
Absolut, 67

ACT, 74–75


in brand building, 68–70

consumer decision journey and, 15–28

media spend in, 18–19

off-line channels, 21–22

push versus pull, 89

Aegon USA, 192

Akzo Nobel, 127

aligned relationship, 182, 183–188

all benefits value propositions, 115–119

aluminum industry, 31, 22, 24, 167

American Consumer Satisfaction Index, 157

American Express, 4–5, 80, 83, 86

American Petroleum Institute Quarterly (journal), 52

Anderson, James C., 113–131

AOL, 164–165

apparel industry, 104–106

Apple, 25, 71, 142

archetypal community scripts, 147–149

Arm & Hammer baking soda, 65–66

Arnould, Eric, 143

authority, brands of, 145–146

automobile industry

brand portfolios in, 87–88

creative destruction and, 48–49

growth of, 36

production pressures in, 43–45

purpose brands in, 75–76

women and, 98–99

baking soda, 65–66

balance, 94–96

Banana Republic, 87, 104–105

Barn Raising script, 148

Bar script, 148

Barzun, Jacques, 32–33, 54

beauty industry, 102–104

benefit assertion, 115–117

Bentley, 75

Bhalla, Gaurav, 1–13

Bic, 89–90

BMW, 75, 87

Boston Consulting Group, 98

brand audits, 91–92

brand charters, 85, 92

brand communities, 133–149

affiliation forms in, 139–141

archetypal scripts in, 147–149

as business strategy, 134–136

conflict in, 137, 141–143

management of, 146–149

readiness audit for, 149

roles in, 137, 143–145

as service to member needs, 136–139

social media and, 137, 145–146

strong brands from, 136, 139–141, 134

brand equity

brand support and, 81, 85, 90–91

consumer knowledge and, 96

customer equity versus, 11–12

extending versus destroying, 71–75

management systems, 92–93

monitoring, 85, 91–94

purpose brands and, 67

brand exploratories, 91–92

brand inventories, 91

brand managers, 6

brand meaning understood by, 81, 85, 89–90

customer managers compared with, 7

brand report cards, 77–96

balance in, 94–96

brand monitoring and, 81, 85, 91–94

brand portfolio and, 81, 85, 87–88

brand support and, 81, 85, 90–91

for competitors, 84–85

consistency and, 80, 84, 86

customer benefits and, 78–79, 84

integrated marketing strategy and, 81, 85, 88–89

managers and brand meaning in, 81, 85, 89–90

positioning and, 80, 83, 84, 86

relevance and, 79, 82, 84

value and, 80, 82–83, 84

brands and branding

advertising in building, 68–70

attributes of strong, 78–94

of authority, 145–146

consistency in, 80, 84, 86

of conversation, 145–146

digital age, 15–28

endorser, 71–75

job focus in, 57–76

mainstream versus niche, 145–146

market segments and, 57–58

meaning of, 81, 85, 89–90, 95–96

monitoring, 81, 85

monitoring online comments about, 23

portfolios, 81, 85, 87–88

positioning, 80, 83, 84, 86

purpose, 66–69

relevance of, 79, 82, 84

report card for, 77–96

support for, 81, 85, 90–91

touch points and, 15–28

Braun, 90

buggy whip industry, 46

Buick, 87–88

Burning Man, 143

buying funnel, 16–18, 20–21, 189, 190–191

buy stage, 17–18

Cadillac, 87–88

call centers, 10–11

Calvin Klein, 83

Campaign for Real Beauty, 137, 142

Cancer Survivors Network, 139

Cascade, 82–83

case histories, value, 126–127

central heating, 39–40

Chevrolet, 44, 87–88

chief customer officers, 5–6, 187, 190

chief revenue officers, 187, 190

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 108

Christensen, Clayton M., 57–76, 75–76

Church & Dwight, 65–66

Citigroup, 177

click-stream analysis, 24

Coca-Cola, 81, 89, 142, 146, 177

Colgate-Palmolive, 66


with customers, 2–5

mass versus two-way, 2–5

between sales and marketing, 185

