Teraeth moved to follow as soon as Darzin retreated into the Blue Palace.
He had to hand it to the Lord Heir; the man moved like he meant it. Darzin openly sprinted as soon as he was out of sight of the First Court, running as though he were being chased.
Well, he was being chased, but Teraeth was certain Darzin didn’t know that.
The run was, if anything, a reminder of just how large the royal palaces were. Darzin didn’t seem intent on the wings of the palace used primarily by royalty, but one of the smaller passages just off the servants’ quarters, used for storing food.
Teraeth came around the corner a second after Darzin and stopped.
The corridor was empty.
Teraeth paused. He heard no sound of footsteps, no shuddering whisper of lungs eager to catch their breath after a run. Nothing at all.
He slid his vision past the First Veil in case Darzin was using some sort of illusion or magical concealment. Nothing.
Teraeth focused his concentration on the intaglio ruby ring. “Your Majesty, we have a problem. I could use your—” There was a clapping sound and a rush of air. “—help.”
Emperor Sandus stood next to him. “What’s the problem?”
Teraeth didn’t bother with pleasantries. “Darzin may have used some means of magical transport. I was right behind him, and he’s vanished.”
Sandus looked thoughtful. “Okay, let’s see if that left any traces.”
The Emperor moved his hands in a peculiar, twisting fashion. Thin traceries of energy followed the lines on the floor, the walls, every edge, before settling into one particular stretch of wall as a tangled mass of glowing runes and sigils.
“A gate,” Teraeth said, recognizing the signs. “A hidden gate.”
“A locked hidden gate,” Emperor Sandus corrected, “but it very likely leads to wherever Gadrith has been hiding.”
“Can you unlock it?”
The Emperor smiled grimly. “It would be my pleasure.”
Tyentso sat at her table at the Culling Fields, watched her glasses, and wished that someone else—anyone else—had invented a method for detecting demonic incursions. She would rather be with Teraeth and Kihrin, finally bringing some justice to that son of a bitch Gadrith.
Of course, the “fuck you” thrill of performing major divination magic in public almost made up for it.
The detection method was simple enough: demons were energy beings who were drawn to and fed on additional sources of energy. They didn’t set fires just because they craved destruction; they also fed on resulting heat. Therefore, any area with freed demons rampaging through it vacillated between hot and cold in highly identifiable ways if you knew what you were looking at.
The glasses on the table in front of her thus formed a sympathetic temperature map of the entire city. Tyentso could tell with a glance which streets had working khilins and which houses were rich enough to afford visits from the Ice Men.
Someone slid a hot cup of green tea onto the vacant seat next to Tyentso, who looked up to see a Khorveshan woman smile at her.
“You said you didn’t want beer,” Tauna said, “so I thought you might like a different option.”
“Thank you,” Tyentso murmured. She started to turn to face the young woman when a flash of blue caught her attention. “Wait, what was that—”
She concentrated. A wave of cold had registered in the Upper Circle, but with none of the heat spikes that would have suggested freed demons on a rampage. She studied the map, then her eyes widened as she realized what other sort of magic would draw heat without giving anything in return.
“Necromancy,” she whispered.
The disturbance was centered around the Blue Palace.
Tyentso focused on the ring on her finger, activating the connection that would allow her to talk to the Emperor.
Nothing happened.
“Oh fuck.”
There were no guards at the front gate to the D’Mon estate, and no one protested when Tyentso used her magic to unbar and open the door.
Something was wrong.
Tyentso looked around the First Court. The signs of violence were obvious, but none more so than the pile of bodies that lay near the entrance to the royal stables. A massive gray-and-white horse stood over the bodies as if it had appointed itself as a soldier to protect the dead. The horse tossed its head and whinnied at Tyentso as if daring her to approach closer and put herself within the range of its sharp hooves.
“Whoever you are, turn around and leave,” a voice said.
High Lord Therin stood at the main set of doors separating the First Court from the palace beyond. He looked as though he’d been in the middle of a battle, and carried an open blade in one hand.
