I heard the despair in his voice, plain as day.
“What is it that you regret?”
“Didn’t you see all the rebels I killed when they attacked? Not to mention Benjamin Vale? I ended his life in seconds.” His shoulders were stiff. “That’s a tiny fraction of what wrong I’ve done. You don’t want to know what I regret.”
I reached for him, but he was still and cold beneath my touch. “I know you. It hasn’t been for long. But it’s for long enough to know that you’re a good person.”
He shook his head, still looking out the window. “I’m not a person, nor am I good.”
“I respectfully disagree, Your Highness.” I rubbed his back, much like I would a skittish horse. “You just saved my baby sister out of the kindness of your heart.”
He chuckled darkly. “It was a bit more self-interested than that.”
My cheeks flushed, but I kept trying to soothe him. “Self-interested or not, you are good. I know it.”
He turned and captured my hand underneath his. “Don’t be so sure.”
“But I am.” My heart, every inch of me, believed in his goodness.
His eyes flashed. “I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this.”
“What?” I asked, unsure of his meaning.
“This twist of fate.” He kissed my hand.
I fought to keep my composure. “Perhaps you’re better than you give yourself credit for, so fate is being kind.”
“Wouldn’t it be lovely,” he asked, tapping my chin with his finger and turning my face up to his, “if that were true?”
I opened my mouth to answer, but Dallas leaned closer. Our eyes locked. Electricity zipped between us.
The question had changed. And oh, so had the answer.
His gaze burned. “May I?”
I nodded, and Dallas tentatively put his lips to mine.
I kissed him back, slowly at first, relishing the feel of his big, strong body against mine. He sank his hands deep into my hair and pulled me closer, so I was almost on his lap. His scent washed over me as our tongues connected. My heart thudded in my chest as I deepened the kiss, daring to run my hands over his broad shoulders.
He pulled back, his dark gaze raking over me.
“Wait,” I said breathlessly. “Where are you going?”
He chuckled, momentarily putting some space between us. “I need to be a gentleman. You said I was your knight in shining armor. I can’t be that and a rogue in the back seat of an SUV.”
“Sure you can,” I blurted out.
He laughed again. “Your honor, my lady, is as important to me as your safety. I vow to protect both.”
I wrinkled my nose. “Ugh. I really hope you reconsider that.”
His unexpected bark of laughter had me giggling, and some of the tension between us dissipated.
“We’ll be back to the palace in a few short hours. You should really try to get some rest.” He sat back against the seat and settled me against him, putting his muscular arm around my shoulders.
“I don’t want to sleep,” I objected, even as I nestled against him. “I want to ask more questions. Or resume…the other stuff.”
But my voice was already thick. I’d slept for only one hour of the past twenty-four.
“Sleep. That’s a command.” Dallas chuckled as he stroked my hair.
Surrounded by his warmth and a largely unfamiliar sense of well being, I fell instantly to sleep.

I curled my hands up near my face, snuggling deeper.
“We’ll be at the palace in a minute. You should wake up before the cameras get to us.” Dallas still held me close.
I moaned and wrapped my arms around his broad chest. “You’re quite comfortable, for someone so large.”
“Large? Is that an insult?”
“Mmm, I like it. You make me feel safe.”
Dallas shifted beneath me, and I forced my eyes open so that I could look at him.
He smiled at me, his full, sensuous lips parting. “I’ve been thinking about something.”
I sat up, unable to stop staring at his handsome face and those lips. How, in such a few weeks, had he become so important to me? Everything had changed. The center of my gravity had shifted, and I needed to get my bearings.
“Yes?” I adjusted my hair and smoothed my dress, trying to come back to my senses.
But I knew the truth. Everything was different.
“I was telling you I’ve been thinking about something.”
I nodded, as if I’d been listening. “Of course. Go on.”
He frowned, watching me smooth my dress again. “It’s about us.”
I looked up, now paying perfect attention. “Yes?”
He sighed, looking uncomfortable. “I hope to have more time with you once we’re back at the palace.”
His eyes darkened. “But it won’t be for a while. This trip was unscripted. I’m going to have to catch up on work, and I expect they’re going to have me busy with the production schedule they have lined up.”
I nodded. “You mean, all the dates you have to go on.”
Dallas sighed. “Yes.”
“You’ll have lots of first dates and second dates to attend to, and I’ve already had both.”
“Yes.” He looked down at our entwined hands. “But I wanted to ask you for something.”
“Of course.”
He raised his gaze to meet mine. “I would like to kiss you in front of the cameras. I hope you will not object.”
Objecting was not foremost on my mind—kissing him was.
But snogging for the cameras was something altogether different. My nerves thrummed at the thought. “Um, I… Erm…”
“Let me explain. I will not have time with you again soon, and I want the cameras to see—to see what we have. Because it’s important to me.”
“Oh, Dallas. That’s so sweet.”
His gaze burned into me. “It’s not all sweet. I assure you.”
He took my face in his hands and lowered his lips to mine again.
At that moment, the privacy window rolled down. “Your Highness, we’ll be pulling up to the palace shortly. We just wanted to make sure you were both ready.”
Dallas dropped his hands from me and cursed. “Bloody hell, I know where we are!”
The driver coughed and looked at the other guard. “I’m sorry, my lord. You had asked me to remind you.”
Dallas composed himself quickly. “I remember. I was just…speaking to Miss West. We’ll be ready.” He put the divider back up. “My apologies.” He raked a hand through his hair, making it stand up in wild spikes.
The car rolled to a stop, and I sighed. The castle’s stone facade was as beautiful and cold as ever. Servants lined the steps, waiting to welcome the prince back. The camera crew scrambled out of the vehicle behind us and hastily set up their equipment on the lawn.
Tariq stood on the stairs, a sour look on his face as he peered at our vehicle.
My stomach flipped. “Tariq’s not going to be happy, is he?”
Dallas reached back and squeezed my hand. “You don’t need to worry about him or anything else. I’ll take care of it.”
The king came out and stood next to Tariq, and they huddled together, speaking about something.
“That can’t be good.” Dallas frowned as he watched them.
“I’d offer to protect you from them, but I expect that’d be cold comfort.” I squeezed his hand again. “So I’ll offer this instead: no matter what happens, I’m here for you. You’ve shown me so much kindness, Dallas. I won’t forget it.”
He turned and brushed the hair back from my face then gently put his hands on each of my cheeks. His eyes searched mine, looking for an answer to his silent question.
Yes. Always. “Please.”
Dallas swiftly, hungrily put his lips to mine, devouring me with a deep kiss.
I moaned and arched my back, trying to pull him as close as I could.
When he finally released me, we were both breathing hard. He shook his head. “That was…” He seemed at a loss for words.
“Yes, it was.” He fastened his dark gaze on me. “And it was just for us. I’ll be much more restrained for the cameras.”
Too riled up to be embarrassed, I fanned myself. “Sounds like a plan.”
He glanced outside. “I don’t want to say goodbye to you right now. I’d move into the back of this car with you, if you’d have me.”
I melted, reaching out to stroke his face to comfort us both. “I wish we didn’t have to go. But this will be a happy memory for me while we have to be apart.”
He pulled me in for one last, brief kiss, filled with longing. Then he placed his forehead against mine. “I’ll be thinking of you at every moment.”
“And I’ll be thinking of you.”
He released me, and we both straightened ourselves. He blew out a deep breath and held out his hand for me. “It’s time.”
I swallowed hard and nodded. Then I made myself take his hand, reluctantly leaving our happy little bubble behind.