Chapter 15

Don’t Let It Fool You

Mira Kinney sprang at us as soon as we climbed out of the car. “Your Highness, how was your visit to Settlement Four?”

Dallas kept his hand firmly around mine. “It was excellent. I met Miss West’s family. They were lovely and hospitable. I’m happy to report that Miss West’s younger sister is feeling much better.”

“What wonderful news.” Mira smiled at me, flashing all her teeth. “Miss West, everyone at the palace was so sad to hear that your little sister was ill. What was the diagnosis?”

She shoved the microphone under my nose, and the cameramen turned their klieg lights on me. I tried not to cringe, wondering how worn and mussed-up I must look. That’s not what’s important. Well aware that Tariq and the king were in the audience, I held my head high. I glanced at them briefly. The king watched me with thinly veiled distaste.

I took a deep breath. “Winnie had the flu. But thanks to His Highness, the royal family, and their staff, my sister was able to get the medical attention she needed. She’s expected to make a full recovery. My family is so honored and thankful that the royal family has helped us in this way.”

Mira beamed at me. Well done, she mouthed. “Were you surprised that the prince offered to bring you to Settlement Four to see your family?”

I nodded. “I was, but I shouldn’t have been. His Highness is the most thoughtful, kind man I know.”

“Why, Miss West.” Dallas bowed to me. “Thank you.”

I curtsied. “Your Highness. Thank you. For everything.”

“It was my pleasure.” He clasped my hands then leaned down and kissed me on the lips. It was brief, quite chaste compared to what we were getting up to before, but I still heard one of the servants on the stairs gasp.

Dallas released me and turned back to the cameras. “And now that we’re back, I’ve important business to attend to. Thank you all for the warm welcome.”

He nodded to me one last time then released me. With a turn of his heel and the flourish of his cape, he went to join Tariq and his father.

Mira Kinney and the camera crew packed up. The staff curtsied and bowed as the royals swept up the stairs with Tariq nipping at their heels. They hustled back inside the palace, eager to carry on with their business.

I stood for a moment, watching them. My heart suddenly felt heavy. I begrudgingly climbed the stairs, missing my family, missing the prince, missing the warmth and cozy security of the car. I was back in the game. But having been home and then having the prince all to myself for those precious hours, I felt more alone than ever.

Evangeline intercepted me on my way to the common room. “Miss. Miss!”

She waved me over then stood there, wringing her hands.

“Is everything all right?”

She quickly curtsied. “Yes, of course. But I thought you might like to change after such a long ride. I’ll have the guards bring up your bag.” She nodded to them then hustled me up the stairs. “I’m so happy to hear your sister’s better. What a blessing.”

“Yes, it is. It was lovely to see my family.” We made small talk as we headed to my chambers.

I waited until we were safely inside my room to ask again. “Is everything really all right?”

“It is, but I thought I would have a word before you went and saw all the other girls.”

“Uh oh.” I braced myself. “Am I to guess that they aren’t pleased with me at the moment?”

“I heard something to that effect.” She bit her lip. “I don’t like to gossip, but I’ve heard that Tamara’s been saying all manner of things, getting the other girls all riled up.”

I put my hands on my hips, feeling the dull throb of a headache coming on. “Thank you for letting me know. I’ll be prepared to handle it now.”

Evangeline nodded, but I sensed there was more on her mind.

“Is there something else?”

“I also heard that—and I don’t know if it’s true—but I heard that one of the human prisoners killed a guard and escaped.”

Several of the rebels had been captured during the last attack. They’d been kept in the cells below the castle ever since.

I put a hand over my heart. “Oh, no. That’s terrible.”

“Normally, the prince would say something to the staff about it, but it’s different when he’s gone. The king and queen are more private, I guess.”

“I feel terrible.” Dallas was the person who kept the castle running smoothly. He had an excellent relationship with the staff. I’d taken him away from home when he’d been needed.

She patted my arm. “You shouldn’t, miss, it’s nothing to do with you. But I heard we might have stricter rules again, like the curfew, and more guards around the palace. I just thought you should know.”

“Thank you, Evangeline.”

She smiled. “Now let’s get you in a fresh dress, so you’ll be ready for Tamara and the rest of them.”

I smiled back, but it felt forced. Tamara was a pain in the butt.

But an escaped rebel was much, much worse.