A Brief History of System Administration

From the desk of Dr. Peter H. Salus, technology historian


In the modern age, most folks have at least a vague idea what system administrators do: work tirelessly to meet the needs of their users and organizations, plan and implement a robust computing environment, and pull proverbial rabbits out of many different hats. Although sysadmins are often viewed as underpaid and underappreciated, most users can at least identify their friendly local sysadmin— in many cases, more quickly than they can name their boss’s boss.

It wasn’t always this way. Over the last 40 years (and the 20-year history of this book), the role of the system administrator has evolved hand-in-hand with UNIX and Linux. A full understanding of system administration requires an understanding of how we got here and of some of the historical influences that have shaped our landscape. Join us as we reflect on the many wonderful years.

The Dawn of Computing: System Operators (1952–1960)

The first commercial computer, the IBM 701, was completed in 1952. Prior to the 701, all computers had been one-offs. In 1954, a redesigned version of the 701 was announced as the IBM 704. It had 4,096 words of magnetic core memory and three index registers. It used 36-bit words (as opposed to the 701’s 18-bit words) and did floating-point arithmetic. It executed 40,000 instructions every second. But the 704 was more than just an update: it was incompatible with the 701. Although deliveries were not to begin until late 1955, the operators of the eighteen 701s in existence (the predecessors of modern system administrators) were already fretful. How would they survive this “upgrade,” and what pitfalls lay ahead?

IBM itself had no solution to the upgrade and compatibility problem. It had hosted a “training class” for customers of the 701 in August 1952, but there were no textbooks. Several people who had attended the training class continued to meet informally and discuss their experiences with the system. IBM encouraged the operators to meet, to discuss their problems, and to share their solutions. IBM funded the meetings and made available to the members a library of 300 computer programs. This group, known as SHARE, is still the place (50+ years later) where IBM customers meet to exchange information.1

From Single-Purpose to Time Sharing (1961–1969)

Early computing hardware was physically large and extraordinarily expensive. These facts encouraged buyers to think of their computer systems as tools dedicated to some single, specific mission: whatever mission was large enough and concrete enough to justify the expense and inconvenience of the computer.

If a computer was a single-purpose tool—let’s say, a saw—then the staff that maintained that computer were the operators of the saw. Early system operators were viewed more as “folks that cut lumber” than as “folks that provide what’s necessary to build a house.” The transition from system operator to system administrator did not start until computers began to be seen as multipurpose tools. The advent of time sharing was a major reason for this change in viewpoint.

John McCarthy had begun thinking about time sharing in the mid-1950s. But it was only at MIT (in 1961–62) that he, Jack Dennis, and Fernando Corbato talked seriously about permitting “each user of a computer to behave as though he were in sole control of a computer.”

In 1964, MIT, General Electric, and Bell Labs embarked on a project to build an ambitious time-sharing system called Multics, the Multiplexed Information and Computing Service. Five years later, Multics was over budget and far behind schedule. Bell Labs pulled out of the project.

UNIX IS BORN (1969–1973)

Bell Labs’ abandonment of the Multics project left several researchers in Murray Hill, NJ, with nothing to work on. Three of them—Ken Thompson, Rudd Canaday, and Dennis Ritchie—had liked certain aspects of Multics but hadn’t been happy with the size and the complexity of the system. They would gather in front of a whiteboard to discuss design philosophy. The Labs had Multics running on its GE-645, and Thompson continued to work on it “just for fun.” Doug McIlroy, the manager of the group, said, “When Multics began to work, the very first place it worked was here. Three people could overload it.”

In the summer of 1969, Thompson became a temporary bachelor for a month when his wife, Bonnie, took their year-old son to meet his relatives on the west coast. Thompson recalled, “I allocated a week each to the operating system, the shell, the editor, and the assembler…it was totally rewritten in a form that looked like an operating system, with tools that were sort of known; you know, assembler, editor, shell—if not maintaining itself, right on the verge of maintaining itself, to totally sever the GECOS2 connection…essentially one person for a month.”

