 712

Christianity, 190–91, 568–69, 584

Christy, David, 281–82

Chrysler, Walter, 383

Churchill, Winston, 468, 477, 478, 479, 480–81, 508, 536

    Atlantic Charter negotiated by, 483

    and creation of United Nations, 491–92

    Hitler’s underestimation of, 485

    Lend-Lease praised by, 481

    and Pearl Harbor attack, 484

    at Tehran Conference, 502–3

    at Yalta Conference, 508–10, 509

church membership, 200

Church of England, 43

    dissenters from, 38

Cincinnati Enquirer, 453

Cincinnati Gazette, 267

Citizen Kane (film), 449

citizenship, 311–16, 528, 575

    of black people, 314, 317, 321–22

    defined by Civil Rights Act, 319

    defined by Fourteenth Amendment, 321–22

    Douglass on, 327

    of women, 314, 315, 321–22

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 760, 763

Civilian Conservation Corps, 504

Civil Rights Act (1866), 319–20

Civil Rights Act (1957), 585–86

Civil Rights Act (1964), 322, 612–13

Civil Rights Commission, U.S., 586

civil rights movement, 530–32, 541, 573, 575–88, 595–97

    and Black Power movement, 627

    Civil Rights Act (1964), 612–13

    FBI surveillance, 626

    Freedom Riders, 604–6

    and George Wallace, 608, 613–14

    Greensboro sit-in (1960), 595–96, 595

    and Johnson administration, 611, 612–13, 614, 622

    and Kennedy administration, 608–9

    King arrest (1960), 600–601

    and Malcolm X, 606–7, 613, 621–22

    March on Washington (1963), 609–10, 613

    and political polarization, 637

    and presidential election (1960), 599, 600–601

    and presidential election (1964), 613–14

    Selma march (1965), 621–22

    voter registration, 620–21

    and White Power movement, 673–74

Civil War, U.S.:

    black men in, 300

    casualties of, 272, 293–94, 294, 390

    draft riots in, 300

    emancipation in, 296–97

    federal government expanded by, 301, 316–17, 337–38

    Lincoln’s claims to war powers in, 487

    photography from, 272, 274, 294, 294, 295

    slavery as cause of, 296, 389

    start of, 292, 293

Clark, Ramsey, 633

Clark, Tom C., 579

Clark, Victor S., 409

Clarke, George, 63

“classical liberalism,” 555

Clay, Henry, 176, 178, 179, 184, 253

    American Colonization Society founded by, 204

    annexation of Texas opposed by, 236, 238

    Compromise of 1850 of, 260–61

    in election of 1824, 182

    in election of 1832, 219, 220

    in election of 1844, 237–38

    in election of 1848, 254

Clean Air Act, 681

Clean Water Act, 681

Cleveland, Ohio, 371

climate change:

    and conservatism, 690

    and science, 680–81, 682–83

Clinton, Bill, 732, 741

    background of, 696–97

    and criminal justice policy, 699–700

    and Democratic Party, 696

    economic policy, 699, 700

    ethics investigations, 697–98, 709–13, 714, 718

    and health care, 698–99

    marriage of, 692–93

    and media, 707, 708

    and presidential election (1992), 648, 693, 697, 698, 706

    and social issues, 648

    and welfare, 700

    and women’s rights, 691–92

Clinton, Henry, 102

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 601, 725, 728, 753, 754–55, 765, 767

    background of, 692–93

    and ethics investigations, 710

    and health care, 698, 699

    and presidential election (1992), 693

    and presidential election (2016), 692

    right-wing attacks on, 709

    and women’s rights, 691–92

Closing of the American Mind, The (Bloom), 703

CNN, 707, 716–17, 719, 721

Coast Guard, 363

Cobb, Thomas R. R., 292

code breaking, 523

Coercive Acts (1774), 89, 89, 90, 91

Cohn, Roy, 567

Coit v. Green, 662–63

Coke, Edward, 34–35

    divine right of kings challenged by, 40, 41, 43

Colbert, Stephen, 744

Cold War, 525, 535–38, 553, 568, 570, 573, 578, 581, 584, 586–87

    and academia, 635

    Bay of Pigs, 604

    Cuban Missile Crisis, 604

    end of, 683–84, 690, 690

    and Kennedy administration, 602

    and knowledge workers, 693–94

    and Nixon-Khrushchev meeting (1959), 589–91

    and political polarization, 639

    and Reagan, 627

    and school desegregation, 663

    and women’s rights, 658

Colfax, Schuyler, 301

collectivism, 555

Collingwood, Charles, 563–64

colonialism, and Vietnam War, 602, 603

Colonial Revival, 407, 411

colonization movement, 176, 177, 178

Colonization Society, 201

Colorado, 325

    women’s voting rights in, 386

Colored Farmers’ Alliance, 336

Colored Orphan Asylum, 300

Colored People’s Day, 356

Columbian Almanack, xviii

Columbian Exposition, 353–57

Columbian Orator, 276

Columbia University, 348, 562

Columbus, Christopher, xviii, 17, 18, 337

    diary of, 3–4, 12, 23–24

    in 1492 arrival at Haiti, 3–4

    second voyage of, 5, 18

    sketch map of Haiti by, 4

    Spanish sponsorship of, 12

    western voyage proposed by, 12

Columbus, Ferdinand, 5, 16

Comey, James, 761

Commission on National Goals, 594–95, 597

Commission on the Status of Women, 647

Committee for Constitutional Government, 504–5

Committee on Political Parties, 545–46

Committee on Social Insurance, 379

Committee to Re-elect the President (CRP), 641

common schools, 209–10

Common Sense (Paine), xvii, 95–96, 130

communism, 482, 527, 534–41, 548–57, 565–68, 571, 581

Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels), 254

Communist Party USA (CPUSA), 552

Company of Royal Adventures of England Trading with Africa, 46

compassionate conservatism, 716

Compromise of 1850, 260–61

computers, 193–94, 521, 523–27, 524, 544, 557–59, 563–65, 573, 574–75, 587, 667, 694–95

Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company, 404

Comrie, L. J., 523

Comstock, Anthony, 652–53

concealed weapons, 446

Confederate States of America:

    draft in, 300–301

    formation of, 289–90

    Hitler’s admiration for, 476

    pardoning of leaders of, 318

    taxes in, 300, 301

    welfare in, 302–3

    women in, 301–3, 302

Congregationalists, 201

Congress, U.S., 525, 529, 531, 535, 538, 541, 542, 546, 547, 548, 549, 566, 568, 569, 569, 572, 579, 582, 584, 585–86

    Dickens’s criticism of, 243–44

    inventory of manufacturing instituted by, 172

    national bank charter renewed by, 234

    slave trade abolished by, 172

    war declared on Spain by, 366–67

Congress, U.S., First, 131–34

    antislavery petitions and, 135, 136–37

    Bill of Rights and, 134

    debt assumption plan passed by, 140

    and founding of Washington, DC, 139–40

    Hamilton’s bank plan passed by, 138–39

Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), 699

Congressional Government (Wilson), 373, 388

Congressional Record, 132, 408

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 537

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 604–5, 606, 607

Conkling, Roscoe, 329, 338

Connecticut, 654

    suffrage sold in, 342

Connecticut Bee, 145

Connecticut colony, 44

Connecticut compromise, 125

Connor, Eugene “Bull,” 605

Conscience of a Conservative, The (Goldwater), 614

conscription of thought, 395–96

conservatism, 332, 364, 529, 552–57, 556, 560–63, 568, 570, 573, 579–80, 581

    and Constitution, 677–79

    and George W. Bush administration, 716

    and gun control debate, 672–74, 675–78, 679

    and health care, 698–99

    and inflation, 629

    New Deal vs., 444–45, 446–47

    and 1960s political consensus, 592

    and Nixon administration, 638

    and political polarization, 711

    and polling industry, 667

    and presidential election (1964), 613–15

    and race, 662–63

    and race riots (1960s), 623

    and Reagan, 624–25, 627

    Republican Party takeover of, 658–59, 664–68

    and science, 682–83

    and technology, 666

    Weyrich on failure of, 712

    see also culture wars; political polarization

Conservative Mind, The (Kirk), 555

Constitution, Confederate, 290

Constitution, U.S., xi, 52, 287, 543, 552, 573, 575, 579, 582, 583, 728

    Article I of, 139, 157

    Article VI of, 138

    bill of rights as originally lacking in, 127, 129, 130

    commerce clause of, 462

    and conservatism, 677–79, 684, 685, 686–87

    and establishment of Cherokee Nation, 215

    evolution and, 373

    fundamentalist view of, 403, 404

    God absent from, 200

    New Deal and debate over, 462–66

    originalism, 677, 678–79, 684, 685, 687–88

    and payment of congressmen, 122

    preamble to, xi–xii

    property requirements for federal office holders rejected by, 122

    publication of, 109, 128

    ratification debate over, 128–31, 166

    ratification of, xii–xiv

    repeal of ratification by seceding states, 289–90, 289

    rival interpretations of, 411–12

    signing of, 128

    slavery and, 127

    slavery in, 191, 241, 256–57, 261–62, 268

    slave trade and, 136

    and state sovereignty, 217–18

    three-fifths clause in, 130, 157, 173, 175

    treated as scripture, 201

    voting rights and, 122

    and white supremacy, 701

    and women’s rights, 650, 653, 691

    see also Bill of Rights, U.S.; specific amendments constitutional convention (1787), xi, 109–10, 119–28

    adjournment of, 128

    apportionment issue at, 123, 125

    conflicts between states as issue at, 121

    Connecticut compromise at, 125

    debate at, 275

    debt and taxation as issue at, 121

    free speech discussed at, 291

    Madison’s notes on, 110, 111, 118, 149, 240–41, 256–57

    Northwest Ordinance enacted by, 124–25

    representation as issue at, 121–22, 123, 124–25

    secrecy pledge at, 121

    slavery as issue at, 123–27

    slave trade as issue at, 125–26

    three-fifths rule adopted by, 125

    Virginia Plan and, 120

Constitutional Courant, 83

constitutional crisis of 1840s and 1850s, 238–41

“Constitution for the New Deal,” 466

Constitution of the Air, 422–23

constitutions, 112, 240

    English, 110

constitutions, state, 111–13

    branches of government in, 113

    Declarations of Rights in, 112, 113, 114

    slavery and, 113–14

    voting rights in, 112–13

constitutions, use of term, 110

consumers, 380–81

consumer spending, 528, 558

Continental army, 93

Continental Congress, 92, 93, 97–98, 128

    Articles of Confederation enacted by, 114

    boycott of British goods by, 91

    and calculation of states’ share of taxes, 115–16

    Caribbean trade banned by, 91

    and foreign demands for repayment of debts, 114, 116

    paper money issued by, 115, 116

    and question of representation, 90–91

    taxing authority lacked by, 114–15

Continental currency, 334

contraception, 386, 394

    history of, 649

    1970s activism, 647

    and right to privacy, 650, 678, 685–86, 688

    Supreme Court on, 649, 650, 653, 678

    see also birth control

contract, liberty of, 378

Converse, Philip, 593

Cooke, Henry, 335

Cooke, Jay, 335

Coolidge, Calvin:

    efficiency of taxation by, 405

    propaganda used by, 414

Cooper, James Fenimore, 212

Cooper Union, 285

Copley, John Singleton, 72

CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), 604–5, 606, 607

Cornwallis, Lord, surrender of, 103, 104

Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 23

corporations, 330, 333, 336–37

    as people, 339, 348

    people vs., 348

    taxing of, 336

“corrupt bargain” (1828), 236

corruption, 708

Cortés, Hernán, 21, 22–23

Corwin, Norman, 491

Cosby, William, 61, 62–63

Cosmos (TV show), 681

cotton, 203

    doubling of production of, 202

    export of, 217

Cotton Belt, 438

cotton gin, 172

Cotton Is King (Christy), 281

Coughlin, Charles, 461, 476, 479

Coulter, Ann, 722–23, 727

Council on Foreign Relations, 474

counting and measuring, see quantification Country Party (New York), 62, 63

Court Party (New York), 62

courts, see judiciary; Supreme Court

cowboys, 334

Cox, Archibald, 643–44

Cox, James, 403

Coxe, Tench, 172

Creeks, 212

Creek War, 213, 214

Creel, George, 395, 396, 414, 488, 496

“Crime Against Kansas, The” (Sumner), 266

Crimean War, 301

criminal justice policy:

    and Clinton administration, 699–700

    and gun control debate, 673

    and Johnson administration, 622–23

    mass incarceration, 699–700

    NFL kneeling protests, 628

    and presidential election (1968), 632–33

Crisis, 371, 396, 497

Crisp, Mary, 665

critical race theory, 703

Cronkite, Walter, 561, 563–64, 563, 565, 643, 706–7, 743

“cross-of-gold” speech, 570

CRP (Committee to Re-elect the President), 641

Crusade for Justice, 634

Cruz, Ted, 774

Cuba, 370, 374

    filibusters in, 281

    missionaries in, 366

    Polk’s desire to annex, 242

Cuban Missile Crisis, 604

Cudjoe, 58

Cugoano, Quobna Ottobah, 136

Culpeper, Va., 297

culture wars, 647–48, 676

    and anti-feminist women’s movement, 646, 652–53, 661–62

    and conservative Republican Party takeover, 658–59, 664–68

    and Constitution, 653–54, 677–79

    end of, 712–13

    and evangelical churches, 662–64

    and immigration, 674, 675

    and National Women’s Conference, 661–62

    and 1960s political consensus, 649–51, 672–73

    and 1970s economic malaise, 658

    and Schlafly, 655–56, 658–59, 661, 662, 664

    and White Power movement, 673–74

and women’s rights activism, 646–47, 651–52, 654–55

Cushing, Caleb, 288

Czechoslovakia, 400, 467–68, 473, 475

Dachau, 513

Daguerre, Louis, 272–73

daguerreotype, 272–74

Dakota Sioux, 333

Daley, Richard, 633

dams, 442

Darkest Africa (Stanley), 750–51

Darrow, Clarence, 365, 420

    Prohibition opposed by, 398

    at Scopes trial, 416–19

Darwin, Charles, 8, 284, 417, 419

data processing, 557–59

data science, 597–99, 603–4, 635

Davenport, Charles, 392

Davis, Elmer, 491

Davis, Garrett, 326

Davis, Jeff, 365

Davis, Jefferson:

    inauguration of, 290

    made president of Confederacy, 289–90

    slavery defended by, 293

    slaves of, 296–97

Davis, John W., 411, 577–78, 579

Davis, Reuben, 285

Davis’s Hotel (Washington), 176

Dawes, Henry Laurens, 337

Dawes Severalty Act, 337

D-Day, 505–6, 586

Dead of Antietam, The (exhibit), 294

Dean, Howard, 737

Dean, John, 633

debate, 275–76, 459–60

DeBow, James D. B., 292

Debs, Eugene, 352, 384, 385, 395–96, 416–17, 757–58

debt, national, Hamilton’s plan for repayment of, 138–40

debt, as slavery, 81, 82, 83

debtors’ prison, 141, 226

Declaration of Independence, xiv–xv, xvii, 75, 98–99, 112, 128, 154, 165, 227, 257–58, 280, 287, 728

    and black Americans, 203–4

    centennial of, 329

    considered scripture, 202

    criticism of, 256

    fiftieth anniversary celebration of, 185

    fiftieth anniversary of, 189–90, 199

    Garrison’s praise of, 206

    Jefferson’s draft of, 99

    slavery ignored by, 99

Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace, 733

Declaration of Liberty by the Representatives of the Slave Population of the United States of America, 283

Declarations of Rights, 112, 113, 114

Defense Department, U.S., 538, 545

Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States (Adams), 155

defense spending, see military spending Degler, Carl, xviii

Delaware, 578

DeLay, Tom, 748

“Demands of the Vietnamese People, The,” 399

de Mier y Terán, Manuel, 222

democracy, xviii

    doubts in the Depression about, 426

    measurement of public opinion and, 452–57

    Nazism vs., 434

    negative connotation of term, 112, 121

    peace and, 395

    public relations and, 402

    republicanism vs., 181

    spread of, 191, 192

    and television, 592

    World War II fought for, 492

Democratic Leadership Council, 696

Democratic National Committee (DNC), 431, 432, 454, 456–57, 557

Democratic Party, U.S., 264, 282, 331

    and Civil Rights Act, 613–14

    congressional majority of, 537, 549, 552–53, 567–68

    conservative opposition to, 556, 557, 563

    1832 convention of, 219

    1860 conventions of, 287

    1864 convention of, 303

    1876 convention of, 345

    1880 convention of, 340

    1896 convention of, 350–52, 351

    1912 convention of, 543

    in election of 1836, 224

    in election of 1840, 227, 228

    and gender gap, 668

    Irish in, 209

    and labor unions, 693, 696

    and Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 621

    1924 convention of, 410–11

    1928 convention of, 428

    1932 convention of, 429–30

    People’s Party fused into, 346–47, 350

    popular support for, 541–46, 560, 563, 564, 571, 572–73, 586

    Populists folded into, 364–65

    presidential election (1960), 597

    presidential election (1964), 621

    presidential election (1968), 633

    rearrangement of, 431

    rise of, 211

    and southern strategy, 632, 636, 656, 667

    southern white support for, 323

    and technology, 693–96

    Truman as leader of, 531, 541–46, 552 2004

    convention of, 253

    women’s rights supported by, 529

Democratic Party (Jacksonian), 186

Democratic-Republican Party, see Republicans (Jeffersonian)

Democratic Review, 243

demography, 157

denationalization, 526

Denmark, 473

Dennis v. United States, 552

deregulation, 671–72, 705–6

desegregation, racial, 530–31, 541, 575–88, 585, 663

Desk Set (film),574–75

Detroit, Mich., 383, 499, 500

    Great Migration to, 371

Dewey, John, 395

Dewey, Thomas E., 541–46, 555–56, 563

Dias, Bartolomeu, 12, 17

Dickens, Charles, 234, 243–44

Dickinson, Anna, 264

Dickinson, John, 97, 127

Dies, Martin, Jr., 443–44, 498–99, 504

Difference Engine (Babbage), 193, 523

differential analyzer, 524

Diggers, 50

digital electronic computers, 524

direct mail, 666, 679

diseases, European, catastrophic effect on Native Americans of, 19–20

Disney, Walt, 528–29

Disneyland, 528–29, 566

disruption, economic, 735–36

District of Columbia v. Heller, 763–64

Divide and Conquer (MacLeish), 489

divine right of kings, 48, 54

Dixiecrats, 541

Dixon, Frank M., 541

Dodge City, Kans., 445

“Does the Negro Need Separate Schools?” (Du Bois), 581

Dole, Bob, 734–35

domestic economy, 197

Donnelly, Ignatius, 346

Doomsday Clock, 539, 587

Dougherty, John, 222

Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 549

Douglas, Stephen:

