- 4chan
- /b/
- Creepypasta shared on
- Dolan comics shared on
- misogyny and
- trolling on
- Union of White Students, possible connection to
- 8chan
- 9/11 attacks
- 12 Minutes (RoboKy)
- Aarne, Antti
- absurdity
- Abu Ghraib torture photographs
- Access Hollywood
- accessibility
- and archivability
- humor, facilitated by
- incongruity, facilitated by
- public debate, facilitated by
- Adams, John
- affect
- ambivalence of
- attunement with
- and rationality
- Trump Effect video
- affordances
- collective creation
- and communication imperative
- ethical considerations of
- manipulation of
- memes, facilitated by
- aggression
- Allen, Danielle
- “alt-right”
- Amazon
- fake customer reviews
- reviewers
- The Room (Wiseau)
- ambivalence
- amplification and
- authorship and
- bogus warnings and
- conflict and
- creepypasta and
- digital media and
- dirt work and
- examples of
- folkloric expression and
- humor and
- identity and
- laughter and
- masks and
- norms and
- online
- Poe's Law and
- public debate and
- storytelling and
- vernacular creativity and
- voice
- amplification
- of ambivalence
- of conflict/unity
- ethics of
- of humor
- of misogyny
- of racism
- Anonymous collective (hacker and trolling collective)
- anti-abortion law (Indiana)
- anti-Semitism
- Applebome, Peter
- appropriation
- Apte, Mahadev
- archivability
- Arendt, Hannah
- Arlington Cemetery
- Arthur
- Arthur, Kate
- Asen, Robert
- #AskThicke
- #AskTrump
- Association of Internet Researchers
- Attenborough, David
- ATU classification system
- audience
- cultural norms policed by
- identity play within
- ingroup/outgroup
- intermixed
- real/imagined
- reciprocity of
- ritual
- storytelling
- Aurora, Colorado shootings
- Auschwitz jokes
- authorship
- ambivalence of
- Barthes on
- collective
- creepypasta
- distributed
- multiple
- texts and
- urban legends complicating
- Baker, Richard A.
- Bakhtin, Mikhail
- banality of evil
- banana slicer
- Banks, Curtis
- Barthes, Roland
- Basso, Keith
- Bateson, Gregory
- Batman
- Bay Area medics
- Baym, Nancy K.
- BBC News
- “Be There in Thirty Minutes”
- “Bed Intruder”
- behavior
- classifying
- embodied
- identity play and
- norms and
- see also social/anti-social behavior
- Bell, Diana
- Bennett, W. Lance
- Berenstain Bears
- BIC ballpoint pens
- Bigfoot Road stories
- bigotry
- “alt-right”
- in communication
- in folklore
- Morris on
- online
- Poe's Law
- as silencing
- Bissell, Tom
- Black Lives Matter
- Bland, Sandra
- Blank, Trevor J.
- “Blurred Lines” (Thicke)
- Boaty McBoatface
- BodyBuilding.com
- Bogost, Ian
- bogus warnings
- Bokhari, Allum
- Boston Bomber
- boyd, danah
- Breitbart blog
- Breivik, Anders Behring
- Brewe, Kristin
- bricolage
- Bright, Susie
- Broderick, Ryan
- Bromwich, Jonah Engle
- Brooks, Preston
- Brouwer, Daniel C.
