Outline of Matthew’s Gospel

I. The Arrival in History of Jesus Messiah (1:1–2:23)

A. Jesus Messiah Brings a New Beginning for Humanity (1:1)

B. Jesus Messiah’s Genealogy (1:2–17)

1. From Abraham to King David (1:2–6)

2. From King David to the Babylonian Exile (1:6–11)

3. From the Babylonian Exile to Jesus Messiah (1:12–16)

4. The Culmination of Matthew’s Genealogy in Jesus Messiah (1:16–17)

C. The Angelic Announcement of the Conception of Jesus Messiah (1:18–25)

D. Magi Report the Star-Sign of the Birth of “the King of the Jews” (2:1–12)

1. The Magi’s Journey (2:1–2)

2. Herod’s Cunning Duplicity (2:3–8)

3. The Magi Worship the Child (2:9–12)

E. Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus Messiah (2:13–23)

1. The Escape to Egypt (2:13–15)

2. The Massacre of Bethlehem’s Boys (2:16–18)

3. The Return to Nazareth (2:19–23)

II. John the Baptist Prepares for the Appearance of the Messianic Kingdom (3:1–17)

A. John the Baptist Appears (3:1–6)

B. John the Baptist Prophesies of the Impact of the Coming One (3:7–12)

C. The Appearance of Jesus Messiah for Baptism by John the Baptist (3:13–17)

III. Jesus Messiah Begins to Advance the Messianic Kingdom (4:1–25)

A. Temptations of the Messiah (4:1–11)

1. The Setting of the Temptations (4:1–2)

2. The First Temptation—Personal: Turning Stones into Bread (4:3–4)

3. The Second Temptation—National: dataing off the Temple Pinnacle (4:5–7)

4. The Third Temptation—Universal: Worshiping Satan (4:8–10)

5. The Outcome of the Temptations (4:11)

B. Jesus Messiah Begins His Galilean Ministry (4:12–17)

C. Jesus Messiah Calls Fishers of Men (4:18–22)

D. Jesus Messiah Displays the Gospel of the Kingdom (4:23–25)

IV. First Discourse—The Sermon on the Mount—Kingdom-Life Proclamation (5:1–7:29)

A. The Setting of the Sermon (5:1–2)

B. The Beatitudes and Witness of the Kingdom of Heaven (5:3–16)

1. The Beatitudes (5:3–12)

2. Salt and Light: True Disciples Witness to the Kingdom of Heaven (5:13–16)

C. Jesus Messiah Fulfills the Law: The Messianic Kingdom in Relation to the Law (5:17–48)

1. Jesus and the Kingdom Fulfill the Law (5:17–20)

2. The Antitheses: Jesus Messiah’s Declarative Fulfillment of the Law (5:21–48)

a. Murder—Nurturing Relationships (5:21–26)

b. Adultery—Marital Oneness (5:27–30)

c. Divorce—Marriage Sanctity Inviolate (5:31–32)

d. Oaths—Transparent Honesty (5:33–37)

e. Eye for an Eye—Servanthood (5:38–42)

f. Love and Hatred—Unconditional Commitment (5:43–47)

3. Conclusion: The Pursuit of Perfection (5:48)

D. The Development of Kingdom Life in the Real World (6:1–7:12)

1. Public Kingdom Spirituality in Religious Life (6:1–18)

a. The Principle (6:1)

b. Alms (6:2–4)

c. Prayer (6:5–15)

d. Fasting (6:16–18)

2. Personal Kingdom Spirituality in the Everyday World (6:19–34)

a. Choose Your Master: God or Wealth (6:19–24)

b. Choose Your Provider: God or Worry (6:25–34)

3. Interpersonal Kingdom Spirituality in Community Relationships (7:1–12)

a. Judging Others Inappropriately (7:1–5)

b. Evaluating Others Appropriately (7:6)

c. God’s Guidance in Relationship to Others (7:7–12)

