Writing Our Way Home grew out of the academic and literary presentations delivered during the thirteenth biennial conference of the Association of Italian Canadian Writers (AICW), held in Atri on June 10 to 13, 2010, at Hotel Du Parc, Atri (Teramo), Italy. The conference benefitted from support provided by Centro Scuola e Cultura Italiana, Toronto; the Canadian Embassy in Rome; the Consiglio Regionale dell’Abruzzo; the city of Atri; and Hotel Du Parc. Heartfelt thanks to Alberto Di Giovanni for hosting the conference and to the conference participants for their contributions and co-operation.
For their assistance and excellent advice, we are grateful to the AICW Conference Committee members: Licia Canton, Alberto Di Giovanni, Venera Fazio, Connie Guzzo McParland, Caroline Morgan Di Giovanni, Pasquale Verdicchio and Domenic Cusmano, for his steadfast support. A special word of appreciation goes to Peter Egyed, from the Canadian Embassy in Rome. Thanks also to Giulia De Gasperi, John Partington and Erica Morassutti.
We acknowledge the support of the Association of Italian Canadian Writers, and extend our warm appreciation to Michael Mirolla and Guernica Editions for making this book possible. The Editors are grateful to the Association of Italian Canadian Writers for entrusting them with this project.