“Therin?” Tyentso said. “What’s happened here? Where are your guards?”
“Dead, mostly.” He held out the sword in a threatening way. “We’ve been attacked, but the Emperor is here now. I suggest you find shelter until this is all over.” He smiled grimly. “Don’t take it as a suggestion.”
Tyentso stared at him for a moment. “Yes, of course, High Lord. I’m sure you’re right.”
They both stood there.
“I can’t help but notice you’re not moving,” Therin said.
“Funny. I can’t help but notice you’re not Therin,” Tyentso responded.
Talon narrowed her eyes. “What gave me away?”
“Truthfully, it was a lucky guess, but thanks for confirming.” Tyentso grinned and cocked her head to the side, looking past Therin. “Where have you been?”
Teraeth stepped down into the court. Like Therin, he looked like he’d fought his way to the front. “On the other side of the continent, apparently. I’ll take it from here. Look around and see if there are any survivors.”
Talon sighed. “It’s way too late for survivors, duckies. You two should just turn around while you have the chance.”
Tyentso began stepping to the side, circling around Talon (who still looked like a very good impersonation of Therin). “Where’s the Emperor?” she asked Teraeth, not taking her eyes off the mimic.
“The harbor. There’s some sort of problem down there.”
“That would probably be Xaltorath,” Talon said. “Don’t leave. I’ve so much to talk to both of you about.”
Tyentso raised her hand, and a section of the ground rose up, forming a wall between herself and Talon. The mimic snarled and rushed forward, but the wall prevented her from following.
“Forgetting someone?” Teraeth pulled several daggers from his belt.
Talon turned back around. “Oh yes. Kihrin’s pretty little killer. Too bad you didn’t have more time with him. You might have won him over.”
Teraeth’s expression went flat. “Kihrin’s not dead.”
“Oh, he very much is, I’m afraid, but there’s good news: I think Darzin will let me eat the body.” Talon grinned. “Hey, you might still have your chance to get into Kihrin’s pants, after all.”
Teraeth attacked.
As he slashed at her, Talon lashed out with an arm, quicker than eyes could follow. That arm elongated, transformed, until it looked like nothing human. It was now a thin winding tentacle, with wicked sharp blades where an octopus would have suckers.* The deadly lash passed through the spot where the illusion of Teraeth had lingered a moment before.
Talon laughed. “Aha! Oh, this will be a challenge!” As she finished speaking, she felt a sharp blade slice through her back. She formed another tentacle out of muscle and lashed out, rewarded this time with a hiss of pain and a splatter of blood against the cobbles.
Talon turned, eyes forming on the skin of her shoulders, her back, her thighs as she moved to find the assassin. “You should run, little vané.”
“And miss my chance to kill a mimic?” Teraeth said. “I’d never forgive myself for letting that opportunity slip by.”
“But slip by it will,” Talon scoffed. “Not being able to feel your mind is disconcerting, but not so troublesome that I won’t feast on your brain, regardless.”
“Try me.”
Teraeth reappeared, swooped down on her with both blades outstretched. When she lashed out her arms at him, Teraeth sliced at her legs, but those limbs, too, formed serrated edges to slash back.
“What will you do?” she mused. At that moment, she didn’t look very much like a she, or a human, or any creature outside of an insane man’s worst nightmares. “You cannot sever my arms. You cannot decapitate my head. I have no organs for you to injure. I have no veins for you to bleed. And yet—ah, ducky—all of that I can do to you . . .” She spun around, laughing as she lashed the air at random. “Aw, don’t hide, ducky. I so want to know you better. You seem like such fun.”
He didn’t answer.
Talon waited for a beat, but when Teraeth didn’t make a move or give her anything to respond to, she thought it was at least possible he’d snuck off. She formed tentacle after tentacle and spun them through the air, thrashing against space as if to discern his location through blundering chance. One of her arms struck something, there was a gasping sound, blood, and for just a second, Teraeth’s illusions dropped—enough for her to tell where he was.