    Compromise of 1850

    of, 260–61

    in election of 1858, 265, 275, 276–79

    in election of 1860, 288

    and identity politics, 701

    Kansas-Nebraska Act proposed by, 262

    Lincoln’s criticism of, 285

    Lincoln’s debates with, 275, 276–79, 286

Douglas, William O., 579, 584, 644, 650

Douglass, Frederick, 247–49, 248, 374, 417, 583, 767

    black men urged to join Union army by, 300

    Brown’s meeting with, 282, 283, 284

    on citizenship rights, 327

    Civil Rights Act pushed by, 319–20

    on Columbian Exposition, 356–57

    on constitutionality of slavery, 261–62

    debate studied by, 276

    Dred Scott decision denounced by, 270, 271

    on Emancipation Proclamation, 297–98

    escape from slavery, 314

    Jim Crow’s rise explained by, 353, 355–56, 358

    Lincoln’s study of, 264–65

    on photography, 248, 273–74, 460

    on separate creation of races, 256

    worries about Reconstruction, 329

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 424

Downey, Sheridan, 449, 450, 549

draft riots, 300

Drake, Francis, 29

Dreams from My Father (Obama), 750

Dred Scott v. Sandford, 268–70, 291, 314, 360, 464, 727, 757

Dreher, Rod, 769, 778

Dresser, Robert B., 504–5

drought, in the Depression, 426, 439–40

Drudge, Matt, 710

Drudge Report, 763

drug laws, 376

drug policy, 699, 700

D’Souza, Dinesh, 727

Duane, William, 161–62

Du Bois, W. E. B., 296, 360, 369–70, 371, 396, 411, 496, 581

    at Paris Peace Conference, 399

Duer, William, 140–41, 335

Dukakis, Michael, 694, 706

Duke Law School, 534

Dulles, John Foster, 574

Dunham, Stanley, 750–51

Dunham, Stanley Ann, 751

Dunmore, Lord, 93, 94–95

Du Pont, 448

du Pont, Irénée, 445, 446

du Pont, Lammont, 445, 446, 447

du Pont, Pierre, 445, 446

Durand, John, 2

Dutton, Frederick, 696

Dwight, Timothy, 159

Dyson, Esther, 732

“Earl Warren Special,” 561

Earp, Wyatt, 445

earth, geological history of, 7

East Asia Tin Works, 521–22

East India Company, 82, 88–89

Eastland, James, 582

Eaton, John, 181–82

Eckert, Presper, 524, 526–27, 558

Eckford, Elizabeth, 585, 585

Economic Consequences of the Peace, The (Keynes), 400

economic inequality:

    and end of Cold War, 684

    and Internet, 657–58

    and Kennedy administration, 611–12

    late 1960s increase in, 594

    and 1970s economic malaise, 657, 658 1990s increase in, 702

    see also poverty

Economic Opportunity Act (1964), 612

economic policy:

    Clinton administration, 699, 700

    deregulation, 671–72, 705–6

    Keynesian, 592, 619, 657, 670

    NAFTA, 699

    Reagan administration, 669–72, 705–6

    supply-side economics, 670, 671

economics, 348

economic situation:

    early 1960s affluence, 591–92

    late 1960s inflation, 629

    1970s malaise, 656–57

    1990s improvement, 714

    and Reagan administration, 683

Edes, Benjamin, 92–93

Edison, Thomas, 424

Edison Institute, 424

Editors’ Research Bureau, 455

Edmunds, George F., 327

education, 527–30, 545, 553, 554–55, 557, 576, 579

    of women, 386

Edward, Harry, 628

efficiency, 382

“eggheads,” 551–52, 561

Egyptians, 399

Ehrlichman, John, 638, 640

eight-hour workday, 346, 377, 388

Einstein, Albert, 474, 475, 526

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 741

    and abortion, 649

    and Cold War, 602

    Commission on National Goals, 594–95, 597

    conservative support for, 570, 579–80, 581

    D-Day overseen by, 505

    McCarthy as viewed by, 566, 568

    and nuclear weapons, 680

    Ohrduf visited by, 512, 513, 513

    presidential campaign of (1952), 559–60, 562, 565

    presidential campaign of (1956), 571–72

    and presidential election (1960), 599, 602

    racial policies of, 582, 584, 585–86

    recording system, 640

    religious affiliation of, 569

    scientific research supported by, 587

“Eisenhower Answers America,” 560 Eisenstadt v. Baird, 650

Election Day, 342

election forecasts, 557–59, 563–65, 564

elections, California, 1934, 450–51

elections, direct, 156

elections, Illinois, 1858, 265

elections, indirect, 156–57

elections, U.S., 156–58

    of 1789, 133

    of 1796, 154, 158

    of 1800, 154–55, 159–64, 160

    of 1824, 180–85

    of 1828, 185, 186

    of 1832, 218–19

    of 1836, 224–25

    of 1840, 226–29, 257

    of 1844, 236–38, 243, 257

    of 1848, 253–54, 256–57

    of 1856, 267

    of 1860, 285, 286, 287–88

    of 1864, 303

    of 1866, 323

    of 1868, 324

    of 1876, 329–30

    of 1896, 350–53, 351, 362, 366

    of 1908, 376, 384

    of 1912, 385–87, 543

    of 1916, 393

    of 1920, 403, 428

    of 1928, 421–22, 423

    of 1930, 427

    of 1932, 429–31, 454, 536

    of 1933, 549

    of 1936, 447, 462, 503, 535

    of 1938, 503

    of 1940, 478

    of 1942, 503

    of 1944, 531, 542, 564

    of 1946, 534–37, 549

    of 1948, 541–46, 555–56, 559–60, 563, 564

    of 1952, 552, 557–59, 561–65, 564, 570

    of 1954, 567

    of 1956, 570–73

    “party tickets” in, 184, 186

Electoral College, 218, 573

    in 1824 election, 184

    in election of 1800, 154, 164

    election of delegates to, 158, 163–64, 183, 186

    three-fifths rule and, 157–58, 164

electrification, 404–5

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), 732, 744

Elektro the Moto-Man, 526, 558

“Elements of Technology, The” (Bigelow) 198

Elizabeth I, queen of England, 25–26, 26, 27

Ellis, John, 716

Ellison, Ralph, 441

Ellsberg, Daniel, 640–41, 644

Ellsworth, Oliver, 122, 126

El Salvador, 281


    implications for citizenship of, 311–12

    see also slaver

Emancipation Day, 311

Emancipation Proclamation, 297–300, 303, 329

Emanuel, Rahm, 708

Embargo Act (1807), 171–72

Emergency Banking Act (1933), 437

Emerging Republican Majority, The (Phillips), 636

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 229, 230, 247, 252

Emery, Sarah E. V., 340, 346

Emigrants’ Guide to Oregon and California (Hastings), 242

empiricism, 349

End of Ideology, The (Bell), 592

End Poverty in California (EPIC), 450

Engels, Friedrich, 380

England, see Great Britain

England, Jake, 765

English Civil War, 48

English common law, 35, 47

    Glanville on, 40

    slavery and, 88

English North America, racism in, 23

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), 520, 523–27, 558

Enigma machine, 524

Enlightenment, 256

environmental movement, 681

Environmental Protection Agency, 681

Ephron, Henry, 574

Ephron, Phoebe, 574

EPIC campaign, 535, 549

Epic of America, The (Adams), 441

Episcopalians, 201

equality, 205–6, 360

    criticism of, 256

    and Dred Scott decision, 270

    as moral idea, xv

    political, see political equality

    U.S. democracy’s reliance on, 341–42

equal pay, 581

Equal Pay Act, 659

equal protection of the law, 580

Equal Rights Amendment, see ERA

Equal Rights Leagues, 318

Equal Rights Party, 328, 340

Equal Rights Association, 402

ERA (Equal Rights Amendment), 402, 403, 529

    Betty Ford on, 655

    and conservative Republican Party takeover, 659, 664, 665, 668

    and liberal feminism, 652

    and NOW, 647

    and right to privacy, 686

    and Schlafly, 656, 658

Erie Canal, 195

espionage, 539, 540–41, 548–49

Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism, with Reference to the Duty of American Females, An (Beecher), 207

Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus), 157, 171

estate tax, 405

ethics investigations, 708–13, 714

“Ethics of Family Planning, The,” 649

Ethiopia, 427

Etymologiae (Isidore of Seville), 14

eugenics, 391–92, 394, 410 Eugenics (Davenport), 392


    American voyages of, 11

    before 1492, 9

    extraction of wealth from Americas by, 17

Europe, Western, 537–38, 539

evangelical Christianity, 568–69, 584

    and AIDS crisis, 685

    Christian origin of U.S. claimed by, 201

    and culture wars, 662–64

    spread of, 199

    see also Second Great Awakening

Evans, Walker, 441

Everett, Edward, 216, 220, 295


    in determinate of truth, 41–42

    historical, xvii–xviii, 4

    scientific, xvii

    truth and, 61

evolution, 284, 348, 354, 390, 391

    applied to Constitution, 373

    in Scopes trial, 414–19

excess profits tax, 405

executive branch, FDR’s reorganization of, 466

Executive Order 8802, 498

Facebook, 736

fact-checking, 412–13

factions, 129

    Madison on, 144

factories, 191, 193, 194–95, 202, 426

Fail-Safe (Burdick and Wheeler), 598

“Failure of Free Society, The,” debate, 276

Fair Deal, 532

Fairness Doctrine, 561, 682, 704

faith, history vs., xvi–xvii, xix

Falwell, Jerry, 663–64, 723

family, 196–97, 529, 557

Family Assistance Plan, 638–39

Far East, 456

farm cooperatives, 336

Farmer, James, 607

farmers, 343

    declining number of, 375

    in the Depression, 425, 426, 437–38

    federal aid to, 388

    in World War II, 486

Farmers’ Alliance, 340

Farmers’ Declaration of Independence, 335

Farmers’ Independence Council, 447

Farm Security Administration (FSA), 438, 441, 494

Farrington, Betty, 555–56, 557

fascism, 571

“Fate of the Earth, The” (Schell), 681

Faubus, Orval, 584–87, 585

Faulkner, William, 540

Fay, John Dewey, 226

“FB Eye Blues, The” (Wright), 443

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 443, 494, 495

    and Black Power movement, 626

    and Cold War, 639

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 422, 470, 561, 571

Federal Council of Churches, 366

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 437

Federal Firearms Act, 445

federal funding, 526

Federal Hall (New York City), 131–32, 132

Federal Housing Administration (FAA), U.S., 530

Federalist No. 52, 312

Federalist Papers, xiii–xiv, 128–29, 134, 166, 624–25

Federalists, 129, 129, 130–31, 137, 143, 144, 145, 211

    as anti-slavery, 176

    in election of 1796, 158

    in election of 1800, 154–55, 160–62, 164

    Louisiana Purchase and, 170

Federalist Society, 677, 678, 684, 688, 689

Federal Radio Act, 422

Federal Radio Commission, 422–23

Federal Reserve Bank, 364

Federal Theatre of the Air, 441

Federal Theatre Project, 437, 441, 444

Federal Writers’ Project, 437, 441, 444

Federation of American Scientists, 545

Federation of Atomic Scientists, 526

Female Anti-Slavery Societies, 207

Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 647

feminism, 635, 652–53

    and Clinton ethics investigations, 712

    and identity politics, 701

    see also women’s rights

Ferdinand and Isabella, monarchs of Spain, 12, 18

Ferguson, John, 358

Ferguson, Mo., 767

fertility rates, 196–97

Fifteenth Amendment, 326, 327, 328, 337, 476

Fifth Avenue (New York City), 406

Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry, 300

filibusters, 281

Fillmore, Millard, 267

Filmer, Robert, 54

film industry, government influence on, 501–2

Final Edition, The (radio show), 702

finance, 335–36

Finland, 400

Finney, Charles Grandison, 197, 202, 204

Firearms Owners’ Protection Act (1986), 679

Firestone, Shulamith, 651

First Amendment, 137–38, 395, 552, 573

First Battle, The (Bryan), 353

First Maroon War, 58

First National Bank, 388

First Persian Gulf War, 722

First South Carolina Volunteer Infantry, 299

First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment, 367

Fisher, Irving, 379

Fitzhugh, George, 256, 276

Flanagan, Hallie, 443–44

Florida, 58

    gun laws in, 445

    income tax in, 301

    Indians in, 213

    Polk’s desire to annex, 242

    secession of, 289

    Spanish in, 25

Flowers, Gennifer, 697

Floyd, Jay, 653

Flynn, James T., 516

food laws, 376

Food Stamp Act (1964), 612

Forbes, Steve, 671

Force Act, 327

Ford, Betty, 646–47, 654–55, 655, 656, 660

Ford, Edsel, 405

Ford, Gerald:

    and ERA, 659

    and political polarization, 656

    and presidential election (1972), 659

    and presidential election (1976), 664, 705

    and race riots, 625

    and women’s rights, 660

Ford, Henry, 383–84, 405, 407, 424, 481

Ford Motor plant, 361

Foreign Affairs, 722

Forest Service, 363

Forlorn Hope, 138

Fortas, Abe, 618

Fort Duquesne, British attack on, 77–78

Fort Sumter, 292, 293

Fortune, 477, 489, 522

fossil record, 8

Foster, Judith Ellen, 340–41

founding principles, U.S., xiv–xv, xix

    disagreement about, xvi

Fountainhead, The (Rand), 553

4chan, 724

480, The (Burdick), 598–99

Four Freedoms, 480, 483

Four Powers Pact, 467–68

Fourteen Points, 396–97, 491

Fourteenth Amendment, 321–23, 324, 326, 336, 337, 359, 369, 579

    as applied to corporations, 338–39

    Hitler’s desire for repeal of, 476

    liberty of contract and, 378

Fourth of July celebrations, see July Fourth celebrations

Fox News, 742–43, 755, 774

    and Clinton ethics investigations, 710–11

    founding of, 707

    and presidential election (2000), 716

“Fragments on Government” (Lincoln), 151

Frame of Government, Pennsylvania colony, 51

France, 223, 473, 745

    American Revolution and, 101–2

    British wars with, 65–66, 76–77, 170, 171, 172

    constitution of, 240

    economy of, 406

    in Four Powers Pact, 467–68

    India alliances with, 66

    invasion of, 505–6

    in Munich crisis, 467, 474

    at Paris Peace Conference, 400

    repayment of American debt demanded by, 116

    U.S. arms used by, 475

    U.S. food sent to, 486

    war on Germany declared by, 476–77

    in World War I, 398

Frankfurter, Felix, 426, 457, 465, 577, 579

Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 302

Franklin, Benjamin, xv, 59, 83, 86, 93, 98, 101, 103, 115, 156, 165, 211, 736

    abolition urged by, 135, 137

    autobiography of, 75

    childhood and youth of, 59–60

    at constitutional convention, 119–20, 122, 124–25, 127–28

    diffusion of knowledge promoted by, 66

    “JOIN, or DIE” woodcut of, 65, 65, 66, 71, 76

    in move to Philadelphia, 60–61

    as newspaper publisher printer and, 60–61

    in Paris peace negotiations, 107

    Philadelphia house of, 119–20

    as Philadelphia postmaster, 66, 67

    Plan of Union of, 70–71, 77

    on race, 70

    slaves owned by, 74

    Stamp Act opposed by, 82

Franklin, Deborah, 75

Franklin, James, 60, 75

Franklin, Jane, 59, 60, 93, 107, 116, 120, 130

    and women’s equality, 87

free blacks, as political problem, 176–78

Freedmen’s Bureau, see Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands

freedom, 536, 552, 553, 573

    truth and, 49–50

freedom from fear, in Four Freedoms, 480

freedom from want, in Four Freedoms, 480

freedom of religion, in Four Freedoms, 480

freedom of speech, in Four Freedoms, 480

Freedom Riders, 604–6

Freedom’s Journal, 203

Freedom Summer (1964), 620

free labor, 255

Freeman, 447

Freeman, Elizabeth (Bett), 113–14

free markets, xviii, 364–65

Free Silver, 347

Free-Soil Party, 254, 255, 256–57, 259, 261, 264, 282

Free Speech, 356

free speech, and gag rule on antislavery tracts, 223, 276, 291

Free Speech Movement (1964–65), 620–21, 625–27, 694

free trade, 223

    slavery and, 281–82

Frémont, John C., 242

    in election of 1856, 267, 268

French and Indian War, 77

    American troops in, 78–79

    British troops in, 77–78

    and taxation of American colonies, 78, 81

    Washington’s skirmish with French in, 76–77

French Resistance, 506

French Revolution, 142

Freud, Sigmund, 413

Friedan, Betty, 647, 661

Friedman, Milton, 638, 669–70

frontier, 354–55

Frontierland, 528–29

Frum, David, 716

Fuchs, Klaus, 539

Fugitive Slave Law, 261

Fulbright, J. William, 635

Fuller, Margaret, 252, 254, 257, 258

Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina (Locke), 52–53, 55

fundamentalism, 390–91, 392–93, 418

    on radio, 460–61

Fundamentals, The: A Testimony to the Truth, 391, 414

Futurama, 473

Gabriel (slave), 159

Gabriel Over the White House (film), 434

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 572, 591, 592, 594, 611

Gallup, George, 454–56, 457, 458–59, 542, 543, 560, 565, 597, 774

Gallup, George, Jr., 667

Gandhi, Mohandas K., 583

Gardener, William (Billey), 106–7, 125

Gardiner, David, 236

Gardner, Alexander, 272, 294, 295, 304

Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book of the War (Gardner), 295

