Not including Authors’ Names, Arabic Titles, Biblical references, nor Greek matter.
Separate indices for these follow this General Index.

A, or Āleph (Taurus), 381.

Aaron, 299.

Aaron the High Priest, 237, 336.

Abantiades, 330.

Abeille, 291.

Abel the Just, 202, 295, 347.

Aben Ezra (correctly Ibn Ezra), 86; etpassim.

Aben Ezra (Cassiopeia), 144.

Abhijit, 285.

Abigail, 33.

Abraham’s Ram, 78.

Abraham with Isaac, 151.

Absyrthe, 85.

Abukia, 469.

Acator, 85.

Acerra, 62.

Acetabula, 111.

Acetes, 199.

Āçleshā, 112, 248.

Āçreshā, 248.

Acrisioniades, 330.

Acris Venator, 151.

Acrobo, 362.

Acrux, Alpha (α) of Crux, 191.

Açvattha, 59.

Açvinī, nakshatra, 82, 213, 354.

Adam, 242.

Adam and Eve, 224.

Adhupakarik, 224.

Adler, 55.

Adler mit dem Antinoiis, 56.

Aegoceros, 135.

Aegyptus, 415.

Aequinoctialis, 76.

Aequoreus Juvenis, 46.

Aequoris Hircus, 135.

Aëreus, 323.

Aerosta’to, 237.

Aesacus, 299.

Aesculapius, 203, 298.

Aethiopia, claim of, to invention of astronomy, 22.

Afeichius, 298.

Afelar, 230.

Africa, and the zodiac, 6.

Afsasat, 469.

Aften Hoehne, 399.

Aganna, 427.

Agastya (Sanskrit for Canopus), 71.

Agena, 154.

Agenoreus, 379.

Aggia, 303.

Agni, 91, 390.

Aigle, 55.

Ailuv, 80.

Airy Trigon, 49.

Aja, 78.

Ajala, 427.

Āk, 437.

Akanna, 427.

Akāsh Gangā, 475.

Akhshafarn, 467.

Akhtar Wēnīk, 7.

Akkadian astronomy, our knowledge of, limited, 1; connection of the calendar with, 1; et passim.

Akokera, 138.

Aimagerabh, 362.

Akrevā, 362.

Alatus, 323.

Al Bīrūnī, on the study of the stars, xii, 7; and the lunar mansions, 8, 9; et passim.

Albireo (Abbireo, Alberio, Albeiro, Albirco), 196.

Alcides, 240.

Alci’one and Alcin’oë, 403.

Alcy’one, 403.

Āleph (Aldebaran), 385.

Ales and Avis, 193.

Ales Jovis, 193.

Ales Ledaeus, 193.

Alexandrian School, Greek in character, 19; origin of (note), 19.

Alfonsine Tables, The, 12; et passim.

Alfonso the Tenth, remark of, concerning the Ptolemaic system of astronomy, 12.

Āli Viijnka, 363.

Al Kitāb al Mijisti, xii.

Alligamentum linteum or luteum, 342.

Almagest, derivation of word, xii (note 3); et passim.

Almannus, 240.

Alpheichius, 298.

Al Sufi, on Arabic and Arabian star-names, xiii; et passim.

Altar (Libra), 273.

Altar or Altare (Ara), 61.

Altar of Noah, 63.

Alter, 118.

Alter Castor, 223.

Altera Solis Porta, 136.

Alti’one, 403.

Al Thabit ibn imageurrah, reviser of Al Kitāb al Mijisti, xii.

Al Tizini, work of, translated by Hyde, 2; et passim.

Alub, 57.

Amalthea, 86.

Amasius, 305.

Amasius Pasiphaës, 379.

Amaxa, 426.

Amazon Star, 313.

Amba, 404.

American Gans, 418.

Ammon Libycus, 78.

Amnis, 215.

Amos, 97.

Ampelius, Lucius, and Aquarius, 49.

Amphion and Zethus, 223.

Amphionis, or Arionis, Lyra, 281.

Amphitrite, 199.

Amphitryoniades, 241.

Amphora (Two-handled Wine-jar), 45, 324.

Amru, or Emru (Aries), 78.

Anaces, 223.

Ancha, 54.

Anderson, Thomas D., Dr., discovers T Auri-gae, 91.

Andhakā, 319.

Androgěus, 299.

Andromeda, 31; names of the ancients for, 31; significance of, 31; mentioned by Sappho, 700 B. C., 31; Euripides and Sophocles on, 31; antedates classical times, 32; the Euphrates the probable origin of, 32; Sayce’s claim concerning, 32; noted in Phoenicia, 32; additional titles of, 32; familiar to the classic Latins, 32; name of Caesar Germanicus for, 32; a scholiast’s name for, 32; another classic name for, 32; Arabic and other names of, 32; original figure of, 32; various versions of the legend of, 32; Arabian astronomers’ representation of, 33; reason for the latter, 33; idea of the Spanish edition of the A Ifonsine Tables as to, 33; early connection of, with Pisces, 33; other early representations of, 33; Caesius’ dictum concerning, 33; Julius Schiller’s name for, 33; the cross of, 34; the bounds of, 34; Milton’s reference to, 34; Kingsley’s reference to, 34; position of component stars of, 34; recent confusion concerning, 34; Argelander and Heis concerning components of, 34; the Phoenician sphere and the composition of, 34, 35.

         Alpha (α) of Andromeda, 35; various names of, 35; the significance of, in astrology, 35; Arabic description of, 35; identical with delta (δ) of Pegasus, 35; is one of the Three Guides, 35; its position in the Hindu lunar zodiac, 35; its relation to Gamma (γ) of Pegasus, 35; culmination of, 35.

         Beta(β) of Andromeda, 36; various names of, 36; confusion with Zeta (ζ) of Ursa Major, 36; referred to by Hipparchos, 36; position of, in later Arabian astronomy, 36; various locations of, 36; its position, 36; significance of, in astrology, 36; Scaliger’s name for, 36; included by Brown in lunar station Kuton, 36; by Renouf in Arit, 36.

         Gamma (γ) of Andromeda, 36; various names of, 36, 37; eminent in astrology, 37; duplicity of, 37; easy resolution of, 38; Sir William Herschel on, 38.

         Delta (δ) of Andromeda, 38; position of, 38; position of components of, 38.

         Xi (ξ) of Andromeda, 38; name of, 38; derivation of name of, 38; Bayer’s estimate of, 39.

         Phi (Φ) of Andromeda, and Chi (χ) AnDr., 39; position of, 39; names in Chinese astronomy of, 39.

         Great Nebula, The, of Andromeda, 39; position of, 39; ancient knowledge of, 39; Al Sufi’s name for, in 986, 39; not noticed from 986-1612, 39; catalogued under many names, 39; description of, by Marius, 39; true character of, undetermined, 39.

Andromeda’s Head, 35.

Angel Stern, 454.

Anguifer, 298.

Anguiger, 298.

Anguilla, 374.

Anguis, 203, 374.

Anguitenens, 298.

Anelar, 230.

Anhelar, 230.

An-nas-sur-ra, 448.

Announcer of Invasion on the Border, 389.

Ano (Virgo), 462.

Anser, 473, 474.

Anser Americanus, 418.

Anta, Jitu, and Mina or Minam, 338.

Antamarda, 32.

Anta’res, 364.

Antarii, 86.

Antar’s Star, 365.

An-ta-sur-ra, 448.

Antecanis (Anticanes), 131, 133.

Antecedens Canis (Antecursor), 131.

Antepes and Antepedes, 352.

Antevorta, 469.

Antigonus Gonatas, patron of Aratos, 17.

Antin’oüs, location of, 40; origin of, 40; little known to early astronomers, 40, 41; Ptolemy’s allusion to, 41; unnoticed till 1551, 41; various subsequent notices of, 41; variant titles of, 41; occasionally appears for Aquarius, 41; various other names of, 41; various locations of, 41.

Antlia Pneumatica (the Air Pump), 42; known to astronomers as Antlia, 42; the German Luft Pumpe, 42; position of, 43; culmination of, 43; has 85 naked-eye stars, 43; inconspicuous but interesting, 43; period of, 43.

Anubis (Canis Minor), 132.

Anu-ni-tum, 359,

Anurādhā, 367.

Anuv, 80.

Aorion, 304.

ĀPa or Āpas, 470.

Apami-Atsa, 472.

Ape, The, 229.

Aper, 240.

Apes, 292.

Apet, 209.

Apex of the Sun’s Way, 245.

Apha Barani (correctly Apha Bharanī), 292.

Aphelion (Aphellar, Aphellan), 230.

Apin, lunar station, 53.

Apis, 291, 292, 381.

Apis Indica, 43.

Apis Musca, 291.

Apollinis, Lyra, 281.

Apollo, 199, 230.

Apollo and Hercules, 223.

Apostle Bartholomew, 363.

Apostle Paul with his Sword and Book, 331.

Apostle Philip, 275.

Apous, 43.

Apparat Chimique, 221.

Apparatus Chemicus, 221.

Apparatus Sculptoris, 372.

Apta Altaria (Ara), 62.

Apullum, 230.

Apus (Bird of Paradise), 43, 45; names of, 43; derivation of, 43; English names of, 44; Chinese name of, 44; culmination of, 44; number of naked-eye stars in, 44; one of the twelve new Southern constellations introduced by Bayer, 44; various as. criptions of its invention, 44, 45.

Aqua, 50.

Aquarids, The, 52, 53.

Aquario, 45.

Aquarius, 45; other names of, 45-52; reason for appellation, 45; proximity of other analogous stellar forms to, 45; region of, in Euphratean astronomy, 45; immemorial representation of, 45; Al Biruni’s and Ulug Beg’s idea of, 45; Ver Cingeto- rix’s title for, 46; in Roman astronomy, 46; names with the biblical school for, 46; nomenclature of, extensive but consistent, 46; in Greek literature, 46; its title with Catullus, Ausonius, and Manilius, 46; the latter’s title for it common to classic writers, 46; a synonym for Jove, 46; name of, in Ceos, 46; Appian’s name for, 46; in the 1515 Almagest, 46; Pindar’s symbolization of, 46; Horace’s names, 46; spoken of by Thomson in The Seasons, 46; characterized by Vergil, 46; in the Babylonian calendar, 47; in the Epic of Creation, 47; Babylonian names for the Urn of, 47; Akkadian title for, 47; astronomical antiquity involved by latter, 47; Egyptian terms for, 47; Egyptian legend concerning, 47; Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Syriac, and Turkish names of, 47; in the Persian Bundehesh, 47; in Chinese astronomy, 47; a Chinese imperial symbol, 47; contained three of the Chinese sieu, 47; headed Chinese zodiacal signs as the Rat, 47; was and still is the ideograph for water in the East, 47; components of, form a Chinese asterism, 48; in Hindu astronomy, 48; Hindu and Tamil names for, 48; Varāha Mihira’s name for, 48; significance of, to the Magi and Druids, 48; Anglo-Saxon name for, 48; referred to by John of Trevisa, 48; other English titles for, 48; said to have been assigned in Jewish astronomy to Reuben, 48; uncertainty concerning the latter, 48; referred to by Dante, 48; note by Longfellow on latter, 48; name df, in astrology, 49; connected with Capricorn in astrology, 49; as Junonis Astrum, a diurnal sign, 49; color of, in astrology, 49; regarded by Lucius Ampelius as the keeper of the southeast and south winds, 49; the astronomical symbol of, 49; origin of latter, 49; not conspicuous, 50; how defined, 50; Spence and Manilius on this definition of, 50; defined by Geminos in 77 B. C., 50; by Aratos and Cicero, 50; other Latin names of, 51; outlines of ribs of, sometimes conjoined with Capricorn, 51; astronomical importance of, 51; reason of this, 51; occultation of its star Psi predicted, 51; consequence of this, 51; position of, 51; number of naked-eye stars in, 51; its meteor streams, 52, 53.

         Alpha (α) of Aquarius, color of, 51; various nanies of, 51-52; combined by imageazwīnī and Ulug Beg with o of Aquarius, 51; astrological name of, 51; Burritt’s names for, 51; erroneously named in Century Cyclopedia, 51; position of, in Aquarius, 51; has a companion, 51; a component of the 23d sieu and the determinant star, 51; Gould on, 52; culmination of, 52.

         Beta (β) of Aquarius, color of, 52; names ot, 52; meaning of name of, 52; included in 22d manzil with ξ of Aquarius and c of Capricornus, 52; with ξ constitutes Persian lunar station Bunda and the Coptic Upuineuti, 52; marks the sieu Heu, 52; Hindu name of, 52; Euphratean name of, 52; astrologers’ name for, 52.

         Gamma (γ) of Aquarius, color and position ot, 52; names of, 52; significance of its Arabic names, 52; Ulug Beg’s definition of, 52; defined by imageazwīnī, 52; a component of the 23d manzil, 52; a component of the Chinese Fun Mo, 52.

         Delta (δ) of Aquarius, names of, 53; derivation of names of, 53; other identifications of, 53; in Euphratean astronomy, 53; a component of the lunar station Apen, 53; the determinant star of Apin and corresponding stations, 53; a component of the Chinese Yu lin Keun, 53; radiant point of the Delta Aquarids, 53.

         Epsilon (image) of Aquarius, names of, 53, 54; imageazwīnī on, 53; brightest star of the 21st manzil, 53; the determinant of the sieu Mo, 54; a component of the Euphratean lunar asterism Munaχa and the Coptic Upeuritos, 54; Bayer’s names for, 54; Grotius’ names for, 54; proximity of, to the Saturn Nebula, 54.

         Zeta (ζ) of Aquarius, binary but unnamed, 54; position of, 54 ; duplicity of, discovered in 1777, 54.

         Theta (θ) of Aquarius, position of, 54; designation of, 54; Chinese name of, 54.

         Kappa (κ) of Aquarius, names of, 54, 55; Gassendi’s definition of, 54; Theon’s name for, 54: Keats on, 55; Chinese name for, 55.

         Lambda (λ) of Aquarius, prominence of, 55 ; names of Proclus and Aratos for, 55; part of 23d nakshatra, 55; a component of Chinese asterism Luy Peih Chin, 55; Chinese name of, 55.

Aquila, other names of, 55-57; position and constitution of, 55, 56; early picturings of, 56; modern German representation of, 56; the Idχu Zamama of Euphratean uranography, 56; Latin legends concerning, 56; Greek legends concerning, 56, 57; Dupuis’ derivation of the name, 56; figured on coins, 57; in Arabian, Persian, and Hindu astronomy, 57; Chinese name for, 58; Chinese tradition concerning, 58.

         Alpha (α) of Aquila, various names of, 59, 60; in the Syntaxis, 59; in Greek tragedy, 59; its Euphratean antecedent, 59; its Persian, Sogdian, and Khorasmian correspondents, 59; in Zend mythology, 59; a component of 21st nakshatra, Çravana, 55; a component of the Chinese Ho Koo, 60; in astrology, 60; magnitude and use of, 60; other details of, 60.

         Beta (β) of Aquila, color, names, and position of, 60.

         Gamma (γ) of Aquila, color, names, and position of, 60, 61.

         Epsilon (image) of Aquila, color, names, and position of, 61; in Chinese astronomy, 61.

         Lambda (λ) of Aquila, with Iota (ι), names of, 61; in Chinese astronomy, 61; in the Grynaeus Syntaxis, 61.

Aquary and Aquarye, 48.

Aquila (Italian), 55.

Aquila Antinoüs, 41.

Aquila cadens, 283.

Aquila marina, 282.

Aquila Promethei, or Tortor Promethei, 56.

Aquilaris, 281.

Aquilids, The, radiant point and period of, 60.

Aquilonaris, 337.

Aquilonius, 337.

Aquitenens, 46.

Ara, various names of, 6163; location of, 61; in classic times, 62; in Euphratean astronomy, 63; components of, 63, 64; various representations of, 6264; meteorological importance of, in early times, 63.

Arabia, backward in early astronomy, 25; her progress in the art after Muhammad, 26; star worship in, 26.

Arabian astronomy, 25, 26.

Arabib, or Aribib, 78.

Arabic star-names, inter-relation of, with Greek titles, xii.

Arabo-Latin Almagest, The, origin of, xii; published at Venice in 1515, xii; etpassim.

Ara Centauri, 62.

Ara Thymiamatis, 62.

Arator (Auriga), 85.

Arator (Boötes), 92.

Aratos, and the number of the constellations, 11; on sky figures, 17; ignorant of astronomy, 17; the "certain other," (note), 17; his sphere identical with that of Eudoxos, 17; criticized by Hipparchos, 17; his Phainomena founded on its prose namesake by Eudoxos, 17; et passim.

Arcadium Sidus, 422.

Arcanus, 76.

Areas, 94.

Archangel Gabriel, 323.

Archer, The. See Sagittarius. Arcitenens, 351.

Arc-light, 286.

Arctoe et Draco, 204.

Arctoi and Arctoe, 420.

Arctos, 420.

Arctur, 102.

Arcturi Custos, 94.

Arctu’rus (Ursa Major), 422.

Arcturus. See α of Boötes, under Boötes, 93, 98.

Arcturus Minor, 93.

Arctus, 422.

Arctuzona, 102.

Arcus, 352.

Ārdrā, 311.

Argelander, 10; et passim.

Argha (Argo), 66.

Argion, 132, 304.

Argoa Puppis (Argo), 66.

Argolica Navis (Argo), 66.

Argonautic Expedition, characters of, represented in the heavens, 18; et passim.

Argo Navis, various names of, 6467; position of, 64; extent and culmination of, 64; divisions of, 64; in poetry, 65; in the Alfonsine Tables, and the Theatrum Cometicum, 6s; in mythology, 65; other legends concerning, 65, 66; conspicuous in low latitudes, 67; minor components of, 73, 74, 75.

Ariadnaea Corona, 174.

Ariadnaea Sidus, 174.

Ariadne’s Crown, 177.

Ariadne’s Hair, 168.

Ariadne’s Tiar, 174.

Arianrod, 480.

Aries, locations of, 75; various names of, 7579; Manilius on, 75; Longfellow on, 75; legends concerning, 75, 76; representations of, 7679; ancient prominence of, 76; in the Jewish calendar, 77; Dante on, 77; in mythology, 78; in Eastern astronomical systems, 78; with the biblical school, 78; Aratos on, 79; in astrology, 79; symbol of, 79; minor components of, 83.

         Alpha (α) of Aries, names and position of, 80; Chaucer on, 80; various conjectures concerning, 80, 81; in navigation, 81; culmination of, 81.

         Beta (β) of Aries, various names of, 81, 82; part of the nakshatra Açvinī, 82.

Gamma (γ) of Aries, names and duplicity of, 82.

Delta (δ) of Aries, details concerning, 83.

Ariete (Aries), 75, 78.

Arietids, The, position of, 83.

Arietis, 80.

Arion, 195, 304.

Arista, 461, 467.

Aristae Puella, 461, 467.

Arista Puellae, 461.

Aristaeus, 46, 299.

Aristophanes, on star worship, 26.

Aristotle, 3; on star worship, 26.

Arit, 20, 36.

Ariture, 101.

Ark, 435.

Arkat sha hi-na Shahū, 141.

Ark of the Covenant, 181, 184.

Arkū-sha-nangaru-sha-shūtu, 112.

Arkū-sha-pu-u-mash-mashu, 236.

Arku-sha-rishu-ku, 80.

Arma, 151.

Armagh, 260.

Armiger Ales, 56.

Arnebeth, 265.

Arnum (Aries), 78.

Arocea, 475.

Aroch, 475.

Arquitenens, 351.

Arrow, 351, 352.

Arrow of Cupid, 350.

Arrow, The. See Sagitta.

Artān, 253.

Arthur’s Chariot or Wain, 426.

Artophilaxe, 93.

Artulos, 326.

Artulosia, 35.

Arture, 101.

Arturo, 102.

Arū, 253.

Arula (Ara), 62.

Arundhati, 404.

Aryabhata (Hindu astronomer), used same signs as Hipparchos, 21.

Āryaman, 88, 100.

Aryē, 253.

Āryikā, 319.

Aryō, 253.

Ascella, 358.

Asclepios, 298.

Aselli (Asini), 111.

Aselline Starlets, 111.

Asellus, 105.

Asellus Australis, 111.

Asellus Borealis, 111.

Asgard Bridge, 478.

‘Āsh, 87, 422.

Ashādhā, Former and Latter, 354.

Ashen Path, 477.

Ashiyane, 218.

Ashtaroth, 177.

Ashwins, The, 223.

Asina, 247.

Askar, 88.

Asleha, 254.

Asmidiske. Same as Aspidiske 74.

Asphulia, 259.

Aspidiske, 74.

Ass, 323.

Astacus, 107.

Asterion, 115.

Aster’ope, 407.

Astor, 223.

Astraea, 272, 462.

Astrologers, Roman terms for, 23; driven from Rome by law, 23; Greek prosecution of, 23.

Astrology, originated in the Euphrates Valley, 23; Roman designations for the devotees of, 23; Dante’s belief in, 23; English reliance on, 23, 24; instances of the latter, 24; decadence of, in England, 24; its cause, 24; prevalent on the Continent, 24; practised by Gassendi, Kepler, and Tycho Brahe, 24; Napoleon’s belief in, 25; died in England in 17th century, 25 ; still alive in China and the East, 25 ; and in Germany, 25; Kepler’s term for, 25; originally included astronomy, 25; et Passim.

Astron’ochus, 353.

Astronomische Fernrohr, 414.

Astronomy, no advance of, for a thousand years after Ptolemy, 12 ; stellar divisions in early Chinese, 22; Arabia’s part in early, 25; perhaps of very early origin, 47; centred in Aquarius by the Magi and Druids, 48.

As-sur-ba-ni-pal, and the Creation Legend, 2 (note).

As Ursas, 421.

Asvahtārs, The Seven, 5.

Atar’gatis and Der’ceto, 462.

‘Aimageārōth, 177.

Atelier du Sculpteur, 372.

Athalpis, 135.

Athamas, 75, 76.

Athor (Athyr), 205.

Athur-ai, 399.

Atl, 337.

Atlantis, 406.

Atlantes doughtres sevene, 396.

Atlas, 94.

Atlas, or Pat’er Atlas, 408.

Atri, 439.

Audax, 203, 307.

Audiens, 101.

Aumea, 385.

Auriga, various names of, 8386; position of, 83; figurings of, 8386; Ideler on, 84; Manilius on, 84; the Egyptian Horus, 85; Professor Young and, 86; minor components of, 9092.

         Alpha (α) of Auriga, various names of, 8688; a signum pluviale, 86; Pliny and Manilius on, 86; legends and figurings of, 8688; in the Den- derah Zodiac, 87; connected with Ptah, 87; in various Eastern systems, 88; in the Akkadian calendar, 88; in Peru, 88; in astrology, 88; Tennyson on, 88; Professor Young and others on color of, 89; culmination of, 89.

         Beta (β) of Auriga, various names and position of, 89.

         Gamma (γ) of Auriga, names and position of, 89, 90; common to Auriga and Taurus, 90.

         Delta (δ) of Auriga, position of, 90; unnamed in English astronomy, 90; in Hindu and Chinese astronomy, 90.

         Epsilon (image) of Auriga, names and variability of, 90.

         Zeta (ζ) of Auriga, names of, 90, 91; in classic poetry, 90, 91; the westernmost of the Haedi and prophetic of storms, 90, 91.

         Iota (ι) of Auriga, 91.

         Lambda (λ) of Auriga, with μ and σ, forms one of the Arabs’ Tents, 91.

         Mu (μ) of Auriga, 91.

         Sigma (σ) of Auriga, 91.

         Tau (τ) of Auriga, discovery of, 91; details concerning, 91, 92.

Aurigae, or El Nath, 390.

Aurigae Manus, 89.

Aurigator, 85.

Autel, or Encensoir (Ara), 61.

Avdem, 259.

Aveçr, 318.

Avelar, 230.

Avellar, 230.

Avesta, The, 5.

Avis Ficarius, 180.

Avis Satyra, 180.

Avis Veneris, 193.

Axis, the Earth’s, in Milton’s Paradise Lost, 4.

Ayil, 80.

Ayish, 422.

Azazel, 137.

Azhdehā, 204.

Azure Dragon, 356, 361.

Baaltis, 463.

Baba, or Baby, 397.

Babylonians, The, meaning of the chief stars among, 23; well versed in astronomy and astrology, 23; et passim.

Bacchi Sidus, 252.

Bacchus, 96.

Bacon, Roger, 3 (note).

Baculus Jacobi, 315.

Bagdei, 145.

Baharu, 385.

Bahi, 136.

Bāhu, 311, 313.

Bahumehi, 190.

Balaena, 160, 162.

Balance, or Scales, The. See Libra.

Balances, 275.

Baleine, 160.

Balīk, 337.

Ballon Aimagerostatique, 237.

Balloon, The. See Globus Aërostaticus.

Balteus, 315.

Baltic Sea, The, 203.

Bambycii, 339.

Ban, 354.

Band, 483.

Bara, or Bere (Aries), 78.

Barani (correctly Bharani), 292.

Bar Farshat, 35.

Bartsch (Bartschius), Jakob, 13.

Barv, 292.

Bashish, 82.

Basilica Stella and Basiliscus, 256.

Basilisk, 362.

Bast, 299.

Bastham, 302.

Bast Isis and Taurt Isis, 437.

Bathsheba, 145.

Batillus, 62.

Bayer, Johann, 3; the Uranometria of, 13; et passim.

Beam, 431.

Bear, 451.

Beardriver, The, 94.

Bears, 435.

Becher, 182.

Bed, or Couch, 254, 355.

Bede, The Venerable (Baeda), 6.

Beehive, The, 112.

Beel-zebul, 292.

Begde, 466.

Belat and Belit, 463.

Be’lier, 75.

Bellator and Bellatrix, 307, 313.

Beller’ophon and Bellerophontes, 323.

Bellerophon (Auriga), 85.

Bel Mardūk, 32.

Bel-me-khī-ra, 425.

Beltis, 276, 463.

Belua, 162, 278.

Belua aquatica, 283.

Benjamin, 279.

Berā dā ghās, 477.

Berenice’s Bush, 170.

Berenice’s Hair. See Coma Berenices.

Berenice’s Periwig, 170.

Berg Menalus, 290.

Berōssōs, Chaldaeanhistorian (260B.C.), 2; declared Abraham famous for celestial observations, 2; said that Abraham taught the Egyptians, 2.

Ber zanū nisheste, 241.

Besn, 311.

Bessel’s lettered stars in the Pleiades, 405408.

Bestia, or Bestia Centauri, 278.

Bethūlah, or Bethulta, 464.

Bhādra padās, incorrectly Bhādra-padā, 325.

Bhagwān ki Kachahri, 475.

Biblical School, The, and the constellations, 28; et passim.

Biene, 291.

Bier, 422, 433, 449.

Big Dipper, 436.

Bighanwand, 369.

Bilancia, 269.

Bilat, 276.

Bildhauer Werkstadt, 372.

Bildhauerwerkstätte, 372.

Bil-Idun’s Way, 478.

Bilu-sha-ziri, 366.

Biot, on the lunar mansions, 8.

Bir, 274.

Bird of the Desert, 181.

Bird, The, 192.

Bittern, The. See Grus.

Black Magellanic Cloud, 190.

Blaze Star, 177.

Blinking Demon, 332.

Blücher, 458.

Blue, 482.

Blue Emperor, 361.

Blue Planetary, The, 152.

Boar-Throng, 389.

Boat, 335, 435.

Boat of Osiris, 265.

Bochart, Samuel, on the origin of many sky groups, 22; et passim.

Bocina and Bogina, 450.

Bode, Johann Ellert, 14; the Uranographia of, 14.

Bohrer, 289.

Bombycii Hierapolitani, 399.

Boöte, 92.

Boötes, various names of, 9298; various derivations and iigurings of, 9298; Carlyle on, 93; in the Syntaxis, 93; Cicero on, 93; Manilius on, 94, 96; Aratos on, 94; Ovid on, 94; Homer (Derby) on, 94, 96; La Lande on, 94; in the calendar, 95; Hesiod on, 95; Vergil on, 95; Minsheu on, 96 (bis); Dante alludes to, 96; in the Alfonstne Tables, 97; in Poland, 97; Dürer’s drawing of, 98; extent of, 98; minor components of, 104106.

         Alpha (α) of Boötes (Arcturus), 98; various names of, 98103; early knowledge and naming of, 98; often confounded with Ursa Major, 98; erroneously supposed to be alluded to in the Book of Job, 99; once a constellation, 99; in Homer, 99; famous with early seamen, 99; influence of, always dreaded, 99; in ancient marine insurance, 99; in Latin husbandry, 99; stormy reputation of, 99; Hippocrates on, 99; in Plautus, 100; in Horace, 100; Pope’s mention of, 100; in astrology, 100; in Egyptian astronomy associated with Antares, 100; an Egyptian object of worship, 100; in the Hindu system, 100; various opinions of, 100; in Chinese astronomy, 100; with the Arabians, 100, 101; in the Alfonsine Tables, 101; in the Almagest, 101; depicted with weapons, 101; early visibility of, 101; with Al Biruni, 101; Chaldaean identification of, 101; John Wiclifs name for, 101; John of Trevisa on, 101; varying locations of, 101, 102; in the Syntaxis, 102; with Robert Recorde, 102; first star to be seen in the daytime with telescope, 102; seen with naked eye before sunset, 102; brilliancy of, 102; Pliny and the color of, 102; Schmidt and the color of, 102; with Schiller, 102; Elkin and, 102, 103; large proper motion of, 103; spectrum of, 103; culmination of, 103.

         Beta (β) of Boötes, various names for, 103; with Gamma (γ), Delta (δ), and Mu (μ) of Boötes, the trapezium Al Dhi’bah, 103; the head of Boötes, 103.

         Gamma (γ) of Boötes, various names of, 103; position of, 103; Euripides and Manilius on, 103; Flammarion on, 103; in Chinese astronomy, 103.

         Delta (δ) of Boötes, unnamed except in Chinese astronomy, 104.

         Epsilon (image) of Boötes, various names of, 104; position of, 104; in the Alfonstne Tables, 104; beauty of, 104; binary character of, 104; Herschel’s failure to determine parallax of, 104.

         Eta (η) of Boötes, various names of, 104; position of, 104; in Euphratean astronomy, 104; in Chinese astronomy, 105.

         Theta (θ) of Boötes, associated with Kappa (κ) and Iota (ι) of Boötes, 105; various names of, 105; position of, 105.

         Mu (μ) of Boötes, color and ternary character of, 105; various names of, 105; in the Alfonstne Tables and Almagest of 1515, 105; Idelerand, 105.

Boötes (α Boötis), 99.

Boötes and Boötres, 92.

Bos, 380.

Boteler (Butler), Samuel, 3.

Boussole (on Argo), 64.

Bouvier, Miss Hannah M., 92.

Bow and Arrow, 352.

Bow, The, 234.

Brachium (correctly Bracchium), 368.

Brahma Ridaya, 88.

Branchiae, 111.

Brandenburg Eagle, The, 58.

Brasilian Pye, 418.

Breastplate of Righteousness, 109.

Bridemif, 278.

Brightly Radiating One, The, 124.

Brood Hen, 436.

Brood-hen star Vergiliae, 400.

Brown, Robert, Jr., xviii, 5; et passim.

Brunei Straet, 479.

Brutum, or Butrum, 396, 399.

Bub’ulcus, or Bubulum Caput, 380.

Bubulus, 96.

Bucca (Buccan Horn), 135.

Buchdrucker Presse, 297.

Buchdrucker Werkstadt, 297.

Buiino, 106.

Bull, The. See Taurus.

Bull, The (Centaurus), 150.

Bull of Light, 382.

Bull, or Ox, of Chinese astronomy, 139.

Bull’s Eye, 384.

Bull’s Thigh, 434.

Bunch of Arrows, 173.

Bunda, Persian lunar station, 52.

Bundehesh, The, and the zodiac, 5; and the lunar mansions, 9.

Bungula, 152.

Burin, The, 106.

Bushel, 435.

Bushgali, 136.

Buseola (in Argo), 64.

Butcher’s Cleaver, 436.

Cabrilla, 86.

Cacodaemon, 331.

Cadmus, 299.

Caduceue, 171.

Caecius, 298.

Caelum, or Scalptorium, 106; various names of, 106; culmination of, 106; Burritt changes name of, 106.

Caer Arianrod, 177.

Caer Gwydyon, 481.

Cāes, 117.

Caesius, the Coelum Astronomico-Poeticon of (see note), 33; et passim.

Caesius (Ophiuchus), 299.

Caeteus (Hercules), 240.

Caga Gilgati, 206.

Cahen Ourah, 450.

Cahen Sihor, 120.

Cain, 267.

Cajupal, 400.

Calamus, 350.

Calendar, the Akkadian, details concerning, 1.

Calf of the Lion, First, 467; Second, 101.

California of the Sky, 310.

Calix, 183.

Callisto (Kallisto), 421.

Calx, 236.

Camaleonte, or Caméléon, 165.

Camcheacta, 431.

Camelopardalis, or Camelopardus, 106; various names jand formations of, 106; extent and location of, 106; in Chinese astronomy, 106, 107; components and culmination of, 107.

Camels, or Cattle (Sagittarius), 355.

Camelus, 106.

Camino de Santiago, El, 480.

Cammarus, 107.

Cancer, various names of, 107; position of, 107; distinguishing feature of, 107; in the AIfonsine Tables, 107; with classic writers, 107; insignificance of, in the zodiac, 107; mythology on, 107; subject of early attention, 107; reason of this, 107; in astrology, 107, 108; evil Significance of, 108; in Akkadian astronomy, 108; in the calendar, 108; various identifications of, 108; in Saxon chronicles, 108, 109; with Dante, Chaucer, and Milton, 109; in Egyptian records, 109; with Albumasar, 109; with the biblical school, 109; on the round zodiac of Denderah, 109; on the Famese globe, 110; in Hindu astronomy, 110; various picturings of, 110; Doctor Johnson and, 110; Ampelius and, 110; in the coinage of Cos, 110; symbol of, 110; period of the sun in, 110; the Hailey comet and, 111; chief components of, 111; minor components of, 114.

         Alpha (α) of Cancer, various names of, in; culmination of, 111.

         Beta (β) of Cancer, 111.

         Gamma (γ) of Cancer, various names of, 111; in the Latin Almagest and the Alfonsine Tables, 111; Bailey and, 111; Manilius and, 111; in astrology, 112; in meteorology, 112; Pliny and, 112.

         Delta (δ) of Cancer, various names of, in, 112; Bailey on, 111; Manilius on, 111; in astrology, 112; in meteorology, 112; inconspicuous, 112; in Hind’s Solar System, 112.

         Epsilon (image) of Cancer, various names of, 112, 113; Bayer and, 112; scientific names of, 112; in the Almagests, 113; Galileo and, 113; a component of the lunar station Avra-k, 113; in meteorology, 113; Pliny and Aratos on, 113; as a heraldic sign and in astrology, 113; in China, 113.

         Zeta (ζ) of Cancer, position of, 114; of great interest to astronomers, 114; one of Watson’s intramercurial planets, 114.

         Theta (θ) of Cancer, one of Watson’s intramercurial planets, 114.

         Kappa (κ) and Lambda (λ) of Cancer, 114.

         Mu (μ.) and Xi (ξ) of Cancer, 114.

Cancer Minor, 109.

Cancre, Le, 107, 109.

Cancro, 11, 107.

Candlemas Bull, 383.

Cane Maggiore, 117.

Cane Minore, 131.

Canes Laconicae, 434, 450.

Canes Venatici, various names of, 114, 115; Ptolemy on, 114; in the Prodromus, 115; usual figuring of, 115; Bartschius and Assemani on, 115.

         Alpha (α) of Canes Venatici, 115; the Cor Caroli of Hailey, 115; Flamsteed on, 115; other names of, 116; Ulug Beg on, 116; a favorite with amateur observers, 116; Espin on, 116; culmination of, 116; Other details concerning, 116.

         Beta (β) of Canes Venatici (Chara), 116; next to Cor Caroli the brightest star of the Southern Hound, 116.

Canicula, 12, 118, 132.

Canis, and Canis Australior, 117.

Canis (Cassiopeia), 144.

Canis Latrans, 93.

Canis Major (Australior), position of, 117; various names of, 117120; in early and in classic times, 117; in the Prognostica and Phainomena, 117; in Homer, 117; Hesiod on, 117; with the Greeks, 117; with the Latins, 118; in Ovid, 118; in the Alfonsine Tables, 118; mentioned by Vergil, 118; legends concerning and allusions to, 118; Bayer and, 118; Aratos’ name for, 119; in Arabian astronomy, 119; in the Latin Almagest, 119; in the Uranometria, 119; with Chilmead and La Lande, 119; important in Euphratean astronomy, 119; Professor Young on, 119; various figurings of, 119; with the Hindus, 119; among Northern nations, 119; Novidius’ identification of, 119.

         Alpha (α) of Canis Major (Sirius), 120; derivation of name, 120; various names of, 120; Plutarch on, 120; Galen and Homer on, 120; sacrificed to by Roman farmers, 121; among the Latins, 121; in the Palladium of Husbandry, 121; Eden on, 121; derivation of Arabic names of, 121; in various early works on astronomy, 121, 122 ; the modern Suhail, 122; in Finnish literature, 122; in Oceania, 122; Eastern names of, 122; Edkins on, 122; Hewitt on, 122; in Euphratean astronomy, 122, 123; its periods known in Chaldaea, 123; the only star known with certitude in Egyptian records, 123; worshiped in Egypt, 123; on the Denderah zodiac, 123, 124; Plutarch and, 124; other forms of worship of, 124; the base of the Canicular period, 124; Lockyer on this, 124; Sir Edwin Arnold on, 124; Minsheu on, 124; Caesius’ name for, 124; position of, 125; with the Phoenicians, 125; relatively ignored by Chinese astronomers, 125; in Chinese astrology, 125; the Mazzārōth of Job, 125; probable Hebrew worship of, 125; culmination of, celebrated at Eleusis, 125; venerated in Arabia, 125; in early astrology and poetry, 125; Homer, Pope, and Spenser on, 125; in the Aeneid and Georgies, 126; Hesiod, Hippocrates, and Manilius on, 126; heliacal rising of, 126; Geminos on, 126; Dante and Milton on, 127; on the Farnese globe, 127; Pliny concerning, 127; with Aristotle, 127; in late astrology, 127; character of, in opposition, 127; always the brightest star in the heavens, 127; seen in daylight, 127; change of color of, 127; Aratos’ adjective for, 127; Tennyson on, 127; Arago’s Arabic name for, 127; among the nearest stars, 128; parallax of, 128; its color perhaps the cause of its apparent magnitude, 128; forty times brighter than the sun, 128; spectrum of, 128; velocity of, 128; culmination of, 128; Kant upon, 128; Manilius’ idea concerning, 128; satellite of, located, 128, 129 ; facts concerning the satellite of, 129; Swift and Voltaire on this, 129.

         Beta (β) of Canis Major, various names of, 129, 130; the forerunner of Sirius, 129; Buttmann on, 129, 130; in China, 130.

         Gamma (γ) of Canis Major, 130; names, position, disappearance, and reappearance of, 130.

         Delta (δ) of Canis Major, variability of, 130.

         Epsilon (image) of Canis Major, names and position angle of, 130.

         Zeta (ζ) of Canis Major, 130; location and names of, 130.

         Eta (η) of Canis Major, universal name of, 131; Smyth on, 131.

         Mu (μ) of Canis Major, Grotius on, 131.

Omicron (ο) of Canis Major, with Pi (π) of Canis Major and other small stars, the Chinese Ya Ke, 131.

Canis Minor, various names of, 131133; not known to the Greeks by any comparative title, 131; Roman epithets for, 131; Lucan on, 132; in Horace, 132; Pliny upon, 132; in mythology, 132; various identifications of, 132; mixed nomenclature of, 132; Bayer and, 132; in th e Almagest, 132; Arab fables concerning, 132; related in position to Leo, 133; significance of, in astrology, 133; Digges on, 133; names for, with the biblical school, 133; origin of outlines uncertain, 133; position of, 133.

         Alpha (α) of Canis Minor, various names of, 133, 134; in earliest Greek records, 133; in the Alfonsine Tables, 133; bears many of its constellation’s names, 133; of earlier origin than the constellation, 133; Bryant’s derivation of, 134; Euphratean correspondent of, 134; Hommel on, 134; Dupuis and Edkins on, 134; in China, 134; in the Hervey Islands, 134; in astrology, 134; culmination of, 134; parallax and spectrum of, 134; minute companions of, 134; period, mass, and light of, 134.

         Beta (β) of Canis Minor, 134; names of, and details concerning, 134, 135.

         Zeta (ζ) of Canis Minor, a component of the Chinese Shwuy Wei, 135.

         Theta (θ) of Canis Minor, a component of the Chinese Shwuy Wei, 135.

         Omicron (ο) of Canis Minor, a component of the Chinese Shwuy Wei, 135.

         Pi (π) of Canis Minor, a component of the Chinese Shwuy Wei, 135.

Canis Orionis, 132.

Canis Syrius, 118.

Canis Tritonis, 161.

Canis ululans, 278.

Canis venatica, 434.

Canis virgineus, 132.

Canna, 350.

Canopo fosco, 11, 190.

Canopus, 6772; history of, 6872; see also under A rgo Navis and Alpha (α) of Carina.

Canopus (the pilot), 68.

Canser, 109.

Cantans, 156.

Canticum, 281.

Caomai, 310.

Cape Clouds, 294.

Capella, 8689 (see under Auriga).

Capellae, 91.

Caper and flexus Caper, 135.

Capilli, 169.

Capra (Capella), 86.

Capra ilia Amalthea (Capricornus), 135.

Capricorn, Capricorne, Capricorno, 135.

Capricornus, position of, 135; various names of, 135140; oriental legends concerning, 135; weather sig- nificanceof, 135; in the A rabo-Latin Almagest, 135; Greek legend concerning, 136; in Eastern systems, 136; frequent mention of, in early times, 136; Platonic ideas concerning, 136; Sargonon, 136; Numa Pom-pilius and, 136; in astrology, 136; Alchabituson, 136; peculiar to Vesta, 136; Ampelius on, 136; Manilius on, 136, 137; in the almanac of 1386, 137; Ar-candumon, 137; the pet of astrologers, 137; favorably regarded by the Arabians, 137; classically regarded as of bad influence on the weather, 137; Horace and Aratos on this, 137; in the Euphratean tablets, 137; fanciful identifications of, 137; on the Augustan coinage, 137; in astrology, 137; on British coinage, 137; figuring of, generally consistent, 137; a nocturnal sign, 138; Camoes on, 138; on the Egyptian zodiacs, 138; on the Denderah zodiac, 138; on a Brahmin zodiac, 138; Jewish Rabbis on, 138; in Egyptian astronomy, 138; other Eastern identifications of, 138; last in order on Indian zodiac, 138; in the Aztec calendar, 138; in Chinese astronomy, 139; in Assyrian and Akkadian astronomy, 139; Jensen and Sayce on, 139; early origin of, 139; symbol of, 139; origin of symbol of 139; Dante and Milton on, 139 ; Tropic of Capricorn and, 139; inconspicuousness of, 140; chiefly noticeable for the naked-eye duplicity of its lucida, 140.

         Alpha (α) of Capricornus (α1 and α2), names of, 140; various derivations of, 140; culmination of, 140.

         Beta (β) of Capricornus (β1 and β2 names of, 140, 141; components of Chinese sieu Nieu or Keen Nieu, 141; connected with silk industry in China, 141; position, etc., of, 141.

         Gamma (γ) of Capricornus, 141; various names of, 141; defined the Babylonian asterism Mahar sha ni-na Shahii, 141; with other stars formed the Chinese Luy Pei Chen, 141.

         Delta (δ) of Capricornus, various names of, 141; with other stars forms the Chinese Luy Pei Chen, 141; Ideler on, 141; in Babylonian astronomy, 141; Neptune near it in 1846, 141.

         Epsilon (image) of Capricornus, with other stars forms the Chinese Luy Pei Chen, 141.

         Zeta (ζ) of Capricornus, the Chinese Yen, 142.

         Eta (η) of Capricornus, Chow in China, 142.

         Theta (θ) of Capricornus, Tsin in China, 142.

         Iota (ι) of Capricornus, the Chinese Tae, 142.

         Kappa (κ) of Capricornus, forms with other stars the Chinese Luy Pei Chen, 141.

         Lambda (λ) of Capricornus, with other stars the Chinese Tien Luy Ching, 142.

         Mu (μ) of Capricornus, the Chinese Kuh, 142.

         Nu (ν) of Capricornus, the Arabic Shat, 142.

         Upsilon (υ) of Capricornus, the Chinese Loo Sieu, 142.

         Phi (φ) of Capricornus, with Chi (χ), the Chinese Wei, 142.

Psi (ψ) of Capricornus, the Chinese Yue, 142.

Capuja, 156.

Caput and Cauda, 374.

Caput Gorgonis and Caput Larvae, 332.

Caput Trianguli, 416.

Carcinus, 107.

Cardinal’s Hat, 363.

Gneral Index Carina Argoa (Argo), 66.

Carina. See under Argo, 64.

         Alpha (α) of Carina, history of, 6772; various names of, 6772; Strabo on, 67; derivation of modern name of, 68; always important, 69; ancient worship of, 70; Moore on, 70; Carlyle on, 70; in various ancient astronomical systems, 7071; Dante on, 71; in geodesy, 71; Tennyson on, 72. See also Canopus.

         Beta (β) of Carina, 72; position of, 72.

         Eta (η) of Carina, position and importance of, 73; variations in light of, 74; nebula of, 74

         Iota (ι) of Carina, position and names of, 74.

Carles-waen, 420, 428.

Carlwaynesterre (Arcturus), 101.

Carlyle, Thomas, and the constellations, xi; ct Passim.

Carman, The (of Minsheu), 96.

Carnabas, Carnabon, Carnabus, 299.

Car of Boötes, 426.

Carreta and Carro, 427.

Casserole, 436.

Cassiepeia. See Cassiopeia.

Cassiopeia (or Cassiope), various names of, 142- 145; one of the oldest and best-known constellations, 142; known as the "Celestial W" when below the pole, and as the "Celestial M" when above it, 142; Hyginus’ description of, 142, 143; Aratos on, 143; important in Greek astronomy, 143; Hevelius on, 143; among the Romans, 143; among the Arabs, 143, 144; various figurings of, 143, 144; in the A lfonsine Tables and the A rabo-Latin Almagest, 144; in Celtic astronomy, 144; Schiller on, 144; in Chinese astronomy, 144, 145; its Egyptian correspondent, 145; well known on the Euphrates, 145; Milton on, 145; Landseer’s name for, 145; in 17th-century nomenclature, 145; in the Leyden MS., 145; in astrology, 145; Professor Young and, 145; position of, 145; rich in clusters, 145; Arabic name for it, 146; the nova of, 146, 147; Tycho and the latter, 147; excitement caused by it, 147; Chinese name for it, 147.

         Alpha (α) of Cassiopeia, various names of, 145; Ulug Beg on, 145; Smyth on, 146; variability, period, and culmination of, 146; companions of, 146; a component of the Chinese Yuh Lang, 146.

         Beta (β) of Cassiopeia, various names of, 146; Tizinī’s name for, 146; as a component of the Three Guides marks the equinoctial colure, 146; an indicator of Polaris’ position in regard to the pole, 146; useful in marking sidereal time, 146; parallax of, 146; Foe on, 146.

         Gamma (γ) of Cassiopeia, 147; Chinese name for, 147; of interest to astronomers, 147; variable spectrum of, 147; companions of, 147.

         Delta (δ) of Cassiopeia, names of, 148; utilized by Picard in geodesy, 148.

         Epsilon (image) of Cassiopeia, sometimes bears the name of Delta (δ) of Cassiopeia, 148.

         Zeta (ζ) of Cassiopeia, a component of the Chinese Foo Loo, 148.

         Eta (η) of Cassiopeia, a noted binary, one of the nearest to the solar system, 248.

         Lambda (λ) of Cassiopeia, a component of the Chinese Foo Loo, 148.

         Mu (μ) of Cassiopeia, associated with Theta(θ) of Cassiopeia in Arabia as the Elbow, 148; great proper motion of, 148.

Cassiopeia’s Chair, 143.

Castor. See under Alpha (α) of Gemini, 230.