Talon didn’t hesitate. She turned all her arms upon him, like some obscene sea creature, tentacles wrapping around the assassin. She lost herself in the joy of slaughter as she ripped the vané apart, cherishing each wound like a lover’s caress.
Then she felt a stabbing sensation in what might be considered her back (if only because it was the opposite side to where her attention was focused) and the phantasm she had been embracing crumbled into wisps of magical vapor. She fell to the ground, unable to move or twitch or change so much as a single muscle. The tip of a large silver spike impaled her body.
Teraeth became visible. He was uninjured.
The vané walked around the mass of tentacles and flesh that lay still and silent on the ground. “Kihrin knew you were here,” Teraeth told her. “He’s known for years. It gave him a great deal of time to prepare for how he would deal with you.”* He reached down into the crawling mess of flesh and pulled back a necklace of star tear diamonds. He stared at the jewels with dread in his expression.
He turned and raced after Tyentso.*
Tyentso found the remaining living members of the D’Mon family, a huddled mass of nobility silently crying over dead bodies. A young woman with red hair was trying to wake up the High Lord.
As she moved inside the ballroom, the unmoving soldiers guarding the family twitched and came to a semblance of life, shambling in her direction.
Tyentso rolled her eyes. “Oh, I don’t think so.” She repeated the mnemonics over in her mind and pooled the energy. Then when she stretched out her hands, a wave of violet power ripped from each soldier. They collapsed like puppets with cut strings.
She walked over to the girl, becoming aware as she did that a young man—also dressed in D’Mon colors—stood close beside her. Every eye in the room was upon her, but not one person yet spoke.
“Quieter than I would have expected for D’Mons,” she said. “Oh, I see.” She undid the spell of silence Thurvishar had cast earlier.
Then everyone babbled at once, but as Tyentso noticed the pile of bodies pulled to one side, she whipped the air with an angry gesture. Everyone fell silent again. “I’d recognize Gadrith’s handiwork anywhere.”
“Who are you?” Sheloran asked.
She motioned to the girl trying to wake High Lord Therin. “A friend. Step aside. I’ll wake him.”
“Can you do that without hurting him?” the young man asked. “And really, who are you?”
She raised an eyebrow at him before turning back to the High Lord. “No one who would see the smallest harm come to Therin D’Mon.”
“I’m Galen D’Mon, and while I appreciate you destroying those monsters, I must know—”
She ignored him and instead placed her hand on Therin’s forehead. “It’s not a complicated spell. A deep sleep for all intents and purposes.” Her fingers tightened, so they almost took on the shape and quality of outstretched talons.
Therin gasped and opened his eyes, then cast around in a panic as he realized where he was. He saw Tyentso bending over him and sneered, “Get away from me, woman . . . What are you doing here?”
“She wouldn’t tell me her name,” Galen said.
Tyentso sat back on her heels and smiled. “Allow me to explain.”
Tyentso pulled an illusion over her native form, something that might be recognized.
Therin blinked at her. “Raverí? Raverí D’Lorus?”
“I thought—” But then Galen’s expression registered confusion. “Wait, I’ve seen your portrait at the Dark Hall.”
“What are you doing here?” Therin asked.
“Plotting to kill my husband—a second time,” the sorceress explained. “Now, Lord Therin, if you would be so kind as to stand over here while I wake your seneschal, I want your face to be the first thing she sees.”
“Why?” Therin asked as he scrambled to his feet.
Tyentso chuckled. “Because I’ll live longer. She is liable to annihilate any D’Lorus she sees right at this moment.” She paused. “Do you even realize what a powerful wizard she is?” Tyentso shook her head. “Never mind that. Just stand over there and look pretty. That should come easily enough for you.”
Therin stepped in front of Miya.
Galen stood next to him. “What is happening?”
“I would ask you—” Therin said. “What’s happened to Kihrin?”
Then the sound of Miya waking distracted Therin, and he didn’t see the look of shame come over his grandson’s face.
“Therin?” Miya held out her hand for his. “What happened? Was that Gadrith?”