Garnet, Henry Highland, 256, 299

Garrison, William Lloyd, 190, 201, 247, 248, 269

    American Anti-Slavery Society founded by, 206

    Constitution damned by, 241, 262

Gates, Bill, 695, 735

Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 703–4

gay rights movement, 768–69

    and AIDS crisis, 685, 686, 687

    and evangelical churches, 664

    growth of, 651–52

    and identity politics, 701

    and liberal feminism, 661–62

    and Supreme Court, 685, 686–87

Gazette of the United States, 161

gender gap, 616, 668

General Land Office, 221

General Motors, 447, 570

Genesis, 7, 9

Geneva Conventions, 746–47

Genoa, 12

George, David, 107, 136

George, Henry, 341–43, 350, 365

George C. Marshall Institute, 683

George III, king of England, 79

    accession of, 79

    factory visited by, 193

Georgia, 34, 531

    Indians in, 213, 214, 215–16, 218

    secession of, 289, 292

German educational model, 348

German immigrants, 208, 209–10, 313

Germany, 379, 548

    American Revolution and, 101

    in Axis, 466, 479

    economy of, 406

    Kristallnacht in, 471

    Poland invaded by, 473, 474, 487

    punished at Peace Conference, 400

    rise of Nazis in, 427, 434

    Soviet Union invaded by, 481–82

    Sudetenland seized by, 467–68

    unemployment in, 426–27

    in World War I, 390, 391–92, 393, 394, 398

Geronimo, 337

Gerry, Elbridge, 121

Gettysburg, Battle of, 294–95, 294, 389

Gettysburg Address, 295–96, 307

Ghana, 578

ghettos, 530

“Giant Brain,” 520

G. I. Bill, 527–30, 528

Gilded Age, 336, 363

Gilder, George, 670–71, 734, 735

Gingrich, Newt, 683, 699, 700, 712, 732, 765

Gini, Corrado, 442

Gini index, 442–43

Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 652, 686, 699

Gitlin, Todd, 703

Gladden, Washington, 305, 354, 365

Glanville, Ranulf de, 40–41

Glass-Steagall Act (1933), 437, 700, 749

Gobright, Lawrence, 249

God and Man at Yale: The Superstitions of “Academic Freedom” (Buckley), 554–55

Goddard, William, 83

Godfrey, Arthur, 511

Goebbels, Joseph, 434, 452, 453, 456, 466

gold, 214–15

gold-bugs, 220

Golden Hour of the Little Flower, The (radio show), 461

Goldman, Eric, 594

Goldmark, Alice, 381

Goldmark, Josephine, 381

gold rush, 260, 324

gold standard, 334, 351

Goldwater, Barry, 556, 614–16, 624, 630, 649, 666

Gonzales, Alberto, 747

Gonzales, Rodolfo, 634, 634

Goodman, Paul, 636

Google, 736

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 683–84

Gordon, Thomas, 60

Gore, Al, 681, 696, 716–17

Gospel of Efficiency, 382–84, 404

government, Locke on role of, 53–54

Graham, Billy, 461, 568–69, 569, 616

Graham, Lindsey, 774

grain, 335

Grange, 335, 336

Grant, Madison, 392, 408

Grant, Ulysses S., 329

    black support for, 324

    on Civil War casualties, 293

    corrupt administration of, 334

    in election of 1868, 324

    Lee’s surrender to, 305

grass-roots campaigns, 547

Great Basin, 333

Great Britain, 223, 537, 548, 554

    American colonies of, see American colonies, British

    antislavery movement in, 107–8

    and creation of United Nations, 492

    economy of, 406

    in Four Powers Pact, 467–68

    French wars with, 65–66, 76–77, 170, 171, 172

    individual liberties in, 27, 33

    in Munich crisis, 467, 474

    Oregon Territory claimed by, 235, 242

    at Paris Peace Conference, 400

    political principles of, 27

    as Protestant country, 26–27

    repayment of American debt demanded by, 114

    Restoration in, 50–51

    in slave trade, 45–48

    in United Nations, 503

    U.S. arms used by, 475, 477, 480, 481

    U.S. food sent to, 486

    war on Germany declared by, 476–77

    welfare state in, 378, 379

    in World War I, 398

Great Depression, 424–25, 425, 436–44, 515, 529

    end of, 486–87

“Great Lawsuit, The: Man versus Women” (Fuller), 252

Great Migration, 371, 576

Great Nebraska Silver Train, 350

Great Society, 611, 619, 623, 629, 657 “great train robbery,” 561

Greece, 537

Greeks, ancient, 11

Greeley, Horace, 235, 252, 303

    Bleeding Kansas named by, 266

    Emancipation Proclamation praised by, 297

    slavery criticized by, 255

greenbacks, 334

Greenleaf, Thomas, 131

Grimes, William, 239–40

Grimké, Angelina, 252, 275

Grimké, Sarah, 652

Griswold v. Connecticut, 649, 653, 678, 685, 686, 688, 689, 768

Gruber, Bronko, 614

Guadalcanal, Battle of, 494

Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of, 250, 251

Guantánamo Bay, 746–47, 766

Guatemala, 281, 574

Guatícabanú, 5, 16

Gulliver, 492

Gun Control Act (1968), 672, 679

gun control debate:

    and Black Power movement, 627, 673

    and conservatism, 672–74, 675–78

    and originalism, 688

    and political consensus, 672–73

    and political polarization, 647–48, 676, 679

gun laws, 445–46

Gutenberg, Johannes, 13

Guttmacher, Alan F., 649

Hacker, Andrew, 638

Hadden, Briton, 412, 413

Haiti, 18, 337, 578

    Columbus’s 1492 arrival at, 3–4

    Columbus’s return to, 5

    Columbus’s sketch map of, 4

    constitution of, 240

    French withdrawal from, 170

    independence of, 203

    revolution in, 254

    revolution of 1791

    in, 142–43, 143, 159

    sugar plantations in, 142

Hakluyt, Richard, 25–26, 27–28

Haldeman, H. R., 626, 636, 637, 639, 640, 642

Haley, Alex, 660

Halifax, 136

Halsey, R. T. H., 407

Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 748

Hamilton, Alexander, xiii–xiv, xvii, 117, 122, 134, 145, 154, 160, 163–64, 167, 624–25

    on citizenship, 313

    economic plan of, 334

    as Federalist Papers coauthor, 128–29, 134, 166

    and founding of Washington, DC, 139–40

    on judiciary’s powers, 134–35

    on self-rule by people, 420

    U.S. Bank plan of, 138–39

    Washington’s Farewell Address and, 146

    Washington’s inaugural address written by, 133

Hamilton, Alexander (doctor), 67

Hamilton, Andrew, Zenger trial and, 62–63

Hancock, John, 92

Hanna, Mark, 374

Hannity, Sean, 755

Hanson, Peter, 720

Harbord, James G., 423

Harding, Warren G., 394, 504, 562

    in election of 1920, 403

    government efficiency desired by, 404–5

Harlan, John Marshall, 359–60

Harlem Renaissance, 411

Harpers Ferry, Va., 282–83, 284

Harrison, William Henry, 227, 234

    in election of 1840, 227–28, 229

Hart, Gary, 696

Hartford Convention (1814), 173, 217

Harvard College, 45

Hastings, Lansford W., 242

Hatch, Orrin, 677, 678

hate speech codes, 703–4, 763

Hate That Hate Produced, The (TV documentary), 606

Hatfield, George, 450

Hayek, Friedrich A., 506, 507, 553, 592

Hayes, Rutherford B.:

    in election of 1876, 329

    strike broken by, 338

Haywood, Bill, 395

health care, and Clinton administration, 698–99

health insurance, 377, 378, 379–80, 438, 532–34, 533, 541, 546–48, 553–54, 560, 561, 570

Hearst, Phoebe Apperson, 380

Hearst, William Randolph, 349, 366, 367, 434, 437, 448–49, 453, 463, 475–76, 479

Heartland Institute, 683

Heller, Walter, 611, 612

Hemings, Beverly, 178

Hemings, Elizabeth, 174

Hemings, Eston, 186

Hemings, Harriet, 178, 186, 187

Hemings, John, 186

Hemings, Madison, 178, 186

Hemings, Sally, 174

    Jefferson’s children with, 173–76, 178, 186

Henry, Patrick, 91, 94, 130–31, 167

Henry, prince of Portugal, 11

Henry I, king of England, 40

Henry VIII, king of England, 26

Hepburn, Katharine, 574–75

Hercules (slave), 147

Heritage Foundation, 648, 663, 683

Herodotus, xvi

Herring, Pendleton, 479

Hersey, John, 494, 521–22, 574

Hewitt, Abram, 343

Higby, William, 326

Hill, Anita, 697

Hill, David, 344

Hinckley, John, Jr., 672, 676

Hindoo, 341

hippies, 695

Hirabayashi, Gordon, 495

Hirabayashi v. United States, 495

Hiroshima bombing (1945), 517, 521–22, 571

Hispaniola, see Haiti

Hiss, Alger, 509–10, 515, 540–41, 548–49, 550, 641

“Hiss Case—A Lesson for the American People, The” lecture (Nixon), 549

historical studies, 353–54


    ancient concept of, xvi

    artifacts and, 8

    faith vs., xvi–xvii, xix

    as form of heritage, xix

    as form of inquiry, xvi–xviii

    fossil record and, 8

    founders’ study of, xv

    geological, 7

    importance of counting and measuring in, 16–18

    as inheritance, xx

    as study of what remains, 4

    writing and, 12–13, 15

History of the American People (Wilson), 374

History of the United States (Beard), 441

History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Present (Bancroft), 10, 198–99, 353–54

History of the World (Ralegh), xvi

Hitchcock, Alfred, 502, 516–17

Hitler, Adolf, 427, 434, 449, 467, 468, 474, 516, 554

    Anschluss announced by, 466

    Coughlin’s admiration for, 476

    Soviet Union invaded by, 481–82

    U.S. disdained by, 475

    war on U.S. declared by, 485

Ho, Lew Wa, 316

Hobbes, Thomas, 37, 61, 106

Hobby, Oveta Culp, 570

Ho Chi Minh, 399, 602, 603, 629

Hodge, A. A., 391

Hodge, Charles, 390–91

Hoey, Clyde, 551

Hofstadter, Richard, 562

Holiday, Billie, 396


    American Revolution and, 101

    repayment of American debt demanded by, 116

Hollerith, Herman, 355, 404

Holmes, John Haynes, 522

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 362, 378, 405, 462

Holocaust, 529

Holt Street Baptist Church, 583

home, work vs., 193, 195, 196–97

home loans, 530

Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, 504

Home Protection Party, 340

Homestead Act, 317, 332, 333

Homo sapiens (modern humans), evolution and migration of, 8

homosexuality, 530, 550–52

Honduras, 462

Hood River, Oreg., 421

Hoover, Herbert, 362, 433, 506, 562

    and building of new Supreme Court building, 462

    efficiency of government by, 405, 406, 423–24

    in election of 1928, 421–22, 423

    in election of 1932, 430–31

    Federal Radio Act pushed by, 422, 423

    inauguration of, 423

    made secretary of commerce, 405–6

    New Deal criticism of, 506–7

    radio addresses of, 427–28

    relief work by, 421

    response to the Depression of, 424–25

Hoover, J. Edgar, 443, 499, 626, 641

Hopkins, Elizabeth, 39

Hopkins, Harry, 438

Hopper, Grace Murray, 523, 524

Horsmanden, Daniel, 62, 63–64

Hose, Sam, 370

House of Burgesses, 37–38, 48

House of Representatives, U.S., 125, 535, 537, 540, 572, 586

    Committee on Foreign Relations of, 481

    Education and Labor Committee of, 537

    and 1924 election, 184

    Indian removal voted on in, 215

    as open to speculators, 132

    in presidential election of 1800, 164

    Special Committee to Investigate the Taylor and Other Systems of Shop Management, 384

    Texas annexation voted on by, 238

    Ways and Means Committee of, 301, 317

House of Truth, 405

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 443, 498–99, 540, 572

housing, 530, 576

Houston, Sam, 223, 290

Howard, Jacob, 322, 326–27

Howard Johnson’s restaurants, 578

Howard University Law School, 576

Howe, Julia Ward, 328

Howe, Quincy, 570–71

Howe, William, 100, 101

Howells, William Dean, 287–88

Hughes, Charles Evans, 393, 462–63, 465

Hughes, Langston, 531

Hull House, 380

human rights, xviii, 313, 503

    Locke on, 53–55

    slavery and, 86

    as U.S. founding principle, xiv–xv

“Human Rights Not Founded on Sex” (Grimké), 252

Hume, Brit, 710

Hume, David, xv

Humphrey, Hubert, 633

Hungarians, 409

Hungary, 383, 426

Huntington, Samuel P., 722

Hurja, Emil, 454

Hurston, Zora Neale, 441

Hussein, Saddam, 740

Hutchinson, Thomas, 79

hydrogen bomb, 524–25, 539, 571

I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked (Sinclair), 450

IBM, 523

Ickes, Harold, 710

Idaho, 242, 324

    creation of, 332

    women’s voting rights in, 386

Ideas Have Consequences (Weaver), 554

identity politics, 668

    and political polarization, 701–2, 703

“I Have a Dream” speech (King), 609–10

Illinois, 221

    eight-hour workday in, 377

    movement to, 221

Immigrant Dangers to the Free Institutions of the United States through Foreign Immigrants (Morse), 208, 263

immigrant labor, 383


    encouraging of, 208

    nineteenth-century rise in, 208

    and populist movement, 344

immigration, 314, 727

    and identity politics, 701

    restrictions on, 325, 336, 359, 407–11, 408

    and White Power movement, 674

Immigration Act, 409

Immigration and Nationality Act (1965), 674

“Impeach Earl Warren” campaign, 582

Imperial Hearst (Lundberg), 449

imperialism, 366, 482

Incas, 8

income inequality, 757–58, 766–67

income tax, 347

    in Civil War, 301

    graduated, 345, 346

    opposition to, 504–5

    passage of Sixteenth Amendment on, 376–77

    in Progressive Era, 364

    TR’s endorsement of, 376

Independence, Mo., 531

Independent, 269


    as free state, 176

    gun laws in, 445

    movement to, 221

    suffrage sold in, 342

Indiana University, 528

Indian immigrants, 409

Indian’s Appeal to the White Men of Massachusetts, An, 215

Indonesia, 456

industrial accident compensation, 377

industrialization, 366, 529

    economic security vs., 377

    rise in 1920s of, 404

    slavery and, 191

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 395

industry, 334

inflation, 629

influenza epidemic, 398

information age, 520

    see also computers

Infowars, 724–25, 728–29, 762

infrastructure, 337–38

“In God We Trust” motto, 569

In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do? (Sheldon), 366

Innovator’s Dilemma, The (Christensen), 736

Inquiry, 396

Inquisition, 12

Institute for Legislative Action, 675

intellectuals, 551–55, 561, 568–69

Inter-Allied Board, 398

Interest in Slavery of the Southern Non-Slaveholder, The (DeBow), 292

Internal Revenue Bureau, 301, 377

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 405

Internal Security Act (1950), 551

International Business Machines (IBM), 355, 404

Internet, 587, 731–38, 744, 769–70

    and Clinton ethics investigations, 710

    and economic inequality, 657–58

    Gilder on, 671

    and political polarization, 648

Interstate Commerce Committee, 384

inventors, 198


    farm cooperatives in, 336

    immigrants recruited to, 208

Iowa method, 455

Iranian hostage crisis, 680, 722

Iraq, 740, 765

Iraq War, 740–42, 741, 753, 766

Ireland, famine in, 209

Irish immigrants, 208, 209, 313

Iron Curtain, 536

Iroquois confederation (Six Nations), 66

    in French and Indian War, 80

Isidore, Archbishop of Seville, 14, 15

Islamic fundamentalism, 722, 739–40

Islamic State, 765

isolationism, 406–7, 477, 481–82, 492, 537

Italians, 383, 409

Italy, 383, 427, 462, 517

    in Axis, 466, 479

    Ethiopia invaded by, 427

    in Four Powers Pact, 467–68

    invasion of, 502

    at Paris Peace Conference, 400

It’s Up to the Women (Eleanor Roosevelt), 433

Jackson, Andrew, 173, 176, 225, 268, 332, 563

    criticism of, 198, 208, 212

    in election of 1824, 180–85, 183

    in election of 1828, 186

    in election of 1832, 218–19

    and election of 1836, 224–25

    inauguration of, 186–88, 187

    Indian removal policies of, 212–13, 214–15, 216–17, 337

    Lincoln’s opposition to, 288

    majority rule as principle of, 187

    national bank opposed by, 219–20, 239

    nullification opposed by, 217, 218

    Panic of 1837

    caused by, 226, 227

    people’s support for, 212

    populism and, 181

    and progress, 198, 199

    Tyler’s criticism of, 233

Jackson, James, 135

Jackson, Mahalia, 610

Jackson, Robert, 579, 580

Jackson, Robert H., 446

Jacksonianism, and Second Great Awakening, 191

Jacobs, Harriet, 261

Jacquard, Joseph-Marie, 193

Jamaica, 34, 91

    Maroon Wars in, 58

    slave rebellions in, 63, 84, 85, 99

James, Henry, 390

James, William, 361, 368

James I, king of England, 32, 41

    divine right of kings claimed by, 32, 39–40, 42

    Virginia charter of, 32–33, 34

James River, 36

Jamestown, Bacon’s burning of, 56

Jane Crow, 500


    atomic bomb dropped on, 517

    in Axis, 466, 479

    Manchuria invaded by, 427, 481–82

    Nanking invaded by, 481–82

    in Pacific War, 493–94

    Pearl Harbor attacked by, 484, 487, 494

Japanese Americans, internment of, 494–96, 495, 532

Japanese immigrants, 409

Jastrow, Robert, 683

Jay, John, 101, 103, 106, 163–64

    as chief justice, 166–67

    citizenship desired limited by, 312

    as Federalist Papers coauthor, 129

Jay Cooke & Company, 335

Jefferson, Martha Wayles, 173

Jefferson, Thomas, xiv, xvii, 110, 111, 116, 117, 129, 134, 137–38, 139, 145, 159, 169, 174, 184–85, 212, 332, 360, 363, 728

    Alien and Sedition Acts and, 158–59

    death of, 185–86, 190, 199

    in debate with Adams on Constitution, 153–54

    and Declaration of Independence, 98–99

    1807 embargo and, 171–72

    in election of 1796, 158

    in election of 1800, 154–55, 160–62, 160, 164

    expansionism of, 168

    farming promoted over manufacturing by, 168–70, 171–72

    on Haitian revolution, 143, 144

    Hemings children of, 173–76, 178, 186

    inaugural address of, 165

    inauguration of, 164–65

    Kentucky and Virginia Resolves written by, 217

    language of liberty used by, 235

    Louisiana Territory purchased by, 170–71

    on majority rule, 418–20

    majority rule advocated by, 155

    population theory of, 343

    on progress, 192, 216

    racial formula of, 175

    religious freedom and, 161

    slaves owned by, 104, 161, 186

    tariffs and, 140

    Turner influenced by, 354

    on worship of Founders, 201

Jemmy (slave), 58, 63

Jenner, William, 552

Jersey, Battle of (1781), 72

Jesus Christ, 568

Jews, 12, 383, 399, 409, 410, 529

    in American colonies, 50, 51

    anti-Semitism vs., 448

    Lindberg’s criticism of, 482

    in Nazi Germany, 435, 466

Jim Crow, 330, 370, 499, 501

    Douglass on, 353, 355–56, 358

    and European immigrants, 410

    and Plessy v. Ferguson, 359, 360

    Progressives’ lack of discussion of, 364, 371–72, 386–87

    and war in Philippines, 369

    Wells’s resistance to, 356

    in World War I, 496

Jim Crow laws, 531, 542, 575–88

Jobs, Steve, 695

Jobson, Richard, 46

John, king of England, 40–41

John Birch Society, 614

Johns Hopkins University, 348

Johnson, Andrew:

    Douglass’s visit to, 320

    impeachment of, 324

    Radical Republicans vs., 320, 323

    South protected by, 318

    Stanton vs., 323–24

Johnson, James Weldon, 389

Johnson, Lady Bird, 660

Johnson, Lyndon B., 546, 552–53, 567–68, 586, 618

    and civil rights movement, 611, 612–13, 614, 622

    and criminal justice policy, 622–23

    death of, 643

    Great Society, 611, 619, 623

    and immigration, 674

    liberalism of, 444, 611

    New Deal projects of, 442, 443

    political power of, 617–18

    and poverty, 611, 611, 618–19, 622–23, 657

    and presidential election (1960), 597, 599

    and presidential election (1964), 615–17

    and presidential election (1968), 629–30

    and race riots, 627–28

    recording system, 640

    and Vietnam War, 619, 629–30, 632

Johnson, Reverdy, 322

Johnson, Samuel, 92

Johnston, Eric, 501–2

Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 538

Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 321, 338–39

Joint United States and Mexican Boundary Commission, 251

Jones, Alex, 702–3, 723–25, 729, 762–63

Jones, Mary, 301–2

Jones, Paula, 709–10

journalism, Taylorism in, 412–13

Journalist, 349

journalistic exposé, 363–64

Journal of the American Medical Association, 379, 438

Judge, Ona, 147

judicial recall, 378

judicial review, 239, 358–59


    and conservatism, 677

    and Reagan administration, 684–90

    separation of powers and, 165–66

Judiciary Act (1789), 134, 166

Judiciary Act (1801), 167

Judiciary Committee, 388

July Fourth celebrations, 153

    of 1826, 185–86

Jungle, The (Sinclair), 450

Justice Department, U.S., 376, 395, 552, 576–77, 578, 581, 745

Kansas, 331, 331

    creation of, 262

    farm cooperatives in, 336

    violence in, 266–67

    women’s voting rights in, 386

Kansas City, Mo., 333

Kansas-Nebraska Act, 262–64, 265, 267, 276

Karski, Jan, 512

Kefauver, Estes, 570–71

Kelley, Florence, 377, 380, 381, 382

Kemp, Jack, 670

Kennan, George F., 535, 539, 557

Kennedy, Edward, 638, 688

Kennedy, John F., 535, 537, 552, 568

    assassination of, 610, 613, 672

    and civil rights movement, 600–601, 608–9

    and Cold War, 602

    and Commission on National Goals, 597

    and conservatism, 614, 615

    and Cuban Missile Crisis, 604

    inauguration of, 601–2

    and presidential election (1960), 597, 600–601, 601

    recording system, 640

    and Vietnam War, 602–4

    War on Poverty, 611–12

    and women’s rights, 647

Kennedy, Patrick, 209

Kennedy, Robert F., 568

    assassination of, 631, 672

    and civil rights movement, 600, 605, 625, 630–31

    and presidential election (1968), 629, 631

    and Vietnam War, 602, 619

Kent, James, 183

Kentucky, 579

    gun laws in, 445

    secret ballots in, 344

Kentucky Resolves, 217

Kerner Commission, 627–28, 633

Kerry, John, 694

Kesey, Ken, 694, 695

Keynes, John Maynard, 400, 435, 466

    see also Keynesian economics Keynesian economics, 592, 619, 657, 670

Keyworth, George, 732

Khaldun, Ibn, xvi

Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 680

Khrushchev, Nikita, 604

    Nixon meeting (1959), 589–91, 589

Kiernan, W. C., 476

Kilgore, Harley M., 526

King, Billie Jean, 660

King, Boston, 105, 107

King, Coretta Scott, 661

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 441, 583–84, 750

    arrest of (1960), 600–601

    assassination of, 610, 630, 631, 672

    and Civil Rights Act, 613

    FBI surveillance, 626

    “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” 607–8

    March on Washington, 609–10

    and Nation of Islam, 606, 607

    and peace movement, 629

    and presidential election (1964), 615

    and Selma march, 621–22, 625

    and SNCC, 597

    and Watts riots, 623

King, Rufus, 125

King George’s War (1744–48), 66

King Philip’s War (1675), 55–56

King William’s War (1689–97), 66

Kirk, Russell, 555, 556, 682

Kissinger, Henry, 640, 642

Kitchen Debate (1959), 589–91, 589

“Kitchen Kabinets,” 557

Klan Act, 327

Knights of Labor, 336, 340

knowledge workers, 693–94

Know-Nothing Party, 263

Knox, Henry, 134

Knoxville Chancellor, 349

Koreans, 399

Korean War, 560, 565, 747

Korematsu, Fred Toyosaburo, 496

Korematsu v. United States, 496

Koresh, David, 702

Krauthammer, Charles, 722

Krimmel, John Lewis, 153

Kristallnacht, 471

Kristol, Bill, 698–99, 707

Kristol, Irving, 691, 734

KTSA, 442

Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 318–19, 319, 323, 324, 327, 330, 410, 440, 579, 605, 608, 701, 770

Kurds, 399

Kursk, Battle of, 502

Kuwait, 739

Kwangtung Province, China, 324

Kyoto Protocol, 743

Labash, Matt, 743

labor force, 529

labor laws, 380–82

labor unions, 537, 541, 556

    and Clinton administration, 699

    and Democratic Party, 693, 696

    and immigration, 675

Ladies’ Department, 190

Lafayette, Marquis de, 103, 105, 128

La Follette, Robert, 386, 447

La Follette, Robert, Jr., 549

La Follette Committee, 447

laissez-faire, 378, 427, 446

La Malinche, 23

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, 686

Landon, Alf M., 447

land tax, 301

Lane, Isaac, 297

Lane, Ralph, 29

Lane, T. J., 763

Lange, Dorothea, 425, 441, 494–95, 495

Lansing, Robert, 395

Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 3, 4, 5, 13, 23–25, 28, 47, 337

Laski, Harold, 426

Last of the Mohicans, The (Cooper), 212

Latin America, 456

Law Enforcement Assistance Act (1965), 622–23

Lawrence v. Texas, 768

Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich, 434–35

Lay, Benjamin, 73, 92

    background of, 72–73

    as bookseller, 73

    slavery denounced by, 73–74, 75–76

    on women’s equality, 86–87

League of Gileadites, 279

League of Nations, 397, 400, 427, 435, 474, 515

League of Women Voters, 431, 571, 705, 706

Lease, Charles, 334–35

Lease, Evelyn Louise, 346

Lease, Mary E., 330–32, 334–35, 336, 339, 340, 341, 342, 388

    Bryan mistrusted by, 346

    Bryan supported by, 352

    in campaign for George, 350

    Democratic Party hated by, 331, 346

    McKinley criticized by, 352–53

    monopolism opposed by, 343

    People’s Party formed by, 343

    socialist views of, 347

    Union Labor Party joined by, 342

Lederer, William, 598, 603

Lee, Ivy, 412

Lee, Richard Henry, 98

Lee, Robert E.:

    Gettysburg defeat of, 294–95

    Harpers Ferry retaken by, 283

    surrender of, 305

Legal Defense Fund, 577, 579

legal precedents, 479

Leibovich, Mark, 708, 749, 759

Lemus, Rienzi B., 369

Lend-Lease Act, 480, 481

L’Enfant, Pierre Charles, 132

“Letter from Birmingham Jail” (King), 607–8

Letters concerning Toleration (Locke), 52

Levellers, 49, 50

Leviathan, The (Hobbes), 37, 61, 106

Lewandowski, Corey, 774

Lewinsky, Monica, 709, 710, 712, 714

Lewis, Anthony, 712–13

Lewis, John, 605–6, 609, 628, 726

Lewis, William, 490–91

Lexington and Concord, Battles of, 92

Leyte, 493

liberal arts, 275

liberal feminism, 652, 659

    and abortion, 662

    and gay rights, 661, 662

    National Women’s Conference (1977), 659–62

liberalism, 427, 429, 554–55, 561, 565, 568–69, 580, 584

    and Clinton ethics investigations, 712

    and judiciary, 677, 685–86

    Nazism vs., 434

    in New Deal, 444

    and New Democrats, 696

    1960s decline of, 591, 592, 594, 610, 619–20

    and 1970s economic malaise, 657

    and originalism, 678–79

    and presidential election (1968), 631

    and race riots, 623, 625

    and tax policy, 669

    and technology, 694

    and Vietnam War, 610

    and War on Poverty, 619

    after World War II, 504–5, 507–8

    see also political polarization

liberal world order, xviii

Liberator, 189–90, 200, 206, 247, 269

Liberia, 179


    idea of, slavery and, 10, 64, 86, 88, 92, 96, 105–6

    language of, 235

Liberty and Victory Bonds, 397

Library Company of Philadelphia, 66, 90

Liberty Party, 228, 238, 259

Libya, 765

Liddy, G. Gordon, 641, 644

Lie Factory, 448, 450–51, 456

Life, 481, 587

Lifeboat (film), 502

Life of Abraham Lincoln (Howells), 287–88

Life of Andrew Jackson (Eaton), 182

lightbulb, 424

Light’s Golden Jubilee, 424

Like Factor, 705

Limbaugh, Rush, 704, 742, 743, 762

Lincoln, Abraham, xix, 151, 311

    assassination and funeral of, 305–7, 306

    Cooper Union speech of, 285

    Douglas’s debates with, 275, 276–79, 286

    Douglass studied by, 264–65

    Dred Scott decision denounced by, 270

    in election of 1858, 265, 275, 276–79

    in election of 1860, 285, 286, 287–88

    in election of 1864, 303–4

    Emancipation Proclamation supported by, 297–300, 303, 329

    Gettysburg Address of, 295–96, 307

    inaugurations of, 290, 304–5

    Internal Revenue Bureau created by, 302

    John Quincy Adams’s funeral organized by, 251

    on labor, 255

    Longfellow praised by, 260

    Mexican War opposed by, 243, 263

    photographs of, 273

    slavery criticized by, 255, 263–66

    Tarbell’s biography of, 371

    Thirteenth Amendment pushed by, 304

    vindictive peace disdained by, 317–18

    war powers claimed by, 487

Lindbergh, Charles, 477, 479, 481, 482

Lippmann, Walter, 361–63, 371, 427, 457, 562, 682

    Bernays influenced by, 414

    Hoover praised by, 405

    on majority rule, 309, 362–63, 364, 418–20, 423

    on need for dictatorial powers, 434

    peace proposal drawn up by, 396–97, 398, 400

    on tariffs, 407

Lipset, Seymour Martin, 591

literacy, 210–11

Literary Digest, 453, 454, 458

Lithuania, 426

Little, Earl, 440

Little Rock Central High School desegregation (1957), 584–87, 585

Liverpool, U.K., 202

living standards, 527–28

Livingston, Robert R., 98

Lochner v. New York, 378, 380

Locke, Alain, 411

Locke, John, 1, 30–31, 34, 95

    as Carolina colony secretary, 52

    egalitarianism of, 53, 54

    on human (natural) rights, 53–55

    political philosophy of, 52–53

    on slavery, 54–55

Lockheed Corp., 538

Lockwood, Belva, 340

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 401

Lomax, Louis, 606

London, German bombing of, 479, 512

Long, Huey, 461–62

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 259–60, 261, 267, 270, 271, 480

    on Brown’s death, 284–85

    on dissolution of Union, 290

    on Lincoln’s election, 288

Los Alamos National Laboratory, 524–25

Los Angeles, Calif., 371, 568, 573

Los Angeles Times, 450

Louisiana, 281, 531

    black governor of, 323

    black voter registration in, 344

    Indians in, 213

    movement to, 221

    secession of, 289

    slaves sold to, 202

    as slave state, 176

Louisiana Purchase, 251

Louisiana Territory, 69, 80, 170, 173

    Jefferson’s purchase of, 170–71

    see also New France

Louisville Courier-Journal, 541

Louis XVI, king of France, beheading of, 142

Louverture, Toussaint, 143, 170

Lovejoy, Elijah, 221

Lovelace, Ada, 194

Love’s Pilgrimage (Sinclair), 450

Loving v. Virginia, 751

Lowell, Francis Cabot, 194, 195

Lowell, Mass., 194–95, 194

Loyalists, 92, 94, 102, 103–4

    in flight to Canada and Britain, 104, 107

loyalty tests, 545

Luce, Henry, 412, 413, 481, 540, 574

Luxembourg, 473

Lyles, CeeCee, 720–21

Lynch, Thomas, 115

lynching, 356, 368, 370, 396, 399

    FDR’s failure on, 458

    Twain’s denunciation of, 369

lynchings, 531

MacArthur, Douglas, 560

Macdonald, Dwight, 592, 594, 611–12

Machine Age, 444

machine guns, 445

MacKinnon, Catharine, 686

MacLeish, Archibald, 488–91, 504, 511, 512, 516

Madison, Ambrose, 94

Madison, Dolley, 233, 240

Madison, James, xii, xvii, 93, 116, 130, 156, 177, 363

    Alien and Sedition Acts and, 158–59

    antislavery petitions and, 135, 136–37

    Bill of Rights authored by, 134, 137

    on citizenship, 322

    on citizenship requirements for Congress, 312

    on colonization, 343

    at constitutional convention, 109, 111, 118, 119–23, 125–26, 128, 149

    on dangers of majority rule, 118–19, 123–24

    on established religion, 200

    on factions, 144

    as Federalist Papers coauthor, 129

    on importance of newspapers, 144–45

    Kentucky and Virginia Resolves written by, 217

    notes on constitutional convention kept by, 118, 240–41, 256–57

    political history studied by, 117, 118

    in proposal to count slaves as three-fifths of a person, 116

    on religious freedom, 96

    on religious liberty, 89–90

    on republicanism, 144–45

    slaves owned by, 105–6

    Virginia Plan drafted by, 120

    and War of 1812, 172

Madsen, Dennis, 750

Magby, Willis, 439–40

Magna Carta, 83–84, 95

    Coke’s resurrection of, 40, 41, 43

    and right to trial by jury, 41–42

Maine, 366

Maine, as free state, 179

majority rule, 155, 187

    Madison on dangers of, 118–19, 123–24

Malcolm X, 440, 613, 621–22

    assassination of, 622

    background of, 606–7

    and gun control debate, 673

Malthus, Thomas, 157, 168, 171, 343

Managerial Revolution, The (Burnham), 504

Manchuria, 427, 481–82

Mandeville, John, 13

Manhattan Project, 516, 523

manifest destiny, 10, 199

“Manifesto of Fascist Intellectuals,” 443

Mansfield, Lord, 88

“Manual for the Motion Picture Industry, A,” 501–2

manufacturing, 192

    Hamilton’s emphasis on, 140

    inventory of, 172

    Jefferson’s distaste for, 169, 171–72

    slavery as form of, 169

    in World War II, 486

Mao Zedong, 539

maps, mapmakers, 14

Marbury v. Madison, 168, 239, 268–69, 378

March on Washington (1963), 609–10, 613

Mark I computer, 523, 524

Marlowe, Christopher, 444

marriage, 529

Married Women’s Property Act, 257

Marshall, John:

    Cherokee National recognized by, 215–16

    as chief justice, 165, 167–68, 187

    federal law overturned by, 239

    on preservation of Union, 260

Marshall, Thurgood, 497, 575–88

    on Johnson, 643

    on originalism, 687–88

    retirement of, 697

Marshall Plan, 538

Martin, Jim, 505–6

Martin, Luther, 125–26, 130

Martin, Tracy, 763

Martin, Trayvon, 763, 765, 767

Marx, Karl, 230, 231, 254, 255

Mary I, queen of England, 26–27

Maryland, 576

    income tax in, 301

Maryland, University of, Law School, 576

Maryland colony, 44

Mashpees, 212, 215

Mason, George, xii, 86, 96, 99, 122, 128

    bill of rights proposal of, 127


    constitution of, 111, 112, 114, 128

    Know-Nothings in, 263

    ratification debate in, 130

    Revolutionary War debt of, 116

    secret ballot in, 344

    Shays’s Rebellion in, 116, 118

    slavery outlawed in, 114

Massachusetts Assembly, 88

Massachusetts Bay colony, 43–44, 44

Massachusetts General Colored Association, 203

Massachusetts General Hospital, 560

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 524, 587

mass advertising, 401

    and campaign of 1912, 387

mass communication, 363, 420, 566

mass consciousness, 363

mass consumption, 363

mass delusion, 364

Masses, 362

mass hysteria, 363

mass incarceration, 699–700

mass migration, 363

mass production, 363, 444

Mather, Cotton, 57, 60

mattresses, 195

Mauchly, John, 520, 524, 526–27, 558, 559, 575

maximum-hour laws, 346, 377, 381, 382

Maya, 8, 11

Mayflower, 43

    voyage of, 38–39

Mayflower Compact, 39, 43

McAllum, Sam, 317

McCain, John, 752

McCarthy, Eugene, 629, 633

McCarthy, Joseph, 504, 549–52, 553, 555, 556, 557, 565–68, 567, 571, 572, 592

McCarthyism, 592, 597

McClellan, George, 303, 304

McClure, Samuel Sidney, 371

McClure’s, 371

McCormick, Anne O’Hare, 423, 457

McCurry, Michael, 708

McGovern, George, 633, 642, 694

McGranery, James P., 578

McKellar, Kenneth, 39

McKinley, William:

    assassination of, 375

    in election of 1896, 352, 374, 375

    warship sent to Cuba by, 366

McKissick, Floyd, 595

McMurray, Howard, 549

McNamara, Robert, 629, 640

McVeigh, Timothy, 702

McWilliams, Carey, 549, 560

Mead, Margaret, 660

measurement, see quantification

“Measurement of Inequality, The” (Gini), 443

Mechanics Magazine, 210

Mecom, Edward, 87


    and Ailes, 704–5, 742–43

    consolidation of, 732–33

    deregulation of, 737

    Fairness Doctrine, 682, 704

    and political polarization, 704, 707–8, 724

    republicanism’s faith in, 144–45

    Wilson’s relationship with, 388

Medicaid, 619, 671, 700

Medicare, and Reagan administration, 671

Meese, Edwin, 678–79, 684

Mein Kampf (Hitler), 489

Melich, Tanya, 652, 665

Mellon, Andrew W., 405, 443

Melville, Herman, 559

“Memorial Remonstrance against Religious Assessments” (Madison), 137

Menace of Modernism, The (Riley), 392–93

Mencken, H. L., 417, 418, 466

Mennonites, 569

Merchants of Death (Engelbrecht and Hanighen), 445

Mercury Theatre on the Air (radio show), 468–69

Merriam, Frank, 450, 451

Mesoamerica, 12

Mesopotamia, 12

Metacom (“King Philip”), 55–56

Methodists, 201, 366

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 407

Mexicans, 409–10

    as cowboys, 334

Mexican War, 232, 241, 244, 368, 482

    casualties of, 293

    declaration of, 243

    Douglass’s opposition to, 249

    protests against, 246, 259, 263

    and Wilmot Proviso, 244–46, 245

Mexico, 281, 394

    Cortés’s invasion of, 22–23

    immigration from, 674–75

    movement of Americans into, 221–22

    negotiation of border with, 222

    Oregon Territory claimed by, 242

    shrinking of, 250–51

    Texas’s rebellion against, 222–23, 233

Mexico City, 250

Meyer, Philip, 667

Michigan, 208, 255

    movement to, 221

Michigan, University of, 348, 544

Michigan Avenue (Chicago), 406

Microsoft, 695, 735

middle class, 529

Middle East, 11

Midway, Battle of, 494

military desegregation, 541

military spending, and Reagan administration, 671

militias, 702

Miller, Ola Babcock, 455

Millionaire’s Amendment, 505

Mills, C. Wright, 558–59, 566

Milton, John, 49, 291

Milwaukee, Wis., 371

minimum wage, 364

Ministry of Propaganda, German, 434, 452, 456, 481

Mink, Patsy, 659


    farm cooperatives in, 336

    immigrants recruited to, 208

minorities, 544

    see also specific minorities

Minor v. Happersett, 328

Minow, Newton, 571

missionaries, 366

Mississippi, 281, 541, 578

    flood in, 421

    Indians in, 213

    movement to, 221

    secession of, 289

    slaves sold to, 202

    as slave state, 176

    Understanding Clause in constitution of, 344

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 621

Mississippi River, navigation rights on, 170


    battle over statehood for, 176–80

    movement to, 221

Missouri Compromise, 179–80, 253, 262–63

Missouri Question (Raymond), 178–79

Mitchell, Charles, 370

Mobile, Ala., 302

“Model of Christian Charity, A” (Winthrop), 43

Modern Efficiency Desk, 404

modernism, 354, 390

modernization, and Vietnam War, 603–4

Mondale, Walter, 683, 696, 706

monogenists, 256

monopolies, 335, 343, 363, 449, 526

Monroe, James, 172, 176

Monroe Doctrine, 180, 234–35

Montaigne, Michel de, 28

Montana, 325

    blacks in, 369

    creation of, 332

Montesinos, Antonio de, 21–22, 23

Montesquieu, 129, 135

Montgomery, Ala., bus boycott (1955–56), 582–84

Montreal, 79

Moody, John, 742–43

Moore, Mary, 302

moral crusades, 557

Moral Majority, 663–64

More, Thomas, 14, 54

Morgan, J. Pierpont, 372, 388

Mormons, 201

Morris, Dick, 710

Morris, Gouverneur, 119, 126–27

Morris, Robert, 109

Morris, Thomas, 223–24

Morrison, Philip, 545

Morrison, Toni, 712

Morse, Samuel F. B., 208–9, 229, 249, 263, 272–73

    telegraph lauded by, 274–75

mortgages, 343

Morton, Levi, 313

Mosaic, 731

Mothers for Moral America, 616

Motion Picture Association of America, 501

Mount Vernon, 233, 236

MSNBC, 707

muckrakers, 371–73, 448

Muhammad, Elijah, 606, 613

mulattoes, 409

Muller, Curt, 381

Muller v. Oregon, 381–82

Mundus Novus (Vespucci), 14

Munich crisis, 467, 474

Munitions Committee, 445

Muñoz Camargo, Diego, 16

Murdoch, Rupert, 707, 743

Murphy, Frank, 495–96

Murray, Pauli, 497–98, 499–500, 647, 652

Murrow, Edward R., 511–12, 522, 563, 564–67, 574

Muslims, 11, 12

    in American colonies, 50

    Catholic wars with, 36

Mussolini, Benito, 427, 449, 467, 474, 514

Mutual network, 461

Myrdal, Gunnar, 501, 502

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 699

Nagasaki bombing (1945), 517, 522

Nanking, 481–82

Napoleon Bonaparte, 371

Napoleon I, emperor of France, 170

Napoleonic Wars, 170, 171, 172

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (Douglass), 248

Nation, 344, 414, 434, 502

National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (Kerner Commission), 627–28

National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), 587

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 371, 389, 396, 399, 497, 577, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 595, 596, 605

    on criminal justice policy, 699

National Association of Manufacturers, 446

national bank, 233

    renewal of charter of, 234

National Bank Act, 333

National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), 422, 435, 467, 473, 476, 562, 571

National Bureau of Standards, 363

National City Bank, 388

National Congress of Mothers, 380

National Convention of Colored Men, 238, 317

national debt, World War II growth of, 487

National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), 488, 525

“National Education Campaign,” 547

National Era, 269

National Farmers’ Alliance, 336

National Federation of Republican Women’s Clubs, 555–57

National Firearms Act, 445

National Insurance Act, 379

National Organization for Women (NOW), 647

National Origins Act, 407–8

National Photographic Portrait Gallery, 294

national prayer breakfasts, 569

National Press Association, 356

National Radio Chapel (radio show), 460

National Recovery Administration, 463

National Republican Party, 219

National Review, 555, 723

National Rifle Association (NRA), 445–46, 672–73, 675–76, 678

National Science Foundation (NSF), 525, 542, 545

National Security Act (1947), 538

National Security Agency (NSA), 538

National Urban League, 497

National War Labor Board, 397, 487

National Welfare Rights Organization, 638

National Woman’s Alliance, 346

National Woman’s Party, 394, 431

National Woman Suffrage Association, 328, 329

National Women’s Conference (1977), 659–62

National Women’s Political Caucus, 652

National Youth Administration, 504

Nation of Islam, 606–7, 613, 621, 622

nation-states, 525

    and fiction of common ancestry, 9–10

    rise of, 9

Native Americans, 399

    American Revolution and, 102

    catastrophic effect of European diseases on, 19–20

    as cowboys, 334

    declining territory of, 337

    enslavement of, 48

    European disease in, 17

    excluded by populism, 336

    French alliances with, 66

    in human zoos, 354

    legal and moral right as issue for, 55

    Locke on rights of, 53

    1960s activism, 634

    path to citizenship of, 337

    removal of, 192, 212–16

    on reservations, 337

    sovereignty and, 53–54

    in wars with colonists, 55–56

nativism, 263

Naturalization Act (1798), 314

natural rights, see human rights

“Nature of Mass Belief Systems in Mass Publics, The” (Converse), 593

Navy, U.S., 486

Nazi Party, 427, 434–35

    genocide by, 511–13, 513

Ndongo, 38

Neal, Claude, 458


    creation of, 262

    farm cooperatives in, 336

    women protected in, 380–81

Negro March on Washington, 498

Negroes with Guns, 607

Negro Seaman Acts, 203

Netherlands, 240, 473

Neutrality Acts, 474, 475

Nevada, 260–61, 324

    creation of, 332

    irrigated land in, 409

Nevins, Allan, 562

Nevis, 84

New American Right, The (Bell), 592, 614

Newby, Dangerfield, 283

New Communalism, 695

New Conservation, 437

New Deal, 429–30, 437–38, 444, 479, 504, 515, 526, 527, 531–32, 535, 552, 570

    blacks excluded from, 440, 457–58

    and Clinton administration, 700

    conservatism vs., 444–45, 446–47, 656

    and debate over Constitution, 462–66

    first hundred days of, 462

    Herbert Hoover’s criticism of, 506–7

    liberalism of, 444

    and New Democrats, 696

    and Reagan agenda, 627

    redistribution under, 443

    Supreme Court vs., 463–66

New Democrats, 696

New Departure, 324

New Echota, Ga., 214–15

New England:

    abolition of slavery in, 123

    antislavery movement in, 87, 88

    Caribbean sugar plantations and, 45

    dissenters’ settlement of, 39, 40, 43

    Indian removal and, 215

    Indian wars in, 55–56

    Pequot War in, 45

    slavery in, 45, 48

New-England Courant, 60

New Forum, 346

Newfoundland, 34

New France, Métis in, 69

New Hampshire, constitution of, 111, 128

New Hampshire colony, 44

New Haven colony, 44

New Jersey colony, 51

New Left, 627, 628–29, 637, 651, 694

    and identity politics, 703

New Mexico, 243, 260–61, 394

New Negro, The (Locke), 411

New Netherland, 44

New Orleans, Battle of, 173, 181

New Orleans, La., 170, 204

New Orleans Bee, 289

New Republic, 362, 396–97, 400, 403, 426, 541

New South, 587

New Spain, 17, 20, 26

    free blacks in, 69

    racial caste system in, 23, 24

newspapers, 211, 533–34, 540–41, 551, 552, 555, 557, 558, 563, 571–72, 580

    growth of, 145

    Madison on importance of, 144–45

    partisanship of, 145

    political campaigning and, 160–61

    two-party system and, 145

    see also media; press, freedom of

New Sweden, 44

Newsweek, 522, 577

New Theology, 354

Newton, Huey, 627

Newtown, Ct., 765

New Women, 386

New York, debtors’ prison abolished by, 226

New York, N.Y., 104, 105

    corruption in, 342

    draft riots in, 300

    Federal Hall in, 131–32, 132

    slaves in, 61, 62, 63–64

    supposed slave conspiracy in, 63–64

    top 1 percent in, 207

New York, secret ballot in, 344

New York American, 182

New York colony, 51

New Yorker, The, 413, 521, 572, 722

New York Herald, 210, 211, 229, 236, 349, 385, 453, 458

New York Herald Tribune, 479, 490

New York Journal, 349, 367

New York Observer, 273

New-York Packet, xi, xii–xiii, xviii

New York Power Authority, 438

New York state, slavery in, 123

New York Stock Exchange, 141–42, 407, 424, 436 New York Sun, 211, 229

New York Times, 255, 295, 297, 340, 342, 349, 350, 352, 363, 387, 445, 505, 523, 527, 558

New York Tribune, 235, 252

New-York Weekly Journal, 61–62

New York World, 349–50, 375

Ngo Dinh Diem, 603, 604

Nicaragua, 281

Niebuhr, Reinhold, 427, 541, 583

Nierenberg, William, 683

Nine Old Men, The, 464

Nineteenth Amendment, 402, 431

Nixon, Richard M.:

    and abortion, 653–54, 658

    as anticommunist, 540–41, 548–51

    background of, 534–35, 540–41

    “Checkers speech” of, 561–63, 572

    congressional campaign of (1946), 534–37

    and contraception, 650

    and criminal justice policy, 622, 673

    and economic malaise, 657

    and environmental movement, 681

    and gun control debate, 673

    inauguration (1973), 642–43

    Khrushchev meeting (1959), 589–91, 589

    and Pentagon Papers, 640–41

    and political polarization, 636, 637–39, 643

    and presidential election (1960), 589, 599–601, 601

    and presidential election (1964), 615

    and presidential election (1968), 631–33, 636

    and presidential election (1972), 641–42

    as Republican leader, 536–37, 556–57, 572–73

    resignation of, 594, 644–45, 645

    as vice president, 571–72, 579–80, 586

    vice-presidential campaign of (1952), 561–63

    vice-presidential campaign of (1956), 571–72

    and Vietnam War, 632, 642

    War on Drugs, 699

    Watergate scandal, 641–42, 643–45, 688

    White House surveillance, 639–40

“Nixonland,” 572

Nock, Albert Jay, 447–48

Non-Importation Act (1806), 171

no-platform movement, 703

Nordic race, 392

Norfolk, Va., 299

Norris, J. Frank, 390, 392


    antislavery societies in, 205

    Indians in, 212

North, Lord, 91–92, 101

North Africa, 11

North America, English colonization of, see American colonies, British

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 699

North Atlantic Treaty (1949), 539

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 539

North Carolina, income tax in, 301

North Carolina, University of, 497

North Dakota:

    creation of, 332

    farm cooperatives in, 336

Northern Democratic Party, 288

Northern Pacific Railway, 335

North Korea, 560

North Star, 249

North Vietnam, 399

Northwestern University, 340

Northwest Ordinance, 124–25

Northwest Territory, 114, 124–25

Norton, Louise, 440

Norton, Malcolm, 440

Norwegian Americans, 208

Notes (Madison), 240–41, 256–57

Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson), 161

Nova Scotia, free blacks in, 107

nuclear war, 522, 524–25, 531, 532, 538–39, 570, 571, 586, 587

nuclear weapons, 680, 681–82, 683

nuclear winter, 681–83

Nueces Strip, 243

nullification, 217–18, 239

Nuremberg Laws, 466

Nye, Gerald P., 445, 446

Obama, Barack, 441, 519, 722, 725–26, 728, 748, 750–55, 751, 759–60, 763, 764, 765–66

Obama, Hussein, 751

Obama, Michelle Robinson, 752

Obergefell, James, 769

Obergefell v. Hodges, 768–69

Oberlin College, 366

“Objective Method for Determining Reader Interest in the Content of a Newspaper, An” (Gallup), 454–55

Observation on the Inslaving, Importing and Purchasing of Negroes (Benezet), 76

“Observations concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, &c” (Franklin), 69

“Observations on Reading History” (Franklin), xv Occupy movement, 726, 758–59

Ochs, Adolph, 349

Office of Facts and Figures, 488, 489–91

Office of Naval Research, U.S., 545

Office of Price Administration, 487

Office of Scientific Research and Development, 488

Office of War Information, 485, 491, 492, 515


    as free state, 176

    gun laws in, 445

    movement to, 221

Ohio Country Republican Women’s Club, 550, 556

Ohrduf, 512, 513, 513

Oil and Gas Conservation Act, 572

oil crisis (1970s), 657, 680

oil industry, 572

O.K. Corral, 445

Oklahoma, gun laws in, 445

Old-age Home Guard of the United States Army, 377

old-age pensions, 377, 378

Old Fashioned Revival Hour (radio show), 461

Old-Time Gospel Hour (TV show), 663

Olympics (1968), 628

Omaha, Neb., 333

“On Computable Numbers” (Turing), 523

One Goh, 764–65

101st Airborne Division, U.S., 586

One World or None: A Report on the Full Meaning of the Atomic Bomb, 526

One World (Willkie), 492

“one world” vision, 538

On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 284, 348

OPEC oil embargo, 657, 680

Operation Rescue, 702

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 516, 526

Oregon, 242, 260, 324, 494

    blacks barred from, 280–81

    female ten-hour law in, 381

    women’s voting rights in, 386

Oregon Territory, 235, 242

Oregon Trail, 242

originalism, 677, 678–79, 684, 685, 687–88

origin stories, 6–7, 9

Orion, 508

O’Sullivan, John, 199, 243

Other People’s Money and How the Bankers Use It (Brandeis), 388

Otis, James, Jr., 80, 86, 88

    on women’s equality, 87

Ottoman Empire, 390, 426

Our Enemy, the State (Nock), 447

“Our Invisible Poor” (Macdonald), 611–12

Outer Banks, N.C., 28–29

Out of Our Past (Degler), xviii

Owen, Robert, 194

Pacific Gas and Electric, 449

Pacific Railway Act, 332–33

Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, 450

“Packaged Society,” 528

Paine, Thomas, xvii, 34, 95–96, 110–11, 142

    French Revolution and, 142

    on right of revolution, 95–96

Palin, Sarah, 755, 760

Pan-American Congress, 399

Pané, Ramón, 5–7, 13, 16, 24

Panic of 1792, 140, 141–42, 335, 749

Panic of 1809, 226

Panic of 1819, 207

Panic of 1837, 225–26, 225

Panic of 1873, 335

Panic of 1893, 347

paper currency, 220–21, 333

paper mills, 559

Parent Teacher Association (PTA), 380

Paris, Treaty of (1783), 107, 114, 123

Paris Peace Conference, 398–400, 414

Parker, Alton B., 376

Parker, Theodore, 246–47

Parker, William, 623

Parks, Rosa, 582–84


    Coercive Acts passed by, 89, 90, 91

    divine right of kings challenged by, 39–40, 42

    English Civil War and, 48

    Franklin’s appearance before, 83–84

    popular sovereignty and, 49

    slave trade abolished by, 172

    and taxation of American colonies, 81, 82, 88–89, 91–92

partisanship, see political polarization

party caucuses, 159–60

party system, 211

Passing of the Great Race, The (Grant), 392, 408

passports, 314–16

Patent Office, U.S., 198

Patman, Wright, 505

Patriarcha (Filmer), 54

Patriot Act (2001), 744, 748, 765

Patterson, John, 605, 608

Patton, George, 512

Paul, Alice, 393, 394, 431

“Paul Revere’s Ride” (Longfellow), 285

PayPal, 735

payroll taxes, 439, 532

peace, democracy and, 395

Peace Corps, 602

peace dividend, 538

peace movement, and Vietnam War, 628–29, 633

peace societies, 207

Pearl Harbor attack (1941), 484, 487, 494, 537

Peck, Gregory, 688–89

Penn, William, 51, 51


    abolition law in, 106

    constitution of, 112–13

    income tax in, 301

    slavery in, 123

Pennsylvania, University of, 530

Pennsylvania Abolition Society, 135

Pennsylvania colony, Charter of, 51

Pennsylvania Gazette, 61, 137

Pennsylvania Society for the Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, 92, 114, 124

Penobscots, 215, 216

pensions, 377, 378

Pentagon, 487, 720, 722

Pentagon Papers, 640–41, 743

People’s Party, 343–44, 346–47, 350, 364

People’s Presidential Candidate, The, 227–28

People v. Hall, 325

Pequots, enslavement of, 45, 48

Pequot War (1637), 45, 48

Perkins, Frances, 436, 437

Perle, Richard, 682

Perlman, Nathan D., 408

Permanent Indian Territory, 262–63

Perot, Ross, 706

Persian Gulf War, 707

Peters, Frank, 136

Peterson, Elly, 617

Peurifoy, John, 550

Philadelphia, Pa.:

    AME church opened in, 202

    British capture of, 101

    free blacks in, 106

    Great Migration to, 371

    religious riots in, 209

    Working Men’s Party formed in, 207

Philadelphia & Reading Rail Road, 347

Philadelphia Inquirer, 268

Philadelphia Negro, The (Hose), 370

Philippine-American War, 368–69


    missionaries in, 366

    in Spanish-American War, 367–68

Philippine Sea, Battle of, 506

Phillips, Carl, 469

Phillips, Kevin, 632, 636

Phillips, Wendell, 276, 321

philosophes, 256

Phoenix, 213

photography, 248, 272–74, 460

Pickering, Timothy, 159, 164

Pierce, Walter, 459

Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan), 192, 371

Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 160, 164

    slaves of, 79

Pinckney, Thomas, 158

Pintard, John, 140–41

Pitt, William, the Elder, 78

Pittsburgh Courier, 501

Plains, 337

Planned Parenthood, 649, 686

Plan of Campaign, 532, 547

plantations, 202

Plato, 50

“Plea for Captain John Brown, A” (Thoreau), 284

“Plea for Free Speech” (Douglass), 288–89, 291

“Plea for the Temperance Ballot for Women, A,” speech (Lease), 339

Pledge of Allegiance, 569

Plessy, Homer, 358

Plessy v. Ferguson, 358–60, 369, 381, 498, 576, 578, 579, 687

Plouffe, David, 759

Plymouth colony, 40

Plymouth Company, 33

Podesta, Tony, 760

Poe, Edgar Allan, 252

Poems on Slavery (Longfellow), 284–85

Poland, 240, 400, 426, 427, 535

    German invasion of, 473, 474, 487

polio vaccinations, 570

political campaigning:

    election of 1800

    and, 159, 160, 160

    Jackson and, 182

    newspapers and, 160–61

    paraphernalia of, 183

political consensus (1960s), 591–93, 633–34, 672–73

political consulting, 448–52

    Democratic Party, 636–37

    and Nixon, 632, 636

    and Reagan, 625

    and social issues, 648

    political correctness, 703

Political Debates Between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, 286–87

political equality:

    Locke and, 34

    Paine on, 34

    as U.S. founding principle, xiv–xv

Political Man (Lipset), 591

political parties:

    ratification debate and, 129

    rise of, 62, 63

    Washington’s warning against, 146

    see also two-party system

political polarization, 545–46

    and abortion, 647, 658, 667–68, 676

    and Clinton ethics investigations, 710–11

    and gun control debate, 647–48, 676, 679

    and identity politics, 701–2, 703

    and Internet, 648

    late 1960s increase in, 594, 636–39

    and media, 704, 707–8

    and 1970s economic malaise, 658

    1990s, 691–92

    and Nixon administration, 636, 637–39, 643

    and polling industry, 667

    and Reagan administration, 683

    and Schlafly, 658–59

    and southern strategy, 636, 656, 667

    and Supreme Court, 688–90

    and technology, 666, 668

    and Vietnam War, 643

    and women’s rights, 691–92

    see also culture wars

political science, 348


    change in, 525–26

    debates in, 570–71

    domestic, 536

    issues in, 565–66, 570–71

    parties in, 545–46

    power in, 522, 576

    quantification of, 156

    “vital center” of, 553

    warfare and, 539

Politics (Aristotle), 21

Polk, James K.:

    desire for empire of, 242–43, 250

    in election of 1844, 237, 238, 243

polling industry, 667, 705

Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, 348, 376

polls, opinion, 542–46, 557, 560, 565–66

Pollsters: Public Opinion, Politics, and Democratic Leadership, The (Rogers), 543–44

poll taxes, 542

pollution, 680

Polo, Marco, 13

polygenists, 256

Pontiac, 81

Pool, Ithiel de Sola, 597–99, 603–4, 635

Poor Richard’s Almanack, 66, 79, 81

Pope, Alexander, 62

popular sovereignty, 261

    in American colonies, 50

    as legal fiction, 48

    representation and, 49, 83, 122

    as U.S. founding principle, xiv–xv

populism, 563

    Jackson and, 181

populist movement, 330–32, 336–38, 364

    Coughlin’s radio show on, 461

    folded into Democratic Party, 364–65

    gradual income tax pushed by, 345, 346

    monopolies opposed by, 343

    Progressives vs., 364–65, 371

    racism of, 343–44

    secret ballot pushed by, 344

    state as bulwark against, 348–49

    TR’s pursuit of policies of, 375–76

    women in, 332, 339–40

Porfirio Díaz, José de la, 409

Portland Oregonian, 449


    in exploration of Africa, 11

    in slave trade, 11–12, 18, 38, 46

    territorial claims of, 15–16

postmodernism, 636

poststructuralism, 636


    and Johnson administration, 611, 611, 612, 618–19, 622–23, 629

    and Kennedy administration, 611–12

    and Reagan administration, 671

Powell, Colin, 745

Powell, Lewis, 685, 687

Powell, Thomas, 403

“power elites,” 566

power looms, 193, 194

Powhatan, 31–32, 31, 36–37, 54

“Practicability of Equalizing Men and Women Before the Law, The” (Roosevelt), 343

prayer meetings, 569

Precision Journalism (Meyer), 667

Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, 297

Presbyterianism, 51, 201, 569

president, U.S.:

    duties of, 134

    elections of, 156–58

presidential elections:

    and data science, 597–99

    debates, 705–7

    1960, 597–601, 601

    1964, 613–17, 621

    1968, 629–30, 631–33

    1972, 641–42

    1976, 659, 664–66, 705

    1980, 669, 676, 696, 705

    1984, 683, 696, 706

    1988, 706

    1992, 648, 693, 697, 698, 706

    2000, 715–18, 717

    see also elections, U.S.; specific presidents, politicians, and polictical parties

press, freedom of the, 49–50, 59, 60, 137

    Alexander’s advocacy of, 61–62

    Franklin’s advocacy of, 61

    Stamp Act and, 82–83

    Zenger trial and, 62–63, 64

    see also media

Prince of Wales, 483

Princeton, USS, 232–33, 236, 238

Principles of Scientific Management, The (Taylor), 382

Pringle, Henry, 491

printing press, invention of, 13

privacy, right to, 650, 678, 685, 688

Problem of Civilization Solved, The (Lease), 343–44

Profits of Religion, The (Sinclair), 451

progress, 192, 197–99, 229–30

    idea of, capitalism and, 156

Progress and Freedom Foundation, 732

Progress and Poverty (George), 341, 365

Progressive Era, 363–64

Progressive Party, 541

Progressives, 362

    fundamentalists mocked by, 392–93

    Jim Crow ignored by, 364, 371–72, 38607

progressivism, 348–49, 526

    in election of 1912, 385–87

    muckraking in, 373

    Populists vs., 364–65, 371

    reaction against, 403–4

    roots of, 364

Prohibition, 397–98

Prohibition Party, 339–40

“Project X,” 557–59

propaganda, 414, 434, 452, 456–57, 578

    in World War II, 488

Propaganda (Bernays), 414


    Locke on, 53–54

    sovereignty and, 53–54

    voting rights and, 56, 112–13, 122, 182–83

Proposal for Promoting Useful Knowledge among the British Plantations in America, A (Franklin), 66–67

Proposition 4, 572

Proposition 13 (California), 669

Prospect before Us, The (Callender), 162

Protestantism, 26, 365, 568–69

Protestants, 50

    in riots, 209

Ptolemy, Claudius, 11

Public Credit Act, 334

Publick Occurrences, 59

public opinion, 457–59

    democracy vs., 452–57

Public Opinion (Lippmann), 401–2, 414, 454

“Public Opinion” (Madison), 144

Public Proclamation 1, 494

public relations, 402, 414

public relations campaigns, 532–34, 546–48, 553–54, 557, 559, 560–61, 572

public schools, 576, 579, 580–87

public transportation, 582–84

Public Works Administration, 437

Pulitzer, Joseph, 349, 350, 352, 366, 367, 375

Pumpkin Papers, 548–49

Purchas, Samuel, 12–13, 59

Puritans, 43, 45

Purnell, Fred S., 408

Pyle, Ernie, 493, 513

Quakers, 50, 51, 113, 135, 205

    slavery banned by, 92

    slavery denounced by, 75–76


    historical importance to, 16–18

    of politics, 156

Quebec, 25, 84

    British and American victory at, 79

Queen Anne’s War (1702–13), 66

Quest for Security, The (Rubinow), 438

Quincy, USS, 508

quota sampling, 458

race, 409

    and Constitution, 701

    Franklin on, 70

    Jefferson’s formula for, 175

    politics of, 176–78

    slavery and, 55, 56–57, 69–70, 86, 143

    and women’s rights, 660–61

    see also civil rights movement

“Race Problem in America, The” (Douglass), 356

race riots (1960s), 623–24, 627–28, 630

    and political polarization, 643

    and presidential election (1968), 632, 633

racism, 530–31, 541, 575–88, 756

    in English North America, 23, 24

    in New Spain, 23

radical feminism, 651, 660

Radical Republicans, 317, 318, 320

    in election of 1866, 323

radio, 421, 422–23, 427–29, 429, 430, 435, 436–37, 465, 479–80, 543–44, 561, 571, 572, 584, 704

    debates on, 459–60

    in the Depression, 440

    fundamentalism on, 460–61

    populism nourished by, 461

Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 422, 473

railroads, 189, 191, 231, 249, 255, 333–34, 336, 341, 347, 363, 364

    desire for public ownership of, 346, 347

    government support for, 338

    income from, 406

    regulation of, 376

    taxing of, 336, 338

    transcontinental, 262

Ralegh, Walter, xvi, 35

    Roanoke colony of, 28–30

Ramsay, David, 181

Rand, Ayn, 553

Randolph, A. Philip, 498

Randolph, Edmund, 119, 121, 134

Randolph, John, 186

Randolph, Peyton, 94

Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, 205

Rather, Dan, 706

Rayburn, Sam, 568

Raymond, Daniel, 178–79

Reader’s Digest, 507

readjustment benefit, 527–28, 528

Reagan, Nancy, 616

Reagan, Ronald, 540

    and abortion, 650

    and AIDS crisis, 685

    assassination attempt, 672, 676

    background of, 624

    economic policy, 669–72, 705–6

    and end of Cold War, 683–84, 690

    and Free Speech Movement, 625–26

    gubernatorial race (1966), 625–27

    and gun control debate, 673, 676–77

    inauguration (1981), 668–69

    and Iranian hostage crisis, 680

    and judiciary, 684–90

    and King’s assassination, 630

    and media, 682, 704, 705–6

    military spending, 681

    and political polarization, 683

    and presidential election (1976), 664, 665

    and presidential election (1980), 669

    and presidential election (1984), 683, 706

    and race riots, 624

    War on Drugs, 699

Real Majority, The (Scammon and Wattenberg), 636–37

Reason Why the Colored American Is Not in the Columbian Exposition, The, 356–57

Reconstruction, 337, 368, 585–86

failure of, 329–30, 389

Reconstruction Acts, 323

Redeemers, 330

Red Scare, 415–16, 443–44

Reed, Ralph, 689

Reed, Stanley, 577, 579

Reflections on the End of an Era (Niebuhr), 427

Reformation, 42

Rehnquist, William, 580, 644

Reid, John, 181

Reign of Terror, 142


    and abortion, 649–50, 664

    evangelical churches, 662–64

    lack of established, 200–201

    and presidential election (1964), 616

    slavery and, 17

religion, freedom of, 49–53, 137–38

    as fundamental right, 96

    Jefferson and, 161

    Madison and, 89–90

Report of an Exploration . . . between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains (Frémont), 242

Report of the Exploring Expedition to Oregon and California (Frémont), 242


    constitutional convention and, 121–22, 123, 124–25

    popular sovereignty and, 49, 83, 122

    sovereignty and, 90–91

    taxation and, 81, 83

    three-fifths rule and, 125, 130, 157

reproductive rights, see abortion; contraception; culture wars

Republic (Plato), 50

Republican clubs, 318


    democracy vs., 181

    Madison on, 144–45

Republican National Committee (RNC), 571, 581

Republican National Conventions:

    of 1952, 561

    of 1956, 572

Republican Party, U.S.:

    and abortion, 668

    black support for, 323, 386–87

    business interests supported by, 562–63, 570, 572

    conservative support for, 560–63, 570, 579–80, 581

    conservative takeover, 658–59, 664–68

    and contraception, 649

    creation of, 264

    1860 convention of, 287

    1864 convention of, 303

    and expansion west, 32–33

    1912 convention of, 386–87

    and Nixon-Khrushchev meeting (1959), 589

    popular support for, 541–46, 564

    and presidential election (1960), 599–600

    and presidential election (1968), 631–33

    and presidential election (1976), 664–65

    and Reagan, 624

    rearrangement of, 431

    and Schlafly, 616–17, 658–59

    southern strategy, 632, 636, 656, 667

    women as supporters of, 529, 551, 555–57

    and women’s rights, 658–59, 665, 692

    see also Radical Republicans

Republican Party (first), 211

Republicans (Jeffersonian), 144, 145–46, 159

    in election of 1800, 154–55, 160–62, 164

    Louisiana Purchase and, 170

    political dominance of, 172

    as pro-slavery, 176

Republican Women’s Task Force, 659

Requerimiento, 22, 23

reservations, 337

Reston, James, 629

Restoring the Quality of Our Environment (Environmental Pollution Panel), 680

restrictive covenants, 530

return to normalcy, 407, 504

Revenue Act, 487–88

revolution, right of, 99

    Paine on, 95–96

revolutions of 1848, 254

Rhineland, 427, 466

Rhode Island colony, 44

    religious and political freedom in, 49–50

Rice, Condoleezza, 745, 763

Rice, Tamir, 767

Richards, Ann, 660

Richardson, Elliot, 643, 644

Richmond, Va., 302, 311

Richmond Examiner, 297

Richmond News Leader, 582

Richmond Recorder, 175

Ridings, Dorothy, 706

“Rights of Black Man, The” (Bishop), 143

Rights of Man (Paine), 142

Rights of the British Colonists Asserted (Otis), 86

“Right to Equal Opportunity in Employment, The” (Murray), 500

Right to Keep and Bear Arms (Subcommittee on the Constitution), 677

Riley, William B., 392–93

Rising Tide of Color Against the White World-Supremacy, The (Stoddard), 411

RKO, 473–74

Road to Serfdom, The (Hayek), 57, 506

Roanoke colony, 28–30

Roberts, Owen, 463, 465, 496

Robertson, Pat, 664

robots, 559

Rochester, N.Y., 195–96, 197, 202

Rochester Society for the Promotion of Temperance, 195–96

Rockefeller, John D., 352, 372–73, 412

Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 405

Rockefeller, Nelson, 615

Roe v. Wade, 647, 653, 654, 655, 656, 664, 678, 686

Rogers, Lindsay, 542, 543–44, 546

Rogers, Ted, 563

Rollins, James S., 304

Roman law, slavery in, 21–22, 47, 48

Romney, George, 615, 665

Romney, Mitt, 728, 765, 774

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 428, 431–33, 432, 483, 504, 586

    and Commission on the Status of Women, 647

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 750

    “arsenal of democracy” concept of, 538

    Atlantic Charter negotiated by, 482–83

    Churchill’s courting of, 478

    and colonialism, 603

    convention attended by, 219

    court-packing plan of, 464–65, 479

    death of, 508, 510–11, 523, 531

    in election of 1920, 403, 428

    in election of 1932, 429–31, 454

    in election of 1936, 462

    executive branch reorganized by, 466

    fight for civil rights by, 500–501

    “forgotten man” concept of, 563

    Hitler’s underestimation of, 485

    inauguration of (1933), 433

    influenced by populist movement, 332

    Keynes’s letters to, 435, 466

    letters to, 435–36

    letter to Churchill from, 480–81

    and liberalism, 611

    on limits of welfare state, 438–39

    New Deal policies of, 526, 527, 531–32, 535, 552, 570

    and Pearl Harbor attack, 484

    plan to arm Europe, 475

    political consultants vs., 457

    presidential campaign of (1944), 542

    public opinion surveys relied on by, 457–58

    racial polices of, 531

    radio addresses of, 428–29, 429, 430, 432, 436–37, 465, 479–80

    radio debates refused by, 460

    recording system, 640

    scientific research supported by, 525

    at Tehran Conference, 502–3

    United Nations plans of, 491–92, 502–3

    urged to be dictator, 434

    war powers claimed by, 487

    on World’s Fair, 473

    at Yalta Conference, 508–10, 509

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Jr., 478

Roosevelt, Theodore, 374, 428

    in election of 1896, 374–75

    in election of 1912, 386, 387

    judicial recall supported by, 378

    mothers praised by, 380

    muckrakers named by, 371

    on need to control commercial forces, 365

    on Paris Peace Conference, 398–99

    reforms pursued by, 375–76

    in Spanish-American War, 367, 374

    on women’s equality, 343

Roots (TV show), 660

Roper, Elmo, 597

Rosenthal, A. M., 711

Ross, Harold, 413

Rossetto, Louis, 731–32

Rostow, Walt, 603

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 110

Rovere, Richard, 572

Rubinow, Isaac M., 379, 438

Ruckelshaus, Jill, 665

Ruckelshaus, William, 644

Rucker, Edward, 225

rule, nature of, 15

rule of law, xviii

    see also English common law

Rumsfeld, Donald, 746

Rush, Benjamin, 75, 200

    on liberty and slavery, 92

Russia, 242, 426

Russian Revolution, 362

Rustin, Bayard, 498, 607, 609

Rutledge, Edward, 94

Rutledge, John, 126, 167

Sacramento Union, 448

Safer, Morley, 646–47, 655, 742

Sagan, Carl, 681–82, 683

Saint-Dominque, see Haiti

Saintes, Battle of, 103

St. John’s, slave rebellion in, 57

St. Kitts, 84, 88

St. Louis, Mo., 333, 522

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 472

St. Louis Republic, 453

Salem, Mass., witchcraft trials in, 57

Salisbury, N.C., 302

SALT II, 680

same-sex marriage, 686

Sandburg, Carl, 412

Sanders, Bernie, 757–58, 766–67

Sandys, George, 36

San Francisco, Calif., 342, 522

    earthquake in, 376

San Francisco Chronicle, 379–80

San Francisco Examiner, 349, 448, 449

San Francisco Times, 341

Sanger, Margaret, 386, 394, 649

San Juan Hill, 367

Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 223, 250

Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, 339

Santayana, George, 361

Santorum, Rick, 764

Sao João Bautista, 38

Saratoga, Battle of (1777), 101

Sasaki, Toshiko, 521–22

Satan, 569

Saturday Evening Post, 507

Saturday Night Massacre, 644, 688

Saudi Arabia, 739

Savannah, Ga., 102, 104, 105, 204

Save Our Children, 661

savings and loan crisis, 672

Savio, Mario, 620–21

Scalia, Antonin, 684–85, 763

Scammon, Richard M., 636–37

Schell, Jonathan, 681

Schlafly, Phyllis, 646, 655–56

    and evangelical churches, 664

    and National Women’s Conference, 659, 661, 662

    and presidential election (1976), 664

    and Republican Party, 616–17, 658–59

    and Trump, 668

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 553, 614, 691

school desegregation, 608, 628, 662–63

School of Politics, 557

school prayer, 662

schools, common, 209–10

school shootings, 764

Schumpeter, Joseph, 735


    and climate change, 680–81, 682–83

    and conservatism, 682–83

    and environmental movement, 680

    and nuclear weapons, 682

“Science, the Endless Frontier” (Bush), 525

SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), 596–97, 606, 607, 620, 622