Steve Bourne, who joined Bell Labs the next year, described the cast-off PDP-7 used by Ritchie and Thompson: “The PDP-7 provided only an assembler and a loader. One user at a time could use the computer…The environment was crude, and parts of a single-user UNIX system were soon forthcoming…[The] assembler and rudimentary operating system kernel were written and cross-assembled for the PDP-7 on GECOS. The term UNICS was apparently coined by Peter Neumann, an inveterate punster, in 1970." The original UNIX was a single-user system, obviously an “emasculated Multics.” But although there were aspects of UNICS/UNIX that were influenced by Multics, there were also, as Dennis Ritchie said, “profound differences.”

“We were a bit oppressed by the big system mentality,” he said. “Ken wanted to do something simple. Presumably, as important as anything was the fact that our means were much smaller. We could get only small machines with none of the fancy Multics hardware. So, UNIX wasn’t quite a reaction against Multics…Multics wasn’t there for us anymore, but we liked the feel of interactive computing that it offered. Ken had some ideas about how to do a system that he had to work out…Multics colored the UNIX approach, but it didn’t dominate it.”

Ken and Dennis’s “toy” system didn’t stay simple for long. By 1971, user commands included as (the assembler), cal (a simple calendar tool), cat (catenate and print), chdir (change working directory), chmod (change mode), chown (change owner), cmp (compare two files), cp (copy file), date, dc (desk calculator), du (summarize disk usage), ed (editor), and over two dozen others. Most of these commands are still in use.

By February 1973, there were 16 UNIX installations. Two big innovations had occurred. The first was a “new” programming language, C, based on B, which was itself a “cut-down” version of Martin Richards’ BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language). The other innovation was the idea of a pipe.

A pipe is a simple concept: a standardized way of connecting the output of one program to the input of another. The Dartmouth Time-Sharing System had communication files, which anticipated pipes, but their use was far more specific. The notion of pipes as a general facility was Doug McIlroy’s. The implementation was Ken Thompson’s, at McIlroy’s insistence. (“It was one of the only places where I very nearly exerted managerial control over UNIX,” Doug said.)

“It’s easy to say ‘cat into grep into…’ or ‘who into cat into grep’ and so on,” McIlroy remarked. “It’s easy to say and it was clear from the start that it would be something you’d like to say. But there are all these side parameters… And from time to time I’d say ‘How about making something like this?’ And one day I came up with a syntax for the shell that went along with piping, and Ken said ‘I’m going to do it!’”

In an a orgy of rewriting, Thompson updated all the UNIX programs in one night. The next morning there were one-liners. This was the real beginning of the power of UNIX—not from the individual programs, but from the relationships among them. UNIX now had a language of its own as well as a philosophy:

• Write programs that do one thing and do it well.

• Write programs to work together.

• Write programs that handle text streams as a universal interface.

A general-purpose time-sharing OS had been born, but it was trapped inside Bell Labs. UNIX offered the promise of easily and seamlessly sharing computing resources among projects, groups, and organizations. But before this multipurpose tool could be used by the world, it had to escape and multiply. Katy bar the door!

UNIX Hits The Big Time (1974–1990)

In October 1973, the ACM held its Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) in the auditorium at IBM’s new T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY. Ken and Dennis submitted a paper, and on a beautiful autumn day, drove up the Hudson Valley to deliver it. (Thompson made the actual presentation.) About 200 people were in the audience, and the talk was a smash hit.

Over the next six months, the number of UNIX installations tripled. When the paper was published in the July 1974 issue of the Communications of the ACM, the response was overwhelming. Research labs and universities saw shared UNIX systems as a potential solution to their growing need for computing resources.

According to the terms of a 1958 antitrust settlement, the activities of AT&T (parent of Bell Labs) were restricted to running the national telephone system and to special projects undertaken on behalf of the federal government. Thus, AT&T could not sell UNIX as a product and Bell Labs had to license its technology to others. In response to requests, Ken Thompson began shipping copies of the UNIX source code. According to legend, each package included a personal note signed “love, ken.”