“Apparently,” Tyentso said.
Miya turned to look at her and then her brows drew together. “Why do I—? Raverí? Is that you?”
“Isn’t it nice to be remembered,” the sorceress said. She turned to Galen. “What happened to Kihrin? I saw the look on your face when Therin asked.”
Galen swallowed a lump down his throat. “They wanted a necklace he was wearing. A vané stone. And when he wouldn’t give it to them, Gadrith started killing people, ripping out their souls.” He looked over to the pile of bodies.
Therin hadn’t noticed them before, but as he did, his face turned ashen. “Bavrin. My son . . .” he whispered. “And Lorgrin and Tishar. Where’s Devyeh?”
Galen’s expression sickened. “The bones are his.”
Therin turned to his grandson. “You say he was ripping out souls. Did he make tsali stones? Where are they?”
“He took them,” Galen said.
“He’ll feed on them,” Tyentso said, “but if we can get to Gadrith before he does that, and destroy the gems, their souls will be released. They can be Returned, or at least go to the Land of Peace.”
“Never mind that,” Miya snapped. “Kihrin. What happened to Kihrin? What happened to the gem he wore?”
Galen’s expression tightened. “I don’t know why Gadrith wanted that gem so badly, if he could just make more any time he wanted.”
Miya stared at Galen as though she might shake the answers from him. “Did he give it to them? Tell me now!”
When Galen didn’t answer right away, his wife, Sheloran, did. “Yes,” she said. “He did. Gadrith would have killed you, Lady Miya. And Kihrin couldn’t stand for it. So, he gave them what they wanted.”
The vané flinched.
Therin frowned. “I don’t understand. Why is a vané tsali stone so important?” He shook his head. “I used to buy them just to destroy them and release the souls, but that can’t be why Gadrith wants one.”
Tyentso gave Miya a cold smile. “Do you want to tell him or should I?”
The vané woman seemed defeated and deflated. She had a look of numbed horror on her face. Finally, she seemed to realize that Therin was waiting on her answer. “He wore the Kirpis Stone of Shackles.” She shook her head. “It’s powerful. I understand better than anyone. But to go through all of this . . .”
“They took Kihrin,” Galen said. “They said they’d need him to summon a demon.”
The room was quiet although the sound of muffled sobbing continued from the survivors. Galen looked at the High Lord, Lady Miya, and Tyentso: all three wore an expression that said louder than any declaration that he had just told them grim news.
“I see I came late to the party,” Teraeth said as he stepped into the room. All his illusions had been dropped. He once more looked like a Manol vané.
Lady Miya looked at him, and turned, hand raised as though to cast some kind of spell.
“Now now,” Tyentso said. “This is a friend.”
Miya lowered her hand. “My apologies. It’s been a rather—” She didn’t finish the sentence, but looked over at Therin. “We must find Kihrin.”
“Easier said than done,” Teraeth commented. He held up the necklace of star tears. “The mimic guarding the front had this on her. I’ll take that as a bad sign.” He nodded at Tyentso. “Spike worked like a charm.”
“At least one thing’s gone right,” she agreed, but she looked furious as she said, “We have no idea where they might have taken him.”
Galen raised a hand, like a child answering questions from a tutor. “. . . I think I know.”
Therin led the way into the underground chamber, through a secret door in the palace grounds, which he had thought unused for over a decade. He realized his mistake as he saw the runes painted in blood on every surface and the mage-lights that still lined the ceiling in spinning glyphs.
Miya gasped as she saw Kihrin’s body on the altar. They hadn’t moved him. They hadn’t even removed his shackles. Kihrin had just been left there, abandoned. The blood oozing from his chest, from the gaping hole there, was all the evidence anyone needed about his fate.
He was dead.
“Ah, hell,” Tyentso muttered. “Why didn’t he join the damn Brotherhood when he had the chance?”
Teraeth looked haunted. “Wouldn’t have mattered for a demon sacrifice.”