E. Warning! With Jesus or Against Him (7:13–29)

1. Narrow and Broad Gates and Roads (7:13–14)

2. True and False Prophets (7:15–20)

3. True and False Disciples (7:21–23)

4. Wise and Foolish Builders (7:24–27)

5. The Reaction of the Crowds (7:28–29)

V. The Authoritative Power of Messiah: Kingdom Power Demonstrated (8:1–9:38)

A. Healing the Marginalized (8:1–17)

1. Cleansing the Leper: Purity Boundaries (8:1–4)

2. Healing the Centurion’s Servant: Ethnic Boundaries (8:5–13)

3. Healing Peter’s mother-in-law: gender boundaries (8:14–15)

4. The Many: The Demon-Possessed: All Boundaries (8:16–17)

B. Expected Discipleship Disappointed (8:18–22)

C. Overpowering Satan’s Strongholds (8:23–9:8)

1. Calming a Storm: Authority over Nature (8:23–27)

2. Exorcising the Demoniacs: Authority over the Spirit World (8:28–34)

3. Healing the Paralytic: Authority over Sin (9:1–8)

D. Unexpected Discipleship Revealed (9:9–17)

1. Calling Matthew and Other Sinners (9:9–13)

2. Discipleship and Religious Traditions (9:14–17)

E. Unexpected Miracles Demonstrate Extraordinary Compassion (9:18–34)

1. The Dead Have Life (9:18–26)

2. The Blind Have Sight (9:27–31)

3. The Mute Have Voice (9:32–34)

F. The Messiah at Work Enlists Workers (9:35–38)

VI. Second Discourse—Mission Mandate—Authoritative Mission of Messiah’s Messengers (10:1–42)

A. Commissioning the Twelve for Mission (10:1–4)

B. Instructions for the Short-Term Mission to Israel (10:5–15)

C. Instructions for the Long-Term Mission to the World (10:16–23)

D. Characteristics of Missionary Disciples (10:24–42)

1. Disciples and the Master in Mission (10:24–25)

2. Fearless Followers (10:26–31)

3. Acknowledging Jesus’ Supremacy in Public (10:32–33)

4. Allegiance to Jesus’ Supremacy at Home (10:34–39)

5. Reward for Receiving Jesus’ Mission-Disciples (10:40–42)

VII. Opposition to the Messiah Emerges (11:1–12:50)

A. John the Baptist Questions Jesus (11:2–6)

B. Jesus’ Tribute to John the Baptist (11:7–15)

C. The Discontented Generation (11:16–19)

D. The Privileged Unrepentant Cities (11:20–24)

E. An Invitation to a Relationship with the Father and the Son (11:25–30)

F. Confrontations with the Pharisees over the Sabbath (12:1–14)

1. Working on the Sabbath (12:1–8)

2. Healing on the Sabbath (12:9–14)

G. God’s Spirit-Anointed Servant (12:15–21)

H. Confrontations with the Pharisees over the Source of Jesus’ Miraculous Power (12:22–37)

1. The Pharisees Accuse Jesus of Demonism (12:22–24)

2. Jesus’ Defense (12:25–29)

3. Jesus’ Offense (12:30–37)

I. Confrontations with the Pharisees over Their Demand for a “Sign” (12:38–42)

J. The Wicked Generation and the Return of the Evil Spirit (12:43–45)

K. Jesus’ Disciples Are His True Family (12:46–50)

VIII. Third Discourse—Parabolic Disclosure—Mysteries of the Messianic Kingdom (13:1–58)

A. The Opening of the Parabolic Discourse (13:1–23)

1. The Parable of the Sower and Soils (13:3b–9)

2. Jesus’ Purpose for Speaking in Parables (13:10–17)

3. Interpretation of the Parable of the Sower and Soils (13:18–23)

B. Further Parables Told to the Crowds (13:24–33)

1. The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds (13:24–30)

2. The Parable of the Mustard Seed (13:31–32)

3. The Parable of the Leaven (13:33)

4. Parables that Reveal Hidden Things (13:34–35)

C. Explanations and Parables Told to the Disciples (13:36–50)

1. Interpretation of the Parable of the Wheat and Weeds (13:36–43)

2. The Parable of the Hidden Treasure (13:44)

3. The Parable of the Costly Pearl (13:45–46)

4. The Parable of the Dragnet (13:47–50)

D. The Parable of the Householder’s Treasure (13:51–52)