Castor and Pollux. See under Gemini, 222 et seq.

Castore e Polluce, 223; Castores, 223.

Castor fraterque magni Castoris, 223.

Casyapi, 144.

Cat, The. See Felis.

Çatabhishaj (23d nakshatra), 55.

Cataletto, 427.

Catalogues of Constellations, various, 1114.

Catellus (Catulus), 132.

Cathedra mollis, 143.

Cat’uli (Canes Venatici), 115; (the Wains), 434, 450.

Cautel, 66.

Cavallino, 213.

Cecrops, 46.

Cefeo, 155.

Ceginus (and variants), 95, 156.

Ceichius (Chegnius), 156.

Celaeno, or Celeno, 407.

Cela Sculptoria, 106.

Celeris, 213.

Celeste Lasca, 338.

Celestial M and Celestial W, 142.

Celestial Sisters, 177.

Celox Jasonis (Argo), 66.

Celticus, 240.

Censer, 273.

Centaur (Sagittarius), 353.

Centaur, The. See Centaurus.

Centaure Chiron, 151.

Centaur’s Crown, 172.

Centaurus, various names of, 148152; derived by Aratos from early Greek times, 148; associated with Pholos, 148, 149; Apollodorus on the latter, 149; Eratosthenes concerning, 149; and Chiron, 149; Sir Isaac Newton and, 149; Matthew Arnold on Chiron, 149; the Centaur, the inventor of the constellations, 149; Greek legends concerning, 149, 150; Prometheus and, 150; various figurings of, 150, 151; William Morris and the Centaur, 150; Arabic figuring of, 150; Ptolemy’s description of, 151; Hipparchos and Pliny on, 151; position of, 151; on the Farnese globe, 151; in the Hyginus, the Alfonsine Tables, and the Leyden MS., 151; Bayer’s and Burritt’s figuring of, 151; in Roman nomenclature, 151; Recorde’s name for, 151; Milton and, 151; confused with Sagittarius, 151; in mediaeval Christian astronomy, 151; one of the largest constellations, 151; position of, 152; only partly visible in the latitude of New York, 152; other details concerning, 152; minor components of, and their names, 154, 155.

         Alpha (α) of Centaurus, various names of, 152154; splendor of, made it an object of worship on the Nile, 153; Lockyer and, 153; importance of, in Chinese astronomy, 153; position of, 153; culmination of, 153; of greatest interest to astronomers, 153; perhaps the nearest star to our system, 153; parallax and distance of, 153; Professor Young’s demonstration of the latter, 153; Sir John Herschel’s demonstration of the same, 153; and the sun, 153; duplicity of, 153; period and position angle of, 154; one of the Southern Pointers, 154.

         Beta (β) of Centaurus, various names of, 154; various locations on maps, 154; one of the Southern Pointers, 154; in African and Australasian nomenclature, 154.

         Theta (θ) of Centaurus, 154; wrongly designated in Century Cyclopedia, 154; discovery of a companion to, 154, 155; in Chinese astronomy, 155; culmination of, 155.

         Omega (ω) of Centaurus, Bayer’s name for, N. G. C. 5139, 155.

Centaurus (Sagittarius), 353.

Céphée, 155.

Cepheids, The, radiant point of, 158.

Cepheis, 32.

Cepheus, various names of, 155157; knowledge of, in Chaldaea, 155; in Greek story, 156; the name among early astronomers and classic authors, 156; its titles sometimes confused with Boötes, 156; inappropriate names for, 156; suggested reason for these, 156; Horace on, 156; not conspicuous, 156: highly regarded and well known in Greek literature, 156; the source of many queer Arabic titles, 156; in Hindu astronomy, 156; Hewitt and Dunkin on, 156; Bayer’s illustration of, 156; in China, 156; with nomadic Arabs, 157; associated with the Fold, 157; Bayer and this, 157; other Arabic titles of, 157; with the biblical school, 157; minor components of, 157159.

         Alpha (α) of Cepheus, various names of, 157; culmination of, 157; will be the Polaris of the year 7500, 157.

         Beta (β) of Cepheus, 158; components and position angle of, 158.

         Gamma (γ) of Cepheus, various names of, 158; in Chinese astronomy, 158.

         Mu (μ) of Cepheus, location of, 158; Sir W. Herschel’s "Garnet Star," 158; deep color of, 159.

         Xi (ξ) of Cepheus, Arabic name of, 159; components of, and their position angle, 159.

Cerbere (Rameau et Cerbere), 159.

Cerbero, 159.

Cerberus, various names of, 159, 160; formerly an adjunct to Hercules, 159; disregarded by astronomers, 159; various figurings of, 160; with Chinese astronomers, 160.

Ceres Ferdinandea, 416.

Ceres spicifera dea, 461.

Cernuator, 240.

Ceruco Esnibidia, 480.

Cerva, 144.

Cervus, 290.

Cete, 161.

Ceteus and Cetheus, 240.

Cetus, various names of, 160162; connected with the legend of Andromeda, 160; known of old on the Euphrates, 160; in Greek nomenclature, 160, 161; with the Romans, 161; various figurings of, 161; Euphratean Tiāmat, 161; position and extent of, 161; in the 1515 Almagest and the Alfonsine Tables, 162; Bayer’s name for, 162; in biblical nomenclature, 162; of no special interest, except in its star Mira, 162; minor components of, 162165.

         Alpha (α) of Cetus, various names of, 162; location, prominence, and culmination of, 162; in astrology, 162.

         Beta (β) of Cetus, various names of, 163; the Second Frog, 163; in China, 163; increased brilliancy of, 163; culmination of, 163.

         Gamma (γ) of Cetus, components and position angle of, 163.

         Zeta (ζ) of Cetus, various names of, 163; in astrology, 163; with Chi(χ) a naked-eye double, 163.

         Eta (η) of Cetus, various names of, 163, 164.

         Iota (ι) of Cetus, position and title of, 164; with other stars, the Chinese Tien Yuen, 164.

         Omicron (ο) of Cetus, various titles of, 164; a variable of long period and a type of its class, 164; when first noticed, 164; various descriptions of, 164; period of, 164; variable in its light, 165; Sir William Herschel on, 165; spectrum of, 165.

Chalice, 310.

Chalitsa, or Kalitsah, 421.

Chamaeleon, various names of, 165; unimportance and position of, 165 : first figured by Bayer, 165; components of, named only in China, 165; culmination of, 165.

"Chamaeleon with the Flie," 165.

Chamäleon, 165.

Chambers of the South, 362.

Champion, The. See Perseus.

Chang, 184, 248.

Chang Chen, 116.

Chang Jin, 167.

Chang Sha, 182.

Chaou, 142, 245.

Chaou Teaou (or Yaou), 103.

Chara, 115, 116.

Chara. See Beta (β) of Canes Venatici, 116.

Charere, 426.

Chariot of Elijah’s Journey to Heaven, 428.

Chariot, The Smaller (of Thor), 450.

Chariot (of Pharaoh), 435; (of Joseph), 451.

Charles’ Oak. See Robur Carolinum.

Charles’ Wain, 428.

χas, 108.

Chasara tsamangadu, 481.

Cha Sze, 376.

Chaucer, and the zodiac, 3, 4; et passim.

Chay Foo, 197.

Chelae, 269.

Chemical Furnace, The. See Fornax Chemica or Chymiae.

Chemische Apparat, 221.

Chercjengh, 108.

Chevalet du Peintre, 214.

Chevelure, 168.

Chevre, 86.

Chieftain’s Star, The, 122.

Chien de Mer, 161.

Chiens du Chasse, 114.

Chih New, 285.

China, and the zodiac, 5, 6; the lunar mansions in, 7; claims the formation of the constellations, 21; astronomy in, due to Chaldaean influence, 21; also to Arabians, 21; recent advance of, in astronomy, due to Jesuit missionaries, 21.

Chin Chay, 369.

Chinese astronomy, 57, 21; et passim.

Ching, 376.

Chioma, 168.

Chiphus, 156.

Chiron (preceptor of Jason), said by St. Clement to be the inventor of the constellations, 18; et passim.

Chiron and Chyron (Centaurus), 149.

Chiron (Sagittarius), 353.

Chironis Filia, 379.

Chnum, Chnemu, Gnoum, or Knum, 138.

Choo (Pillar) Chinese asterism, 91.

Choo (Ara), 63.

Choo (Centaurus), 155.

Choo Neaou, 22.

Choo Wan, 391.

Choo Wang, 412.

Chow, 142, 376.

Chow Ting, 171.

Christi Crux, 194.

Christ’s Seamless Coat, 310.

Chrysomallus, 76.

Chu, or Chow (the Pleiades), 20, 399.

Chuen Shwo, 414.

Chung Ho Mun, 206.

Chung Shan, 246.

Chung Tae, 443.

Chūshe, 467.

Chymische Ofen, 221.

Ciconia, 300.

Cigno, 192.

Cillas, 84.

Cincinnus, 169.

Cingulum, 36.

Cinosura and Cynosura, 456.

Cipactli, 138.

Circinus, various names of, 166; formed by La Caille, 166; position and culmination of, 166.

Circitores, 459.

Circuluslacteus, 475.

Circulus Junonius, 481.

Cirros and Cirrus, 111.

Cisne, 192.

Cithara and Clara Fides Cyllenea, 281.

Citrā, 182, 467.

Clamator (Boötes), 93.

Clarum Tyndaridae Sidus, 222.

Clava, 105.

Clavator and Claviger, 240.

Claws of the Scorpion, 269.

Clement, Saint, of Alexandria, agrees with Josephus in reference to the high priest’s breastplate and the zodiac, 2.

Cleonaeum Sidus, 252.

Cleostratos, 3.

Clerke, Miss Agnes M., and the zodiac, 3, 6 (note); lunar mansions, 8; and the decans, 9; on the multiplicity of sky figures, 10; et passim.

Clip’eus, or Clyp’eus Sobieskii, 373.

Cloud-eating Shark, 482.

Cloud Nebula, 367.

Club of Hercules, The, 243, 246, 302, 375.

Clusters, Star. See Nebulae.

Coal-Sack, 190, 297.

Coat of Arms, of Sobieski, 373.

Cocchiere, 83.

Cocher, 83.

Cock, or Hen, 381.

Coeli Cingulum, 475.

Coelum, Coelulum, Parvum Coelum, 173.

Coeur de Charles, 116.

Coiled Hair of Ariadne, 174.

Coinage, Ancient, xvii; et passim.

Colca (Capella), 88.

Collarium, 85.

Collum Ceti, 164.

Collum Hydrae, 249.

Colomba and Colombe de Noé, 166.

Colorrhobus, 105.

Coluber, 203, 247, 374.

Columba Noae, various names of, 166; first formally published by Royer, 166; located on Bayer’s plate of Canis Major, 166; Caesius and, 166; not recognized by early astronomers, 166; Smyth and, 167; minor components of, 168.

         Alpha (α) of Columba Noae, various names of, 167; in China, 167; inconspicuous, but of importance in Egyptian temple worship, 167; Lockyer and, 167; position and culmination of, 167.

         Beta (β) of Columba Noae, various names of, 167; in Chilmead’s Treatise, 167.

Columella, in the De Re Rustica, 19; et passim.

Coma Berenices, various names of, 168172; position of, 168; first alluded to by Eratosthenes, 168; its constellation place long unsettled, 168; in Tycho’s catalogue, 168; in Aratos’ Phainomena, 168; after whom named, 168; invented by Conon, 169; Callimachus and Catullus on, 169; legends associated with, 169; Hyginus’ name for, 169; not mentioned by Manillas, 169; on Mercator’s globe, 169; in the Almagests, 169; Pliny on, 169, 170; Holland’s blunder concerning, 170; Schiller and Thompson on, 170; Serviss’ description of, 170; in Middle English poetry, 170; various figurings of, 170, 171; on the Dresden globe, 171; in early Egyptian nomenclature, 171; abundance of Chinese names for, 171; components of, 171; culmination of, 171.

Comae Berenices, 169.

Comesque Boötae, 304.

Comets, Al Bīrūnī on, 27; et passim.

Commissura Piscium, 342.

Companions of Denebola, 259.

Compas and Compasso, 166.

Concordia, 462.

Constellations, The, details concerning, 10, 11, 18; and present boundaries of, 10; Greek names of figures in, 10; Latin terms for figures in, 10; number of, 11; later catalogues of, after Bayer, 13, 14; discovery of new, 14, 18; new, mostly in the southern heavens, 14; various early investigators of the, 14; discrepancy in modern number of, 15; 106 claimed by Ideler, 15; various other estimates of, 15; eighty to ninety now acknowledged, 15; Chiron said to be the inventor of, 18; Seneca on the date of their formation, 18; ascription of, by mythologists, 19; formation of, claimed by China, 21; Ideler on the origin of the, 22; Cicero on the, 27; the biblical school and the, 28; Giordano Bruno and the, 28; other iconoclasts and the, 28. See also Sky figures and Star groups.

Continuatio Hydrae, 247.

Copernicus, date of work of, 13; etpassim.

Corbeau, 179.

Cor Caroli, see Alpha (α) of Canes Venatici, 115.

Cor Hydrae, 249.

Cor Leonis, 256.

Cor Scorpii, 365.

Cor Serpentis, 375.

Cor Tauri, 384.

Cornipedes, 352.

Cornipes, 323.

Cornu (γ Scorpii), 369.

Cornucopiae, 87.

Cornus (Aries), 76.

Cornus (Taurus), 379.

Corolla, 173.

Corona, Corona Ariadnae, or Ariadnes, 174.

Corona Australe, 172.

Corona Australis, various titles of, 172, 173; inconspicuousness of, 172; location of, 172; Aratos silent concerning, 172; known to Hipparchos, 172; to Ptolemy, 172; associated with Sagittarius, 172; not mentioned by Manilius, 173; classicallegends concerning, 173; in 5th-century nomenclature, 173; among the Arabs, 173; in China, 173; Bayer on, 173; in the Alfonsine Tables, 173; the lucida of, 173; culmination of, 173; in the astronomy of the biblical school, 173.

Corona Borea (Borealis, Septentrionalis), 174.

Corona Borealis, various names of, 174; the only stellar crown known to Eratosthenes and the early Greeks, 174; with the Latins, 174; classic legends concerning, 174; Apollonius Rhodius upon, 174; in modern and classic poetry, 174; Dante on, 175; always a favorite, 175; Chaucer on, 175; Skeat’s comment upon, 175; Spenser on, 175; in the Georgies, 175; stars of, favored by astrologers, according to Manilius, 176; in Arabian astronomy, 176; various figurings of, 176, 177; various writers on, 176; in the Alfonsine Tables, 176; Dupuis and, 177; in Hebrew astronomy, 177; in Syrian, 177; the Chinese Kwan Soo, 177; Shawnee name for, 177; with the biblical school, 177; in the Leyden MS., 177; interesting to astronomers, 177; in Australasia, 177; appearance of the Blaze Star in, 177; minor stars of, 179; uncertainty as to lettering and naming of stars of, 171.

         Alpha (α) of Corona Borealis, various names of, 178, 179; Bayer on, 178; in the Georgies, 178; central one of the group, 178; Spence on, 178; spectrum and culmination of, 179; the radiant point of the Coronids, 179.

Corona Firmiana, 177.

Corona Gnosida (Cretica, Gnossis), 174.

Corona Sagittarii, 172.

Coronids, The, 179; radiant and duration of, 179.

Corvo, 179.

Corvus, various names of, 179; noted with the Greeks and Romans, 179; Ovid upon, 179; in mythology, 179; in the Metamorphoses, 180; legends and figurings of, 180, 181; in Arabic astronomy, 180; the Hindus and, 181; the A vesta and, 181; in Akkadian nomenclature, 181; known to the Hebrews, 181; and to the Chinese, 181; in Christian legend, 181; minor components of, 182.

         Alpha (α) of Corvus, various names for, 181; the Chinese Yew Hea, 181; decrease of, in brilliancy, 181, 182; change in color of, 182.

         Gamma (γ) of Corvus, name and derivation of, 182; brightness of, 182; marks nth Chinese sieu, 182; culmination of, 182.

         Delta (δ) of Corvus, titles and position of, 182; components and position angle of, 182; with Alpha (α), Beta (β), Gamma (γ), and Epsilon (image) of Corvus, the 11th nakshatra, 182; part of the early Lion, 182.

Cos, 183.

Coumbum, 48.

Coupe, 182.

Couronne Australe, 172.

Couronne Boreale, 174.

Cousigneiros and Cousiniére, 397.

Cowherd, The, 58.

Çparegha, 467.

Çpur, 467.

Crabba, 108.

Crab Nebula, 391.

Crab, The. See Cancer.

Crane, The. See Grus.

Crann, 436.

Crannarain (Pleiades), 402; (Ursa Major), 436.

Crater, various names of, 182184; formation and position of, 182; long asimageociated with Hydra and Corvus, 183; in Greek legend, 183; with the Romans, 183; Hewitt and, 183; Brown upon, 183; with the Jews, 183; old English name for, 183; in early Arabian astronomy, 183; in the Alfonsine Tables, 183; Riccioli’s names for, 183; part of the 10th sieu, 184; Caesius and Schiller upon, 184; in astrology, 184; minor stars of, 184 (under α).

         Alpha (α) of Crater, titles of, 184; decreased brilliancy and culmination of, 184.

Cratera, 183.

Çravana, 21st nakshatra, 59.

Craver, 202.

Çravishthā, 200.

Crayfish, The, 109.

Creation Legend (Epic of Creation), The, discovered by George Smith, in 1872, 1, 2; name of the signs in, 2; where it was found, 2 (note); date of composition of, 2 (note).

Cressa Corona, 174.

Cretaeae sive Arctoe, 422.

Creter, 183.

Crines and Crines Berenices, 169.

Çrob, 276.

Croce, 184.

Crocodile, The, 272.

Croisade, 184.

Croix, 184.

Çronā, 59.

Crooked Billet, The, 74.

Crooked Serpent, 475.

Crosers, Crosier, Crosiers, and Crossiers, 189.

Cross, The. See Crux.

Crosse Stars, 189.

Cross, in Serpens, 375.

Cross, on Sobieski’s Shield, 373.

Cross of Calvary, 194.

Cross of Jesus, 200.

Croton and Crotos, 352.

Crown of Ahasuerus, 177.

Crown of Amphitrite, 174.

Crown of Eternal Life, 173.

Crown of Thorns, 177.

Crown of Vulcan, 174.

Crow, The. See Corvus.

Crowned Snake, 362.

Crucero, Cruciero, Crusero, Crusiers,and Cruzero, 188, 189.

Crux, various names of, 184191; unknown to the ancients under modern title, 184; with Ptolemy was part of the Centaur, 184; outlined as such by Bayer, 184, 185; Hipparchos and, 185; Pliny and, 185; possibly the Sūla of Al Bīrūnī, 185; Hewitt and, 185; with Whittier, 185; time last seen in Jerusalem, 185; invention attributed to Royer, but known for 200 years anterior, 185; figured by Mollineux in 1592, 185; other figurings of, 185; position and extent of, 185; more like a kite than a cross, 185; unnoticed as a cross till mentioned by Dante, 186, 187; Vespucci and, 187; in the Lusiadas, 187; Owen Meredith on, 187; frequently mentioned in 16th-century navigation, 187; Pigafetta’s term for, 188; other terms for, 188, 189; Cristoval d’Acosta names it, 189; religious sentiment and, 189; Mrs. Hemans and, 189; Von Humboldt on, 189, 190; with the Pareni Indians, 190; Lockyer and, 190; in Chinese astronomy, 190; associated with Brazil, 190; contains the Coal-sack, 190; with the Peruvians, 190; minor stars of, 191 (under α).

         Alpha (α) of Crux, or Acrux, position, duplicity, and culmination of, 191.

Crux cum S. Helena, 194.

Cujam, 246.

Cuor di Carlo, 116.

Cup of Christ’s Passion, or Cup of Joseph, 184.

Cup of Noah, 248.

Cup, The. See Crater.

Currus, 199, 427.

Currus Maris or Volitans (Argo), 66.

Curvus, 198.

Cushiopeia, 145.

Custos Arcti, 93.

Custos Erymanthidos Ursae, 93.

Custos Bourn, 96.

Custos Caprarum, 85.

Custos Europae, 118.

Custos Hesperidum, 204.

Custos Messium, various names of, 191; formed by La Lande, 191; origin of title, 192; unrecognized now by astronomers, 192.

Cybele, 462.

Cycno Generati, 222.

Cycnus and Cygne, 192.

Cygnus, various names of, 192195; position of, 192; with Eratosthenes, 192; adopted by the Romans, 192; various legends concerning, 192194; one of the Argonautic constellations, 193; possibly first known on the Euphrates, 193; did not originate with the Greeks, 193; in Arabic nomenclature, 193; the Alfonsine Tables and, 193; Ideler’s comment on the variants of, 194; usual figuring of, 194; identifications of, by the biblical school, 194; Lowell on, 194; in Smith’s Come, Learn of the Stars, 194, 195; in Chinese astronomy, 195; Birmingham on, 195; contains the Lace-work Nebula, 195; minor stars of, 196198.

         Alpha (α) of Cygnus, various names of, 195, 196; no sensible proper motion, 196; parallax and spectrum of, 196; culmination of, 196.

         Beta (β) of Cygnus, various names of, 196; one of the show objects of the sky, 196; position angle of, 196.

         Gamma (γ) of Cygnus, 197; the Chinese Tien Tsin, 197; location and spectrum of, 197.

         Epsilon (image) of Cygnus, position of, 197; details concerning, 197.

         Omega’ (ω3) of Cygnus, components and position angle of, 198.

         Pi1 (π1) of Cygnus, titles of, 197; part of the Chinese Tang Shay, 198.

Cylenius Tour, 228.

Cyllarus, 213.

Cyllenius, 330.

Cynocephalus, The (Ara), 20, 64.

Cynosura, 447.

Cynosuris, 433.

Daemon, 350.

Dagaīm, 338.

Dagiotho, 339.

Dāgōn, 338, 345.

Dancers, 400, 459.

Danish Elephant, 435.

Dan-nu, 468.

Dante, on Aquarius, 48; et passim.

Dark, or Northern, Emperor, 338.

Dar Lugal, 366.

Dark Sign, The, 109.

Dark Warrior, The, 139, 338.

Daulā, incorrectly Daulo, 47.

Dauphin, 198.

David and Jonathan, 224.

David with the head of Goliath, 331.

Dayan Esiru, Dayan Same, Dayan Shisha, and Dayan Sidi, 206, 285.

Dea Syria, 338.

Debilissima, 288.

Deborah, 145.

Decachordum, 281.

Decans, The, 9; Miss Clerke on, 9; various names of, 9; Manilius’ term for, 9; Firmicus and, 10.

Deer-slayer, The, 122.

Deer, The, 20, 144.

Defectum Sidus, 240.

Deferens caput Algol, 330.

Deferens cathenam, 330.

Deferens leonem, 278.

Deferens psalterium, 281.

De la Caille, Abbé Nicolas and his Mémoires and Coelum Stelliferum, 14; et passim.

Delfino, 198.

Deli, 47.

Delle Caustiche, 359.

Delphin, Delphis, and Delphyn, 198.

Delphinus, various names of, 198200; one of the smallest constellations, 198; in all astronomical literature has borne its present title, 198; of religious significance in Greece, 199; the sky emblem of philanthropy, 199; in Ovid, 199; Manilius on, 199; in Cicero, 199; other legends concerning, 199; in Hindu nomenclature, 200; possibly the Euphratean Makhar, 200; with the early Christians, 200; the Greek title adopted by the Arabians, 200; in the Alfonsine Tables, 200; position and culmination of, 200; in Christian nomenclature, 200; minor stars of (under α), 200.

         Alpha (α) of Delphinus, strange name of, 200, 201; variability of, 201.

         Beta (β) of Delphinus, strange name of, 200, 201; position angle of, 201.

         Delta, 415.

Delta Aquarids, 53.

Deltoton and Deltotum, 415.

Dem’eter, 461.

Demon and Demon Star, 332.

Denderah Zodiac, The, 109, no; et passim.

Dercete, Dercetis, and Dercis, 338.

De Rheita, 53; et passim.

Derke, or Derketo, 338.

Desanaus and Desanes, 240.

Desmos, 342.

Deus Libycus (Aries), 78.

Dew (the 19th sieu), 355.

Dexter, 118.

Dhamsu, Dhanu, Dhanasu, and Dhanus, 354.

Dhanishthā, 200.

Dharind, 366.

Dhruva, 456.

Diadema Coeli, 175.

Diadem of Solomon, 173.

Diamond of Virgo, 259, 469.

Diana, 462.

Dianae Comes, 305, 421.

Dianae Sidus, 356.

Didymi, 223.

Dii Germani and Dii Samothraces, 223.

Dii Syrii, 399.

Dik Paye, 282.

Dilgan (α Arietis), 80; (α Lyrae), 285.

Dil-gan I-ku (or Babili), 88.

Dil-kar, or Askar, 80.

Dillmann’s derivation of Mazzārōth 2; et passim.

Diodas, 241.

Diodorus (the Sicilian), on the origin of Egyptian constellations, 20; et passim.

Dione, 399.

Dionysius Exiguus, on the stars, 27.

Dioscuri, 223.

Diota (Two-eared Jar), 46.

Discus parvus confractus, 176.

Distaff, 171.

Dob and Dobh, 423.

Dodecatemory divisions, Enoch the inventor of, 2.

Doe, The, 190.

Dog of Orion, 117.

Dog of Set, or of Typhon, 434.

Dog of Tobias, 119, 133.

Dog, The, 78, 157.

Dogs, The Barking, 466.

Dog-star, The, 120.

Dol, or Dul, 47.

Dolones (Stimulus), 92.

Dolphin (Pisces), 341.

Dolphin, The. See Delphinus.

Dolphyne, 198.

Domicilium Solis, 252, 257.

Dominus Solis, 156.

Domus Veneris nocturna, 383.

Donkeys, The, 111.

Do Patkar, 224.

Dorado, other names of, 201, 202; derivation of, 201; on Gore’s planisphere in translation of L’ Astronomie Populaire, 201; in the Celestial Handbook of 1892, 202; Caesius and, 202; in the Rudolphine Tables, 202; location of, 202; near the nebula 30 Doradūs, 202; minor components of, 202.

Doradus and Dorade, 201.

Doradūs, 30, location of, 202.

Dorsanes and Dosanes, 240.

Double Double (in Lyra), 288; (in Scorpio), 371.

Double-headed Shot Nebula, 474.

Double Ship, The, 139.

Double Sword, 362.

Doubting Thomas, 253.

Drache, 202.

Draco (Cetus), 162; (Hydra), 247.

Draco, various names of, 202206; title of, generally the same, 202; in the Latin Tables, 203; in the Shield of Hercules, 203; in mythology, 203 : Schiller upon, 203; Caesius and, 203; with the Swedes, 203; Delitzsch’s assertion concerning, 203; Renan’s idea about, 203; Proctor on its change as to the pole, 203; in Persia, 204; in Hindu worship, 204; in Babylonian records, 204; Rawlinson upon, 204; probable Chaldaean figure of, 204; usual figuring of, 204; in the A rgonauticae, 204; in Vergil, 204; stars of, circumpolar about 5000 B. C., 205; much observed in early Egypt, 205; on the Denderah planisphere, 205; on the Ramesseum at Thebes, 205; Delitszch on this, 205; symbol of Egyptian deities, 205; Lockyer upon, 205; the Egyptians and, 205; close to Necht, 205; among Arabian astronomers, 205; on the Borgian globe, 205; astrological idea of, 205; on Turkish maps, 205; Bayer and, 205; Williams and, 205; Edkins concerning, 206; extent of, 206; minor coriiponents of, 207 (under Beta (β)), infra.

         Alpha (α) of Draco, various names of, 206; among seamen, 206; in China, 206; Sayce concerning, 206; Brown’s opinion concerning, 206; location of, in 2750 B. C., 206; seen night and day from the central passage of Cheops’ Pyramid, 207; Her- schel concerning the brilliancy of, 207; with Bayer, 207; culmination of, 207.

         Beta (β) of Draco, various names of, 207; in early Arab astronomy, 207; position angle of companion of, 207; in China, 207.

         Gamma (γ) of Draco, 207; other names of, 207209; in early Arabic astronomy, 208; not referred to by Fīrūzābādī, 208; familiar to seamen, 208; symbols of, 208; notable in all ages, 208; seen by Hooke in daytime, 208; Bradley and, 208; of early importance on the Nile, 208; was the natural successor of Alpha (α) Ursae Majoris as an object of temple worship in Egypt, 208; known in Egypt as Isis, 208; location of, 208; rising of, visible at Denderah and Thebes, 208; Lockyer concerning, 208, 209; various Egyptian titles of, 209; worshiped in Thebes, 209; location of, 209.

         Delta (δ) of Draco, various names of, 209; Al Tizinī and, 209; with other components, the Chinese Tien Choo, 210; Chinese title of, 210; near the north pole of the ecliptic, 210.

         Zeta (ζ) of Draco, sometimes Al Dhi’bah, and with Eta (η) the Two Hyaenas, 210; the radiant of meteor streams of Jan. 19 and March 28, 210.

         Eta (η) of Draco, the Chinese Shang Tsae, 210.

         Theta (θ) of Draco, the Chinese Hea Tsae, 210.

         Iota (ι) of Draco, various names of, 210; in China, 210; radiant of the Quadrantid meteors, 210.

         Kappa (κ) of Draco, a future pole-star, 458.

         Lambda (λ) of Draco, various names of, 210, 211; etymology of, 210; in China, 211.

         Mu (μ) of Draco, 211; names of, 211; modern location of, 211.

         Xi (ξ) of Draco, names of, 211, 212; in the Almagest of 1515, 211; Proctor and, 212; the radiant point of the Draconids, 212.

         Sigma (σ) of Draco, location of, 212; derivation of name of, 212; one of our nearest stars, 212.

         Phi (φ) of Draco, the Chinese Shaou Pih, 212.

         Chi (χ) of Draco, the Chinese Kwei She, 212.

         Psi (ψ1, ψ2) of Draco, names of, 212; the Chinese Niu She, 212; position angles of, 212.

         Omega (ω) of Draco, name of, 212; with f Draconis the Hyaena’s Claws, 212.

Draco Lesbius, 374.

Draconids, The, 212.

Drag-blod, 448.

Dragon, The. See Draco.

Dragon, several in China, 254, 264, 272, 356, 361.

Dragon (French) and Dragone (Italian), 202.

Dragon (Leo Minor), 264; (Libra), 272.

Dragon of Aetes, 246.

Dragon’s Eyes, The, 207.

Dragon’s Head, The, 207.

Dragon’s Tail, The, 206.

Dramasa, 296.

Draught Oxen, The (of the She King), 58.

Dreieck, 414.

Drossel, 418.

Drought Car, 389.

Drum or Tabor, 338.

Dsi, 276.

Dub, Dubbe, and Dubon, 423.

Ductor in Linguas (1617–1627), 15.

Dufhiza Pakhiza, 464.

Dumb-bell Nebula, 474.

Dumke, 446.

Duo Asini, 111.

Duo Corpuscula, 224.

Duo Lupi, 210.

Duo Pavones, 224.

Du Paikar, 224.

Dupuis, traces the present solar zodiac to Egypt, 19; on origin of names in Aquila, 56; et passim.

Dürer, Albrecht, his delineation of sky figures, 28, 29; of constellations, 29; et passim.

Du-shisha, 123.

Eagle, The. See Aquila.

Eagle, The (Sirius), 122.

Eagle (Lyra), 282; (Scorpio), 362.

Eagle of Military Rome, or of St. John, 57.

Ear Jewel, 366.

Earthly Trigon, The, 136.

Easy Chair, The, 162.

Ebiōring and Ebuōrung, 310.

Echidna, 247.

Echiguen, 337.

Écrevisse, 107.

Écu, or Bouchiere, de Sobieski, 373.

Eculeus, 212.

Eden, Rycharde, 12 and note; et passim.

Effigies defecta labore, 240.

Effusio Aquae, 51.

Egypt, said by some to have first given shapes and names to the star groups, 19; her early constellations of native origin, 19; present solar zodiac traced by Dupuis to, 19; the astronomy of, unscientific, 20; our ignorance of the astronomy of, 20; its connection with religion in, 20; et passim.

Egyptian X, The, 125.

Eidechse and Eidexe, 251.

Einhorn, 289.

Einsiedler, 418.

Elcorno, 450.

Electa and Electra, 406.

Elektrisir Machine, 289.

Elephant’s Tusk, 355.

Ell, Ell and Yard, or Elwand, 316.

El Taur, 384.

Elvarad, 184.

Emansor, 180.

Emperor, Dark, or Northern, 338.

Emuku Tin-tir-Ki, 468.

Engonasi, Engonasin, or Engonasis, 239.

Enoch, the inventor of the Dodecatemory divisions, 2.

Ensis, 316.

Ente-mas-murand Entena-mas-luv, 248, 276, 369.

Enzu, 140.

Eoae Atlantides, 396.

Eorosch, 181.

Ephippiatus, 323.

Epi, 1’, 466.

Epipataecus, 240.

Equerre et la Régie, 293.

Eques and Eques Stellula, 230, 446.

Equi Caput and Equiculus, 213.

Equi Praesectio and Equi Sectio, 213.

Equuleus (Eculeus), various names of, 212214; location of, 212; Hood upon, 213; formed by Hip- parchos, 213; but not published by him, 213; Ptolemy and, 213; with later astronomers, 213; in the Syntaxis, AImagest(1551), and Alfonsine Tables, 213; with the Arabians, 213; with the Hindus, 213; with the mythologists, 213; Caesius’ and Schiller’s names for, 214; culmination of, 214.

         Alpha (α) of Equuleus, names of, 214; with Beta (β) the Chinese Sze Wei, 214.

         Delta (δ) of Equuleus, astronomical facts concerning, 214.

         Epsilon (image) of Equuleus, facts concerning, 214.

Equuleus Pictoris, named and formed by La Caille, 214; other names of, 214; location of, 214; Kapteyn’s discovery in, 214.

Equulus, 213.

Equus, 213, 323.

Equus Ales and Equus dimidiatus, 323.

Equus masculus, 278.

Equus Neptunius (Argo), 66.

Equus Minor and Equus Primus, 213.

Equus Peg’asus, 323.

Equus posterior and Equus volans, 323.

Eratosthenes, and the constellations, 11; on the Centaur, 149; et passim.

Ercole, 241.

Erechtheus (Auriga), 84.

Erib-me-gali, 217.

Eridan and Eridano, 215.

Eridanus (the Milky Way), 474.

Eridanus, The River, various names of, 215217; divisions of, 215; extent of, 215; anciently regarded as of indefinite extent, 215; with modern astronomers, 215; with the Greeks, 215; in Hesiod, 215; other identifications of, 215, 216; association of, with the Heliades, 216; legend concerning, 216; Eratosthenes and the Scholiasts upon, 216; in the Alfonsine Tables, 216; La Lande and, 216; identified with the Nile and the Euphrates, 216, 217; George Smith and, 217; Landseer on, 217; among the Moors and Arabs, 217; Caesius’ name for, 217; other figurings of, 217; minor components of, 218.

         Alpha (α) of Eridanus, various names of, 217, 218; location of, 217; various writers on, 218; one of Dante’s Tre Facelle, 218; the Chinese Shwuy Wei, 218; not mentioned by Ptolemy, 218; culmination of, 218.

         Beta (β) of Eridanus, names of, 218; location of, 218; the Chinese Yuh Tsing, 218.

         Gamma (γ1) of Eridanus, names of, 218; with other components the Chinese Tien Yuen, 218.

         Eta (η) of Eridanus, names of, etc., 218, 219.

         Theta (θ) of Eridanus, names of, 219; in the Alfonsine Tables, 219; Bullialdus on, 219; Riccioli and, 219; visible in the latitude of New York in early winter, 219; Baily and, 219.

         Omicron (ο1) of Eridanus, 219.

         Omicron(ο2) of Eridanus, 220; the Abbé Hell and, 220; duplicity of, discovered by Herschel in 1783, 220; great proper motion of, 220.

         Tau (τ) of Eridanus, 220.

         Upsilon (υ1, υ2) of Eridanus, names of, 220.

Erigonaeus, 117.

Erigone, 461, 467.

Erigonius, 132.

Erigu, 59.

Ermelia, 113.

Erndtehüter, 191.

Erymanthis, 421.

Escorpiun, 363.

Etsen-tsiri, 248, 369.

Eudemos, on the sky figures, 18.

Eudoxos, author of the original prose φαίνομimageνα, 17, 18; et pasfim.

Eupeutos (or Opeutus), 140.

Euphratean astronomy, six alternat’e signs of the solar zodiac in, 1.

Eusebius, on early star literature, xv; et passim.

Eve, 291.

Exaltation of Venus, 340.

Ezor, connection of, by Hyde, with Mazzārōth, 2.

Ezra, 451.

Fa, 317.

Faelis, 220.

Fahne, 255.

Fair Star of the Waters, The, 124.

Falco sylvestris, 282.

Falling Grype, 283.

Falx Italica, 106.

Family of Aquila, 60.

Fang, 368.

Farankhand, 292.

Farshat Bath, 326.

Fasariva, 277, 473.

Fascia (the Milky Way), 3, 483.

Fastashat, 469.

Father of Light, The, 139.

Faulx, The, 51.

Fearr, 383.

Felis (Canis Minor), 131.

Felis (Faelis), formed by La Lande in 1805, 220; discontinued in charts now, 221; Proctor and, 221.

Feluco, 350.

Feng Shi, 358.

Fenice, 335.

Fera, 278.

Fera major, 420.

Fe Yu, 347.

Fiastik and Heteveny, 397.

Fides and Fidis, 281, 285.

Fidicen and Fidicula, 281, 285.

Fiery Trigon, The, 79.

Figliuola di Minoi, La, 175.

Fig-tree, The, 254.

Filia Ursae, 420.

Filiae Tabernaculi, 397.

Fiosakonur a lopti, 450.

Fire, 272.

First Star in Aries (γ Arietis), 82.

Fīrūzābādī (editor of AI Kāmūs), 52.

Fische, 336.

Fish (Uimagesa Minor), 450.

Fishes, The. See Pisces.

Fishes of Hea, or la, 337.

Fish-hook of Maui, 370.

Fiskikallar, 315.

Five Reservoirs of Heaven, 78.

Fixas, 336.

Flagella, 111.

Flame, 393.

Flamingo, The. See Grus.

Flammiger, 156.

Flamsteed, Dr. John, 14; et passim.

Fléche, 349.

Fleece, The, 20.

Fliege, 292.

Fliegende Fisch, 347.

Flock of Clusterers, 394.

Flood, The, 248.

Flumen and Fluss Eridanus, 215.

Fluvius, 215.

Fluvius Aquarii, 51.

Flying Fish, The. See Piscis Volans.

Flying Grype, The, 56.

Flying Serpent, 251.

Flying Star, The, 214, 446.

Foal, The. See Equuleus.

Focus (Ara), 62.

Fold, The, 93, 157, 449.

Fomalhaut, and variants. See under Alpha (α) of Piscis Australis, 345347.

Fong, 368.

Fontis Musarum Inventor, 321.

Food-bearer, The, 87.

Foo Chih, 165.

Foo Loo, 148.

Foo Pih, 250.

Foo Shay, 335.

Foo Sing, 446.

Foo Yue, 55.

Fore Shank, 434.

Forficulae, 361.

Former Ashādhā, 354.

Fornax Chemica (or Chymiae), names of, 221; formed by La Caille, 221; the Chinese Tien Yu, 221; Bode and, 221; the lucida of, 221; culmination of the lucida of, 221.

Fortis and Fortissimus, 307.

Fortuna (Virgo), 462.

Fortuna fort unarum, astrologers’ name for Beta (β) of Aquarius, 52.

Fossorium, 350.

Four Royal Stars, 256.

Fovea, 132.

Fox, 364.

Frederici Honores, 221; formation and other names of, 221, 222; published by Bode, 221; composition of, 221; description of, 222; seldom mentioned now, 222.

French Lilies, The, 106.

Frére, 222.

Friddo Animal, 363.

Friedrich’s Ehre, 221.

Frigge Rok, 315.

Fuebot, 315.

Fuhrmann, 83.

Fu Kwang, 368.

Füllen, 213.

Fundens latices, 46.

Fundus Vasie, 184.

Fun Mo (The Tomb), 52.

Furiosus, 247, 307.

Fusor aquae, 51.

Gabbārā, 306.

Gadjo, 136.

Galapago, 280.

Galaxy, The, or Milky Way, various names of, 474485; fanciful nomenclature of, 474; with Greek writers, 474; the Homeric figure for, 474; the Akkadian idea of, 474; Brown on this, 474, 475; with the Arimagebs, 475; among the Hebrews, 475; in China and Japan, 475; with the Hindus, 475; among Latin writers, 475; in poetry and prose, 476480; universal conception of, 476; with the Norsemen, 476; among the North American Indians, 477; among the early Hindus, 477; Patagonian idea of, 477; Anglo-Saxon figuring of, 477; Minsheu on, 477, 478; in Grimm’s Teutonic Mythology, 479; in Germany and Sweden, 479; in England and France, 480; reason for general title of, 480; Romieu on, 481; Riccioli and, 481; in China, 481; in classic folk-lore, 481; Celtic title of, 481; among the Peruvians, 482; a favorite theme in poetry, 482; ignored by early Greek writers, 483; Dante and, 483; ancient theories concerning, 483, 484; Galileo reveals character of, 484; modern knowledge of, 484, 485; opinions concerning, 485.

Galgal Hammazālōth, the Jews’ name for the zodiac, 2; meaning of, 2.

Gallina and Galina, 193, 194, 195.

Gallinelle, 400.

Gallus (the Cock), Bartsch’s asterism, 75.

‘galtā, correcdy ’Āgaltā, 429.

Gam, 76.

Gang, 393.

Ganymedes and Ganymede Juvenis, 46.

Ganymedes, of Antinoüs, 41; of Aquarius, 46.

Ganymedes Raptrix, 56.

Garafsa, 302.

Garnet Star, The, 158.

Garrulus proditor, 180.

Gate of the Gods, 136.

Gate of Men, 107.

Gateway, 275.

Gatto, 221.

Gau, 359.

Gaudium Veneris, 383.

Gawthaf, 234.

Gazelle, 444.

Gel, 366.

Gelidae Arcti, 420.

Gelidus, 135.

Gemat, 393.

Gémeaux and Gemelli, 222.

Geminae Ursae, 420.

Gemini, various names of, 222230; antiquity of name of, 222; Dante and, 222; Cowley and, 222; Owen Meredith and, 222; with Milton, 222; in classic writers, 222; individual names of, 223; Welcke and the, 223; with the Greeks, 223; in India, 223; on a Buddhist zodiac, 223; various ascriptions of, by the Jews, 223; Hyde and, 223; Julius Pollux and, 223; much uncertainty as to stellar history of name Jauzah for, 223, 224; in the 1515 Almagest and the Alfonsine Tables, 224; with the Persians, 224; Kircher and, 224; legends concerning, 224; Paulus Venetus and, 224; in the Leyden MS., 224; Caesius’ figuring of, 224; on the Denderah planisphere, 224; other representations of, 224, 225; Sayce concerning, 225; in classic days, 225; in Latin history, 225; on coinage, 225; propitious to mariners, 225; in the Fasti, 225; Gower’s term for, 225; with Horace, 225; in the Acts of the Apostles, 225; connected with the electrical phenomena of heavy weather at sea, 226; Pliny on this, 226; various references to this, 226; modern names for these phenomena, 226; Pigafetta and, 226; various poets on, 226; invoked by Greeks and Romans in war and storm, 227; with Macaulay and in Homer’s Hymn, 228; objects of adjuration in Rome, 228; and in modern slang, 228; in astrology, 228; Albumasar on, 228; regarded as connected with England, 228; events in English history attributed to, 228; in Chinese astrology, 228; Ampelius on, 228; colors of, 228; the natal sign of Dante, 228; in the Paradtso, 229; symbol of, 229; origin of the, 229; Brown and the symbol of, 229; prominent on the Euphrates, 229; the Ape of the Chinese solar zodiac, 229; Edkins on this, 229; the Chinese Yin Yang, 229; and Jidim, 229; in Ellis’ Polynesian Researches, 229; Gill upon, 229; in Australia and South Africa, 229; Aristotle and, 229; location of, 229.

         Alpha (α) of Gemini, various names of, 230- 233; with the Greeks, 230; Caesius and, 231; among the Babylonians, 231; in Assyria, 231; worship of, 231; an evil portent in astrology, 231; with the Arabians, 231; Al Tizini on, 231; Al Bīrūnī on, 231; a component of the Chinese Hoo Choo and Pih Ho, 231; other identifications of, 231, 232; location of, 232; decrease in brilliancy of, 232; culmination of, 232; in Tennyson, 232; Sir John Herschel on, 232; other astronomers and, 232; period of, 232; location and position angle of components of, 232; spectrum of, 232; Belopolsky upon, 232; nebulae near, 233.

         Beta (β) of Gemini, various names of, 233, 234; with the early Arabs, 233; in Babylonian astronomy, 233; location of, 233; 5 companions of, 233; parallax and spectrum of, 233; used in navigation, 233; in astrology, 233; Ptolemy and Bayer on, 233; in the Alfonsine Tables, 233; distance from α, 234.

         Gamma (γ) of Gemini, various names of, 234; Riccioli and, 234; in Babylonia, 234.

         Delta (δ) of Gemini, various names of, 234; the Chinese Ta Tsun, 234; near the radiant point of the Geminids, 234.

         Epsilon (image) of Gemini, 235; various names of, 235; forms part of Chinese Tung Tsing, 235.

         Zeta (ζ) of Gemini, names and variants of, 235; Lockyer upon, 235.

         Eta (η) of Gemini, various titles of, 235, 236; the Pish Pai of the Persians, 235; various astronomers on, 235; with the Arabs, 235; the Chinese Yuë, 235; in Babylonia, 235; in astrology, 235; variability of, discovered by Schmidt, 235; period and duplicity of, 235; Uranus discovered near, 236.

         Mu (μ) of Gemini, names of, 236, 237; in the dictionaries, 236; in Babylonia, 236; in China, 237.

Geminids, The, 234.

Gemini Lacones, 222.

Gemini Pisces, 337.

Geminos (the Greek author), 50; et passim.

Geminum Astrum, 222.

Geminus biformis, 151.

Gemma, Gema, and Gemma Coronae, 178.

Genam, 211.

Geniculatus, Genuflexus, and Genunixus, 240.

Geodesy, early, and Canopus, 71.

Georg’s Harfe, or Georgs Harffe, 347.

Ge Twisan, 222.

Ghamb, 231.

Ghanwand, 276.

Ghathaf, 234.

Ghav, or Gaū, 380.

Gherges, 57.

Ghezhdum, 362.

Giansar and Giauzar, 210.

Giant, The. See Orion.

Giant King of War, 354.

Gibbōr, 309.

Gibbus, 162.

Gideon’s Fleece, 265.

Gigas, 306.

Gilthead Fish, 202.

Girafe, Giraffa, and Giraffe, 106.

Girl, 399.

Girtab, 362, 369.

Gisbar-namru-sa-pan, 253.

Gisda, 385.

Gie-gan-gu-sur, 369.

Gis-mes, 255.

Gladius, 101.

Glaucus, 299, 374.

Globes, The Arabic, description of, 42; et passim.

Globes, Chilmead’s Learned Treatise on, 36.

Globus Aërostaticus, formation by La Lande, 237; position of, 237; unrecognized now, 237; published by Bode, 237; various titles of, 237.

Globus Pleiadum, 394.

Glomerabile Sidus, 393.

Gloria Frederici, 221.

Gluck Henne, 399.

Gnosia Ardor Bacchi, 176.

Gnosia Stella Coronae, 178.

God’s Eye, 385.

Goei, Koei, or Kwei, the sieu in Andromeda, 36.

Goei (or Wei), the sieu in Aquarius, 51, 327.

Goi (Capricornus), 136.

Golden Cluck Hen and her five Chicks, 399.

Golden Crown of the Ammonite King, 177.

Golden Fish, 345.

Golden Nuts, 307.

Golden Yard-arm, 316.

Gold Field, 202.

Goldfish, The. See Dorado.

Göntzol, 446.

Goodricke, John, an amateur observer, 158.

Good Messengers, 167.