touch points in, 15–28

communities. See brand communities

Community Readiness Audit, 134, 149

complexity, 50

conflict, in brand communities, 137, 141–143

consider stage in decision making, 16, 20

consistency, 80, 84, 86

consumer decision journey, 15–28

buy stage in, 17–18

consider stage in, 16, 20

customer experience plans and, 24–25

enjoy, advocate, bond stage in, 18, 20–21, 22

evaluation stage in, 17, 20

funnel metaphor compared versus, 16–18, 20–21

marketing implications of, 18–19

marketing roles and, 25–27

pilot projects, 19–23, 27–28

value perception of, 80, 82–83


brand equity and, 96

research by, 21–22

consumer wants or needs

automobile industry and, 43–45

brand communities for, 136–139

brand delivery of, 78–79, 80, 84

creative destruction and, 48–49

industry definition based on, 55–56

product development based on, 59–67

satisfying, 53–54

content supply chain managers, 26

conversation, brands of, 145–146

Cook, Scott, 57–76, 59–61

Coors Brewing, 91

Corning Glass Works, 30–31

Court, David, 16

Courtyard by Marriott, 72

creative destruction, 48–49

Crest, 67, 73, 74–75


call centers and, 10–11

customer-centric, 6

sales versus marketing, 178–179

Curves, 102

customer equity, 13

brand equity versus, 11–12

share of, 12

customer experience plans, 24–25

customer-facing functions, 8–10

customer lifetime value, 1–2

chief customer officers and, 6

metrics for, 11–13

customer managers, 3, 6–8, 27

brand managers compared with, 7


collaboration with, 10

cultivating, 2–5

input of, into marketing research, 9

life events of, 5

market segmentation by, 58

relationship management with, 8

research by, 18

retention of, 4, 154–155, 156–157

women, 97–111

customer satisfaction surveys, 151–170

customer retention rates and, 154–155, 156–157

detractors and, 164–166

grade inflation in, 161

growth and, 161–164

simplicity in, 166–169

customer service, 10–11

for women, 97–99

customer value propositions, 113–131

all benefits, 115–119

building blocks of, 119

documenting, 127–129

favorable points of difference, 118, 119–120

resonating focus, 118, 120–123

substantiating, 124–126

superior business performance and, 129–131

transforming weak, 124–125

value case histories and, 126–127


customer cultivation and, 2, 4

customer-focused metrics and, 12–13

marketplace intelligence leaders and, 26–27

underutilization of, 6

defined relationship, 182, 183–184

Dell, 97–98

Della, 97–98

DeLoach, Harris, Jr., 129–130

Delta Airlines, 10–11

detractors, 164–166


customer value proposition and, 117–119, 122, 123

job focus in, 76

positioning and, 83, 86

Digital Governance Council, 27

Disney, 70, 81, 93–94

distinctive value proposition, 121–122

diversity, in brand communities, 137, 141–143

Dove, 137, 142

downstream marketing, 191

dry cleaning industry, 33

DuPont, 30–31, 37

earned media, 19

EarthLink, 164–165

eBay, 64, 67, 70, 167

Edelman, David C., 15–28

Edison, Thomas, 39

E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, 30–31, 37

electric utilities, 33–34

electronics industry, 35, 36, 49–54

empty nesters, 100, 103

endorser brands, 71–75

engagement, 22–23, 57–58

enjoy, advocate, bond stage, 18, 20–21, 22

Enterprise Rent-A-Car, 151–152, 161, 164, 166, 168–169

Estée Lauder, 10


brand report card in, 77–96

in consumer decision journey, 17, 20

marketing versus sales, 179

online research in, 24

of sales and marketing, 191–192, 193

evangelists, 143–145

everyday low pricing strategy, 82–83

Express, 105

fast-trackers, 100, 103