E. Transition To a Clarification of the Messiah’s Identity and Mission (13:53)

IX. The Identity of the Messiah Revealed (13:54–16:20)

A. Prophet(s) Without Honor (13:53–14:12)

1. Jesus Rejected at Nazareth (13:54–58)

2. John the Baptist Beheaded by Herod Antipas (14:1–12)

B. Compassionate Healer and Supplier for Israel (14:13–21)

C. The Son of God Is Worshiped (14:22–36)

1. Walking on the Water (14:22–33)

2. The Son of God Heals at Gennesaret (14:34–36)

D. The True Teacher of the Word of God (15:1–20)

1. The Traditions of the Jewish Elders (15:1–9)

2. Purity and Impurity from the Heart (15:10–20)

E. Compassionate Healer and Provider for Gentiles (15:21–39)

1. Jesus Withdraws to Gentile Regions (15:21)

2. A Gentile Woman Acknowledges Jesus as the Son of David (15:21–28)

3. Many Gentiles Glorify the God of Israel (15:29–31)

4. Feeding the Four Thousand (15:32–38)

5. A Brief Return to Jewish Territory (15:39)

F. Peter Confesses Jesus As the Christ, the Son of the Living God (16:1–20)

1. Jesus to Give No More Signs (16:1–4)

2. Spiritual Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees (16:5–12)

3. Who Is the Son of Man? (16:13–14)

4. Peter’s Confession of Jesus’ Identity (16:15–16)

5. Jesus’ Pronouncements about Peter (16:17–19)

X. The Suffering of the Messiah Revealed (16:21–17:27)

A. The Suffering Sacrifice (16:21–28)

1. The Suffering and Risen Messiah (16:21)

2. Peter’s Presumption (16:22–23)

3. The Cost of Discipleship (16:24–27)

4. The Son of Man Coming in His Kingdom (16:27–28)

B. The Beloved, Transfigured Son (17:1–13)

1. The Transfiguration of Jesus (17:1–8)

2. John the Baptist and the Coming of Elijah (17:9–13)

C. Sons of the Kingdom (17:14–27)

1. The Healing and Exorcism of an Epileptic Boy (17:14–20)

2. The Second Passion Prediction (17:22–23)

3. Paying the Temple Tax (17:24–27)

XI. The Community of the Messiah Revealed (18:1–20:34)

A. Fourth Discourse—Community Prescription—Characteristics of Life in the Kingdom Community (18:1–35)

1. The Greatness of Humility (18:1–4)

2. Shelter for the Humble (18:5–9)

3. Angelic Protection of the Little Ones (18:10)

4. The Divine Search for Lost Sheep (18:12–14)

5. Disciplining Wayward Disciples (18:15–17)

6. Consensus on Community Discipline and Life (18:18–20)

7. Forgiveness in the Community Toward Sinning Disciples (18:21–35)

B. The Sanctity of Marriage in the Community (19:1–12)

1. Journeying Through Judea to Jerusalem (19:1–2)

2. The Question of Divorce in the Community (19:3–9)

3. The Question of Singleness in the Community (19:10–12)

C. Valuing the Kingdom Community (19:13–20:34)

1. The Kingdom Community Belongs to Little Ones (19:13–15)

2. The Tragedy of the Rich Young Man (19:16–22)

3. The Gracious Reward for Those Who Follow Jesus (19:23–30)

4. The Parable of the Vineyard Workers (20:1–16)

5. Jesus’ Third Passion Prediction (20:17–19)

6. The Example of Jesus for Community Sacrifice, Suffering and Service (20:20–28)

7. Merciful Healing of Two Blind Men in Jericho (20:29–34)

XII. The Messiah Asserts His Authority over Jerusalem (21–23)

A. The Climactic Entry into Jerusalem: Jesus’ Authority as Messiah (21:1–11)

B. The Temple Actions: Jesus’ Pronouncement on the Temple Establishment (21:12–17)

C. Cursing the Fig Tree: Jesus’ Judgment of the Nation (21:18–22)

D. Controversies in the Temple Court over Jesus’ Authority (21:23–22:46)

1. Three Parables of Condemnation of Religious Leadership of Israel (21:28–22:14).

a. The Parable of the Two Sons (21:28–32)

b. The Parable of the Wicked Tenants (21:33–46)

c. The Parable of the Wedding Banquet (22:1–14)