- Brown, Mike
- Brunvand, Jan Harold
- Burgess, Jean
- Burneko, Albert
- Burroughs, William
- Bush, Billy
- Butler, Andrew
- Butler, Lynnika
- BuzzFeed
- cake recipe debate
- see also Tie-Dye Rainbow Cake Comment Apocalypse
- cameras' invasiveness
- cardstand vandalism
- Carson, Ben
- Carvin, Andy
- Cassell, Justine
- castration
- Catfish, MTV
- Catfish film
- catfishing
- censorship
- Challenger space shuttle disaster
- Chappell, Bill
- Charlie Brown
- Chayka, Kyle
- Chess, Shira
- Christie, Chris
- Cincinnati Zoo
- cinema, remixes
- Citron, Danielle
- Civil Rights movement
- classism
- Clinton, Hillary
- The Colbert Report
- Coleman, E. Gabriella
- collective
- antinormative behaviors
- authorship
- folkloric expression
- identity
- laughter
- memes
- online spaces
- performance
- public discourse
- storytelling
- unity
- vernacular
- voice
- Xeroxlore
- Columbine High School shooting
- communication
- archivability of
- behavioral norms and
- bigotry and
- context cues and
- dirt work and
- failure of
- gendered
- genres of
- laughter and
- masks and
- Milner
- public debate and
- vernacular
- communication imperative
- conflict
- ambivalence of
- amplification of
- collective
- silencing of
- Trump Effect video and
- and unity
- consent, issues of
- conservatism
- context collapse
- convergence culture
- Cookie Monster
- copypasta
- “The Corpse Eater”
- Cosby, Bill
- Cosco, Joey
- counterpublics
- Cramer, Meg
- creepypasta
- Crockett, Emily
- Crockett, Zachary
- Cruz, Ted
- cry-bullies
- cultural capital
- culture
- laughter and
- meaning and
- norms and
- referentiality and
- regressive motifs and
- tradition and
- Curtis, Pavel
- cut up method
- Cyrus, Miley
- Dağtas, Mahiye Seçil
- Dahlgren, Peter
- Daily Mail
- Daily Stormer
- Davies, Christie
- Davis, Jordan
- Dawkins, Richard
- DC Comics
- “The Dead Girlfriend's Facebook”
- Deadspin (Burneko)
- death
- deception
- deindividuation
- DelReal, Jose A.
- democracy
- public will and
- representation and
- unity and
- vibrancy and
- Dibbell, Julian
- digital media
- affordances and
- ambivalence and
- communication imperative and
- divergence and
- identity markers and
- immediacy and
- masks and
- political news stories and
- public sphere and
- voice and
- digital remix videos
- dirt work
- “Disaster Girl”
- disaster jokes
- disinhibition
- Disney characters
- dissociation
- distancing, emotional
- divergence
- and digital media
- and folklore
- and public sphere
- and storytelling
- and us/them
- Doctorow, Cory
- Dodson, Antoine
- Dolan comics
- Donath, Judith
- Douglas, Mary
- Douglas, Nick
- drugs, home-made
- Dundes, Alan
- on Auschwitz jokes
- folklore
- Freudian approach
- on humor
- on racism
- on sexualized content
- Xeroxlore
- Easton, Nina
- Egyptian Revolution
- Eichmann, Adolf
- Ellis, Bill
- embodiment
- behavior and
- bogus warnings and
- identity and
- lived experiences
- masculinity and
- meaning and
- news stories and
- public debate and
- social risk and
- storytelling and
- white nationalism and
- emojis
- emotional abuse
- Encyclopedia of Urban Legends (Brunvand)
- entitlement, sense of
- “Ermahgerd”
- Esurance, Erin
- ethics
- of amplification
- of behavior
- of deception
- of engaging with content
- evil, banality of
- expression, human
- see also folkloric expression; vernacular expression
- Facebook
- Catfish
- creative misuse of
- engagement with
- grief tourism
- Harris, Eric and Klebold, Dylan (Columbine shooters)
- memorial pages
- trolling
- Union of White Students
- fact-checking
- fake customer reviews
- fakelore
- fandom
- feminist critiques
- fetishism
- and context collapse
- and death
- and flattening of feelings
- and generativity
- and hijacked identity
- and humor
- and jokes
- and laughter
- and magnetism
- and modifiability
- and modularity
- and play frame
- and The Room
- and trolling
- Flavia
- folklore
- commercialization of
- as conservative and dynamic
- as discipline
- and divergence
- essentials of
- memetic media and
- social context of
- storytelling and
- urban legends and
- folkloric expression
- ambivalence of
- collectives and
- conservatism and
- cultural norms and
- death and
- memes and
- obscene content and
- Fox, William
- Fox News
- Frank, Barney
- Fraser, Nancy
- Frerichs, Sabine
- Friedersdorf, Conor
- front (Goffman)
- fun (affect)
- funeral behaviors
- GameStop
- Garner, Eric
- Gaver, William W.