favorable points of difference value propositions, 118, 119–120

Federal Express, 66–67

feedback programs, 166–169, 186–187

female economy, 97–111

Financial Markets Group, 192

financial services, 106–107

Firefox, 10, 138–139

fitness industry, 101–102

focus, industry definition and, 29–56

food industry, 101

Foote, Cone & Belding, 95

Ford, Henry, 44–45

Ford Motor, 70

Fort script, 148

Fournier, Susan, 133–149

fuel cells, 34, 47

funnel metaphor, 16–18, 20–21, 189

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 42

Gap Inc., 81, 87, 104–105

Garnier, 137, 146

GE Infrastructure Water & Process Technologies, 126–127, 128, 129

General Electric, 177, 192

General Mills, 177

General Motors, 37, 75–76, 87–88

Gillette, 80, 81, 82, 90

glass industry, 30–31

Gleem, 73

Gold’s Gym, 136, 138

Google, 70

grocery stores, 34–35, 101


conditions for, 36

customer loyalty and, 153, 154–156

customer satisfaction and, 161–164

detractors and, 164–166

female economy and, 97–111

industry definition and, 29–56

obsolescence and, 33–36

population myth and, 36–42

production pressures and, 42–49

R&D and, 49–54

self-deception about, 35–36

word of mouth in, 161, 162–163

Gucci, 67

Hall, Taddy, 57–76

Hansen, Morten, 7

Harley-Davidson, 70

brand community of, 133, 134–135, 147–149

Museum, 136, 139, 141, 149

positioning of, 83

Harte-Hanks, 8

Hasbro, 146

health care, 108

health clubs, 101–102

H&M, 105–106

Hole Hawg, 72

hub affiliations, 139, 140, 141, 146

IBM, 172, 177

Global University Programs, 7

Insurance Process Acceleration Framework, 2, 4


customer cultivation and, 8

sales or marketing relationships and, 179, 191–192

indispensability, 38–39

industry definition, 29–56

analysis errors in, 31–33

creative destruction and, 48–49

greatness and, 55–56

impending obsolescence and, 33–36

petroleum industry, 37–42

population myth and, 36–42

production pressures and, 45–48

R&D focus in, 49–54

self-deception and, 35–36


disruptive, 65, 68–69

intangible assets, 11

integrated relationship, 182–183, 187–193

Intergraph, 122–123, 126

International Flavors and Fragrances, 10


content supply chain managers, 26

customer experience on, 22–23

customer research on, 21–22

orchestrators, 25–26

publishers, 26

Internet service providers, 164–165

iPod, 71

job focus in product design, 59–70, 76

job rotation, 185–186

Johnson & Johnson, 74–75, 108

Jump Associates, 139, 147–149

Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation, 31

Keller, Kevin Lane, 77–96

kerosene lamps, 37, 39

Kiehl’s, 146

Kirchart, Heath, 141

Kleenex, 67

Kmart, 157

Kodak, 67, 68–69

Kotler, Philip, 171–193

Kraft, 177

Krishnaswamy, Suj, 171–193

Lafley, A.G., 57

La Prairie, 104

La Roche-Posay, 146

Lee, Lara, 133–149

Lever Brothers, 82

Levi-Strauss, 95

Levitt, Theodore, 29–56, 58

life insurance, 107

L’Oréal, 137, 145–146


brand communities and, 136–139

customer retention rates and, 154–155, 156–157

customer satisfaction surveys and, 151–170

definition of, 154

detractors and, 164–166

as growth driver, 153, 154–156

profitability and, 155–156

Loyalty Acid Test, 158–159

Macy’s, 70

making ends meet, 100, 103

manufacturer websites, 21–22


consumer decision journey and, 18–27

customer-cultivating, 3–11

downstream and upstream, 191, 193

feedback to, 186–187

industry definition and, 29–56

integrated strategy for, 81, 85, 88–89

integration checklist for, 188

production pressure and, 42–49

push versus pull, 89

R&D focus versus, 49–54

R&D integration with, 10