Good Shepherd, The, 86.

Goose, a Roman name for Aquarius, 46.

Goose, The, 80.

Gorgonea prima, 332.

Gorgonea quarta, 335.

Gorgonea secunda and Gorgonea tertia, 334.

Gorgoneum Caput, 332.

Gorgonifer and Gorgonisue, 330.

Gorgonis Ora, 332.

Gould, Dr. A. B., 10; et passim.

Government, The, 435.

Grabstichel, 106.

Graffias (ξ Librae), 278.

Graffias and Grassias (in Scorpio), 361, 367, 371.

Grahadhāra, 456.

Grand Chien, 117.

Grande Ourse, 419.

Grand Nuage, 295.

Gratus Iaccho Crater, 183.

Great Chariot, 426.

Great Coffin, 433.

Great Dragon, The, 203.

Greater Bear, The. See Ursa Major.

Greater Cloud, The. See Nubecula Major.

Greater Dog, The, 117 et seg. See Cants Major.

Greater Fish, 345.

Great Fish, The, 200.

Great Looped Nebula, 202.

Great Nebula (Andromeda), 39; (Orion), 316.

Great Serpent, 474.

Great Spotted Bull, 424.

Great Star in Heen Yuen, The, 257.

Great Storm Bird, 181.

Greeks, The, interested in the heavens, 18; originated scientific astronomy, 19; et passim.

Greip, 119.

Griffin, or Eagle, 336.

Grigirean, 436.

Griglean and Grioglachan, 397.

Griveneecos, 111.

Groaperikie, 400.

Grosse Bär, 419.

Grosse Hund, 117.

Grosse Wasserschlange, Der, 246.

Grosse Wolke, 295.

Grotiue and star nomenclature, xi; et passim.

Grue, La, 237.

Grumium, 211, 327.

Grus, 237; an appropriate title, 237; other names for, and composition of, 237, 238; Horapollo on, 237; with the Arabians, 237; the components of, 237; Caesius on, 237; Schiller on, 237; minor components of, 238; English figurings of, 238.

         Alpha (α) of Grus, Al Tizinī’s name for, 238; the Chinese Ke, 238; location of, 238.

Grus aut Ciconia, 300.

Gu (a Water-jar overflowing), 47.

Guardene of the north pole, 459.

Guardians and Guards, 459.

Gubernaculum, 67.

Gui, 327.

Guiam, Gaiam, and Guyam, 246.

Gula, 311.

Gus-ba-ra, 257.

Gu-shi-rab-ba, 360.

Gu-shir-kes-da, 112.

Gut-an-na, 382.

Habenifer, 85.

Habens capellas (haedos, hircum, etc.), 85.

Hada Kuttya, 479.

Hadronitho Demalusche, Riccioli’s "Chaldean" title for the solar zodiac, 1; doubt as to this name, 1.

Haedi and Haedus, 90, 91.

Haemonios Arcus, 352.

Hae Shan, 155.

Hae Shih, 75.

Hafturengh Kihin, 432, 450.

Hafturengh Mihin, 432.

Hagjiler Yuli, 481.

Hailey, Dr. Edmund, 13; et passim.

Hailey Nebula, 242.

Han, 302.

Hand of Justice, 360.

Hand of the Pleiades, 144.

Handle, 431.

Hannabeah, 125.

Hans Dümken, 446.

Hapi, 381.

Hapto-iringas, 432.

Harapha, Harpa, and Hearpe, 282.

Hare (Scorpio) of China, 362.

Hare, The (of La Lande), 20, 342.

Hare, The. See Lepus.

Harmswith, 479.

Harnacaff, 144.

Harpa Georgii, 347.

Harpechruti, 224.

Harp-star, 285.

Har’undo, 350.

Harvest-keeper, The. See Custos Messium.

Hase, 264.

Hashteher, 204.

H·aimageīl, correctly Kimagesīl, 71, 125.

Hasisadra, and Delta (δ) Aquarii, 53.

Hasta, 182.

Hastorang, 256, 346.

Haupthaar, 168.

Hauritor aquae, 46.

Hauslicky na Nebi, 282.

Hea, or Hoa, 204.

Head and Tail of the Dragon, 208, 249.

Head of Medusa, 332.

Heang Low, or Kiang Leu, 78.

Heart of the Royal Lion, 256.

Hea Tae, 443.

Hea Tsae, 210.

Heavenly Chariots, The, 254.

Heavenly Dog, 184.

Heavenly Plough, 431.

Hebrew Sinner, 267.

Heels (in Sagittarius), 355.

Heft Averengh, or Heft Rengh, 432, 450.

Helenae Genitor, 193.

Hel’ice, or Hel’ike, 433, 438.

Hen, The, 192.

Hencoop and Hen with her Chickens, 399.

Heniochus (Auriga), 84.

Herculea, 350.

Hercules and Heraclus (β Geminorum), 233.

Hercules, location of, 238; one of the oldest sky figures, 238; first known to the Greeks as Engonasi, 239; various names of, 239243; origin of, mysterious, 239; other figurings of, 239; Eratosthenes on, 239; connection of, with Euphratean mythology, 239; an object of worship in Phoenicia, 239; everywhere of importance, 239; in the Tetrabiblos, 240; first found in the Catasterisms, 240; Panyasis and, 240; various other figurings of, 240243; in the 4th edition of the Alfonsine Tables, 241; Bayer and, 241; Hyde and Flammarion on, 241; general drawing of, 241; on the Farnese globe, 241; in the Leyden MS., 241; Bayer’s figuring of, 241; the Venetian illustrator of Hyginus and, 242; with the biblical school, 242; Schiller and, 242; with the Arabs, 242; the Hailey nebula situated in, 242; minor components of, 244.

         Alpha (α) of Hercules, 243; various names for, 243; with the nomads, 243; the Chinese Ti Tso, 243; a component of the Chinese Ho, 243; variability and culmination of, 243.

         Beta (β) of Hercules, various names of, 243, 244; in the Arabo-Latin Almagest, 244; Bayer and Ideler on, 244; the Chinese Ho Chung, 244; spectrum of, 244.

         Gamma (γ) of Hercules, 244; the Chinese Ho Keen, 244.

         Zeta (ζ) of Hercules, facts concerning, 244.

         Theta (θ) of Hercules, 244; the Chinese Tien Ke, 244.

         Kappa (κ) of Hercules, various titles of, 244; a component of the Chinese Tsung Tsing, 244; with the Dorians, 244; various locations of, 244.

         Lambda (λ) of Hercules, various names of, 244; Bayer and, 244; Burritt upon, 244, 245; the Chinese Chaou, 245; the vicinity of, the Apex of the Sun’s Way, changed by recent observations, 245; details concerning this, 245.

         Mu (μ) of Hercules, 245; the Chinese Kew Ho, 245.

         Nu (ν) and Xi (ξ) of Hercules, components of the Chinese Chung Shan, 246.

         Omega (ω) of Hercules, facts concerning, 246.

Herculeum Astrum, 252.

Herculeus and Herculeus Leo, 252.

Herd of Camels, 398.

Herdsman, The, 93.

Her Majesty of Denderah, 123.

Hermidone, 342.

Hermippus, 199.

Heros Tirynthiue, 241.

Heroum Sedes, 480.

Herschel, Sir John, 10; attempts to reform stellar system (1841), but unsuccessfully, 16; et passim.

Herwagen, Horwagen, and Hurwagen, 428.

Herz Karls, 116.

imageēimage, or imageēts, 350.

Hesiod, 3; et passim.

Hesiri, 120.

Hes-mut, 205.

Hesperides, 396.

Het’e wa’ne, 397.

Heu, Hiu, or , 52.

Heuen Ko, 103.

Heu Leang, 55.

Heung Woo, or Heung Wu, 22, 52.

Hewel (Hevelius), Johann, 13; et passim.

Hewitt, J. F., on Altair, 59; et passim.

Hilde Strasse, 479.

Hinde, 446.

Hind’s Crimson Star, 269.

Hindu astronomy, 20, 21; Arabic and Greek influence on, 20, 21; et Passim.

Hing Chin, 171.

Hinnulus, 213.

Hipparchos, divides zodiac, 6; names constellations, 10, 11; Pliny on, 11; date of observations of, 11; et passim.

Hippolytus, 84.

Hippopotamus, The, 20, 205.

Hircinus Sidus, 135.

Hircus, 86.

Hircus Corniger, 135.

Hirondelle, 399.

Historia Coelestis Britannica, 14.

Hiuen Hiau, 139.

Hiuen Ying, 47.

Ho, 243, 303.

Ho Choo, 231.

Ho Chung and Ho Keen, 244.

Ho Koo (α, β, γ Aquilae), 60.

Holy Innocents of Bethlehem, 203.

Homer, did not mention zodiac, 3; et passim.

Ho Neaou, 336.

Hood, Thomas (1590), xi; et passim.

Hoo She, 130.

Horace, on Aquarius, 46; et passim.

Horne, 450.

Horologium Oscillatorium, location and names of, 246; a variable component, 246; rarely mentioned, 246; on Whitall’s planisphere, 246.

Horoscope, 246.

Horoscope of the World, 108.

Horse, or Horseman (Sagittarius), 354.

Horse, The (Leo), 254.

Horseman, The (Gemini), 223.

Horse’s Head (Equuleus), 213.

Horse and his Rider, 446.

Horseshoe Nebula, 373.

Horus, 85, 307.

Horus Apollo, 434.

Horus the Elder and Horus the Younger, 224.

Hostia and Hostiola, 278.

Hounds, The, 115.

House, 340, 365.

House of Jupiter, 356.

House of Mars, 79, 364.

House of Mercury, 228, 464.

House of Saturn, 49, 136.

House of the Five Emperors, 78.

House of the Moon, 108.

House of the Sun, 252.

House of Venus, 274.

How, 301.

How Kung, 460.

Hridroga, 48.

Hrusa, 385.

Huçru, 472.

Hulde Strasse, 479.

Hunt, William Holman, and the Arab shaykh, 33.

Hunter, The. See Orion.

Hunter, The (Sirius), 122.

Hunter with his two Dogs, 423.

Hunting Dogs, The. See Canes Venatici.

Hurru, 366.

Hutabhuj, 390.

Hwa Kae, 106, 159.

Hwan Chay, 301, 302.

Hyades, The (α, θ1, θ2, γ, δ, image of Taurus), famous in classic days, 386; in mythology, 387; anciently seven, are only six now, 387; different authors give different numbers of, 387; in Homer, 387; with other Greeks, 387; various authors on, 387, 388; other Latin names for, 388; in Arabia, 389; stormy character of, 389; among the Hindus, 389; in China, 389; with the biblical school, 389; Anglo-Saxon titles of, 389.

Hyadum I and Hyadum II, 390, 391.

Hyde, Dr. Thomas, translator of the Tables of Ulug Beg, 2; inventor of the term cuneifonnes, 2 (note); translator of Al Tizinī’s work, 2; his derivation of " Mazzārōth," 2; et passim.

Hydra, of Chaldaea (Libra), 276.

Hydra, various names for, 246249; one of the Argonautic constellations, 247; in Ovid, 247; various astronomers upon, 247; in the Arabo-Latin Almagest, 247; La Lande’s title for, 247; general representation of, 247; Noctua recently added to, 248; in the constellations of the biblical school astronomy, 248; in Chinese astronomy, 248; in Hindu astronomy, 248; various components of, in Eastern star systems, 248; in Euphratean uranography, 248; in Egyptian astronomy, 248; modern extent of, 248; Gesnerand, 248; visibility of, 249; Al Sufi and, 249; minor components of, 249, 250.

         Alpha (α) of Hydra, various names of, 249; Caesius and, 249; with the Arabs, 249; Tycho’s name for, 249; in Chinese astronomy, 249; culmination of, 249.

         Beta (β) of Hydra, with Xi (ξ), the Chinese Tsing Kew, 249.

         Epsilon (image) of Hydra, facts concerning, 249.

         Iota (ι) of Hydra, the Chinese Ping Sing, 249.

         Kappa (κ) of Hydra, with others, Al Sufi’s Al Sharāsīf, 249.

         Xi (ξ) of Hydra, with Beta (β), the Chinese Tsing Kew, 249.

Hydra et Corvus et Crater, 183.

Hydra et Crater and Hydra et Corvus, 247.

Hydre, 246.

Hydre Male, 250.

Hydridurus, Hydrochoös, and Hydrochoüs, 46.

Hydros and Hydrus, 247.

Hydrus, distinct from Hydra, 250; position and other names of, 250; in the nomenclature of the biblical school, 250; in Chinese astronomy, 250; β the lucida of, 250.

Hyre’ides, Hyriades, and Hyriea proles, 308.

Iasides, 156.

Iasonia Carina (Argo), 66.

Ibis, or Swan, 353.

Ibis, White, The, emblem of Egyptian zodiac, 2.

Ibn Ezra. See A ben Ezra.

Icarii Boves, 95.

Icarium Astrum and Icarius, 118, 132.

Icarus, or Icarius, 95, 132.

Ichiguen, 337.

Ichthues, 337.

Ideler, on star-names, xi; translator of imageazwīnī, xvi; on origin of the constellations, 22; et Passim.

Idra, ldrus, and Idrus Aquaticus, 246, 247.

Idχu, 276.

Idχu Zamama, 56, 59.

Ighnuna, 276.

Ignitabulum (Ara), 62.

Ignota Facies, 240.

Ihlilagji, 450.

Ikhma, 318.

I-ku and l-ku-u (α Arietis), 8o; (Aldebaran), 385.

Ilderim, Shaykh, in Ben Hur, xii.

Illuminator of the Great City, 354.

Imago laboranti similis, 241.

Imbrifer, 135.

Imbrifer Duo Pisces, 337.

Imma, 47.

Imperial Chariot, 181.

Inachides, 330.

Inachis, 379.

Incalurus, 105.

Incensus, 156.

Incumbens in genibus, 240.

Incurvatus in genu, 240.

Indian, The. See Indus.

Indianer, Indiano, and Indien, 250.

Indus, other names of, 250, 251; figuring and location of, 250, 251; one of Bayer’s new constellations, 250; with Flamsteed, 250; Schiller and, 251; the Chinese Pe Sze, 251.

Inflammatus, 156.

Ingenicla Imago and Ingeniclus, 240.

Ingeniculatus and Ingeniculus, 240.

Inkalunis, 105.

Inner Throne of the Five Emperors, 156.

Innum, an Akkadian name for the solar zodiac, 1.

Insidiata, 365.

Inthronata, 143.

Invakā and Invalā, 319.

Io, 379.

Ire’ne, 463.

Iringes Uueg, Weg, or Wec, 478.

Irmines Wagen, 428.

Isaac, 267.

Ishi, 276.

Ishmael, 353.

Isis, 366, 381, 462.

Isis (Mu (μ) of Canis Major), 131.

Isis (Hathor, Sati, Satit, Sot his), 123, 124, 205.

Isis (Taurt Isis), 208.

Istar, or Ishtar, 463.

Iimageus Trikāimageimageā, 315.

Ittha, 338.

Ivy Wreath, 171.

‘Iyūthā, 87, 385.

Ixion, 241.

Jabhah, Al, the 8th manzil, 257, 259.

Jackal, 324.

Jackal of Set, 450.

Jack on the Middle Horse, 446.

Jacob (Auriga), 86; (on the face of the moon), 267; (Orion), 310.

Jacob, allegorical images of his blessing the signs of the Via Solis, 2.

Jacob’s Rod and Jakob Stab, 315.

Jaculum, 350.

Jagdhunde, 114.

Jakob’s Strasse and Jakob’s Weg, 479.

Janitor Lethaeus, 118.

Japan, ideas in, as to purpose of stars, 22.

Jason, 299.

Jidim, 229.

Jih, 278, 328.

Jin Ma, 356.

Jiray, 231.

Joachim and Anna, SS., 162.

Joash, the King of Israel, 352.

Job, 251.

Job’s Coffin, 200.

Joculator, 353.

John of Trevisa, on Aquarius, 48.

John the Baptist, as Aquarius, 6, 46.

Joo Tseo, 321.

Jordan, The, 217.

Jordanus, 115.

Joseph, the dream 1, and the zodiac, 2.

Joseph the Patriarch, 382.

Josephus, connects the 12 stones of the high priest’s breastplate with the 12 signs of the zodiac, 2; supported by St. Clement of Alexandria, 2; declares Abraham famous for celestial observations, 2; says Abraham taught the Egyptians, 2.

Joshua, 310.

Jostandis, 144.

Jovis Ales, Jovis Nutrix,or Armiger (Aquila), 56.

Jovis et Junonis Sidus, 252.

Jovis Nutrix (Capella), 86.

Jovis Sidus (Aries), 78.

Judas Iscariot, 267.

Judas Thaddaeus (Aquarius), 46.

Juga, 272.

Jugula and Jugulae, 111, 306, 315.

Jugum (Lyra), 282, 287.

Jugum. See Libra.

Jui, or Tui, 317.

Juka, 272.

Julius Caesar, his need of an astronomer in refoi ing the calendar, 19; compelled to call the Greek Sosigenes to his aid, 19.

Junckfraw and Jungfrau, 460.

Junonis astrum, 49.

Jupiter Ammon and Jupiter Libycus (Aries), 78.

Justa, or Justitia, 462.

Juvenca Inachia, 379.

Juvenis and Juvenis gerens aquam, 46.

Juvenis Aequoreus, 156.

Jyesthā, 366.

Kabarnit, or Karbana (α Carinae), 67, 68.

Kae Uh, 55.

Kahi Nub, 68.

Kaht, 343.

Kak-ban, 123.

Kakkab Bir, 366.

Kakkab Dan-nu, 470.

Kakkab Kasti, 123.

Kakkab Kastu, 354.

Kakkab Kua, 260.

Kakkab-Lik-ku, 123.

Kakkab Mulu-izi, 471.

Kakkab Nammaχ, 52.

Kakkab Paldara (Pallika, or Palura), 134.

Kakkab Sar, 311, 318.

Kakkab Su-gub Gud-Elim, 279.

Kak-shidi, or Kak-shisha (Sirius), 122.

Kak-shisa (Antares), 366.

Kalakang, 108.

Kal-bu and Kal-bu Sa-mas, 123.

Kalevan Miekka, 315.

Kalitsah, 421.

Kallieto (Callisto), 421.

Kalpeny, 52.

Kamān (Sagittarius), 352.

Kang, 473.

Kang Che, 100.

Kang Ho, 106.

Kannae, 463.

Kanya and Kauni, 463.

Kaou Pih, 202.

Kapi, 156, 434.

Karka and Karkatan, 108.

Karlseiche, 349.

Karls Vagn,.427.

Karl Wagen, 428.

Karteek, or Kartiguey, 392.

Kāsah Shekesteh, 176.

Kash-shud Sha-ka-tar-pa, 303.

Kathaca, 108.

Katze, 221.

Kaurba and Kaurpya, 363.

Kazhdūm, 362.

imageazwīnī, on star-names, xiv; et passim.

Ke, 238.

Keats, on Aquarius, 55; et passim.

Keen Pi, 372.

Keeper, 355.

Keepers, 438.

Ke Kwan, 155, 279.

Kelbā Gabbārā, incorrectly Kelbo Gavoro, 119.

Kelebh hannābāh, 93.

Kennel Corner of the Barking Dogs, 464, 466.

Keo, 318.

Keok, or Guik, 468.

Kepler, edits Tycho’s catalogue, 13; etpassim.

Kepler’s Star, 300.

Kertko, 352.

Ke Seuen Ke, 438.

imageesheth and imageeshtā, 352.

Kimagesīl, 71, 125, 308, 312, 362, 385.

Keuen She, 333.

Keu Hea, 110.

Kew Heang, 473.

Kew Ho, 245.

Kew Yew, 219, 360.

Keyhole Nebula, The, surrounding η Carinae, 74.

Khachman, 370.

Khambalia, 472.

Khamshish, 255.

Kharthian, 366.

Khatsar, 53.

Khawiya, 315.

Khem, 331.

Khigalla, 234.

Khoritos, 467.

Khosha, or Khusāk, 463.

Khonsu, and Canopus, 70.

Khumba (Kumbaba), 48.

Ki (sieu), 355, 358; in Babylonia, 464.

Kien Mun, 248.

Kien Sing, 359.

Killukturset, 397.

Kimā and Kīmāh, 385, 389, 393.

Kim-mut, 204.

Kimtu, or Kimmatu, 393.

King, C. W., on symbols of signs, 49.

King David’s Chariot, 426.

King David’s Harp, 282.

King’s Horse, 214.

King Solomon, 157.

Kin Neu, 381.

Kin Yu, 202.

Kió, 468.

Kircher, Athanasius, 3; et passim.

Kislev, 309.

Kit, 355.

Kite, 363.

Klaria, 311.

Kleine Bär, 447.

Kleine Hund, Der, 131.

Kleine Löwe, 263.

Kleine Pferd, 213.

Kleine Wasserschlange, Der, 250.

Kleine Wolke, 295.

Klusos, a Coptic lunar station, 318.

Kneeling Camel, The, 144.

Knife, 253.

Ko, the ancient 22d sieu, 52.

Koei, or Kwei, 338.

Koirūghi and Uzun Koirūghi, 362.

Kolanza, 101.

Koleōn, the Coptic Musca Borealis, 292.

Koo Low, 154.

Koo She, 73.

Korneforos, Kornephoros, Kornephorus, 243.

Ko Sing, Tycho’s nova, 147.

Ko Taou, 144.

Kow and Kow Kwo, 360.

Kow Ching, 437.

Kow Kin, 372.

Kranich, Der, 237.

Kratu (α Ursae Majoris), 437.

Krebs, or Krippe, 107.

Kreuz, 184.

Krittikā, 292, 392.

Kriya (Aries), 78.

Kshīra,the Hindu Galaxy, 475.

Ku. See Iku.

Kuen She, 130.

Kuen Tsing, 268.

Kugha, Aquarius in Turkey, 47.

Kuh, 142.

Kulira, 108.

Kullat Nūnu, 343.

Kung, 5, 110.

Kurra, 181.

Kusam, the ancient 11th sieu, 182.

Kut, 110.

Kuton, a Coptic lunar station, 36, 343.

Ku-ur-ku (Seat of Flowing Waters), 47.

Kuzi (Aries), 78.

Kwa Chaou, 200.

Kwan, 439.

Kwan Kew, 290.

Kwan Soo, 177.

Kwan Wei, 114.

Kwei, the 6th sieu, 110; in Ursa Major, 435.

Kwei She, 212.

La Caille, charts of, 14; on Argo, 64; et passim.

Lacerta, names and formation of, 251; figurings and components of, 251; location of, 251; Hevelius and, 251; part of the Chinese Flying Serpent, 251.

         Beta (β) of Lacerta, the radiant point of the Lacertids, 251.

Lacertids, The, 251.

Lace-work Nebula, The, 195.

Laconian Key, 143.

Ladder, 479.

Ladle, 436.

Ladon, ‘204.

Lake of Fullness (Aries, Taurus, Gemini), 78.

La Lande, his constellations, 14; et passim.

Lamash (Denebola in Babylonia), 258.

Lamp and Lampe als Nuru, 273, 274.

Lampadas (the Hyades), 388.

Lanceator, 97.

Lance-star (Antares or Procyon), 366.

Landseer, John, 17 (see also note); author of Sabaean Researches, 17.

Lang Hoo (Sirius), 125.

Lang Tseang and Lang Wei (stars of Coma), 171.

Laniger (Aries), 76.

Lanx meridionalis andseptentrionalis, 275, 276.

Laocoön (Ophiuchus), 299.

Laou Jin (Canopus), 71.

La Place, on origin of sky figures, 16; et passim.

Lar (Ara), 62.

Larmes de Saint Laurent, 335.

Laterak, 471.

Latrator Anubis (Sirius), 121.

Latter Ashādhā, the 19th nakshatra, 354.

Lazy Team, 453.

Leaders of the Celestial Host, 337.

Leaena (Leo Minor), 263; (Lupus), 278.

Leang (δ Ophiuchi), 302.

Lebre and Lepre, 264.

Ledaean Lights and Ledaean Stars, 222.

Ledaei Fratres and Ledaeum Sidus, 222.

Ledaei Juvenes, 223.

Lee Sze, 303.

Lëen Taou, 288.

Left Eye, The (Aldebaran), 384.

Leg, The, 145.

Lei (a Tear), 54.

Leier, 280.

Lenkutch, 108.

Leo marinus, 278.

Leo (Cetus), 162.

Leo, various names of, 252255; location of, 252; Ptolemy and, 252; in classic myth, 252; with Ovid and Manilius, 252; the emblem of heat, 252; in astrology, 252; with ancient physicians, 252; in meteorology, 253; Pliny upon, 253; referred toon the walls of the Ramesseum at Thebes, 253; figured on the Denderah planisphere, 253; partly included in the Egyptian stellar Lion, 253; Eastern titles of, all mean Lion, 253; tribal sign of Judah, 253; Landseer on this, 253; in figurings of the biblical school, 253; on Ninevite cylinders, 253; in other Eastern systems, 253; Hewitt and, 253; always identified with the sun, 253; in heraldry, 254; different from the early Arabic Asad, 254; with early Hindu astronomers, 254; in Arabian astronomy, 254; in the Chinese solar zodiac, 254; adopted by China in 16th century, 254; symbol of, 254; derivation of symbol of, 254; hieroglyph of, among the symbols of Mithraic worship, 255; on coinage, 255; drawings of, 255; minor components of, their locations and names, 265.

         Alpha (α) of Leo, various names of, 255258; origin of names, 255; in Babylonian, Hindu and Sogdian astronomy, 255; in Persian astronomy, 255, 256; among the Turanians, 256; in Akkadia, 256; at Nineveh, 256; in Arabia, Greece, and Rome, 256; with Pliny, 256; in European astronomy, 256; with Tycho, 256; with Dupuis, 256; in early times indicated the solstitial colure, 256; in English astrology, 256; with Willyam Salysbury, 256; with Al Bīrūnī, 256; with Bayer and others, 256; in Eupratean astronomy, 257; in Khorasmia, 257; with Horace, 257; prominent among lunar-mansion stars, 257; a component of the Arabian Al Jabhah, 257; in Chinese astronomy, 257; ancient importance of, 257; faintest of 1st-magnitude stars, 257; spectrum and parallax of, 257; observed in navigation, 257; location and culmination of, 257; position of companion of, 258.

         Beta (β) of Leo, various names of, 258, 259; with Bayer, Chilmead, Schickard, and Riccioli, 258; with Nubian astrologers, 258; in the Alfonsine Tables. 258; with Proctor and others, 258; in Arabian astronomy, 258; with Al Bīrūnī, 258; part of the nakshatra Uttara Phalgunī, 258; in Hindu and Chinese and Babylonian astronomy, 258; Euphratean names of, 258; with the Sogdians and Khorasmians, 259; in Persia, 259; with Hewitt, 259; part of Asphulia, 259; in astrology, 259; spectrum and location of, 259; culmination of, 259; a component of the Diamond of Virgo, 259.

         Gamma (γ) of Leo, other names of, 259; with Smyth, 259; brightest member of Al Jabhah, 259; Herschel and, 259; velocity and spectrum of, 260.

         Delta (δ) of Leo, various names of, 260; with Ulug Beg, 260; a component of the manzil Al Zubrah, 260; a component of the nakshatra Pūrva Phalgunī, 260; in various Eastern systems, 260; spectrum and velocity of, 260; Flamsteed and, 260 .

         Epsilon (image) of Leo, various names of, 260, 261; a component of Al Ashfār, 260; location of, in Babylonian astronomy, 260; with the Chinese, 261.

         Zeta (ζ) of Leo, various names of, 261; a component of the manzil Al Jabhah, 261; proximity of, ιo radiant point of the Leonids, 261.

         Theta (θ) of Leo, various names of, 262.

         Iota (ι) of Leo, details concerning, 262.

         Kappa (κ) of Leo, details concerning, 262.

         Lambda (λ) of Leo, details concerning, 263.

         Mu (μ) of Leo, various names of, and details concerning, 263.

Leo Minor, various names of, 263; formed by Hevelius, 263; with Proctor, 263; other astronomers and, 264; in China, 264; on the Denderah planisphere, 264.

Fl. 46, names of, and details concerning, 264.

Leoncino, 263.

Leone and Leun, 252.

Leonids, The, location of, 261; date of appearance of, 261; probable first notice of, 261; number of known revolutions of, 261; Theophanes and, 261; with Professor Newton, 261; with Oppolzer and Leverrier, 261; other details concerning, 261, 262; Milton’s allusion to, 262.

Leopard (Ursa Minor), 450.

Leopardus, cited by La Lande for Lupus, 278.

Lepus, various names of, 264268; Aratos and, 264; legends concimageming, 264268; among the Romans, 265; with the Arabs, 265; Riccioli and, 265; with imageazwīnī, 265; Hommel and, 265; in Egyptian astronomy, 265; with the Chinese, 265; with Caesius and with Schiller, 265; on the Denderah planisphere, 265; Aelian and, 265; Brown on the location of, 266; connected with the moon in Eastern tradition and legend, 266267; in scriptural simile, 267; in poetry, 267, 268.

         Alpha (α) of Lepus, various names of, 268; other details concerning, 269.

         Beta (β) of Lepus, names and details of, 296.

Lernaeus (Cancer), 107; (Serpens), 374.

Lesser Bear, The. See Ursa Minor.

Lesser Dog, The. See Canis Minor.

Lesser Lion, The. See Leo Minor.

Lesser Waterman, The, 51.

Leu, or Low, the 27th sieu, 82.

Level and Square. See Norma.

Leviathan (Cetus), 162; (Delphinus), 200.

Levriers, 114.

Leya and Leyaya, 254.

Lézard, 251.

Libella, 293.

Libra, other names of, 269; with the Greeks, 269; anciently associated with Scorpio, 269; in classic and modern poetry, 270272; various Greek names for, 272; the Roman Jugum, 272; in Indian astronomy, 272; in Chinese astronomy, 272; its origin, 273; in Eastern astronomy, 273; date of, uncertain, 273; symbol of, 273; Miss Clerke upon, 273, 274; with Brown, 274; in modern and classical astrology, 274, 275; influence of, on commerce, 274; with devout heathen and in the biblical school’s nomenclature, 275; other details concerning, 275; minor components of, and details concerning them, 278.

         Alpha (α1, α2) of Libra, various names of, 275; in Greek astronomy, 275; with Beta of Libra forms the mananzil Al Zubānah, 275; in Hindu astronomy, 275; in Chinese astronomy, 276; in Babylonian astronomy, 276; in Euphratean and Chaldaean nomenclature, 276; location and culmination of, 276.

         Beta (β) of Libra, various titles of, 276; in Babylonian astronomy, 276; Jensen and Brown on, 276; Ptolemy concerning, 276; Hind on this, 276; Professor Young on decrease in brightness of, 277; color, spectrum, and velocity of, 277.

         Delta (δ) of Libra, names and details of, 277.

         Eta (η) of Libra, location and names of, 277.

         N. G. C. 5904, location of, 277; discovered by Kirch in 1702, 277; details concerning, 277.

Licorne and Liocorno, 289.

Lieu and Liu, the 7th sieu, 248.

Liévre, 264.

Light of the Pleiades, 403.

Lik bar-ra, or Ur-bar-ra, 325.

Li Kung, 329.

Līlīth, the star Algol, 332.

Limbus Textilis, 3.

Lince, 279.

Lineal, 293.

Ling Tae, 263.

Linnunrata, the Galaxy in Finland, 479.

Linum boreum and austrinum, 342.

Linx, or Luchs, 279.

Lion, The (Leo), 252; (the early Asad), 464.

Lion, The, of Egypt, 20.

Lion, Le, 252.

Lion’s Heart, The (Regulus), 256.

Lion’s Tail, in Scorpio, 370.

Lira, 280.

Lis, or Fleur de Lis, 292.

Li Shih, 412.

Litli Vagn, 450.

Litoreus, 107.

Little Camels, 384.

Little Dipper, The (Pleiades), 397; (Ursa Minor), 451.

Little Fox with the Goose, 473.

Little Horse, The. See Equuleus.

Little Lion (l Leo Minoris), 264.

Lizard, The. See Lacerta.

Loadstar and Lodestar, 455.

Lobster, The, 109.

Lochium Funis and Logleine, in Argo, 65.

Long Blue Cloud-eating Shark, 482.

Longfellow, on Dante’s Fortuna Major, 48, 49.

Loo Sieu, 142.

Lora, 85.

Lord of Canals, 47.

Los, 425.

Loup, 278.

Low, in Ara, 63.

Löwe, 252.

Lubdhaka, 119.

Lucertola, 251.

Lucida Cassiopea, 146.

Lucidus Anguis, 374.

Ludentes and Ludiones, 459.

Luft Ball and Luft Ballon, 237.

Lugal Tudda (Antares), 366.

Luh Kea, 106.

Lu-lim, or Lu-nit (in Aries), 80.

Lu Lim (in Virgo), 470, 472.

Lunar Mansions, their connection with Mazzārōth, 2; their part in observational astronomy, 7; position of, 7; astrological characters of, 7; antiquity of, 7; composition of, 7; number of, 7; origin of, 8; Hindu name for the, 8; Arabic term for the, 8; alluded to in the imageuimageān, 8; Whitney and Newton on the, 8; Biot on the, 8; Clerke on the, 8; Al Bīrūnī on the, 8; scriptural allusions to, 9; Chinese name for, 9; the, in Japan, 9; various national forms of the, 9; et passim.

Lüneburg Horse, 323.

Lupa, Lupo, and Lupus, 278.

Lupus, various names of, 278, 279; origin of name of, 278; with the Greeks and Latins, 278; various astronomical writers and, 278; with the Arabians, 278; Euphratean correspondent of, 278; with Caesius and Hyde, 278, 279; Aratos on, 279; described by Eratosthenes, 279; in mythology, 279; Schiller and, 279; antiquity and inconspicuousness of, 279; location of, 279; components of, and names and details concerning them, 279.

Lura, 284.

Lutaria, 283.

Lute-bearer, or Repā, The, 20, 468.

Luy Pei Chen, or Chin, 48, 55, 141.

Luy Tien, 328.

Lycaon (Boötes), 94; (Hercules), 240.

Lycaonia Arctos and Puella, 421.

Lycisca, 278.

Lynx or Tiger. See Lynx sive Tigris.

Lynx sive Tigris, other names of, 279, 280; modern figure of, due to Hevelius, 280; its numerous doubles its noticeable feature, 280; Professor Young upon, 280; culmination of, 280.

FI. 31, names of, and details concerning, 280.

Lyra, various names of, 280284; derivation of name of, 280, 281; in Greece, 281; in English and classic poetry, 281, 283; with Ovid and Manilius, 281; in Persian and Arabian nomenclature, 281; in European astronomy, 282; with the biblical school, 282; other figurings of, 282; associated with a bird, 282; various writers on this, 282, 283; with Aratos, 283; Greek designations of, adopted in Arabia, 283, 284; antiquity of name and figure of, 284; testimony of ancient coinage to this, 284; figurings of, in ancient writings, 284; location of, and details concerning, 284; minor components of, and their names, 288.

         Alpha (α) of Lyra, various names of, 284286; origin of Arabic title of, 284; among the Greeks and Latins, 284, 285; with Cicero, Columella, and Pliny, 285; importance of, with the Romans, 285; Sayce and, 285; with Brown, 285; with the Chinese, 285; in Hindu astronomy, 285; in Egyptian astronomy, 286; Hewitt and Lockyer on, 286; will be the Polaris of 13400 A. D., 286; remoteness of, 286; location of, 286; after Sirius the most prominent of Sirian-type stars, 286; velocity of, and theory concerning, 286; with the Arabs, 286; culmination of, 286.

         Beta (β) of Lyra, names of, 287; location of, 287; in China, 287; changes in brilliancy of, 287; spectrum of, 287; theory concerning, 287.

         Gamma (γ) of Lyra, names of, 287; location of, 287.

         Epsilon (image1, image2; FI. 4, FI. 5) of Lyra, "Double- Double" character of, 288; details concerning, 288.

         N. G. C. 6720, date of discovery by Darquier, 287; details concerning, 287, 288.

Lyra Arionis, 281.

Lyrae Testudo, 284.

Lyraids, The, details concerning, 284.

Lyre and Lyre of Zurah, 280, 281.

M-a-a-su, 369.

Ma-a-tu, 88.

Ma’at, 286.

Maceris, 240.

Machina Electrica, position of, 289; generally omitted now, 289.

Machina Elettrica and Machine Electrique, 289.

Macula Magellani, 191.

Maeden, 460.

Maenalis Arctos and Maenalis Ursa, 421.

Maera, 175.

Maforte, 85.

Magdalen, on the face of the moon, 267.

Magellanic Clouds, The. See Nubeculae.

Magellan Patches, 294.

Magh and Maghā, 254, 255, 257.

Maghan sadwis, 366.

Magi, a fancied figure for Orion’s Belt, 316.

Magna minorque ferae (the Bears), 420.

Magnanimus, 247.

Magnus (Canis Major), 118.

Mahar-sha hi-na Shahu, 141.

Mah Fuh, 154.

Mahīk (Pisces), 337.

Mahrū-sha-rishu-ku, 82.

Mahu, 294.

Maia, Maja, and Majja, 405.

Maia-rati, Masarati, and Masrati, 481.

Maiden of the Wheat-field, 461.

Makhar (Capricornus), 139; (Delphinus), 200.

Malerstaffelei, 214.

Malica and Melica, 240.

Malus (in Argo), 64.

Mandorla, 187. See note.

Manger of the Infant Saviour, 282.

Manger, The, or Crib, 109, 113.

Manilius, 32 (note); et passim.

Manilius (Hercules), 241.

Mansion of Kings, 137.

Mantellum, or Mantile, 54.

Mantile (in Orion), 320.

Many Stars, The, 20, 171.

Manzil and Manazil, 8; et passim.

Mao, Maou, or Mau, 393, 405.

Mardūk, 32, 382.

Marezānā, 318.

Margarita Coronae, 178.

Marīci, 441.

Marina (Lyra), 283.

Mariner’s Compass, The. See Pyxis Nautica.

Marius, Simon, the De Mundo Joviali of, 39; re-observes the Great Nebula in Andromeda, 39; names 4 satellites of Jupiter, 39.

Markhashik, 303.

Martis Sidus, 364.

Martius, 278.

Martyr, Peter, 12 (note); 14 (note); et passim.

Maru-sha-arkat-sharru, 263.

Maru-sha-pu-u-mash-mashu, 235.

Mary Magdalene (Cassiopeia), 145.

Masathā and Masathre, 273.

Mashaha, 469.

Mash-mashu-arkū, 233.

Mash-mashu-sha-Risū, 234.

Mashtawand, 53.

Mas-mas and Mash-mashu-Mahrū, 231, 234.

Massa Gallinae, 399.

Mas-tab-ba, 470.

Mas-tab-ba-gal-gal, 231, 393.

Mas-tab-ba-tur-tur, 234, 318.

Masu, 256.

Masu Sar, 366.

Matariki and Matarii, 400.

Mater Ple’ione, 408.

Mauer Quadrant, 348.

Mavors, 85.

Ma Wei, 154.

Maximus Anguis, 204.

Mayer, Johann Tobias, 37; discovers duplicity of Gamma (γ) of Andromeda, 37.

Mazlātha, 315.

Mazzālōth, the Targums’ form of Mazzārōth, 2, 315.

Mazzārōth, origin of the biblical word, 2; form of, in the Targums, 2; Hyde’s derivation of, 2; Dillmann’s derivation of, 2; various renderings and derivations of, 2; various applications of this word, 125, 315, 389, 429, 481.

Mea, 405.

Meanmnach, 397.

Media, 358.

Medusa, 462.

Meen Too, 160.

Meih Fung, 291.

Melanippe and Menalippe, 323.

Melicartus and Melicerta, 240.

Melkarth, 239.

Melkpath, 479.

Melius, 241.

Melo, 216.

Mena, or Menat, 20, 100, 366.

Menalo, 290.

Mena’s Followers and Mena’s Herald, 20.

Mendes, 138.

Mensa, 291.

Mercator, Gerardus, the globes of, 13.

Mercurialis, 281.

Mercurii Sidus, 108.

Me’re, 122.

Merga and Marrha, 106.

Mer’ope, 406.

Merops (Aquila), 56.

Mesχet, 434.

Mesha, 78.

Mes-ri-e, 123.

Messier, Le, 191.

Mes-su, 260.

Mi and Vi, 369.

Miaplacidus and Maiaplacidus (β Carinae), 72.

Michael, the archangel (Ursa Major), 435.

Microscopium, formed by La Caille, 289; location and culmination of, 289; in early German astronomy, 289; with Brown and Flammarion, 289.

Midhunam and Mithuna, 223.

Mielan circul zodiacum, 4.

Mietitore, 191.

Mikid-isati, 259.

Milch Strasse, 479.

Milk Dipper, 356.

Milky Way, The. See Galaxy.

Milton, and the earth’s axis, 4; et passim.

Minamref, 370.

Minerva, 462.

Ming t’ang, 365.

Minoia Corona and Minoia Virgo, 174.

Minor, Proctor’s name for Ursa Minor, 453.

Minor Cloud, The. See Nubecula Minor.

Minotaur, The (Centaurus), 150, 151.

Minotaurus (Sagittarius), 352.

Minsheu, John, 15; et passim.

Mira and Stella Mira, 164.

Mirror, 138.

Missile and Missore, 350.

Mithraic Bull, 382.

Mithras, 331.

Mitre of Saint Peter, 415.

Mixing-bowl, 183.

Miyan (lunar station), 35; (Regulus), 255.

Miznaim and Moznayim, 273.

Mizrātā, names of signs in the Creation Legend, 2; word similar to, appears for the Milky Way, 2; supposed to be original of the biblical Mazzārōth, 2; also of Mazzālōth, the form used in the Targums, 2; probable meaning of, 2.

Mo, Mu, Niu, Nü, or Woo Nieu, 54.

Mochos, 272.

Moist Daughters, 387.

Mo Ki, 139.

Mol, 393.

Monius, 47.

Monoceros, various names of, 289, 290; location of, 289; with Proctor, 290; of modern origin, 290; various writers concerning, 290; in China, 290; culmination of, 290; FI. 30 of, 290.

Mons Maenalus, position of, and formation by Hevelius, 290; other names of, 290; possible origins of, 290, 291; Landseer’s representation of, 290; Hewitt and, 290; culmination of, 291.

Mons Menelaus, 290.

Mons Mensae, various names of, 291; formation of, by La Caille, 291; location of, and origin of name of, 291; Gould and, 291; now Mensa, 291.

Monstrum and Monstrum audax, 204.

Monstrum marinum, 162.

Monstrum mirabile, 204.

Montagne de la Table and Monte Tavola, 291.

Months, Akkadian names of, connected with divisions of the zodiac, 1.

Montone, the Aries of Dante, 77.

Morus, 132.

Mosca Australe, 291, 292.

Moses (Aquarius), 46; (Ophiuchus), 299.

Mosquito Net (the Pleiades), 397.

Mouche, 292.

Mouche Australe ou Indienne, 291.

Mouth, 355.

Mouth of the Horne, 459.

Mriga (Makara, Makaram, Makra), 138.

Mriga, a Hindu figure of Orion, 309.

Mrigaçiras and Mrigaçirshā, 315, 318.

Mrigavyādha (Canis Major), 119.

Mufrid, 104.

Mūlā, 370.

Mulban, 354.

Mulda, 216.

Mülen Weg, 479.

Mulier Catenata, 32.

Mulier Sedis, 143.

Mul-lik-ud, 123.

Multiplication Table, 397.

Multuns (Aries), 75.

Mulu Bat (ι Virginis), 473.

Mulubat (in Ophiuchus), 302.

Mulu-izi, 276, 473.

Mulus Clitellatus (Auriga), 84.

Mummu Tiāmut (Corvus or Crater), 183.

Munaχa, a Euphratean lunar asterism in Aquarius, 54; in Capricornus, 139.

Mundi Templum (Ara), 63.

Mural Quadrant, The. See Quadrans Muralis.

Muru, 59.

Mus and Musculus, 283.

Musator, 350.

Musca Australis, location and other names of, 291; origin of title of, 291; composition and culmination of, 291; with the Chinese, 291; with Schiller, 291.

Musca Borealis, formation, position, and other names of, 292; components and culmination of, 292; origin of present title obscure, 292; not generally recognized, 292; Ptolemy and, 292; Royer’s figuring of, 292.

Muscida, 327.

Musicum Signum, 199.

Mut, 209.

Mu-sir-kes-da, 233.

Mutatrix, 258.

Mylke way and Mylke whyte way, 476.

Myrtilus (Auriga), 84; (Cygnus), 193.

Na Ainanu, 229.

Naaman, a 16th-century name for Aquarius, 46.

Nagar-asagga, 108.

Nagavithi, 477.

Nahi, 136.

Nahn, 114.

Nail of the Crucifixion, 351.

Nakshatras, The, 8; et passim.

Nan-garu, 108.

Nan Hae, 376.

Nan Ho, 134.

Nan Mun, 153.

Nan Tow, 355.

Naos, 73.

Napoleon, 315.

Narrow Cloudy Train of Female Stars, 391.

Nasēdha, 399.

Nave Argo and Navire Argo, 64.

Navigatoria, 455.

Navigium Praedatorium, 66.

Navis Jasonis, 66.

Naxius Ardor, 176.

Neaou Chuy, 418.

Nebuchadrezzar (Centaurus), 151.

Nebula, The Great (Andromeda), 39; (Orion), 316.

Nebulae and Clusters: N. G. C. 224, 31 M., the Great Nebulain Andromeda, 39, 40; 221, 32 M., in Andromeda, 40; 7009 Saturn Nebula in Aquarius, 54; 3372 Keyhole Nebula in Carina of Argo, 74; 2632, 44 M., cluster image Cancri, the Beehive, 112114; 5272, 3 M., clusterin Canes Venatici, 116; 5194, 51 M., Spiral Nebula in Canes Venatici, 116, 117; 5139 cluster ω Centauri, 155; 4254, 99 M., Pin-wheel Nebula in Coma Berenices, 172; 4755 cluster around κ Crucis, 191; 6960 Lacework Nebula in Cygnus, 195; 2070 Great Looped Nebula, 30 Doradūs, 202; 6205, 13 M., cluster in Hercules, 242; 5904, 5 M., cluster in Libra, 277; 6720, 57 M., Ring Nebula in Lyra, 287, 288; the Nubeculae, 294, 295; 1976, 42 M., the Great Nebula in Orion, 316, 317; 1982, 43 M., in Orion, 317; 884 and 869, clusters, the Sword-hand of Perseus, 334; 6523, 8 M., nebulain Sagittarius, 359; 6603, 24 M., Delle Caustiche, in Sagittarius, 359; 6514, 20 M., the Trifid Nebula in Sagittarius, 359; the Cloud Nebula in Scorpio, 367; 6093, 80 M., in Scorpio, 368; 6 M. in Scorpio, 370; 6475, 7 M., in Scorpio, 370; 6705, 11 M., in Scutum, 373; 6618, 17 M., Ω or Horseshoe Nebula, or Swan Nebula, in Scutum, 373, 374; 1555 in Taurus, 391; 1952, 1 M., the Crab Nebula in Taurus, 391; the Pleiades Nebulae, 406, 412; the first photograph of a nebula, 416; 104, Bode’s, 47; cluster in Tucana, 418; 3587, 97 M., the Owl Nebula in Ursa Major, 438; 3172, Polarissima in Ursa Minor, 458; densest nebular region of the sky in Virgo, 466; 6853, 27 M., the Dumb-bell Nebula in Vulpecula, 474; general paucity of, in Milky Way, 485; three of the finest, however, in the Milky Way, 485.

Necht, 20, 205.

Nimagehar di Nur, 475.

Nelson, 315.

Nemaeus and Nemaeum Monstrum, 252.

Nembus, 334.

Nemean Lion, Nemeas Alumnus, and Nemees Terror, 252.

Nepa, or Nepas (Cancer), 107; (Hydra), 247.

Nepa, or Nepas (Scorpio), 361.

Neper, 289.

Neptune, 217.

Neptuni Proles, 135.

Neptuni Sidus, 340.

Neptunus, 199.

Nereus (Cepheus), 156; (Eridanus), 217.

Nērgal, or Nērigal, 354.

Neshr, correctly Nesher, 57; in the Chaldee Paraphrase, 57.

