Chapter 5

A Change Of Scenery

“Good morning, miss. Here’s your tea.” Evangeline bustled about the room, setting down the tea tray and opening the curtains.

I glowered at the sun streaming through the windows. “What time is it?”

“Six a.m., miss. You have a long morning ahead of you, and the prince wants to get an early start. The twins and I will be back with your outfit. We’ve already packed a bag for you. The staff will have it downstairs. The camera crew was granted permission to come and film you getting ready, so you might want to get up before they barge in here.”

“Ugh.” I sank back underneath the covers. “Who gave them permission?”


“Of course he did.” Tariq was probably gleefully looking forward to my date with the prince after he’d caught us glowering at each other yesterday. Drama was good for ratings.

With everything else on my mind, I’d forgotten that they’d be filming our date—I needed to work on my fake smile—stat.

“Do you have any idea what I’m doing today?”

Evangeline grinned. “I’m not sure of the particulars, but I know it involves a riding suit.”

I sat up straight. “We’re going riding?”

Her eyes sparkled. “Your guess is as good as mine, and I think it’s a pretty good guess. I’ll be back in a moment with the twins.”

She closed the door, and I hopped out of bed, suddenly energized. I hadn’t ridden in years. The idea of being outdoors with a horse beneath me and the wind in my hair—oh, it was magnificent. I gulped some tea and slathered extra butter on my toast. I peered out the window, watching the sunrise. A gorgeous day, a perfect day—even if His Duplicitous Dimple-ness was riding beside me, and the whole thing was being filmed for public consumption.

The twins bustled in, excited smiles on their faces. I waited for their normal ribbing, but when the film crew squeezed in behind them, I understood. We had our game faces on. They sent me to the bathroom and put me into a steel-gray riding outfit, fitted and flattering. The cameras filmed us as they hauled me back out and plopped me into a chair. Bria braided my hair with extra care, and Bettina insisted on seven layers of makeup, even though I’d be outside all day.

“Are you ready, miss?” Evangeline asked, when the final round of powder had been applied to my nose.

“Yes. I am.”

Nervous excitement thrilled through me as I descended the stairs in my riding boots. The camera crew stayed close behind, and I was relieved to be in the boots, not the high heels they usually made us parade around in.

Dallas waited in the grand foyer. I sucked in a deep breath when I saw him. As tall as ever, his black riding boots were polished to a deep, lustrous sheen. His tight-fitting riding suit accentuated his broad, muscled form.

I grabbed onto the railing, lest I fall and trip anyway, even in flats.

He bowed deeply when I reached the bottom of the stairs. “My lady. Thank you for accepting my invitation.”

I arched an eyebrow but then, remembering the cameras, curtsied appropriately. “Your Highness.”

He held out his arm for me, and I took it. His scent wafted over me, making my mouth water, making me dizzy.

He was like a contact high. Get a grip, Gwyn!

But Dallas was the only thing to hold onto, so I did, grasping his forearm so I didn’t collapse into a puddle at his feet. Stupid, traitorous hormones. They didn’t seem to hold a grudge like the rest of me.

“I thought we’d go riding,” Dallas said, as we went through the front doors. “I understand you used to ride at the Academy. I was hoping this was something we could enjoy doing together.”

I nodded encouragingly. “I’m thrilled. I haven’t ridden in years.”

“Then I hope you’ll like this.” We swept down the stairs and were greeted by the sight of two of the most beautiful white mares I’d ever seen.

I stopped in my tracks. “Oh, Dallas. They’re gorgeous.”

He leaned in closer so no one could hear us. “I’m working hard to earn your forgiveness.”

Before I could respond, he released me. “Now, I picked Maeve for you.” He indicated the slightly smaller horse. “She’s amazing and gentle but has real power. Are you comfortable going out now, or do you want to re-acquaint yourself with a saddle a bit first?”

I stroked the mare’s mane, basking in her beauty. “No, I’m ready,” I said, a bit breathlessly.