2. Four Debates with the Religious Leaders Concerning Jesus’ Authority and Identity (22:15–46)

a. Tribute in the Kingdoms (22:15–22)

b. Marriage at the Resurrection (22:23–33)

c. The Greatest Commandment (22:34–40)

d. The Son of David (22:41–46)

E. Warnings and Woes of Judgment Against the Teachers of the Law and the Pharisees (23:1–36)

1. Warning the Crowds and the Disciples (23:1–12)

2. Woes on the Teachers of the Law and the Pharisees (23:13–32)

3. Final Invective: Murderers of the Righteous (23:33–36)

4. Lament over Jerusalem (23:37–39)

XIII. Fifth Discourse—Olivet Discourse—The Delay, Return, and Judgment of Messiah (24:1–25:46)

A. The Setting of the Discourse (24:1–3)

B. The Beginning of Birth Pains (24:4–14)

1. Sufferings Throughout the World (24:4–8)

2. Sufferings of Jesus’ Disciples (24:9–13)

3. Preaching the Gospel to All Nations (24:14)

C. Description of “Great Tribulation” (24:15–28)

1. The Abomination That Causes Desolation (24:15)

2. Flight of Believers (24:16–20)

3. “Great Tribulation” (24:21)

4. The Days Cut Short (24:22)

5. Warnings About False Messiahs (24:23–28)

D. Description of the Coming of the Son of Man (24:29–31)

E. The Lesson of the Fig Tree (24:32–35)

F. The “Time” of Jesus’ Coming (24:36–41)

G. Parabolic Exhortations to Watch and Be Prepared for the Coming of the Son of Man (24:42–25:30)

1. The Parable of the Homeowner and the Thief (24:42–44)

2. The Parable of Two Kinds of Servants (24:45–51)

3. The Parable of the Ten Virgins (25:1–13)

4. The Parable of the Talents (25:14–30)

H. Judgment at the End (25:31–46)

1. Sheep Separated from Goats (25:31–33)

2. The Reward of the Sheep (25:34–40)

3. The Punishment of the Goats (25:41–46)

XIV. The Crucified Messiah (26:1–27:66)

A. Jesus’ Prediction and the Plot of the Religious Leaders (26:1–5)

B. Jesus Anointed at Bethany (26:6–13)

C. Judas Arranges the Betrayal (26:14–16)

D. The Passover and the Lord’s Supper (26:17–30)

E. Peter’s Denial Predicted (26:31–35)

F. Gethsemane: Jesus’ Agonizing Prayers (26:36–46)

G. Jesus’ Arrest (26:47–56)

H. The Jewish Trial of Jesus (26:57–27:10)

1. Jesus Before the Sanhedrin (26:57–68)

2. Peter’s Denials of Jesus (26:69–75)

3. Jesus Condemned by the Sanhedrin and Delivered to Pilate (27:1–2)

4. Judas’s Remorse and Suicide (27:3–10)

I. The Roman Trial of Jesus (27:11–26)

1. Jesus Before Pilate (27:11–14)

2. The Crowd, Barabbas, and Jesus (27:15–18)

3. The Dream of Pilate’s Wife (27:19)

4. The Religious Leaders, the Crowd, and Jesus’ Blood (27:20–26)

J. Jesus Messiah Is Crucified (27:27–44)

1. The Soldiers Flog and Mock Jesus (27:27–31)

2. The Journey to Golgotha (27:32–34)

3. Jesus Is Crucified (27:35–38)

4. The Mocking of Messiah (27:39–44)

K. The Death of Jesus Messiah (27:45–50)

L. Testimonies to Jesus’ death (27:51–54)

1. Testimony from the Temple (27:51)

2. Testimony from the Dead (27:51b–53)

3. Testimony from Gentiles (27:54)

M. The Women Followers of Jesus (27:55–56)

N. The Burial of Jesus Messiah (27:57–61)

O. The Guard at the Tomb (27:62–66)

XV. The Resurrection and Commission of the Messiah (28:1–20)

A. The Women Disciples of Jesus Discover an Empty Tomb (28:1–7)

B. The Risen Jesus Appears to the Women Disciples (28:8–10)

C. The Conspiracy to Deny the Truth of Jesus’ Resurrection (28:11–15)

D. The Risen Jesus’ Great Commission (28:16–20)