Nessus, 240.

Nethibhath Tebhen, 481.

Newton (Spica), 466.

Newton, Professor Hubert Anson, on the lunar mansions, 8 (note); et passim.

New Venus, The, 147.

Nga Mau, 294.

Niallar, 315.

Niau, 257.

Nibat Anu (in Sagittarius), 354, 357, 358.

Nido di Leda, 222.

Niedgierreg, 397.

Nieu, Keen Nieu, or Ngu Gu, the 20th sieu, 141.

Night Owl, The. See Noctua.

Nile, The (Eridanus), 217; (Hydra), 248.

Nili Donum, 415.

Nilus (Eridanus), 216; (Triangulum), 415.

Nimasp (Sagittarius), 352.

Nimrod (Boötes), 95; (Orion), 309.

Nimrod’s Horse, 323.

Ninsar, 469.

Niphla, 307.

Nīrru-sha-shūtu, 276.

Niru, 139.

Nishtya, the 13th nakshatra, 100.

Nisus, 240.

Nit, or Neith, 399.

Nitaχ-bat, 302.

Niu She, 212.

Niveau, 293.

No Animal Nemaeo Truculento, 252.

Noah, a mediaeval name for Centaurus, 151.

Noah’s Ark (Argo), 66.

Noah’s Dove. See Columba Noae.

Noah’s Raven (Corvus), 181, 248.

Noctiparee, 270.

Noctua, 248; Burritt’s location of, 292; not recognized now, 293; location of, formerly occupied by the Solitaire, 293, 418.

Nodus and Nodus coelestis, 342.

Nodus duorum filorum, Nodus Piscium, 342.

Nodus Secundus, 209, 211.

Nomenclature of the Stars, not unworthy the attention of great scholars, xi.

Nördliche Krone, 174.

Norma et Regula, various names of, 293; original composition of, 293; later form of, 293; Ideler on, 293; in modern astronomy, 293; in Flamsteed’s A tlas, 293; composition and culmination of, 293; other details concerning, 293; Miss Clerke on the nova of, 293; Professor Young and, 293.

Norma Nilotica, 49.

Nortes, 454.

Northern Cars, 431.

Northern Coal-Sack, 197.

Northern Cross. See Cygnus.

Northern Crown, The. See Corona Borealis.

Northern Fly, The. See Musca Borealis.

Northern Gate of the Sun, 108.

Northern Sirius, 133.

Northern Team, 426.

Nubecula Major, other names of, 295; location and composition of, 295; with Flammarion, 295; among the Southern Arabs, 295; Schiller’s figuring of, 295.

Nubecula Minor, names and composition of, 295; with Flammarion, 295; other details of, 295.

Nubeculae, allusions to, by Vespucci, 68, 69.

Nubeculae Magellani, origin of name, 294; other names of, 294; Bayer the first to figure the, 294; with Peter Martyr, 294; among the Polynesians, 294; Russell’s photographs of, 294; location of the, serves to locate the South Pole, 295.

Nube Maggiore and Nube Minore, 295.

Nubes Major and Nubes Minor, 295.

Nubilum, 112.

Nūnā (incorrectly Nūno), Nuni, and Nūnu, 337.

Nunki, 359.

Nūr, 369.

Nūru sha Shūtu and Nūru sha-Iltūnu, 276.

Nu-tsir-da, 299, 375.

Nuy Keae, 444.

Nuy Ping, in Leo Minor, 264; in Virgo, 473.

Oannes, the Fish-god, 73 (see note).

Oannes (Piscis Australis), 345.

Oarion, 304.

Obelus, 350.

Ocean and Oceanus, 215, 217.

Octans Hadleianus, formation of, by La Caille, 296; other names of, 296; marks the South Pole, 296.

Octipes, 107.

Oculus, a poetical term for Corona Borealis, 175.

Oculus australis and Oculus Tauri (Aldebaran), 384.

Oculus boreus (image Tauri), 391.

Oebalidae and Oebalii, 222.

Oei, or Wei, the 28th sieu, 292.

Oetaeus, 241.

Officina Sculptoria, 372.

Officina Typograimagehica, formed by Bode, 297; other names of, 297; unrecognized to-day, and seldom found on maps, 297.

Ogka (Polish Boötes), 97.

Oiseau de Paradis, 43.

Okuari, 423.

Old Atlas’ Children, 391.

Old Serpent, The, a figure for Draco, 203.

Olenium Astrum, 86.

Olor (Cygnus), 193.

Omega Nebula, 373.

One of Daniel’s Lions, 253.

Ophiuchus vel Serpentarius, various names of, 297; location and extent of, 297; with the classical Hyginus, 297; among early nations, 297; in earliest Greek astronomy, 298; with the Latins, 298; legends concerning, 298; various identifications of, 298, 299; with Arabian and Euphratean astronomers, 299; Brown on, 299; Pliny concerning, 299; Lord Bacon and, 299; with the biblical school, 299; various figurings of, 299, 300; wıth Bayer, 300; Royal Hill as to its position in the zodiac, 300; other details concerning, 300.

         Alpha (α) of Ophiuchus, various names of, 300, 301; in the Alfonsine Tables, 300; with imageazwīnī, 301; in China, 301; spectrum, velocity, and culmination of, 301.

         Beta (β) of Ophiuchus, various names of, 301; location of, 301.

         Gamma (γ) of Ophiuchus, some confusion concerning its, name, 301; a component of the Chinese Tsung Ching, 301.

         Delta (δ) of Ophiuchus, various names of, 302; in China, 302.

         Epsilon (image) of Ophiuchus, various names of, 302; in China, 302; a component of the Chinese Hwan Chay, 302; a component of Nasaimage. al Yamāniyy, 302; in Euphratean astronomy, 302; in modern astrology, 302; other details concerning, 302.

         Eta (η) of Ophiuchus, various names of, 302; with Brown, 302; in China, 302.

         Theta (θ) of Ophiuchus, various names of, 303; with Epping, 303; a component of the Sogdian Wajrik, 303; in Khorasmian and Coptic astronomy, 303; in China, 303; with Gould, 303.

         Lambda (λ) of Ophiuchus, various names of, 303; in China, 303;

         70 Ophiuchi, location of, 301; system, period, and parallax of, 301.

Ophiuculue and Ophiulchus, 298.

Ophiulcus and Ophiultus, 298.

OphiultusOphiulcus (in Auriga), 85.

Opus Phrygionarum, fanciful name of the Jews for the zodiac, 2; the meaning of, 2.

Orbiculus Capitis, 173.

Orbis lacteus, 475.

Orbis terrarum tripertitus, 415.

‘Orebh, or Ōrev, 181.

Orfercalim, 350.

Origen, on the stars, 27; on the constellations, 27.

Orion, brilliancy of, 303; location of, 303, 304; with the Theban Greeks, 304; various names of, 304310; with Catullus, 304; derivation of name, 304; in the Uranologia, 304; with the Boeotians, 304; Ovid on, 304; with Matthew Arnold, 304; with Aratos and Thompson, 305; with Tennyson, 305; with Homer and Hesiod and Horace, 305; Pindar and Manilius on, 305; other classic and modern poets on, 305, 306; stormy reputation of, 306; a calendar sign, 306; in the Geneva Bible, 306; with the Latins, 306; in Eastern astronomies, 307; various astronomical writers on, 307; prominent in Egypt, 307; on the Denderah zodiac, 307; in Egyptian mythology, 308; in the Book of the Dead, 307, 308; various figurings of, 307, 308; definition of, 308; in astrology, 308; in the Old Testament, 308, 309; Jewish later name for, 309; with Adam Clarke, 309; in the Revised Version, 309; in Hindu astronomy, 309; with the Chinese, 310; with the Khorasmians, 310; with the Irish and Saxons, 310; with Caesius, 310; other figurings of, 310; minor components of, 320.

         Alpha (α) of Orion, various names of, 310312; in the Alfonsine Tables, 310; in Arabia, 310, 311; with various writers, 311; in Hindu astronomy, 311; Persian and Coptic equivalents of, 311; Professor Young on, 311; other details concerning, 311; position and culmination of, 312.

         Beta (β) of Orion, various names of, 312; "marine" character of, 312; greatest star of Orion, 313; in astrology, 313; in Norse astronomy, 313; spectrum and velocity of, 313.

         Gamma (γ) of Orion, various titles of, 313; location of, 313; in the Amazon River myths, 313; in astrology, 314; spectrum and velocity of, 314.

         Delta (δ) of Orion, names of, 314316; in astrology, 314; location and spectrum of, 314.

         Epsilon (image) of Orion, names of, 314316; in astrology, 314; spectrum, velocity, and culmination of, 314.

         Zeta (ζ) of Orion, various titles of, 314316; spectrum and velocity of, 314.

         Eta (η) of Orion, various titles of, 316.

         Theta (θ1) of Orion, not named individually, 316; location of, 316; details concerning the Great Nebula of, 316, 317.

         Iota (ι) of Orion, various names of, 317; in China, 317; location of, 318.

         Kappa (κ) of Orion, names and location of, 318.

         Lambda (λ) of Orion, various names of, 318, 319; in astrology, 318; in Arabian and Euphratean astronomy, 318; in other Eastern systems, 318; Professor Whitney on, 318; in China, 319; other writers on, 319.

         Nu (ν) and Xi (ξ) of Orion, the Chinese Shway Foo, 320; location of, 320.

         Omicron (ο1, ο2) of Orion, names and location of, 320; components of the Chinese Tsan Ke, 320.

         Pi (π1, π2, π3,π4, π5,π6, and g) of Orion, names and location of, 320; components of the Chinese Tsan Ke, 320.

         Tau (τ) of Orion, location of, 320; the Chinese Yuh Tsing, 320.

         Upsilon (υ) of Orion, details of, 320.

Ori’onids, The, radiant point of, 320.

Orion’s ad Hound, 132.

Orloge and Orologio, 246.

Orphas and Orphus, 162.

Orpheus (Cygnus), 193; (Hercules), 241.

Orsa Maggiore, 419.

Orsa Minore, 447.

Orwandil, 310.

Osiris (Boötes), 96; (Sirius), 120, 124; (Orion), 308; (Taurus), 381.

Osiris, Car of, 435.

Os Pegasi, 327.

Os Piscis notii, 346.

Os Rosae, 195.

Ostrich’s Nest, 163.

Otawa and Otawainen, 424.

Otysys Kalem, 350.

Our Lady’s Wand, 316.

Our Riddle (Alcor), 445.

Overturned Chair, 355.

Ovillus, 241.

Ovis Aurea, 76.

Owl Nebula, 438.

Ox, The (Taurus), 382.

Oxirinque (Capricomus), 138, 345.

Pa (image Serpentis), 376.

Pa and χut (Sagittarius), 354.

Padevar, 82.

Padus, 215.

Pae Chaou, 201.

Pagasaea Carina (Argo), 66.

Paha, 385.

Painter’s Easel, The. See Equuleus Pictoris.

Pair of Compasses, The. See Circinus.

Pair of Kids, 224.

Pa Kuh, Chinese asterism, 90.

Pal, 389.

Palaemon, 240.

Palette, 214.

Palmes emeritus, 205.

Panda and Pantica, 462.

Panthera, 278.

Paon, the French Pavo, 320.

Paou Ping, 47.

Pa-pil-sak, 253.

Papsukal, 101.

Paradies Vogel, 43.

Parasiea, 330.

Parilicium and Palilicium, 384, 387.

Parrasis and Parrhasis, 421, 422.

Parrhasia Virgo and Parrhasides Stellae, 421.

Parrhasium Jugum, 431.

Parsondas, 330.

Parthena, Partina, or Pathona, 463.

Parven, Parvi, and Parur, 393.

Parviz and Parwin, 393.

Pasare Zamanegade, 481.

Paschal Lamb, The (Canis Minor), 133.

Passer, 347.

Pastinator and Pastor, 95.

Pataecus, 240.

Patera, 183.

Path of Āryamān, 477.

Paukszcziu Kielis, 479.

Paukunawa, 423.

Paul, Saint, and the Phainometta of Aratos, 81.

Pavo, position of, 320; other names of, 320; originally Argos, 32J; in Chinese astronomy, 321; Julius Schiller’s figuring of, 321.

Pavone, 320.

Pax, 462.

Peacock, a Roman idea for Aquarius, 46.

Peacock, The. See Pavo.

Peacocks, Arabian idea for Gemini, 224.

Pecus Athamantidos Helles, 75.

Peē (Corona Australis), 173.

Pégase, 321.

Pegasides, 323.

Pegasids, The, radiant point of, 328.

Pegaso, 321.

Peg’asus, 213; various names of, 321324; location of, 321; in mythology, 321; Longfellow on the legend of, 321; traditional history of, 321, 322; in early classical mythology, 322; the Greeks on, 322; Euripides’ name for, 323; in Roman astronomy, 323; in the Alfonsine Tables, 323; with Caesius, 323; in Jewish legend, 323; in numismatics, 323; origin of name of, 323; in Egypt and on the Denderah zodiac, 324; with the Arabs, 324; other details concerning, 324; minor components of, 329.

         Alpha (α) of Pegasus, various names of, 324, 325; in Hindu astronomy, 324; in Chinese, 325; Brown on, 325; in astrology, 325; culmination and meridional location of, 325; spectrum and location of, 325; observed in navigation, 325.

         Beta (β) of Pegasus, various names of, 325, 326; with the Arabs, 325; with the Hindus, 325; Professor Whitney and, 325; in astrology, 326; with the Chinese, 326; variability, spectrum, and velocity of, 326.

         Gamma (γ) of Pegasus, names of, 326, 327; location of, 326; with Al Bīrūnī, 326; in China, 326; with the Hindus, 326; a component of the Three Guides, 327.

         Delta (δ) of Pegasus, unnamed as a component of Pegasus, 327; same as Alpha (α) of Andromeda, 327.

         Epsilon (image) of Pegasus, various names of, 327; a component of the sieu Goei, 327; spectrum and velocity of, 327.

         Zeta (ζ) of Pegasus, names of, 327, 328; with the Chinese, 328; near the radiant point of the Pegasids, 328.

         Eta (η) of Pegasus, location and title of, 328.

         Theta (θ) of Pegasus, with Nu (ν) an Arabic star-group, 328; individual name of, 328; on the Dresdfen Globe, 328.

         Kappa (κ) of Pegasus, location of, 328; unnamed except in China, 328.

         Lambda (λ) and Mu (μ) of Pegasus, names of, 328.

         Nu (ν) of Pegasus. See under Theta (θ) of Pegasus, 328 (also 329).

         Pi (π) of Pegasus, the Chinese Woo, 329.

         Tau (τ) of Pegasus, names of, 329; a component of the Chinese Li Kung, 329.

Pegasus Equus alatus, 323.

Peih, 35, 326, 389.

Peih Leih, 343.

Peih Sing, 450.

Peise, 269.

Peisun, 336.

Pelagi Procella, 135.

Pele’iades, 395.

Pelenor, 151.

Pelethronius, 84, 151.

Pendeluhr, 246.

Pendulum Clock. See Horologium.

Peren, 393.

Peri-pik, 315.

Perizoma, 104.

Persea, 32.

Persée, 329.

Per’seids, The, location of, 335; ancient knowledge of 335; various names of, 335.

Perseo, 329.

Perseph’one, 460.

Perseus, various names of, 329331; early figurings of, 329; 330; in legend, 329, 330; with the classical poets, 330; with La Lande, 331; on coinage, 331; with astrologers, 331; with the biblical school, 331; extent of, 331; minor components of, 331; theory concerning, 331; minor components of, and facts concerning them, 334.

         Alpha (α) of Perseus, various names of, 331; a component of the Chinese Tien Yuen, 331; never sets in the latitude of New York City, 332; spectrum and velocity of, 332.

         Beta (β) of Perseus, various names of, 332; with Ptolemy, Hipparchos, and Pliny, 332; with the Hebrews, 332; in China, 332; with astrologers, 333; variability, spectrum, and velocity of, 333.

         Epsilon (image) of Perseus, a component of the Chinese Keuen She, 333.

         Eta (η) of Perseus, unnamed except in China, 334; details concerning, 334.

         Omega (ω) of Perseus, name of, 335.

         Upsilon (υ) of Perseus, location of, 334; names of, 334, 335; with Bayer, 334; a component of the Sword Hand of Perseus, 335.

Perseus et Caput Medusae, 329.

Persian, The. See Indus.

Persuasor Amphitrites, 199.

Pesce Australe, 344.

Pesces (Pisces), 337.

Pesci, 336, 338.

Pesebre, 113.

Pc Sze, 251.

Peter’s Skiff, 436.

Peter’s Staff, 315.

Petit Cheval, 213.

Petit Chien, 131.

Petit Lion, 263.

Petit Nuage, 295.

Petite Ourse, 447.

Petosiris, 51 (and note).

Pfau, 320.

Pfeil, 349.

Phacetis, 338.

Phaëthon, 85.

Phagre and Oxyrinque (Piscis Australis), 345.

Phainomena (270 B. C.) of Aratos, 11; founded on the work of Eudoxos, 17; many commentaries on the, 17; translated by Cicero, 17; by others, 17; the sole guide to arrangement of early constellations, 17; best translated by Robert Brown, Jr., 18; quoted by St. Paul, 18.

Phalgunī, 254.

Pharaoh Neku, sends a Phoenician fleet to circumnavigate (?) Africa about 600 B. C., 14.

Pharashah, 422.

Pharetra, 352.

Pharmaz, 184.

Pharus (Ara), 62.

Pheasant, or Phoenix, 464.

Phénix, 335.

Phililyrides and Philyrides, 149.

Philo Judaeus, and the zodiac, 2.

Philomelus, 94.

Phoebeïus Ales, 179.

Phoebes Miles, 421.

Phoebi Assessor, 193.

Phoebi Sidus, 222.

Phoebo Sacer Ales, 179.

Phoebus, 231.

Phoenice (Ursa Minor), 448; (α Ursae Minoris), 453.

Phoenicia, and astronomy, 18, 19, 22; et passim.

Phoenicopterus. See under Grus, 238.

Phoenix, various names of, 335; location of, 335, 336; Bayer’s name for, appropriate, 336; with the Egyptians, 336; in China, 336; with Schiller, 336.

         Alpha (α) of Phoenix, name, conspicuousness, and culmination of, 336.

Phönix, 335.

Phorbas, 299.

Phrixea Ovis (Aries), 75.

Phrixeum Pecus, 75.

Phrixi Vector (Aries), 75.

Pi, the 25th sieu, 35; the 2d sieu, 389.

Piautos, 114.

Pica Indica, 418.

Piccolomini (of Siena), anticipates Bayer, 13.

Pictor, 214.

Pidnu-sha-Shame, an Akkadian name for the zodiac, 1; meaning of this name, 1; asterism, 385.

Pih Ho, 231.

Pih Hoo, 22.

Pih Keih, 456.

Pih Tow, 435.

Pih Yang, 78.

Pikhōrion, 260.

Pikutorion, 82.

Pile of Bricks, 225.

Pilgrijn Star, The, 147.

Pi Lo Sze Mun, 346.

Pimafi, 231.

Pincerna, 41.

Pindar, on Aquarius, 46.

Ping Sing, 249, 268.

Ping Taou, 472.

Pinnipes, 330.

Pin-wheel Nebula, 172.

Pipiri, 229.

Piri-ere-ua, 371.

Pisces (of the zodiac), various names of, 336342; wide separation of the figures of, 337; locations of these, 337; culminations of, 337; now first of the zodiac, 337; embraces the sign Aries, 337; also the vernal equinox, 337; with the Greeks, 337; with the Romans, 337; Miss Clerke on, 337; on the Euphrates, 337; in other Eastern systems, 337; in earliest Chinese astronomy, 337, 338; with the Arabians, 338; Dante and, 338; with the Hindus, 338; Al Bīrūnī on, 338; with the Greeks, 338, 339; legends concerning, 339; the Syrians and, 339; with the Chaldaeans, 339; in Jewish astronomy, 339; in astrology, 340; Ptolemy distinguishes them, 340; derivation of name of, 340; symbol of, 340; with the biblical school, 340, 341; on the Merton College zodiac, 341; ancient conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn within, 341; supposed connection of these with birth of Christ, 341; predictions concerning, 341; Juno discovered in, 341; Spenser on, 341; with La Lande, 341; details concerning, 342; minor components of, 343.

         Alpha (α) of Pisces, various names of, 342; location of, 342; with classic writers, 342; culmination of, 343.

         Beta (β) of Pisces, name of, 343; a component of the Chinese Peih Leih, 343.

         Delta (δ) of Pisces, names identical with those of Alpha of Pisces, with Bayer, 343; a component of the Chinese Wae Ping, 343.

         Zeta (ζ) of Pisces, prominent in Hindu astronomy, 343; in various Eastern combinations, 343.

         Eta (η) of Pisces, with Epping, 343; in Chinese astronomy, 343.

Pisces (of Piscis Australis), 344.

Pisces boreales, 340.

Piscis aquosue, 344.

Piscis Australis, location and names of, 344; modern representations of, 344; with classic and modern writers, 344; not on the Farnese globe, 344; in early legend, 344; La Lande and, 344, 345; Longfellow’s name for, 345; with the Arabians, 345; with the biblical school, 345; astrologically like Saturn, 345; minor components of, 347.

         Alpha (α) of Piscis Australis, Aratos on, 345; present location of, 345; with Ptolemy, 345; many names and varied orthography of, 345, 346; various locations of, 345, 346; with the early Arabs, 346; with Flammarion, 346; in China, 346; one of Dante’s Tre Facelle, 346; southerly position of, 346; culmination of, 346; important in navigation, 346.

         Beta (β) of Piscia Australis, names of, 347; in China, 347.

Piscis Capricorni, 345.

Piscis Gemellus, 337.

Piscis magnus, 345.

Piscis Meridionalis, 345.

Piscis solitarius, 345.

Piscis Volans, introduced by Bayer, 347; names and culmination of, 347; Schiller on, 347; the Chinese Fe Yu, 347.

Pish Pai, 235, 236.

Pish Parvis, 292.

Pistrix (Cetus), 161.

Pittore, 214.

Place where One Bows Down, 362.

Plastrum, 427.

Plaustra Parrhasis, 427.

Plaustric’ula, 427.

Plaustri Custos, 94.

Plaustrilu’ca, 427.

Plaustrum magnum, 427.

Ple’iades, The, 7; various names of, 391403; in classic poetry, 392; everywhere among the most noted objects in the lore of the heavens, 392; more studied of late than any other group, 392; general location of, 392; other placings of, 392; among the first stars named in astronomical literature, 392; with the Chinese and the Hindus, 392, 393; in Persia, 393; on the Euphrates, 393; Euripides and, 393; in the Bible, 393, 394; with various poets, 394; Miss Clerke on, 395; derivation of name of, 395; poetical figurings of, 395; legends concerning, 395; in European nomenclature, 396, 397; in heraldry, 397; with the Rabbis, 397; among Babylonian astrologers, 397, 398; watery character of, 398; in Josephus, 398; marked objects on the Nile, 399; temples in Greece oriented to them, 399; various figurings of, 399, 400; Miles Coverdale and, 399; well known to savage tribes, 400; among the Australians, 400; on the Paraguay River, 400; among South American tribes, 400; with the pagan Arabs, 400; Miss Clerke and, 401; a sign of seeding-time, 401; Hesiod, Aristotle, and Vergil on this, 401; with Mommsen and Drach, 401; in connection with various ancient systems of worship, 401; in the modern church calendar, 401; Hippocrates and, 401, 402; with Caesar, 401; in classic lore, 401, 402; in astrology, 402; with the Arabs, 402; legends concerning origin of, 402; Pliny’s name for, 402; associated in all ages with philosophy and literature, 402, 403; Bessel’s lettered stars in, 405408; various facts concerning the Pleiad stars, 409412; minor components of, 412, 413.

Pleias and Pleias uda, 405.

Ple’ione, 408.

Ple’jaden and Plejadi, 397.

Plias, Pliade, and Pliades, 395, 396.

Pliny, his terms for the sky-figures, 10; on Hipparchos, 11; his number of asterisms and stars, 11; on origin of Aries and Sagittarius, 18; et passim.

Pli’one, 408.

Plorans (Boötes), 93.

Plostrum magnum, 437.

Plough, 431.

Ploughman with his Oxen, 85.

Plough Oxen, 431.

Pluteum Pictoris, 214.

Pluto’s Chariot, 275.

Pocillator, 41.

Poculum, 183.

Poeticon Astronomicon, The, of Hyginus, 11; et passim.

Pointers, 438.

Poisson Australe, 344.

Poissons, 336.

Poisson Volant, 347.

Polaris, 449, 453.

Polarissima, 458.

Pole, South, The, unfigured space around, object of early investıgators, 14; extent of this space, 14, 15; marked by Octans, 296; in classic and modern poetry, 296, 297; among the Hindus and Arabs, 296; blankness of the heavens in this region commented on by early navigators, 296; Peter Martyr and Pigafetta on this, 296; other Elusions to, 297.

Pole-Star, 453.

Pole-Star of the South, 190.

Polis, 359.

Polish Bull, 413.

Pollans, 453.

Polluces, 233.

Pollux, 233.

Pollux. See under Beta (β) Geminorum.

Poln Stier, 413.

Polyleukes, 223.

Pomptina, 180.

Ponderosus, 68.

Poniatowski’e Bull, Poniatowsky’s Stier, 413.

Pope, Alexander, and the zodiac, 4.

Porrima, 469.

Portans caput larvae, 330.

Portitor Phrixi, 75.

Portitor, or Proditor, Europae, 379.

Portitor Ursae, 93.

Postvorta, 469.

Poussiniére, 400.

Praecanis and Procanis, 131.

Praecipua, the lucida of Leo Minor, 264.

Praecisio Equi, 213.

Praepes, 235.

Praesaepe, incorrectly Praesepe, 113.

Praesegmen, 213.

Praesepe Salvatoris, 282.

Praja-pāti, 90, 181, 309.

Pratishthana, 35, 325.

Praxit’eles, 106.

Presepe, correctly Praesaepe, 113.

Prima Hyadum and Primus Hyadum, 390.

Princeps Armenti, 380.

Princeps Juventutis, 78.

Princeps Zodiaci, 76.

Printing Office. See Officina Typograpkica.

Pristis_and Pristix, 161.

Pritithi, 276.

Procidens and Prociduus, 240.

Proclus, 3.

Proctor, on the study of astronomy, xv; on astrological colors, 49.

Procumbene in genua, 240.

Procyon (Procion, Prochion), 131, 133.

Proditor (Taurus), 379.

Prodromus Astronomiae of 1690, 13.

Profugue, 330.

Proles Dercia, 338.

Prometheus, 241.

Propus, 235, 236.

Prorea and Prosa, 470.

Proser’pina, 460.

Proshthapadās, 35, 325.

Protri’getrix, 471.

Protrygeter, 95.

Provinde’mia major, 471.

Provinde’miator, 471.

Prunarum Conceptaculum (Ara), 62.

Przyczck, the Bohemian Boötes, 97.

Psalterium Georgii, 347.

Psylle, 298.

Ptah, an Egyptian name for Capella, 87.

Ptolemaeon, 70.

Ptolemy, Claudius, xii; catalogues constellations, 11; composition of catalogue of, 11; et passim.

Puer Aquilae (Adrianaeus), 41.

Puer Idaeus and Iliacus, 46.

Pueri Tyndarii, etc., 222.

Pugil, 233.

Pugio, 101.

Pūl, or Bīl, 453.

Pulaha, 438.

Pulast’ya, 438.

Pulcele, 460.

Pulsiniere, 400.

Puluk-ku, 108.

Punarvarsū, 231.

Pund, 269.

Pupilla, 178, 283.

Puppis. See A rgo.

Pur Cahen, 134.

Purple Subtle Enclosure, 456.

Purva Bhādrapadās, 35, 325.

Pūrva Phālgunī, 254, 260.

Pushya, 110,’ 112.

Puteus (Ara), 62.

Pythagoras, said to have learned from Zoroaster, 21.

Python, 203.

Pyxis, Grotius’ name for image Aquarii, 54.

Pyxis Nautica, 54, 64; formed from stars in Argo, 348; an anachronism, 348; reannexed by Baily to Argo, 348; inserted by Gould in his Uranometria as a distinct constellation, 348.

Qablu (und qābu) sha rīshu aqrabi, 369.

Qarnu Shahū, 140.

Quadra Euclidis, 293.

Quadrans Muralis, location and names of, 348; culmination of, 348; Quadrantids of, 348; not recognized by modern astronomers, 348.

Quadrante, 348.

Quadrantids, The, 210, 348.

Quadrupes vasta, 278.

Quail’s Tail, 464.

Quercia, 349.

Qui in genibus est, 240.

Quinque Dromedarii, 207.

Quintilian, insists that astronomical knowledge is necessary in order to understand the classic poets, 31.

Quit, The Sun’s, 245.

Quiver, The, 203.

Rabe, 179.

Racchetta, La, 397.

Raedgasnan and Raedgastran, 389.

Rahab, 309.

Rainy Goat-starre, 86.

Rah Kakeehan, 481.

Rakhvad, 234.

Ram, The. See A ries.

Rameau et Cerbere, 159, 242.

Ramm, 75.

Rammān or Rammānu, 47.

Ramo, 159.

Ramo e Cerbero, 242.

Ramus Pomifer, 242.

Rana Secunda, 163.

Raphael (Hydras and Tucana), 250, 295.

Rashnawand, 315.

Rat, The, 47; ideograph for water in the East, 47.

Rateau, 316.

Ratis Heroum, 66.

Raven, The. See Corvus.

Razor, a Hindu figure for the Pleiades, 393.

Red Bird, 181, 464.

Redgaesrum, 389.

Red Sea, The, 217.

Regia, 256.

Regulus, 156, 255.

Rehua, 229.

Reindeer, The, 377.

Rimageēm, 380.

Rimagekhubh, 451.

Renne, 377.

Rennthier, 378.

Repā (Spica of imageirgo), 468.

Rescuer, 329.

Reticolo, Reticule or Rhombe, 349.

Reticulum Rhomboidalis, origin and location of, 348, 349; other names of, 349; first drawn by Habrecht, 349.

imageevatī, 338, 343.

Revenante of the Swan, 198.

Rex, 255, 256.

imagehomboidal Net, The, 348.

Rhomboidische Netz, 349.

Rhombus, 349.

imageiga e Squadra, 293.

Rikeha, 424.

Ring Nebula, 287.

Rishabam, 382.

Rishi, 424.

Rishu A., 260.

Riu-but-same, 97.

River Jordan, 115, 248.

River-of-the-Divine-Lady, 475.

River of Heaven, 474.

River of Ocean, 215.

River of Orion, 217.

River-of-the-Shepherd’s-hut, 475.

River Tigris, 413.

Riwand, 343.

Road of Saint Jacques of Compostella, 480.

Robur Carolinum, origin and names of, 349; La Caille and, 349; in Reeves’ list of Chinese startitles, 349.

Roha, an undefined word for Auriga, 85.

Rohinī, 366, 384, 389.

Romans, The, and astronomy, 19; et passim.

Roman V, 388.

Rosa, 170.

Rosa mystica, 214.

Rosch hassatan, the Divels head, 332.

Rosemund, 195.

Rōsh ha Sātān, 332.

Rota Ixionis, 173.

Rotanev and Rotanen, 200, 201.

Roue, La, 426.

Row of Pearls, 243.

Row or Ridge, a figure of the 15th nakshatra, 367.

Royer, Augustin, 13.

Rubecchio, Tuscan name for zodiac, 4; Longfellow’s translation of, 5.

Rubu, 76.

Rudolphine Tables, The, 13.

Rukub, 450.

Rukubi, 84.

Runaway Star, 446.

Ruth, Caesius’ figure for Virgo, 461.

Rutilicus and Rutilico, 243, 244.

Sa, α Leonis on the Euphrates, 258.

Sabazius, 96.

Sacks of Coals, 294.

Sacrarium or Sacris, 62.

Sadmasij, 59.

Saetta, 349.

Sagarinus, 374.

Sa-gi-mu, 299.

Sagitta, insignificance of, 349; various names of, 349351; location of, 349; various figurings of, 350; astrological nature of, 350; with Bayer, 350; with the Hebrews, 350; not in the Reeves list, 351; with Caesius and Schiller, 351; extent of, 351; other details concerning, 351.

Sagitta arcui applicata, 352.

Sagittarie and Saagittare, 352.

Sagittario, 351.

Sagittarius, quotation from Smyth on, 2; various names of, 351357; location of, 351; with the Greeks and Latins, 351; with Eastern nations, 352; among the Jews, 352; with the biblical school, 352, 353; formation of, on the Euphrates preceded that of Chiron, the Southern Centaur, 353; various figurings of, 353; on the Denderah zodiac, 353; confusion of, with the Southern Centaur, 353; legends concerning, 353, 354; in cuneiform inscriptions, 354; mentioned in Second Book of the Kings, 354; in the Assyrian calendar, 354; of Euphratean origin, 354; with the Hindus, 354; in ancient Arabia, 355; facts concerning minor components of, 355; the Chinese Tiger, 356; in astrology, 356; on early coinage, 356; La Caille and, 356; symbol of, 357; the sun and, 357; other details of, 357; minor components of, 359, 360.

         Alpha (α) of Sagittarius, various names of, 357; possibly the Euphratean Nibat Anu, 357.

         Beta (β1, β2) of Sagittarius, names of, 357; with imageazwīnī, 357.

         Gamma (γ) of Sagittarius, various names of, 357; with 358; on the Borgian globe, 358; in China, 358.

         Delta (δ) of Sagittarius, names of, 358.

         Epsilon (image) of Sagittarius, names of, 358; facts concerning, 358.

         Zeta (ζ) of Sagittarius, name of, 358; in Eastern astronomies, 358.

         Lambda (λ) of Sagittarius, names of, 358, 359; with Kazwīnī, 358; the nova of, 359.

         Mu (μ1, μ2) of Sagittarius, names and location of, 359; details concerning, 359; Brown upon, 359.

         Nu (ν1, ν2) of Sagittarius, name and nature of, 359; components of the Chinese Kien Sing, 359.

         Pi (π) of Sagittarius, names of, 359.

         Sigma (σ) of Sagittarius, names and location of, 359; with the Hindus, 359; possibly a component of the Akkadian Gu-shi-rab-ba, 360.

         Omega (ω) of Sagittarius, with other minor stars the Kow Kwo of China, 360.

Sagittarius tenens pateram seu crateram, 151.

Sagittary and Sagitary, 352.

Sagittaire, 351.

Sagittifer (Boötes), 97; (Sagittarius), 351.

Sagittiger and Sagittipotens (Sagittarius), 351.

Sagmarius Caballus, 323.

Sahu, 20, 307.

Saint Andrew, 382.

Saint Benedict, 299.

Saint Catherine the Martyr, 57.

Saint David, 120.

Saint James the Greater, 224.

Saint James the Less, 465.

Saint Jerome, 86; et passim.

Saint Job, 321.

Saint John, 109.

Saint Joseph, 310.

Saint Laurence’s Tears, 335.

Saint Marguerite, 179.

Saint Matthew the Apostle, 353.

Saint Matthias, 341.

Saint Paul with the Maltese Viper, 299.

Saint Peter, 78.

Saint Stephen, 157.

Saint Sylvester, 98.

Sal, 310, 326.

Salkim, 467.

Saltator, 240.

Saltatores, 459.

Samān Ugh’risi, 481.

Samson, 242.

Samu, 358.

Sanctus and Sancus, 241.

San Kiō Hung, 417.

San Kung, 115.

San Tae, 444.

San Tsze, 444.

Saptar Shayar, 435.

Sara-fasariva, 277, 473.

Saramā, 119, 485.

Sardhiwa, 302.

Sar en, 393.

Sargas, 369.

Sarit, 385.

Sartān, 108.

Sarwa, 473.

Sartono, correctly Sartana, 108.

Sarur, 370.

Sarw, 425.

Sa-Sha-Shirū, 468.

Sata Vaēsa, 67.

Sataves, 385.

Satellites of Jupiter, Marius’ names for, 39.

Satevis, 256, 366.

Saturn Nebula, 54.

Saturnus, 308.

Satyr, 353.

Sayce, Professor A. H., on the Akkadian Calendar, i; et passim.

Scaliger and others, on star nomenclature, xi; et passim.

Scalovin, 201.

Scarabaeus, 109.

Sceptre, Brandenburg, 360.

Sceptre and Hand of Justice. See Lacerta.

Sceptrum Brandenburgicum, when charted, 360; now practically forgotten, 360.

Scheil, Père, confirms date of discovery of Creation Legend, 2 (note).

Schiff, 64.

Schiffahrts Gestirn, 397.

Schif-stern, 71.

Schiller, J. F. C. (the poet), and the zodiac, 2.

Schiller, Julius, 28; et passim.

Schjellerup 152, 116; location of, 116; character of, 116.

Schlange, 374.

Schlangenträger, 297.

Schlegel, Gustave, Uranographie Chinoise of, 22.

Schoter, 356.

Schütz and Schutze, 351.

Schwan, 192.

Schwerdtfisch, 202.

Scip-steorra, 454.

Scorpio, and its claws, a double sign, i.

Scorpio, names of and legends concerning, 360364; in early poetry, 361; largest of early zodiac figures, 361; with Ovid, 361; with the Greeks and Latins generally, 361; in early China, 361; Sir William Drummond and, 362; with the Hebrews, 362; Chatterton and Spenser on, 362; on the Denderah zodiac, 362; with the Arabians and Persians, 362; with the Akkadians, 362; a symbol of darkness, 362; in early India, 363; with Dante, Chaucer, and Longfellow, 363; in the biblical school, 363; the symbol of, 363; in meteorology, 363; in astrology, 363, 364; other details concerning, 364; minor components of, 369.

         Alpha (α) of Scorpio, various names of, 364367; derived from Ptolemy, 364; with the astrologers, 365; with various astronomical writers, 365; in China, 365; with the Hindus, Persians, and Babylonians, 366; Cheyne and, 366; in Egypt, 366; Penrose upon, 366; rising and culmination of, 366; other details concerning, 367.

         Beta (β) of Scorpio, various names of, 367, 368; derivation of name of, obscure, 367; in Arabia, 367; with the Hindus, 367; in China, 368; Professor Whitney and, 368; occultations of, 368; other details concerning, 368.

         Gamma (γ) of Scorpio, names of, 368, 369; astronomers at variance over, 368; in Arabia, 369; in China, 369; Brown upon, 369.

         Delta (δ) of Scorpio, names of, 369, 370; important in early times, 369; on the Euphrates, 369; with the Babylonians, 369; in other Eastern astronomies, 369; in China, 369.

         Theta (θ) of Scorpio, the Euphratean Sargas, 369; details concerning, 369, 370.

         Lambda (λ) of Scorpio, names of, 370; in astrology, 370; in Arabian and Hindu astronomy, 370; in the Polynesian islands, 370; other details concerning, 371.

         Nu (ν) of Scorpio, names and location of, 371.

         Xi (ξ) of Scorpio, details concerning, 371.

         Sigma (σ) of Scorpio, name of, 371.

         Upsilon (υ) of Scorpio, names of, 371, 372; Smyth on, 372; in China, 372; Ideler on, 372.

         Omega (ω1, ω2) of Scorpio, names and location of, 372.

Scorpion, The. See Scorpio.

Scorpions of Rehoboam, 363.

Scorpios, 361.

Scorpioun, 363.

Scorpius. See Scorpio.

Scorpius cum Chelis, 361.

Scroll, 282.

Scudo di Sobieski, 373.

Sculptor, formed by La Caille, 372; various names of, 372; inconspicuousness and location of, 372.

Scultore, 372.

Scutulum, 74.

Scutum Sobiescianum, various names of, 373; formed by Hevelius, 373; figurings of, 373; long known in China, 373; other details concerning, 373.

Scutum Sobieskii, or Sobiesii, 373.

Scyphus, 183.

Scytta, 352.

Sea, The, 45, 359.

Sea Calf, 33.

Sea Goat (or Goat-Fish), 138.

Seang, 440.

Seaou Tow, 165.

Seaou Wei, [264.

Secchione, 363.

Secdeidos, or Seclenidos, de Darzama, 463.

Sectio Equi Minoris, or Equina, 213.

Sectio Tauri, 379.

Secundus or Sequens (Canis Major), 118.

Sed, Sept, Sepet or Set, 20, 124.

Sedes Regalis or Regia, 143.

Sedillot, on the lunar mansions, 8.

See Compass in Argo. See Pyxis Nautica.

Segel (Vela), 64.

Seginus (Boötes), 95; (γ Boöotis), 103.

Seginus (Cepheus), 156.

Segment of Perseus, 331.

Se Han (η Librae, etc.), 278.

Seih Muh (Sagittarius), 356.

Seitsen tahtinen, in Ursa Major, 424.

Sekhet, γ Draconis in Egypt, 209.

Selk-t, or Serk-t, 366.

Sella and Solium, 143.

Semi-Capran Fish, The, 138.

Semi Fer and Semi Vir (Centaurus), 151.

Semi-perfectus (Equuleus), 213.

Semita Lactea, 476.

Semivir (Sagittarius), 352.

Sen (θ Serpentis), 376.

Seneca, on formation of the constellations, 18.

Senex Aequoreus, 156.

Septem- or Septentriones, 431, 447.

Septentrio (Boötes), 94.

Sepulcrum Christi (Andromeda), 33.

Ser or Shīr (Leo), 253.

Serk-t (α Centauri), 153.

Serpens, a name for our Draco, 203.

Serpens, various names of, 374, 375; antiquity and figuring of, 374; Manilius on, 374; with the Greeks and Latins, 374; in Arabia, 374, 375; with the Hebrews, 375; with the biblical school, 375; other details concerning, 375; minor components of, 376; Chinese names for these last, 376.

         Alpha (α) of Serpens, various names of, 375; Smyth on, 375; with Ovid and Vergil, 375; in China, 375; Edkins on, 375; the radiant point of the Alpha Serpentids, 376; culmination of, 376.

         Beta (β) of Serpens, with the Chinese, 376; near the radiant point of the Beta Serpentids, 376; unnamed except in China, 376.

         Theta (θ) of Serpens, names of, 376; in China, 376; location of, 376.

Serpens Aquaticus (Hydra), 247.

Serpens Herculeus, Lernaeus, Sagarinus or Tiberinus, 374.

Serpent, The. See Serpens.

Serpent, stars of Lepus in Egypt, 265.

Serpentaire (Ophiuchus), 297.

Serpent-charmer (Ophiuchus), 298.

Serpente (Serpens), 374.

Serpent-holder, The. See Ophiuchus.

Serpentids, The Alpha, 376.

Serpentids, The Beta, 376.

Serpentiger and Serpentinarius, 298.

Serpentis Lator and Serpentis Praeses, 298.

Serpent of Aesculapius (Caesius, Glaucus, Laocoön, or Ophiuchus), 374.

Sertum Australe (Corona Australis), 173.

Servans Antinoüm (Aquila), 56.

Servant, The (Pegasus in Egypt), 20, 324.

Set (Sirius), 20, 124.

Set (the circumpolar constellations), 434.

Sete Flammas (Ursa Major), 424.

Sette Palommielle (the Pleiades), 396.

Seulainer (the Pleiades), 397.

Seven Antelopes (Ursa Major), 424.

Seven Atlantic Sisters, 396.

Seven Bears or Seven Bulls, 424.

Seven Champions of Christendom (Ursa Major), 424.

Seven Dovelets (the Pleiades), 396.

Seven Little Indians (Ursa Major), 424.

Seven Poets, The, or Seven Sleepers, 424.

Seven Portuguese Towers (Virgo), 465.

Seven Sages, The, or Seven Wise Men, 424.

Seven Shiners, The, 424.

Seven Sisters, The, or Seven Virgins, 396. Seven Sisters of Industry, 393.

Seven Stars, The (the Hyades), 388.

Seven Stars, The (stars of Hydra in China), 248.

Seven Stars, The (the Pleiades), 396.

Seven Stars, The (in Ursa Major), 424.

Sextant, The. See Sextans Uraniae.

Sextans Uraniae, formed by Hevelius, 376; original figuring of, 377; generally recognized by astronomers, 377; De Rheita and, 377; the lucida of, 377; in Chinese astronomy, 377.

Shaddai, El (note), 124.

Shad Mashir, Aquila in Sogdiana, 59.

Shaghar, Spica in Sogdiana, 467.

Shah, or Shahu (Capricomus), 139.

Shahin tara zed of Nasr al Dīn, 57.

Shakespeare and astrology, 23; et passim.

Shak-shadi, the 20th lunar station, 140.

Shālīsh and Shālisha, 82, 416.

Shang Ching, in Camelopardalis, 107.

Shang Pih, ζ Draconis in China, 210.

Shang Poo, or Shaou Poo (λ Draconis), 211.

Shang Seang, stars in Leo and Virgo, 260, 470.

Shang Tae, minor stars in Ursa Major, 443, 444.

Shang Tsae (η Draconis), 210.

Shang Tseang, stars in Coma and Leo, 171, 263.

Shang Wei, minor stars in Camelopardalis and Draco, 107, 158.

Shaou Pih (θ Draconis), 212.

Shaou We (χ Ursae Majoris), 445.

Shaou Wei, minor stars in Camelopardalis, Draco, and Leo, 107, 158, 254.

Shark, Long Blue Cloud-eating, The, 482.

Sharru (α Leonis), 255.

Shat (the 24th sieu), 326.

Shawshat, Sogdian lunar station, 53.

Shay Fuh, Shay Show, and Shay We, 250.

She, stars of Columba in China, 168.

Sheaf of Wheat (Coma Berenices), 170.

Shebbeltā (the Syriac α Virginis), 467.

Shimagebhīl Tebhnā (the Syriac Galaxy), 481.

Sheep, The (stars in Cepheus), 157.

Sheep within the Pasture (Club of Hercules), 243. She Low (λ Ophiuchi), 303.

Shen (Orion in China), 310.

Shepherd, The (stars in Cepheus), 157.

Shepherd and his Dog, The, 375.

Shepheıd of the Heavenly Flock, 101.

Shepherd’s Star, The (Capella), 88; (Venus), 88.

Shēpu-arkū sha-A, 469.

She Sang Neu, Virgo in China, 464.

Sheu sing, stars of Virgo in China, 473.

Shibbōeth (Spica), 467.

Shï Ch’en, or Chin (Gemini and Orion), 229, 310.

Shield, The, 320.

Shih (α Pegasi), 325.

Shih Tsze Kea, Crux in China, 190.

Shīimageōr, incorrectly Sihor, 124.

Shing Kung, stars in Scorpio, 361.

Ship Argo, The. See A rgo Navis.

Ship of Saint Peter, 436.

Shī-shu-māra or Sim-shu-māra (Capricomus), 138; (Delphinus), 200; (Draco), 200, 204.

Shōr, Taurus in Judaea, 380.

Show Sing (Libra), 272.

Shuh, stars of Serpens, 375.

imagehūla, or Sūla, Crux in ancient India, 185.

Shun Ho, or Sze Tsze (Leo), 254.

Shun Show, in the early Chinese zodiac, 110.

Shun Wei, Virgo in China, 464,

Shūr, the Babylonian Taurus, 382.

Shur-mahrū-shirū, marked by γ Virginis, 470.

Shur-narkabti-sha-iltanu (β Tauri), 390.

Shur-narkabti-eha-shūtū (ζ Tauri), 391.

Shushak, Khorasmian lunar station, 472.

Shuter, The Persian Cassiopeia, 414.

Shwang Yu, present Chinese name for Pisces, 338.

Shwuy Foo, Chinese asterism in Orion, 320.

Shwuy Wei (in Canis Minor), 135; (α Eridani), 218

Sib-zi-anna (α and η Boötis), 101, 104.

Sicilia (Triangulum), 416.

Sickle, The, 253, 255.

Sidhaya, the 6th nakshatra, 110.

Sidus Fauetum Regis, 51.

Sidus Hyantis, 388.

Sidus Ludovicianum, 446.

Sidus Minervae et Bacchi, 203.

Sidus Vergiliarum, 396.

Siebengestirn and Sifunsterri, 396.

Siete Cabrillas, 397.

Sieu, a Chinese lunar station, 9; et passim.

Sigillarius, 3.

Signatricia Lumina, 396.

Signum hiemale (Capricomus), 135.

Signum Tau (Triangulum Australe), 417.