relationship of, with sales, 179–193

rethinking, 1–13

roles for, 25–27, 173–177

sales versus, 171–193

selling versus, 42–43, 54

sources of friction between sales and, 177–179

women and, 97–111

marketplace intelligence leaders, 26–27

market research

automobile industry, 43–44

brand communities in, 134–135

customer cultivation and, 8–9

customer feedback in, 166–169

petroleum industry, 51–53

R&D focus versus, 50–51

market segments

brand engagement and, 57–58

broken paradigms on, 58–61

customer cultivation and, 2–5

lifetime value of, 13

metrics for, 13

population myth and, 36–42

women, 100–108

market share, 12

Marriott International, 71–72, 74

mass communication, 2

mass production, 42–49

McDonald’s, 25, 93–94

McKinsey Quarterly (journal), 16

Menon, Anil, 172

Mercedes-Benz, 75, 83


customer-focused, 11–13

customer retention rates, 154–155, 156–157

customer satisfaction, 154–170

net-promoter scores, 154–155

sales and marketing, 192–193

MGB car clubs, 143

Michelob, 80, 86

Microsoft, 142, 146, 177

milk shakes, 62–63

Milwaukee Electric Tool, 72, 126

mobile devices, customer engagement and, 25

Modine, Austin, 97


brand equity, 85, 91–94

net-promoters, 167

social media monitoring tools, 23

Montblanc, 67

Moorman, Christine, 1–13

Morita, Akio, 65

movies, 29–30

Mozilla, 10

MSN, 164–165

Narus, James A., 113–131

National Wholesale Grocers, 34–35

net-promoter scores, 154–155, 167

New Jersey Retail Grocers Association, 34–35

niche brands, 145–146

Nijdra Groep, 126–127

Nike, 25, 141

Nissan, 70

Nokia, 10

Nordstrom, 83

Norman, Larry, 192

nylon industry, 30–31

obsolescence, 33–36

creative destruction and, 48–49

petroleum industry and, 39–41, 46–48

Olay, 104

Old Navy, 81, 87

Oldsmobile, 87–88

Omidyar, Pierre, 64

On-Star, 75–76

opinion leaders, 143–145

Oral B, 90

orchestrators, 25–26

organizational structure, service-oriented, 2, 4

Outdoorseiten, 138

outsourcing, 10–11

owned media, 19

Panichella, John, 129

Patio script, 148

Pelino, Dan, 172

Pepperidge Farm, 138–139

Pepsi Challenge, 142

performance, customer value propositions and, 129–131

Performance Space script, 148

petroleum industry, 36

brand support in, 91

creative destruction and, 48–49

customer value proposition in, 119–120, 121–122, 129–130

demand creation by, 37–38

future of, 40–41

indispensability myth in, 38–39

innovation in, 38

market research in, 51–53

narrow definition of, 46–48

obsolescence of, 39–41

population myth and, 37–42

pilot projects, 19–23, 27–28

points of contention, 119

points of parity, 83, 86, 122, 123

customer value propositions and, 117–118, 119

Pontiac, 87–88

pool affiliations, 139, 140

population myth, 36–42

Porsche, 75, 142

portfolios, 81, 85, 87–88

positioning, 80, 83, 84, 86

Pour Your Heart Into It (Schultz and Yang), 78

pressure cookers, 100, 103

presumption of value, 120

price premiums, 67

pricing strategy, 84, 177–178

value perception and, 82–83

Procter & Gamble, 7, 57, 66

Cascade, 82–83

Crest, 67, 73, 74–75

marketing strategy at, 177

Olay, 104

pricing and value in, 80, 82–83

Swiffer, 10, 64

production emphasis, 42–49

product managers, 3


based on consumer needs, 59–67

category growth, 64–66

creative destruction and, 48–49

design process for, 10, 61–64, 171

failure rate of new, 57

marketing or sales conflict and, 177–178

market segmentation by, 58

online information about, 22–23

provincialism in, 45–48

tailoring to life events, 5


customer versus product, 11

loyalty and, 155–156