- gender discrimination
- generativity
- fetishism and
- group laughter and
- hijacked identity and
- humor and
- jokes and
- Ghostbusters
- Gilbert, Sophie
- Goffman, Erving
- Goldberg, Michelle
- Gordon, McLean
- Graham, Todd
- Gray, Mary
- Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory
- Greenhill, Pauline
- grief tourism
- groups
- see also ingroups/outgroups
- Hajizada, Adnan
- Hall, Evelyn Beatrice
- Hamilton, Dontré
- Hand, James
- Haney, Craig
- “Harambe”
- harassment
- of Jones
- and online mobs
- prevention of
- taboo jokes as
- Harris, Eric
- Harrison, Lily
- Haslam, Alex
- hate speech study
- Heir, Manveer
- Helmy, Mohamed M.
- Heritage, Stuart
- heteroglossia
- Highfield, Tim
- Hogan, Hulk
- Holkins, Jerry
- Holmes, James
- “The Hook”
- House of Qwesi
- Howard, Robert Glenn
- Hubler, Mike
- humor
- as absurdity
- accessibility of
- ambivalence of
- amplification of
- antagonistic
- constitutive
- context of
- death and
- decoding
- experiential
- fetishism of
- generativity of
- inadvertent/deliberate
- incongruity of
- ingroups/outgroups and
- insult as
- magnetism of
- Poe's Law and
- as protest
- as subversion
- trauma and
- Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer
- hybridity
- Hymes, Dell
- iCloud hack
- identification with ingroup
- identity
- ambivalence of
- collective
- construction of
- embodiment and
- essentialisms
- expression of
- Goffman's framing of
- hijacking
- online/offline
- performance of
- Wiseau
- identity markers
- identity play
- ifunny.co
- Illusive Man, the
- incongruity
- absurdity of
- accessibility and
- humor and
- ingroups/outgroups
- Abu Ghraib torture photographs
- humor of
- laughter of
- play frame, use of
- see also us/them
- insult
- internet memes
- Irish funerals
- irony
- Jaws
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Jefferson, Whitney
- Jenkem scare
- Jenkins, Daryle Lamont
- Jenkins, Henry
- Johnson, Jo
- jokes
- 9/11 attacks
- Auschwitz
- as communicative exchanges
- fetishism of
- generativity of
- impact of
- insider (jokes/humor)
- medics and
- Poe's Law and
- as silencing
- Jones, Leslie
- harassment of
- Twitter and
- Kaleem, Jaweed
- Katie/Kato
- Kekua, Lennay
- Kelly, Megyn
- Kelty, Chris
- Kendall, Lori
- Keohane, Joe
- Khan, Ghazala
- Khan, Humayun
- Khan, Khizr
- “The Kidney Heist”
- #killerpost
- King, Darryn
- Kirkland, Allegra
- Klebold, Dylan
- Know Your Meme
- Koebler, Jason
- Kolko, Beth E.