Sihor, correctly Shīimageōr, 124.

Siktut, a Greenland figure for Orion’s Belt, 315.

Siliquastrum (in Cassiopeia), 144.

Silver River, The, 475.

Si-mal, or Si-mul (α Arietis), 80.

Sï ma ts’ien (in Orion), 319.

Simham, or Sinha (the Tamil Leo), 254.

Simon Zelotes (Capricomus), 137.

Sin, or Sam, the 16th sieu, 365.

Sing, the 8th sieu, 248.

Singe Hanuant (α Canis Minoris), 134.

Sing Ki, in Capricomus and Sagittarius, 139, 356.

Sinha, or Simham, in Leo, 254.

Sin-nun-tu, or Si-nu-nu-tum, 358.

Sīr, or Teīr, 204, 302.

Sirii, The Two, 125.

Sirion, Syriue and Canis Syrius, 118.

Sirius, Serius, etc., 2, 120129.

Sirius Jemenicus, 121.

Siru, or Shiru (Virgo), 464.

Situla (Aquarius), 45; (κ Aquarii), 54.

Situla (ο1 Eridani), 219.

Sivānam, of the Rig Veda, 122.

Skinker, The (Aquarius), 48.

Sky figures, multiplicity of, decried, 16; reform in system of, tried, 16; old system of, still remains, 16; formation and original date of the earliest of, 16; various countries claim to have originated, 16; sources of the old 48 lost in antiquity, 18; Pliny and Eudemos on the, 18; preservation of them by the Greeks, 18; ancient Egyptian, 20; Professor Edward S. Holden on, 28; Dürer and the, 28; the imageur’ān on, 33. See also under Constellations.

Smati-Osiris, Orion in Egypt, 308.

Smith, George, discovers the Creation Legend, 1.

Smon barbaris, and Smon nautis, 199.

Smyth, William Henry, xvii; et passim.

Snail, The, perhaps Draco in Babylonia, 204.

Sobieski’s Shield, Sobieskischer Schild. See Scutum Sobiescianum.

Solarium, location of, 377; origin of obscure, 377; ignored by astronomers, 377.

Solechin, the Egypto-Greek Sirius, 124.

Solitaire, and the Solitary Thrush, 293, 418. Soma-cup, The, of prehistoric India, 183.

Sonans (Cepheus), 156.

Sonipes, and Sonipes Ales, 151, 323.

Son of the Shunammice (Antinoüs), 41.

Soot-bag, or Coal-sack, 190, 297.

Sopet and Sopdit (Sirius), 124.

Soror Ple’iadum, 407.

Sosigenes, aids Julius Caesar to reform calendar, 19.

Sot, Sothi, or Sothis, 20, 123, 124.

Southern Celestial Clock, 189.

Southern Cross, The. See Crux.

Southern Crown, The. See Corona Australis.

Southern Fish, The. See Piscis Australis.

Southern Fly, The. See Musca Australis.

Southern Gate of the Sun (Capricomus), 136.

Southern Pointers, The (α and β Centauri), 154.

Southern Tramontane (Ursa Major), 429.

Southern Triangle. See Triangulum Australe.

South Triangle (Crux), 189.

Spartana Soboles, or Suboles, 222.

Spartan Twins, The, 222.

Spear, The (Sagitta), 351.

Spectral Gem, The (γ Velae), 73.

Spence, Joseph, in Polymetis, 50; et passim.

Spica, Spicum and Spigha, 466.

Spicifera Virgo Cereris, 461.

Spinning Damsel, The (Lyra), 58.

Spira Australis (Corona Australis), 173.

Spiral Nebula, The, 116.

Stachys (Virgo), 463; (Spica), 466.

Staff, Jacob’s, 315.

Star-designations, confusion in consequence of change in, 16; et passim.

Star groups. See Constellations and Sky figures.

Star in the Chayre, The, 147.

Star-names, interrelation of Arabic and Greek, xii; antiquity of, xiii; origin of Arabic, archaic, xiii; derivation of many, xiv; classic writers on, xiv; first given by herdsmen, hunters, sailors, etc., xv.

Star of Arcady, in Milton’s Cornus, 456.

Star of Autumn (Sirius), 120.

Star (or Stars), of Crucero, The (Crux), 188.

Star of Mardūk (Capella), 88.

Star of Osiris (Canopus), 70.

Star of Saint Catharine (Canopus), 71.

Star of the Flocks, perhaps α Arietis, 80.

Star of the Goddess Bahu (Denebola), 259.

Star of the Hunter (the Hyades), 389.

Star, or Star of piercing brightness, The, 398.

Star Royal, 257 (extract).

Starry Seven, The, of Keats’ Endymion, 391.

Stars of the Water, The, 20.

Stars, The, titles of, chiefly from the Arabs, xii; number of, on present maps, 15; increase of number of, to be charted, 15; German folk-lore and, 27; other superstitions about, 27; emblems of sanctity in early Christian art, 28; blunders of painters and authors in regard to the, 2931; allusions in classic writers to the, 31; Quintilian and, 31; Tennyson accurate regarding, 31; Dante, Lowell, and Longfellow on, 31; et passim.

Star-worship, in Arabia, 26; in India, 26; in Egypt, 26; in Greece, 26; Aristophanes on, 26; Aristotle on, 26; mentioned by Plato, 26; by Dante, 26; by others, 2628; et passim.

State Chariot, Leo and Leo Minor in China, 264.

Statius, on the constellations, 27; et passim.

Steering Star, 455.

Steinbok (Capricornus), 135.

Stella Dominatrix (Aldebaran), 384.

Stella Maris and Stella Polaris, 453, 454.

Stellio (Lacerta), 251.

Steph’ani (δ, β, and π Scorpii), 369.

Ster’ope I and Ster’ope II (Steropes Sidus), 407.

Stier, Der (Taurus), 378.

Stimulus (ψ1 to ψ10 Aurigae), 92.

Stork in the Heaven, The (Grus), 237.

Strada di Roma (the Galaxy), 480.

Stranger Star, The, in Cassiopeia, 147.

Strasse, Hilde, or Jakob’s Hulde, 479.

Strong One, The (Sagittarius), 354.

Struve, "Wilhelm, and family, 37 (note); discovery concerning companion of γ Andromedae, 37.

Stymphalian Birds, The, 56.

Sualocin, 200.

Sublimatus (Hydra), 247; (Orion), 307.

Subruffa, Bayer’s error as to α Tauri, 384.

Suc’ula, Suculae, and Succidae, 384, 388.

Sudarium Veronicae, 377.

Südliche Fisch, 344.

Südliche Fliege, 291.

Südliche Krone, 172.

Sugi (α Carinae), 71; (the Wain), 431.

Sugi Stars (in Libra), 274, 276.

Sukkōth and Succoth, Bimagenōth, 397.

Sukra, Sirius in earliest India, 122.

Su-ku-du, Sirius in Assyria, 123.

Sulcus, Riccioli’s name for θ Eridani, 219.

Sun (stars in Columba), 168.

Sundesmos, 342.

Sun-dial, The. See Solarium.

Sung, η Ophiuchi in China, 302.

Sun of the South, Cancer in Akkadia, 108.

Sun’s Apex and Quit, The, 245.

Supa, Akkadian lunar station in Gemini, 231.

Superba, La (152 Schjellerup), 116.

Sūrya Siddhānta, The, 8 (note).

Suttjenēs Rauko, the Pleiades in Sweden, 397.

Su-tul, Capricornus in Akkadia, 139.

Svati, Arcturus and the 13th nakshatra, 100.

Swan, The. See Cygnus.

Swan Nebula, The, 374.

Swarga Duāri, the Galaxy in North India, 475.

Swordfish, The. See Xiphias under Dorado, 202.

Swordfish, The, Capricornus in Egypt, 138.

Sword Hand of Perseus, The, 335.

Syntaxis, The (Almagest), of Claudius Ptolemy, xii; unknown in Europe till the 16th century, xii; description of, 12; corrected by Ulug Beg, in 15th century, 13; et passim.

Syr, a possible Celtic original of Sirius, 120.

Syrius, 118, 120.

Syrma (ι Virginis), 472.

Syrorum Dea (Virgo), 462.

Syryän Voykodzyun, the Pleiades, 398.

Sze Foo, Chinese stars in Camelopardalis, 107.

Sze Füh, Chinese stars in Monoceros, 290.

Sze Wei, α and β in Equuleus, 214.

Table Mountain, The. See Mons Mensae.

Tables, of Ulug Beg, 2; et passim.

Tae, Chinese stars in Capricornus, 142.

Taehti, a title for Polaris in Finland, 454.

Tae Wei, stars of Leo and Virgo, 254.

Tae Yang Show, κ Ursae Majoris, 445.

Tafelberg, 291.

Tah, the 8th sieu, 248.

Tail, or Train, of Light, 448.

Tai Wei, a Chinese stellar division, 22.

Tai Yi, in Draco, 206 (extract).

Tāj, Al, a Persian figure in Orion, 320.

Ta Kiō, Arcturus in China, 100.

Ta Leang, Taurus in China, 381.

Ta Ling, τ Persei, 334.

Talyn Arthur, the early Britons’ Lyra, 282.

Tambiru, Taurus in Al Bīrūnī’s India, 382.

Tammech, cited by Riccioli for Gemini, 224.

Tang Shay, one of early China’s Dragons, 198.

Taouri, Taurus in India, 382.

Tapüra Rayoaba, Taurus on the Amazon, 381.

Taraha, Persian lunar station in Gemini, 231.

Tarandus vel Rangifer, location and formation of, 377, 378; names of, 377, 378; seldom figured, and now rarely mentioned, 378.

Tarazad and Tarazed, 60.

Tarāzūk and Terā (Libra), 273.

Tarcuta, an unidentified star-name, 198.

Tascheter and Taschter, a Guardian of Heaven, 256, 385.

Ta Shin (α Scorpii), 365; (Polaris), 456.

Ta Tsun (δ Geminorum), 234; (ξ Ursae Majoris), 445.

Ta Tsze (image Leonis), 261; (γ1 Ursae Minoris), 460

Tau, Jewish name for Libta, 273.

Tau and Tauono, the Pleiades in Polynesia, 400.

Taube, 166.

Taukshika, Sagittarius in India, 354.

Taurā, Syriac title for Taurus, 380.

Taureau, Le, 378.

Taureau Royal, Le, 413.

Taurids, the meteor stream, 386.

Taurt, γ Draconis, 209.

Taurus, first of the twelve signs, 1; various names of, 378383; one of the earliest and most noted constellations, 378; marked the vernal equinox from 4000–1700 B.C., 378: Vergil upon, 378; in Chaucer, 378; with the Greeks, 378; mythology accounts for the figuring of, 379; various writers on the figuring of, 379; legends concerning, 379; Thompson on, 379; titles of, synonymous in various languages, 380; with the Latins, 380; with Manilius, 380; on coinage, 380; Plutarch and, 381; among South American tribes, 381; in China, Egypt, and with the Hebrews, 381; associated with Adam’s first sacrifice, 381; with the biblical school, 382; prominent in Persico-Babylonian and Akkadian astronomy, 382; Epping on, 382; with various other Eastern nations, 382; among the Druids, 382; Scotch idea concerning, 383; in astrology, 383; other details of, 383; minor components of, 391.

         Alpha (α) of Taurus, various names of, 383386; Professor Whitney and, 383; various writers on, 383, 384; in Arabia, 384; the divine star of the tribe Misām, 384; with the Hindus, 384; color of, and its names connected, 384, 385; in astrology, 385; with Flammarion, 385; with the Hebrews, 385; prominent in all systems, 385; in Babylonia, Akkadia, and Persia, 385; in Bohemia and among the Hervey Islanders, 385; location of, 386; frequent occultation of, by the moon, 386; used in navigation, 386; spectrum and velocity of, 386.

         Beta (β) of Taurus, names of, 390; location of, 390; identical with γ Aurigae, 390; Smyth on, 390; in China, Babylonia, and India, 390; in astrology, 390; spectrum and velocity of, 390.

         Gamma (γ) of Taurus, names of, 390; Hipparchos on, 390; in China, 391.

         Zeta (ζ) of Taurus, in Babylonia, 381; in Reeves’ Chinese list, 391; in astrology, 391; location of, 391; other details concerning, 391.

         Eta (η) or Fl. 25 of Taurus, the Alcyone of the Pleiades, 403; various other names of, 403405; brilliancy of, 403; with the Arabs, 403, 404; in Babylonia and India, 404; Thompson upon, 404; Madler and, 405; with Miss Clerke, 405; culmination and companions of, 405.

         Fl. 16 of Taurus (Bessel’s g of the Pleiades), names of, and facts concerning, 407.

         Fl. 17 of Taurus (or b of the Pleiades), titles of, 406; legend concerning, 406; with Ovid, 406; in Australia, 406.

         Fl. 19 of Taurus (or e of the Pleiades), various names of, 407; with classic writers, 407; Ulug Beg’s name for, 407; Bayer lettered it q, 407.

         Fl. 20 of Taurus (or c of the Pleiades), various names of, 405; ancient distinction of Maia, 405; with the Latins, 405; in China, 405; the nebula of, 406.

         Fl. 21 of Taurus (or l of the Pleiades), name and details of, 407, 408.

         Fl. 22 of Taurus (or k of the Pleiades), name of, and details concerning, 407, 408.

         Fl. 23 of Taurus (or d of the Pleiades), details concerning, 406.

         Fl. 27 of Taurus (or f of the Pleiades), name of, and details concerning, 408.

         Fl. 28 of Taurus (or h of the Pleiades), various names of, 408412; spectrum of, 408; Pickering and, 408; other observations concerning, 409412.

         Theta (θ1, θ2) of Taurus, may be binary, 412.

         Iota (ι) of Taurus, with other stars composes the Chinese Choo Wang, 412.

         Kappa (κ1, κ2) of Taurus, with other stars components of the Arabs’ Al Kalbain, 412.

         Phi (φ) of Taurus, a component of the Chinese Li Shih, 412.

         Chi (χ) of Taurus, a component of the Chinese Li Shih and Tien Keae, 412.

         Upsilon (υ) of Taurus, a component of the Arabs’ Al Kalbain, 412; also of the Chinese Tien Keae, 412.

Taurus Poniatovii, various names of, 413; formed from Ophiuchus by the Abbé Poczobut in 1777, 413; not generally recognized by astronomers, 413; in Chinese astronomy, 413; with Bartsch, 413; a triangular figure on the Borgian globe, 413; culmination and companions of, 413, 414.

Taurus, a variant for Sagittarius, 352.

Taurus Regalis, 413.

Taushaugjil, Aquila in Turkey, 57.

Ta Who, Scorpio and its stars, 361, 365, 368.

Tayg’eta, or Tayg’ete, 407.

Tazza (Crater), 182.

Tchang, or Chang, the 9th sieu, 248.

Tchin, the nth sieu, 182.

Team, The, in Ursa Major, 431.

Teen Ho, Chinese stars in Aries, 83.

Tegeaea Virgo, Kallisto of Ursa Major, 421.

Tegmen and Tegmine, 114.

Tejat Posterior, 236.

Tejat Prior, 235.

Telescopium, the Telescope, formed by La Caille, 414; Bode’s name for, 414; in Chinese astronomy, 414; culmination of, 414.

Telescopium Herschelii, formed by the Abbé Hell in 1781 and published by Bode in 1800, 414; disappearance from maps, and former location of 414.

Telī, Aries in Judaea, 78.

Telum (Sagitta), 350; (Sagittarius), 352.

Temennu, Alcyone in Babylonia, 404.

Temo meridianus (Sagitta), 350.

Temple, Sagittarius in China, 356; the Hyades in India, 389.

Temple Money, The, of China, 5.

Templum (Ara), 62.

Teōmīm, 223.

Terebellum, 360.

Tericas (Coma Berenices), 170.

Teriones, the grammarians’ Triones, 431.

Ternuelles, the Persian Hercules, 241.

Terrestris (Canopus), 68.

Testa (Lyra), 283.

Testudo, a proposed constellation, 163, 283, 342.

Testudo and Testudo Lyrae, 283, 284.

Te Te, Taurus in Babylonia, 382.

Tew, Tow, or Nan Tow, the 19th sieu, 355.

Thales, inventor of Ursa Minor, 18, 448; et passim.

Thamyris (Hercules), 241.

Thegius and Theguius (Boötes), 96.

Theophrastus, the first botanist-author, on image Cancri, 113; et passim.

Thesbia or Thespia (Virgo), 462.

Theseus (α Geminorum), 231; (Hercules), 241.

Theseus and Pirithoüs (Gemini), 223.

Thessalicae Sagitta (Sagittarius), 352.

Thierkreis, the German title for the zodiac, 3.

Thigh, The, the Egyptian title for Ursa Major, 20.

Thompson’s, D’Arcy Wentworth, Glossary of Greek Birds, xvii; et passim.

Thomson, James, on Aquarius, 46; et passim. Thoth (Sirius), 124.

Three Guides, The, 146, 327.

Three Hunters, image, ζ, η Ursae Majoris, 423.

Three Kings, δ, image, ζ Orionis, 316.

Three Magi (Hercules), 242.

Three Marys, or Three Mowers, 316.

Three Patriarchs (Triangulum Australe), 417.

Three Stars, The, Orion’s Belt, 310, 316.

Three Swedish Crowns, Weigel’s figure for Boötes, 98.

Throne of Orion, α, β, γ, and δ Leporis, 265.

Throne of Thor, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, 450.

Thronos Caesaris, Pliny’s name for Crux, 185.

Throwend, the Anglo-Saxon title for Scorpio, 363.

Thymele (Ara), 62.

Thyo’ne, Ovid’s title for the Hyades, 387.

Thyrsus, distinctconstellation with Hipparchos, 151.

Ti, or Ti Tso (α Ursae Mirioris), 456.

Ti, the 14th sieu, 276; β Ursae Minoris, 459.

Tiam, the ancient 5th sieu, 231.

Tiāmāt, or Tiāmūt, 32, 161, 181, 183, 204, 299.

Tien Ching, late Chinese title for Libra, 272.

Tien Choo (in Draco), 210; (in Ursa Major), 437.

Tien Chuen, γ and η Persei, 334.

Tien Chwang, stars of Draco, 210.

Tien He, the modern Chinese Scorpion, 362.

Tien Ho (the Galaxy), 475.

Tien Hwan, stars of Cetus in China, 165.

Tien Hwang Ta Ti, Polaris in early China, 456.

Tien Kae, β and γ Draconis, 207.

Tien Kang, or Tien Tsien, in Piscis Australis, 347.

Tien Ke (θ Herculis), 244; (γ Ursae Majoris), 438.

Tien Keae and Tien Tsze, in Taurus, 412, 413.

Tien Kiang, or Tung Han, in Ophiuchus, 303.

Tien Kuen, δ Ursae Majoris, 439.

Tien Kwan, Chinese stars of Taurus, 391.

Tien Laou, stars of Ursa Major, 445.

Tien Li and Ti Tche, stars of Ursa Major, 435.

Tien Lin, stars near the Hyades, 389.

Tien Luy Ching, stars of Capricomus, 142.

Tien Meaou, Chinese asterism in Argo, 67.

Tien Mun, stars of Hydra and Virgo, 248, 471.

Tien Pien, Scutum in modern China, 373.

Tien Seang, in Sextans, 377.

Tien Seuen, β Ursae Majoris, 438.

Tien She, a Chinese general division, 22.

Tien Shï Yuen, stars in Serpens, 375.

Tien Sze, β Scorpii, 368.

Tien Teen and Tsin Heen, stars in Virgo, 473.

Tien Tsan, or Ta Tsun, ψ Ursae Majoris, 445.

Tien Tsin, stars of Cygnus, 197.

Tien Yu or Yuen, in Cetus and Fornax, 164, 221.

Tien Yuen, stars of Eridanus, 218, 219; stars of Perseus, 331.

Tiger, Sagittarius in China, 356.

Tigris (Lynx), 279; (River), 280; (Sagitta), 350.

Timshēmath, correctly Tinshēmeth, 194.

Tipografia, 297.

Tir, the Persian and Pahlavi Sirius, 122.

Tir-An-na, the Akkadian Polaris, 206.

Tishiya, the 6th nakshatra, 110.

Tishiya, Tishiga, Tistrija, or Tishtrya, 122.

Tis-khu, Sirius in Akkadia, 123.

Tistar, Edkins’ name for Arcturus, 100.

Tistar Star, Sirius or Spica, 122, 468.

Titefui, a Coptic lunar asterism, 255.

Ti Tso and Tsin, α Herculis, 243.

Tituma, or Jituma, the Tamil Gemini, 223

Tjung, the ancient 9th sieu, 248.

Togo ni samu (the Pleiades), 400.

Tolam, Tulam, and Tulā, 272.

Tome, the Gemini of Tyre, 223.

Too Sze, stars of Cerberus, 160.

Too Sze Kung, β Ceti, 163.

Tora, a Persian title for Taurus, 380.

Torcular and Torcularis septentrionalis, 343.

Toro, Il, the Italian Taurus, 378.

Toro di Poniatowski, 413.

Tortoise, The, Cancer in Babylonia, 109.

Totyarguil, Aquila in Australia, 59.

Toucan, Toucana, and Toucano. See Tucana.

Touchan, The, Burritt’s name for Tucana, 418. Tow Kwei, the Square in Ursa Minor, 456.

Träger des Medusen Kopf, 330.

Tramontana and Tramontane, 452, 454.

Trapezium, in Orion, 316.

Trapezius (Hercules), 241.

Trapezuntius (George of Trebizond), translator of the Syntaxis, xii.

Tre Facelle, The, of Dante, 71, 218, 346.

Trethon (Auriga), 84.

Triangle, The. See Triangulum.

Triangle, a figuring of 20th nakshatra, 286.

Triangle Indien, 250.

Triangle Stars, The (Triangulum Australe), 417.

Triangles, The (of Cygnus), 195.

Triangolo, Triangulum, and Triangulus, 414.

Triangulum, various names of, 414416; location and antiquity of, 415; Hood connects it with Aries, 415; Aratos and, 415; with Cicero, Hyginus, and other classic astronomers, 415; in Egypt, 415; with the biblical school, 415; origin of some names of, 415; with the Arabs and Jews, 416; in Chinese astronomy, 416.

         Alpha (α) of Triangulum, name and culmination of, 416.

         Beta (β) of Triangulum, unnamed, but, with Alpha (α), the Arabian Mīzān, 416.

Triangulum Australe, names of, 417; more noticeable than its northern original, 417; formation of, attributed to Theodor about 1503, 417; Caesius and, 417; with Schiller and Proctor, 417; in China, 417; location of, 417; minor components of, 417; Ideler and, 417.

Triangulum Minor, formed by Hevelius, 417; now discontinued by astronomers, 417.

Triangulus Septentrionalis, 415.

Trica, Tricas, and Triquetras, 169, 170.

Tricuspis, Triplicitas, and Triquetrum, 415.

Trifid Nebula, 359.

Trigon, The Airy (Aquarius), 49.

Trigon, Trigonum, Trigonus, 415.

Trigon, Watery (Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio), 107.

Trinity, The (Triangulum), 415.

Triones, 431.

Triopas (Ophiuchus), 299.

Tripater (Orion), 308.

Triptolemus and Iasion (Gemini), 223.

Triton, a classical title for Delphinus, 199.

Trochilus (Auriga), 85.

Tropic Crab, The, Milton’s name for Cancer, 109.

Tropus (η Geminorum), 235.

True Lover’s Knot, Nebula N. G. C. 2070, 202.

Tsae Ching, Bode’s 2629 in Coma, 171.

Tean, the 4th sieu, 310.

Tsan Ke, stars in Orion, 320.

Tsan Tae, stars in Lyra, 287.

Tsaou Foo, stars in Cepheus, 158.

Tsee, Tsok, or Tsuy He, the 3d sieu, 318.

Tseen Foo and Tseen Peen, stars in Aquila, 61.

Tseen Hwang, stars in Auriga, 91.

Tseen Ke and Tseen Kow, stars in Argo, 74, 75.

Tseen Kwan, stars in Cetus, 162.

Tseen O, in Ara, 64.

Tseen She (η Carinae), 73.

Tseen Yin (δ and ζ Arae), 64.

Tseih Kung and Tso She Ti, in Boötes, 104.

Tseih She, the Chinese Algol, 332.

Tseih She Ke, the Beehive in Cancer, 113.

Tseih Shwuy, stars in Perseus, 334.

Tseih Sing, the seven stars in Ursa Major, 435.

Tseih Tsing, stars in Gemini and Cancer, 237.

Tseu Tsze, Pisces in early China, 338.

Tsew Ke, stars in Leo and Cancer, 263.

Tshiō (η, θ, and ξ Ophiuchi), 303.

Tsien Ta Tseang, stars of Andromeda and Triangulum, 416.

Tsih (γ Cassiopeiae), 147; (Lepus), 265.

Tsih Tsin, stars in Cancer and Gemini, 114.

Tsï Kung, Draco in China, 206.

Tsin (in Capricornus), 142; (in Serpens), 376.

Tsing, the 5th sieu, 231, 237.

Tsing Kew, β and ξ Hydrae, 249.

Tsing Lung, Azure Dragon of China, 22, 365, 368.

Tsin Yin, δ and ζ Arietis, 83.

Tso Chih Fa (η Virginis), 471.

Tso Choo (ι Draconis), 210.

Tso Hea (β Corvi), 182.

Tso Kang (image Arae), 64.

Tso Ke (ρ Aquilae), 61.

Tsoo, in Capricornus, 142; in Ophiuchus, 302.

Tsow Kaou, stars of Cetus, 163.

Tsu Ke, stars of Cancer and Leo, 114.

Tsung Ching, β and γ Ophiuchi, 301.

Tsung Jin, or Tsung Ting, 413.

Tsung Tsing, stars of Hercules, 244.

Tsze, λ Columbae, 168.

Tsze Fe, image and μ Leonis, 261.

Tsze Seang (θ Leonis), 262; (δ Virginis), 470.

Tsze Tseang (image Virginis), 471.

Tsze Wei, circumpolar stars in China, 22.

Tuāmu, Gemini in Assyria, 231.

Tuberoni Regia, or Tyberone, 256.

Tubus Astronomicus. See Telescopium.

Tucana, various names of, 417, 418; published by Bayer, 417; in China, 418; location of, 418; Caesius and, 418; details concerning, 418.

Tui, or Jui (ι Orionis), 317.

Tukan, 418.

Tukto, Ursa Major in Greenland, 425.

Tul-Ku, identified with Ara, 63.

Tung Hae, ζ and η Serpentis, 376.

Tung Tsing, stars of Gemini, 235.

Turdus Solitarius, 248; names and formation of, 418; details concerning, 418.

Turibulum, Turribulum, and Thuribulum, 62. Turree, Castor in Australia, 229.

Tur-us-mal-maχ, Castor in Assyria, 231.

Twan Mun, or Yih Mun, the autumnal equinox in China, 471.

Twelf Tacna, the twelve signs in Saxon England, 4.

Twelve Akhtars, The, the Pahlavi zodiac, 5.

Twin Laconian Stars, 222.

Twin Sons of Rebecca, 224.

Twins, The. See Gemini.

Twisan, Ge, the Anglo-Saxon Gemini, 222.

Twister, The, 433.

Two Angels, a figure for Gemini, 224.

Two Brothers, α and β Centauri, 154.

Two Dogs, the Arabs’ Cassiopeia and Cepheus, 144.

Two-handed Pot, early English name for Crater, 183.

Two-headed Eagle, Weigel’s figure for Orion, 310.

Two-Gazelles, Gemini in Chaldaea and Phoenicia, 224.

Two Men that once were Lions, 154.

Two Sprouting Plants, an Egyptian figure for Gemini, 224.

Two Stars, The, perhaps Gemini in Egypt, 20; a title now for α and β Ursae Majoris, 438.

Tycho Brahē, catalogue of, 13; et passim.

Tycho’s Star, 147.

Tympanum, a classical title for Lyra, 281.

Tyndaridae and Tyndarides (Gemini), 222.

Tyrannus, cited by Bayer for Antares, 365.

Tyrannus aquae, Aquarius with Horace, 46.

Tyrius, Martial’s name for Taurus, 379.

Uccello Paradiso (Apus), 43.

Udgudua, or Utucagaba (Sagittarius), 354.

Udkagaba (Lepus or Sagittarius), 265.

Udruvaga, Aquarius in late India, 48.

Ughlak, Capricomus in Turkey, 136.

Ughuz, Taurus in Turkey, 380.

Ulgher, the Pleiades in Turkey, 393.

Ulug Beg, the Tables (Zij) of, 2; et passim.

Umbilicus Andromedae, 35.

Ungal, perhaps α, γ, and λ Orionis, 311.

Ungulae, the arms of Cancer, 111.

Unicorn, The. See Monoceros.

Unicorno and Unicornu, 289, 290.

Unosoura, its connection with Cynosura, 448.

Upeuritos, Coptic lunar asterism in Aquarius, 54.

Upuineuti, Coptic lunar asterism in Aquarius, 52.

Urakhga, the Akkadian Corvus, Cygnus, and Lyra, 193, 282.

Urania (Virgo), 462.

Uranus, discovered by Herschelin 1781, 236; details as to this, 236; ancient observations of, 236; Flamsteed and, 260.

Ur-bar-ra, perhaps stars in Pegasus, 325.

Urbat, Lupus in Akkadia, 278; in Babylonia, 366.

Urcuchillay, Lyra in ancient Peru, 282.

Urion (Orion), 304.

Urna, in Aquarius, 50, 54; (Crater), 183.

Urnam qui tenet (Aquarius), 46.

Ur-ner-gub (β1 and β2 Sagittarii), 357.

Uropygium (α Cygni), 195.

Ursa, Proctor’s Ursa Minor, 453.

Ursa cum puerulo, 420.

Ursa Major, sometimes identified with Mazzārōth, 2; various names of, 419437; best known of stellar groups, 419; Sir G. C. Lewis’ opinion concerning, 419; with the Greeks, 419; early importance of, 419; many titles and associations of, 419; the universal appellation of, 419; possible origin of the common name of, 419; early catalogues and, 419; with Teutonic nations, 420; in Aratos’ Phainomena, 420; with other classic poets, 420; in Anglo-Saxon astronomy, 420; Ben Jonson and, 420; with La Lande, 420; in ancient legend, 420, 421; Matthew Arnold and, 420; legendary and poetic appellations and conceits of, 421; on early coinage, 422; with Sophocles, 422; Mueller and the myth of, 422; Aratos on the legend of, 422; with the Hebrews, 422; Saint Jerome and this, 422; popular mistake arising from Saint Jerome’s mistranslation, 422; modem corrections of this, 422; in the Breeches Bible, 423; in various eastern systems, 423; with the North American Indians, 423; with old Thomas Hood, 423; with the Pennsylvanian Germans, 424; Trevisa and, 424; in the Kaleivala, 424; in the Century Dictionary, 424; with Chaucer and Minsheu, 424; in India, 424, 425; time of enlargement of, 425; on the Euphrates and Ganges, 425; Theon’s theory concerning, 425; among the Syrians, 425; with northern nations, 425; Smyth upon, 425; among the early Britons, Irish, and French, 426; with Homer and Greek navigators, 426; Aratos on this, 427; used with Orion in navigation, 427; various derivations of names of the Wain, 427; with Anacreon, 427; Hesychios’ name for, 427; Aben Ezra and, 427; with the Romans, 427; limitations of these names of, as shown by Bartschius, 427; with the Italiansand Portuguese, 427; in Scandinavian nomenclature, 427; with the Goths, 428; German writers and, 428; King James I and, 428; variant forms of the name Charles’ Wain, 428; connection of, with English kings, 429; in Miles Coverdale’s Bible, 429; various English poets and, 429; in the Septuagint, 429; in the Peshitta-Syriac Version, 429; Vespucci and, 429, 430; more English poets upon, 430, 431; used as a timepiece and a guide, 430; Sophocles refers to such use of, 430; in Shakespeare, 430; in astrology, 431; in heraldry, 431; mechanical names of, 431; in prehistoric India, 431; Latin names of, associated with agriculture, 431; Latin writers and, 431; Dante and, 431, 432; more English poets and, 432; in Persia, 432; Heraclitos upon, 432; on early coinage, 432; in Hebrew nomenclature, 432; with the biblical school, 432; with the Arabs, 432; Arab legend concerning Arabic name of, 433; Delitzsch and, 433; with the early Arab poets, 433names shared with Ursa Minor, 433; reason of some Greek names of, 433; Ovid on the two Bears, 433; Homer’s epithet for, 434; ancient name of, in Egypt, 434; on the Denderah planisphere, 434; prominence of, in early Egyptian astronomy and in astrology, 434; Hewitt on Egyptian names of, 434; Egyptian figurings of, 434; myths connected with these, 434; later Egyptian figurings and names of, 435; in India, 435; Professor Whitney on, in Hindu astronomy, 435; Al Bīrūnī on the same, 435; with the Chinese, 435; Weigel’s, Schiller’s, and Caesius’ names for, 435; popular names for, 436; in southern France, 436; ancient belief concerning, 436; Manilius on this, 436; Sanskrit legend concerning this, 436; Eden and the " pole Antartike," 436; Lopez on this, 436; Pliny’s blunders concerning, 437; formation of the Dipper, 437.

         Alpha (α) of Ursa Major, various names of, 437, 438; the Hindu Kratu, 437; Lockyer and, 437; in China, 437; location of, 437; the Egyptian Āk, 437; Arago’s name for, 438; use of, to beginners in astronomy, 438; spectrum and velocity of, 438.

         Beta (β) of Ursa Major, various names of, 438; in China, 438; spectrum and velocity of, 438; the Owl Nebula close by, 438.

         Gamma (γ) of Ursa Major, various names of, 438; in Hindu nomenclature, 438; in China, 438; spectrum, velocity, and location of, 438.

         Delta (δ) of Ursa Major, various names of, 439; in China and in India, 439; location of, on the equinoctial colure, 439; Ptolemy, Tycho, and Miss Clerke on its comparative brilliancy, 439.

         Epsilon (image) of Ursa Major, various names of, and the uncertainty as to their derivation, 439, 440; on the Cufic globe, 439; Bayer and, 439; among the Hindus, 440; in China, 440; spectrum, location, and velocity of, 440; now the lucida of Ursa Major, 440.

         Zeta (ζ) of Ursa Major, various names of, 440; with the Arabs, 440; Assemani and, 440; legend concerning, 440; in India, 440; first star noted as telescopically double, 440; successfully daguerreotyped in 1857, 440; spectrum, location, and velocity of, 441.

         Eta (η) of Ursa Major, various names of, 441; Arab poets on, 441; on the Borgian globe, 441; in India, 441; in China, 441; referred to in Hudibras, 442; location of, 442; the radiant point of the Ur- sids, 442; spectrum and velocity of, 442.

         Theta (θ) of Ursa Major, various names of, 442; in Arabian astronomy, 442; Hyde and, 442; in China, 442.

         Iota (ι) of Ursa Major, combined with Kappa (κ) by the Arabs, 442; also by the Chinese, 443.

         Kappa (κ) of Ursa Major, combined with lota (ι) by Arabic and Chinese astronomers, 442, 443.

         Lambda (λ) of Ursa Major, combined with Mu (μ), various names of, 443; in China, 443.

         Mu (μ) of Ursa Major, combined with Lambda (λ), various names of, 443; in China, 443.

         Nu (ν) of Ursa Major, combined with Xi (ξ), various names of, 443; in Chinese astronomy, 443; the northern of the two, 443; other details concerning, 443.

         Xi (ξ) of Ursa Major, combined with Nu (ν), various names of, 443; the southern of the two, 443; in China, 443; other details concerning, 443.

         Omicron (ο) of Ursa Major, 444.

         Pi (π1, π2) of Ursa Major, 444.

         Sigma (σ1, σ2) of Ursa Major, components of imageazwīnī’s Al imagehibā, 444; in China, 444.

         Tau (τ) of Ursa Major, a component of the Chinese Nuy Keae, 444.

         Chi (χ) of Ursa Major, names of, 444, 445.

         Psi (ψ) of Ursa Major, Tien Tsan in China, 445.

         Omega (ω) of Ursa Major, the Chinese Tien Laou, 445.

         Fl. 80 (or g) of Ursa Major, various names of, 445, 446; famous in astronomical lore, 445; Smyth and Miss Clerke on, 445; other writers on, 445, 446; legends concerning, 446; importance of, in Syria, 446; in North Germany, 446; in China, 446.

         1830 Groombridge of Ursa Major (or 4010 B. A. C.), identity of, and details concerning, 446; Newcomb and Young on, 447; location of, 447.

Ursa Minor, various names of, 447453; theories regarding derivation of Greek name of, 447; Gaelic name for, 448; not mentioned by Homer and Hesiod, 448; origin of the constellation, 448; Thales and, 448; in classic legends and poetry, 448, 449; Dante on the "dancing" of the stars, 449; with the Arabs, 449; Lowell on, 449; Manilius and, 449; other Arabic figurings of, 450; in various eastern systems, 450; on the Denderah zodiac, 450; Jensen’s identification of, with Babylonia, 450; Plutarch’s with Phoenicia, 450; among the Scandinavian races, 450; Dante and, 450; with Caesius, 450; in China, 450; in the Alfonsine Tables, 451; among the Hebrews, 451; in the Geneva Bible, 451; Caesius’ name for, 451; modem names of, 451; early references to, and figurings of, 451; Norse ideas of, 452; similar modern names of, 452; in Tennyson, 452; Proctor’s nomenclature of, 453; as now drawn, 453.

         Alpha (α) of Ursa Minor, the Arabs knew it as a young he goat, 449; various names of, 453- 458; “ most practically useful star in the heavens,” 453; Dante and, 453; in Euclid’s Phainomena, 453; Hipparchos and other classic writers on, 453; Miss Clerke and, 453, 454; Py theas and Polaris, 454; assumes the office of the pole-star, 454; other details concerning, 454; with the Finns, 454; with 10th- century Anglo-Saxons, 454; poetical references to its use in navigation, 455; in Milton, 456; in China, 456; in earliest Northern India, 456; with the Arabs, 456; name of, in Damascus, 457; in Arabic astronomy, 457; superstition concerning, 457; in the Alfonsine Tables, 457; with the Turks, 457; distance of, from the exact pole, 457; its approach to and recession from the pole, 457, 458; Shakespeare’s error concerning, 458; distance and velocity of, 458; spectrum of, 458; other details concerning, 458.

         Beta (β) of Ursa Minor, various names of, 458, 459; familiar to the Arabs, 459; in China, 459; spectrum and velocity of, 459.

         Gamma (γ1, γ2) of Ursa Minor, various names of, 459, 460; components of the Dancers and of the Guards, 439; various writers on, 459; usefulness of, as a timepiece, 459, 460; in China, 460.

         Delta (δ) of Ursa Minor, names of, 460.

         Zeta (ζ) of Ursa Minor, names of, 460; in China, 460.

         b of Ursa Minor, Chinese name for, 460.

Ursa Phoenicia, 448.

Ursids, The, location of, 262; sometimes confused with the Leonids, 262, 442.

Ursus, 422.

Ursus Marinus (Cetus), 162.

Uru-anna, supposed derivation of Orion, 304.

Urusaba, Taurus in Ceylon, 382.

Ussika, Scorpio in Ceylon, 363.

Uttara Bhādrapadās, the 25th nakshatra, 35, 325.

Uttara Phalgunī, the 10th nakshatra, 258.

Uz, Akkadian stars in Capricornus, 140.

Vagina, Germanicus’ name for Orion’s Belt, 315.

Vagn, Litli, the Danish Ursa Minor, 450.

Vagn, Stori, the Danish Ursa Major, 427.

Vähä Otawa, the Finn’s Ursa Minor, 450.

Vahik, Aquarius and Capricornus in Persia, 47, 136.

Vaht, α and β Pegasi in Persia, 326.

Vanand (Sirius or Procyon), 122, 134.

Vanant, Zend for Altair, 59.

Vanant (Corvus), 181.

Vanant and Vanand (of Scorpio), 369, 370.

Varāha Mihira, Hindu astronomer, used Greek as. tronomical titles, 21, 48.

Varak, Aries in the Bundehesk, 78.

Variabilis Coronae, 178.

Vas, or Vas aquarium, 183.

Vashishtha, probably ζ Ursae Majorisin India, 440.

Vatlant Street, or Wadlyng Street, 478.

Vaynes, Waves, or Waynes of Heaven, 429.

Vectis, Virga, Virgula jacens (Sagitta), 350.

Vector Arionis, 199.

Vehiculum Lunae (Argo), 66.

Veierveien Straet, or Vronelden Straet, 479.

Vela. See Argo.

         Gamma (γ) of Vela, various names of, 72, 73; position of, 73; spectroscopically notable, 73.

Vena, Procyon in the Hervey Islands, 134.

Venabulum (μ1 Boötis), 105.

Venant (of Leo), 256.

Venator (Orion), 309.

Venator Ursae (Boötes), 94.

Veneris Mater (Pisces), 339.

Veneris Sidus (Libra), 274; (Taurus), 383.

Ventrale (β Andromedae), 36.

Venus cum Adone, Venus et Cupido, Venus Syria cum Cupidine (Pisces), 339.

Vergil, on star-naming, xiv; et passim.

Vergiliae, or Virgiliae, 396.

Vernal Equinox, The, in Taurus, 3285 B. C., 20; in Aries, 1730 B. C., 76; now in Pisces, 337.

Vernal Fish (Pisces), 338.

Vernus Portitor and Vervex (Aries), 76.

Verseau, Le, 45.

Vespa, the Wasp (Musca Borealis), 292.

Vespertilio (Antares), 365.

Vestae Sidus (Capricomus), 136.

Vestigium Solis and Via perusta, 484.

Vetrarbraut, the Norse Galaxy, 480.

Via coeli regia, Via lactea, and Via lactis, 476.

Via lattea, 480.

Viçākhā, the 14th nakshatra, 275.

Vichaca, cited from Flammarion for Corona, 177.

Vicritāu, the 17th nakshatra, 370.

Victima Centauri (Lupus), 278.

Victor Gorgonei Monstri (Perseus), 330.

Vierge, 460.

Vig’iles (β, γ1 and γ2 Ursae Minoris), 459.

Vij, the ancient 28th sieu, 292.

Vildiur (δ Ursae Minoris), 460.

Vincla, Cicero’s Cords of the Fishes, 342.

Vinde’mia'tor, Vindemitor, and Vinde’mia'trix, 467, 470.

Violentus Leo, 252.

Virgine, 460.

Virgin Mary, The, 463.

Virgin’s Spike, The, 466.

Virgo, a universal title, 460; various names of, 460- 466; usual figuring of, 460; its Greek title in the Attic and Ionic dialects, 460461; with astrologers, 461; one of the zodiacal signs in antiquity, 461; Aratos on this, 461; other variations of this, 461; Caesius’ figuring of, 461; early legends concerning, 401; in Keats’ poem, 462; other allusions to, 462; the oldest allegorical representation of innocence and virtue, 462; allusions to, by the classic writers, 462; in Egypt, 462; figuring of, in the Middle Ages, 463; the symbol of, 463; in Assyria, India, and Persia, 463; with the early Arabs, Turcomans, and Chinese, 464; on the Euphrates, 464; continual prominence of, 464; in astrology, 464, 465; other associations of, 465; on coinage, 465; Schiller and, 465; figurings of, 465; Ptolemy’s definition of, 465; Hipparchos and, 465; present extent of, 465, 466; details concerning, 466; minor components of, 473.

         Alpha (α) of Virgo, various names of, 466469; general agreement in nomenclature of, 466; classic appellations of, 466, 467; with the Arabs, 467; in the Alfonstne Tables, 467; marked the 12th manzil, 467; in early astrology, 467; with Eastern astronomers, 467, 468; in Babylonia, 468; in China, 468; in Egypt, 468; Hipparchos and, in the discovery of the precession of the equinoxes, 468; Ptolemy and, 469; spectrum and velocity of, 469; used in navigation, 469; culmination of, 469; a component of the Diamond of Virgo, 469.

         Beta (β) of Virgo, various names of, 469; in Arabia and Babylonia, 469; in Persia and Cftina, 469; location and culmination of, 469.

         Gamma (γ) of Virgo, names of, 469, 470; variously mentioned, 470; in Babylonia and China, 470; astronomers on, 470; culmination of, 470.

         Delta (δ) of Virgo, various names of, 470; beauty of, 470.

         Epsilon (image) of Virgo, various names of, 470, 471; prominent in classical astronomy, 471; in China, 471; in astrology, 471; culmination of, 471.

         Eta (η) of Virgo, various names of, 471; in China, 471; location of, 471.

         Theta (θ) of Virgo, location of, 471; names of, 472.

         Iota (ι) of Virgo, names of, 472; various details concerning, 472, 473.

         Fl. 6 Virginis, observed by Flamsteed with Uranus, 260.

Virgo devota (Andromeda), 32.

Virgo Nonacrina (Parrhasia, Tegeaea), 421.

Virgo spicea munera gestans, 461.

Vir Regius (Cepheus), 156.

Vitruvius, the most scientific Roman astronomer, 19; et passim.

Vociferans (Cepheus), 156.

Vociferator (Boötes), 93.

Voie lactée, 480.

Volans, the Flying Fish, 347.

Volucris (Cygnus), 193.

Voluyara, cited by Grimm for Auriga, 85.

Vrisha, Vrishan, and Vrouchabam, Taurus in early India, 382.

Vrishaman, the Tamil Scorpio, 363.

Vrouchicam, Scorpio in early India, 363.

Vulcani Sidus (Libra), 275.

Vulpecula cum Ansere, formed by Hevelius, 473; various names of, 473, 474; details concerning, 473, 474; its title abbreviated to Vulpecula, 473; culmination of, 473; the Dumb-bell Nebula its most famous object, 474.

Vulpeculids, The, meteor stream, 474.

Vulpes, Proctor’s name for Vulpecula, 473.

Vultur cadens (Cygnus), 193; (Lyra), 283.

Vulture, the early Indian Lyra, 282.

Vultur volans (Aquila), 56.

Waage and Waege, 269.

Wabir, a Khorasmian lunar station, 35.

Wadha, δ and θ Leonis. in Sogdiana, 260.

Wae Choo, a Chinese asterism in Monoceros, 290.

Waenes Thisl, Ursa Major of Anglo-Saxons, 429.

Wae Ping, stars of Pisces, 343.

Waeter-gyt, se, the Anglo-Saxon Aquarius, 48.

Waetlinga-Straet, Watlinga-Strete, and Wat-ling Street, 477, 478.

Wag and Wage, 269.

Wagen, the Teutonic Wain, 420.

Wagen am Himmel, 429.

Wagen and Himmel Wagen, 428.

Waggon, The, 428.

Wagon, an Indian figure of the Hyades, 389.

Wagoner, The (Boötes), 92.

Wagon of Odin, Woden, or Wuotan, 428.

Wain, or Wagon, The, 420, 426.

Wainman, The (Boötes), 83.

Wajrik, θ and ξ Ophiuchi in Sogdiana, 303.

Wallfisch, Der, 160.

Walsyngham Way and Werlam Street, 478.

Wan Chang, stars of Ursa Major, 442.

Wang Leang, or Yūh Lang, stars of Cassiopeia, 145, 146.

Wanjil, Pollux in Australia, 229.

Wardens, γ1 and γ2 Ursae Minoris, 459.

Warrior, The Dark, a Chinese zodiac division, 139, 338.

Wassermann, 45.

Water, The, 200, 337, 359.

Water-beetle, The, early figure for Cancer, 109.

Water-dog, The, Procyon in Babylonia, 132.

Waterman, The. See Aquarius.

Water-pot of Cana, The Stone (Crater), 184.

Water-pots of Cana, The (Delphinus), 200.

Water-Snake, The. See Hydra.

Waves and Waynes of Heaven, 429.

Way of (or to) Saint James, 480.

Weaving Sisters, a Chinese figure of Lyra, 58.

We (α Telescopii), 413.

Weg, Wee, or Uueg, Iringe’s, 478; Jakobs, 479;

Wuotanes, 479.

Weg uf Rom, 480.

Wei, the 23d sieu in Aquarius, 51.

Wei, φ and χ Capricomi, 142.

Wei, μ, ν, and φ Centauri, 155.

Wei (the 17th sieu in Scorpio), 369.

Whale, The. See Cetus.

Whale that Swallowed Jonah, The, 162.

