‘And you can be sure?’ Elodi found she gripped Amyndra’s arm.
‘I’m afraid it is true. My rider arrived in the early hours. The Ruuk have crossed the Kel and taken positions at Torm, and farther east in the foothills of the Kellen Heights. Forces loyal to the Five Realms have retreated. They’re forming a new front stretching between Rand and the port of Gwend as best they can. But thankfully, the Ruuk appear to have stopped. Why this should be I do not know. They had us on the run, and had they ridden on, we’d have been routed before our camps were made ready.’
Elodi looked out from her window. ‘Fortunate indeed. But I worry when the Ruuk are patient. Nordryn must be waiting for instructions from his new masters.’ Her hand went to her mouth. ‘The forests! It must be as I feared. Nordryn has his eyes on the timber. He’s gathering his forces to take Borrund.’ She turned and strode to the doorway. ‘Please come with me. Your news has forced the issue. We will have to commit a sizeable force to Ormsk. The reserves will be no match for the Ruuk. We cannot afford to concede a single tree to that traitor. And we must ensure Aralak Gorge remains guarded, and the east side of the Kolossos Pass is not lost.’
Lord Kernlow struggled to stand as Elodi and Amyndra strode into the Great Hall. He glanced down and pushed aside his half-eaten dinner. ‘You look as if you’ve seen a shreek, Lady Harlyn.’
Elodi stopped at the table. ‘I’ve already had that pleasure, Lord, but it is not the reason the blood has drained from my face, or for my haste.’ She gestured to her companion. ‘This is Captain Amyndra from the forces of Broon who remain true to the Five. She has received word of Ruuk crossing the Kel.’
‘They’ve crossed the river?’ Kernlow shuffled to his map. ‘Oh dear, that is bad news. That brings them closer to—’
‘The forests of Ormsk. Thankfully, our forces are prepared and ready to ride. I have dispatched a bird to the Knights of Amman stationed at Karrock. They will head north immediately to aid those loyal to Broon. The forces at Borrund have already deployed to bolster the line. I have ordered the First Horse to ride immediately to Ormsk, and my reserves at Amroth to help secure the Kolossos Pass to the west. And at dawn, my knights will ride to aid our forces in the east.’
Kernlow’s eyes moved up and down the Kolossos Mountains. ‘Excellent.’ He groaned. ‘I’m afraid my legs aren’t what they used to be.’ He waddled back to the table and sank into his chair. ‘That’s better. Now I can think.’ His eyebrows raised. ‘Ah yes, what of the gorge and the spiders?’
Elodi strode to the map and picked up the pointer. She ran it up the east side of the mountains. ‘If Broon’s loyal forces still hold the line at Rand, I have instructed a detachment of Archonians to consolidate the watch on the fences at the gorge. I do not believe it’s in anyone’s interest, even Nordryn’s, to neglect them. I’m sure the aralaks don’t care into which side they pump their foul poison. But I’ll be happier if it were our guards at the fences.’ The golden finger slid down the map to Cafra. ‘But that is not all. Bands of Nordleng are raiding farms in Emryst.’
Kernlow’s mouth gaped. ‘So far south?’
‘Unfortunately, yes. I have sent a small detachment of First Horse to track them down and… eliminate them.’
The lord’s brow furrowed. ‘Not that I wish to question your judgement, but do we not need every last one of them elsewhere?’
‘That would be my desire, but the Nordleng are a vicious tool of the enemy. While it may be a tactic to draw more of our resources away from the front, I cannot leave the people of Emryst undefended against such a cruel band of hoodlums. My hope is to kill them quickly, then my riders can be sent north.’
‘Then it is a wise decision, Lady Harlyn.’ He looked to Amyndra who appeared in awe of the Great Hall. ‘And you, Captain. What is your mission?’
Amyndra stiffened, suddenly hearing the question. She glanced to Elodi. ‘Lord. I am to ride with the First Horse to aid my comrades holding the line.’
‘The First Horse? My dear, they are our finest riders and knights.’ He looked to Elodi. ‘Would it not be preferable for her to accompany the Archonians?’
Elodi replaced the pointer on its stand. She smiled at Amyndra. ‘The captain is a fine rider, and Warrior is a swift horse equal to any of ours. She also has more experience of fighting than many here. I can assure you, lord, she will not be the least intimidated by Archonholm’s elites. And remember, she knows the lands east of the Kolossos better than any south of Emryst.’
Lord Kernlow pushed back his chair and stood. ‘Ah good. I see you have thought this through.’ He glanced to Amyndra. ‘And I apologize if I have offended you, Captain. You sound a very capable soldier, and one whose service and loyalty will be most welcome.’
Amyndra bowed her head. ‘None taken, my lord.’
‘Good. Then it sounds as if we have a workable plan.’ He glanced down to his unfinished meal. ‘Err… do you need me to do anything else, Lady Harlyn?’
A wry smile passed across Elodi’s lips. ‘If you can arise at the crack of dawn, a short address from you would help to rally the troops, my lord.’
Elodi dearly wished she could ride with Aldorman and her knights. The sight of their banners, shining armor and proud horses trotting across the Menon Bridge had raised her spirits. In two weeks, they would cross the Great Elda and enter Noor. Messages from Ruan at Seransea stated Noor remained free of invaders. But Elodi had come to learn the lulls in enemy activity usually heralded preparations were underway for a decisive strike. Aldorman was to marshal the reserves to form a line along the Seran River, but he was ordered to reform on the south bank of the River Wend if overrun.
A horn blared below. A division of Archonians under the command of Cubric assembled at the bridge. While Gundrul and Toryn had gone east, Cubric would lead his guards on the tails of Aldorman’s horses. But even with the fabled brutal Archonian’s marching speed, it would be close to three weeks before he could take his position. But Elodi was under no illusion the enemy could be held back for long. So, another tactic had to be deployed. Small bands trained in the art of ambush, were tasked to harass the Ruuk where possible. If they attempted to bridge rivers, cross marshes, or build camps, they were to disrupt their plans and force them to divert resources away from their bigger plan. But even with a concerted effort, Elodi was certain they would have to withdraw before long. The River Wend provided the next line of defense, but inevitably they would surely be pushed back to the Great Elda. But this had to be held — the Elda had to be the line where the Ruuk were stopped. If the Five Realms had any hope of surviving, the Kolossos Pass must be secured. If it fell into enemy hands, their ability to reinforce either side of the mountain range would be lost, and with it, all hope of preventing the darkness reaching Farrand.
Earlier that morning, Amyndra and her two comrades of Broon had ridden with the First Horse, looking every bit the equal of the elites. Despite the loss of many from their ranks on Bardon’s doomed sea voyage, they would still pose a serious threat to the enemy. Elodi had used her farsight to follow them many leagues as they sped along the Great Northeast Road beneath the shadows of the Foranfae.
Reluctantly, Elodi turned away. The crowds lining the bridge had long since returned to the city, thankfully quieter since the departure of the warlock. Her eyes wandered back across the Menon River. Her forces were tasked to hold a line almost one hundred leagues wide on both sides of the Kolossos. But should the enemy break through, they would be entrapped. Elodi shuddered at the thought captured soldiers could soon be turned against the realms by the dark arts of her foe. Yet, despite the bravery and skill of her army, she believed the plight of the realms ultimately rested on Nyomae’s shoulders. But Elodi was aware the secrets Nyomae sought could also work against them.