- Kool-Aid Man
- Krahulik, Mike
- Krieg, Gregory
- Ku Klux Klan
- Kuipers, Giselinde
- Kumamon
- Lapowsky, Issie
- laughter
- ambivalent
- antagonistic
- collective
- communicative
- constitutive
- cultural codes expressed through
- destructive
- dirt work and
- Facebook memorial pages and
- fetishized
- ingroups/outgroups and
- insults and
- lol
- lulz, for the
- magnetism of
- see also humor
- Law and Order
- Lethem, Jonathan
- Lewis, Jen
- Lichberg, Heinz von
- “Light Bulb Baseball”
- Limer, Eric
- Linke, Uli
- lol
- Lolita (Nabokov)
- Looney Tunes
- Lopez, German
- magnetism
- community formation and
- humor and
- laughter and
- “Making the Ogre Strong by Castration”
- Manovich, Lev
- Mansbridge, Jane
- mansplaining
- marginalized groups
- Martha Stewart Living
- Martin, Trayvon
- Marwick, Alice
- Marx, Karl
- Mashable
- masks
- ambivalence of
- catfishing
- communication and
- as front
- LGBTQ youth and
- made for you
- multiple
- owned/stolen
- performing roles using
- self-made
- Mass Effect 2
- Massanari, Adrienne
- Matrix, Sidney Eve
- Matthews, Dylan
- McAuliffe, Christa
- McCormick, Rich
- McCulloch, Richard
- McDonald's
- McIntosh, Jonathan
- McPherson, James M.
- meanings
- content and
- cultural
- embodiment of
- sources and
- in storytelling
- texts
- see also heteroglossia
- medics' jokes
- memes
- affordances and
- collectivism and
- Dawkins on
- about death
- flattening of feelings and
- as folkloric expression
- memetic logics
- referentiality of
- subversion through
- memetic media
- memorial pages
- Microsoft
- Mikkelson, David
- Milgram, Stanley
- Milioni, Dimitra
- Mill, John Stuart
- Milner, Ryan M.
- Bigfoot Road stories
- collectivism
- communication
- on ethics of amplification
- fixity/novelty
- folkloric ambivalence
- on the invasiveness of cameras
- on Kumamon
- “Light Bulb Baseball”
- memetic media
- modifiability
- multiturn conversations
- “Not All Men”
- on Phillips' presentation
- street view webcam
- trolling
- vernacular expression
- Miltner, Kate
- mischief and sincerity, the difficulty of parsing
- misogyny
- amplification of
- jokes about
- lampooned
- and victim-blaming
- and violence
- Missouri, University of
- Mizuiro, Metkuratsu
- modifiability
- modularity
- Morreall, John
- Morris, Meaghan
- Motherboard
- Mothers of the Movement
- Mouffe, Chantal
- MTV Video Music Awards
- Mulder, Fox
- multimodality
- “Mystery Science Twitter 3000”
- Nabokov, Vladimir
- Nakamura, Lisa
- Naked Lunch (Burroughs)
- Narváez, Peter
- Natesw
- National Environment Research Council: see NERC
- nationalism
- see also white nationalism
- Nazi propaganda film
- NERC (National Environment Research Council)
- New York Police Department
- New York Times
- New York University
- New Yorker
- Newfoundland funeral wakes
- Newman, Jason
- Newsom, Eric
- Nissenbaum, Asaf
- norms
- ambivalence and
- behavioral
- cultural
- fixity of
- gender
- group
- internet
- subcultural
- subverted
- traditional
- trolling
- Obama, Barack
- obedience experiments
- obscene content
- observer and that which is observed, distance between
- O'Connor, Brendan
- “The Offended Skull”
- open source software
- orality
- Oring, Elliott
- Orland, Kyle
- othering
- see also ingroups/outgroups; us/them
- Ouroboros
- Owens, Trevor
- Oxygen Network
- Pagter, Carl
- Pan, Joann
- Papacharissi, Zizi
- paranormal elements
- Parkinson, Hannah Jane
- Pasternack, Alex
- Patton, Paula
- Paula (Thicke)
- Peanuts
- Pearce, Katy
- Pence, Mike
- Pendleton, Hadiya
- Penny, Laurie
- Penny Arcade
- performance
- collective
- of identity
- identity play as
- observer/observed
- Periods for Pence social media campaign
- Phantasm
- Phillips, Whitney
- on 4chan
- on ethics of amplification
- catfish
- folkloric ambivalence
- on Holmies
- Martha Stewart fandom
- “Not All Men”
- note-passing
- The Room
- trolling
- photo tagging
- Piggott, Stephen
- play
- play frame
- fetishism and the
- ingroups/outgroups
- mediated
- Poe's Law facilitating the
- Trump and the
- Trump Effect video and the
- pleasure, subversive
- Plunkett, John
- Poe's Law
- ambivalence of
- authenticity of text and
- bogus warnings and
- context collapse and
- humor and
- irony/earnestness complicated by
- joking and
- play frame and
- public debate and
- social/anti-social behavior and
- polar research vessel
- political correctness
- political news stories
- polysemy, layered
- Poole, Christopher
- pop culture
- Postmes, Tom
- pseudonymity
- public debate
- accessibility and
- affect/conflict and
- ambivalence of
- communication and
- embodiment and
- multiplicity and
- Poe's Law and
- us/them and
- voice and
- public discourse
- public sphere
- public will
- racism
- amplification of
- Dundes on
- nationalism
- and sexism
- in storytelling
- Trump Effect video and
- universities reacting to
- in urban legends
- Radner, Joan N.