Wheat Field, The, a Phoenician sky-figure, 192.

Wheel, The, a figuring of the 7th nakshatra, 248.

Whirlpool Nebula, The, in Canes Venatici, 116.

White Tiger, a Chinese stellar division, 78, 310, 381.

Whitney, Prof. William Dwight, and star nomenclature, xi; on the Lunar Mansions, 7, 8; on Indian astronomy, 21; et passim.

Who Sing, Antares, the Fire Star, 365.

Whyte Bole, The, 378.

Wiär Strate, the Galaxy in Westphalia, 479.

Wider and Widder, Der (Aries), 75.

Widhayu and Widhu (β Leonis), 259.

Wild Boar, The, Ursa Major in Syria, 425.

Wine-cup of Noah, The, 184.

Wine-skin, Eratosthenes’ idea of Lupus, 279.

Winkelmass, 293.

Winter Street, or Winter Gatan, the Galaxy in Sweden, 479.

Winged Horse, The, 322.

Wolff, Der, 278.

Wolf, The. See Lupus.

Wolke, Grosse and Kleine, 295.

Woman in a Ship, the Cingalese Virgo, 463.

Wonderful Star, The, Stella Mira, 164.

Woo, or Yue (image Aquilae), 61.

Woo (π Pegasi), 329.

Woo Chay, stars of Auriga and Taurus, 88, 390.

Woo Choo How, in Coma and Gemini, 171, 236.

Woo Chow Shih, stars of Gemini, 236.

Woo Ti Tso, Denebola and adjacent stars, 258.

Woomera, Corona Borealis in Australia, 177.

Woz Niebeeki, the Polish Heavenly Wain, 97, 428.

Wreath of Flowers, Corona Borealis, 175.

Wuotanes Weg, or Straza, 479.

X, The Egyptian, 73, 125.

Xiphias. See Swordfish, under Dorado.

Yai, the Turkish Sagittarius, 352.

Ya Ke, stars of Canis Major, 131.

Yang Mun (or Men) (α Lupi), 279.

Yaou Kwang (η Ursae Majoris), 441.

Yard-stick, or Yard-wand, 316.

Yaugh, stars in Sagittarius, 359.

Ydra and Ydre (Hydra), 247.

Yellow Dragon, The, 254.

Yellow Road, The, 481.

Yen, Chinese stars in Capricornus, 142.

Yew Chi Fa (β Virginis), 468.

Yew Hea (α Corvi), 181.

Yew Kang, stars of Pisces, 343.

Yew Ke, stars of Aquila, 61.

Yew She Ti, stars of Boötes, 105.

Yh, Yih and Yen, the 10th sieu, 184.

Yidigher Yilduz, Ursa Major in Turkey, 424.

Yilange, Ophiuchus in Turkey, 299.

Yildun (δ Ursae Minoris), 460.

Yilduz, Polaris in Turkey, 457.

Ying She (or Shih), the 24th sieu, 326.

Yin Tih (Camelopardalis), 107.

Yin Yang, Gemini in China, 229.

Ydra and Ydre, 247.

Young Boy in a Canoe (Bellatrix), 313.

Young Girls (the Pleiades), 400.

Young He Goat, the Arabs’ figure for Polaris, 449.

Young Men, Australian figure for Orion’s Belt, 315.

Young, Prof. Charles A., his assistance in this work, xix; on number of constellations, 15; on β1 Capricomi, 141; on α Centauri, 153; on Corona Borealis, 178; on β Librae, 277; on e Lyncis, 280; upon the number of recognized novae, 293; on α Orionis, 311; on apparent comparative size of Venus and the moon, 319; et passim.

Young Women, the Gemini in South Africa, 229.

Y twr tewdws, the Hyades in Wales, 397.

Yu Choo (α Draconis), 206.

Yue (ψ Capricomi), 142.

Yuë (η Geminorum), 235.

Yuen Wei, unidentified stars of Draco, 205.

Yuh Kang (image Ursae Majoris), 440.

Yuh Tsing (β Eridani), 218; (π Orionis), 320.

Yu lin Keun, stars of Aquarius and Pisces, 53.

Yu Neu (π Leonis), 263.

Yun Yu (π and λ Piscium), 343.

Yü Shï, the Ruler of Rain (the Hyades), 389.

Zenith-star, The (γ Draconis), 209.

Zerah, Caesius’ figure for Cepheus, 157.

Zesta v’ Rim (the Galaxy), 480.

Zib, Pisces in later Babylonia, 337.

Zibanitu, lunar asterism in Libia, 276.

Zibbat A. (Denebola), 258.

Zibu, perhaps Lupus on the cylinders, 278.

Zichos, Libra in the 9th century, 270.

Zidadh, a Khorasmian lunar station, 343.

Zinge and the Zingians, 70.

Zirkel, 166.

Zizumara, or Shī-shu-māra, 200, 204.

Zodiac, Solar, The, many theories as to birthplace and time of formation of, 1; general agreement as to its origin, 1; Euphratean six alternate signs of, 1; dictum of Servius (400 A. D.) concerning it, 1; Riccioli cites a “Chaldean” title of, 1; doubt as to this, 1; known to the Akkadians as Innum and Pidnu-sha-Shame, 1; other Jewish names for, 2; the Egyptians and, 1, 2; Coptic-Egyptian titles of, 2; Greek names of, 3; German name of, 3; names of, in Rome, 3; when first known in Greece, 3; Cicero’s name for, 3; poetical name of, 3; De Thaun’s name for, 3; Anglo-Saxon names of, 4; Pope’s name fcr, 4; former English names of, 4; Dante’s name for, 4; Tuscan name of, 4; Rig Veda term for, 5; common Hindu name of, 5; Pahlavi terms for, 5; Zoroaster’s equivalent for, 5; Chinese names of, 5; Chinese progression of, 5; date of formation of, in China, 5; Jesuits introduce the European zodiac into China, 6; Venerable Bede and, 6; Sir William Drummond and, 6; Rev. G. Townsend and, 6; the Apocalypse and, 6; various national forms of, 6; unequal division of, 6; Hipparchos’ division of, 6; the paranatellons of, 6.

Zodiacus, the Latins’ zodiac, 3.

Zona, Orion’s Belt with Ovid, 315.

Zona perusta, the Galaxy with Macrobius, 484.

Zoroaster, mentioned the zodiac in the A vesta, 5.

Zosma (δ Leonis), 260.

Zweig, the Branch, in Hercules, 242.

Zwilling, or Zwillinge, 222.


Accentuation of the originals of the corrupted words has been followed for the latter as far as practicable, but in many cases necessarily is arbitrary. The Arabic alphabet, with its English equivalents, follows these pages.

Aa′krab (Scorpio), 362.

Aa′krab genu′bi (δ Scorpii), 369.

Aar′af, Al, Poe′s poem and star title, 146.

Abeen′ and Aben′ (Draco), 205.

Ab′en Ezra (α Tauri), 384.

Abrachale′us, Aracale′us (β Geminorum), 233.

A′camar (θ Eridani), 219.

A′carnar, A′chenar, and variants (α Eridani), 218.

A′chernar, etc. (α Eridani), 217; (θ Eridani), 219.

Achir, α Tauri in Khorasmia, 257.

Acimon′, α Virginis in the Alfonsine Tables, 467.

Acka′ir and Acki′ar (η Ursae Majoris), 441.

Aclil′uschemali and Aclu′shemali (Corona Borealis), 176.

Aco′la (ξ Ursae Majoris), 443.

A′crab and Aa′krab schemali′ (β Scorpii), 367.

Acubens′ and Acuben′e (α Cancri), 111.

Adara′, Adhara′, and Adard′, in Canis Major, 130.

Addeb′iris (α Tauri), 384.

Adelf′alfa′res (π1 Cygni), 197.

Aderai′min and Adderoia′minon (α Cephei), 157.

Adhafe′ra, Aldhafa′ra, Aldhafe′ra (ζ Leonis), 261.

‘Adhārā and ‘Adhrā′, Al (in Canis Major), 130, 131.

Adhil′ (ξ Andromedae), 38.

‘Adhrā′ al Naimagehīfah, Al (Virgo), 464, 467.

Adib′, Addib′, Adid′ and Adiv′e (α Draconis), 206.

Adi′ge and Adige′ge (Cygnus), 193.

Adren′desa and Adren′edesa (Virgo), 464.

Afr (α, β, and γ Librae), 276.

Aghnām, Al, in Cepheus, 157, 159; the Club of Hercules, 302.

A′gribah, Al, in Canis Major, 130; in Columba, 167.

Ahaut′ Algenubi′ (Piscis Australis), 345.

Aimageawāt al Suhail, the two Dog-stars, 132.

Aimagefā‘ al Farimageadain′ (γ1, γ2, and ζ Ursae Minoris), 459, 460.

Āhir al Nahr (α Eridani), 217.

Ain and Al ‘Ain′ (image Tauri), 391.

‘Ain al Rātmī (v1 and v2 Sagittarii), 359.

‘Ain al Thaur (α Tauri), 384.

Ainilam′ and Anilam′ (image Orionis), 314.

Ajmāl′, Al, and Ahmal′ (Corvus), 180, 181.

‘Ajz al A′sad, in Corvus, 180.

A′imagerab, Al (Scorpio), 362.

A′imagetāb al A′aad (β Leonis), 258.

Alaa′zel, Ala′cel, and Ala′zel (α Virginis), 467.

Al′abi′eth and Al′ai′oth (image Ursae Majoris), 439.

Alacast and Alcalet (image Virginis), 471.

Alach′il, or Alad′il, Algenubi′ (Corona Australis), 173.

Ala′crab, Ala′trab, and Ala′trap (Scorpio), 362.

Aladfar′ (η Lyrae), 288.

Alahance′ and Alhance′ (Sagitta), 350.

Alaho′re, Allo′re, Aloho′re (α Lyrae), 284.

Alamac′, Alamak′, and Alamech′ (γ Andromedae), 36.

Alanac′, Alanat′, Alioc′, etc., Auriga and α Aurigae, 85, 87.

Alange and Alangue (Ophiuchus), 299.

Alangue, and variants (α Ophiuchi), 301; (α Serpentis), 375.

Alanin′ (Draco), 205.

Alaraph′ (α Virginis), 467; (image Virginis), 471. Alarne′bet (Lepus), 265.

Alasch′a (γ Scorpii), 370; (υ Scorpii), 372.

Ala′sid, Ala′sado, and Ala′tid (Leo), 254.

Alathod′ and Alatud′o, etc., Auriga and α Aurigae, 85, 87.

Ala′zet and Ale′sit (β Leonis), 258.

Albanere, legendum Alhance (Sagitta), 350.

Albega′la and Albega′lo (Lyra), 282.

Albe′ze and Albiz′ze (α and β Centauri), 150.

Alcahel′a (α Aurigae), 87.

Alca′id and Alka′id (η Ursae Majoris), 441.

Alcan′tarus, Alcau′curus (Capricomus), 135, 136.

Alcantub (α Scorpii), 365.

Alca′tel and Alcha′yr (η Ursae Majoris), 441.

Alcha′malo (Aries), 78.

Alchanz′ato (Sagitta), 351.

Alchel′eb Alach′bar (Canis Major), 119.

Alchel′eb Alas′gar (Canis Minor), 133.

Alchemb′ (α Persei), 331.

Alche′te and Alche′ti (Hercules), 242.

Alche′ti hale Rechaba′tih (Hercules), 242.

Alcho′ro, Allo′re, Allou′re, Aloho′re (Lyra), 283.

Alcor′ and Alkor′ (α Ursae Majoris), 445, 446.

Alcor′e, Riccioli′s name for image Ursae Majoris, 439.

Aldeb′aran, and variants (α Tauri), 383, 384.

Al Derab′, Al Deraf′, Alredaf′, and Alredat′ (α Cephei), 157.

Alderal′ Jemin (Cepheus), 157.

Aldera′min and Al Derai′min (α Cephei), 157.

Aldiga′ga and Addigaga′to (Cygnus), 193.

Ale′ser and Ale′zet (Leo), 254.

Alfa′ras Alathem′, Alpha′rès and Alphe′ras (Pegasus), 324.

Alfard′, Alphard′, and variants (α Hydrae), 249.

Alfec′ca, Alfet′a, etc. (Corona Borealis), 176.

Alfec′ca meridia′na (Corona Australis), 173.

Alferkathan′ (β and γ Ursae Minoris), 459.

Alfirk′ (α Cephei), 157; (βCephei), 158.

Al Gamus′ (β Canis Minoris), 134.

Algau′za (γ Orionis), 313.

Algebar′, Algibbar′, Algebra′, etc. (Orion), 307.

Algebar′, Elgebar′, and Algibbar′ (β Orionis), 312.

Alge′di (α1 and α2 Capricorni), 140.

Algei′ba and Algi′eba (γ Leonis), 259.

Algen′ib, Algen′eb, and Elgen′ab (α Persei), 331.

Algen′ib and Algem′o (γ Pegasi), 326.

Algenu′bi (image Leonis), 260.

Algethi′ and Algiethi′ (Hercules), 242.

Algeuze′ and Elgeuz′i (Gemini), 223.

Algha′vil Altannin′ (Draco), 205.

Algomeis′a, Algomis′a, and Algomeys′a (Canis Minor), 132.

Algomeiz′a and Algomiz′a (Canis Minor), 132.

Algomeyl′a (β Canis Minoris), 134.

Algomys′o and Alchamiz′o (Canis Minor), 132.

Algorab′, γ Corvi in the Alfonsine Tables, 182.

Algorab′ and Algores′, modern names for δ Corvi, 182.

Algueze′, Riccioli′s name for α Geminorum, 231.

Alha′fa, Chilmead′s name for Serpens, 374.

Alhague′ and Azalange′ (α Ophiuchi), 301.

Alhai′ath, Alhi′ath, Alhut′ (image Ursae Majoris), 439.

Alha′ior, Alha′joc, etc., Auriga and α Aurigae, 85, 87.

Alhai′seth (α Virginis), 467.

Al Hamar′ein, erroneously for α Cancri, 111.

Alhas′, Alker′, and Alkes′ (Crater), 183.

Al Haur, Al Hague′, Alhava′ (Ophiuchus), 299.

Alhen′a (γ Geminorum), 234.

Alhi′ac (ζ Ursae Majoris), 440.

Alhut, by Assemani′s error for image Ursae Majoris, 439.

Aliar′e and Alior′e (image Ursae Majoris), 439.

Aliath′, Alioth′, and variants (image Ursae Majoris), 439.

Aliour′e (Gemini), 224.

Alkalu′rops (Boötes), 97; (γ Herculis), 103; (μ Herculis), 105.

Al Ka′meluz (Boötes), 97; (α Boötis), 101.

Alimageāimage, Al, δ, image, ζ Orionis, 315; η, etc., in Orion, 316.

Alkauus′o, Elkaus′u, Elkus′u (Sagittarius), 352.

Alkes′, Alhes′, and Alker′ (α Crateris), 184.

Almach′, Almak′, Almaak′, Almaac, and Almaack (γ Andromedae), 36.

Alman′tica seu Ni′tac (the zodiac), 3.

Almegir′et, Riccioli′s name for the galaxy, 481.

Almegra′mith and Almugam′ra (Ara), 63.

Almei′san and Almei′sam (γ Geminorum), 234.

Almen′keb, Chilmead′s name for β Pegasi, 325.

Almerzamo′ nna′gied (α Orionis), 311.

Almirazgual′, a Moorish name for Perseus, 330.

Almi′sam and Almi′san (γ Geminorum), 234.

Almi′san and Almi′zen (Libra), 273.

Almucedie′ (α Virginis), 467; (image Virginis), 471.

Almuredin′ (image Virginis), 471.

Almuta′bet algenu′bi (Triangulum Australe), 417.

Almuta′leh, Almutal′lath, Almutla′to (Triangulum), 416.

Al Nath (β Tauri), 89.

Alnihan′ and Alnilam′ (image Orionis), 314.

Alnitah′ and Alnitak′ (ζ Orionis), 314.

Alove′ (Perseus), 330; (β Persei), 332.

Alphac′a, Alphakh′aco, and Alphen′a (Corona Borealis), 176, 178.

Alphart′, a star in Argo, 75; α Hydrae, 249.

Alphe′rat and Alphe′ratz (α Andromedae), 35.

Alphor′a and Alphrad′ (α Hydrae), 249.

Al Ram′ec, Ara′mec, Are′meah (α Boötis), 101.

Al Rescha′ and Al Rischa′ (α Piscium), 342.

Alruca′ba and Alrucca′ba (Ursa Minor), 450.

Alruca′ba and Alrucca′bah (α Ursae Minoris), 457.

Alruca′ba (β Ursae Minoris), 458.

Alsa′fi and Athāfi (σ Draconis), 212.

Alsahare′ aliemali′ja (Canis Major), 119.

Alsahare′ alsemali′ja (Canis Minor), 132.

Alsanj′a, Asang′e, and variants (Lyra), 281, 282.

Alsciau′kat, α star in Lynx, 280.

Alsehere′ Ascemi′e Algamei′sa (Canis Minor), 132.

Alsem′cha, Chilmead′s name for Pisces, 338.

Alsēre′, cited by Grotius for Sirius, 122.

Alsha′in (β Aquilae), 60.

Alshema′li (μ Leonis), 263.

Alsoham′, Chilmead′s name for Sagitta, 350.

Alsugahh′, Chilmead′s name for Hydra, 247.

Alta′ir, Ata′ir, Alca′ir, and Alcar′ (Aquila), 57.

Alta′ir, Atha′ir, Ata′ir, etc. (α Aquilae), 59.

Altaur′o and Ataur′ (Taurus), 380.

Alta′yr, Chilmead′s name for Cygnus, 193.

Alta′yr aldigey′a, Alfonsine name for Cygnus, 194.

Alterf′ (λ Leonis), 263.

Al Thura′ja, Baily′s name for Fl. 19 and Fl. 23 Tauri, 412.

Al Tinnin′ (α Draconis), 206.

Altor′, Schickard′s name for Taurus, 380.

Altor′ic and Athor′ric (η Tauri), 404.

Altor′ich and Altor′ieh (the Pleiades), 398. Altor′ich and Athor′rich (η Tauri), 404.

Aludra′ (η Canis Minoris), 131.

Alu′la austra′lis (ξ Ursae Majoris), 443.

Alu′la borea′lis (ν Ursae Majoris), 443.

Alvahar′, Chilmead′s name for Eridanus, 217.

Alva′ka, Chilmead′s name for Lyra, 282.

Alwa′id (β Draconis), 207.

Al′ya and Al′ga (θ Serpentis), 376.

Al′ya (θ1 and θ2 Tauri), 412.

Al′yah, Al′yat, and Al′ioth (α Serpentis), 375.

Al′yat, the origin of name for image Ursae Majoris, 439.

Al Zara′ (image Canis Majoris), 130.

Alzimon′, Nubian name for α Virginis, 467.

‘Amūd al imagealib (image Delphini), 200, 201.

‘Anāimage al ‘Arimage, 36; meaning of, 36; Ulug Beg and, 37; connected with early Arabian astronomy, 37.

‘Anāimage al Banāt (image Ursae Majoris), 440.

Anchat′ al Nahr (τ2 Eridani), 220.

Anget′enar, and variants (τ2 Eridani), 220.

Anf, Al (image Pegasi), 327.

Anf al A′sad, the 6th manzil, 110.

Aniph′ol Pha′rasi, Schickard′s image Pegasi, 327.

Ansna′de and Asna′de (Andromeda), 32.

Antar and Antar′s Star (α Scorpii), 365.

Anwār al Farimageadain (β and η Ursae Minoris), 459, 460.

‘Anz, Al (image Aurigae), 90.

Aramākh, α Boötis in modern Arabia, 101.

Ar′chajrnar (α Eridani), 218.

Arided′ and Aridif (α Cygni), 193, 195.

Arion′ and Arrioph′ (α Cygni), 195.

Arkab′ (β1 and β2 Sagittarii), 357.

‘Ar′imageuwah, Al (α and β Pegasi), 324.

Arma′lah, Al (Andromeda), 32.

Ar′nab, Al, and Ar′nebeth (Lepus), 265.

Ar′nig and Az′nig (Lyra), 282.

Arra′i (γ Cephei), 158.

Arra′kis (μ Draconis), 211.

Arsh (α Leporis), 268.

‘Arsh al Jau′zah (α, β, γ, and δ Leporis), 265.

‘Arsh al Simāk al A‘zal, stars in Corvus, 180.

A′sad, the early Arabs′ Lion, 97, 231, 254; et passim.

A′sad, the scientific Arabians′ Leo, 254.

A′sadah, Al (Lupus), 278.

Asceher′, Aschere′, and Aschere′ Aliemi′ni (α Canis Majoris), 122.

Aschemi′e and Aschere′ (Canis Minor), 132.

Aschimech′ iner′mis, Asimec′ (α Virgin is), 467.

Ascimech′, Azimech′, Azimeth′ (α Boötis), 101.

A′sedaton and A′sid (Leo), 254.

Asema′rik and Asme′at, stars in Centaurus and Lupus, 150.

Ashār, Al (image and μ Leonis), 260, 263.

Ashrāimage, Al, the 27th manzil, 82.

A′sida (Lupus), 278.

As′ina, Asi′ua, Asu′ia, Asvi′a (Hydra), 247.

A′sis and As′sid (Leo), 254.

Asu′gia (Orion), 307.

Asu′ia and Asvi′a (β Draconis), 207.

Asum′pha (β Leonis), 258.

Atara′ge and Atora′ge (the Pleiades), 398.

Ataur′ia, Chilmead′s name for the Pleiades, 398.

A′tha, Al, correctly Al ‘Ul′thah (Coma), 169.

Athāfiyy, Al, 82, 212, 286, 288, 292, 318.

Athifār, Al (μ Lyrae), 288.

Athfār al Dhi′b, Al (ω Draconis), 212.

Athora′ce, Athorai′ae, and Athorai′e (the Pleiades), 398.

‘Ātiimage, Al, Atik, and Ati (ο Persei), 334.

A′tin and Hain′ Altor′ (α Tauri), 384.

Altanin′o, Schickard′s name for Draco, 205.

Atud′, and variants, Auriga and a Aurigae, 85, 87.

Au′ā, Al, correctly Auwā, in Aquarius, 52.

‘Auhaimageān, Al, ζ, η Draconis, 210; ψ Draconis, 212.

Aulād al Dhi’bah, stars of Boötes, 105.

Aulād al Nadhlāt, other stars of Boötes, 106.

‘Awāïd, Al, stars of Draco, 207.

Aw′la, Ideler′s name for ξ Draconis, 443.

‘Awwā’, Al (Boötes), 93; (the 11th manzil), 469.

‘Awwād, Al, stars of Draco, 207.

Aw′wal al Dabarān (γ Tauri), 390.

Aw′wal al Dhirā (α Geminorum), 231.

Ayyuimage (Auriga and α Aurigae), 87.

‘Azal al Dajā′jah (πΐ Cygni), 197.

Azelfaf age, Azelfaf′ge, and Azelfa′ge1 Cygni), 197, 198.

Azimageā, Al, and Azha′ (η Eridani), 218.

Azimech′ (α Virginis), 467.

Azimeth′ Colan′za (Boötes), 97.

Azimon′ (α Virginis), 467.

Azuben′e (α Cancri), 111; (Libra), 273.

Azula′fe (Lyra), 284.

Azzang′o, Schickard′s name for Lyra, 281.

Babādur, Al, Arabic popular name for Orion, 307.

Bad′iye, the Persian Crater, 183.

Baham′ (θ Leonis), 328.

Baīimage, Al, Baid′, and Beid′ (01 Eridani), 219.

Baimageimageār, Al (Boötes), 96.

Bakr, Al, Al Sufi′s name for Nubecula Major, 295.

Bal′dah, Al, the 19th manzil and π Sagittarii, 324, 355, 359

Bāli’, Al (image Aquarii), 53.

Banāt Na′ash al Kubrā, in Ursa Major, 432.

Banāt′ Na′ash al imageughrā, in Ursa Minor, 449.

Bard, Al, an Arabic group in Virgo, 469.

Bat′enel Kai′tos and Bat′enkaiton (ζ Ceti), 163.

Bat′en Kaitos and Bot′en (ζ Ceti), 163.

Bāimageiyah, Al, and Bat′inah (Crater), 183.

Baimagen al imageūt, the 26th manzil, 36, 338.

Baimagen al imageaiimageos, or imageeimageus (ζ Ceti), 163.

Bed Elgueze′ (α Orionis), and variants, 310.

Bee′mim and Bee′mun1ν7 Eridani), 220.

Benat′ Elnasch′, Riccioli′s error for the Pleiades, 398.

Benat′nasch (η Ursae Majoris), and variants, 441.

Benen′as, Beneth′ As, and Beneth′asch, Chil- mead′s collective name for image, ζ, and η Ursae Majoris, 432.

Bersha′wish (Perseus), 330.

Bet′elgeuze′ (α Orionis), and variants, 310.

Bih′m, Al (θ Leonis), 328.

Birdun′, correctly Birdhaun, Al (Centaurus), 150; (Lupus), 279.

Bot′ein′ (δ Arietis), 83.

Bri′nek (Lyra), 282.

Bula‘ān, Al (μ and ν Aquarii), 53.

Burj al Jauzā (Gemini), 223.

Buimage′ain′, Al, the 28th manzil, 292.

Ca′ab, Al, Assemani′s name for μ Draconis, 211.

Cabala′trab (α Scorpii), and variants, 365.

Cai′cans and Can′tans (Cepheus), 156.

Calb-ale′zet (α Leonis), and variants, 256.

Caph and Chaph (β Cassiopeiae), 146.

Cebalra′i, Celabra′i, Celbalra′i, and Chel′eb (βOphiuchi), 301.

Cele′ub, Chel′eub, and Chel′ub (Perseus), 330.

Chen′ib (α Persei), 331.

Chiba′, Al (α Corvi), 181.

Chir′ka, Naimager al Din′s title for Lyra, 282.

Chort (θ Leonis), 154, 262.

Chortan (δ and θ Leonis), 260.

Cursa′ (β Eridani), 218.

Daban′, Postellus′ title for Draco, 205.

Dab′arān, Al, the 2d manzil and a Tauri, 383; the Hyades, 389.

Da′bih, Da′bih Major and Da′bih Minor (β1, β2 Capricorni), 140.

Dafi′ra, the Alfonsine name for β Leonis, 258.

imageafirah, Al, Coma Berenices and Fl. 15 Comae Berenices, 171.

imageaiimageā, Al, a vacant space in Taurus, 386.

Dajājah, Al, the Arabians′ and Manetho′s name for Cygnus, 193.

Dalw, Al, the Arabians′ Aquarius, 47; κ Aquarii, 54.

Dalw, Al, the Square of Pegasus, 324.

imagearb al Tābbānīn (the galaxy), 481.

Deb′iron (α Tauri), 384.

Degi′ge (Cygnus), and variants, 193.

Delī, the Hebrews′ Aquarius, Riccioli′s Delle, 47.

De′neb (image and ζ Aquilae), 61.

De′neb, De′neb Adi′ge, De′nebadige′ge, etc. (α Cygni), 195.

De′neb, De′neb Algenu′bi, and Dhe′neb (η Ceti), 163, 164.

De′neb and Deneb′ola (β Leonis), and variants, 258.

De′neb and Dha′nab al Dulfim (image Delphini), 201.

De′nebalchedi′, De′neb Algedi′, and De′neb Algethi′ (γ Capricorni), 141.

De′neb Algedi′ (δ Capricorni), 141.

De′nebcaiton and De′neb Kai′tos (β Ceti), 163.

De′neb Kai′tos (ι Ceti), 164.

Den′neb Elaa′krab (υ Scorpii), 372.

Dhail, Al (ξ or Α Andromedae), 38.

Dhalim′ and Thalīm′ (β and θ Eridani), 218.

Dha′nab, Al (γ Gruis), 238.

Dha′nab al A′sad (β Leonis), 258.

Dha′nab al Dajājah, Al (α Cygni), 195.

Dha′nab al Dulfim (image Delphini), 201.

Dha′nab al Ja′dy, correctly Dha′nab al Ja′di (δCapricorni), 141.

Dha′nab al imageai′imageos (or imagee′imageus) al Janūbi′yy (β Ceti), 163.

Dha′nab al ‘Uimageāb (image and γ Aquilae), 61.

Dhāt al Kursi′yy, Dhath Alcursi′, and Dath El-karti′ (Cassiopeia and α Cassiopeiae), 143, 145.

Dhawa′ib, Al, small stars in Orion, 320.

Dhi′bah, Al, stars in Boötes, 103; stars in Draco, 206; ι Draconis, 210.

Dhī’bain, Al (ζ and η Draconis), 210; (ψ1and ψ2 Draconis), 212.

Dhīimage, Al (α Draconis), 206; (ι Draconis), 210; (ω andy ƒ Draconis), 212.

Dhirā’, Al (α and β Canis Minoris), 135; (the 5th manzil), 231; (α Orionis), 310.

Dhirā’ al A′sad al Maimageimageah, in Canis Minor, 133, 231.

Dhirā’ al Mabsu imageah′, Al (α, β Geminorum), 231.

Dhirā’ al Yamīn, Al (α Cephei), 157.

Dhirāān, Al (α and β Geminorum), 234.

Dhu al ‘Inān′ (Auriga), 86.

Dhub Elez′guar (Ursa Minor), 449.

Dhur and Duhr (δ Leonis), 260.

Dif′da (β Ceti), 163.

imageifdi’ al Aw′wal, Al (α Piscis Australis), 346.

imageifdi’ al Thānī, Al (β Ceti), 163.

Dob and Dōbh (Ursa Major), 423.

Dōl and Dūl, the Persians′ Aquarius, 47.

Dou′be, or Dōb′her, Ursa Minor in Phoenicia, 450.

Dschäb′be and Dsha′beh (α Capricorni), 140.

Dschub′ba (δ Scorpii), 369.

Dsi′ban (ψ1 and ψ2 Draconis), 212.

Dub, Dub′be, Dub′he, Dub′on (Ursa Major), 423.

Dubb al Ak′bar, Al, Dub Alac′ber, and Dubhel-ac′bar (Ursa Major), 423.

Dubb al Aimage′ghar, Al, Dub Alas′gar, and Dhub Elez′guar (Ursa Minor), 449.

Dub′he and Dubb (α Ursae Majoris), 437.

Dubhe′rukabah (Ursa Minor), 451.

Dulfim, Al (Delphinus), 200.

Ec′ber, Chilmead′s name for a Canis Majoris, 121.

Ed Asich′ and Eldsich′ (ι Draconis), 210.

Eddib′ and El Dsib′ (α Draconis), 206.

Edegia′gith and Eldigia′gich (Cygnus), 193.

Edeleu′ and Elde′lis (Aquarius), 47.

Elada′ri and Eleada′ri (Virgo), 464, 467.

Elar′neb (Lepus), 265.

Eleaz′alet (α Virginis), 467.

Elgen′ab (α Persei), 331.

Elgeuze′ (Orion), 307.

Elgiautzi′ (α Geminorum), 231.

Elhak′aac (β Geminorum), 233.

Elha′thi (Hercules), 242.

El Haut′ and Elhaut′ine (Pisces), 338.

El Hau′we (α Ophiuchi), 300.

El Ha′vic (Hydra), 247.

Elhen′aat (β and γ Geminorum), 233, 234.

Elkai′tos, Elkai′tus, and Elke′tos (Cetus), 162.

El Ke′id (Ursa Major), 432; (η Ursae Majoris), 441.

Elkis′ (Crater), 183.

Elkleil′ Elgenu′bi (Corona Australis), 173.

El Koph′rah (χ Ursae Majoris), 445.

Elle′sed (Leo), 254.

Elmac′ Alche′ras (Equuleus), 213.

El Melik′ (α Aquarii), 51.

El Nath (α Arietis), 80; (β Tauri), 390.

Elnat′ret (γ and δ Cancri), 112.

El Rided′ (Cygnus), 193; (α Cygni), 195.

Elscheere′, Elseiri′, Elsere′ (Canis Major), 119.

Elscheere′ (α Canis Majoris), 122.

Eltanin′, Etamin′, Etanim′, Etannin′, Ettanin′ (γ Draconis), 207.

El Taur′ (Taurus), 380.

Eltsamec′ti and Eltsamach′ (α Virginis), 467.

Elzegezia′le and Elgezia′le rulxbachei (Hercules), 242.

E′nar (α Eridani), 218.

Enf, Enf Alphe′ras, En′if, En′ir (image Pegasi), 327.

Erra′i and Er Ra′i (γ Cephei), 158.

Erra′kis (μ Draconis), 211.

Erucca′bah (Ursa Minor), 451.

Etabin′ and Etanin′ (Draco), 205.

Eurisim′ (Cygnus), 194.

Fahd, Al (Lupus), 278.

Faimagedh, Al (γ Ursae Majoris), 438.

Faimagel, Al (Canopus), 69.

Faimageār al Jau′zah (Orion′s Belt), 315.

Faimageār al Shujā (α Hydrae), 249.

Fak′kah, Al (Corona Australis), 173 ; (Corona Borealis), 176.

Fa′lak, Al (the zodiac), 3.

Fanīimage, Al (α Tauri), 384.

Fa′ras al Aw′wal, Al (Equuleus), 213.

Fa′ras al Tāmm, Al, an early Arabic asterism, 324.

Fa′ras al Thānī, Al (Equuleus), 213;(Pegasus), 324.

Fard al Shujā (α Hydrae), 249.

Fargh al Aw′wal, the 24th manzil, 326.

Fargh al Mu′imageir, Al, the 25th manzil,, 326.

Fargh al Muimage′dim, Al, the 24th manzil, 325.

Fargh al Thānī, Al, the 25th manzil, 35, 326.

Fargu, Al, correctly Al Fargh, the 25th manzil, 35, 326.

Farimageadain′, Al (β, γ1, γ2 Ursae Minoris), 449.

Far′imagead, Al (βl Ursae Minoris), 459.

Faimageimage, Al, an Arabic figure for Ursa Minor, 450.

Fatīimage, Al, cited by Al Bīrūnī for a Tauri, 384.

Fawāris, Al, Arabic asterism in Cygnus, 195, 197.

Fersaus′, the Arabic orthography for Perseus, 330.

Fica′res (Cepheus), 156; (β Cephei), 158.

Fiimage′rah al Ūla, Al (ξ Ursae Majoris), 443.

Firimage, Al, imageazwini′s name for α Cephei, 157.

Fo′ca (Corona Borealis), 176.

Fomalhaut′, Fomalo′, and variants (α Piscis Australis), 345, 346.

Fum al A′sad, an Arabic idea of Cancer, 110.

Fum al Fa′ras (image Pegasi), 327; (ν Pegasi), 329.

Fum al Hut, and variants, for α Piscis Australis, 345, 347

Fum al Sa′makah (β Piscium), 343.

Furūd, Al, and Furud (ζ Canis Majoris), 130.

Gabbar′ (α Canis Majoris), 121.

Gar′acles (β Geminorum), 233.

Gen′ib (α Persei), 331.

Geuze and Geuzaz′guar (Orion), 307.

Ghaf′ar and Ghafr, Al, the 13th manzil, 472.

Ghamūimage, Al (Canis Minor), 133.

Ghumaiimageā′, Al (Canis Minor), 132.

Ghurāb, Al, Achsasi′s name for Aquila, 57; Cor- vus, 180.

Gie′di (Prima), ai Capricorni, 141.

Gie′di (Secunda), α2 Capricorni, 141.

Gie′di (α Ursae Minoris), 457.

Gienah′ (γ Corvi), 182; (image Cygni), 197.

Gieuz′ (Gemini), 223.

Gomei′sa and Gomel′za (α Canis Minoris), 134.

Guad and Guag′i (Eridanus), 217.

Habor′ and Halabor (α Canis Majoris), 121.

Ha′cerab and Ha′crab (Scorpio), 362.

imageia′imagear, Al (α Carinae), 68; (α and β Centauri), 152, 154.

Hādī, Al (α Aurigae), 87.

Hādī al Najm (α Tauri), 384.

Ha′gue, Al, a Moorish name for Ophiuchus, 299.

imageail, Al, an Arabic figure in Hydra and Leo, 249.

imageaiimage al Kattāni′yy, Al, the Flaxen Thread uniting Pisces, 342.

Hak′ah, Al, marking the head of Orion, 318.

Hal′bah, Al, correctly Al Hul′bah, 171.

Ha′mal, Al, Aries and α Arietis, 78, 80.

imagea′mal, Al (Corvus), 181.

imageamāsah, Al, an Arabic anthology, 484.

Ha′mel, Ham′mel, and Ha′mul (α Arietis), 80.

imageāmil Luzz, Al (Boötes), 97.

imageāmil Rā′s al Ghūl (Perseus), 330.

āmis al Na′āmah (γ Andromedae), 37.

Hammām, Al, Hyde′s name for ζ Pegasi, 327.

Ham′mel, Riccioli′s name for Aries, 78.

H·ams, or H·am′sah, Al, perhaps the Arabs′ Sagitta, 350.

Han′ah, Al, the 4th manzil, 234.

H·arātān, Al (δ and θ Leonis), 154, 260, 262.

H·arazāh, Al (λ and ν Scorpii), 372.

imageāris al Samā and imageāris al Simāk, Boötes and α Bootis, 97, 101.

Har′neb (Lepus), 265.

Hasalan′gue (Ophiuchus), 299.

imageaimageimage, Al, an Arabian division of Taurus, 379.

imageauimage, Al (Coma), 171; (Leo Minor), 264; (in Ursa Major), 442.

Haun, Al, Ulug Beg′s namefor image Ursae Majoris, 439.

Haur, Al, Hyde′s rendering for β Ursae Majoris, 439.

Haur, Al, on Arabic globes for Ophiuchus, 299. Haut (Pisces), 338.

Haut elgenu′bi (Piscis Australis), 345.

imageawāīm, Al, θ Pegasi on the Dresden globe, 328.

imageaw′ar, Al, Al Tizini′s name for image Ursae Majoris, 439.

imageawā‘, Al, Arabian translation of Ophiuchus, 299.

Haw′wa, individual title for α Ophiuchi, 301.

imageay′yah, Al (Draco), 205; (Hydra), 247; (Serpens), 374.

H·a′zaf, Al, an Arabic figure for Lyra, 282.

Hazimet′ Ala′zel, Hazimeth′ Alha′cel, and Huzimeth′on (α Virginis), 467.

Hek′a and Hik′a (λ Orionis), 318.

He′mal (α Arietis), 80.

H·ibā‘, Al, λ, μ, σ Aurigae, 91; Corona Australis, 173.

H·ibā‘ al Yamāniy′yah, Al (Corvus), 181.

Hie′rizim (β Cygni), 196.

Hie′rizim, Hi′rezym, Hy′resym (Cygnus), 194.

imageimārain′, Al, the 6th manzil (γ, δ, image Cancri), 110, 111.

imageināyat al Nahr2 Eridani), 220.

Homam′ and Homan′ (ζ Pegasi), 327.

Hul′bah, Al, incorrectly Al Hal′bah, the Arabians′ name for our Coma Berenices, 171.

imageul′bah, Al, Al Bīrūnī′s name for α Virginis, 467.

imageurr, Al (λ Aurigae?), 91.

imageūt, Al, incorrectly Al Hūt, the Vernal Fish, 338.

imageūt al Janūbiyy, Al (Piscis Australis), 345.

Huz′mat, Al, correctly Al Huz′mah, Coma Berenices in modern Arabia, 170.

Itt al Jau′zah (α Orionis), 310.

Iclar′krav, perhaps δ Scorpii, 369.

Iclil′ (β Scorpii), 367.

Ied Algeuze (α Orionis), 310.

Iklīl, Al (Corona Borealis), 176.

Iklīl al ‘A′krab, image Scorpii, 369.

Iklīl al Jab′hah, the 15th manzil, 367, 371.

Iklīl al Janūbiy′yah, Al (Corona Australis), 173.

Iklīl al Shamāliy′yah, Al (Corona Borealis), 176.

Inak′, Al, and ‘Inz, Al (ζ Ursae Majoris), 440.

‘Ināz, Al (α, ζ, η Aurigae), 87, 90.

Incalu′rus, Boötes in the Alfonsine Tables, 97.

Iner′mis Asimec′ (α Virginis), 467.

Ir′acleus, Grotius’ name for β Geminorum, 233.

Is′tiusc and Is′tusc (Sagitta), 350.

Iwazz′, Al, peculiar to Al Sufi for Lyra, 282.

Izär, Al (image Boötis), 104.

Jab′bah (γ Scorpii), 371.

Jab′bār, Al (Orion), 306.

Jab′hah, Al, the 8th ntanzil, 254, 257.

Jab′hah, Al (δ Scorpii), 369.

Jab′hat al ′Aimagecrab1 and ω2 Scorpii), 372.

Jadī, Al1 Ursae Minoris), 457.

Jady′, Al, correctly Jadī, Al (Capricornus), 140.

Jady′ain, Al, the Kids, ζ and η Aurigae, 91.

Jah′falah, Al (image Pegasi), 327.

Ja′is (for Tais) (δ Draconis), 209.

Janāimage, Al (image Cygni), 197; (γ Pegasi), 326.

Janāimage Ghurāb al Aimān (γ Corvi), 182.

Janb, Al (γ Pegasi), 326; (α Persei), 331.

Janb al Mus′ alsalah (β Andromedae), 36.

Jan′ib (α1 and α2 Librae), 275.

Jāthi′yy ‘ala Rukbat′ aihi, Al, the Arabians′ Hercules, 242.

Jaun′, Al (image Ursae Majoris), 439.

Jau′zah, Al, Orion in early Arabia, 307.

Jauz, Al, and Jau′zah, Al, early Arabic names for η Tauri, 403.

Jed (δ Ophiuchi), 302.

Jeuze′ (Orion), 307.

Juddah′, Al, α Ursae Majoris in modem Arabia, 457.

Jummaizā, Al (Canis Minor), 133.

Ju′za (λ Draconis), 211.

imageabd al A′sad (α Canum Venaticorum), 116.

imageabimage al ‘Inān (β Aurigae), 390.

imagea′b dhi′l ‘Inān (γ Aurigae), 89; (ι Aurigae), 91.

Kabsh al Alīf, Al (Aries), 78.

imageaimageb al Karm, in Centaurus and Lupus, 150, 278.

Kaff, Al (β Cassiopeiae), 146.

Kaff Alge′ria, Al, correctly Al Jāriah, stars in Eridanus, 217.

Kaff al H·adīb, Al, stars of Cassiopeia, 143.

Kaff al Jidh′mah (or Judh′mah), Al, Cetusand α Ceti, 162, 163.

imageaf′zah, Al (χ Ursae Majoris), 445.

imageaf′zah al Thāniyah, Al (λ, μ Ursae Majoris), 443.

imageaf′zah al Thibā (in Ursa Major), 444.

imageaf′zah al Ūla, Al (ν and ξ Ursae Majoris), 443.

imageāhil al A′sad (δ and θ Leonis), 260.

imagea′iimage, Al (ο2 Eridani), 220.

imageā′id Banāt al Na′ash (η Ursae Majoris), 441.

Kaitain′ (α Piscium), 342.

imagealā’ iimage, Al (the Hyades), 389.

Kalb, Al (β Canis Majoris), 129; (Perseus), 330.

imagealb, Al (β Leonis), 258; the 16th manzil, 365.

Kalbain, Al, of Al Dabarān in Taurus, 412.

imagealb al ‘A′krab, Kalb Aa′krab (α Scorpii), 365.

Kalb al Ak′bar, Al (Canis Major), 119.

imagealb al A′sad, Kalbela′sit, Kalbele′ced, Kalbol A′ sadi, and Kal′e Ala′sed (α Leonis), 256.

Kalb al Aimage′ghar, Al (Canis Minor), 133.

Kalb al Dab′arān (α Tauri), 386.

imagealb al imageūt, the 26th manzil, 36.

Kalb al Jabbār (Canis Major), 119.

Kalb al Mutaimagead′dim, Al (Canis Minor), 133.

Kalb al Rā‘i (ρ Cephei), 159; (α Herculis), 243.

Kalbel′aphard′, Kalb Elha′vich (α Hydrae), 249.

imageallāimage, Al (the Hyades), 389.

imageāmūs, Al, Arabic dictionary, 52; et passim Ka′rab, Al (τ and ν Pegasi), 329.

Karb al Ibl, stars in Canes Venatici, 115.

imagearn al Thaural Shamāliy′yah (γ Aurigae), 90.

Kās, Al (Crater), 183.

Kās′ah Darwīshān and Kās′ah Shekes′teh (Corona Borealis), 176.

imageaimage‘at al Masākīn and imageaimage‘at al Sālik (Corona Borealis), 176.

Kata′at Alfa′ras, Chilmead′s name for Equuleus, 213.

imagea′tab, Al (β Leonis), 258.

Katat, Al, and Al Kathā (Cygnus), 193.

imagea‘ūd, Al (Delphinus), 200.

Kau′kab al Shamāli′yy, Al (α Ursae Minoris), 457.

imageaus′, Al (Sagittarius), 352.

imageaus′, Al, a small group in Sagittarius, 355.

imageaus′ Auetra′lis (image Sagittarii), 358.

Kaus′ Borea′lis (λ Sagittarii), 358.

Kaus′ Merid′ionalie (δ Sagittarii), 358.

Kawākib al Firimage (α, β, and η Cephei), 157.

Ke′id and Ki′ed (ο2 Eridani), 220.

Kelb′ala′crab (α Scorpii), 365.

Kelb′elaz′guar (Canis Minor), 133.

Kelds, Riccioli′s name for stars in Cepheus, 157.

Kentau′rus, Al (Centaurus), 150.

Ketpholtsu′man (β Geminorum), 233.

imagee′imageus, Al (Cetus), 162.

Khaw′war, Al (g Ursae Majoris), 145.

Khetu′rus, Al (Boötes), 96; (α Boötis), 101.

imageib′lah, Al (α Ursae Minoris), 456.

imageidr, Al, early Arabic figure in Cepheus, 157, 158.

Kif′a austra′lis (α1, α2 Librae), 275.

Kif′fa borea′lis (β Librae), 276.

Kif′fah al Janūbiy′yah, Al (α1, α2 Librae), 275.

Kif′fatān, Al, the Arabians′ Libra, 273.

Kilādah, Al, the 19th manzil, 355.

imageilāimage, Al (the Hyades), 389.

imageir′daimage, Al (Ideler′s suggestion for ξ Cephei), 159.

Kissīn, Al, for some star in Coma Berenices, 171.

imageit‘at al Fa′ras (Equuleus), 213.

Kit′alpha (Equuleus), 213.

Kit′alpha, Kit′alphar, and Kitel Phard (α Equulei), 214.

Ko′chab and Ko′chah (β Ursae Minoris), 458.

Kolan′za (Boötes), 97.

imageub′bah, Al (Corona Australis), 173.

Kumm, Al, stars in Orion, 320.

imageur′imageaimage, Al, imageazwīnī′s name for ξ Cephei, 159.

Kursī′yy al Jab′bār (Lepus), 265.

Kursiyy al Jau′zah, in Eridanus and Orion, 218.

imageur′ūd, Al, in Canis Major and Columba, 130, 168.

imageuimageb al Shamāli′yy, Al (Ursa Minor and α Ursae Minoris), 457.

Las‘ah, Al, Lesch′at, Les′uth (ν Scorpii), 371, 372.

Les′ath vel potius Les′saa Ela′akrab Mor′sum Scorp. (ν Scorpii), 372.

Liimageγā‘, Al, the 6th manzil, 108.

Lurā, Al (Lyra), 283.

Lur′nis, or Al Ur′nis (Cygnus), 194.

Maa′sim, Masini, Ma′sym, Ma′zym, etc. (λ Herculis), 244.

Mabsuimageāh, Al, and Mabsuthat′ (Fl. 31 Lyncis), 280.

Ma′az, Al (image Aurigae), 90.

Mabsuimageāt, Al (image Geminorum), 235.

Maha′sim (θ and η Aurigae), 245.

Maisān, Al (γ Geminorum), 234; (λ Orionis), 318.

Majar′rah, Al (the galaxy), 481.

Maimagebū′imageah, Al (ζ Geminorum), 235.

Ma′laf, Al (in Cancer), 113; (Crater), 183.

Malf al Kha′tar (Corona Borealis), 176.