One person who received a tape from Ken was Professor Robert Fabry of the University of California at Berkeley. By January 1974, the seed of Berkeley UNIX had been planted.

Other computer scientists around the world also took an interest in UNIX. In 1976, John Lions (on the faculty of the University of New South Wales in Australia) published a detailed commentary on a version of the kernel called V6. This effort became the first serious documentation of the UNIX system and helped others to understand and expand upon Ken and Dennis’s work.

Students at Berkeley enhanced the version of UNIX they had received from Bell Labs to meet their needs. The first Berkeley tape (1BSD, short for 1st Berkeley Software Distribution) included a Pascal system and the vi editor for the PDP-11. The student behind the release was a grad student named Bill Joy. 2BSD came the next year, and 3BSD, the first Berkeley release for the DEC VAX, was distributed in late 1979.

In 1980, Professor Fabry struck a deal with the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) to continue the development of UNIX. This arrangement led to the formation of the Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG) at Berkeley. Late the next year, 4BSD was released. It became quite popular, largely because it was the only version of UNIX that ran on the DEC VAX 11/750, the commodity computing platform of the time. Another big advancement of 4BSD was the introduction of TCP/IP sockets, the generalized networking abstraction that spawned the Internet and is now used by most modern operating systems. By the mid-1980s, most major universities and research institutions were running at least one UNIX system.

In 1982, Bill Joy took the 4.2BSD tape with him to start Sun Microsystems (now part of Oracle America) and the SunOS operating system. In 1983, the court-ordered divestiture of AT&T began. One unanticipated side effect of the divestiture was that AT&T was now free to begin selling UNIX as a product. They released AT&T UNIX System V, a well-recognized albeit somewhat awkward commercial implementation of UNIX.

Now that Berkeley, AT&T, Sun, and other UNIX distributions were available to a wide variety of organizations, the foundation was laid for a general computing infrastructure built on UNIX technology. The same system that was used by the astronomy department to calculate star distances could be used by the applied math department to calculate Mandelbrot sets. And that same system was simultaneously providing email to the entire university.

The Rise of System Administrators

The management of general-purpose computing systems demanded a different set of skills than those required just two decades earlier. Gone were the days of the system operator who focused on getting a single computer system to perform a specialized task. System administrators came into their own in the early 1980s as people who ran UNIX systems to meet the needs of a broad array of applications and users.

Because UNIX was popular at universities, and because those environments included lots of students who were eager to learn the latest technology, universities were early leaders in the development of organized system administration groups. Universities such as Purdue, the University of Utah, the University of Colorado, the University of Maryland, and the State University of New York (SUNY) Buffalo became hotbeds of system administration.

System administrators also developed an array of their own processes, standards, best practices, and tools (such as sudo). Most of these products were built out of necessity; without them, unstable systems and unhappy users were the result.

Evi Nemeth became known as the “mother of system administration” by recruiting undergraduates to work as system administrators to support the Engineering College at the University of Colorado. Her close ties with folks at Berkeley, the University of Utah, and SUNY Buffalo created a system administration community that shared tips and tools. Her crew, often called the “munchkins” or “Evi slaves” attended USENIX and other conferences and worked as on-site staff in exchange for the opportunity to absorb information at the conference.

It was clear early on that system administrators had to be rabid jacks of all trades. A system administrator might start a typical day in the 1980s by using a wire-wrap tool to fix an interrupt jumper on a VAX backplane. Mid-morning tasks might include sucking spilled toner out of a malfunctioning first-generation laser printer. Lunch hour could be spent helping a grad student debug a new kernel driver, and the afternoon might consist of writing backup tapes and hassling users to clean up their home directories to make space in the filesystem. A system administrator was, and is, a fix-everything, take-no-prisoners guardian angel.

The 1980s were also a time of unreliable hardware. Rather than living on a single silicon chip, the CPUs of the 1980s were made up of several hundred chips, all of them prone to failure. It was the system administrator’s job to isolate failed hardware and get it replaced, quickly. Unfortunately, these were also the days before it was common to FedEx parts on a whim, so finding the right part from a local source was often a challenge.