- rape culture
- Rappeport, Alan
- Raskin, Victor
- rationality
- Reagan, Nancy
- reappropriation
- reasonable hostility theory
- reciprocity
- Reddit
- referentiality
- ATU and
- constitutive humor and
- creepypasta and
- cultural
- density of
- fandom and
- heteroglossia and
- historical/political
- inside jokes as
- jokes and
- Know Your Meme and
- memetic
- pop culture
- self
- storytelling and
- subversion of
- Reicher, Stephen
- release theories
- remixes
- repurposing
- resonance
- responsibility
- Rico, Andrew Ryan
- Ridley, Charles A.
- RIP trolling
- ritual
- Road Runner
- Robinson, Alison
- RoboKy
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Rodger, Elliot
- Rodman, Gilbert E.
- Rogers, Katie
- Romano, Raja
- Romney, Mitt
- Ronson, Jon
- The Room (Wiseau)
- Amazon reviews of
- audience reception of
- fandom of
- fetishism and
- generativity and
- magnetism and
- othering and
- screening parties
- see also Wiseau, Tommy
- Roth, Cliff
- Rubio, Marco
- Ruiz, Carlos
- rule 34
- rural LGBTQ youth, Mary Gray's studies of
- Sanders, Bernie
- Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (Schwartz)
- Schulzke, Marcus
- Scully, Dana
- Segerberg, Alexandra
- sensationalism
- Sesame Street
- Sessions, Jeff
- Sestero, Greg
- severed head motif
- sexism
- sexting
- sexual advances, unwanted
- sexual assault
- sexuality
- shaming
- Sheen, Martin
- Sherman, Erik
- Shifman, Limor
- Shirky, Clay
- shock sites
- shootings
- Sicart, Miguel
- silencing
- and the communication imperative
- and complicity
- of conflict
- dissent
- ignored
- jokes as
- us/them
- as violence
- Sinders, Caroline
- Skype
- Slender Man
- “SLENDER MAN visits the Krusty Krab”
- Snapchat
- Snopes.com
- So You've Been Publicly Shamed (Ronson)
- social/anti-social behavior
- demarcation of
- irony and earnestness, difficulty of parsing
- laughter
- Poe's Law
- trolling
- us/them
- social movements
- social risk
- Something Awful
- Song, Sandra
- Soros, George
- Spears, Russell
- spelling, nonstandard
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- spread
- Stanford Prison Experiment
- Star Wars
- Star Wars Kid
- Stewart, Martha
- Stile Project
- storytelling
- ambivalence of
- audience
- collective
- collectivism and
- divergence
- embodied
- as folklore
- and heteroglossia
- and hybridity
- meaning of
- popularity of
- racism and
- referentiality of
- scary
- vernacular
- and voice
- street view webcam
- Stuart, Tessa
- subliminal messages
- subtweets
- subversion
- medics and
- memes and
- of norms
- as play
- pleasure and
- referentiality of
- resonance of
- rhetoric and
- through humor
- through identity performance
- weaponized
- Suler, John
- Sumner, Charles
- super participants
- superiority theories
- Surge, Victor
- Swint, Kerwin
- talkativeness
- Tangherlini, Timothy
- Tannen, Deborah
- Taylor, T. L.