Maliki′yy (α Leonis), 256.

Malleph′on, Schickard′s name for Crater, 113.

Malphelca′ne, and Malfelcar′re (Corona Borealis), 176.

Manāzil al imageamr (plural), Manzil (singular), 8.

Man′ica, Al Sufi′s name for Orion′s Mantle, 320.

Man′kib, Al (α Orionis), 310; (γ Orionis), 313.

Man′kib al Fa′ras (β Pegasi), 325.

Man′kib al Thuray′ya (ξ Pegasi), 334.

Man′zil (plural Manāzil), an Arabic lunar station, 8.

Mar′ah al Mus′alsalah, Al (Andromeda), 33.

Mar′āimageimage, Al (β Ursae Majoris), 438.

Mar′chab and Markab (α Pegasi), 324.

Mar′fak and Al Mar′fik (θ and μ Cassiopeiae), 148.

Mar′fak, Mar′fik, and Al Mar′fik (κ Herculis), 244.

Mar′fak (α Persei), 331.

Mar′fic and Mar′fik (κ Herculis), 244; (λ Ophiuchi), 303.

Mar′fiimage, Al (β and μ Cassiopeiae), 148; (κ Herculis), 244; (λ Ophiuchi), 303.

Mar′fiimage al Thuray′ya (α Persei), 331.

Mar′kab, Al (Argo), 66; (α Pegasi), 324; (τ Pegasi), 329.

Mar′kab and Mar′keb (κ Argūs), 74.

Mar′sia and Mar′sic (κ Herculis), 244.

Mar′sic (λ Ophiuchi), 303.

Mā′sik al ‘Inān′ (Auriga), 86.

Ma′tar (η Pegasi), 328.

Matn al Fa′ras (α Pegasi), 324.

Mebou′la, Mebsu′ta, Mebus′ta, and Meluc′ta (image Geminorum), 235.

Meel′eph, Mel′lef, and Mel′leff (image Cancri), 113.

Me′grez (δ Ursae Majoris), 439.

Mei′rer, Me′rak, and Me′rer (image Boötis), 104.

Meis′sa′ (λ Orionis), 318.

Mekbu′da (ζ Geminorum), 235.

Meni′ta (image Geminorum), 235.

Men′kab, Men′kar, and Mon′kar (α Ceti), 162.

Men′kalina′, Menkalinam′, Men′kalinan′ (βAurigae), 89.

Men′kar (λ Ceti), 164.

Men′kar Eldigia′gich (β Cygni), 196.

Men′kib (β Pegasi), 325; (ξ Persei), 334.

Me′rach (β Andromedae), 36.

Me′rak, Mi′rae, Mi′rak (β Ursae Majoris), 438.

Mesang′uo (Lyra), 281.

Mesarthim′ and Mesartim′ (γ Arietis), 82.

Mes′oula (image Geminorum), 235.

Me′zen and Me′zer (image Boötis), 104.

Mibwa′la (image Geminorum), 235.

Mi′car, Mi′rak, and Mi′rar (image Boötis), 104.

Mi′car, Mi′rach, and Mi′zar (image Ursae Majoris), 439.

Midsa′non, Schickard′s name for Libra, 273.

Mij′daimage, Al (the Hyades), 389.

Mij′marah, Al (Ara), 63.

Milaff′, incorrectly Malif, al Kur′rah (Corona Borealis), 176.

Min, an Arabic preposition signifyingZbelonging to,” 10; et passim.

Min al A‘zal, stars in the head of Hydra, 249.

Min′imagear, Al (α Ceti), 162.

Min′imagear al A′sad (κ Leonis), 262.

Min′imagear al Dajājah (β Cygni), 196.

Min′imagear al Ghurāb′ (α Corvi), 181.

Min′imagear al Shujā (σ Hydrae), 250.

Min′imageakah, Al, Min′taka, and Min′tika (δ Orionis), 314.

Min′imageakaimage al ‘Awwā (image Boötis), 104.

Minimagea′kaimage al Burūj (the zodiac), 3.

Mi′ract and Mi′rae (β Andromedae), 36.

Mi′ract (image Ursae Majoris), 439.

Mi′raë, Chilmead′s name for β Ursae Majoris, 36.

Mi′rak (ζ Ursae Majoris), 440.

Mir′fak and Mir′zac (α Persei), 331.

Mir′fak (κ Herculis), 244.

Mir′za and Mir′zam (β Canis Majoris), 129.

Mir′zam (α Orionis), 310; (β Orionis), 313.

Mirzamā′ al Shi′rayain′ and Al Mirzamān′, β Canis Majoris and β Canis Minoris, 129.

Mi′imageam, Al (λ Herculis, θ and η Aurigae), 244.

Mi′imageam al Thuray′ya (χ and h Persei), 334.

Mismār, the title of Polaris in Damascus, 457.

Mizān, Al, an Arabic asterism in Antinoüs, 41; in Aquila, 61; in Libra, 273; in Triangulum, 416.

Mīzān al Baimageīl, Al (c, θ, ι, d, κ Orionis), 315.

Mi′zan Alie′min (α1 and α2 Librae), 275.

Mīzān al H·alimageimage, Al (δ, image, ζ Orionis), 315.

Mi′zar, Al, and Mi′zar (β Andromedae), 36; (image Boötis), 104; (β Ursae Majoris), 438; (η Ursae Majoris), 439; (ζ Ursae Majoris), 440.

Mi′zat and Mir′za (ζ Ursae Majoris), 440.

Mo′allaimageāt, Al, correctly Al Mu′allaimageāt, 394.

Mon′kar (α Ceti), 162.

Mosch′leck (ν Scorpii), 372.

Mosc′lek (λ Scorpii), 370.

Mu′allaimageāt, Al, incorrectly Al Mo′alla Mu′allaimageāt, 394

Mu′frid al Rāimiimage, Mu′frid, Mu′fride (η Boötis), 104.

Mugham′mid (or Muimageam′mir) al Thuray′ya, perhaps α Persei, 331.

Mu′hanaim, Al, and Mu′imageibbain (γ and δ Capricorni), 141.

Muimage′dij, Al (α Tauri), 384.

Muimagelifain′, Al (γ, ζ, and λ Argūs), 72, 73, 74; (δ Canis Majoris), 130; (α and .β Columbae), 167.

Muimagetalifain′, Al, and Muimagenithain′, Al, 72, 73, 74, 130, 167.

Muimage′dim al imageiimageāf′ (image Virginis), 471.

Muliphen′, γ Canis Majoris, 130; γ Ophiuchi, 301.

Mul′tahab, Al (Cepheus), 157.

Mum′assich Alhanam′, Chilmead′s name for Auriga, 86.

Mum′sik al ′Inān′ (Auriga), 86.

Munic′ and Munir′ (α Coronae Borealis), 178.

Munīr al Fak′kah (Corona Borealis), 176.

Mu′phrid and Mu′frid (η Boötis), 104.

Mur′zim, Al, and Mur′zim (β Canis Majoris), 129; (β Canis Minoris), 134; (α Orionis), 311.

Mur′zim al Najīd (γ Orionis), 313.

Mu′shalah, Al Bīrūni′s name for λ Scorpii, 370.

Mutakab′bidah, Al (ζ Geminorum), 235.

Muthal′lath, Al (Triangulum), 416.

Mutlat′, Mutlathum′, Mutlaton′, etc. (Triangulum), 416.

Na′ā′im, Al (τ and ν Pegasi), 329.

Na′ām, Al, the 18th manzil, 355, 358.

Na′ām and Na′ā′im al imageādirah, Al, the 18th manzil, 355, 358.

Na′ām al Wārid, Al (γ, δ, image, η Sagittarii), 355.

Na′āmāt, Al, 162.

Na′ash, Al (image, ζ, and η Ursae Majoris), 433.

Na′ash Laa′zar, the Square in Ursa Major, 432.

Nab′lium and Nab′lon (Lyra), 283.

Nahr, Al, Nah′ar, Nar (Eridanus), 217.

Nahr, Al (the galaxy), 475.

Nahrān, Al, stars in Leo and Virgo, 469.

Najīd, Al, indiscriminately used for α, β, and γ Orionis, 312, 313.

Nā′ir, Al, the Arabs′ word for the brightest star in a sky figure, passim.

Najm, Al (the Pleiades), 398.

Naimageimageār, Al (Boötes), 97; Nakkar′ (β Boötis), 103.

Nasaimage′ al Shamāliy′yah (or Shāmi′yy), Al, stars in Hercules, Ophiuchus, and Serpens, 243, 302, 375.

Nasaimage′ al Yamāniy′yah, Al, stars in Ophiuchus and Serpens, 243, 302, 375.

Na′shira (γ and δ Capricorni), 141.

Nasaimage′, Al (δ, image, and ζ Orionis), 315.

Naimagel, Al (γ Sagittarii), 357.

Naimager al Sākit, Al (Lyra), 282.

Naimager al imageā′ir, Al (Aquila), 57, 282.

Naimager al Wāimagei‘, Al (Lyra), 282.

Nāimageiimage Al, the 27th manzil, 82; β Tauri, 390.

Nathm, Al (image Orionis), 314.

Nathrah, Al, the 6th manzil, no, 112.

Nebol′elle′sed, Nebolla′sid, and Nebula′sit (β Leonis), 258.

Nekkar′ (Boötes), 97; β Boötis, 103.

Nessrusa′kat and Nessrusa′kito (Lyra), 282.

Nibal′ and Nihal′ (β Leporis), 269.

Nihāl, Al, the four brightest stars of Lepus, 265.

Nijād, Al (δ, image, and ζ Orionis), 315.

Nitāimage, Al (ζ Orionis),, 314.

Niimagehām, Al, the phi stars in Cetus, 162, 165; image Orionis, 314.

Niyāt, Al (γ and τ Scorpii), 371.

Nuimageātai′, Al (γ, μ, ν, η, and ξ Geminorum), 234, 235.

Nujūm al Aimagedh, the lunar stations, 8.

Nusa′kan (β Coronae Borealis), 179.

Nusufimage′, Al, Orion and Orion′s Belt, 307.

‘Oimageāb, Al, correctly Al ′Uimageāb (Aquila), 57.

Ok′da (α Piscium), 342.

Orf, Al, correctly Al Urf, the famous nova in Cassiopeia, 146.

Oxen of Teha′ma, Ideler′s tendering of the Arabs′ term for the Nubeculae, 295.

Par′ma, Al Sufi′s term for Corona Borealis, 176.

Phacd, Phad, Phaed, etc. (γ Ursae Majoris), 438.

Phact, Phad, and Phaet (α Columbae), 167.

Pham Al imageūt, etc., for α Piscis Australis, 346.

Phard, Burritt′s name for α Aquarii, 51.

Phec′ca (Corona Borealis), 176.

Phec′da, Pheg′da, and Phek′da (γ Ursae Majoris), 438.

Pherd, Hyde′s name for α Hydrae, 249.

Pherkad′ Major, Pherkad′ Minor (γ1, γ2 Ursae Minoris), 459.

Phica′res, Phica′rus, Pirchae′us (Cepheus), 156.

Phik′ra al Thāni′a, Al, Baily′s name for λ and μ Ursae Majoris, 443.

Phomalhaut′, and variants, α Piscis Australis, 346.

Prima Gie′di (α1 Capricorni), 140.

Pu′pilla, cited by Bayer for α Coronae Borealis, 178.

Ra′ar, Riccioli′s and Kircher′s name for Cepheus, 157.

Rabes′co, Lyra′s stars on the Borgian globe, 282.

Radīf, Al (Cepheus), 157; (Cygnus), 193.

Rāfid, Al (μ Draconis), 211.

Rag′ulon, Caesius’ name for Orion, 310.

Rāi‘, Al (γ Cephei), 158.

Rāī al Jau′zah (β Orionis), 312.

Rāī al Na‘fi’im (λ Sagittarii), 358.

Raka′bah, Al (Ursa Minor), 450.

Rākib, Al (α Aurigae), 87.

Rāimageis, Al (β Draconis), 207; (μ Draconis), 211; (Hercules), 242.

Rāmī, Al (α Sagittarii), 357.

Rāmiimage, Al (Boötes), 97.

Rasaben′ (γ Draconis), 208; (Hercules), 241; (α Herculis), 243.

Ras′alas (μ Leonis), 263.

Rās al A′sad al Janūbiy′yah (image Leonis), 260.

Rās al A′sad al Shamāli′yy (μ Leonis), 263.

Ras′algauze′, Ras′algeuse′, and Ras′algeuze′ (β Geminorum), 233.

Ras Algethi′, Rās al Jāthī′yy, and variants (α Herculis), 243.

Rā′s al Ghūl (β Persei), 332.

Ras′ alha′gue, Ras al Hayro, and variants (α Ophiuchi), 300, 301.

Rās al imagea′mal and Ras Ham′mel (α Arietis), 80.

Rās al imageawwā‘, Ras alha′gue, and variants (α Ophiuchi), 300, 301.

Rās al Jauzā (β Geminorum), 233.

Rās al Jau′zah (λ Orionis), 318.

Rās al Muthal′lath (α Trianguli), 416.

Rās al Ta′um al Mu′aimageimagear, β Geminorum, 233.

Rās al Ta′um al Muimagead′dim (α Geminorum), 231.

Rās al Tinnīn, Ras Eltanim (γ Draconis), 207.

Ras′taban′, and variants (β Draconis), 207.

Ras′taban′, and variants (γ Draconis), 208.

Rās al Thu′bān (β Draconis), 207.

Rau′imageah, Al, in Hercules, Ophiuchus, and Serpens, 243, 374.

Re′gel and Ri′gel Algauze′ (β Orionis), 312.

Reicchab′ba, the Alfonsine β Ursae Minoris, 458.

Ri′āl, Al, stars between Achernar and Fomalhaut, 219, 335.

Ribāimageāt, Al, the Arabic lunar stations, 8.

Ridf, Al (α Cygni), 195.

Ridhādh, Al (Cygnus), 193, 195.

Ri′gel (α Centauri), 152; (β Orionis), 312.

Rig′Ion, Schickard′s name for β Orionis, 312.

Rijl al ‘Awwā (μ Virginis), 473.

Ri′jil al Kentau′rus (α Centauri), 152.

Rijl al Mus′alsalah (γ Andromedae), 37.

Rijl al Jau′zah al Yanina’ (κ Orionis), 318.

Rijl al Jau′zah al Yusra′ (β Orionis), 312.

Risal′ioth (image Ursae Minoris), 439.

Risimageā’, Al, early Arabic name for β Andromedae, 36.

Rishā’, Al, the 26th manzil, 338; α Piscium, 342.

Ruba‘, Al, correcly Al Rub‘ah, in Draco, 210, 211.

Rubā‘is, Al, or Al Ru‘bā‘iyyāt, of Omar Khayyām (H·ayyam), 212, 393; et passim.

Ruc′bā, Rue′bar, Ruch′bah (δ Cassiopeiae), 148.

Ruc′ba, Ruc′bah, and Ruc′bar (α Sagittarii), 357.

Rucca′bah (α Ursae Minoris), 457.

Ruk′bah, Al (δ Cassiopeiae), 148.

Ruk′bah and Ruk′bat (α Sagittarii), 357.

Ruk′bah, perhaps the derivation of Alruca′ba, 451.

Ruk′baimage al Dajājah and Ruch′ba3 Cygni), 198.

Ruk′bat al Rā (α Sagittarii), 357.

Rukkabah, Al (Ursa Minor), 450.

Rumimage, Al, and Rumimage al Rāmiimage (η Boötis), 104.

Ru′zam, Al, Al Sufi′s name for γ Orionis, 313.

Saak′ (η Boötis), 104.

Sābiimage and Sāïimage (image and η Ophiuchi), 302.

Sabu‘, Al, Chilmead′s Al Subahh (Lupus), 278.

Saclate′ni (ζ Aurigae), 91.

Sa‘d, its definition and application, 327. See note.

Sadach′bia and Sa′d al Aimage′biyah (γ Aquarii), 52.

imageadaimage′, Al, and Al imageai′daimage (g Ursae Majoris), 445.

Sa‘d al Bahā’im (β Pegasi), 328.

Sa‘d al Bari‘ (λ and μ Pegasi), 328.

Sa‘d al Bula‘, the 21st manzil, 53.

Sa‘d al Dhābiimage, the 20th manzil, 140.

Sa‘d al Humām (ζ and ξ Pegasi), 327.

Sa′d al Ma′imagear (η and ο Pegasi), 328.

Sad′alme′lik and Sa′d al Ma′lik (α Aquarii), 51.

Sa′d al Mulk (α and ο Aquarii), 55.

Sa′d al Na′āmah (ζ Pegasi), 328, 329.

Sa′d al Nāshirah (γ and δ Capricorni), 141.

Sa′d al Nāzi′ (λ and μ Pegasi), 328.

Sad′alsuud′, incorrectly Sadalsund and Sadalsaud (β Aquarii), 52.

Sadato′ni (ζ Aurigae), 91.

Sadr, Al (α Cassiopeiae), 145.

imageadr al Dajājah (γ Cygni), 197.

imageadr al imageai′imageos, or imagee′imageus (γ Ceti), 163′, 219.

Sa‘dubna′shirah, Smyth′s γ Capricorni, 141.

Safinah, Al (Argo), 66.

Sag′ma (τ Pegasi), 329.

Sahil′ (α Carinae), 68.

Sah′ja, Al, g Ursae Majoris in Arabic poetry, 445.

Sahm, Al (Sagitta), 350.

Saib′ Nasch-ru-ah (γ Capricorni), 141.

Sā′id, Al (β Pegasi), 325.

Sai′dol-pha′razi, Schickard′s β Pegasi, 325.

Sa′if al Jabbār (η Orionis), 316.

Sāïimage al Thuray′ya (α Tauri), 384.

Sa′iph′, occasionally used for γ Orionis, 316.

Sa′iph′, commonly used for κ Orionis, 318.

Saimage al A′sad (α Virginis), 467.

Sā′kib al Mā (Aquarius), 47.

Salīb′, Al, an Arabic figure in Delphinus, 200.

Sa′libāimage, Al, imageazwīnī′s name for Lyra, 284.

imagea′lib al Wāki‘, Al, an Arabic figure in Draco, 207.

Salm, Al, and Sal′ma (τ Pegasi), 329.

Sam′akah, Al (Pisces), 338.

Sam′akatain′, Al, the Arabic dual for Pisces, 338.

Sam′eh (Pisces), 338.

San, Riccioli′s and Kircher′s name for Cepheus, 157.

Sanām al Nākah (β Cassiopeiae), 146.

imageanj, Al, and San′gue (Lyra), 281.

imageanj Rūmi, a Persian name for Lyra, 281.

Saraimageān, Al (Cancer), 108.

imagear′fah, Al, the 10th manzil, 254, 258.

imagear′fah, Al, and Ser′pha (β Leonis), 258.

Sarir Banāt al Na‘sh, θ and other stars in Ursa Major, 442.

Sartai′ (β Arietis), 82.

Scartai′ (γ Arietis), 82.

Sar′imagean′ and Ser′tan′ (α Cancri), 111.

Sce′ara′ (Canis Major), 119.

Scera′ (α Canis Majoris), 122.

Scha′liaf, Chilmead′s name for Lyra, 284.

Scha′ham and Sham (Sagitta), 350.

Scheat′ and Scheat′ Edel′eu (δ Aquarii), 53.

Scheat and Scheat Alphe′raz (β Pegasi), 325.

Sched′ar, Sed′er, and variants (α Cassiopeiae), 145.

Sched′di′ (γ and δ Capricorni), 141.

Scheere′liemi′ni (Canis Major), 119.

Schema′li (?) (ι Ceti), 164.

Schom′lek and Shom′lek (λ Scorpii), 370.

Seat′, Grotius′ name for π Aquarii, 55.

Seat′ Alfa′ras, Seat′ Alphe′ras (β Pegasi), 325.

Secun′da Giedi′ (α2 Capricorni), 140.

Semba′let Elean′dri, Sombalet, and Sumbalet (α Virginis), 467.

Serpens Alan′gue (Serpens), 374.

Shaari Lobur′, Eber′s name for α Canis Majoris, 121.

Shalyāimage Al, correcdy Shilyāimage, Al, 284.

ShamārīK, Al, in Centaurus and Lupus, 150, 278.

Shāmiyyah, Al (α Canis Minoris), 133.

Sharāsīf, Al, stars of Crater and Hydra, 184, 249.

Sharaimageain′, Al, Sharatan′, and Sheratan′ (β Arietis), 81.

Shau′lah, Al, Shau′la, Shau′ka (λ Scorpii), 370.

Shau′kah, Al (FI. 31 Lyncis), 280.

Shel′iak, Shel′yak, and Shil′iak (β Lyrae), 287.

Shi′rā, Al, and Si′rā, Al (α Canis Majoris), 121.

Shi′rā al ′Abūr al Yamaniy′yah, Canis Major and Sirius, 119, 121.

Shi′rā al Shāmiy′yah, Al (α Canis Majoris), 133.

Shi′rayān, Al (Sirius and Procyon), 125.

Shuja‘, Al (Draco), 205; (Hydra), 247; (Orion), 307.

Siair′ Sia′mi (α Canis Minoris), 133.

Sia′ush, Arabian orthography of Perseus, 330.

Sihel′ and Sihil′ (α Carinae), 68.

Sihil′ pondero′sa (α Carinae), 69.

Simāk, Al, definition of the word, 100. See note.

Simāk, Al, the 12th manzil, 467.

Simāk al A′zal, Al (α Virginis), 467.

Simāk al Rāmiimage (α Boötis), 100. See note.

Sira′, Persian name for α Canis Majoris, 122.

Sir′rah (α Andromedae), 35.

Sohayl′, Soheil′, Sohel′, Sohil′ (α Carinae), 68.

Somech′ hara′ mach, Chilmead′s α Bootis, 101.

Subhel′ and Subil′on (α Carinae), 69, 70.

Sudr (α Cygni), 197.

Sugia′, cited by Scaliger for Orion, 307.

Suhail′, Suhel′, Suhil′, Suhilon′ (α Carinae), 68.

Suhail′, Al, Sirius in modern Arabia, 122.

Suhail′ al Muimage′lif, γ Velorum in Argo, 72.

Suhail′ al Wazn, stars in Argo, 69, 74.

Suhail′ al Yamāniy′yah, Al (α Carinae), 69.

Suhail′ imagea′imagear (α Carinae), 73.

Suhel′ al Fard, Suhel′ al Sham (α Hydrae), 249.

Suhel′ pondero′sus (α Carinae), 69.

Sulafat′ (γ Lyrae), 287.

Sulaimagefāt′ (Lyra), 284.

Sum′bela (Virgo), 464.

Sun′bulah, Al (Virgo), 464; (α Virginis), 467.

Sun′bale, Sun′balon, Sum′bela (α Virginis), 467.

imageuradain′, Al1 and β2 Sagittarii), 357.

Sur′rat al Fa′ras (α Andromedae), 35.

Su′ūd al Nujūm, star-group in Pegasus, 328.

Taben′, Tanem′, Tannim, Tannīn (Draco), 205.

Taimageāyā’, Al, incorrectly Taimageāyī (η Geminorum), 235; (λ Orionis), 318.

imageā’ir, Al, and Al imagefā‘ir al Ar′duf (Cygnus), 193.

Tais′, Al, δ and adjacent stars in Draco, 209.

Tali al Najm (α Tauri), 384.

Tāli′ al Shau′lah, clusters in Scorpio, 370.

Ta′lita and Ta′litha (ι Ursae Majoris), 442, 443.

Ta′ni′a austra′lis (μ Ursae Majoris), 443.

Ta′ni′a bore′alis (λ Ursae Majoris), 443.

Taraapoz, Arabic orthography for Centaurus, 150.

Tarcuta, an unidentified star-name, 198.

imagearf, Al, the 7th manzil, 263; (β Cancri), 111.

imagearīk al La′ban, imagearīimage al Tibn (the galaxy), 481.

Tau′amān, Al (Gemini), 223.

Taur, a rarely used name for Taurus, 380.

Tawābi‘ al ‘Ayyuimage (γ and ι Aurigae), 90, 91.

Tayyasān, Al, correctly Al Tiyasān, undetermined stars in Draco, 209.

Tejat′ Poste′rior (μ Geminorum), 236.

Tejat′ Prior (η Geminorum), 235.

Tha′bit, perhaps ν Orionis, 320.

imagehaimager al A′sad (δ Leonis), 260.

imagehaimager al Dubb al Ak′bar (α Ursae Majoris), 437.

imagehalīm (α Piscis Australis), 346.

imagehalīm, Al, for β and θ Eridani, 218, 219.

imagehalīmain, Al (Antinous), 41; (ι and λ Aquilae), 61; (λ and μ Sagittarii), 358.

Thāni al Dhirā (β Geminorum), 233.

Thāur, Al (Taurus), 380.

Thaur al Thuray′ya (η Tauri), 404.

Theemim′, the upsilon stars of Eridanus, 220.

The.e‘.nim, an erroneous form of Theemim, 220.

imagehibā’, Al, the sigmas and other stars in Ursa Major, 444.

imagehiba′ wa-Aulāduhā, Al, perhaps Leo Minor, 264.

imagehiba’ al Fa′ras (π1 Cygni), 197.

Thu’bān, Al (Draco), 205.

Thuban′ (α Draconis), 206.

imagehufr al Ghizlān′, undetermined stars in Ursa Major, 442.

Thuray′ya, Al (Cassiopeia), 144; (the Pleiades), 395, 398, 403.

Tinnīn, Al (Draco), 205.

Tiyasān, Al. See Tayyasān, Al.

Tower of Gad, Burritt′s name for Capricornus, 136.

Tur, Riccioli′s name for Taurus, 380.

Tur′ais and Tur′yeish (ι Carinae), 74.

Turanyā, the Pleiades in Southern Arabia, 398.

Two Pherkads′, The, β and γ Ursae Minoris, 459.

Udara′ and Udra′ (image Canis Majoris), 130.

Udimageā al Na‘ām, correctly Udimagei′yy al Na‘ām (Corona Australis), 173; (in Eridanus), 218; (in Sagittarius), 355.

Udimagei′yy‘, Al. See Udimageā.

‘Uimagedah, stars of Hydra, 250.

‘Uimaged al H·aiimageain′ (α Piscium), 342.

‘Ukūd, Al (α, β, y, and δ Delphini), 200.

‘Ul′thah, Al, incorrectly Al Atha (Coma), 169.

Umm al Samā (the galaxy), 481.

‘Unimage al imageay′yah (α Serpentis), 375.

‘Unimage al Shujā (α Hydrae), 249.

Unuimage, correctly ‘Unimage, al Ghurāb, 60.

Unuk′ al Hay or Unuk′alhai (α Serpentis), 375.

Urf, Al, incorrectly Al Orf, the famous nova in Cassiopeia, 146.

Urkab′ (β1 and β2 Sagittarii), 357.

Ur′nis, on the Borgian globe for Cygnus, 194.

Uthfiy′yah, Arabic title for various small triangles of stars, 212, 282, 292, 318.

Uunk al Hay, an error in name of α Serpentis, 375.

Va′gieh, Riccioli′s name for α Lyrae, 284.

Var′di, cited by Riccioli for Eridanus, 217.

Vaz′neganu′bi, etc., in Libra, 273; α1, α2 Librae, 275.

Vaz′nesche′mali, in Libra, 273; β Librae, 276.

Ve′ga, correctly We′ga (α Lyrae), 284.

Ve′ka and Vue′ga (α Lyrae), 284.

Wa′ghi, Scaliger′s name for α Lyrae, 284.

Wa′rak al A′sad (β Virginis), 469.

Wa′saimage, Al, and Wa′sat (δ Geminorum), 234.

Wa′saimage, Al (Alcyone), 403; (Taygete), 407.

Wazl, Al (γ Sagittarii), 358.

Wazn, Al (α Carinae), 68; (δ Canis Majoris), 130; (in Centaurus), 152, 154; (β Columbae), 167; (Libra), 273.

Wazn al Janūbiy′yah, Al (α1 and α2 Librae), 275.

We′ga (α Lyrae), 284.

We′sat (δ Geminorum), 234.

Wez′en (δ Canis Majoris), 130.

Wezn (β Columbae), 167.

Yad, Al (δ Ophiuchi), 302; (α Pegasi), 324.

Yad al Yam′nā′, Al (α Orionis), 310.

Yed Alphe′ras (α Pegasi), 324.

Yed Posterior (image Ophiuchi), 302.

Yed Prior (δ Ophiuchi), 302.

Zaban′, Al Bīrūnī′s name for the 14th manzil, 275.

Za′niah (η Virginis), 471.

Za′rijan (β Virginis), 469.

Zau′rac and Zau′rak (γ1 Eridani), 218.

Zau′raimage, Al, stars of Phoenix, 335.

Za′vijava (β Virginis), 469.

Zāwiah, Al (β Virginis), 469; (η Virginis), 471.

Zāwiat al ‘Awwā (γ Virginis), 470.

Zedar′on (α Cassiopeiae), 145.

Zibāl, Al, stars between Achemar and Fomalhaut, 219, 335.

Zīj (Tables) of Ulug Beg, 2; etpassim.

Zirr, Al (ξ Geminorum), 237.

Zubān′ah, Al (α Cancri), 111; (Libra), 273; (the 14th manzil), 275.

Zubān al ‘Aimagerab (γ Scorpii), 369.

Zubān al Janūbiy′yah, Al (α1 and α2 Librae), 275; (γ Scorpii), 369.

Zuban′ al Kra′vi (γ Scorpii), 369.

Zubān al Shamāliy′yah, Al (β, Librae), 276.

Zubānatain, Al (Libra), 273.

Zuben′ A′crabi (γ Scorpii), 369.

Zuben′ el Chama′li (β Librae), 276.

Zuben′elgema′bi, used in error for β Librae, 276.

Zuben′ el Genu′bi (α1 and α2 Librae), 275; (γ Scorpii), 369.

Zuben′elgubi (α1, α2 Librae), 275; (γ Librae), 277.

Zuben′eschama′li, erroneously used for α1 and α2 Librae, 275; correctly used for β Librae, 276.

Zuben′ha′krabi, Burritt′s name for η Librae, 287.

Zuben′ Ha′krabi, Bayer′s name for γ Scorpii, 369.

Zu′bra (δ Leonis), 260.

Zu′brah, Al, the 9th tnanzil, 254, 260.

Zujj al Nushshābah (γ Sagittarii), 357.

Zulia′ca, Lyra in the Alfonsinc Tables, 284.



At the beginning of words and syllables the Alif (’) is not represented. The termination of feminine nouns (at) is represented by ah, except where a genitive follows. The case terminations (nom. u; gen. i; acc. a) and their nasalized forms (un; in; an) are not represented. The article is invariably transcribed al; no account is taken of the assimilation of the l to a following consonant. The vowels are used in their so-called Continental pronunciation.


’′Αγαννα, 427, 447.

’′Αγνωστος Θimageός, image, 81.

’Αimageι Φανής, 454.

’Αimageτός, 56, 59, 393.

’Αθαλπής, 135.

’Αιγίimageν, 136.

’Αιγοκέρimageυς, 135.

’Αιγόκimageρως (Aries), 75; (Capricornus), 135.

’Αιimageτός, 59, 350.

’′Αιξ (’Αιγής), 84.

’′Αιξ, 87, 135.

’Αιόλός (epithet of ’′Ορνις), 192.

’Αιούκ (imageΑιξ of Ptolemy), 87.

’Ακροστόλιον, 74.

’Αλimageκτροπόδιον, 304.

’Αλimageτροπόδιον and ’Αλητροπόδιον, 304.

’Αλκή, 240.

’Αλκυόνimageς and ’Αλκυών, 404 (note).

’Αλλος imageϊστός, 350.

’Αλώπηξ, 406, 446.

’Αμαλθimageίας κέρας, 87.

‘′Αμαξα, 419, 426, 427, 428, 434, 447.

’Αμimageγάλαρος, 256.

’Αμέμψιοος, 140.

’Αμόρφωτοι, meaning of, 10; et passim.

’′Ανακimageς, 223.

’Ανδρομέδα and ’Ανδρομέδη, 31.

’Ανήρ βασιλήιöς, 156.

’Αντάρης, 364.

’′Ανταρτης, 365.

’Αντίνοος, 41.

’′Αξων (a possible derivation of” Αμαξα), 427.

’Απέλλων, 230.

’Απόλλων, 230, 233.

‘Απους, 43.

‘′Απτimageροι (epithet of Πimageλimageιάδimageς), 395.

’Αργimageϊον, 183.

‘′Αργος, 132, 304.

‘′Αρης, 276, 304, 365.

‘′Αρκτος, 419, 426, 434, 447.

‘′Αρκτον imageυρά (a derivation of Arcturus), 93.

‘′Αρκτον στροφάδimageς κέλimageυθοι, 433.

’Αρκτοϕimageλαξ (Bear-watcher), 93.

’Αρκτοimageρος (Bear-guard), 93.

’Αρμimageλάτης, 85.

’Αρπimageδόνη, 342.

’′Αρπη, the falx of Perseus, 329, 334.

‘′Αρτimageμις, 421.

’Αρκimageιος (Ptolemy’s epithet for Petosiris), 51.

’Ασκληπιός, 298.

“’Ασούγια non imageσβία, 247.

’Ασπιδίσκimage, 74.

’′Ασπολια, 259, 462.

’Αστimageρισμόι, 10.

’Αστήρ (akin to Astarte), 463.

’Αστροκύων, 118.

‘′Αστρον, το, 120.

’Ατάργατις, 338.

’Ατλάγimageνης, 393.

’Αimageλαξ (θ Eridani), 219.

’Αφροδίτη, 177, 339, 468 (note).

’Αχλύς, 112.

‘′Αψυρτος, 85.

Βαγδimageι (a mnemonic word), 178.

Βασανισμός and Βασανιστήριον, 56.

Βάσανος, 56, 283.

Βασιλίσκος, 255.

Βασιλισκός άστήρ, 256.

Βimageλοκράτωρ, 351.

Βimageρimageνίκη (see note), 169.

Βimageρimageνίκης πλόκαμος, 169.

Βοητής (a derivation of Boötes), 93.

Βόσπορος, 379 (note).

Βόστρυκος Βimageρimageνίκης, 169.

Βότρυς, 396.

Βουλήγimageς, 92.

Βοώτης, 92, 99.

Γάλα, το, 474.

Γαλάξιος, image, 474.

Γέννς, 211.

Γήων, 216 (note).

Γιγάς, 306.

Γίλγαμος, 239 (note).

Γλαυκός (epithet of Λαγώς), 264.

Γλήνimageα, 311.

Γνύξ imageριπών, 241.

Γοργόνιον, 332.

Γραψαimageος, 111.

Γύψ καθήμimageνος, 282.

Γύψ πimageτόμimageνος (of the Ilkhanian Tables), 57.

Δimageινοimage ’Α ρκτοimageροιο, 99.

Δimageλτωτόν, 415.

Δimageλφιν and Δimageλφις, 198.

Δimageσμος (a Piscium), 342.

Δimageυτέρα Κύκλα, 172.

Δimageυτέρος, 172.

Δίδυμοι, 223. Δίκη, 272, 462.

Δινωτοί κύκλω, 172.

Δimageος 415.

Διοσημimageimageα 113.

Διόσκυροι, 223.

Διός “Ορνις, 56.

Διφρηλάτης, 85.

Δρακων (Draco), 202, 205; (Hydra), 247.

Δωδimageκατημόρια, τα, 3.

Εγχέλυς, 374;

Ειδωλλ δυοκαίδimageκα, τα, 3.

Ειδωλον, 239.

Ειδωλον, imageπimageυθος, 241.

Ειρήνη, 462.

Εισαγωγή, 50.

Εκάβη (of Euripides), 304.

Εκχυσις, 55.

Ελάσιππος, 85.

Ελίκη, 433, 447.

Ελίκωπimageς, 434.

Ελιξ, 433.

Εν γόνασιο, 239.

Ενγόνσι, 239, 242.

Ενγουνασι, 239.

Ενίοχοσ, 84.

Εν κολόυρο (derivation of Incalurus), 105.

Εν τimage imageυγχimageι (γ Tauri), 390.

Εξαστρος, 411.

Επόμimageνος (’Ιχθύς), 340.

Επτάποροι, 411.

Εργγ και ‘Ημέραι (of Hesiod), 93.

Εριγένimageια (a possible derivation of Erig- one), 461.

Εριδαός, 215.

Εριδανός μέλας, 216.

Ερμαίη, 281.

Εριφοι, 84, 90.

Ερμimageδόνη, 342.

Ερόimageις, 230 (note).

Ερπimageτόν, 374.

Ερύσιμον, 194.

Ερως, 339.

Εσπimageρος, 468 (note).

Εστία (Vesta (Ara)), 62.

Εσχάρα and ’Εχάρα, 62.

Ευimageδώραυχος, 366.

Ευμimageνής (Κένταυρος), 149.

Εφέστιοι, 223.

Εωσφύρος (the planet Venus), 468 (note).

Ζimageύς (Amen and Aries), 78.

Ζimageύς (the planet Jupiter), 39 (note). Ζέφυρος, 275 (note).

Ζυγόν (Ζυγός), 269, 272, 274, 282, 287, 364.

Ζύγωμα (Hipparchos’ name for Lyra), 282.

Ζimageνος αστήρ, 35, 327.

Ζimageα, 4.

Ζώδια, 10.

Ζωδιακός and Ζωδιακός Κύκλος, image, 3.

Ζωηφόρος, 275.

Ζώνη, 36, 315.

Ζώσμα and Ζimageμα, 260.

Ηγουμένος, 340.

Ηimageρόimageις (epithet of ’Ορυις), 192.

Ημιτimageλής and ‘Ημίτομος, 322.

Ημιφαυής Λίβimageς, imageππος 322.

Ηρακλέης and ‘Ηρακλimageς, 233, 239.

‘Η του Θρόυου, 143.

Θαργηλιώυ, 401.

Θimageιανα, 323.

Θimageογουία (of Hesiod), 215.

Θηρίου (Lupus), 278.

Θυμιατήριον (Ara), 62. Θυρσόλογκος, 151.

Θύρσος, 151.

Θimageσιαστήριον and θimageτήριον (Ara), 62.

Ιασίδαο, 156.

‘′Ιimageρος ‘ΙχΘύς, 199.

Ικτίυος, 195.

’ΙουδαϊκήΑρχαιολογία, 216 (note).

Ιππηλάτης, 85.

Ιππος and ‘Ιππος ίimageρός, 322.

‘Ιππότimage Φήρ, 148.

Ιππότης (Perseus), 330; (Sagittarius), 352.

Ιππου Προτομή, 213.

Ισιας, 362.

ΙχΘύimage (orΙχΘύimageς), 337.

ΙχΘύς, 340, 345.

ΙχΘύς μογας, 345.

ΙχΘύς μονimageξων, 345.

ΙχΘύς νότιος, 345.

ΙΧΘϒΣ of ’Ιησούς Χριστός θimageimageυ ϒιός Σωτήρ, 340.

Ιων (of Euripides), 103.

Κάβimageιροι, 223.

Κimageλαimageροψ (μ of Boötes), 97, 105.

Καλλίστη, 421.

Καλλιστώ, 420.

Κάλπη, Κάλπimageις, and Κάλπις, 50.

Κάλπη (κ Aquarii), 54; (Crater), 183.

Καμπή, 250.

Κάνδαος or Κανδάων (Boötes), 94.

Κανδάων (Orion),. 304.

Κάνθαρος, 183.

Κάνωβος and Κάνωπος, 67.

Κάραβος, 109.

Καρδία Λimageόντος, 256.

Καρδία Σκορπίου, 365.

Καρκίνος, 107.

Καρκίνος, ‘′Ονοι, καί Φάτνη, 107.

Κimageραόν, 379.

Κασσίimageπimageια, 143.

Καταστimageρισμοί (of Eratosthenes), 11.

Κινimageσαι Χimageιμimageνας, 86.

Κένταυρος, 148.

Κimageφαλή ‘′Ιππου, 213.

Κimageων, 232.

Κηρυκimageimageον, 172.

Κimageτος, 160, 339.

Κηϕimageimageς, 156.

Κίθάρα, 281.

Κινimageσαι Χimageιμimageνας (epithet of Capella), 86.

Κίσσινος, 171.

Κλαρία, 108.

Κλimageσος, 224.

Κνηκίας (Suidas’ name for Lupus), 278.

Κολλορόβος, 105.

Κόλουρος (Proclus’ term for colure), 108.

Κόμβη (of Hesychios), 48.

Κονταρατος, 101; (μικρός), 467.

Κόραξ, 179, 181, 247.

Κόρη, 177, 460.

Κορυνήτης, 240.

Κορυνηφόρος, 240, 243.

Κρατήρ, 183.

Κριός (Aries), 75, 292.

Κύβιτον, 244.

Κύκλος γαλακτικός and Κύκλος Γαλαξίας, 474.

Κύκλος των Ζωδίων, image, 3.

Κύκνος, 192.

Κυλλimageναίη, 281.

Κ-υν-όσ-ον-ρα, 448.

Κυνόσουρα and Κυνόσουρις, 447, 448.

Κυρτός, 380.

Κόων, 117, 120.

Κύων imageστήρ and Κύων σimageίριος, 120.

Λαγών, 440.

Λαγωός and Λαγώς, 264.

Λαμπαδίασ and Λαμπαύρας, 384.

Λαμπρός, τimageν imageν Γοργρνίω image, 332.

Λέπορισ, 264.

Λέων, 252, 264.

Ληνός (correctly Λίνος), 342.

Λιβανωτίς and Λιβανωτρις, 62.

Λίνοι and Λίνον, 342.

Λίτραίτραι), 272.

Λοξός Κύκλος, image, 3.

Λνκόσονρα, 448.

Λύραύρη), 281, 284.

Λύρα κατοφimageρής, 281.

Μimageγαθηρίον and Μimageλαθυρίον, 361.

Μέλας (’Εριδανός), 216.

Μimageτέορα, 10.

Μέτωπον, 160.

Μimageλον, 241.

Μικρός Κονταράτος, 467.

Μορφώσimageις, 10.

Μουσικόν ζώδιον, 199.

Νimage, 47.

Νάβγα, 283.

Νέκταρ image θimageτήριον, 63.

Νimageφέλιον and Νimageφimageλοimageιδής (image Cancri), 112.

Νimageφimageλοimageιδής, image (λ, φ1, φ2 Orionis), 319.

Νimageφimageλοimageιδής, image (χ and h Persei), 334.

Νimageφimageλοimageιδής καί (ν1, v2Sagittarii), 359.

Νimageφimageλοimageιδής (λ and υ of Σκορπιος), 370.

Νimageφimageλοimageιδής συστροφή, 169.

Νότιος (’Ιχθύς), 340.

Οινάς, 396 (note).

’Οινοχοimageία, 54.

’Οινimageν Οασιλimageimageς , 56.

’Οϊστός, 350.

’ΟϊστοφόρΟς (Boötes), 97.

’Οκλάζων, 239.

’Οκτάπονς, 107.

’Ολίζωνας, 410.

’′Ομμa Βοός, 384.

’′Ονοι, 107, 111, 180.

’′Ονοι. See Καρκίνος, ’′Ονοι, καί Φάτνη.

’Οξύς and ’Οξύτατος τής Πλimageιάδος, 404.

‘Οπέυτυς, 138.

’Οπισθο-βάμων, 107, 361.

’Οπωρινός, 120.

’′Ορνις, 192, 194.

’Ορφίς, ’Ορφός, and ’Ορφώς, 160.

’Ουρανίσκοσ, 172.

’Ουρανοσκοπία (of Doctor Robert Wittie, 1681), 13.

’Οimageρα τōυ Καίτου, 163.

Οimageρίον and Οimageρον, 304.

’Οϕιοimageχος (μογimageρός), 298.

’′Οϕις (Draco), 202, 239.

’′Οϕις (Serpens), 374.

’′Οϕισ ’Οϕιοimageχου, 374.

Πάν, 136.

Παναφανής, 411.

Παράπηγματα, 99 (note).

Παρθένος ’Αίος, 462 (see also 463).

Πimageλimageιάδimageς, 383, 395.

Πimageπτηώς (epithet of Ταimage)ρος, 379.

Πimageρίγimageιος (Canopus), 68.

Πimageρί ζώων ιδιότητος (of Aelian), 265.

Πimageριμήκimageτοςimageρσimageύς), 331.

Πimageρσimageύς, 330.

Πimageρσικά, 330.

Πηγαί, 321.

Πήγασος (Pegasus), 322 ; (γ Pegasi), 326.

Πηγός, 321.

Πηδάλιον (a Carinae), 67.

Πικοτώριων, 337.

Πιμάηρimage, 353.

Πιμάι and Πιμάιντimageκimageων, 232.

Πιμimageντimageκέων, 253.

Πινάκιν κimageκλασμένον and Πινάκιον, 176.

Πιώριων, 385.

Πλimageιάδα (Ursa Major in Septuagint), 429.

Πλimageιάδimageς and Πλimageιάς, 392, 411.

Πλimageιάς imageπτάστimageρος, 411.

Πλimageν or Πλimageimageος. (derivatives of Πλimageιάδimageς), 395.

Πλimageιότimageρος προφανimageίς (Σκόρπίος), 361.

Πλimageυρά Πimageρσάονς, 331.

Πληϊάδης, 392.

Πλίνθιον, 433.

Πλόκαμος, 169.

Πλόκαμος Βimageρimageνίκης ’Έυimageργέτιδος, 168.

Πλυντήρια, 401.

Ποικίλος (epithet of Κυων), 119, 127.

Πολιάς, ‘Η, 462.

ΠόλΟς, 453, 458.

Πολυδimageυκής, 233.

Ποταμός, image, 215.

Ποταμοimage δimageρον, 415.

Πούλιαούλimageια), 399.

Πούς διδύμων, 312.

Ποimageς Κόντουρος, 152.

Πρimageστις and Πρίστις (from Πρimageθimageιν), 161.

Προκύων, 120, 131, 133.

Προόπτης, 120.

Πρόπος and Πρόπους, 235.

Προσέληνοι (epithet for the Arcadians), 448.

Προτομή, 378.

Προτρυγimageτήρ (-τής, -τόσ), 471.

Πυράμνη (Ara), 62.

Πυρόimageις (the planet Mars), 276 (note).

‘Ρήσος (of Euripides), 59, 411.

‘Ρόπαλον, 105.

‘Ρύτωρ τόξου, 351.

Σάμπιλος (Canopus), 70.

Σάτιλλα, 397.

Σimageίρ, Σimageίρος, Σimageίριος, and Σimageιρίους, 120.

Σimageίριον imageστρον and Σimageίριος imageστήρ, 120.

Σimageίριος (μέγας), 117, 118, 119, 120.

Σimageμimageimageαι, 350.

Σήθ, 124.

Σήματα, 10.

Σιαήρ Σιαμimage, 133.

Σιαimageρ Ιαμανimage, 121.

Σίβυλλα, 462, 467.

Σιώ, 223.

Σκορπίος, 269, 361, 370.

Σοαimageλ Ιαμανimage, 69.

Σολimageκήν, 124.

Σποράδimageς, meaning of, 10.

Σταθμός, 272.

Στάχυς, 466.

Σταχυώδης, 461, 466.

Σταχυώδης Κούρη, 461.

Στάτηρ, 272.

Στimageφάνοι, 172.

Στέφανος, 174, 175.

Στέφανος βόρimageιος, 174.

Στέφανος νοτίος, 172.

Στέφανοσ πρώτος, 174.

Στίλβων, 230 (note).

Συκάμινος, 132.

Σύνδimageσμος τών Ιχθύων, 342.

Σύνδimageσμος τών Λίνων, 342.

Σύνταξις, ‘Η Μimageγάλη τimageς ’Αστρονομίας (of Ptolemy), xii; et passim.

Σύρμα, 39, 472.

Σimageς, 388.

Συστροφή, 112, 334.

Σφυρόν, 356.

Σχήματα, 10.

Σώματα, 10.

Ταινία, 159.

Ταμimageτοimageρο Τμοimageν (Regum Ammonis), 77.

Ταimageρος, 378, 379, 411.

Ταimageρος πimageπτηώς, 379.

Τimageίρimageα, 10.

Τέρας μέγα, 361.

Τimageτράβιβλος Σύνταξις (of Ptolemy), xii; et passim.

Τimageτράπλimageυρον, 360.