She and Teraeth both rushed over to look at the body, leaving Therin, Miya, Galen, and Sheloran. Therin stood there with a stony expression, his fists clenched into tight balls, his jaw clamped so hard that the skin there was white. Miya breathed fast and shallow, like an injured deer, unable to look away from the sight on the altar.
She turned her head toward Therin and whispered, “This is your fault.”
The tendons on his neck strained, but Therin didn’t respond.
Tyentso took the necklace from Teraeth’s hand and looked at the stones with a critical eye. “We could try anyway.”
“It’s risky,” Teraeth said. His voice was flat.
“Might work is better than won’t work because we didn’t make the attempt.”
Tyentso turned to Therin and Miya. “Help us out here. We need to carry his body over to the temple district.”
Therin shook his head and snapped out of his stupor. “He was sacrificed to a demon. You can’t resurrect someone without their souls.”
Teraeth looked ready to slit throats. “He was gaeshed while he was a slave.” He pointed to the necklace in Tyentso’s hand. “That contains his gaesh.”
“He was what—?” Miya stiffened. “What?”
“Gaeshed. You should be familiar with the idea,” Teraeth snapped at her.
“Haven’t lost your touch for diplomacy, I see,” Tyentso muttered. She held aloft the glittering chain of jewels. “This contains a sliver of his soul. Not much of it, but a tiny piece. The rest of his soul is enjoying the company of a demon prince, but if we can send this part to the Land of Peace, there’s a chance that Thaena can heal the damage.”
Miya rushed over to the body. “I’ll help,” she said. She concentrated, using magic to break the shackles and lift Kihrin’s corpse. Therin nodded as he followed her.
“I don’t understand something,” Galen said.
“This isn’t the time,” Therin snapped.
“No.” Galen shook his head. “I think this is important. If the demon didn’t get his soul—didn’t get his whole, entire soul*—that means the ritual failed, right? The demon isn’t bound?”
Everyone paused.
Therin looked at Tyentso. “Do any of you know who they were summoning?”
Tyentso examined the runes and glyphs painted into the walls. “Xaltorath.” She blinked then. “That mimic was telling the truth. Xaltorath . . . there’s no way he would have just grinned and swallowed down a partial soul. That means . . .”
“He’s not under their control,” Miya and Teraeth said simultaneously.
“Is that good?” Galen asked.
Tyentso shook her head, looking bemused. “I have no idea. I suspect the only person who knows is Xaltorath.”
The group formed an odd sight, sprinting through the streets of the Upper Circle. They would probably have drawn more attention from guards (albeit as an escort) if it were not for the plumes of smoke lifting into the night from the west, near the docks. A few tried to interfere with the group or question them, but given the presence of a High Lord, no one thought about it for long.
The Cathedral of Thaena was one of the largest of the temples in the Ivory District, only to be outdone by the Church of Khored. This had been financed almost entirely by the D’Lorus family as an apology for the actions of their wayward Lord Heir. The closer they journeyed, the heavier Therin’s feet felt, until it was all he could do to lift one foot and put it in front of the other.
Others had had the same idea, for by the time the group arrived at the church, it was already crowded with bodies. Priests in white robes wandered the thin space between corpses as they performed last rites. One man, tall and thin with straight, wispy black hair, saw them walk inside and performed a visible double take. He rushed over to them. “Therin, is that you?”
“Kerris,” the High Lord said as he clasped the man’s hand. “It has been a long time.”
“Too long,” the priest protested. “What has—” His eyes fell upon the body.
“He is my son,” Therin said. He paused, and then added, “He is my only son. Devyeh and Bavrin are both dead.”
Galen gave Therin a shocked look when he didn’t name Darzin, but he was the only one to do so.
“I understand, I’ll see what can be—” The priest stuttered to a stop a second time as he saw the ugly wound in the corpse’s chest. “I cannot—”
Teraeth handed him the necklace. “He was gaeshed. This contains all we have left of his soul. Will it be enough?”
The priest shook his head as he examined the necklace. “It would take a miracle.”
Tyentso smiled. “Aren’t you in luck?”