In one case, our beloved VAX 11/780 was down, leaving the entire campus without email. We knew there was a business down the street that packaged VAXes to be shipped to the (then cold-war) Soviet Union “for research purposes.” Desperate, we showed up at their warehouse with a huge wad of cash in our pocket, and after about an hour of negotiation, we escaped with the necessary board. At the time, someone remarked that it felt more comfortable to buy drugs than VAX parts in Boulder.

System Administration Documentation and Training

As more individuals began to identify themselves as system administrators—and as it became clear that one might make a decent living as a sysadmin—requests for documentation and training became more common. In response, folks like Tim O’Reilly and his team (then called O’Reilly and Associates, now O’Reilly Media) began to publish UNIX documentation that was based on hands-on experience and written in a straightforward way.

As a vehicle for in-person interaction, the USENIX Association held its first conference focused on system administration in 1987. This Large Installation System Administration (LISA) conference catered mostly to a west coast crowd. Three years later, the SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security) Institute was established to meet the needs of the east coast. Today, both the LISA and SANS conferences serve the entire U.S. region, and both are still going strong.

See Chapter 32, Management, Policy, and Politics, for more pointers to sysadmin resources.

In 1989, we published the first edition of this book, then titled UNIX System Administration Handbook. It was quickly embraced by the community, perhaps because of the lack of alternatives. At the time, UNIX was so unfamiliar to our publisher that their production department replaced all instances of the string “etc” with “and so on,” resulting in filenames such as /and so on/passwd. We took advantage of the situation to seize total control of the bits from cover to cover, but the publisher is admittedly much more UNIX savvy today. Our 20-year relationship with this same publisher has yielded a few other good stories, but we’ll omit them out of fear of souring our otherwise amicable relationship.

UNIX Hugged to Near Death, Linux is Born (1991–1995)

By late 1990, it seemed that UNIX was well on its way to world domination. It was unquestionably the operating system of choice for research and scientific computing, and it had been adopted by mainstream businesses such as Taco Bell and McDonald’s. Berkeley’s CSRG group, then consisting of Kirk McKusick, Mike Karels, Keith Bostic, and many others, had just released 4.3BSD-Reno, a pun on an earlier 4.3 release that added support for the CCI Power 6/32 (code named “Tahoe”) processor.

Commercial releases of UNIX such as SunOS were also thriving, their success driven in part by the advent of the Internet and the first glimmers of e-commerce. PC hardware had become a commodity. It was reasonably reliable, inexpensive, and relatively high-performance. Although versions of UNIX that ran on PCs did exist, all the good options were commercial and closed source. The field was ripe for an open source PC UNIX.

In 1991, a group of developers that had worked together on the BSD releases (Donn Seeley, Mike Karels, Bill Jolitz, and Trent R. Hein), together with a few other BSD advocates, founded Berkeley Software Design, Inc. (BSDI). Under the leadership of Rob Kolstad, BSDI provided binaries and source code for a fully functional commercial version of BSD UNIX on the PC platform. Among other things, this project proved that inexpensive PC hardware could be used for production computing. BSDI fueled explosive growth in the early Internet as it became the operating system of choice for early Internet service providers (ISPs).

In an effort to recapture the genie that had escaped from its bottle in 1973, AT&T filed a lawsuit against BSDI and the Regents of the University of California in 1992, alleging code copying and theft of trade secrets. It took AT&T’s lawyers over two years to identify the offending code. When all was said and done, the lawsuit was settled and three files (out of more than 18,000) were removed from the BSD code base.

Unfortunately, this two-year period of uncertainty had a devastating effect on the entire UNIX world, BSD and non-BSD versions alike. Many companies jumped ship to Microsoft Windows, fearful that they would end up at the mercy of AT&T as it hugged its child to near-death. By the time the dust cleared, BSDI and the CSRG were both mortally wounded. The BSD era was coming to an end.