sales versus marketing and, 171–172

promoters, 162–163, 165. See also recommendations

converting customers into, 169–170

monitoring, 167

net-promoter scores and, 154–155

promotion costs, 177–178

purpose brands, 66–69

advertising and, 68–70

extending or destroying brand equity and, 71–75

rarity of strong, 75–76

Quaker Chemical, 128–129, 130–131

Quicken Financial Planner, 59–61

Rackham, Neil, 171–193

railroads, 29, 31–32, 54–55

Range Rover, 75


consumer decision journey and, 18, 20–21

customer loyalty and, 156

customer satisfaction and, 152, 161–164

Red Hat Society, 143

Reichheld, Frederick F., 151–170

Reivich, Karen, 138–139

relationship management

brand relevance and, 79, 82

customer, 8

customer cultivation and, 2–5

customer loyalty and, 158

marketing and sales, 179, 182–183

women and, 100, 103

relevance, 79, 80, 82, 84

research and development (R&D)

customer-centric, 10

focus on, growth and, 49–54

Residence Inn by Marriott, 72

resonating focus value propositions, 118, 120–123

retention rates, 154–155, 156–157

reward systems, 179, 191–192

Reynolds Metals Company, 31

Rockefeller, John D., 37

Rockwell Automation, 126

Rolls-Royce, 75

Rosenbaum, Mark, 145

Rust, Roland T., 1–13

Saddleback Church, 137, 144–145

sales, 171–193

feedback from, 186–187

integration checklist for, 188

marketing roles and, 173–177

relationship of, with marketing, 179–193

sources of friction between marketing and, 177–179

Satmetrix, 158–159, 162–164

Saturn, 83

Sawzall, 72

Sayre, Kate, 97–111

Schau, Hope, 143

Schultz, Howard, 78

Scoble, Robert, 146

scripts, community, 147–149

segment managers, 6, 8

selling, 42–43, 54

service-oriented architecture, 2, 4

Sewing Circle script, 148

Shell Oil, 91

Silverstein, Michael J., 97–111

SKF USA, 126–127

Sloan, Alfred P., 87

SmartPlant P&ID, 122–123

social media

brand communities and, 137, 145–146

monitoring tools, 23

nonworking spend for, 19

product comments via, 23

Société Bic, 89–90

solar energy, 47

Sonoco, 121–122, 129–130

Sony, 65, 71, 74, 83

Soupy Snax, 68–70

Spohrer, Jim, 7

Starbucks, 67, 78–79, 80, 136, 138

streetcars, 35

substitutes, 38–39

Summer Camp script, 148

supermarkets, 34–35, 101

suppliers, 127–129

support, 90–91

surveys, customer satisfaction, 151–170

Swiffer, 10, 64

Taylor, Andy, 151–152, 168–169

television, 29–30

Tesco, 4, 6, 101

Tide, 93

time pressure, 108–109, 110

touch points, 15–28

funnel metaphor on, 16–18

orchestrators and, 25–26

prioritizing and leveraging, 19–23

Tour Group script, 148

Toyota, 75

tracking studies, 92

training, value-proposition, 130–131

Trekkies, 143

Tribe script, 147–148

T-shaped people, 7

undefined relationship, 182, 183

Unilever, 66, 68–70

upstream marketing, 191, 193

USAA, 6, 167

usage imagery, 79

user imagery, 79


brand communities and creation of, 143

calculators, 126–127

case histories, 126–127

consumer perception of, 80, 82–83

customer cultivation and creation of, 4–5

customer value propositions, 113–131

documenting customer, 127–129

generation planning, 128

presumption of, 120

word equations, 125–126

van Rossum, Wouter, 113–131

Vans, 147

Virgin, 67

Visa, 80, 83, 86

Walkman, 65, 71, 74

Wall Street Journal, 157

Warped Tour, 147

Web 2.0, 145. See also social media

web affiliations, 139, 140, 141

Whole Foods, 101

women, 97–111

future power of, 109–111

growth opportunities and, 100–108

increasing influence of, 99–100

time pressure on, 108–109, 110

as underserved market, 97–99, 98

Yang, Dori Jones, 78