Scopes, John, 414–19

Scott, Dred, 268–69, 270–71

Scott, Walter, 373

Scott, Winfield, 216, 250

SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), 681

SDS (Students for a Democratic Society), 625, 633

Seale, Bobby, 627


    difficulty of decision, 292

    push for, 289

Second Amendment, 673, 675, 677–78, 679, 688, 764–65, 768

Second Bank of the United States, 219–21

Second Bill of Rights, 532

Second Great Awakening, 190–91, 195–98, 196, 345

    and alleged Christian origin of U.S., 201

Second Treatise on Government (Locke), 1

secret ballot, 344, 353, 386

Secret Service, 234

secularism, 555

Securities Exchange Commission, 437, 446

Sedgwick, Theodore, 113

sedition, 395

See It Now (TV show), 566–67

segregation, racial, 530–31, 541, 575–88, 585

    start of, 330

Seitz, Frederick, 683

Selma march (1965), 621–22, 625

Seminoles, 181, 212-13

Senate, U.S., 125, 157, 529, 531, 537, 538, 546, 547, 548, 549, 551, 567–68, 586

    Civil Rights Act (1866) passed by, 319–20

    direct election to, 346, 364

    Indian removal voted on in, 215

    rule over Philippines discussed in, 368

    Texas annexation vote of, 233

    Versailles Treaty rejected by, 400–401

Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 401, 551

Senate Judiciary Committee, 465–66

Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, 551

Seneca Falls convention, 257–58

“separate but equal” doctrine, 359–60, 576–77, 579, 580

separation of powers, 157

    judiciary and, 165–66

    in World War II, 479

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, xviii, 719–29, 719

Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de, 25, 47, 337

Sequoyah, 214

Serviceman’s Readjustment Act (1944), 527

Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People (Emery), 340

Seventeenth Amendment, 157

Seven Years’ War:

    cost of, 78, 80

    global arena of, 77

    in North America, see French and Indian War 1763

    treaty in, 79–80, 80

Seward, William, 689–90

    “irrepressible conflict” speech of, 282

    on passports, 315

    slavery criticized by, 255

sexual harassment, 697, 709, 712

Sexual Suicide (Gilder), 670

Shaftesbury, Earl of, 52

Shakers, 201

Shall Christianity Remain Christian?, 415

Shanghai, 427

sharecroppers, 439

Share Our Wealth Society, 461–62

Shays, Daniel, 116

Shays’s Rebellion, 116, 118

Sheldon, Charles, 366

Sherman, John, 345

Sherman, Roger, 98

Sherman Antitrust Act, 345

Shields, Mark, 715

Shiloh, Battle of, 293

Shiloh Presbyterian Church, 299

Shine, David, 567

Short, Mercy, 57

Shotwell, James T., 506

Sierra Leone, 135–36, 147–48

“Significance of the Frontier in American History, The” (Turner), 354–55

Silent Spring (Carson), 680

Silicon Valley, 695–96

silver, 347, 352

“Simplified Blueprint of the Campaign against Compulsory Health Insurance, A” (Whitaker and Baxter), 547–48

Simulmatics, 598–99, 603–4, 635

Sinclair, Upton, 412, 450–51, 535

Singer, S. Fred, 680–81, 683

Sioux, 335

Six Nations (Iroquois confederation), 66

Sixteenth Amendment, 376–77, 504

skyscrapers, 406

slave owners, 223

Slave Pen, Alexandria, Virginia, 295

slave rebellions:

    of Turner, 205, 206

    of Vesey, 203

Slave Representation, 173

slavery, 536, 553, 554, 583

slaves, slavery, xiii, 10

    American Revolution and, 93–95, 100, 108

    and annexation of Texas, 235, 236, 246

    Aristotle on, 21, 47

    in Caribbean, 46

    as cause of Civil War, 296, 389

    Compromise of 1850

    on, 260–61

    and Constitution, 191, 241, 256–57, 261–62, 268

    constitutional convention and, 123–27

    Constitution and, 127

    Davis’s defense of, 293

    death toll of, 47

    debt as, 81, 82, 83

    Declaration of Independence’s ignoring of, 99

    defenses of, 255–56

    democracy vs., 191

    efforts to silence dissent on, 223–24

    and election of 1840, 228

    in election of 1860, 287

    and English common law, 88

    and European extraction of wealth from Americas, 17

    Federalist/Republican divide on, 176

    forbidden to read, 205

    as form of manufacturing, 169

    as form of politics, 64

    free labor vs., 255

    free trade and, 281–82

    global history of, 17–18

    idea of liberty and, 10, 86, 88, 92, 96, 105–6

    in industrializing U.S., 202–3

    legal and moral right as issue in, 10, 15–16, 20–22, 45–48, 55, 74, 86, 108, 133, 177

    liberty and, 64

    Lincoln’s criticism of, 255, 263–66

    Locke on, 54–55

    in Loyalist exodus from U.S., 104–5, 107

    Missouri statehood and, 176–80

    Morse’s defense of, 263

    New Deal recordings of, 441

    in New England, 45, 48

    opposition to, 199–200

    post-Revolution increase in, 123

    price of, 280, 281

    Quakers’ ban on, 92

    race and, 55, 56–57, 69–70, 86, 143

    Raymond’s predicted growth of, 179

    rebellions by, 3, 55, 56–59, 63, 84, 85, 99, 159

    religion and, 17

    under Roman law, 21–22, 47, 48

    runaway, 74–75, 94, 100, 104, 203

    in Spanish America, 18, 21–22

    state constitutions and, 113–14

    as three-fifths of a person, 116, 125, 130, 157, 173, 175

    torture of, 58, 63, 73

    in Virginia, 38

    Walkers denunciation of, 203–4

    in West, 221, 267

slave trade, 29, 46

    in Africa, 11–12, 17–18, 38, 46

    American colonies and, 48

    Atlantic crossing in, 38, 47

    British in, 45–48, 73

    closing of, 202

    Constitution and, 136

    death toll in, 47

    desire to reopen, 281

    as issue at constitutional convention, 125–26

    Portuguese in, 11–12, 18, 38, 46

    within U.S., 123

Slavs, 383

smallpox, 19–20

Smith, Adam, 17, 82, 115–16

Smith, Howard, 613

Smith, John, 36

Smith, Margaret Bayard, 182, 187–88

Smith, Margaret Chase, 551, 613, 615

Smith, William Loughton, 135

Smith Act (1940), 552, 573

SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), 597, 606, 607, 621, 625–26, 627, 628–29

Social Creed, 366

social Darwinism, 343, 378, 379, 391

Social Gospel movement, 365–66, 391

social insurance, 377

Social Insurance (Rubinow), 379

socialism, 384–85, 504, 553

“socialized medicine,” 547–48, 553–54, 570

social media, 770

social purity movement, 397

Social Science Research Council, 544–45

social sciences, 348, 349, 354, 542–46, 566, 578

Social Security, 447, 533

    and Reagan administration, 671

Social Security Act, 438, 439, 465

Social Statics (Spencer), 378

Society for the Relief of Distressed Debtors, 140

Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage, see Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery

sociology, 348

Sojourner Truth Homes, 499

Solomon Islands, 494

Somerset, James, 88

Somerset v. Stewart, 88

Somme, Battle of, 390

Sons of Liberty, 82, 84–85, 86, 87, 299

Sontag, Susan, 722

South, 203

    antislavery societies in, 205

    black codes in, 318, 320

    black voting rights in, 320

    cotton production in, 202, 217

    defense of slavery in, 255–56

    divided into military districts, 323

    exports from, 217

    freedmen denied rights in, 317

    Great Migration from, 371

    Indian removal in, 212–16

    movement into Mexico from, 221–22

    secret ballot in, 344

South Carolina, 203

    black “apprenticeship” in, 318

    black politicians in, 323

    desire to reopen slave trade of, 281

    income tax in, 301

    nullification and, 218

    percentage of slaves in, 218

    secession of, 289

    slaves sold downriver from, 202

    women arrested for voting in, 328

South Carolina colony:

    slave rebellion in, 63

    Stono Rebellion in, 58–59

South Dakota:

    creation of, 332

    farm cooperatives in, 336

Southeast Asia, 456

Southern Baptist Convention, 568, 664

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 584, 596–97, 606, 607, 620, 622

Southern Commercial Convention, 281

Southern Democratic Party, 288

Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases (Wells), 356, 357

Southern Pacific Railroad Company, 338

South Korea, 560


    legal and moral right as issue in, 32, 39–43, 48, 53–54, 55

    of the people, see popular sovereignty representation and, 90–91

Soviet Exhibition of Science, Technology, and Culture (1959), 590

Soviet Union, 535–39, 548, 570, 578, 586

    and creation of United Nations, 492

    German invasion of, 481

    invasion of Afghanistan by, 680, 722, 738

    in United Nations, 503

    U.S. food sent to, 486

Spain, 221, 242, 462

    American Revolution and, 101

    as Catholic country, 26

    civil war in, 474

    expulsion of Muslims and Jews from, 12

    and Polk’s desire for Cuba, 242

    territorial claims of, 15–16

Spanish-American War, 366–67, 367, 374, 482

Spanish conquest, 18–25, 21, 26

    British colonies vs., 33

    debate over morality and legality of, 23–25

    Florida and, 25

    impact of European diseases in, 19–20

    legal and moral right as issue in, 15–16, 20–22, 47

    Requerimiento in, 22, 23

    slavery in, 18, 21–22

    see also New Spain

Special Report (TV show), 710–11

speculation, 140, 141

speech, freedom of, 49–50, 60, 62, 131, 137, 552, 573, 763

Spencer, Herbert, 343, 365, 378

Spencer, Richard, 770

Spencer, Sarah, 329

Spencer-Roberts, 625

Spirit of the Laws, The (Montesquieu), 129

Spooner, Lysander, 241

Spratt, Leonidas, 281

Sputnik launch (1957), 586, 587

Stages of Economic Growth (Rostow), 603

stagflation, 657

Stalin, Josef:

    at Tehran Conference, 502–3

    at Yalta Conference, 508–10, 514

Stalin, Joseph, 535, 539, 554, 570

Stalinism, 482

Stamp Act (1765), 82–87, 90

    repeal of, 87

Stamp Act Congress (1765), 83, 91, 131

standard of living, 1960s, 591–92

Standard Oil, 371, 372–73, 412, 448, 449, 572

“stand your ground” laws, 764

Stanley, Henry Morton, 750–51

Stanton, Edwin, 317, 324

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 257–58, 329

    citizenship of women desired by, 320–21

    National Woman Suffrage Association founded by, 328

    Thirteenth Amendment pushed by, 303

Stapleton, Jean, 660

Starnes, Joseph, 443–44

Starr, Kenneth, 710, 711

State, The (Wilson), 348

State Department, U.S., 134, 474, 492, 535–36, 540, 549, 550–51

state power, 1960s, 591

state primaries, 386

states’ rights, 223, 389, 577

States’ Rights Democratic Party, 541

Statistical Methods, with Special Reference to Biological Variation (Davenport), 392

Statute of Religious Freedom (Virginia), 137–38

steam, 192–93, 198, 347

steamboat, 18, 221

Steel, U.S., 363

steel companies, 336

steel production, 406

Steffens, Lincoln, 371

Steinbeck, John, 502

Steinem, Gloria, 652, 712

Stephanopoulos, George, 707

Stephens, Alexander, 290

Stevens, John Paul, 718

Stevens, Thaddeus, 317

Stevenson, Adlai, 551–52, 561, 565, 570–73, 600

Stewart, Charles, 88

Stewart, James W., 190, 202, 204, 205

Stewart, Jimmy, 491

Stewart, Maria W., 189–90, 192, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206

    address to mixed audience given by, 206

    speeches given up by, 207

Stewart, Potter, 653

Stimson, Henry, 514

Stimson, Henry L., 538–39

stock market, 407, 423, 424, 436

stock market crashes, of 1792, 141

Stoddard, Lothrop, 411

Stokes, Ronald X, 607

Stone, Harlan, 495

Stone, I. F., 487, 504

Stone, Lucy, 328

Stonewall riots (1969), 651, 769

Stono Rebellion, 58–59, 63

STOP ERA, 659, 662

Story, Joseph, 187, 212, 239

Stow, Marietta, 340

Strachey, William, 36

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 681

Strategy of Terror, The (Taylor), 488

strikes, labor, 537

strikes, railroad, 338

Strong, George Templeton, 209

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 597, 606, 607, 621, 625–26, 627, 628–29

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 625, 633

“Study of the Negro Problems, The” (Hose), 370

Subterranean Pass-Way, 280

Sudetenland, 467–68, 471

Sugar Act (1764), 81, 82

Sullivan, Andrew, 711

Summers, Larry, 700

Sumner, Charles, 210, 259, 270, 480

    beating of, 266–67

    on citizenship, 313

    Compromise of 1850

    despised by, 261

    Wilmot Proviso criticized by, 245

    worried about Emancipation Proclamation, 298

Sun Belt, 587

supply-side economics, 670, 671

“Supreme Court, The: They Will Mould the Government into Almost Any Shape They Please,” 166

Supreme Court, U.S., 530, 552, 573, 576, 577–82, 584

    on abortion, 647, 653–54, 655, 656, 678

    bankruptcy law ruled unconstitutional by, 226

    Bork nomination, 687–90

    and Clinton administration, 699

    and constitutionality of laws, 159, 168

    constitutionality of Second Bank upheld by, 220

    on contraception, 649, 650, 653, 678

    court-packing plan for, 464–65, 479

    first meeting of, 135

    on gay rights, 685, 686–87

    income tax ruled unconstitutional by, 348

    and Indian removal policies, 215–17

    limited constitutional powers of, 134–35 Marbury decision of, 168

    market beliefs of, 364–65

    new building for, 462–63

    New Deal vs., 463–66

    and originalism, 687–88

    and political polarization, 688–90

    and presidential election (2000), 716, 717–18

    Progressive labor legislation struck down by, 377–78

    and Reagan administration, 684–90

    and religion, 662

    and right to privacy, 685–86

    and school desegregation, 614, 662–63, 677

    and Watergate scandal, 644

    see also specific cases

Survey of Racial Conditions in the United States, 499

survival of the fittest, 365

Switzerland, 240

Szilard, Leo, 475, 515, 516, 526

Tabulating Machine Company, 355, 404

Tacky (slave), 84

Taft, Robert, 482, 487

Taft, William Howard:

    in election of 1908, 376

    in election of 1912, 386, 387

    Hughes appointed to Supreme Court by, 463

    income tax supported by, 376

Taft-Hartley Act (1947), 537

Taíno, 8–9, 16

    near extinction of, 7

    origin stories of, 6–7

    Pané’s report on, 5–7

Taliban, 739, 746

talk radio, 679, 704, 709

Tallmadge, James, 177

Taney, Roger, 268–69, 270, 291, 757

Tarbell, Ida, 371, 372, 412


    nullification and, 217–18

    slavery and, 281–82

    Wilson’s lowering of, 388

Tariff Act (1930), 425

tariffs, 140, 347, 407

task management, 382–84

Tate, Arthur Fitzwilliam, 152

Taxation: The People’s Business (Mellon), 405

Taxation No Tyranny (Johnson), 92


    capital gains, 405

    of corporations, 336

    efficiency brought to, 405

    excess profits, 405

    estate, 405

    on imports, 407

    income, see income tax

    payroll, 439

    of railroads, 336, 338

taxes, taxation:

    of American colonies, 78, 81, 88–89, 91–92

    calculation of states’ share of, 115–16

    Continental Congress’s lack of authority for, 114–15

    representation and, 81, 83

taxes, World War II growth of, 487–88

tax policy:

    and Johnson administration, 618–19, 629

    and Reagan administration, 669, 670, 671

Taylor, Edward, 410, 488

Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 382, 384, 404, 412

Taylor, Zachary:

    in election of 1848, 253, 254

    in Mexican War, 243, 245, 250

Tea Act (1773), 88–89

Tea Party, 726, 755–57, 756, 759, 761

technology, 198, 199

    and Democratic Party, 693–96

    and political polarization, 666, 668

Tehran Conference, 502–3

Telecommunications Act (1996), 732–33

telegraph, 191, 229, 231, 249, 272, 347

    as allegedly bringing peace, 274–75

    in Civil War, 293

    transatlantic, 274–75, 347

television, 557–59, 560, 561–67, 570–74, 575, 576, 584

    and conservatism, 666

    and democracy, 592

    and elections, 708

    and presidential debates, 706

    and presidential election (1960), 600, 601

    and Supreme Court, 688–89

Teller, Edward, 682

temperance, 195–96, 206, 228, 342

women in, 339–40


    Fourteenth Amendment ratified by, 322–23

    gun laws in, 445

    Indians in, 213

    Jim Crow laws in, 330

Tenochtitlán, 8

10 percent plan, 318

Tenth Amendment, 139

Tenure of Office Act, 324

terrorism, 721–23, 738–39, 746–47

Tet Offensive (1968), 629, 635

Texas, 250, 394

    annexation of, 237, 238, 241–42, 243, 246, 259

    annexation proposed for, 232–33, 234

    gun laws in, 445

    rebellion against Mexico in, 222–23, 233

    secession of, 289

    territory yielded to New Mexico by, 260

    Texas longhorns, 334

    textiles, 194, 194

    Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (Keynes), 437

These Are Our Lives (Federal Writers’ Project), 441

Thiel, Peter, 734–35, 736

Things to Come (film), 516

Thirteenth Amendment, 303, 306, 320

This Is War! (Corwin), 491

Thomas, Clarence, 697, 710, 712

Thompson, Dorothy, 434, 468, 470, 471, 476, 479, 489

Thoreau, Henry David, 230–31, 247, 255, 258, 284, 497

Thucydides, xvi

Thurmond, Strom, 541, 586, 613, 663

Tilden, Samuel, 329

Tillman, Ben, 368–69

Time, 412, 413, 459, 503, 509, 540, 562, 574, 731

time, quantification of, 156

Title IX, 652

tobacco, Virginia and, 37

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 206, 211–12, 226, 239

    on economic equality, 341–42

    language of liberty used by, 235

Toffler, Alvin, 732

Tombstone, Ariz., 445

Toombs, Robert, 297

Topeka, Kans., Board of Education, 577, 581

Torrey, R. A., 414

torture, 746–48

    of rebellious slaves, 58, 63, 73

To Secure These Rights, 531–32

“Toward a More Responsible Two-Party System,” 545–46

Town Meeting of the Air, 459–60

town meetings, 543–44

Townshend Acts (1767–68), 87

Toynbee, Arnold J., 426

Tracy, Spencer, 574–75

trade, collapse in the Depression of, 425

Trail of Tears, 216

transatlantic cable, 274–75

trauma studies, 703

Treasury Department, U.S., 134, 389

Treasury of American Folklore, A (Botkin), 441

Tremont Temple, 288

Trenchard, John, 60

trial by jury, 58

    right to, 41–42

Tribe, Laurence, 752

Trilling, Lionel, 553, 562

Tripoli, Treaty of, 200–201

Tripp, Linda, 710

True Law of Free Monarchies, The (James I), 32

Truman, Harry S., 618

    and abortion, 649

    atomic bomb decision of, 522

    atomic bomb dropped by, 515–16, 517

    communism as viewed by, 552

    and creation of United Nations, 514–15

    as Democratic leader, 531, 541–46, 552

    domestic policies of, 535, 537, 541

    foreign policy of, 535, 537–39

    health insurance program of, 532–34, 533, 541, 546–48, 553–54, 560, 561

    learning about atomic bomb, 514

    made president, 511

    presidential campaign of (1948), 541–46, 560, 563

    racial policies of, 531–32, 576–77, 578, 581

    recording system, 640

    scientific research supported by, 525

    vetoes by, 551

    as vice president, 523, 531

    see also Truman administration

Truman Doctrine, 537–39

Trumbull, Lyman, 326

Trump, Donald J., 567, 727–29, 731, 762, 765, 773

    background of, 713–14

    and Clinton ethics investigations, 714

    and judiciary, 678

    1990s campaign plans, 714–16

    and presidential election (2016), 692, 773–74

    and Schlafly, 668


    as determined by evidence, 41–42, 61

    freedom and, 49–50

    nature of, 15

truther movement, 725, 727, 762

Tubman, Harriet, 261

Tumblr, 724

Turing, Alan, 523–24

Turkey, 537

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 353–55, 374

Turner, Nat, 205, 206

Twain, Mark, 273, 368, 369

Tweed, William Magear, 342

Twelfth Amendment, 164

Twenty-Fifth Infantry, 369

two-party system, 165

    election of 1800 and, 154

    Federalist/Anti-Federalists factions and, 129, 129, 145

    newspapers and, 145

Two Treatises on Civil Government (Locke), 52, 53–54

Tydings, Millard, 551

Tyler, John, 178, 229, 232–34

    and annexation of Texas, 234–35, 237

    in election of 1844, 236–38

Tyler, Julia, 236, 238

Ugly American, The (Burdick and Lederer), 598, 603

unconscious, Freud’s theory of, 413

Unconstitutionality of Slavery, The (Spooner), 241

“under God” phrase, 569

Underground Railroad, 261, 279

Union Labor Party, 342–43

Union Leagues, 318

Union Party, 461–62

unions, 371, 379

    of tenant farmers, 439

    in World War II, 488

United Airlines Flight 93, 720–21, 725

United Airlines Flight 175, 720

United Farm Workers, 675

United Fruit Co., 574

United Mine Workers, 416

United Nations, 517

    charter of, 483

    creation of, 491–92, 514–15

    plan for, 502–3

United Negro Improvement Association, 440

United States:

    anticommunism in, 534–41, 548–57, 565–68, 571, 581

    British recognition of, 107

    budget of, 527, 539

    Columbus’s voyage as origin of, 10

    as democracy, 525, 536, 537, 543–46, 565–66, 575, 578, 583

    division between industrial North and agricultural South in, 169–70

    economic prosperity of, 527–28

    federal government of, 526, 527, 531, 545

    and fiction of common ancestry, 9–10

    foreign policy of, 535, 537–39, 574, 578–79

    founding principles of, see founding principles, U.S. free blacks in, 108

    growing population of, 250

    isolationism in, 537

    mass society in, 566

    military spending by, 538–40

    mixed heritage of, xv–xvi

    national security of, 538–39, 574

    population of, 168

    public opinion in, 542–46, 557, 560, 565–66, 579, 584

    religious morality in, 568–69

    slavery in, see slaves, slavery, in U.S.

    southern states of, 531, 539–40, 546, 575–88

    in space race, 586–87, 587

    taxation in, 527, 532, 542, 570

    technological progress in, 522, 525–26, 554, 557–59, 566, 586, 587

    violent beginnings of, 10

    as welfare state, 538

    westward expansion of, 10

United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 326

UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer), 557–59, 563–65, 564

Universalists, 201

universal truths, 554

universities, 348, 354

    see also see academia

university research, 526

Updike, John, 528

“Uppie and Downie,” 549

Upshur, Abel, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236

uranium, 475

U.S. v. Miller, 446

Utah, 260–61

    irrigated land in, 409

    women’s voting rights in, 386

Utes, 222

Utopia (More), 54

Vallee, Rudy, 491

Van Buren, Martin, 225, 227, 253

    in election of 1832, 219

    in election of 1836, 225

    in election of 1840, 226–27

    in election of 1848, 254

    and nullification issue, 217

    Tyler’s criticism of, 233

Vandenberg, Arthur, 460

vegetarian societies, 207

Verdun, Battle of, 390


    constitution of, 113

    slavery outlawed in, 113, 114

Versailles, Treaty of, 400–401, 466, 491

Vesey, Denmark, 203

Vespucci, Amerigo, 14

Vetal, Albert H., 409–10

Veterans Administration (VA), U.S., 6

“Vices of the Political System of the United States” (Madison), 118

Vicksburg, Battle of, 297

Vietnam War, 740, 741, 742

    and academia, 635–36

    end of, 642

    and Johnson administration, 619

    and Kennedy administration, 602–4

    and liberalism, 610

    peace movement, 628–29, 633

    Pentagon Papers, 640–41

    and political polarization, 643

    and presidential election (1968), 629, 632

Viguerie, Richard, 663, 665, 666

Vinson, Fred, 579–80


    black voting in, 323

    constitution of, 112

    1800 slave rebellion in, 159

    gun laws in, 445

    income tax in, 301

    Nat Turner’s rebellion in, 205, 206

    ratification debate in, 130–31

    secession of, 292–93

    slaves sold downriver from, 202

Virginia charter, 32–33, 34

Virginia colony:

    founding of, 36–37

    House of Burgesses of, see House of Burgesses

    slavery in, 38

    starvation in, 37

    tobacco and, 37

Virginia Company, 33, 35, 35, 36, 37

Virginia Declaration of Rights, 99

Virginia Declaration of Rights and Form of Government, 96

Virginia Plan, 120

Virginia Resolves, 217

Voice to the Married, A, 196–97

“Voluntary Health Insurance Week,” 534

von Ranke, Leopold, 254

Voorhis, Jerry, 535, 536–37

voter eligibility, in election of 1800, 163

voters, 545–46, 565, 573, 574

voter turnout, in 1828 election, 185, 186

voting rights, 333

    on black people, 320, 326, 330, 353, 501

    of blacks, 163

    Constitution and, 122

    after Panic of 1819, 207

    property and, 56, 112–13, 122, 182–83

    and property qualifications, 206

    of white men, 191, 209

    of women, 163, 206, 315, 324, 328, 339–40, 342, 346, 353, 364, 385–86, 387, 393, 402

Voting Rights Act (1965), 622, 623

Waco siege (1993), 702

Wade-Davis Bill (1864), 318

wage limits, 537

wage workers, 343

Walden, A. T., 581

Walden Pond, 230–31, 247

Waldseemüller, Martin, 14

Walker, David, 202, 203–5, 215, 218, 256

Walker, Timothy, 198

Wallace, George, 608, 613–14, 621, 632

    and ERA, 658

    and presidential election (1968), 629, 630

Wallace, Henry, 474, 526, 541

Wallace, Mike, 606

Wall Street Journal, 406, 423, 487, 743

war, causes of, 274–75

“War Aims and Peace Terms It Suggests, The” (Lippman), 396–97

war bonds, 335

War Department, U.S., 134, 523, 524

War of the Worlds, The (radio play; Welles), 468–71, 468, 474, 475

War on Drugs, 699

War of 1812, 172–73, 190, 217

War on Poverty, 611–12, 619, 623

war on terror, 730–31, 738–47

War Production Board, 487

War Relocation Authority (WRA), 494–95

Warren, Earl, 532–34, 546, 561, 579–81, 582, 644, 674, 678, 684

War Room, The (film), 708

war veterans, 530–31

War without Violence (Murray), 497

Washington, 242, 324, 494

    women’s voting rights in, 386

Washington, August, 279, 280

Washington, Bushrod, 176

Washington, DC, 569, 582

    British burning of, 172–73

    Davis’s Hotel in, 176

    founding of, 139–40

    Jefferson’s inauguration in, 164–65

    slavery abolished in, 260

Washington, George, 86, 90, 105, 108, 116, 134, 148, 233

    as commander of Continental army, 93

    at constitutional convention, 109, 119, 120

    death of, 147–48

    in decision not to seek third term, 145–46

    in failure to emancipate his slaves, 133–34

    Farewell Address of, 146, 148

    in first skirmish with French, 76–77

    inaugural address of, 133

    inauguration of, 132, 133

    slaves owned by, 94, 104

    will of, and freeing of slaves, 147

Washington, Harry (former slave), 94, 100, 104, 107

    as leader of Sierra Leone rebels, 147–48

    in move to Sierra Leone, 135–36

Washington, Martha, 146–47

Washington Bee, 389

Washington for Jesus rally (1976), 664

Washington Giving the Laws to America, 148, 149

Washington Post, 455, 546–47, 572, 722

Waste in Industry (Hoover), 406

Watchtower Over Tomorrow (film), 516–17

water cure, 368

Watergate scandal, 641–42, 643–45, 688, 708–9, 744

water wheels, 192

Watson, Thomas, 404

Watt, James, 192–93

Wattenberg, Ben J., 636–37

Watts riots (1965), 623

WAVES, 486

Wealth and Poverty (Gilder), 670–71

Wealth of Nations (Smith), 17, 82, 115–16

weapons trajectories, 523, 525

Weaver, James, 346

Weaver, Richard, 136

Weaver, Richard M., 554

Webster, Daniel, 230, 234, 239, 242

    and Compromise of 1850, 261

    in election of 1848, 254

    on labor, 255

Weddington, Sarah, 653–54, 660

Weekly Standard, 707, 743

We Hold These Truths (Corwin), 491

Weisenberger, Walter W., 446–47

Welch, Joseph, 567, 567

welfare, 618–19

    and Clinton administration, 700

    and Nixon administration, 638–39

    and Reagan administration, 671

welfare program, 377

    in Civil War, 301

    in Confederacy, 302–3

welfare state, 378

    in the Depression, 438–39

Welles, Orson, 444, 449, 468–71, 468, 474, 475, 491

Wells, H. G., 400, 515–16

Wells, Ida B., 356, 357, 371

Weltrundfunksender, 456


    movement of people to, 221, 255

    populist movement in, 332

    Republican expansion of, 332–33

    slavery in, 221, 267

    U.S. economy transformed by, 333–34

West, Benjamin, 103

West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish, 465

West Indies, see Caribbean

Westinghouse, 473–74

West Virginia, creation of, 293

West Wing (TV show), 708

Weyrich, Paul, 648, 663, 712

“What’s Cooking in Washington,” 557

“What the Railroad Will Bring Us” (George), 341

Wheaton College, 461

Wheeler, Harvey, 598

Wheeling, W. Virg., 550, 556

Whig Party, 226, 264, 282

    collapse of, 267

    in election of 1836, 224, 225

    in election of 1840, 227, 228, 257

    in election of 1844, 257

    rise of, 211

Whitaker, Clem, 448, 449, 450, 451–52, 456, 478, 532–34, 533, 546–48, 553–54, 560, 561, 572

Whitaker and Baxter, see Campaigns, Inc. White, Byron, 686–87

White, E. B., 473

White, John, 29–30

White, Theodore, 574

White, Walter, 458

White Collar (Mills), 558–59

white-collar employees, 558–59

Whitefield, George, 67–69, 68

White House, 173, 187

    public admitted to, 188

White Lion, 38

White Power movement, 673–74, 702

Whitewater, 709, 710

Whitman, Walt, 228

Whitney, Eli, 198

Whittier College, 534

Whole Earth Catalog (Brand), 695

Wichita, Kans., 445

Wilkeson, Samuel, 295

Wilkinson, Moses, 107, 136

Will, George, 762

Willard, Frances, 339–40

William Jennings Bryan University, 461

Williams, Roger, 44

    religious and political freedom espoused by, 49–50

Willkie, Wendell, 478–79, 480, 481, 482, 492, 551

Wills, Garry, 679

Wilmington, N.C., 202, 204

Wilmot, David, 244, 246

Wilmot Proviso, 244–46, 245, 263

Wilson, Alex, 585

Wilson, Edith, 400, 401

Wilson, James, 119, 122, 124, 131, 141, 156, 167

Wilson, William B., 377, 384

Wilson, Woodrow, 348, 491

    books on American democracy by, 373–74

    desire to stay out of World War I, 393

    in election of 1912, 385, 387

    in election of 1916, 393

    on evolution of Constitution, 373

    Fourteen Points proposed by, 396–97

    Geneva sculpture of, 474

    good relationship with press, 388

    inauguration of, 387–88

    on industrialization, 378

    at Paris Peace Conference, 398–400, 414

    on Progressives, 365

    racial inequality endorsed by, 389

    strokes of, 401

    tax bill of, 397

windmills, 192

Winning of the West, The (Roosevelt), 374

Winslow, Edward, 45

Winthrop, John, 20, 43, 44, 45

Wired, 730, 730, 731–32

Wisconsin, immigrants recruited to, 208

Wise, Henry, 292

WOKO, 428

Wolfe, Tom, 669

Woman in the Nineteenth Century (Fuller), 252

Woman of Destiny, 444

Woman Rebel, The, 386

Woman’s Crusade, 339–40

Woman’s Independent Political Party, 340

women, 190, 252–53

    citizenship of, 314, 315, 321–22

    as computer programmers, 524–25

    in Confederacy, 301–3, 302

    as consumers, 380–81

    education of, 529–30

    and election of 1912, 387

    in electoral politics, 615, 616–17

    equal rights and, 402–3

    equal rights for, 529

    as housewives, 529, 555–57, 556, 573

    lack of property rights of, 196

    in manufacturing jobs, 380

    in munitions manufacturing, 485–86, 486

    political influence of, 529, 551, 555–57, 573

    political party desired by, 340–41

    in populist movement, 332, 339–40

    Radical Republicans supported by, 320–21

    in reform societies, 195–96, 206–7, 228

    as Republicans, 529, 551, 555–57

    in revival movement, 196, 196, 197

    in temperance movement, 339–40

    tilted toward Democratic Party, 433

    voting rights of, 163, 206, 315, 324, 328, 339–40, 342, 346, 353, 364, 385–86, 387, 393, 402

    at Whig conventions, 228

    see also specific people

women, equality of, 86–87

    Abigail Adams on, 96–97

Women’s Army Corps, 486

Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), 339–40

Women’s League for Equal Opportunity, 402

Women’s National Republican Association, 341

Women’s Peace Parade, 393

women’s rights:

    Betty Ford on, 646–47, 654

    Gilder on, 670

    and hippies, 695

    National Women’s Conference (1977), 659–62

    and political polarization, 691–92

    Schlafly activism, 646

    see also culture wars; ERA; feminism

women’s studies, 635

Woodhull, Victoria, 328

Woodville, Richard Caton, 232

Worcester Town Meeting, 88

Worcester v. Georgia, 215

workingmen, 207–8

Working Men’s Party, 207

Workingmen’s Party of California, 336

Works Progress Administration (WPA), 441, 443–44, 465, 497, 504

World of Tomorrow, 472–73, 514

World’s Christian Fundamentals Association, 392–93

World’s Fair (1939), 472–74, 514, 526

World Trade Center, 719–20, 721

World War I, 362, 389–90, 393, 394, 531, 536, 745

    Armistice, 398–99

    Jim Crow in, 496

    power of government expanded by, 397

    U.S. entry into, 394–95

World War II, 523–24, 525, 527, 536, 537, 538, 586, 745

    Allied need for U.S. in, 477–78

    blacks in, 496–503, 500, 508

    meaning of, 492–93

    mobilization for, 485–87

    Pacific War in, 493–94

    power of government expanded by, 487–88

    start of, 473

    turning of tide of, 502–3

World Wide Web, 731

Wozniak, Stephen, 695

Wright, Fanny, 228

Wright, Richard, 441, 443

Wright, Silas, 225, 241


    history and, 12–13, 15

    invention of, 12

Y2K bug, 729–30

Yalta Conference (1945), 508–10, 509, 514, 535

Yancey, William, 281

Yaqui Indians, 222

Yates v. United States, 573

Yoo, John, 746–47

Yorktown, Va., Cornwallis’s surrender in, 103, 104

You Are the Message (Ailes), 705

Yugoslavia, 400

Zenger, John Peter, 61–63, 83, 131, 291

    arrest and trial of, 62–63, 64

Zheng He, 11

Zimmerman, Alice, 394

Zimmerman, George, 763, 767

Zuckerberg, Mark, 736

Zuni, 23

Zwicker, Ralph, 566