Meanwhile, Linus Torvalds, a Helsinki college student, had been playing with Minix and began writing his own UNIX clone.3 By 1992, a variety of Linux distributions (including SuSE and Yggdrasil Linux) had emerged. 1994 saw the establishment of Red Hat and Linux Pro.

Multiple factors have contributed to the phenomenal success of Linux. The strong community support enjoyed by the system and its vast catalog of software from the GNU archive make Linux quite a powerhouse. It works well in production environments, and some folks argue that you can build a more reliable and performant system on top of Linux than you can on top of any other operating system. It’s also interesting to consider that part of Linux’s success may relate to the golden opportunity created for it by AT&T’s action against BSDI and Berkeley. That ill-timed lawsuit struck fear into the hearts of UNIX advocates right at the dawn of e-commerce and the start of the Internet bubble.

But who cares, right? What remained constant through all these crazy changes was the need for system administrators. A UNIX system administrator’s skill set is directly applicable to Linux, and most system administrators guided their users gracefully through the turbulent seas of the 1990s. That’s another important characteristic of a good system administrator: calm during a storm.

A World of Windows (1996–1999)

Microsoft first released Windows NT in 1993. The release of a “server” version of Windows, which had a popular user interface, generated considerable excitement just as AT&T was busy convincing the world that it might be out to fleece everyone for license fees. As a result, many organizations adopted Windows as their preferred platform for shared computing during the late 1990s. Without question, the Microsoft platform has come a long way, and for some organizations it is the best option.

Unfortunately, UNIX, Linux, and Windows administrators initially approached this marketplace competition in an adversarial stance. “Less filling” vs. “tastes great” arguments erupted in organizations around the world.4 Many UNIX and Linux system administrators started learning Windows, convinced they’d be put out to pasture if they didn’t. After all, Windows 2000 was on the horizon. By the close of the millennium, the future of UNIX looked grim.

UNIX and Linux Thrive (2000–Present)

As the Internet bubble burst, everyone scrambled to identify what was real and what had been only a venture-capital-fueled mirage. As the smoke drifted away, it became clear that many organizations with successful technology strategies were using UNIX or Linux along with Windows rather than one or the other. It wasn’t a war anymore.

UNIX and Linux system administrators who had augmented their skills with Windows became even more valuable. They were able to bridge the gap between the two worlds and leverage both for the benefit of the organization. A number of evaluations showed that the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a Linux server was significantly lower than that of a Windows server, a metric that matters in rough economic times.

Today, UNIX and Linux are thriving. Commercial variants of UNIX, including AIX, Solaris, and HP-UX, have continued to meet the needs of their respective markets. Linux and PC-based UNIX variants have continued to expand their market share, with Linux being the only operating system whose market share on servers is growing at the time of this writing (spring 2010). Not to be left out, Apple’s current operating system, Mac OS X, is also based on UNIX.5

Much of the recent growth in UNIX and Linux has occurred in the domain of virtualized and cloud computing. (See Chapter 24, Virtualization, for more information about these technologies.) Once again, these environments all share one thing in common: systems administrators. Your skills as a system administrator apply whether the box is physical or virtual!

UNIX and Linux Tomorrow

No matter what developments await UNIX and Linux over the next few years, one thing is certain: UNIX and Linux need you! System administrators hold the world’s computing infrastructure together, solve the hairy problems of efficiency and scalability, and provide expert technology advice to users and managers alike.

We are system administrators. Hear us roar!

Recommended Reading

MCKUSICK, MARSHALL KIRK, KEITH BOSTIC, MICHAEL J. KARELS, AND JOHN S. QUARTERMAN. The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System (2nd Edition). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1996.

SALUS, PETER H. A Quarter Century of UNIX. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994.

SALUS, PETER H. Casting the Net: From ARPANET to Internet and Beyond. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995.

SALUS, PETER H. The Daemon, the Gnu, and the Penguin. Marysville, WA: Reed Media Services, 2008. This book was also serialized at www.groklaw.net.