- Teeter, Karl
- Te'o, Manti
- terrorist attacks
- texts
- authorship and
- context and
- cut up method, applied to
- meanings of
- Poe's Law and
- Thomas, Mary
- Thompson, Stith
- Three Wolf Moon t-shirt
- Tie-Dye Rainbow Cake Comment Apocalypse
- tinysex
- Toelken, Barre
- Tracy, Karen
- tragedy
- trauma
- trolling
- 4chan
- examples of
- Facebook
- fetishism and
- memorial pages and
- norms of
- subcultural
- Trump, Donald
- adversarialism of
- affect/rationality of
- and “alt-right”
- American tradition and
- election campaign of
- identity performance of
- play frame and
- sexual assault and
- Twitter and
- see also “Trump Effect” video
- Trump, Ivanka
- “Trump Effect” video
- Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar
- Tuiasosopo, Ronaiah
- Tumblr
- Turkey, Gezi Park protests
- Tuscan Whole Milk
- Twitter
- “alt-right,” use of
- Christie, Chris, and
- Cosby, Bill, and
- fast food grotesquery on
- Fox News and
- Jones, Leslie, and
- McDonald's and
- New York Police Department and
- online content and
- pseudonymity on
- social risk reduced on
- subtweet on
- Thicke, Robin, and
- Trump, Donald, and
- #YesAllWomen
- #YesYoureRacist
- Union of White Students
- unity
- Urban Legend film
- urban legends
- bogus warnings in
- as folklore
- “The Hook”
- interpretations of
- “The Kidney Heist”
- racism in
- resonance of
- Snopes.com
- “The Vanishing Hitchhiker”
- us/them
- divergence and
- humor and
- public debate and
- silencing and
- social/anti-social behavior and
- Trump Effect video and
- see also ingroups/outgroups
- Van Damme, Jean-Claude
- Van Gelder, Lindsy
- “The Vanishing Hitchhiker”
- The Venture Bros.
- vernacular
- vernacular expression
- ambivalence of
- communication and
- creativity and
- hybridity and
- memetic media as
- Milner on
- strangeness of
- #YesAllWomen
- victim-blaming
- violence
- censorship and
- deindividuation and
- misogyny and
- by police
- sectarian
- sexual
- silencing as
- white nationalism and
- Vitak, Jessica
- voice
- ambivalence of
- collaborative
- collective
- digital media and
- empowerment of
- gender and
- marginalized groups and
- public debate and
- reasonable hostility and
- storytelling and
- tone of
- see also heteroglossia
- Wagner, Laura
- wakes
- Walker, Peter
- Walther, Joseph
- Warren, Elizabeth
- Warren, Lydia
- Warzel, Charlie
- Web of Lies
- Weekly World News
- Weill, Kelly
- weird internet
- Weiss, Sasha
- West, Kanye
- Western Apache American Indians
- Wheaton, Wil
- white nationalism
- white supremacists
- Wile E. Coyote
- Windows bogus warnings
- Winfrey, Oprah
- Wired
- Wiseau, Tommy
- acting
- HD/35mm
- identity
- laughter at
- at screening
- see also The Room
- Wittkower, D. E.
- Wright, Scott
- Yale University
- #YesAllWomen
- embodied identities, expressed through
- lived experiences, expressed through
- “Not All Men” and
- Twitter and
- vernacular engagement with
- #YesYoureRacist
- Yiannopoulos, Milo
- YouTube
- Zafar, Aylin
- Zarrell, Rachel
- Zeller, Tom
- Zimbardo, Philip
- Zuckerman, Ethan