
This novel would not have been possible without the help and support of the following:

My endlessly patient wife, Nancy.

Sara Megibow, my agent and champion.

My observant editor, Mike Braff.

All my family and friends. Notably: the Brotherhood and the Cosmonicans.

Kip Williams, who encouraged me to pursue this story above all others when he heard the pitch.

Heartfelt thanks also go to:

My cousins Paul, Daniel, and Sean. They asked a million questions and forced me to get my story straight.

Mike Kalmbach, who helped me find the myriad of flaws in the first draft.

Xavier Burrow, for his insights into “life on the ground” in Darwin.

I offer sincere apologies to the wonderful people of Darwin, Australia, for turning their beautiful town into a fictional postapocalyptic slum. It’s nothing personal, I promise.