Dallas smiled widely. “Excellent. I thought I’d show you around the grounds and take you to one of my favorite spots. Have you had breakfast?”

“Yes.” I couldn’t tear my eyes from Maeve.

“I took the liberty of having a generous amount of food packed, anyway. We’ll ride for a bit and then stop to eat.” He motioned behind the horses, where numerous guards waited, each with a horse of their own. “We won’t be alone, of course. My guard and the cameras are following, but I expect we can have a bit of a head start.” He climbed up and settled onto his saddle, and I was momentarily blindsided by the sight of him, so handsome and regal on his horse.

He beamed down at me. “Gwyneth? Are you ready?”

“Yes, of course.” I climbed up on Maeve and relished every sensation, the stirrups around my feet, the reins in my hands, and the feel of the horse’s powerful body beneath mine.

Dallas clicked his reins and cantered off. Maeve and I followed close behind. We went slowly at first, getting acquainted with each other. I thrilled as the castle grew smaller behind us and acres of open, rolling lawn stretched out in front me. I itched to let the horse take off, to run free at top speed.

Dallas looked back over his shoulder. “Are you good?”


He grinned, and his horse shot forward.

I urged Maeve into a gallop, and we went after him. The rest of the world fell away as the wind rushed past me, whipping my braid.

I came even with Dallas, and he grinned again, the sun sparkling on his white, white skin.

And then I saw it for the first time—he looked happy. Truly happy. His smile reached all the way to his eyes.

We rode off, leaving the castle and everything else behind.

I didn’t know how much time had passed, but we rode for miles, finally meeting the trees. Dallas slowed his horse, coming to a stop before a dirt road that cut through the woods. “There’s something up ahead I want to show you. The others are close behind—I’ll have them bring some food and drink when they finally catch up.”

“That’s very kind.” We cantered next to each other, and I inhaled a deep breath of fresh air. It was late winter, but it was milder here than back at home. The sun warmed my face.

I looked around the wood filled with white pine trees. “It’s so beautiful.”

“I agree.” Dallas kept his gaze firmly on me. “Riding becomes you.”

“Thank you. It was my favorite thing to do before the… Before.” Before the war, I’d ridden every day. Once the Blacks had taken over, they’d confiscated all the horses.

“My family took the horses so the rebels couldn’t utilize them,” Dallas said, as if he’d read my thoughts. “We brought them here. Many of our horses had been killed in battle or died of disease up north.”

“Oh.” I didn’t know what to say.

“Did you own your own horse?”

“No. I had a favorite at our stable, though. Ginger. She was a sorrel, just as sweet and beautiful as can be. She had a lovely red coat.” I smiled, remembering my old friend. “I brought her sugar cubes and carrots. She was basically my BFF.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “I’m sorry? What’s a ‘BFF?’”

“A Best Friend Forever. Do you have one?”

Dallas considered that. “Hmm. Well, my friend Lucas is pretty close. I think I’ve mentioned him before. And of course, there’s Austin, my younger brother, although I have half a mind to throttle him at the moment.”

I almost choked. “You have a younger brother? You only mentioned your sister…”

His sister was dead. That’s all I knew.

“Ah yes, I have a younger brother. He’s up north, still. Refuses to leave our old home and come down here and assume his responsibilities.”


Dallas’s face grew stormy. “If you ask him, he’s got plenty of reasons. But I know he just likes having the old castle to himself, even if the rest of the land’s filthy with werewolves and all other manner of rot.”

When my face contorted with confusion, Dallas remembered himself. “Ah, here we are.”

“Did you just mention werewolves again?”

He smiled tightly. “The cameras are coming. Let’s save that for later, shall we?”

I nodded stupidly. But I wasn’t sure there was later enough for the topic of werewolves.

Dallas stopped his horse and jumped off, motioning for me to do the same.

I came beside him then noticed a small path that cut through the woods.

He reached for me. “Come with me, Gwyn. I’ve something much more exciting to show you than a filthy werewolf.”