Τομή, 378.

Τοξimageυτήρ and Τοξimageυτής, 351.

Τόξος, 350, 352.

Τοξοτής, 351, 354.

Τοimage γάρ καί γένος imageσμίν (Aratos’ verse), 81.

Τράγος, 139.

Τρίγωυον, 415.

Τρίπατρος, 308.

Τρίχimageσ, 170.

Τρόπος, 235.

Τροχός ’Ιξιόνος, 173.

Τρυγimageτήρ and Τρνγimageτής, 95, 471.

Τύχη, 462.

‘Υάδimageς, 387, 388.

‘′Υδρα and ϒδρη, 247.

‘Υδραγωγόυ, 118.

‘Υδρimageimageον and ‘ϒδριά, 183.

‘′Υδροσ, 247.

‘Υδροφοβία, 118.

‘Υδροχόος and ‘ϒδροχοimageύς, 46, 48, 345.

‘′Υδωρ, 55.

’ΥπimageυΘέριαν (Brachium beneficum), 47.

‘Υπογραφαί, αί τimageν πλίνΘιων (of the Augurs ), 433.

‘Υπόζωμα, 440.

‘Υπόκιimageimageος, 102, 233, 311.

’Υριών, 304.

‘Υς, 388.

’Υ-ψιλόν, 388.

Φαέθων (the planet Jupiter), 39, 112.

Φαινόμimageνα, 11; et passim.

Φαίνων (the planet Saturn), 470 (note). Φάτνη (see Καρκίνος, κ. τ. λ.), 107.

Φάτνη and Φάτνης, 113.

Φimageρimageνίκη (derivation of Berenice), 169 (note).

Φοινίκη, 448.

Φόρμιγξ, 281.

Φωσφόροσ (the planet Venus), 468 (note).

Χάρωψ, 240.

Χimageιρ βimageβαμένη, 144.

Χimageίρωυ (Centaurus), 149; (Sagittarius), 353,

Χimageλιδόνιασ and Χimageλιδόνιας imageχθimageς, 44, 161, 339.

Χέλυς, 284.

Χέλυς imageλίγη, 283.

Χηλαί, 361.

Χηλαί (βόρimageιος and νότιος), 269.

Χηλή βόρimageιος, 276.

Χηλή νότιος, 275.

Χορimageυτής (πρώτη and δimageυτέρα), 460.

Χρόνος (the planet Saturn), 470 (note).

Χύσις imageδατος, 50.

Χυτρό-πουσ, 282.

‘Ωρα, 304.

‘Ωαρίων and ‘Ωαριώνimageιος, 304.

‘Ωλένη and ‘Ωλimageνίνην, 85.

’′Ωμος διδύμων, 311.

‘′Ωριας, 381.

‘Ωρίων, 304.




Genesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i, 14:

let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years, 9.

16 :

he made the stars also, vii.

Leviticus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii, 7:

he-goats, 125.

The 2d Book of the Kings, xviii, 5:

them also that burned incense unto . . . the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven, 1.

The Book of Job. . . . . . . . . . . ix, 9:

the Bear, Orion, and the Pleiades, and the chambers of the south, 308, 309, 362, 389, 393, 422.


Rahab, 309.

xxv, 5:

the stars are not pure in his sight, 27.

xxvi, 13 :

By his spirit the heavens are garnished; His hand hath pierced the swift serpent, 203, 375, 475.

xxxviii, 31, 32:

Canst thou bind the cluster of the Pleiades,


Or loose the bands of Orion ?


Canst thou lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season ?


Or canst thou guide the Bear with her train ? 98, 125, 306, 308, 309, 394, 396, 422, 451.


(in Cheyne’s translation):


Who hath put wisdom into the Lance-star ?


Or given understanding to the Bow-star ? 366.

The Psalms. . . . . . . . . . . . . civ, 19:

He appointed the moon for seasons, 9.

cxlvii, 4:

He telleth the number of the stars;


He giveth them all their names, xiv.

image . . . . . xiii, 10 :

the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof, 71, 309.

xiv, 12:

O day star, son of the morning, 468.


the mount of congregation, in the uttermost parts of the north, 451.

xl, 26:

he calleth them all by name, xiv.

image xliv, 17, 19:

the queen of heaven, 463.

Amos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v, 8:

seek him that maketh Pleiades and Orion, 101, 308, 309, 393.


image . . . ii, 2:

his star in the east, 8.

xiii, 43:

Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun, 27.

image . . . . xii, 4:

And his tail draweth the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth, 203.



The page number refers to the first, or to some important mention.

Aben, or Ibn, Ezra. See Ezra.

Abrabanel, Isaac (1437–1508), Jewish scholar, 341.

Achilles Tatios (circa 500), Alexandrian rhetorician, 155.

Achsasi, Al (circa 1650), Arabian astronomical writer, 37; et passim.

Acosta, José de (1540–1600), Spanish Jesuit archaeologist and historian, 88.

Adams, John Couch (1819–1892), English astronomer, 261.

Addison, Joseph (1672–1719), English essayist and poet, 179.

Aelian, or Aelianus, Claudius (second century A. D.), Roman rhetorician, 265.

Aeschylus (525–456 B. C.), Greek tragic poet, 150.

Albertus Magnus (1193?–1280), Swabian scholastic philosopher, 463.

Albiruni. See Βimagerūnimage.

Albumasar (805 ?–885), astrological writer of Turkestan, 77; et passim.

Alchabitus (12th century), Arabian astrologer, 136.

Alfonsine Tables, The (1252), in various editions, 12.

Alfraganus, Alfergani, etc. See Ferghani.

Almagest, The, or Syntaxis. See Ptolemy.

Almagestum Cl. Ptolemei (1515), published by Petrus Liechtenstein, xii.

Amara Sinha (floruit circa 56? B. C.), Sanskrit author of the Trikanda, 110.

Ampelius, Lucius (circa second century A. D.), Roman writer, 49.

Amr al Kais’ (early in seventh century), Arabic poet, 394.

Anacreon (563–478? B. C.), Greek lyric poet, 427.

Anaxagoras (circa 500–428 B. C.), Greek philosopher, 483.

Anaximander (circa 611–547 B. C.) Greek physical philosopher, 19.

Anthon, Charles (1797–1867), American classical author, 380.

Anwār i Suhaili, Al (1494), Persian version of the Fables of Bidpai, 69.

Apianus, Petrus, or Peter Bienewitz (1495–1552), German cosmographer, 230.

Apocrypha, The. 2d Maccabees ; Book of Tobit.

Apollodorus (second century B. C.), Athenian mythologist, 149.

Apollonius Rhodius (third-second century B. C.), Greek epic poet, 174.

Appian (second century A. D.), Greek historian, 46.

Arago, Dominique Françis (1786–1853), French physicist, 127.

Aratos (circa 270 B. C.), Greek astronomical poet, 3.

Archaeologia,Vol. XXVI (1836), 255; Vol. XLVII, 49, 353.

Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August (1799–1875), German astronomer, xviii.

Ariosto, Ludovico (1474–1533), Italian poet, 226.

Aristarchos of Samos (floruit 280264 B. C.), Greek astronomer, 23.

Aristides (5th century B. C.), Athenian general, 68.

Aristophanes (444–388 B. C.), Greek comedist, 26.

Aristotle (384–322 B. C.), Peripatetic philosopher, 3, 26; et passim.

Arnold, Matthew (1822–1888), English poet, 149. Arnold, Sir Edwin, English poet, 124.

Aryabhata, Ardubarius, or Arjabahr (circa 500), Hindu astronomer, 21.

Asclepiades (third century B. C.), Greek poet, 118.

Aimagema‘ī abu Said abd al Melek ibn Korai‘b, Al (740–830), Arabian littérateur, 342.

Astronomical Journal, The, edited by Chandler, Hall, and Boss, passim.

Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Publications of the, passim.

Athenaeus (circa 200 A. D.), Greek scholar, 395.

Atlases and Planispheres.

   Argelander’s Neue Uranometrie (1843), xviii.

   Bayer’s Uranometria (1603), 13.

   Bode’s Die Gestirne (1805), 14.

   Burritt’s A tlas (1835–1856), 15.

   Century Atlas (1897).

   Firmamentum Firmianum (1731), 177.

   Flamsteed’s Atlas Coelestis (1781), 14.

   Heis’ Neuer Himmels-A tlas (1872), xviii, xix.

   Klein’s Star Atlas, edited by McClure (1893).

   Peck’s Popular Atlas (1891).

   Poole Brothers’ Celestial Planisphere (1887).

   Stieler’s Hand Atlas (1872).

   Upton’s Star Atlas (1896).

   Whitall’s Movable Planisphere (1871).

Ausonius, Decimus Magnus (circa 310390), Latin Christian poet, 11.

Austin, Alfred, poet laureate of England, 407.

Avesta, The (circa 350 A. D.), the Bible of Zoroastrianism, 5; et passim.

Avianus, Flavius (fourth century A. D.), Latin fabulist, 237.

Avicenna, or Ibn Sina (980–1037), Arabian commentator, 483.

Avienus, Rufus Festus (fourth century), Latin versifier of Aratos’ poem, 17.

Babylonian and Oriental Record, The, passim.

Bacon, Francis (1561–1626), English philosopher, 299.

Bacon, Roger (1214 ?–1294), English philosopher, 319.

Bailey, Philip James, English poet, 111.

Bailey, Solon I., American astronomer, 116.

Bailly, Jean Sylvain (1736–1793), French astronomer, 23.

Baily, Francis (1774–1844), English astronomer, 16.

Bainbridge, John (1582–1643), English astronomer and physician, 102.

Bancroft, George (1800–1891), American diplomatist and historian, 423.

Barnard, Edward Emerson, American astronomer, 59.

Barnes, Rev. Albert (1798–1870), American biblical commentator, 203.

Bartschius, or Jakob Bartsch (first half of seventeenth century), German astronomer, 13.

Bas, or Basse, William (middle of seventeenth century), English poet, 429.

Bassus, Aufidius (first century A. D.), Roman historian, 235.

Bayer, Johann (1572–1625), German astronomer, 13.

Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher (seventeenth century), English dramatists, 266.

Bede, the Venerable (Baeda, 673?–735), English ecclesiastical writer, 6.

Beigel, Georg Wilhelm Sigismund (1753–1837), German Orientalist, 85.

Bernhardy, Gottfried (1800–1875), German classical scholar, 11.

Berosus, or Berōssōs (third century B. C.), Graeco-Babylonian historian, 2.

Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm (1784–1846), Prussian astronomer, 197.

Beza, or de Bèze, Theodore (1519–1605), Swiss theologian, 147.

Bible, The, in various versions,—Cadmarden’s of 1515, Luther’s of 1534, Coverdale’s of 1535, Becke’s of 1549, Breeches, or Geneva, of 1560, the Authorinzed of King James I, 1611, the Revised of 1881–1885, and the Polychrome of 1898,—is frequently cited from the books of Genesis, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Job, Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Amos, Nahum, Saint Matthew, Acts of the Apostles, Epistle to the Ephesians, and The Revelation.

Biblical Archaeology, Proceedings of the Society of, passim.

Biot, Jean Baptiste (1774–1862), French physicist, 8.

Birmingham, John (1816–1882), Irish astronomer, 195.

Bīrūnī, Al (973–1048), astronomical writer in Arabic, xii (note); et passim.

Blaeu, Willem Jansson, or Jansenius Caesius (1571–1638), Dutch globe-maker, 14.

Blundeville, Thomas (sixteenth century), English geographer, 188.

Bochart, Rev. Samuel (1599–1667), French Orientalist and biblical scholar, 22.

Bode, Johann Ehlert (1747–1826), German astronomer, xviii.

Boëthius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (475?–524), Roman philosopher, 53 (note).

Bond, William Cranch (1789–1859), American astronomer, 127.

Bond, George Phillips (1825–1865), American astronomer, son of W. C. Bond, 127.

Book of the Dead, The, the funeral ritual of ancient Egypt, 145, 307, 308, 434.

Boss, Lewis, American astronomer, 286.

Boteler, or Butler, Samuel (1612–1680), English satirical poet, 3, 24, 441.

Bouvart, Alexis (1767–1843), French astronomer, 142.

Bouvier, Miss Hannah M. American astronomical writer, 276.

Bradley, James (1693–1762), Astronomer Royal of England in 1742, 208.

Brahē, Tycho (1546–1601), Danish astronomer, 13.

Brahmanas, The (800 B. C. ?), Sanskrit sacred writings, 8.

Brown, Jr., Robert, English Orientalist, xviii (note).

Browne, Sir Thomas (1605–1682), English author and physician, 340.

Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett (1806–1861), English poet, 107, 329, 336.

Browning, Robert (1812–1889), English poet, 203.

Brugsch, Heinrich Karl (1827–1894), German Egyptologist, 20.

Bruno, Giordano (1548?–1600), Italian philosopher, 28.

Bryant, Jacob (1715–1804), English mythologist, 66.

Bryant, William Cullen (1794–1878), American poet, 168.

Buchanan, Robert Williams, Scottish poet, 419.

Bullialdus, or Ismail Bouillaud (seventeenth century), French astronomer, 39.

Bundehesh (800? A. D.), Pahlavi version of Zoroaster’s writings, 5.

Burnham, Sherburne W., American astronomer, 39.

Burnouf, Eugène (1801–1852), French Orientalist, 448.

Burritt, Elijah H. (circa 1833), American astronomer, 15.

Buttmann, Philipp Karl (1764–1829), German philologist, 95.

Byron, Lord George Noel Gordon (1788–1824), English poet, 92, 230, 406.

Cada Mosto, Alois, or Luigi di (circa 1432–1480), Italian navigator, 436.

Caesius, Jansenius. See Blaeu.

Caesius, Philippus à Zesen (seventeenth century), Dutch astronomical writer, 33 (note).

Callimachus (third century B. C.), Greek poet, 90.

Camimagees, Luiz de (1524?–1580), Portuguese epic poet, 1.

Capella, Martianus Mineus Felix (fifth century), Carthaginian encyclopaedic poet, 173.

Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), Scottish essayist and historian, xi, 12, 30.

Catalogues of Stars.

Hailey’s, of Southern Siars (1679), 13.

The Palermo (1803–1814), 179.

The Bedford (1844), xvii; et Passim.

The British Association (1845), 15.

Catullus, Gaius Valerius (circa 8454 B. C.), Roman poet, 169.

Chambers, George F., English astronomer, 28.

Champollion, Jean Françis (1790–1832), French Orientalist, 434.

Chandler, Seth C., American astronomer, 43.

Charlevoix, Pierre Françis Xavier de (1682–1761), French missionary, 423.

Chase, F. L., American astronomer, 170.

Chatterton, Thomas (1752–1770), English poet, 362.

Chaucer, Dan Geoffrey (circa 1340–1400), English poet, xi.

Cheyne, Rev. Thomas Kelly, English biblical critic, 366.

Chilmead, John (circa 1639), English writer on globes, 36 (note).

Chrysococca, Georgius (fourteenth century), Graeco-Persian astronomer, 69.

Chrysostom, Saint John (circa 347407), a father of the Greek Church, 81 (note).

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106–43 B. C.), orator and versifier of Aratos, 3, 272; et passim.

Clark, Alvan Graham (1832–1897), American optician, 129.

Clarke, Rev. Adam (1762–1832), British biblical commentator, 309.

Claudian, or Claudius Claudianus (second half of fourth century), Latin poet, 4, 92.

Cleanthes (circa 265 B. C.), Stoic philosopher, 81.

Clemens, Titus Flavius (Saint Clement of Alexandria) (circa 150220), a father of the early church, 81 (note).

Cleostratos (500? B. C.), Greek astronomer, 3, 18.

Clerke, Miss Agnes M., English astronomical writer, 6, 16, 485; et passim.

Colas, Jules, American astronomical writer, 202.

Colebrooke, Henry Thomas (1765–1837), English Sanskrit scholar, 20.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772–1834), English poet, 31.

Columella, L. Junius Moderatus (first century A. D.), Roman writer, 19.

Commentaries, Biblical.

Clarke’s (1810–1826), 309. The Speaker’s (1871–1881), 397; et passim. Delitzsch on The Book of Job, translated by Bolton, second edition (1868), 68 ; et passim.

Confucius, or K’ung fu tsu (circa 550–478 B. C.), Chinese philosopher, 58.

Copernicus, or Nicolaus Koppernigk (1473–1543) Polish astronomer, 13.

Corinna (fifth century B. C.), Greek lyric poet, 304.

Corsali, Andrea (circa 1500), Italian navigator, 14, 44, 45, 187.

Cortes, Martin (1532–1589), Spanish writer on navigation, 459.

Costard, George (1710–1782), English astronomical writer, 346.

Coverdale, Miles (1488–1568), English translator of the Bible, 399.

Cowley, Abraham (1618–1667), English poet, 222.

Cox, Sir George William, English historian and mythologist, 432.

Creation Legend, The, of Babylonia, 1, 2, 32, 47.

Cremonaeus, or Gerard of Cremona (twelfth century), Latin translator of the Almagest, xii.

Cyclopedia of Names, Century (1894–1895), xvi (note).

Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), Italian poet, 31, 186.

Darwin, Erasmus (1731–1802), English naturalist-poet, 202.

Davies, Sir John (1569–1626), English poet, 429.

Dawes, William Rutter (1799–1868), English astronomer, 410.

Delitzsch, Franz (1813–1890), German Hebraist commentator, 68.

Democritus (fifth century B. C.), Greek philosopher, 483.

Demosthenes (383–322 B. C.), Athenian orator, 99.

Denning, William Frederick, English astronomer, 262.

De Quincey, Thomas (1785–1859), English essayist, 316.

Derby, Earl of, or Edward-Geoffrey Smith Stanley (1799–1869), English statesman and poet, 120.

Dickens, Charles (1812–1870), English novelist, 29.

Dictionaries. Antiquities, of 1890, edited by Smith, Wayte, and Marindin. Bible, of 1898, edited by Hastings. Classical: Anthon’s, of 1851; Seyffert’s, of 1891, edited by Nettleship and Sandys; Harpers', of 1897, edited by Peck. English : Century,of 1889–91, edited by Whitney; New Historical, of 1888–, edited by Murray; Standard, of 1893–1895, edited by Funk; Webster’s International, of 1890, edited by Porter. Greek: Liddell and Scott, of 1889, edited by Drisler. Latin: Harpers', of 1879 (Freund’s), edited by Andrews, Lewis, and Short. Chinese: Morrison’s, of 1819. Arabic. Lane’s, of 1863–1885. Polyglot: Minsheu’s, of 1627–.

Digges, Leonard (sixteenth century), English mathematician, 133.

Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August (1823–1894), German Orientalist, 2.

Diodōrus Siculus, or The Sicilian (first century B. C.), Greek historian, 20.

Diogenes Laertius (third century A. D.), Greek historian, 42.

Dionysius Exiguus (sixth century), chronologist, 27.

Douglas, Gavin or Gawain (1474–1522), Scottish poet, 305.

Drake, Joseph Rodman (1795–1820), American poet, 482.

Draper, John William (1811–1882), English-American scientist, 416 (note).

Draper, Henry (1837–1882), American scientist, son of John W., 316.

Drayton, Michael (1563–1631), English poet, 432.

Dreyer, John Louis Emil, Danish-English astronomer, 39, 391.

Drummond, Sir William (1760?–1828), British writer, 6.

Dryden, John (1631–1700), English poet, 43.

Dupuis, Charles Françis (1742–1809), French astronomical writer, 19.

Dürer, Albrecht (1471–1528), German painter and engraver, 13, 28.

Dyer, John (1703–1758), English poet, 149.

Ebers, Georg (1837–1898), German Egyptologist, 122.

Eden, Rycharde (1521 ?–1576), English translator, 12 (note).

Edkins, Rev. Joseph, English missionary, xviii, 21, 435.

Egede, Hans (1686–1758), Danish missionary, 397.

Elkin, William L., American astronomer, 60, 153.

Ellis, William (1794–1872), English missionary, 229.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803–1882), American essayist and poet, 98.

Encke, Johann Franz (1791–1865), German astronomer, 142.

Encyclopaedia Britannica, The (1878–1889).

Ennius, Quintus (239–169 B. C.), Roman epic poet, 361, 431.

Enoch, The Book of, from Aethiopia (second century B. C.), 27.

Epic of Creation, The. See Creation Legend.

Epping, J., German Orientalist, xviii (note), 80.

Eratosthenes (276 ?–196 B. C.), Alexandrian-Greek astronomer, 11.

Espin, Rev. T H. E. C., English astronomer, 116.

Euclid (circa 280 B. C.), Alexandrian-Greek mathematician, 453.

Eudemos (circa 300 B. C.), Greek philosopher, 18.

Eudoxos of Cnidos (circa 409356 B. C.), Greek astronomer, 17.

Euripides (480–406 B. C.), Athenian tragic poet, 31, 59, 103.

Eusebius Pamphili, of Caesarea (circa 264349 A. D.), the Father of Church History, xv, 81 (note).

Evelyn, John (1620–1706), English writer, 25.

Ewald, Georg Heinrich August. (1803–1875), German biblical critic, 309.

Ezra, Ibn, or Aben (1092–1167), Jewish commentator, 13, 86 (note).

Ferghani, Al (circa 950), Arabian astronomer, 8, 157 (note).

Festus, Sextus Pompeius (second century A. D.), Latin lexicographer, 107.

Figŭlus, P. Nigidius (circa 60 B. C.), Pythagorean astrologer, 85.

Firmicus, Maternus Julius (circa 354), a Latin astrological writer, 10.

Fīrūzābādī, Al (fourteenth century), Arabian lexicographer, 52.

Flaccus, Galus Valerius (first century A. D.), Roman poet, 398.

Flammarion, Camille, French astronomer, 42.

Flamsteed, John (1646–1719), English astronomer, 14, 24.

Fleming, Mrs. Willamina P., American astronomer, 293.

Frost, Edwin Brant, American astronomer, xvii.

Froude, James Anthony (1818–1894), English historian, 190.

Galen, or Claudius Galenus (second century A. D.), Greek physician, 120.

Galileo Galilei (1564–1642), Italian astronomer, 113 (note).

Galle, Johann Gottfried, German astronomer, 141 (note), 142.

Gassendi, or Gassend, Pierre (1592–1655), French astronomer, 54.

Gellius, Aulue (second century A. D.), Roman grammarian, 431.

Gemīnos (floruit 77 B. C.), Rhodian astronomer, 50, 126.

Gemma Phrysius, or Frisius (sixteenth century), writer on astronomy, 12.

George Eliot, or Mrs. Marian Evans Cross (1819–1880), English novelist, 204.

Germanicus, Caesar (15 B. C.–19 A. D.), Roman general and translator of Aratos, 17.

Gesner, Konrad von (1516–1565), Swiss naturalist and scholar, 248.

Gill, David, British astronomer, 153.

Gill, Rev. William Wyatt, missionary to Polynesia, and author, 229.

Gladstone, William Ewart (1809–1898), English statesman and poet, 55, 132, 225, 226.

Golius, or Jakob Gohl (1596–1667), Dutch Orientalist, 157.

Goodricke, John (1764–1786), English amateur astronomer, 158 (note).

Gore, J. Ellard, English astronomer, 44, 106.

Gorius (circa 1750), numismatist, xvii (note).

Gottheil, Richard J. H., American Orientalist, xviii.

Gould, Benjamin Apthorp (1824–1896), American astronomer, xviii (note).

Gower, John (1325–1408), English poet, 225.

Griffis, Rev. William Elliot, American educator and writer, 58.

Grimm, Jakob (1785–1863), German philologist, 398, 429.

Grotius, Hugo, or Huig van Groot (1583–1645), Dutch scholar, xi, 17.

Grubb, John, English minor poet in Percy’s Religues of 1765, 222.

Hafiz, Shams al Din Muhammad (fourteenth century), Persian poet, 98, 281, 394.

Haggard, Henry Rider, English novelist, 30.

Hall, Asaph, American astronomer, 40.

Hailey, Edmund (1656–1742), English astronomer, 13, 242; et passim.

Harding, Karl Ludwig (1765–1834), German astronomer, 341.

Harvard Photometry (1884), xviii.

Heis, Eduard, German astronomer, xviii; et passim.

Hell, Abbé Maximilian (1720–1792), Austrian astronomer, 41, 347.

Hemans, Mrs., neé Felicia Dorothea Browne (1793–1835), English poet, 189, 407.

Henry Brothers, French astronomers, 409.

Heraclitos (circa 535–475 B. C.), Greek philosopher of Ephesus, 432.

Herder, Johann Gottfried von (1744–1803), German cntic and poet, 394.

Hermetic Books, The, sacred canon of Egypt, 392.

Herodotus (484?–424 B. C.), Greek historian and traveler, 32.

Herschel, Sir Friedrich Wilhelm (1738–1822), Hanoverian-English astronomer, 38.

Herschel, Sir John Frederick William (1792–1871), English astronomer, 10, 16; et passim.

Hesiod (800? B. C.), Greek poet, 93, 95, 98, 99.

Heeychioe (last half of fourth century), Greek grammarian of Alexandria, 94.

Hevelius, Hewel, or Hoevelke, Johannes (1611–1687), Polish astronomer, 13.

Hewitt, J. F., English essayist, 59.

Higgins, W. H., English writer on star-names, 72.

Hill, Royal, American astronomer, 195.

Hilprecht, Herman Vollrat, German-Ajnerican Orientalist, 136 (note).

Hind, John Russell, English astronomer, 112.

Hipparchos (circa 160120 B. C.), Greek astronomer, 6.

Hippocrates (460?γ377 B. C.), Greek physician, 99, 298.

Hogg, James (1770–1835), Scottish poet, 429.

Holden, Edward Singleton, American astronomer, xx, 28.

Holland, Philemon (1552–1637), English translator of classical works, 11; et passim.

Holwarda, Phocylides (17th century), Dutch astronomer, 164.

Homer (850? B. C.), Greek poet, 3, 18; et passim.

Hommel, Fritz, German Orientalist, xviii (note).

Hondius, Jodocus (latter half of sixteenth century), Dutch giobe-maker, 14.

Hood, Thomas (circa 1590), English astronomical writer, xi.

Hood, Thomas (1798–1845), English humorous poet, 429.

Hooke, Robert (1635–1703), English astronomer, 82.

Horace, or Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65–8 B. C.), Roman poet, 46.

Hough, George Washington, American astronomer, 141.

Houtmann, Friedrich (sixteenth century), Dutch navigator, 14, 45.

Hues, Robert (circa 1600), English writer on globes, 36 (note).

Huet, Pierre Daniel (1630–1721), French prelate and scholar, 143.

Huggins, Sir William and Lady, English astronomers, 40.

Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von, (1769–1859), German scientist, 69.

Huygens, Christian (1629–1695), Dutch astronomer, 82.

Hyde, Thomas (1636–1703), English Orientalist, xi, 2 (note); et passim.

Hyginus (Historia), Gaius Julius (circa 1 A. D.), Roman astronomical poet, 11.

Ideler, Christian Ludwig (1766–1846), German astronomer, xi, xvi.

Isidorus Hispalensis, or Saint Isidore (circa560–636), Spanish ecclesiastical writer, 25, 85.

James I, King (1566–1625), the Royal Poet, 198.

Jameson, Mrs., née Anna Brownell Murphy (1794–1860), British writer on art, 29.

Jensen, Peter, German Orientalist, xviii (note).

Jerome, Saint, or Eusebius Hieronymus (circa 340420), a father of the Latin Church, 81 (note).

Johnson, Samuel (1709–1784), English lexicographer, xvi, 388.

Jones, Sir William (1746–1794), English Orientalist, 20, 394.

Jonson, Ben (1573 ?–1637), English dramatist, 274.

Josephus, Flavius, or Joseph ben Matthias (37–95), Jewish historian, 2.

Journal of the American. Oriental Society, The, Vol. VI (1860), 8.

Juvenal, or Decĭmus Julius Juvenālis (first century A. D.), Roman satirist, 23.

Kalewala, The (collected 1822–1849), Finnish epic poems, 424.

imageāmūs, Al (fourteenth century), Arabic dictionary of Al Firūzābādi, 52.

Kapteyn, Jacobus Cornelius, Dutch astronomer, 214, 446.

imageazwīnī, Al (thirteenth century), Persian astronomical writer, xiv, xvii (note); et passim.

Keats, John (1795–1821), English poet, 31, 55, 461.

Keeler, James Edward, American astronomer, 103.

Kepler, Johann, or Von Kappel (1571–1630), German astronomer, 13.

Keyser, Pieter Dircksz. See Pieter Theodor.

King, C. W., English astronomical writer, 49.

Kingsley, Charles (1819–1875), English poet, 34.

Kirch, Gottfried (1639–1710), Prussian astronomer, 360, 440.

Kirch, Maria Margaretha Winckelmann (1670–1720), wife of Gottfried, 440.

Kircher, Athanasius (1602–1680), German archaeologist, 3 (note).

Kitchiner, William (circa 1825), English writer on optics, 259.

Klein, Herman J., German astronomer, 438.

Knobel, Edward Ball, English astronomer, 37.

imageur’ān, Al (circa 652), 8, 398; et passim.

La Caille, Abbé Nicolas Louis de (1713–1762), French astronomer, 14, 64, 391.

Lach, Friedrich Wilhelm Victor (18th century), German scholar, 171, 180, 212.

La Condamine, Charles Marie de (1701–1774), French scientist, 381.

Lajard, Jean Baptiste Felix (1785–1858), writer on ancient art, 254.

La Lande, Joseph Jerome le Français de (1732–1807), French astronomer, 14.

Lampridius, Aelius (first half of fourth century), Latin historian, 323.

Landor, Walter Savage (1775–1864), authot of The Pentameron, 396.

Landseer, John (1769–1852), English writer on archaeological astronomy, 17.

Lang, Andrew, Scottish writer, 27, 461.

Langland, or Langley, William (circa 1330–1400), English poet, 478.

Langren, Jacob (or Arnold) Florent van, sevesn-teenth-century globe-maker, 44, 403.

La Place, Marquis Pierre Simon de (1749–1827), French astronomer, 16.

Larcom, Miss Lucy (1826–1893), American poet, 303.

Lassell, William (1799–1880), English astronomer, discoverer of Neptune’s satellite, 311.

Legge, Rev. James (1815–1898), missionary and Scottish Sinologist, 58.

Le Monnier, Pierre Charles (1715–1799), French astronomer, 14.

Lenormant, Francois (1837–1883), French archaeologist and numismatist, 80.

Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph (1811–1877), French astronomer, 141.

Lewis, Sir George Cornewall (1806–1863), English statesman and astronomical writer, 419.

Lilly, William (1602–1681), English astrologer, 24.

Lindsay, William Schaw (1816–1877), English writer on ships, 66.

Littrow, Joseph Johann von (1781–1840), Austrian astronomer, 410.

Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman, English astronomer, xvii, 70, 88, 123, 124, 167; et passim.

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807–1882), American poet, 5, 31, 40, 45, 48.

Longomontanus, or Christian Longberg (last half of 17th century), Danish astronomer, 41.

Lowell, James Russell (1819–1891), American diplomatist, essayist, and poet, 31.

Lubienitzki, Stanislaus (seventeenth century), astronomical illustrator, 65.

Lucan, or M. Annaeus Lucanus (39–65), Latin poet, 3.

Lucian, or Lucianus (second century), Greek rhetorician, 20.

Lucretius, or Titus Lucretius Carus (96 ?–55 B. C.), Roman poet, 400.

Lunar Zodiac, The (1874), by Whitney, 8 (note).

Luther, Rev. Robert Maurice, American astronomer, 424.

Lydgate, John (1370–1451), English poet, 352 (note).

Lytton, Edward Robert Lytton Bulwer, or Owen Meredith (1831–1891), English poet, 114.

Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800–1859), English poet, 227.

Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius (fourth century), Latin grammarian, 19.

Maedler, Johann Heinrich von (1794–1874), German astronomer, 331, 400, 405.

Mandeville, Sir John de (fourteenth century), English traveler, 454.

Manetho (circa 250 B. C.), Graeco-Egyptian historian, 273.

Manilius, Gaius, or Marcus (first century A. D.), Latin astronomical poet, 32 (note).

Mariette, Auguste Edouard (1821–1881), French Egyptologist, 465.

Marius, or Simon Mayer (circa 1600), German astronomer, 39.

Marlowe, Christopher (1564 ?–1593), English poet and dramatist, 386, 457.

Martial, or Marcus Valerius Martialis (43–104?), Latin poet, 431.

Martyr, Peter, or Pietro Martire d’Anghiera (1455–1526), Italian historian of early American discovery, 12.

Marvell, Andrew (1621–1678), English poet, 271.

Mather, Rev. Cotton (1663–1728), American theologian and scholar, 423.

Mayer, Christian (last half of eighteenth century), German astronomer, 288.

Mayer, Johann Tobias (1723–1762), German astronomer, 37.

Mayer, Simon, of Gunzenhausen. See Marius.

Mechain, Pierre Françis André (1744–1804), French astronomer, 391, 438.

Medina, Pedro de, or Petrus Medinensis (sixteenth century), Spanish writer on navigation, 44.

Mercator, Gerardus, or Gerhard Krämer (sixteenth century), Flemish globe-maker, 13.

Messier, Charles (1730–1817), French astronomer, 39, 191, 192, 391.

Metrodorus (329–277 B. C.) of Lampsacus, or Athens, Epicurean philosopher. 483.

Mickiewicz, Adam (1798–1855), Polish poet, 192.

Milman, Dean Henry Hart (1791–1868), English author, 216.

Milton, John (1608–1674), English poet, 31, 34, 75.

Minsheu, John, or Minshaeus (early in seventeenth century), English lexicographer, 15, 478.

Mitchell, Miss Maria (1818–1889), American astronomer, 24.

Mollineux, ‘Emerie (latter half of sixteenth century), English globe-maker, 14.

Mommsen, Christian Matthias Theodor, German historian, 401.

Moore, Thomas (1779–1852), British poet, 69, 70.

Morris, William (1834–1898), English poet, 150.

Morrison, Rev. Robert (1782–1834), English missionary to China and lexicographer, xviii.

Mueller, Friedrich Maximilian, or Max Müller, German-English Sanskrit scholar, 122.

Narborough, Sir John (seventeenth century), English discoverer, 189.

Naimager al Dīn, or Al Tusi (thirteenth century), Persian astronomer, 57.

Newcomb, Simon, American astronomer, 196.

Newton, Alfred, English ornithologist, 417.

Newton, Hubert Anson (1830–1896), American astronomer and mathematician, xxi, 8, 261.

Newton, Sir Isaac (1642–1727), English natural philosopher, 18, 66.

Nicander (circa 125 B. C.), Greek poet, 392.

Niebuhr, Karsten (1733–1815), German traveler, 69 (note); et passim.

Nigidius. See Figŭlus.

Nonius, or Pedro Nuñez, or Nunes (1492–1577), Portuguese writer on navigation, 85.

Nonnus (first half of fifth century), Greek poet, 156.

Oecumenius (tenth century) Byzantine ecclesiastical writer, 81 (note).

Oenopides (fifth century B. C.), Greek astronomer, 18.

Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias (1758–1840), German astronomer, 466.

Omar Khayyam, or H·ayyām (twelfth century), Persian astronomer-poet, 212, 393.

Oppert, Jules, French Orientalist, 123.

Origen, or Origenes Adamantius (185 ?–253), Greek father of the church, 27.

Ottley, William Young (1771–1836), English writer on ancient art, 161 (note).

Ovid, or Publius Ovidius Naso (43 B. C.–18? A. D.), Latin poet, 4.

Owen Meredith. See Lytton.

Palladium of Husbandry (1420), English work on agriculture, 121.

Palladius, Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus (fourth or fifth century), Roman writer on agriculture, 95.

Panyasis (fifth century B. C.), Greek poet, 240.

Paraphrase, The Chaldee, or Jewish-Aramaean Targum, 48; et passim.

Parsons, William. See Rosse.

Pascal, Blaise (1623–1662), French philosopher, 108.

Paul, The Apostle (died about 67), allusion of, to Amatos (?), 18, 81.

Paul, Henry Martin, American astronomer, 43.

Pausanias (second century), Greek geographer and writer on art, 84.

Peck, Harry Thurston, American classical lexicographer, 388.

Peck, William, British astronomer, 412.

Penrose, Francis Cranmer, English archaeologist, 80.

Petavius, or Denis Petau (1583–1652), French antiquary, 304.

Peters, Christian Heinrich Friedrich (1813–1890), German-American astronomer, 105.

Petosiris (800? B. C.), reputed founder of astrology in Egypt, 51, 64.

Pherecydes (circa 600–550 B. C.), Greek philosopher and Ionic writer, 175.

Philo Judaeus (circa 40 A. D.), Hellenistic-Jewish philosopher, 2.

Piazzi, Giuseppe (1746–1826), Italian astronomer, 158, 201, 415.

Piccolomini, Alessandro (1508–1578), Italian astronomer, 13.

Pickering, Edward Charles, American astronomer, xviii.

Pickering, William H., American astronomer, 317.

Pieter Theodor, or Petrus Theodorus Embdanus (early in sixteenth century), Dutch navigator, 14, 44.

Pigafetta, Antonio (1491–1534?), Italian navigator and writer, 14, 227.

Pindar (first half of fifth century B. C.), Greek lyric poet, 46.

Plato (428–347 B. C.). Athenian philosopher, 26.

Plautus, Titus Maccius (circa 254184 B. C.), Roman comedist, 100, 215.

Pliny, The Elder, or Gaius Plinius Secundus (23–79 A. D.), Roman encyclopaedic writer, 10, 170.

Plutarch (circa 50120), Greek biographer, 26, 268.

Poczobut, Abbé (eighteenth century), Polish astronomer, 413.

Poe, Edgar Allan (1809–1849), American poet, 146.

Polybios (204–125 B. C.), Greek historian, 306.

Pope, Alexander (1688–1744), English poet, 4.

Popular Astronomy, American monthly magazine, 287.

Posidippus (third century B. C.), Athenian comedist.

Posidonius (circa 260 B. C.), Alexandrian astronomer, 71.

Posidonius (first century B. C.), Stoic philosopher, 71 (note).

Pritchard, Rev. Charles (1808–1893), English astronomer, 341 (note).

Proc’lus (412–485), Platonic philosopher, 3.

Prcctor, Richard Anthony (1834–1888), English astronomer, xv, 15, 28, 49.

Propertius, Sextus (circa 5016 B. C.), Roman elegiac poet, 66.

Prudens, or Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens (fourth century), Latin Christian poet, 135, 175.

Ptolemy, or Claudius Ptolemaeus (first half of second century), Alexandrian-Greek astronomer, xii; et passim.

Pythagoras (floruit 540–510 B. C.), Greek philosopher, 21, 483, 484.

Pytheas (4th century B. C.), Greek navigator, 454.

Quintilian, or Marcus Fabius Quinctilianus (circa 3595 A. D.), Roman rhetorician, 31.

Rabelais, Françis (1495?–1553), French humorist and writer, 226.

Sir Henry Creswicke (1810–1895), English Assyriologist, 204.

Recorde, Robert (1500–1558), British physicist, 102.

Reduan, Ali Aben, or Ibn (Haly), Arabian translator of the Tetrabiblos, 32.

Reeves, John, English astronomer, xviii (note).

Renan, Joseph Ernest (1823–1892), French critical philosopher, 203.

Renouf, Sir Peter Le Page (1824–1897), English Egyptologist, 20.

Reynolds, Miss Myra, American writer, 482.

Riccioli, Giovanni Battista (1598–1671), Italian astronomer, 1, 37 (note).

Richer, Jean (17th century), French astronomer, 51.

Rig Veda (2000–1500? B. C.), collective Hindu sacred poems, 5.

Roberts, Isaac, English astronomer, 116.

Roger of Hoveden (last half of twelfth century), English chronicler, 477.

Rogers, Samuel (1763–1855), English poet, 184 (note).

Rolleston, Miss Frances, English astronomical writer, 28, 201.

Rosse, Lord, or William Parsons (1800–1867), English astronomer, 116.

Rossetti, Christina Georgina (1830–1894), English poet, 117, 453.

Royer, Augustin (floruit 1679), French astronomer, 13.

Rudolphine Tables, The (1627), by Kepler, 202.

Sachau, C. Edward, German Orientalist, 121.

Sackville, Thomas (1536–1608), English poet, 361.

Sadi, or Muslihu al Dīn (thirteenth century), Persian poet, 394.

Safford, Truman Henry, American astronomer, 128.

Saint Clement. See Clentens.

Saint Isidore. See Isidorus.

Saint Paul. See Paul.

Sappho (circa 600 B. C.), Greek lyric poet, 31.

Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pedro (1530?–1589), Spanish navigator, 188.

Sawyer, Edwin F., American astronomer, 43.

Saxe, John Godfrey (1816–1887), American humorous poet, 180.

Sayce, Archibald Henry, English Orientalist, xviii (note), 1.

Scaliger, Joseph Justus (1540–1609), French scholar, xi, 11.

Schaubach, Johann Conrad (eighteenth century), German commentator, 63.

Scheil, Père V., French Orientalist, 2.

Scheiner, J., German astro-spectroscopist, xvii, 92.

Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio, Italian astronomer, 127.

Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von(1759–1805), German poet, 2, 144.

Schlegel, August Wilhelm von (1767–1845), German Orientalist, 20.

Schoenfeld, E. (1828–1891), German astronomer, 326.

Scott, Sir Walter (1771–1832), English novelist and poet, 24, 315.

Scylax of Halicarnassus (second century B. C.), Carian astronomer, 68.

Secchi, Father Angelo (1818–1878), modern Roman astronomer, 89 (note).

See, Thomas Jefferson J., American astronomer, 72.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (3? B. C.–65 A. D.), Roman Stoic philosopher and writer, xiv.

Septuagint, The (third century B. C.), Greek version of the Hebrew Scriptures, 87; et passim.

Serviss, Garrett P., American astronomer and writer, 47, 170.

Servius, Marius, or Maurus, Honoratus (fourth century A. D.), Roman commentator, 1.

Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), 24, 27, 30.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792–1822), English poet, 27, 29, 67, 227, 303; et passim.

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Butler (1751–1816), British dramatist, 228.

Siddhantas, The, Sanskrit astronomical books, 389.

Sidonius, of Gaius Sollius Apollinaris (circa 430482), Christian author, 427.

Sigourney, Mrs., née Lydia Huntly (1791–1865), American poet, xxiii.

Simonides (circa 500 B. C.), Greek lyric poet, 395.

Skeat, Walter William, English philologist, 175.

Skelton, John (circa 1460–1529), English poet, 465.

Smith, George (1840–1876), English Assyriologist, discoverer of The Creation Legend, 1, 2, 101.

Smyth, William Henry (1788–1865), English astronomer, xii, xvii (note), 2; et passim.

Solinus, Gaius Julius (third century), Roman grammarian, 160 Sophocles (496?–406 B. C.), Greek tragic poet, 31 Spanheim, Ezekiel (1629–1710), German writer on numismatology, 137.

Spence, Joseph (1699–1768), English critic, 50.

Spenser, Edmund (1552–1599), English poet, 125, 174, 175; et passim.

Statius, Publius Papinius (45?–96 A. D.), Roman poet, 27, 46, 92.

Stobaeus, Joannes (latter half of fifth century), Greek compiler, 454.

Strabo (circa 63 B. C.–21 A. D.), Greek geographer, 32.

Strassmaier, J. N., Gefman Orientalist, xviii (note).

Struve, Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von (1793–1864), German-Russian astronomer, 37 (note), 315.

Struve, Otto Wilhelm von, German-Russian astronomer, 37 (note).

Suckling, Sir John (1609?–1642?), English Royalist lyric poet, 474.

Suetonius, or Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (first half of second century), Roman biographer, 137.

Sufi, Al (tenth century), Persian astronomical writer, xiii (note); et passim.

Suidas (circa 970), Greek lexicographer, 120, 278.

Sūrya Siddhānta, The, early Sanskrit standard astronomical book, 8 (note); et passim.

Swift, Jonathan, or Dean Swift (1667–1745), British satirist, 24, 482.

Swift, Lewis, American astronomer, 409.

Swinburne, Algernon Charles, English poet, 83.

Syntaxis, or Almagest. See Ptolemy.

Tablet of the Thirty Stars, The, Babylonian astronomical work, 76.

Targum. See Paraphrase.

Taylor, Bayard (1825–1878), American poet, 378.

Taylor, John (1580–1654), English poet, 428, 429.

Tempel, Ernst Wilhelm Leberecht (1821–1889), German astronomer, 406.

Tennyson, Lord Alfred (1809–1892), English poet, 31, 41, 127, 230, 232, 245, 316, 396, 430, 482.

Tetrabiblos Syntaxis. See Ptolemy.

Thabit ibn Kurrah, Al (circa 950 B. C.), Arabian astronomer, 18.

Thales (640?–546 B. C.), Greek sage and astronomer, 18, 448.

Thaun, Philippe de (twelfth century), Anglo-Norman poet, 3.

Theon the Younger (fourth century), Alexandrian-Greek commentator, 54.

Theophanes (circa 800), Byzantine historian, 261.

Theophrastus (382–297? B. C.), Greek philosopher and botanist, 17; et passim.

Thomas, Miss Edith Matilda, American poet, 479.

Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth, British ornithologist, xvii, 170, 404; et passim.

Thomson, James (1700–1748), English poet, 46, 270.

Tibullus, Albius (54?–19 B. C.), Roman elegiac poet, 92.

Timochares (circa 271 B. C.), Alexandrian-Greek astronomer, 468.

Tindale, William (1484–1536), English translator of the Bible, 225.

Tisserand, F. F. (1845–1896), French astronomer, 333.

Tizini, Al (first half of sixteenth century), Arabian astronomer, 37 (note).

Todd, David P., American astronomer, xix.

Topelius, Zachris (1818–1898), Finnish dramatist, historian, novelist, and poet, 122, 483.

Townsend, Rev. George (1788–1857), English astronomical writer, 6.

Trevisa,John of (circa 1412), English translator, 48.

Tusi, Al. See Naimager al Dīn.

Tzetzes, Johannes (second half of twelfth century), Greek grammarian of Constantinople, 298.

Ukita, Kazutami, Japanese scholar, xviii.

Ulug Beg, or Ulugh Beigh (middle of fifteenth century), Tatar prince and astronomer, 13; et Passim.

Upton, Winslow, American astronomer, 15.

Varāha Mihira (circa 500), Hindu astronomer, 21, 258; et passim.

Varro, Publius Terentius Atacinus (first century B. C.), Latin poet, 85.

Veda. See Rig Veda.

Vergil, or Publius Vergilius Maro (70–19 B. C.), Latin poet, xiv; et passim.

Vespucci, Amerigo (1451–1512), Italian navigator, 14, 44, 68, 69.

Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus (first century B. C.), Roman architect, 19.

Vogel, Hermailn Karl, German astronomer, 81, 196.

Voltaire, assumed name of François Marie Arouet (1694–1778), French writer, 129.

Wallace, Lew, an American novelist, author of Ben Hur, 8, 30.

Watson, James Craig (1838–1880), American astronomer, 114.

Webb, Rev. Thomas William (1807–1885), English astronomer, 116.

Weber, Albrecht Friedrich, German Sanskrit scholar, 35, 319; et passim.

Weigel, Erhard (seventeenth century), German constellation-maker, 57, 58.

West, Robert H., American-Syrian astronomer and educator, 445.

Wetzstein, Johann Gottfried (born 1815), German critic, 87.

Whewell, William (1794–1866), English philosopher and scientist, 294.

White, Henry Kirke (1785–1806), English poet, 29.

Whitney, William Dwight (1827–1894), American philologist, xi, xxi, 7; et passim.

Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807–1892), American poet, 185.

Wicklif, John de (1324–1384), English religious reformer, 101.

Williams, John, English astronomer, xvii, 22.

Willis, Nathaniel Parker (1806–1867), American poet, 44, 284, 364.

Wither, George (1588–1667), English poet, xxiii.

Wolfe, Charles (1791–1823), British poet, 30.

Wordsworth, William (1770–1850), English poet, 26, 322, 455.

Young, Charles Augustus, American astronomer, xix, 15; et passim.

Young, Edward (1681–1765), English poet, 252, 270.

Zach, Franz Xaver, Baron von (1754–1832), German astronomer, 466.

Zoroaster, or Zarathushtra (seventh-sixth century B. C.), founder of Perso-Iranian religion, 21.